Manurewa Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Manurewa Local Board held in the Manurewa Local Board Office, Shop 3-5, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa on Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 6.00pm.





Angela Dalton





Joseph Allan





Simeon Brown





Stella Cattle





Sarah Colcord





Angela Cunningham-Marino





Ken Penney







Deputy Chairperson

Rangi McLean (with apology)






Cr Daniel Newman, JP [until 7.35pm]


Cr Sir John Walker, KMNZ, CBE [until 7.35pm]



Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016




1          Welcome


The Chairperson welcomed everyone.



2          Apologies


Resolution number MR/2016/208

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            accept the apology from the Deputy Chair, Rangi McLean, for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


Member Stella Cattle declared a conflict of interest for item 17, Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017, in relation to application QR1710-212, Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc., and did not take part in the debate or vote for this item.


Member Sarah Colcord declared a conflict of interest for item 17, Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017, in relation to application QR1710-220, What Hope Community Trust, and did not take part in the debate or vote for this item.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number MR/2016/209

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member A Cunningham-Marino:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 17 November 2016 as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.



6          Acknowledgements



Acknowledgement - Sarah Colcord – Kiwibank Local Hero Award


Resolution number MR/2016/210

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member K Penney:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            acknowledge Member Sarah Colcord for being one of the recipients of the Kiwibank Local Hero Award.




7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations



Deputation - Use of chemicals for spraying berms and edging - Georgina Blackmore


Georgina Blackmore tabled a document relating to chemical spraying for weed management and spoke to it.  A copy of the document is publicly available as an attachment to the minutes on the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number MR/2016/211

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member J Allan:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            thank Georgina Blackmore for her presentation regarding the use of chemicals for spraying berms, edging and weed management in general.

b)            support all public places (ie:  streets and parks) in the local board area being free from chemicals for weed and vegetation control – excluding its appropriate and safe use for pest plants.

c)            request the Governing Body allocate funds through the 2017 Annual Plan process, to make full regional financial provision in the 2017/2018 financial year (and following years thereafter) for the total replacement of glyphosate in all public places across the city by non-chemical methods for weed management and vegetation control – in its own operations and those of Auckland Transport.




a     Georgina Blackmore - Request to use non-chemical weed management methods due to the detrimental effects of glyphosates on the environment  




Deputation - House of Hope - Hazel Jones


Hazel Jones gave a powerpoint presentation outlining the work the community drop-in centre does at Southmall and their vision for 2017 and beyond.  A copy of the presentation is publicly available as an attachment to the minutes on the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number MR/2016/212

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      thank Hazel Jones, House of Hope, for her presentation regarding the work they do at the community drop-in centre at Southmall, their vision for 2017 and beyond as well as what they have achieved over the last couple of months.




a     House of Hope powerpoint presentation



9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Kea Crossing, Walpole Avenue, Manurewa - Doug Scott


Doug Scott and George Allan, representing Walpole Avenue residents, addressed the board in relation to a proposed kea crossing in Walpole Avenue, Manurewa, and the associated no stopping at all times road marking.



Resolution number MR/2016/213

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Cattle:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            thank Doug Scott and George Allan (representing Walpole Avenue, Manurewa residents) for their presentation regarding the proposal to extend existing parking restrictions to 24/7 no parking at all times, associated with the proposed kea crossing at Walpole Avenue, Manurewa.




10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Manurewa Ward Councillors Update


Resolution number MR/2016/214

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member K Penney:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal reports from:

i)       Councillor Sir John Walker regarding:

·       Congratulations to all those who worked on the Christmas Parade

·       World Masters Games – coming up in 2017 – register now.

ii)      Councillor Daniel Newman regarding:

·       Mayor’s proposal re Annual Plan

·       Annual Plan goes out to consultation with:

·         a rates cap at 2.5%

·         a pause in the business rates differential

·         no changes to Transport levy

·         targeted rate for visitor levy

·         change council’s revenue and financial policy

·         homelessness package

·         introduction of the living wage over three years.

·       Long-term Plan – the interim transport levy expires in 2018 – there will be a new funding mechanism between the government and Auckland Council to fund the transport projects

·       Consequence to funding capital development

·       Supportive of the Mayor’s proposal regarding the general rate increae of 2.5%

·       The organisation will need to continue to find savings

·       Regulatory Committee is reviewing the Public Safety and Nuisance Bylaw in relation to begging and window washers.  Encouraged everyone to participate in the special consultative process.

·       Use of chemical sprays – if council has a policy it is not fair for the local boards to have to fund an alternative to chemical weed spraying.  Believes this will be a debate for the Long-term Plan.

·       Long-term Plan – will be supporting a review of the Reserves Contribution Policy to ensure there are sufficient funds to purchase reserves in the future.





Members' Update


Resolution number MR/2016/215

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member J Allan:   

That the Manurewa Local Board

a)         receive the member update from Stella Cattle regarding the World War I Commemorations and a planned tree planting event.





Chairperson's Update


The chairperson tabled a report for the period 17 November to 15 December 2016.  A copy of the report is publicly available as an attachment to the minutes on the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number MR/2016/216

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Cattle:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         receive the report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson for the period 17 November to 15 December 2016.




a     Manurewa Local Board Chairperson's report for the period 17 November to 15 December 2016




Auckland Transport Update - December 2016


Resolution number MR/2016/217

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member A Cunningham-Marino:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         note the Auckland Transport Update – December 2016 report.

b)        request Auckland Transport review their advice that parking restrictions are not warranted outside 62 Mahia Road to allow for right turning traffic into the day care facility at 51 Mahia Road. Local knowledge provides a different perspective about traffic flows hence the request. 

c)         request the following information regarding Polo Prince Drive:

i)          when the inspection of Polo Prince Drive took place for the recommended maintenance of chip seal

ii)         the age of the road

iii)       can the maintenance be delayed until the development is complete on that road.

d)        support the Walpole Avenue residents’ request to retain the current restricted parking associated with the kea crossing, therefore the board does not support the proposal to extend the current restricted parking to 24/7 no stopping at all times.

e)         request information regarding any customer feedback or issues associated with the new transport network in relation to the Manurewa Local Board area.

f)          request that Auckland Transport review the no stopping at all times at Norman Pellow Drive as the residents do not believe the parking restrictions are required and request an onsite inspection when the area is at its peak use.

g)        request information about the proposed closure of Orams Road.

h)        request Auckland Transport move the disabled parking at the RSA currently situated at the end of the on street parking to near the main entrance.





Auckland Transport  Manurewa Covered Walkway Report - December 2016


Resolution number MR/2016/218

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member K Penney:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         agree to complete the ‘Covered Walkway’ project, as resolved in April 2015, running from the bus shelter to Southmall, by authorising the release of $141,000 of the Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund as follows:

i)          $80,000 currently identified as ‘unallocated’ in 2013 – 2016 electoral term and

ii)         $61,000 from the current 2016 – 2019 electoral term. 

b)        request that Auckland Transport provide a ‘Rough Order of Cost’ for the construction of a similar structure that will provide protection from the weather for the ramp that provides disabled access to the Manurewa Station as soon as possible, noting the board’s desire for this work to be completed as part of the current covered walkway project, ie:  with a firm quote provided to the 26 January 2017 business meeting.





Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017


Member Stella Cattle declared a conflict of interest in relation to application QR1710-212, Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc., and did not take part in the debate or vote for this item.


Member Sarah Colcord declared a conflict of interest in relation to application QR1710-220, What Hope Community Trust, and did not take part in the debate or vote for this item.



Resolution number MR/2016/219

MOVED by Member A Cunningham-Marino, seconded by Member S Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline the round two Manurewa Quick Response Round grant applications as follows:

Applica-tion No.

Organisation Name


Total Requested




Multiple Sclerosis Auckland

Towards the cost of annual pool hire at the Manurewa Pool and Leisure Centre for weekly hydrotherapy sessions.





Auckland Action Against Poverty

Towards the cost of rent, stationery, photocopying and advocacy coordinator's salary.





YMCA of Auckland

Towards training, equipment and resources, volunteer koha, guest speakers, and other session implementation costs for the programme.





Citizens Advice Bureau Manurewa Incorporated

Towards the training of 15 Citizen Advice Bureau Manurewa interviewers for the comprehensive first aid certificate course.





New Foundations Trust

Towards two 12 week long “Bridge” programmes at James Cook High School for 32 at-risk young people in each programme.





Plunket Manurewa Family Centre

Towards the purchase of furniture for the centre.





Totara Hospice South Auckland

Towards the purchase of an extra-large full body mesh sling.





Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc

Towards the purchase of five user licenses for the “FindU”personal alarm applications for staff.



Stella Cattle declared a conflict of interest and did not take part in the discussions for this item.


Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust

Towards provision of counseling sessions for Manurewa young people between 15 to 25 years old.





Refugees As Survivors New Zealand

Towards the cost of a facilitator and interpreter, room hire and workshop resources.





What Hope Community Trust

Towards the camp ground fee for a four night camp at Tauranga Bay.



Sarah Colcord declared a conflict of interest and did not take part in the discussions for this item



The Korean Society of Auckland

Towards hall hire and volunteer costs for the 2017 Korean Day to be held at the North Shore Events Centre on 1 April 2017.






Sustainable Coastline Charitable Trust

Towards Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust for travel costs for schools to deliver “Love Your Coast Manukau 2017”: education, community development and beach clean-up programme





Action Education Inc.

Towards the cost of delivering 10 spoken word poetry workshops across secondary schools in Manurewa.






Total Requested









Manurewa locally driven initiatives capital expenditure - Wattle Downs - memorial seat and plaque; birdlife feeding signage


Resolution number MR/2016/220

MOVED by Member S Colcord, seconded by Member S Cattle:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      approve $4,000 from the Manurewa Local Board locally driven initiative capital budget for a new memorial seat and plaque in remembrance of Toni Kelsall in an agreed location at Wattle Downs Esplanade Reserve.

b)      approve $600 from the Manurewa Local Board locally driven initiative capital budget for new birdlife feeding signs at Wattle Downs Esplanade Reserve, Tington Wetland Ponds and Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve.





Manurewa Financial Year 2017 (FY17) Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme Update


Resolution number MR/2016/221

MOVED by Member A Cunningham-Marino, seconded by Chairperson A Dalton:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      approve the project below to be included in the 2016/2017 Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme:

i)       Manurewa Aquatic Centre - Complete replacement of filter socks - $115,106.

b)      note that budgets outlined are indicative to deliver the additional projects and any budget variances (within scope) will be managed within the total region-wide renewals funding envelope.





New agreement to lease for the development of a community and early childhood education centre at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth




Resolution number MR/2016/222

MOVED by Member S Brown, seconded by Member K Penney:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            defer supporting:

i)             an application to the Environment and Community Committee, to reclassify that part of Lot 401 DP476232 required for community buildings as Local Purpose (community buildings) Reserve under Section 16 (2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth as outlined in Attachment A of the report entitled “New agreement to lease for the development of a community and early childhood education centre at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth” until the outcome of iwi consultation is made known to the local board.

ii)            granting an agreement to lease approximately 740m² of land to Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated for Part Lot 401 DP476232 at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth (Site Plan Attachment A of the report entitled “New agreement to lease for the development of a community and early childhood education centre at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth) to develop a community and early childhood education centre pursuant to S61 (2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 until the outcome of iwi consultation is made known to the local board.





Part 770R Great South Road, Manukau reserve revocation and disposal recommendation


Resolution number MR/2016/223

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      endorse Panuku Development Auckland’s recommendation to the Finance and Performance Committee to:

i)       revoke the reserve status of approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprised of an estate in fee simple more or less being Section 1 SO 361058 contained in computer freehold register 440697 as it is no longer required by Council for reserve purposes.

b)      request that a discussion be held between the governing body and the local board chairperson prior to endorsing the disposal of approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprised of an estate in fee simple more or less being Section 1 SO 361058 contained in computer freehold register 440697.



Secretarial note:  The board “parked” item 21 at 8.05pm, and revisited the item at 8.20pm, after all other matters had been dealt with. 




Regional Facilities Auckland first quarter report for 2016/2017 financial year


Resolution number MR/2016/224

MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Chairperson A Dalton:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         note the Regional Facilities Auckland first quarter report for 2016/2017 financial year.





Annual Budget 2017/2018


Resolution number MR/2016/225

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member J Allan:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            agree the indicative locally driven initiative allocations for 2017/2018 (Attachment A to the report entitled Annual Budget 2017/2018).

b)            agree the following key advocacy points:

i)             Randwick Park Pavilion - provide consequential operational expenditure for the Pavilion.

ii)         War Memorial Park – requires a masterplan and feasibility study to be undertaken in 2017/2018.

iii)        Te Mahia Station – improve access to the station and increase the number of passengers using public transport, by creating a pedestrian and cyclist terminal and adequate car parking.

iv)           Manurewa Town Centre – support the Town Centre Steering Group in making a precinct for travelling and living around the train station and Southmall. Continue improving the Streetscape and designs for the future that mitigate traffic congestion on Great South Road.

v)            Local Procurement – seek outcomes which improve employment opportunities at a local level for local people at the same time recognising the need to be financially prudent and gain the best result.

vi)           Levels of Service and Renewals – ensure that increases to levels of service are built into the 2017/2018 Annual Plan and that the local board shape the full renewals work.

c)         support the Wiri Business Improvement District expansion.

d)         adopt the local content for consultation (Attachment B to the report entitled Annual Budget 2017/2018) with the following priorities:

i)          Continuing the town centre revitalisation project

ii)         Initiating a master plan for War Memorial Park using a community led approach

iii)        Investing in Te Mahia train station

iv)        Partnering to build a new playground at Eugenia Rise, Totara Heights

v)         Progressing the Totara Park master plan

vi)        Extending the coastal walkways

vii)       Improving community safety

viii)      Develop a greenways plan to provide safe cycling and walking connections

ix)        Constructing bus shelters.

e)         agree that the chairperson be delegated the authority to make any final minor changes to local consultation content for the Annual Budget 2017/2018 prior to publication, including online consultation content.    





Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - December 2016


Resolution number MR/2016/226

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member K Penney:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         note the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar as at December 2016.





Reports Requested - Pending - Issues


Resolution number MR/2016/227

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Colcord:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         note the report entitled “reports requested – pending – issues”.





Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term


Resolution number MR/2016/228

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Cattle:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         request the following additions be added to the Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register for the 2016 – 2019 Political Term:

i)          supported and funded the Manurewa Santa parade

ii)         supported and funded the Manurewa Christmas in the Park

iii)        supported and funded the Santa in the carpark event

iv)        held two citizenship ceremonies

v)         supported and funded the annual Armistice Day

vi)        part funded the Counties Manukau Sports Awards

vii)         attended the Manurewa Youth Council annual general meeting.





For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board


No reports were referred under separate cover to the local board.





Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number MR/2016/229

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member A Cunningham-Marino:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         note the Manurewa Local Board workshop notes for the meetings held on 10 and 24 November 2016.




29        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   



Precedence of Business

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Brown:   

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         agree that item 31, Manurewa Local Board input on Rates Rebate (Retirement Village Residents) Amendment Bill, be considered at this time.




30        Procedural motion to exclude the public

Resolution number MR/2016/231

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Confidential - Land Owner Approval - 171R Great South Road, Manurewa

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

In particular, the report contains commercial sensitivity.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting.



8.13pm            The public was excluded.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.



8.20pm            The public was re-admitted.





It was resolved while the public was excluded:



Confidential - Land Owner Approval - 171R Great South Road, Manurewa


There was no restatement of the confidential resolutions.




Manurewa Local Board input on Rates Rebate (Retirement Village Residents) Amendment Bill


Resolution number MR/2016/232

MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Cattle:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         endorse the board’s input to the Auckland Council submission on the Rates Rebate (Retirement Village Residents) Amendment Bill.




8.37pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









