Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Tuesday 6 December 2016 4:00pm Local Board
Office |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board
9.1 Public Forum : Annie Newman and Seliga Feo
A. Tabled Document - Annie Newman and Seliga Feo 3
9.3 Public Forum : Patrick O’Meara
A. Tabled document - Tamaki Estuary Protection Society 9
9.5 Public Forum : Alan Taylor
A. Tabled document - Alan Taylor 15
17 Disposals recommendation report
A. Tabled document - report attachment 17
20 Annual Budget 2017/2018
A. Tabled document - Attachment A of report, locally driven initiative allocations 19
B. Tabled document - Attachment B of report, local consultation content 21
21 Engagement for the Local Board Plan 2017-2020
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 06 December 2016 |
Item 9.1 – Public Forum : Annie
Newman and Seliga Feo (living wage)
Living Wage Briefing
Maungakiekie Tamaki Local Board
December 6, 2016
Key Facts |
· A majority of elected councillors pledged to support a Living Wage at Auckland Council. · A Living Wage is already being implemented in NZ by over 60 large and small Living Wage accredited businesses · The Living Wage Movement is comprised of more than 70 organisations from community, union and faith-based groups · A Living Wage would support Auckland Council to turn around its current record of unequal distribution of income · Auckland Council can afford to pay a Living Wage and strategies are proposed (see link in this document) · A Living Wage is aligned with current council strategy, in particular, the Auckland Plan · The Living Wage commitment entails ensuring contracted workers, delivering services on a regular and ongoing basis, are not excluded from the equation · The Living Wage is a critical strategy in building a sustainable world making the Living Wage a significant concept for transformation · Local and international evidence supports the implementation of a Living Wage as making both moral and business sense |
Action Sought |
1. That this Ward submits to the Annual Plan in support of a Living Wage, namely, to a. support a Living Wage for directly employed staff, and b. support a Living Wage for workers employed on a regular and on-going basis by contractors at Auckland Council and its CCO’s, including Auckland Transport. |
Contact |
Annie Newman – Resident, Convenor, Living Wage Movement Aotearoa |
027 2046340 |
Seliga Feo - Resident |
Mat Danaher - Resident |
Living Wage Auckland seek Local Board support in Annual Plan Submission
2. The Living Wage Movement aspires to the transformation of our communities by ensuring working people can survive and participate in society. Auckland Council can contribute to this transformation by adopting the Living Wage in its employment and procurement strategies, modelling best practice, and making a real difference to the local and national economy. A Living Wage means that workers, directly paid and employed by contractors on a regular and ongoing basis, are paid no less than the current Living Wage of $19.80 per hour.
3. Seliga to speak on what it would mean to earn a Living Wage.
4. In the last three years deputations have taken place at least once and secured the support of most Local Boards and three advisory panels (Pacific, Ethnic and Disability) along with the Maori Statutory Board. Living Wage Auckland has participated in the consultation processes of the council advocating concrete steps toward becoming a Living Wage Employer at all stages of its annual democracy process.
5. Living Wage Auckland held election forums in 2013 in association with key sectors of our Movement and in 2016 held two Peoples’ Assemblies (in West and Central Auckland).
6. Commitments made during the 2016 election campaign could put Auckland Council on the map as it takes the first steps toward this goal in in the current term. The Movement seeks the establishment of a subcommittee of council involving Living Wage Auckland to ensure progress toward the staged implementation of a Living Wage.
7. An advisory committee of the Governing Body of Auckland Council is being be established to oversee implementation and includes a representative of our Movement. We meet on December 2. We are pleased to report the Mayor is serious.
8. The Annual Plan will propose a Living Wage for directly employed council staff.
9. The Movement is committed to seeing some of the lowest paid workers in this city paid a decent wage they can survive on and thrive in this beautiful city of ours. We urge you to submit to the Annual Plan to
c. support a Living Wage for directly employed staff, and
d. support a Living Wage for workers employed on a regular and on-going basis by contractors at Auckland Council and its CCO’s, including Auckland Transport.
Supplementary information
1. A Living Wage would support Auckland Council to turn around its current record of unequal distribution of income. A report states Auckland Council Group in 2015 had 1912 employees earning over $100,000. Auckland Council Group in the same year had 1840 workers earning less than the Living Wage. The number of employees earning less than the Living Wage is rising, rather than declining. At the same time, there have been sharp rises in the remuneration of some of the highest‐paid employees at Auckland Council Group. See report
2. Auckland Council can afford to pay a Living Wage. We estimated in 2013 that paying a Living Wage to Auckland Council employees and contractors would cost $6.95 million, less than 1% of the wage budget and only 0.015% of the council’s annual budget. The figures involved are tiny compared with the overall scale of the council’s business. See 10 strategies to make the Living Wage affordable for Auckland Council
3. A proposition to implement a Living Wage is aligned with current council strategy, specifically, the Auckland Plan strategy is
a. “to make Auckland an even better place than it is now, and create the world’s most liveable city. It shows how we will prepare for the additional one million people we may have to accommodate by 2040, and the 400,000 new homes needed.” (, page 10, paragraph 1)
4. The Living Wage commitment entails ensuring contracted workers, delivering services on a regular and ongoing basis, are not excluded from the equation. To do so would risk incentivising the contracting out of further services in order to achieve efficiencies. Further it would consign some of the lowest paid workers in the city, such as cleaners, to enduring poverty. The procurement strategy requires the Council seek “best value over the lifecycle of goods, services or infrastructure” which requires the council to take into account environmental, economic, social and cultural matters when procuring goods, works and services.
5. The Living Wage is a critical strategy in building a sustainable world - the commitment of the Governing Body to support a sustainable environment in its recent decision against drilling has placed an important marker in the sand. Some have powerfully argued that environmental degradation is a side effect of inequality and current evidence shows
a. social inequality leads to greater consumerism making it harder to contain economic activity within sustainable levels, and
b. inequality within countries leads to greater environmental damage by undermining the collective voice needed for environmental protection.
c. Living Wage Auckland is a force for change because it brings together organisations across civil society in common purpose but also because it provides one concrete step that can be taken to reduce working poverty and through redistribution, impact on inequality.
6. Local and international evidence supports the implementation of a Living Wage as making both moral and business sense and has been a transformational tool in communities across the U.S, UK, and Canada. Here in New Zealand annual research points to the positive impact on businesses and while our accredited employer cohort remains relatively small the findings each year are consistent. The 2014 report, The Difference a Living Wage Makes is indicative. See Report
Appendix: Accredited Living Wage Employers
Angel Food Ltd
Anglican Centre Wellington
Auckland Methodist Central Parish
Auckland North Community & Development
Auckland Unitarian Church
Auckland Women's Centre
Beautiful Bicycles
ChangeMakers Refugee Forum
Christchurch Cathedral
Christian World Service
Community Networks Aotearoa
Connecting Communities Wairarapa Incorporated
E tu Union
Ecomatters Environment Trust
First Union
Good Fortune Coffee Company
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand Incorporated
Greenpeace New Zealand Incorporated
Hamilton Methodist Social Services trading as Methodist City Action
Headstart Early Learning Centre Limited
Heathrose Research Ltd
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Hutt Union & Community Health Service
Hutt Valley Disabled Resources Trust
Ika Seafood Bar & Grill
J R McKenzie Trust
Little Island Ltd (previously Nice Blocks)
New Zealand Council of Trade Unions
New Zealand Education Institute
New Zealand Labour Party
New Zealand Meat Workers & Related Trade Unions
New Zealand Nurses Organisation
New Zealand Tertiary Education Union
Newtown Union Health Service
North Shore Women’s Centre
NZ Council of Christian Social Services
NZ Psychological Society
Oxfam New Zealand
Peace Movement Aotearoa
Pivotal Thames Limited
Ponsonby Road Lounge Bar
Presland & Co Lawyers
Public Service Association
St Matthew-in-the-City
The Common Unity Project Aotearoa
The Fresh Desk
Tonzu-Chalmers Organics Ltd
Tuaropaki Trust
Unite Incorporated
Unreal Films
Waikato Environmental Centre
Waitakere Union Health Centre
WE'AR Righeous Ltd
West Auckland Physiotherapy
WhereScape Software Limited
Women's Health Action Trust
Young Workers Resource Centre Incorporated
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 06 December 2016 |
523A and 525-529 Ellerslie Panmure Highway, Mt Wellington
1. 15 mana whenua iwi authorities were contacted regarding the potential sale of 525-529 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway and 523A Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mt Wellington on 24 November 2016. The following feedback was received.
a) Ngāti Maru
No feedback received for the sites.
b) Ngāti Pāoa
Ngāti Pāoa has reinforced their desire to be kept informed regarding property disposals.
c) Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki
Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki has drawn attention to their recent settlement and signalled an increased interest in council owned property that may come available for sale in their rohe.
d) Ngāti Tamaterā
No feedback received for the sites.
e) Ngāti Tamaoho
No feedback received for the sites.
f) Ngāti Te Ata - Waiohua
Ngāti Te Ata has expressed cultural and commercial in the subject sites as it falls within the Maungarei footprint and the cultural landscape of Waiohua.
g) Ngāti Whanaunga
Ngāti Whanaunga has expressed potential cultural interest in the properties and would like to be kept in the loop as to the progress.
h) Ngāti Whatua o Kaipara
No feedback received for the sites.
i) Ngāti Whatua o Orakei
Ngāti Whatua o Orakei has confirmed potential commercial interest in the subject sites and had other site specific queries which have been responded to.
j) Patukirikiri
No feedback received for the sites.
k) Te Ahiwaru
No feedback received for the sites.
l) Te ākitai - Waiohua
No feedback received for the sites.
m) Te Kawerau ā Maki
No feedback received for the sites.
n) Te Runanga o Ngāti Whatua
Te Runanga has confirmed their interest in the area of proposed development. No site specific feedback received for the subject sites, noting that as per earlier conversations with Te Runanga representatives, it is understood that any cultural significance considerations will be raised at hapū level and that all Ngāti Whatua hapū have been contacted about properties in their rohe.
o) Waikato-Tainui
No feedback received for the sites.
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 06 December 2016 |
Attachment A – Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board indicative locally driven initiatives allocations for 2017/2018
The following table outlines the indicative high level LDI opex allocation for 2017/18:
Activity |
$ (000’s) |
Local community services |
927 |
Local parks, sports and recreation |
175 |
Local environment services |
80 |
Local planning and development |
105 |
Total |
1,287 |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 06 December 2016 |
Annual Plan 2017/2018 - Local Consultation Content
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board
Each year we review priorities and activities in your local board area to ensure we continue delivering the right outcomes. We’re seeking your input for the 2017/2018 year.
Message from the chair
The Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board is firmly committed to working together with out community in 2017/2018. We want to increase our presence in our local board area and develop better ways to engage with our communities.
We are not proposing major changes to our budget but we would like to hear from our community on how we can be more effective in delivering the programmes we have.
Our priorities include our environment especially finding ways to address the F rating in the Tāmaki estuary and the D rating in the Manukau Harbour. Tāmaki regeneration planning for the Onehunga Transform project is a priority. We want to ensure infrastructure and our community are ready for increased population and that there are housing options for those who are currently renting in the area who cannot afford a mortgage. We value strong working relationships with our community and collaborations with social services, community groups and government agencies to address major issues in our area such as safety. We will also continue to prioritise investment in youth initiatives. We will be working to redevelop Waikaraka Park
We will continue to advocate for good outcomes for Onehunga from large projects such as the East West Link connection and we want to port to be retained in public ownership.
We intend to advocate strongly on issues that are community are passionate about. They include addressing coastal erosion on the eastern side of our ward (in particular around Point England and Wai o Taiki Bay) and retention of the Onehunga port in public ownership as well as getting good outcomes out of large projects such as the East West Link.
What we plan to do
Our community is undergoing much transformation with some key projects taking place here and more being planned. These transformational initiatives include the developments in Tāmaki which is being led by the Tāmaki Regeneration Company, the planned Onehunga Transform project which we will work with Pānuku Development Agency to scope and plan and the proposed New Zealand Transport Agency East-West Link connection project. We will work to ensure that the welfare of our residents and the future of our local board area is the primary consideration when decisions are being made in these large projects.
We want our communities to continue to feel safe so we will continue to fund safety initiatives and work with our partners to review and identify ways we can improve on what we are doing. We want to understand if the initiatives we are funding for our youth are the right ones so we will be investing in understanding this and identifying effective tools for reaching and empowering our young to realise their full potential.
Based on our 10 year budget, in 2017/2018 we plan to invest $8.5 million to renew and develop assets in our local board area and $13.8 million to maintain and operate these assets and provide other local initiatives. This includes:
· Implementing safety and alcohol harm reduction plans
· Identifying initiatives to support through ourCommunity Partnership Fund
· Continuing our local community grants programme
· Supporting local events through our events fund
· Sportsfield development at Waikaraka Park
· Renewal of existing assets
What might change
We are not proposing to make any major changes to the plans that were signalled in the third year of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 after consultation with our community. In 2017-2018 we plan to focus on continuing the implementation of our current initiatives unless the feedback from our community indicates a need for change.
What do you think?
· Have we got our priorities right?
· Tell us how safety, including perception of safety, can be improved in and around your local neighbourhood
· We are open to working in partnership with the local community to deliver and support any shared objectives. Please tell us how you want to be more involved in the delivery of our initiatives.
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 06 December 2016 |
Attached A to report item 21: Engagement for Local Board Plan
Local Board Plan engagement
Key engagement objectives |
Engagement deliverables
Audience |
Draft Local Board Plan content development |
Facilitated community forum 1x Tamaki 1x Maungakiekie |
General community, stakeholders, community groups, interested individuals |
Community led conversations |
Targeted community groups |
Focus group 1x Tamaki 1x Maungakiekie |
Interested individuals from awareness campaign |
Use existing feedbacks and building on work from community organisations |
Community organisations |
Co-design youth engagement |
Youth |
Awareness campaign – How to be involved; Local Board Plan process; Who is the Local Board and the role of the Local Board |
Campaign events |
General public and facility user |