I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 5 December 2016


Auckland Council Chambers
Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board









Mr Grant Hawke


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Desley Simpson, JP



Mr Renata Blair



Cr Linda Cooper, JP



Ms Sharon Hawke



Mr Kit Parkinson



(Quorum 3 members)




Mike Giddey

Senior Governance Advisor


30 November 2016


Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8143

Email: Mike.Giddey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

            Whakatau - Karakia

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

4          Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

5          Operational Expenditure Update                                                                                 7

6          Health and Safety                                                                                                         19

7          Atkin Avenue Stream Naturalisation update                                                            31

8          Tamaki Drive Filtration Device and Sand Dune Restoration Project update       33

9          Technical Officer Report                                                                                            35

10        Waitangi Day 2017 event planning update                                                                39

11        Flower Show Update                                                                                                   43

12        2017 Meeting Dates                                                                                                     45

13        Consideration of Extraordinary Items



1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting held on Monday, 22 August 2016 as a true and correct record.



4          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”



Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Operational Expenditure Update


File No.: CP2016/22773





1.       To update and seek approval from the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board (Reserves Board) on the operational work programs including expenditure and revenue budget for the Whenua Rangatira and Pourewa Creek Recreation Reserve.



That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:

a)      delegate authority to Paeurangi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua to resolve the budget shortfall or, if this is not possible, delegate to the Chair and Deputy the authority to sign off a submission to the Auckland Council Annual Plan 2018 seeking funds to addresses the shortfall in forecast operating expenditure on the Whenua Rangatira and Pourewa Creek Recreation Reserve;

b)      approve an amendment to the Financial Plan that reallocates $35,000 Bastion Point Celebration funding and $20,000 feasibility funding to offset the continuation of the facilitation of the Ōkahu Catchment Ecological Restoration Plan (OCERP) program and offset any operational budget shortfall as set out in the FY18 proposed allocation table in this report;

c)      support the Auckland Transport led trial to paint broken yellow lines on some areas of Hapimana Street to improve the safety of visitors to Michael Joseph Savage and the Whenua Rangatira over the summer period;

d)      request staff investigate the change of scope for the Pourewa Recreation Reserve Concept Plan into a wider concept plan that incorporates the Whenua Rangatira.



Financial summary (as at September 2016)



Actual Sept (YTD)

Budget Sept (YTD)


Full Year Budget







Operating expenditure

Contract costs






Other operating expenditure







Total Operating Expenditure

















Operating revenue

Commercial revenue








Total Operating Revenue













Net operating surplus

 / (deficit)






2.       Contract costs, year to date, are behind plan due to a shift in the way in which the contract is managed.  It is now based on “pay for work complete” rather than a 1/12 payment system.  Ōkahu Rakau and Auckland Council are taking a bit of time to adapt to this new system but are expecting to be on track by year end.

3.       Other operating expenses are ahead of plan due to an error in forecasting project based works.  This expenditure is also being assessed and the budget will be adjusted once an accurate overall picture of expenditure including project based and contract work for the year is confirmed.

4.       Revenue is behind plan due to a lack of revenue from events (a trend that has continued since site booking fees increased several years ago).


Annual Plan and LTP process

5.       The Auckland Council Annual Plan will be developed over the coming months and consultation will occur in the first half of next year.  The following year there will be a full review of the Long Term Plan (LTP). 

6.       The Reserves Board receives bulk funding from Auckland Council for maintenance and some programs on the Whenua Rangatira and Pourewa Creek Recreation Reserve (Whenua and Pourewa).  In the short term it is appropriate for the Reserves Board to consider if the current bulk funding provided by Council is sufficient or needs to be addressed through the Annual Plan. A more robust strategic review of priorities should also be undertaken in the next quarter to inform the LTP. 

7.       It is recommended a workshop to address both points be held in the New Year.  In the meantime, given the timing, a delegation is sought to deal with any annual plan matters that need to be addressed ahead of the workshop or next meeting.

Contract costs


8.       An operating budget overspend for the 2015/2016 Financial Year of $65,000 was reported to the Reserves Board in August 2016. This overspend was due to un-forecast operating costs that came about due to changes in the way contract costs are allocated.  These were all legitimate costs for work undertaken on the Whenua and Pourewa but were not all previously covered by the board’s budgets. As Auckland Council manages the budget on behalf of the board the cost overrun for financial year 2016 was offset by savings in the wider Auckland Council budget.

9.       Auckland Council staff and Ōkahu Rakau are compiling a revised picture of true operating costs for the Whenua and Pourewa.  This revision is not yet complete, however it is anticipated that the forecast will be finalised and confirmed over the coming months. The final picture will be reported to the board in February 2017, with any foreseen shortfall or overspend highlighted.

Ōkahu Catchment Ecological Restoration Plan (OCERP)

10.     The OCERP program has been developed to implement the intentions of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei with the objective of restoring mauri to Ōkahu Bay. The program has embarked on numerous initiatives that, if they can continue to be pursued, will begin to realise significant environmental benefits. Funding for the facilitation of this programme ends at the conclusion of this financial year, as it was initially intended to be a five year programme.  $35,000 budget is therefore needed to continue this programme.  An update on progress on the OCERP was reported to the last meeting and can be found on attachment two to this report.

Financial Year 18 Forecast

11.     An extract from the Reserves Board Financial Plan for Financial Year 2018 and a revised forecast of expenditure and revenue is detailed below.  A 10-year view of budget needs extracted from the Reserves Board Financial Plan (which is aligned with the LTP funding) from 2015-2025 for Whenua and Pourewa is attached to this report.


Whenua Rangatira and Pourewa Creek Recreation Reserve - Operational budget FY18

FY18 Current allocation

FY18 Proposed allocation

Forecast expenditure


Parks maintenance contract



Bastion Point celebrations



Facilitation of OCERP



Technical Officer support



Ngati Whatua Orakei administered kaitiaki



Feasibility studies






Total expenditure




Forecast revenue


Pony Club revenue



Vodafone revenue



Events revenue




Total forecast revenue




Total expenditure less revenue



LTP allocated budget




Net shortfall



*actual maintenance contract costs are currently being assessed. Final forecast will be reported to the board in February with any shortfall/underspend noted.




12.     The above summary indicates that, as currently allocated, there will be a shortfall in the forecast budget of $11,330 plus any contract cost shortfall.  It also indicates zero funding for the facilitation of the OCERP program. As noted above the program has been allocated $35,000 by the board over the past five years.

13.     In order to balance the FY18 budget, allocate resource to OCERP and acknowledge the likely increase in contract costs, it is recommended that the budget be revised as shown in the right hand column. The changes are:

·    A reduction in allocation to the Bastion Point celebrations by $35,000 to $5,000, which is the standard annual allocation.  2017 will be the 40th anniversary of the Bastion Point occupation and the increased budget was intended to support increased interpretation and public activity on this significant anniversary.  However other revenue sources can be sought for events of this nature and the scale of the activity can be varied to meet budget constraints.  In light of the overall budget shortfall it is recommended this budget be reduced before going to the Auckland Council for an increase in operating budget.

·    Removal of the allocation of funding for feasibility studies.  $20,000 was allocated for feasibility studies to investigate and progress projects in FY18.

·    A reinstatement of the funding for OCERP.  $35,000 has been allocated previously by the board, and is considered adequate to fund the facilitation of the OCERP program for FY18.

·    The event revenue has been halved based on the reduced level of income received over the last few years. Note: the fees for booking Ōkahu Bay, a popular event site, are higher than other open spaces in the region however remain affordable when compared with built facilities and noting the prime waterfront location.  Part of the rationale in increasing the costs was to place more value on the site and help manage demand so this change in use is not entirely unwelcome. 

14.     A net saving of $18,000 is the result of this budget reallocation, which has given a surplus of $6,670 to put towards the possible increase in contract costs for FY18.

Removal of Angophora trees on Kitemoana Street

15.     The tender process for the removal of the apple gum trees on Kitemoana Street is underway. Communication has been on-going between council operations staff and Ōkahu Rakau on the methodology for removal of the trees, including the mulching or storage of the wood and the revegetation program following removal.

Traffic management on Hapimana Street

16.     Based on complaints to and from the Police about access issues, which have been raised due to drivers parking inconsiderately on narrow sections of Hapimana St the Police have made a formal request that Auckland Transport install broken yellow ‘no parking’ lines on the tight corners, to ensure safety and allow traffic to flow.

17.     Auckland Council and Whai Maia officers have been liaising with Ōrākei Local Board (local board) and Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to review the proposal. Queries from the Local Board have been received on the provision of parking for visitors to Michael Joseph Savage Memorial, which will be worked through over the coming weeks. It is recommended that the Reserves Board support the trial pending approval from the local board.

18.     It is also recommended that the board support the investigation of a wider or longer term parking strategy and the scoping of a Traffic Management Plan to respond to the traffic and security issues raised, as visitor numbers are only going to increase in the future.

19.     This plan and any longer term parking strategy will be included in any concept plan that is developed for the Whenua Rangatira.

Pourewa Recreation Reserve Management and Concept Plan


20.     The next steps following the boards adoption of the Pourewa Recreation Reserve Management Plan in August 2016, is for staff to develop a concept plan for the Pourewa that graphically communicates the policies adopted in the plan for three key activity areas.

21.     Since August staff has also reviewed the management plan for the Whenua Rangatira in the context of a number of activities and initiatives being proposed or developed for the Whenua. Some of these activities are outlined in this agenda, including the development of the wharewaka, pou and OCERP related projects.

22.     The Whenua Rangatira Management Plan was adopted in 2002, and a concept plan was developed but was not adopted by the board. Although the management plan indicates activity areas and discusses the values and outcomes for each, it does not go into detail on the realisation of these outcomes on the ground.

23.     There is therefore an opportunity to broaden the scope for the Pourewa Concept Plan to incorporate a concept for the Whenua Rangatira. This wider concept plan would integrate the goals and policies set out in both management plans and interweave the values, opportunities and activities for both reserves.

24.     It is recommended the board support this initiative and request staff investigate the widening of the scope for the Pourewa Recreation Reserve Concept Plan to incorporate the Whenua Rangatira and pursue the development of a wider concept plan.

25.     Should the Reserves Board support this initiative staff will look to developing the scope which will be brought back to the board in February 2017, along with a cost estimate and options for funding the work.


Kaitiaki Ranger

26.     As summer approaches the team at Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Maia are recruiting the usual number of kaitiaki rangers to patrol Ōkahu Bay.  It is intended that this year they will extend their presence to include Hapimana Street and help to manage the theft ex-car risk and poor parking behaviour in this area.  Their base activity, at Ōkahu Bay, usually includes education, behaviour management, supporting users to comply with the rubbish free park approach, helping to manage event bookings and providing a positive Ngāti Whātua presence in the bay over the busy periods in the summer (predominantly weekends). 

27.     Auckland Council is funding an innovative new Kaitiaki Ranger Cadet programme which is yet to be developed in partnership with all mana whenua in the region however it is hoped the first cadet will commence in 2017.  A very small portion of this regional fund is intended to review the Whenua Rangatira summer kaitiaki ranger programme to help understand how this kind of programme might be replicated elsewhere in the region and what support could be put in place to ensure kaitiaki rangers are given the support they need.


28.     A new contract service level has been in place since the 1st June 2016.  It more accurately reflects the work undertaken on the Whenua Rangatira and at Pourewa Creek Recreation Reserve.  The agreement covers mowing, gardening, ecological services and a reactive component for response work.  A considerable amount of work was put into remapping the entire area to accurately record mowing, garden and bush areas. 

29.     As noted above this is a new contract model where only services completed are billed as opposed to the previous 1/12 payment arrangement.  There have been some initial issues with changing staff and establishing processes for claiming work completed.  We are five months into the new contract and it has been a collaborative process working together to ensure both parties are achieving goals and targets. 

30.     The Contract Manager at Ōkahu Rakau is working on a process to streamline monthly reporting to Auckland Council and others.  This includes Health and Safety.

31.     There has been a focus on releasing the new planting near the car park.

32.     The roosters and chickens on Kepa road have been removed.  Coastal Pest Solutions have now removed 33 birds over five visits at this site.  There are just two roosters and one chicken remaining which will be removed as well. 

33.     It has been difficult to fulfil the mowing specifications due to unseasonable rain.  It is anticipated that this will normalise over the next few months with additional mowing for events and long weekends.

Health and Safety

34.     This is a new standard section of this operations report.  It is intended to highlight health and safety statistics for the quarter. Any notifiable incident will be escalated through to the Reserves Board in real time.  This report will include a retrospective summary of lost time injuries, accidents, incidents and new hazards. 

35.     The collection and collation of this information across the range of contracts operating on the Whenua and Pourewa is currently being collated.








Whenua Rangatira and Pourewa Reserve Operational budgets 2017 - 2025



OCERP update report - August 2016





Pippa Sommerville - Parks Advisor - Orakei

Hana Maihi – Technical Officer, Whai Maia Ltd


Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

Te Aroha Morehu – Kaiurungi/General Manager – Orākei Ahikāroa, Whai Maia Ltd


Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016





Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Health and Safety


File No.: CP2016/22672





1.          This report updates the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board (Reserves Board) on the progress made towards enhancing the health and safety framework and systems for the Whenua Rangatira and Pourewa Creek Recreation Reserve (Whenua and Pourewa).



That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:

a)      provide feedback on the actions staff have progressed to improve visibility of the health and safety framework to support the Reserves Board in meeting their Officer due diligence duties;

b)      provide feedback on Attachment A; the Risk Register for the Whenua Rangatira and Pourewa Creek Recreation Reserve and Attachment B; the Communication and Escalation Plan for Health and Safety.



2.       At the Reserves Board business meeting on 22 August 2016, a health and safety report, which confirmed the obligations of Officers under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (Act), was received. In preparing this report staff had reviewed current health and safety processes and reporting against the Act and proposed a series of actions to enhance the Reserves Board health and safety framework and systems.

3.       The report included a table describing the overlapping duties of PCBU’s, with recommended steps staff would take on behalf of the Board to consult, co-operate and co-ordinate with other PCBUs. 


4.       Staff have progressed a number of actions detailed in the previous health and safety report, including holding a site visit for PCBU groups on 14 September 2016. The PCBU groups in attendance were City Park Services, Ōkahu Rakau and Auckland Council.   

5.       As a result of this visit a new risk register has been drafted (attachment A – to be circulated under separate cover) along with the draft Communication and Escalation Plan for Health and Safety (attachment B – to be circulated under separate cover).  These are very much draft documents and are circulating the PCBU’s for input.  The Reserves Board input would also be welcome at this point.

6.       It was noted at the site visit, and in the risk register, that the primary health and safety risks that have not be adequately addressed at this point in time are associated with the busy tourist hub at Hapimana Street.  The risks are three fold; 1) the pedestrian/car conflict along this busy road 2) poor parking behaviour 3) theft x-car.  Much of this is not legally part of the Whenua Rangatira (it is legal road) however the impacts do flow onto the Whenua Rangatira in the form of the crowds of people sometimes being in conflict with maintenance activity and staff working out of Takutai Moana / the depot being impacted by security and safety issues in the carpark.  Staff also feel they have a duty of care. Mitigation measures have been reported elsewhere in this agenda.  Immediate actions are improved parking management and a kaitiaki ranger presence. Other ideas that could be explored in the future is a carparking warden (similar to the system operated at Cathedral Cove where the Rotary Club operate a gold coin donation system and provide a physical presence in the car park increasing security and managing car parking behaviour) and CTV.  The proposed increased presence of concessionaire activity will also help with security issues. 

7.       As the legislation is still relatively new there has not yet been a simple methodology agreed for sharing this risk register however the idea of using cloud storage (so that everyone can access and update the register) is being explored.  In the meantime it is proposed that the overall risk register for the Whenua and Pourewa be held by Auckland Council’s Maintenance Coordinator.  The risk register will be under constant review and reported to the Board annually. 

8.       The table below is a summarised and updated version of the proposed actions presented to the Reserves Board at the August meeting.  It includes a timeline and/or update for each of the actions (as endorsed at the August meeting).

Key Aspect of Officer Due Diligence

Actions Staff will do to support Officers

Timeline and update

1. Keep up to date – take reasonable steps to acquire and keep up to date with H&S matters for the Reserves Board

-     Staff will develop a spreadsheet recording briefings provided and officers will record their field time or any health and safety related meetings/discussions etc. 

-     A template for this can be found at Attachment C and D.  Officers need to keep their own record of H&S workshops/ learnings/ advice. The Technical Officer will endeavour to remind Officers of their responsibility to fill out this (or similar record) from time to time. 

2. Understand – Take reasonable steps to understand the Reserves Board operations and the associated hazards and risks.

-     The Board will be provided opportunities for specific site visits as issues arise or projects commence. Advice on projects will reference health and safety issues. This will also provide an opportunity to appraise any H & S issues.

-     The site induction on 28 November will provide the first opportunity for this.  It is recommend that a site visit occur annually but Officers are encouraged to visit at any time and can capture their own health and safety observations

-     Gather Health and Safety information and audits and amalgamate into a risk register that captures all risks and actions for PCBU working on the Reserve.  Make this risk register available for members to review on request and present on an agenda annually.


-     Attachment A (to be circulated under separate cover).  Subject to annual review.

3. Appropriate processes and resources – take reasonable steps to ensure the Reserves Board has appropriate resourcing and processes to eliminate or minimise risks to H&S

-     Encourage members to raise questions or concerns so that staff are aware of the level of comfort members have on Health and Safety processes.

-     Ongoing

-     Proactively advise the Reserves Board of any resourcing gaps or constraints and implications for discharging our H&S obligations.

-     Ongoing

4. Reporting and investigation – Take reasonable steps to ensure the Reserves Board has appropriate processes for receiving and considering information regarding incidents, hazards and risks and for responding in a timely way to that information.

-     Develop an escalation process/template to inform the Reserves Board of H&S notifiable incidents in real time and other incidents retrospectively including how these have been handled and/or minimised or will be removed in the future

-     Attachment B (to be circulated under separate cover).

-     Proactively request lessees, contractors and other people operating on or near the Whenua or Pourewa to report on any risks/hazards//issues.

-     In progress. Other activities noted on this table that are to do with consulting, co-operating and co-ordinating will reinforce this point.  A formal request is to be made prior to any new PCBU commencing work on the Whenua and Pourewa.

5. Monitor – Take reasonable steps to ensure the Reserves Board has, and implements, processes for complying with any duty or obligation

-     Develop a process for how PCBU’s will discharge their duty to “consult, co-operate, co-ordinate” with each other to share H&S policies, processes and information.

-     Incorporate into the escalation process/template in development.

6. Verify – take reasonable steps to verify the position and use of resources and processes through reviews and audits

-     Regular reviews and audits on what processes are in place and how they are being used

-     By request of Officers as required







Risk Register - to be circulated under separate cover



Communication and Escalation Plan for Health and Safety - to be circulated under separate cover



Officers Due Diligence Record Template



Officers Due Diligence Record - example




Pippa Sommerville - Parks Advisor - Orakei


Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

Te Aroha Morehu – Kaiurungi/General Manager – Orākei Ahikāroa, Whai Maia Ltd


Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



PDF Creator

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Appendix two

Communication and Escalation Plan for Health and Safety


(to be distributed under separate cover)

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Atkin Avenue Stream Naturalisation update


File No.: CP2016/22480





1.       To update the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board on the Atkin Avenue Stream Naturalisation Project.

Executive summary

2.       Following changes to scope of the Atkin Avenue daylighting project, it has been identified that allocated budget is not adequate to fully fund the physical works component of this project.


3.       Following further negotiation with the Auckland Council Healthy Waterways (previously Stormwater) potential savings have been identified if amendments are made to the design.


4.       The Ōkahu Catchment Ecological Restoration Plan (OCERP) manager will collaborate with Healthy Waters to revisit the design in order to find savings that will enable the project to be delivered within the current funding allocation.



That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:

a)      receive the Atkin Avenue Stream Naturalisation Project update report.




5.       The Atkin Avenue daylighting project was commissioned by the Reserves Board in 2013. The initial design, planning and engineering services were carried out by Morphum Environmental, and the project is being jointly managed by Whai Maia Ltd and Auckland Council. Four Zones of works were proposed;

Zone A: Daylight culverts; create focal stream mouth pool and re-grade and remediate banks


Zone B: Cascading tributary connections across Whenua Rangatira to the day lighted channel


Zone C: Formalise and naturalise the existing channel


Zone D: Redirect small storm flows from SW manhole to level spreader


6.       For the reasons of budgetary constraints, Zone A and D were identified as potential projects for investment.

7.       In March 2016 Auckland Council Stormwater Unit (ACSU) formally received the revised engineers estimate for works of $98,465 for the Atkin Ave naturalisation project and agreed to further contributing $55,585 from the ACSU budget. An increase in the scope of the project included additional work on the true right bank, which was promoted by the local residents and supported in principle by the Ōrākei Local Board.

8.       This scope change increased the physical works and added approximately 35 meters of additional stream bank works to the original 55 meters. It also increased the extent of stream bed protection, consent compliance, site access and establishment costs.

9.       Following initial estimates and further negotiation with contractors revised quotes for physical works were received:

·    $144,731

·    $161,603

10.     The quotes received reflect the scale of work, material costs, the complexity of the site, consent conditions, site access, and the current conditions in the Auckland construction market for civil construction projects. 

11.     Coupled with arborist costs and professional fees, approximately $158,000 is required to fund the physical works aspect of this project. Current budget allocated is $53,413 from Reserves Board and $55,000 from ACSU budgets.  This leaves a current budget shortfall of $49,587.

Next steps

12.     Healthy Waters (previously ACSU) technical staff has reviewed the currently proposed design for the Atkin Ave naturalisation project, and have made an initial visit to the site.  Healthy Waters delivery specialists believe that some relatively minor amendments to the design would reduce the excavation required, and probably also reduce the impact on existing trees. This would also probably reduce costs to fit within the current funding envelope. 

13.     The OCERP manager and Healthy Waters delivery specialists will undertake discussions with stakeholders and the design team to look at amendments to the design. Healthy Waters have committed to then revisit the budget allocation, assess whether additional funding is required and explore potential avenues for this if required.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Richelle Kahui-McConnell – Toi Tu, Whai Maia Ltd


Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

Te Aroha Morehu – Kaiurungi/General Manager – Orākei Ahikāroa, Whai Maia Ltd


Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Tamaki Drive Filtration Device and Sand Dune Restoration Project update


File No.: CP2016/22644




1.      To update the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board (Reserves Board) on the Tāmaki Drive Filtration Device and Sand Dune Restoration projects.

Executive summary

2.      Catchment analysis of stormwater in the Tāmaki Drive pipe (which flows unfiltered into Ōkahu Bay) is required to determine the specifications for the most effective device or design to filter pollutants and sediment before the water discharges into Ōkahu Bay. The initial sample analysis that will inform the level of filtration required is now underway.

3.       Local schools have been engaged to collect historical amenity and safety ‘nuisance’ rocks from Ōkahu Bay. These rocks will be used to provide a platform for the filtration device or ‘rip rap’ to slow the water velocity into Ōkahu Bay. Further filtration devices may also be considered following results from the catchment analysis.

4.       Planting of native sand dune species at Ōkahu Bay will provide ecological function improvements and retain sand, therefore building up beach width whilst providing cultural harvesting opportunities that have been lost to Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.



That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:

a)      receive the Tamaki Drive filtration device and sand dune restoration project update report.


Tamaki Drive Filtration device project

5.      At the November 2014 Reserves Board meeting, it was resolved to request Auckland Transport investigate and install an appropriate filtration treatment device, possibly a tetra trap, to the open storm water drainage in the eastern end of Ōkahu Bay, Tāmaki Drive (NGA/2014/6).

6.       A collaborative relationship between the Reserves Board, The University of Auckland and Stormwater360 has been established.  Work is currently underway on assessing the storm water runoff from Tamaki Drive with a view to designing an appropriate filtration system for the open storm water drain at the eastern end of Ōkahu Bay.

7.       Catchment analysis of Tāmaki Drive indicates a minimal 400m² surface area flowing through this pipe and baseline manual sampling is to be carried out and analysed at the University of Auckland. This analysis will inform the best filtration design or device required for this small catchment.


8.      2014-10-29 14On 5 December 2016 St Joseph’s School and Ōrākei School (who conduct all of the citizen science monitoring programmes for the Ōkahu Catchment Ecological Restoration Plan) will conduct a beach clean-up of rocks which have broken from the historical rock walls in Ōkahu Bay. These rocks are a potential safety hazard in the bay and are a nuisance for swimmers. The rocks will be up-cycled to build a platform required to support a filtration device, and will also acts as ‘riprap’ around the base of the pipe. The riprap will neutralise high velocity flows which come from the pipe if (following catchment analysis) it is found that the filtration device is not required.

Sand Dune Restoration project

9.       At the November 2014 Reserves Board it was also resolved to support the planting plan to restore a section of the sand dunes on Ōkahu Bay.

10.     In contrast to the introduced marram and kikuyu grass in Ōkahu Bay, the indigenous species of spinifex and pingao are to be planted in Ōkahu Bay. These species are endemic to shores that are exposed to local storms, which regularly top the beaches up with fresh sand.

11.     Spinifex and Pingao actively grow down beach berms after storms. They rapidly colonise sand that returns to the beach following erosion, rebuild dunes and build resilience in ecosystem functioning that has been destroyed.

2014-10-29 1412.     Planting of these species also provides cultural resources that can be harvested by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Kairaranga (weavers) and meets the Cultural Health Indicator identified by the hapu “A healthy bay has our whanau in it”.

13.     Collaboration between weavers and coastal restoration specialists will occur over the next six months. This will include travel to existing sand dune restoration programmes underway on Waiheke Island. Seed sourcing for growth in the Ōkahu Rākau Nursery will also be undertaken to enable this planting program to begin.




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Richelle Kahui-McConnell – Toi Tu, Whai Maia Ltd


Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

Te Aroha Morehu – Kaiurungi/General Manager – Orākei Ahikāroa, Whai Maia Ltd


Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Technical Officer Report


File No.: CP2016/22350





1.       To provide an update on current and future programs of work associated with the development of the Whenua Rangatira (Whenua) and Pourewa Creek Recreation Reserve.

Executive summary

2.       The Technical Officer report is designed to increase the accountability of the Technical Officer role and ensure that this role is upheld to the standards required of the Officer.

3.       This report contains recommendations and items for discussion by the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei (NWŌ) Reserves Board and an update on the capital works projects and expenditure for the quarter.



That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:

a)      receive the Technical Officer report.


Financial Summary

Capex Budget Summary

2016/17 Budget forecast

2016/17 quarter one commitments

2016/17 quarter one actual spend











Atkin Ave day lighting















Ōkahu recreation facilities








Total Planned Capex expenditure




Total Actual capex expenditure YTD




Balance surplus/deficit





Atkin Avenue Daylighting

4.       This project is the subject of a separate report in this agenda




5        The Reserves Board has allocated budget to the development of a Whare Waka, a structure. on the Whenua Rangatira to house the Waka Mahuhu-O-Te-Rangi, waka taua, and for the waka tawhito that brought our ancestors to these shores.

6.       The waka is in a current state of disrepair with a significant amount of rot. A summary of previous discussions with Kaumatua, The Trust Board and the Taumata is that the cost of repair is too great, and budget required to replace the waka has been discussed.

7.       The project has been discussed at a Marae Komiti and Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust board level in regard to the location proposed and budget required to house Māhuhu-O-Te-Rangi. The impending resolution from the Trust will determine next steps as to whether the wharewaka is progressed within the Whenua Rangatira boundaries or as a Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust driven project.

Signage and interpretation

8.       The scope of the signage program for FY16/17 is being developed. Staff will be considering the location and drafting wording and design for the signage over the coming months. The draft designs will be brought to the reserves board for discussion and approval in February 2017.

Pou Project

9.       The creation of the Kohimarama pou is to signify the rock formation that once stood close by to Takaparawhau - Whenua Rangatira area (where the current Akarana Yacht Club now stands). A pou to commemorate this rock formation and its importance to the Waitemata Harbour as a beacon to vessels will help revisit the waka stories of the area and to enhance the current waka culture. Ngāti Whātua has a deep understanding of the area and the rocks’ significance and has been at the forefront of waka culture during the past 30 years. This pou will serve to solidify that culture and understanding.

10.     Some historic korero for this area was collected from Ngāti Whātua elder and leader Matua Grant Hawke in October 2015. His korero spoke of the connection iwi have to the land and sea and can also be used to speak about kaitiakitanga (guardianship) of the whenua and the moana.

11.     The Kaumatua representative nominated by the taumata conducted a site visit with the artists to scope locations. Four locations to position the pou were scoped. The proposed locations are indicated on the below aerials.




Site one: The (marae side of the carpark) on the grass, aligned with the carpark island and the MJS memorial:

/Users/toitu/Documents/Whenua Rangatira Reserves Board/Working files/Kohimarama Pou/Pou locations/Site 1.jpg

Site Three: Tamaki Yacht Club (PREFERRED LOCATION)

/Users/toitu/Documents/Whenua Rangatira Reserves Board/Working files/Kohimarama Pou/Pou locations/Site 3.jpg

Site Two: Barracks overlooking the Waitemata

/Users/toitu/Documents/Whenua Rangatira Reserves Board/Working files/Kohimarama Pou/Pou locations/Site 2.jpg

Site Four:  Mission Bay Steps.

/Users/toitu/Documents/Whenua Rangatira Reserves Board/Working files/Kohimarama Pou/Pou locations/Site 4.jpg


12.     The completion of the Pou project is contingent on the progress with the location. The preferred location is the Tamaki Yacht club given the proximity to the landmark that is the inspiration behind the work. Given the significance of the site the taumata have been informed of the locations. The process from here will mean officers will consult and negotiate with Auckland Transport and the Yacht Club around the feasibility of the site.

13.     Taumata to convene and representatives to walk the Whenua Rangatira to discuss an overarching kaupapa or umbrella approach to way finding projects, to inform the remaining pou and signage projects to be undertaken. $180,000 has been allocated to the entirety of the Pou development project. The need to investigate an over-arching strategy or theme for the Pou project has been identified.


14.     Given the foreseen limited capacity issues with the Urupa in Okahu Bay there was the proposal to proactively seek a location for the footprint of an additional Urupa. The Taumata convened on the 25 October, passing a resolution to support the investigation of the Whenua Rangatira Headlands as an alternative Urupa location. Taumata executive are to undertake a site visit with staff.

Ōkahu Recreation Facilities

15.     A project manager has been assigned oversee the installation of a barbeque at Ōkahu Bay. Some seating could also be incorporated around the barbeque area which can be delivered within the budget allocation.

16.     The dark spots on the below aerial shows the location of the existing barbeque and seating on the western side of the toilet block, and the lighter spots show the proposed location on the eastern side.

17.     The below images are of the existing barbeques and seating at Ōkahu Bay. Amenities of the same style are proposed to be installed to the east of the toilet block.


18.     The existing seating has had some carving detail incorporated into the support for the seat (see below image). It is proposed that a Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei artist is engaged to do similar carving work on the seating that will be installed on the eastern side of the beach.


19.     The expenditure from the renewals budget at the beginning of FY16/17 (shown in the financial summary above) was for the final expenses to complete the work on the playground at Ōkahu Bay. This renewal project is now complete and planning for the renewals program for the rest of the year is underway.

20.     The signage at the bottom of Hapimana Street is in need of renewal. Although it sits on the boundary of the Whenua Rangatira officers intend to collaborate with the Ōrākei Local Board and update the content to better communicate the guidelines and tikanga for the Reserve.


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Pippa Sommerville - Parks Advisor - Orakei

Hana Maihi – Technical Officer, Whai Maia Ltd


Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

Te Aroha Morehu – Kaiurungi/General Manager – Orākei Ahikāroa, Whai Maia Ltd


Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Waitangi Day 2017 event planning update


File No.: CP2016/22978





1.       To update the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board (reserves board) on the activities being planned for the Waitangi Day Festival 2017 at Ōkahu Bay, and to seek confirmation of funding for the Mauri tent from the reserves board’s operational budget.



That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:

a)      confirm allocation of $5,000 from the operational budget tagged for Bastion Point Celebrations to fund the Mauri Tent at the 2017 Waitangi Day event.





2.       The 2016 Waitangi Day Festival was a highly successful event despite persistent rain causing issues around attendance, stallholder sites and performances.

3.       With the Waitangi Weekend calendar for 2017 being congested, the decision has been made to create a smaller more intimate event, and to hold it at Ōkahu Bay.

Event Objectives


4.       The objectives of the Waitangi Day event at Ōkahu Bay are:


Treaty Relationship


·    To acknowledge Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei signing the settlement and establishment of their presence within Tāmaki Makau Rau.

·    To engender a spirit amongst the wider Auckland population of the intentions of the Waitangi agreements.

·    To acknowledge the Anniversary of the settlement and celebrate the post-settlement future.



·    To create a day that captures and supports the meaning and intent of the Treaty of Waitangi.

·    To build upon the relationship between Mana Whenua, Auckland Council and the wider Auckland public.




·    To educate the wider public on Tāmaki Makau Rau, through treaty exhibitions and historic points of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei history in the area.

·    To increase engagement with and understanding of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.



·    To protect our natural resources within Tāmaki Makau Rau.

·    To capture the essence and spirit of Waitangi Day in the historic location of Ōkahu Bay.


Event Programme


5.       The event will be opened with a powhiri at Ōkahu Bay for everyone to participate in.  The powhiri will be led by the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust, Kaumātua and Te Pou Whakairo. We anticipate attendance from Councillors, Members of Parliament, key partners and sponsors along with members of the general public, including international tourists.

Performance Stage

6.       The aim for the performances for 2017 is to drive further community involvement in a similar fashion to our Whānau Stage at the 2016 event, and also to share more Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei history with the community. This event will feature local band/groups, aspiring local musicians, childrens kapa haka, the overall feel will be a family friendly, intimate and relaxed event.

Site Activities

7.       Due to the success of last year, organisers are planning to continue having the “Mauri Tent”. This is intended as a point of contact with the community to exhibit the historical archive of photographs of Bastion Point and the occupation led by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei in 1978. The exhibition for 2017 is to be a central focal point within the event.

8.       This tent allows whānau, residents and tourists alike to have an insight to the conditions the people involved in the occupation went through.

9.       This tent has in previous years been funded by the reserves board, and confirmation of the allocation of $5,000 from the board’s operational budget is sought to ensure this tent can be part of the event in 2017.




10.     The stalls will play an important part of Waitangi Day, especially kai stalls. For 2017, organisers want to increase the number of stalls from last year particularly in the areas of merchandise, art and crafts.

Zero Waste

11.     A highlight of our event (and an important part of any Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei led event) is our Zero Waste, Para Kore programme. In 2016 the event achieved a 94% diversion from landfill rate and we are hoping to do the same or increase the diversion this year.

Traffic Management


12.     Given the venue’s proximity to Tāmaki Drive and the limited parking available in the area, a robust traffic management plan and good control of the traffic on the day will be a key factor in the success of this event.  Traffic management providers are being approached for offers of service, and providers with a proven track record of successfully managing events will be most strongly considered.


13.     Organisers are estimating 5,000 – 8,000 people attending at the 2017 Waitangi Day Festival. The main concentration of people will be around the stage and stalls area, with a steady non-congested flow amongst the stalls.

14.     There is a general consensus amongst past organisers and attendees that the no alcohol and smoke free aspect of the event was well supported. The 2017 event will also be alcohol and smoke free. 


Health and Safety


15.     In 2016 a detailed health and safety plan was developed for the event, and this will be developed again for the 2017 event. All suppliers are required to provide their Health and Safety plans for approval and will be integrated into the overarching plan.



16.     Should the reserves board confirm funding for the Mauri tent in 2017, organisers will plan for the inclusion of the tent into the event plan and schedule. A full post event report will be provided to the reserves board at the February 2017 business meeting. 



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Jamie Cook – Event Manager,  


Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

Te Aroha Morehu – Kaiurungi/General Manager – Orākei Ahikāroa, Whai Maia Ltd


Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



Flower Show Update


File No.: CP2016/23030





1.       To provide the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board with the event update on the New Zealand Flower and Garden Show on the Whenua Rangatira at Takaparawhau.



That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:

a)      receive the Flower Show update report.




2.       Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei discussed having the New Zealand Flower and Garden Show next to the Orākei Marae on Takaparawhau reserve. The challenge of this location is that the site can encounter heavy winds at random times and for an indefinite duration. This places a risk on the temporary structures and marquee that will be erected for the event, as they are unsuited to cope with the random high wind speeds.

3.       An alternate location sought by the New Zealand Flower and Garden Show was down in Ōkahu Bay in the main reserve area adjacent to Tamaki Drive. Although the site would have provided adequate protection to mitigate concerning wind speeds, the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust Board resolved to only allow the Event up on Takaparawhau reserve.

4.       Based on the safety issues with the wind at Takaparawhau and the unavailability of the Ōkahu Bay site, the New Zealand Flower and Garden Show will be looking for a new venue.

5.       Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei intend to continue their relationship with the New Zealand Flower and Garden Show and expect to participate in the event accordingly.



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Te Aroha Morehu – Kaiurungi/General Manager – Orākei Ahikāroa, Whai Maia Ltd


Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

Te Aroha Morehu – Kaiurungi/General Manager – Orākei Ahikāroa, Whai Maia Ltd


Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

05 December 2016



2017 Meeting Dates


File No.: CP2016/23855





1.       To establish the dates, times and venues for meetings of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board in 2017.

Executive summary

2.       The proposed meeting dates are as follows:

·    Monday, 20 February 2017, 3:00pm at Ōrākei Marae, Ōrākei

·    Monday, 8 May 2017, 5:00pm at Council Chamber, Auckland Town Hall, Auckland

·    Monday, 14 August 2017, 5:00pm at Ōrākei Marae, Ōrākei

·    Monday, 13 November 2017, 5:00pm at Council Chamber, Auckland Town Hall, Auckland



That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:

a)      approve the proposed meeting dates for 2017 as follows:

i)        Monday, 20 February 2017, 3:00pm at Ōrākei Marae, Ōrākei

ii)       Monday, 8 May 2017, 5:00pm at Council Chamber, Auckland Town Hall, Auckland

iii)      Monday, 14 August 2017, 5:00pm at Ōrākei Marae, Ōrākei

iv)      Monday, 13 November 2017, 5:00pm at Council Chamber, Auckland Town Hall, Auckland.




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Mike Giddey - Senior Governance Advisor


Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

Te Aroha Morehu – Kaiurungi/General Manager – Orākei Ahikāroa, Whai Maia Ltd