

Meeting Room:



Thursday 8 December 2016


Waitākere Ranges Local Board Office
39 Glenmall Place
Glen Eden


Waitākere Ranges Local Board






ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE


8.1       Deputations

A.      Letter to Mayor Phil Goff                                                                                        3

14        Annual Budget 2017/2018

A.      Annual Plan 2017-2018 - Local Consultation Content                                           5

Waitākere Ranges Local Board

08 December 2016



Dear Mayor Phil,

The Waitakere Ranges Local Board wishes to express in the strongest terms its’ objection to the use of council property as the venue for the 2016 NZ Defence Industry Association Forum,  November 16-17, an event sponsored by some of largest international weapons and defence systems manufacturers.

The use of the ANZ Viaduct Events Centre for an event of this nature  ( the venue is part of the Council  RFA ) violates in both letter and spirit the Auckland Peace City Declaration* passed by the Auckland Council at the Regional Development and Operations Committee on 15th December 2011 and signed by Mayor Len Brown on behalf of the Auckland Council and the people of Auckland on that same date.

The Waitakere Ranges Local Board considers the Peace City Declaration as a foundation for Council policies and governance as well as a statement of principles for peace, justice, human rights and non-violence.

The Waitakere Ranges Local Board wishes to also bring to your attention West Auckland’s long held commitment to Peace and non-violence. Prior to amalgamation Waitakere City was a Peace City with Mayor Sir Bob Harvey a member of the global Mayors for Peace. Later, during the first term of Auckland City , Waitakere’s ward councillors, Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse and Cr Sandra Coney, enthusiastically supported and voted in favour of Auckland as an international Peace City.

The integrity of the Peace City is highly valued by the people of Waitakere as we are sure it is by most Aucklanders.

Therefore we respectfully request that the Mayor,

a.       Rescinds permission for the use of this venue for this NZDIA forum thereby preserving Auckland’s commitment to the declaration and integrity of Auckland as an international Peace City.


b.       Ensure that no Auckland Council staff, representatives or members of CCO’s attend the conference in any official capacity.


c.       That as Mayor we would ask that you make a public statement of  this city’s commitment to the Declaration and its support of Auckland as Peace City.


Signed on behalf of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board

Chairperson Greg Presland Waitakere Ranges Local Board

Member Steve Tollestrup,  Portfolio holder Peace Intiatives


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

08 December 2016



