I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Manurewa Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 16 March 2017


Manurewa Local Board Office
7 Hill Road


Manurewa Local Board









Angela Dalton


Deputy Chairperson

Rangi McLean



Joseph Allan



Simeon Brown



Stella Cattle



Sarah Colcord



Angela Cunningham-Marino



Ken Penney



(Quorum 4 members)




Lee Manaia

Local Board Democracy Advisor


8 March 2017


Contact Telephone: (09) 262 5421

Email: lee.manaia@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Deputation - New Zealand American Football Federation - Anton van de Weele                                                                                                                                5

8.2     Deputation - Citizens Advice Bureau Manurewa - Josie King and Gordon Myer                                                                                                                                6

8.3     Deputation - Auckland Transport Issues - Frank Galvin                                 7

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  7

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                7

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          8

12        Manurewa Youth Council Update                                                                                9

13        Manurewa Ward Councillors Update                                                                        11

14        Members' Update                                                                                                         13

15        Chairperson's Update                                                                                                 15

16        Auckland Transport Update – March 2017                                                               17

17        Part 770R Great South Road, Manukau reserve revocation and disposal recommendation                                                                                                                                        53

18        New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Porus Kermani of Shan Developers Limited at Driveway at 10 Rogers Road Manurewa.                           61

19        Manurewa Takanini Papakura Integrated Area Plan                                               65

20        Project 17: Auckland Council Maintenance Contracts

The report was not available at the time the agenda was compiled.  A copy will be circulated to elected members and uploaded to the Auckland Council website as soon as practicable.


21        Improving Māori Input into Local Board Decision Making Update Report - March 2017                                                                                                                                       83

22        ATEED six-monthly report to the Manurewa Local Board                                     93

23        Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - March 2017     109

24        Reports Requested - Pending - Issues                                                                   113

25        Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term        119

26        For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board                      123

27        Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes                                                               125  

28        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


The meeting will begin with a prayer.



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 16 February 2017, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.



6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.



7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.



8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Manurewa Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Deputation - New Zealand American Football Federation - Anton van de Weele


1.     Anton van de Weele (Financial Manager of the New Zealand American Football Federation) wishes to speak to the board about upcoming events and projects they wish to host at Mountfort Park and around Manurewa in the coming 12-24 months, including:

·    a visit from the Polynesian Football Hall of Fame for a coaching clinic and open day for 10-12 year olds

·    expansion of the Auckland competition presently held in summer to include a women's league

·    development and implementation of a flag football (non-contact) pilot program in Manurewa intermediate and high schools

·    ideas around community engagement for football events such as a Thanksgiving Day game or Superbowl event

·    potential acquisition of indoor training facilities in Wiri

·    hosting of World Cup events; 2019 Senior Men's World Cup, 2020 U19 World Cup and Flag World Cup, 2021 Women's World Cup.

Anton is seeking feedback and advice as to how they can partner going forward and any funding advice the board may be able to give.

Executive summary

2.       N/A



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      thank Anton van de Weele (elected National Financial Manager of the New Zealand American Football Federation) for his presentation about the upcoming events and projects they propose to host at Mountfort Park and around Manurewa in the next 12-24 months.



a......... Letter from Anton van de Weele, National Financial Manager, New Zealand Amercian Football Federation........................... 141



8.2       Deputation - Citizens Advice Bureau Manurewa - Josie King and Gordon Myer


1.       Gordon Myer (Publicity Officer) and Josie King (Manager), Manurewa Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) would like to:

i)        provide an overview and update of the CAB Manurewa services

ii)       provide clarity around the Citizens Advice Bureau process for receiving enquiries from prisoners.

Executive summary

2.       N/A



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      thank Gordon Myer (Publicity Officer) and Josie King (Manager), Manurewa Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) for their presentations regarding:

i)        an overview and update of the CAB Manurewa services

ii)       the CAB process for receiving enquiries from prisoners.




8.3       Deputation - Auckland Transport Issues - Frank Galvin


1.       Frank Galvin has requested an opportunity to speak to the board about the following issues:

i)          public transport network – connections between train and bus services late at night.

ii)         request to repair the bus shelter at 231 Finlayson Avenue

iii)      request for speed humps on Finlayson Avenue between Burundi Avenue and Palmers Road. 

iv)      request for a pedestrian crossing at 206 Finlayson Avenue to cater for the children attending the Te Matauranga Primary School.

Executive summary

2.       N/A.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      Thank Frank Galvin for his deputation regarding:

i)        public transport network – connections between train and bus services late at night.

ii)       request to repair the bus shelter at 231 Finlayson Avenue

iii)      request for speed humps on Finlayson Avenue between Burundi Avenue and Palmers Road. 

iv)      request for a pedestrian crossing at 206 Finlayson Avenue to cater for the children attending the Te Matauranga Primary School.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.



10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”



11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Youth Council Update


File No.: CP2017/03094





1.       Providing an opportunity for the Manurewa Youth Council to update the Manurewa Local Board on matters they have been involved in.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         note the verbal update from the Manurewa Youth Council regarding:




There are no attachments for this report.     



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Ward Councillors Update


File No.: CP2017/03095





1.       A period of time (10 minutes) has been set aside for the Manurewa Ward Councillors to have an opportunity to update the Manurewa Local Board on regional matters.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal reports from:

i)        Councillor Daniel Newman regarding:


ii)       Councillor Sir John Walker regarding:




There are no attachments for this report.    



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Members' Update


File No.: CP2017/03096





1.       Providing an opportunity for members to update to the Manurewa Local Board on matters they have been involved in over the last month.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board

a)         receive the member update from:





There are no attachments for this report.    



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Chairperson's Update


File No.: CP2017/03097





1.       Providing an opportunity for the chairperson to update the local board on issues she has been involved in.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson regarding:





There are no attachments for this report.     



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Auckland Transport Update – March 2017


File No.: CP2017/03016




1.       The purpose of this report is to; respond to resolutions and requests on transport-related matters, provide an update on the current status of Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF), request approval for new LBTCF projects, provide a summary of consultation material sent to the Board and, provide transport related information on matters of specific application and interest to the Manurewa Local Board (MLB) and its community.


Executive Summary

2.       In particular, this report provides information on:

·      Manurewa Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund – project status and updates

·      Response to outstanding Manurewa Local Board resolutions

·      Quarterly report for October-December 2016

·      2017 Southern timetable review.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      receive the report entitled ‘Auckland Transport Update – March 2017’ and the attached issues register from Auckland Transport’s Elected Member Relationship Manager (South).

b)      defer the portion of Local Board Transport Capital Fund project #354 (Manurewa covered walkway) to extend the area of completed canopy across to the two bus shelters within the Manurewa park and ride/bus interchange area.




Manurewa Items


A1. Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF)

3.       The LBTCF is a capital budget provided to all local boards by Auckland Council and delivered by Auckland Transport.  Local boards can use this fund to deliver projects that they believe are important but are not otherwise part of Auckland Transport’s work programme.  The limitations are that the project must be safe, not impede network efficiency, and be located within the road corridor or on land controlled by Auckland Transport.  However, projects running through parks may also be considered if there is a transport outcome.

4.       The Manurewa Local Board’s funding allocation under the LBTCF in the current financial year of approximately $642,000 is adjusted for inflation each year.  Over $1.9million is available to spend on LBTCF projects this electoral term.

5.       The Board’s current LBTCF projects are included in the table below (in which ROC = rough order of costs, and FEC = firm estimate of cost):



Project Description

Progress/Current Status


Hill Road pedestrian link:

A project to improve pedestrian links on Hill Road between Great South Road and the Botanic Gardens

·      ROC first requested in Oct-14.

·      Detailed Design approved by MLB in Jun-15 based on ROC of $850,258.

·      Project scale reduced in Nov-15 to new crossing points and safer intersections only and removal of proposed new cycleways.

·      Construction approved by the Board in Nov-15 based on FEC of $575,000 (later reduced by $50,000 to $525,000).

·      In 2016 the lighting required for the new crossing points was resolved.

·      In Dec-16 the TCC approved the changes.


Project update:

·      Tender documents were released on 22-Feb-17.

·      AT expects to award the work on 20-Mar-17 to a preferred contractor, following which a timeframe can be confirmed.


Manurewa covered walkway:

A project to improve connectivity between the Manurewa bus station, rail station, and Great South Road (through Southmall) by building a weather-proof canopy to link all three.

·      ROC first requested in Oct-14.

·      Detailed Design approved by Board in May-15 based on ROC of $ 1,430,000

·      Construction approved by Board in Nov-15 based on FEC of $ 1,500,000

·      Construction of the canopy has been completed over the overbridge and stairs.

·      In Nov-16 the cost of this project changed and work was stopped while the Board considered its response.

·      The Board decided in Dec-16 to complete the project across to the bus station as first planned and approved further funding of $140,000.

·      The Board also requested a ROC for a similar canopy over the disabled access ramps.


Project update:

·      Since the implementation of New Network bus services on 30-Oct-16 and good passenger results, AT Metro will be reviewing the layout of the existing bus station to maximise its operational efficiency.  A feasibility study will be undertaken to look at options, some of which may impact on the Board’s project to extend the existing canopy at the train station over to the bus stops.

·      AT therefore recommends that the Board defer its proposal to extend the canopy over to the bus stops at this stage until the feasibility study is complete and can inform further decision-making.  A recommendation has been provided for the Board’s consideration.

·      The extension of the canopy over to the Southmall entrance is not affected.  AT is currently reviewing tenders and expects to award shortly, following which a timeframe can be confirmed.

·      A ROC for covering the ramps is being compiled and is expected to be in excess of $500,000.



A2. Response to outstanding Manurewa Local Board resolutions

6.       Outstanding resolutions from December 2016 are listed in bold below, with Auckland Transport’s response following:

Resolution MR/2016/217

That the Manurewa Local Board:

e)   request information regarding any customer feedback or issues associated with the new transport network in relation to the Manurewa Local Board

g)   request information about the proposed closure of Orams Road

h)   request Auckland Transport move the disabled parking at the RSA currently situated at the end of the on street parking to near the main entrance.

7.       In relation to paragraph e), Attachment A records the feedback and comments received from customers in the Manurewa area and nearby Manukau station.

8.       In relation to paragraph g), Auckland Transport facilitated the provision of further information to the Manurewa Local Board by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) regarding the proposed closure of the Orams Road bridge at an already-scheduled NZTA workshop on 23 February covering ‘Supporting Growth – Delivering Transport Networks’.

9.       In relation to paragraph h), during discussion at the Manurewa Local Board’s February business meeting, Auckland Transport indicated that the request would cost in the order of $5-10,000.  It was also noted that, during funerals held at the Manurewa RSA, the hearse is normally parked in the area where the disabled parks were requested to be moved to.  The Manurewa Local Board indicated further discussions would be held with the Manurewa RSA in relation to the request.  Auckland Transport awaits further advice from the Board in this matter.


Resolution MR/2016/218

That the Manurewa Local Board:

b)   request that Auckland Transport provide a ‘Rough Order of Cost’ for the construction of a similar structure that will provide protection from the weather for the ramp that provides disabled access to the Manurewa Station as soon as possible…

10.     As noted in the Local Board Transport Capital Fund table above in relation to the Manurewa covered walkway project, a rough order of cost is currently being compiled and will be provided to the Board as soon as possible.  Auckland Transport apologises for the delay in providing the requested estimate.


A3. Quarterly report for October-December 2016

11.     The following quarterly report material is attached to this monthly report:

·    Attachment B – report from Auckland Transport departments on their activities in the Manurewa Local Board area and regionally over the last quarter

·    Attachment C – report on Travelwise Schools activities in the Manurewa Local Board area over the last quarter.


A4. Traffic Control Committee (TCC) report

12.     Decisions of the TCC during the month of February 2017 affecting the Manurewa Local Board area are shown at Attachment D.


A5. Consultation documents on proposed improvements

13.     Consultation documents for the following proposals have been provided to the Manurewa Local Board for its feedback, and are summarised here for wider information purposes only.

14.     Following consultation, Auckland Transport considers the feedback received and determines whether to proceed further with the proposal as consulted on, or proceed with an amended proposal if changes are considered necessary.

15.     Proposed signalised pedestrian crossing, Roscommon Road, Clendon – due to the poor pedestrian accessibility in an area of high traffic volumes, Auckland Transport is proposing to install a signalised pedestrian crossing on Roscommon Road, near its intersection with Robert Ross Place.  The proposed signalised pedestrian crossing will provide a safe location for pedestrians to cross while minimising the delays to vehicles.  The proposal is shown on the plan at Attachment E and includes:

·    Installing a new signalised pedestrian crossing opposite No. 480 Roscommon Road

·    Upgrading road markings to prepare vehicles moving towards the proposed pedestrian crossing

·    Formalising the right turn movement lane into the Clendon Shopping Centre on Roscommon Road

·    Improving the existing bus stop outside Clendon Shopping Centre with associated ‘No Stopping At All Times’ road markings to improve efficiency of this service.  The removal of fifteen parking spaces adjacent to the signalised pedestrian crossing are to improve inter-visibility for pedestrians and drivers at the crossing point.


16.     Proposed bus layovers, Manurewa – Auckland Transport has committed to improving the public transport network through improving the reliability and frequency of bus services.  To accommodate the roll-out, Auckland Transport has identified locations for proposed bus layovers that will improve network resilience and travel time reliability of bus services and reduce bus operating costs.  Auckland Transport is therefore proposing to install two bus layover areas at the following locations:

·    outside 18 Lupton Road and 3 Russell Road, Manurewa, as shown on the plan at Attachment F.  The proposal would result in a loss of five parking spaces

·    outside 12 Selwyn Road, Manurewa, as shown on the plan at Attachment G. The proposal would result in a loss of six parking spaces.


General Information Items


B1. 2017 Southern timetable review

17.     Auckland Transport has reviewed bus services timetables since the implementation of the New Network, and as a result timetables will change in the next few months.  These changes should address some of the timetable concerns raised (including in the Manurewa Local Board area) since the introduction of the New Network.  However, there will be no changes to bus routes.

18.     The timetable changes will improve connections between buses and trains at key stations and overall improve reliability across the network.  People will need to plan their new journeys following the timetable change.

19.     New timetables can be accessed or printed from Auckland Transport’s website:



20.     Timetable changes occurring Sunday 12 March 2017:

·    Train timetables will change

·    The 380 Airporter timetable will change

·    Pukekohe bus timetables will change.


21.     Timetable changes occurring late April 2017:

·    Additional bus services in south Auckland will change.


22.     There will be no changes to bus routes as part of the 2017 Southern timetable review.


B2. Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2018

23.     The Government has released its draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport 2018 for public consultation and submissions close on 31 March.

24.     The draft GPS 2018 sets out the Government’s priorities for expenditure from the National Land Transport Fund over the next 10 years and how funding is allocated between activities such as road safety policing, state highways, local roads and public transport.

25.     The draft GPS continues with the current GPS 2015 strategic priorities of value for money, safety, and economic growth and productivity.  The draft GPS 2018 also supports the Auckland Transport Alignment Package (ATAP).  However, funding decisions for ATAP have not been made yet and the final GPS 2018 is expected to change once these funding decisions have been made.

26.     For further information, visit http://www.transport.govt.nz/ourwork/keystrategiesandplans/gpsonlandtransportfunding


Media Releases


C1. Walking School Bus Week

27.     Walking School Bus Week is a chance to celebrate children and volunteers helping keep traffic volumes down and learning about road safety on their way to school.

28.     In 2017, Walking School Bus Week was held from 27 February to 3 March and included action packed competitions and events including Funky Feet Tuesday, Whacky Wednesday and The Giant Walk.

29.     Over the past year Auckland Transport’s Walking School Bus programme, which is available to schools all over Auckland, has grown to 3900 children walking on 350 school bus routes.  The programme is overseen by Auckland Transport staff who work with parent volunteers to design safe walking routes for school children to walk to school with a supervised walking bus, rather than be driven to school.

30.     Volunteers interested in starting a walking school bus or parents keen to get their children on a bus should look for more information at: www.at.govt.nz/walkingschoolbus


C2. Auckland Transport opens the books

31.     Auckland Transport will be releasing details of all its contracts publicly.  Since established in 2010, Auckland Transport has routinely published on its website the details of all contracts valued over $50,000.  That threshold has now been dropped to zero.

32.     Auckland Transport Chairman, Dr Lester Levy, said that as a publicly funded body, the organisation wants to be as transparent and accountable as possible and demonstrate a clear commitment to being open and accountable to the public at large.

33.     The nature of some of Auckland Transport’s activities, such as property negotiations, means that sometimes information is commercially sensitive and involves third party businesses or individuals.  Those cases are dealt with confidentially but when the reason for that confidentiality no longer exists, the material is routinely released and published on AT’s website).

34.     To see details of recent contracts, visit https://at.govt.nz/about-us/procurement/awarded-contracts/


Issues Register

35.     A monthly issues register is Attachment H to this report.


Local Board Views

36.     The Board’s views will be incorporated during consultation on any proposed schemes.

Implementation Issues

37.     All proposed schemes are subject to prioritisation, funding and consultation.







New Network feedback for Manurewa Local Board area



Auckland Transport activities in the Manurewa Local Board area and regionally for the October-December 2016 quarter



Travelwise Schools activities in the Manurewa Local Board area for the October-December 2016 quarter



Schedule of Traffic Control Committee decisions affecting the Manurewa Local Board area in December 2016 - January 2017



Plan of proposed signalised pedestrian crossing, Roscommon Road, Clendon



Plan of proposed bus layover, Russell Road, Manurewa



Plan of proposed bus layover, Selwyn Road, Manurewa



Issues Register – Manurewa Local Board – March 2017





Jenni Wild – Elected Member Relationship Manager (South); Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon – Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



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Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017

















Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Part 770R Great South Road, Manukau reserve revocation and disposal recommendation


File No.: CP2017/02217





1.       This report seeks the Manurewa Local Board’s updated views regarding the proposed reserve revocation and divestment of part of 770R Great South Road, Manukau.

Executive summary

2.       The council owned property at 770R Great South Road, Manukau is leased on a long term basis to the Second Nature Charitable Trust (Second Nature), which operates the Vodafone Events Centre located onsite.  Second Nature approached Auckland Council, seeking to purchase approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau to enable the development of a 120 bed, three to four star hotel and apartment complex.  The proposed development would be undertaken by the Safari Group rather than by Second Nature.  Second Nature has entered into a conditional agreement with the Safari Group to construct the proposed hotel and apartment complex.

3.       770R Great South Road, Manukau is a Local Purpose (Multi-Purpose Events Centre) Reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977.  Due to this, the reserve status of the land would need to be revoked prior to the proposed divestment occurring. 

4.       Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) commenced the rationalisation process for the subject portion of 770R Great South Road, Manukau in October 2016.  Consultation with Council and its CCOs and iwi authorities has now taken place.  No alternative service uses have been identified for the subject portion of land through the rationalisation process and Council departments are have not raised any issues or concerns regarding the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.  No objections were received during the iwi consultation. 

5.       The Manurewa Local Board formally considered the proposed reserve revocation and disposal of part of 770R Great South Road, Manukau at its December 2016 business meeting.  The Manurewa Local Board resolved that it endorsed the proposed reserve revocation, and requested that a discussion be held between the governing body and the Manurewa Local Board chairperson prior to the board endorsing the proposed disposal

6.       The Manurewa Local Board chairperson has now met with chairperson and deputy chairperson of the Finance and Performance Committee.  This report provides the Manurewa Local Board with the opportunity to formalise its’ views regarding the proposed divestment of part of 770R Great South Road, Manukau. 

7.       A resolution approving the divestment of this site is required from the Finance and Performance Committee before the proposed reserve revocation and disposal can be progressed.  



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      endorse Panuku Development Auckland’s recommendation to the Finance and Performance Committee to:

i)        revoke the reserve status of approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprised of an estate in fee simple more or less being Section 1 SO 361058 contained in computer freehold register 440697 as it is no longer required by Council for reserve purposes;

ii)       dispose of approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprised of an estate in fee simple more or less being Section 1 SO 361058 contained in computer freehold register 440697.



Property information

8.       The subject parcel of land at 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprises approximately 4,507m2 of a larger, 5.6385 hectare site that is formed and utilised as the Vodafone Events Centre.  770R Great South Road, Manukau is subject to a long-term lease to the Second Nature Charitable Trust, which operates the Vodafone Events Centre.  The subject 4,507m2 parcel of land is currently formed as car park and planted with shrubs. 

9.       770R Great South Road, Manukau originally formed two separate parcels of land.  12.67 hectares was originally acquired by the former Manukau City Council (MCC) in 1968.  This land was subsequently acquired by the Housing New Zealand Corporation for State Housing purposes in 1973 but it was offered back to MCC in 1988.  MCC acquired an additional 5.98 hectares in 1988. 

10.     Over time, portions of the original two parcels of land acquired were gazetted as road, resulting in the council owned property at 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprising 5.6385 hectares.  The balance of the two original parcels were amalgamated into one title in 2003 and vested as Local Purpose (Multi-Purpose Events Centre) reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977. 

11.     The Unitary Plan zoning of 770R Great South Road, Manukau is Special Purpose – Major Recreation Facility Zone/Pacific Events Centre Precinct.  A valuation for the site is currently being obtained.

Proposed reserve revocation and disposal

12.     Second Nature identified having a hotel located onsite at the Vodafone Events Centre as a key element of its ongoing success.  It would also provide south Auckland with visitor accommodation and assist in the ongoing redevelopment work that is being undertaken in Manukau. 

13.     To progress this proposal, Second Nature approached Auckland Council, seeking to purchase approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau to enable the development of a 120 bed, three to four star hotel and apartment complex.  Second Nature has entered into an agreement with the Safari Group to develop the proposed hotel and apartment complex.

14.     As the land is currently held as reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977, the reserve status of the subject portion 770R Great South Road, Manukau would need to be revoked in accordance with the requirements of the Reserves Act 1977 prior to the proposed disposal occurring.

15.     Following the enquiry from Second Nature, Council’s Community Services team advised that it was supportive of the proposed reserve revocation and divestment.  Panuku subsequently commenced the rationalisation process for the subject portion of 770R Great South Road, Manukau to understand if it could be divested from Council ownership.  As part of the standard rationalisation process, Panuku undertook research to ascertain the legal, technical and historical nature of the site; consulted with Council and its CCO’s to establish whether the property must be retained for a strategic purpose or is required for a future funded project, and engaged with mana whenua, the Manurewa Local Board and the Manurewa-Papakura ward councillors.  The Finance and Performance Committee is required to approve the reserve revocation and divestment of the subject portion of 770R Great South Road, Manukau before the proposal can be progressed. 

Panuku’s independent commercial advice

16.     Panuku is supportive of the proposed reserve revocation and divestment of approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau as no alternative service uses have been identified for the subject parcel of land and the feedback received on the proposal to date has been supportive.  Furthermore, the proposed hotel and apartment development at 770R Great South Road, Manukau would complement the wider Transform Manukau work that Panuku and Council are undertaking.  The proposed hotel development would support objectives contained in the Manukau High Level Project Plan, such as increasing the visitor and leisure offerings in Manuaku, and reconnecting central Manukau to the Vodafone Events Centre and adjacent Wero facility, which are key visitor attractions for Manukau now and into the future.  It will further add value to the area by supporting the nearby Manukau Super Clinic located at 901 Great South Road by providing accommodation for patients and visitors requiring overnight stays close to the Clinic.  A large scale development such as the proposed hotel development would have the additional benefit of encouraging further private investment and building confidence in Manukau.

17.     As the subject parcel of land is currently subject to a long term lease to Second Nature, Auckland Council as lessor cannot divest the land without the agreement of Second Nature as lessee.  Due to the long term lease in place at 770R Great South Road, Manukau, the abovementioned benefits of the proposed hotel and apartment development can only be realised if Auckland Council agrees to sell its lessor’s interest over the subject parcel of land.  Accordingly, Panuku supports the proposed reserve revocation and divestment of the subject parcel of land to Second Nature as it will enable the proposed hotel and apartment development to be constructed, and the benefits associated with this to be realised.


Local board views and implications

18.     Panuku undertook informal engagement with the Manurewa Local Board in November 2016.  The proposed reserve revocation and disposal of part of 770R Great South Road, Manukau was subsequently reported to the Manurewa Local Board’s December 2016 business meeting, where the Manurewa Local Board endorsed the proposed reserve revocation.  The Manurewa Local Board also resolved its request that a discussion be held between the governing body and the Manurewa Local Board chairperson prior to the board endorsing the proposed disposal

19.     The Manurewa Local Board chairperson has now met with chairperson and deputy chairperson of the Finance and Performance Committee.  In addition to this, the Manurewa Local Board has had further meetings with both Panuku and Second Nature.

20.     This report provides the Manurewa Local Board with the opportunity to formalise its views regarding the proposed divestment of part of 770R Great South Road, Manukau. 

Māori impact statement

21.     10 mana whenua iwi authorities were contacted regarding the the proposed reserve revocation and disposal of the 4507 m2 portion of reserve land situated at 770R Great South Road, Manukau.

a)      Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Ngāi Tai ki Tamaki notes their cultural interest in 770R Great South Road, Manukau and further notes the site being in the vicinity of land which Ngāi Tai has a two year right to purchase as part of their Treaty Settlement with the Crown.

Ngāi Tai notes the Panuku work with Mana Whenua on progressing a development consortium for residential development and that this proposal does not align with Ngāi Tai current commercial focus.


b)      Te Kawerau ā Maki

          No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

c)      Ngāti Tamaoho

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

d)      Ngāti Te Ata-Waiohua

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

e)      Ngāti Paoa

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

f)       Te Ākitai-Waiohua

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

g)      Te Ahiwaru Waiohua

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

h)      Ngāti Maru

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

i)        Ngaati Whanaunga

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

j)        Ngāti Tamaterā

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.


22.     A resolution approving the reserve revocation and divestment of 4507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau is required from the Finance and Performance Committee before the proposed reserve revocation and disposal can be progressed. 

23.     As the subject site is a reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977, should the land be sold the reserve status would have to be revoked.  It is a Department of Conservation requirement (in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977) that the sale proceeds from reserves are placed in reserve accounts so that funds can be used to acquire other land for reserve purposes or for maintenance of existing reserves. 

24.     The subject site is exempt from the offer back obligations set out in section 40 of the Public Works Act 1981.







Images of 770R Great South Road, Manukau





Letitia McColl - Team Leader Portfolio Review, Portfolio Strategy, Panuku Development Auckland


Marian Webb – Manager Portfolio Strategy, Portfolio Strategy, Panuku Development Auckland

Rex Hewitt – Relationship Manager, Local Board Services



Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Porus Kermani of Shan Developers Limited at Driveway at 10 Rogers Road Manurewa.


File No.: CP2017/01869





1.       The purpose of this report is to seek approval from the Manurewa Local Board, for a new road name for an access way serving 6 lots created by way of subdivision at 10 Rogers Road, Manurewa.

Executive summary

2.       Auckland Council has road naming guidelines that set out the requirements and criteria of the Council for proposed road names.  These requirements and criteria have been applied in this situation to ensure consistency of road naming for the Auckland Council.

3.       Following assessment against the road naming criteria, the road names Toro Lane (applicant’s preferred road name), Pitpat Lane and Mamangi Lane were determined to meet the road naming guideline criteria. 

4.       Fourteen local iwi groups were consulted. Makaurau Marae Maori Trust responded expressing no objection to the preferred name “Toro Lane”. No response was received from any of the relevant groups. 

5.       The name “Toro Lane”, proposed by the Applicant and the names “Pitpat Lane” and “Mamangi Lane” are considered for approval by the Local Board.




That the Manurewa Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, considers for approval, the road name Toro Lane”, proposed by the Applicant, for the new road created by way of subdivision at 10 Rogers Road, Manurewa  while noting that Pitpat Lane and Mamangi Lane, also meet the road naming criteria.




6.       The Auckland Council Road Naming Guidelines allowed that where a new road needs to be named as a result of a subdivision or development, the subdivider/developer shall be given the opportunity of suggesting their preferred new road name for the Local Board’s approval.

7.       The new road that is to be named is half of an existing right of way “Z” and a new access way (Lot 7) which was created to serve the 6 new lots, all created under the approved subdivision of 10 Rogers Road, Manurewa (resource consent number P44574)

The Applicant has proposed the following names for consideration for the road created as part of the development at 10 Rogers Road, Manurewa.



Proposed New Road Name


Preferred Name

Toro Lane

The name of a native shrub found throughout much of the country.

First Alternative

Pitpat Lane

Short name for the native plant species Pittosporum patulum which is endemic to New Zealand and commonly found in the South Island.

Second Alternative

Mamangi Lane

Common name for the plant species Coprosma Arborea which is native to New Zealand and commonly occurs in the North Island.


Rogers Road



Figure One: Location and Layout of new Road


Decision Making

8.       The Auckland Council, by way of the Auckland Council Long Term Plan (2012 - 2022), allocated the responsibility for the naming of new roads, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, to Local Boards.


9.       The Applicant’s proposed road names have been assessed against the criteria set out in the Auckland Council road naming guidelines;

10.     There is no existing road named “Toro Lane” (or any other suffix) in Auckland, therefore “Toro Lane” meets the road naming criteria. “Pitpat Lane” and “Mamangi Lane” also meet the criteria as there are no other roads with these names or any other suffix in Auckland.

11.     The proposed suffix of ‘Lane’ is appropriate in this circumstance, because according to the road naming guidelines, it is suitable for a cul de sac. ‘Lane’ is described to be a “narrow roadway between walls, buildings or a narrow country roadway”.

12.     As the Applicant’s preferred name (Toro Lane) has been deemed acceptable by the Makaurau Marae Maori Trust and meets the all relevant criteria, it is recommended for consideration for approval while noting that the other names proposed by the applicant (Pitpat Lane and Mamangi Lane) are also appropriate as they comply with all the criteria of the road naming guidelines.



Significance of Decision


13.     The decision sought from the Manurewa Local Board for this report does not trigger any significant policy and is not considered to have any immediate impact on the community.

Maori impact statement

14.     The decision sought from the Manurewa Local Board on this report is linked to the Auckland Plan Outcome, “A Maori identity that is Auckland’s point of difference in the world”. The use of Maori names for roads, buildings and other public places is an opportunity to publicly demonstrate Maori identity.


15.     The applicant has emailed all the relevant iwi groups. A response was received from the Makaurau Marae Maori Trust who expressed no objection to the preferred name “Toro Lane”. No response was received from any other iwi groups contacted.

Financial and Resourcing Implications

16.     The cost of processing the approval of the proposed new road name and any installation of road name signage is recoverable in accordance with Council’s Administrative Charges.

Legal and Legislative Implications

17.     The decision sought from the Manurewa Local Board for this report is not considered to have any legal or legislative implications.


18.     The Resource Consenting Team is involved in ensuring that appropriate road name signage will be installed accordingly once an approval is obtained for the new road name.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Virginia Loh - Resource Consents Administrator


Ian Smallburn - General Manager Resource Consents

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Takanini Papakura Integrated Area Plan


File No.: CP2017/01912





1.       To seek approval to consult on the draft Manurewa Takanini Papakura Integrated Area Plan (IAP) for community engagement commencing on 3 April 2017.

Executive summary

2.       The purpose of this report is to gain approval to consult on the draft Manurewa Takanini Papakura Integrated Area Plan in April 2017. The draft IAP is based around five concepts which were initially presented at a joint Manurewa and Papakura Local Board and mana whenua workshop on 23 November 2016.


3.       Public engagement has been undertaken in relation to these five draft concepts. The feedback from engagement has further shaped the concepts and been used to inform the development of the draft document. An update on progress to date was then provided at a joint workshop on 1 March 2017.


4.       An engagement strategy for consultation on the draft Integrated Area Plan has been prepared and is summarised in this report. Board members will be invited along to all engagement events and be given regular updates during the engagement period.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      endorse the draft Manurewa Takanini Papakura Integrated Area Plan as set out in Attachment A for community engagement commencing on 3 April 2017.

b)      delegate to officers the authority to make any minor amendments to the draft Integrated Area Plan prior to the commencement of community engagement.





5.       The Great South Road Corridor running through Manurewa, Takanini and Papakura was identified as one of 10 Spatial Priority Areas (SPA’s) in Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan (2015 – 2025). The key action resulting from this SPA is the preparation of an Integrated Area Plan. Plans and Places are leading the production of this IAP in partnership with the Community Empowerment Unit and The Southern Initiative.


6.       Five draft concepts were approved for consultation at the joint local board and mana whenua workshop on 23 November 2016 as follows:


·    Protecting our future

·    Love your centre

·    Celebrate the story

·    Make way for the people

·    A voice for YOUth


7.       These draft concepts have formed the basis for the preparation of the draft IAP. Feedback has been received in relation to the draft concepts and more generally about the future of the Manurewa, Takanini and Papakura area. An update was presented to a further joint workshop on 1 March 2017.


Engagement Strategy


8.       It is proposed that engagement on the draft IAP runs from Monday 3 April 2017 for a 6 week period until Friday 12 May. The six week period makes allowance for Easter, Anzac Day and school holidays within that period.


9.       A series of engagement events are planned around consultation on the draft IAP including:

·    Broadway Street Closure Event on 8 April 2017

·    Manurewa Cultural Event (date tbc)

·    A joint central government and Auckland Council workshop in late April 2017

·    Open days at libraries 


10.     Local Board members will be invited along to each of the engagement events and regular updates will be provided.


11.     In addition there will be a series of targeted stakeholder engagement events including workshops with the Manurewa and Papakura Business Associations, workshops with the Youth Councils and online engagement with youth, workshops with Resident and Ratepayer groups and a Pacific fono event. There is also a comprehensive communications plan which will be implemented. Where possible alignment will be made with engagement on the local board plans.


12.     Feedback received from this engagement will be reviewed and officer recommendations for amendments to the draft IAP will be workshopped with the two local boards and mana whenua well in advance of a final IAP being reported for adoption in August 2017.


Local board views and implications


13.     The IAP covers two Local Board areas, namely Manurewa Local Board and Papakura Local Board. Workshops were held during 2016 with the two Local Boards during the preparation of the draft IAP.


14.     A joint workshop with mana whenua representatives was held on 23 November 2016 to discuss the draft concepts on which the IAP is based. Following this workshop a number of changes to the draft concepts were made.


15.     On 1 March 2017 another joint workshop with both local boards and mana whenua representatives was held to present an overview of the draft IAP and a summary of the feedback to date which has shaped the draft document. 

Māori impact statement


16.     The process of engagement on local area plans with mana whenua and mataawaka in the region has been developed in collaboration with The Southern Initiative and the Community Empowerment Unit. The project team have been responsive to the requests of mana whenua in the development of the draft Integrated Area Plan.


17.     An initial hui was held with representatives from Ngāti Tamatera, Ngāti Tamaoho, Ngāti Te Ata, Te Ahiwaru on 13 September 2016. At this hui it was requested that specialist staff from across the Council family be invited to the next hui to discuss specific areas of interest i.e. water quality, community facilities and transport. The project team acknowledged this request and set up the next hui for 31 October 2016 with the relevant specialist staff present. Feedback from both of these hui shaped the draft concepts on which the draft IAP is based.


18.     Mana whenua representatives have been sitting as a partner at the table with local board members at the workshops. The first joint workshop with mana whenua representatives and local board members was held on 23 November 2016 at which the draft concepts were presented. This joint approach has continued with the second joint workshop held on 1 March 2017 (to which mana whenua were invited) with an update on progress and presentation of a summary of the details of the draft IAP. There is a commitment to continue this approach throughout the project.


19.     The preparation of the draft IAP has required input from across the Council family and beyond. By having a collaborative and inclusive process in the development of the draft concepts and draft IAP we are ensuring that there is a commitment to deliver on the aspirations and actions.  The planning and delivery of this IAP, once finalised, will require agreements with local boards, mana whenua, stakeholders, the public sector and the community to successfully achieve the intended outcomes.  







Manurewa Takanini Papakura Draft Integrated Area Plan





Michael Luong - principal planner


Trevor Watson - Team Leader Planning - South

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017
















Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Improving Māori Input into Local Board Decision Making Update Report - March 2017


File No.: CP2017/03171





1.       Attaching an update on the “improving Māori input into local board decision making” programme of work.

Executive summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      note the report entitled “Improving Māori input into local board decision making update report – March 2017”.








Improving Māori input into local board decision making update report - March 2017





Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017









Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



ATEED six-monthly report to the Manurewa Local Board


File No.: CP2017/03088





1.       To provide the six-monthly report from ATEED on their activities in the local board area.

Executive summary

2.       This report provides the Manurewa Local Board with highlights of ATEED’s activities in the local board area for the six months from 1 July to 31 December 2016.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      receive the ATEED six-monthly report for the period 1 July to 31 December 2016.




3.       This report provides the Local Board with an overview of ATEED activities for discussion.


Local board views and implications

4.       The report is for information only.

Māori impact statement

5.       Māori, as stakeholders in Council, are affected and have an interest in any report on local activities. However, this performance report does not impact specific outcomes or activities. As such, the content of this report has no particular benefit to, or adverse effect on Māori.


6.       N/A







ATEED six-monthly report to the Manurewa Local Board





Paul Robinson, Local Economic Growth Manager (ATEED)

Richard Court, Manager, Operational Strategy and Planning (ATEED)

Samantha-Jane Miranda, Operational Strategy Advisor (ATEED)


Susan Sawbridge, Manager Stakeholder Relations (ATEED)


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017















Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - March 2017


File No.: CP2017/03098





1.       To present the Manurewa Local Board six month Governance Forward Work Calendar.

Executive Summary

2.       This report introduces the Governance Forward Work Calendar: a schedule of items that will come before local boards at business meetings and workshops over the next six months. The Governance Forward Work Calendar for the Manurewa Local Board is included in Attachment A.

3.       The calendar aims to support local boards’ governance role by:

·    ensuring advice on agendas and workshop material is driven by local board priorities

·    clarifying what advice is required and when

·    clarifying the rationale for reports.

4.       The calendar will be updated every month, be included on the agenda for business meetings and distributed to relevant council staff. It is recognised that at times items will arise that are not programmed. Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar.




That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      note the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar as at February 2017.




5.       The council’s Quality Advice Programme aims to improve the focus, analysis, presentation and timeliness of staff advice to elected representatives. An initiative under this is to develop forward work calendars for governing body committees and local boards. These provide elected members with better visibility of the types of governance tasks they are being asked to undertake and when they are scheduled.

6.       Although the document is new, there are no new projects in the Governance Forward Work Calendar. The calendar brings together in one schedule reporting on all of the board’s projects and activities previously approved in the local board plan, long-term plan, departmental work programmes and through other board decisions. It includes governing body policies and initiatives that call for a local board response.

7.       This initiative is intended to support the boards’ governance role. It will also help staff to support local boards, as an additional tool to manage workloads and track activities across council departments, and it will allow greater transparency for the public.

8.       The calendar is arranged in three columns, “Topic”, “Purpose” and “Governance Role”:

·    Topic describes the items and may indicate how they fit in with broader processes such as the annual plan

·    Purpose indicates the aim of the item, such as formally approving plans or projects, hearing submissions or receiving progress updates

·    Governance role is a higher-level categorisation of the work local boards do. Examples of the seven governance categories are tabled below.

Governance role


Setting direction/priorities/budget

Capex projects, work programmes, annual plan

Local initiatives/specific decisions

Grants, road names, alcohol bans

Input into regional decision-making

Comments on regional bylaws, policies, plans

Oversight and monitoring

Local board agreement, quarterly performance reports, review projects

Accountability to the public

Annual report


Community hui, submissions processes

Keeping informed

Briefings, cluster workshops


9.       Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar. The calendar will be updated and reported back every month to business meetings. Updates will also be distributed to relevant council staff.


Local Board views and implications

10.     All local boards are being presented with Governance Forward Work Calendars for their consideration.

Māori impact statement

11.     The projects and processes referred to in the Governance Forward Work Calendar will have a range of implications for Māori which will be considered when the work is reported.


12.     Staff will review the calendar each month in consultation with board members and will report an updated calendar to the board.







Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Programme - March 2016





Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017




Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Reports Requested - Pending - Issues


File No.: CP2017/03101





1.       Providing an update on reports requested and issues raised at previous meetings.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      note the report entitled “reports requested – pending – issues”.







Manurewa Local Board reports requested pending listing - March 2016





Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017





Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term


File No.: CP2017/03102





1.       Providing an opportunity for members to record the achievements of the Manurewa Local Board for the 2016 – 2019 Political Term.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      request the following additions be added to the Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register for the 2016 – 2019 Political Term:









Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term





Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017








Board Meeting Date



15 December 2016

Supported and funded the Manurewa Santa parade


15 December 2016

Supported and funded the Manurewa Christmas in the Park


15 December 2016

Supported and funded the Santa in the carpark event


15 December 2016

Held two citizenship ceremonies


15 December 2016

Supported and funded the annual Armistice Day


15 December 2016

Part funded the Counties Manukau Sports Awards


15 December 2016

Attended the Manurewa Youth Council annual general meeting


26 January 2017

Attended the Squash Club mural unveiling


26 January 2017

Attended the 2017 Youth Trans-Tasman Touch Test Series at Mounfort Park


16 February 2017

Funded the delivery of Movies in Parks at Keith Park, Weymouth on 28 January 2017


16 February 2017

Attended the Hayman Park Waitangi Day Event


16 February 2017

Funded and attended the Manurewa Waitangi Day Event


16 February 2017

Contributed to a joint submission with the Papakura Local Board on the Point England Development Enabling Bill


16 February 2017

Participated in the organisation “Plastic Diet” working bee to beautify Weymouth Beach


16 February 2017

Attended the “Makers Market” held at Manurewa High School


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board


File No.: CP2017/03103





1.       Providing an opportunity for the board to receive reports and resolutions that have been referred from governing body committee meetings or forums or other local boards for the information. 


2.       At the time the agenda was compiled no reports and resolutions had been referred from governing body committee meetings or forums or other local boards.  However, the second quarter 2016/2017 report from Regional Facilities Auckland was circulated to members.




That the Manurewa Local Board


a)      note the information from the following governing body committee meetings or forums or other local boards meetings:



Report Title

Item no.

Meeting Date

Governing Body Committee or Forum or Local Board



Regional Facilities Auckland Second Quarter Report 2016-17



Regional Facilities Auckland





There are no attachments for this report.     



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017



Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes


File No.: CP2017/03104





1.       Notes are attached for the Manurewa Local Board workshops held on 23 February and 2 March 2017.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      note the Manurewa Local Board workshop notes for the meetings held on 23 February and 2 March 2017.







23 February 2017 - Manurewa Local Board workshop record



2 March 2017 - Manurewa Local Board workshop record





Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017







Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017









Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017











Item 8.1      Attachment a    Letter from Anton van de Weele, National Financial Manager, New Zealand Amercian Football Federation Page 141

Manurewa Local Board

16 March 2017