Kaipātiki Local Board
Minutes of the meeting of the Kaipātiki Local Board held in the Kaipātiki Local Board Office, 90 Bentley Avenue, Glenfield on Wednesday, 19 April 2017 at 4.00pm.
Chairperson |
Danielle Grant |
Deputy Chairperson |
John Gillon |
Members |
Paula Gillon |
Ann Hartley, JP |
Anne-Elise Smithson |
Adrian Tyler |
From 4.01pm, Item 2 |
Lindsay Waugh |
From 4.50pm, Item 12 |
Kay McIntyre, QSM |
Councillor |
Richard Hills |
Kaipātiki Local Board 19 April 2017 |
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
Resolution number KT/2017/42 MOVED by Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Member P Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member Kay McIntyre for absence and member Lindsay Waugh for lateness.
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number KT/2017/43 MOVED by Member A Smithson, seconded by Chairperson D Grant: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 15 March 2017, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
7.1 |
Petition - Ruth Jackson and Cindy Starnes-Koroi – Save Frank Larking’s Boat |
Ruth Jackson and Cindy Starnes-Koroi were in attendance to present a petition to the Kaipātiki Local Board regarding Save Frank Larking’s Boat. Petition Prayer
“We oppose the removal of the Frank Larkings Boat and request that Council continue to maintain it at its current mooring in Beach Haven.”
A copy of the petition was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes.
Secretarial note: It was noted that Ruth Jackson and Cindy Starnes-Koroi would address the board regarding the petition during their deputation at item 8.1. |
Resolution number KT/2017/44 MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receive the petition regarding Save Frank Larking’s Boat. |
8 Deputations
8.1 |
Ruth Jackson and Cindy Starnes-Koroi were in attendance to address the Kaipatiki Local Board regarding Frank Larking’s boat. |
Resolution number KT/2017/45 MOVED by Member A Hartley, seconded by Member A Tyler: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receive the deputation from Ruth Jackson and Cindy Starnes-Koroi. b) thank Ruth Jackson and Cindy Starnes-Koroi for their attendance and presentation.
8.2 |
Peter Taylor of the Birkenhead Town Centre Association was in attendance to address the Kaipatiki Local Board regarding the Birkenhead Mainstreet Upgrade Stage Two. |
Resolution number KT/2017/46 MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receive the deputation from Peter Taylor of the Birkenhead Town Centre Association. b) thank Peter Taylor and the Birkenhead Town Centre Association for their attendance and presentation.
8.3 |
Gillian Taylor of the Birkenhead Residents Association was in attendance to address the Kaipatiki Local Board regarding the Birkenhead Mainstreet Upgrade Stage Two. |
Resolution number KT/2017/47 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Smithson: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receive the deputation from Gillian Taylor of the Birkenhead Residents Association. b) thank Gillian Taylor and the Birkenhead Residents Association for their attendance and presentation.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Nick Kearney was in attendance to address the meeting regarding the Birkenhead Mainstreet Upgrade Stage Two. |
Resolution number KT/2017/48 MOVED by Member A Hartley, seconded by Member P Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receive the public forum presentation from Nick Kearney. b) thank Nick Kearney for his attendance and presentation.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
Julie Crabb, Principal Project Manager, Community Facilities, was in attendance to discuss the Hilders Park Boat Update. |
Resolution number KT/2017/49 MOVED by Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Member A Tyler: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receive the results for the consultation feedback for the Hilders Park (Larking’s Landing) boat renewal project. b) request Community Facilities staff investigate options for retaining the current boat at Hilders Park (Larking’s Landing), including the following factors: i) location – including remaining in the water or being relocated on to the adjacent reserve; ii) ownership and management – including owned and maintained by council; owned and maintained by the community; or a combination of the previous two scenarios; iii) cost – both capital expenditure and operational expenditure for any of the options considered; iv) timeframe. c) note that the Hilders Park (Larking’s Landing) boat renewal project will be on hold until the options assessment is completed and reported back to the board, noting: i) the current boat must continue to meet health and safety requirements during the options assessment process, and, if it fails to do so, may be required to be closed off for periods of time to undertake temporary repairs, or closed off indefinitely. d) thank staff for constructively responding to the community feedback by recommending the appropriate process to investigate options to retain the current boat.
13 |
Duncan Miller, Senior Engineer, Auckland Transport and Nick Seymour, Development Programmes Lead, Development Programme Office were in attendance to discuss the Birkenhead Mainstreet Upgrade Stage Two. |
Resolution number KT/2017/50 MOVED by Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) approve design Option One specifically related to the decking and public area around the Norfolk Island pine tree, noting that the full design is now approved and the project is able to progress to tender and subsequently physical works. b) agree the public areas around the Norfolk Pine tree are to remain available for non-exclusive public use. c) request that bench seating is included on the retaining wall, as per the option Two as outlined in the agenda report. d) request that new street lights around the roundabout are in addition to existing globe lighting, rather than in place of the globe lighting. e) request that additional carparking on Enterprise Street and in Rawene Carpark is investigated and reported back to the board.
Secretarial note: Member Ann Hartley and Member Lindsay Waugh abstained from voting on the above resolutions. |
Local Board Services Monthly Report - April 2017 |
Julie Crabb, Principal Project Manager, Community Facilities, was in attendance to discuss the playspace at 134 -136 Birkdale Road. |
MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) note that amendments have been made to the detailed design of the 136 Birkdale Road car park, entrance plaza and playspace under delegated authority on 3 April 2017. b) approve the allocation of $19,390 from the Small Park Top Ups/response fund project line of its locally driven initiatives capital budget towards the supply and install of the following at 134 -136 Birkdale Road: i) notice board - $5,960; ii) seat around the playspace - $2,300; and iii) stepping logs back into the playspace - $11,400. c) request inclusion of a shade sail over the playspace. d) endorse the board's feedback (Attachment A to the agenda report) on Project 17: Auckland Council Maintenance Contracts that the Finance and Performance Committee considered at its 30 March 2017 meeting. e) endorse the board's feedback (Attachment B to the agenda report) on Central Government’s Clean Water Package that the Environment and Community Committee considered at its 4 April 2017 meeting. f) note the Kaipātiki Local Board governance forward work calendar – April 2017.
MOVED by Member A Hartley, seconded by Member L Waugh: Moved an amendment to the original motion as follows That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) replace c with ‘allocate $37,000 from the Small Park Top Ups/response fund project line of its locally driven initiatives capital budget to reinstate the artificial grass surface on the mound in the playspace, rather than natural grass.’
The amendment was put to the vote by a show of hands and was declared LOST by 2 votes for to 5 votes against.
MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Member A Smithson: Moved an amendment to the original motion as follows That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) include the following additional point under resolution b ‘allocate $37,000 from the Small Park Top Ups/response fund project line of its locally driven initiatives capital budget to reinstate the artificial grass surface on the mound in the playspace, rather than natural grass.’
The amendment was put and declared:
Secretarial note: Changes to c) of the substantive motion were made in agreement with the mover and seconder. |
The Chair then put the substantive notion. |
Resolution number KT/2017/51 MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) note that amendments have been made to the detailed design of the 136 Birkdale Road car park, entrance plaza and playspace under delegated authority on 3 April 2017. b) approve the allocation of $56,390 from the Small Park Top Ups/response fund project line of its locally driven initiatives capital budget towards the supply and install of the following at 134-136 Birkdale Road: i) notice board - $5,960; ii) seat around the playspace - $2,300; iii) stepping logs back into the playspace - $11,400; and iv) reinstate the artificial grass surface on the mound in the playspace, rather than natural grass - $37,000. c) request inclusion of a shade sail over the playspace with a budget allocation of up to $25,000 from the Small Park Top Ups/response fund project line of its locally driven initiatives capital budget. d) endorse the board's feedback (Attachment A to the agenda report) on Project 17: Auckland Council Maintenance Contracts that the Finance and Performance Committee considered at its 30 March 2017 meeting. e) endorse the board's feedback (Attachment B to the agenda report) on Central Government’s Clean Water Package that the Environment and Community Committee considered at its 4 April 2017 meeting. f) note the Kaipātiki Local Board governance forward work calendar – April 2017.
The meeting adjourned at 6.44pm and recovened at 6.49pm.
Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six-Monthly Update 1 September 2016 to 28 February 2017 |
Ali van Barneveld, Senior Engagement Advisor, Panuku Development Auckland and Alastair Cameron, Manager, CCO/External Partnerships team, Auckland Council Governance were in attendance to discuss the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six-Monthly Update 1 September 2016 to 28 February 2017. |
Resolution number KT/2017/52 MOVED by Member L Waugh, seconded by Member A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) note the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Update 1 September 2016 to 28 February 2017.
Kaipatiki Quick Response, Round Three 2016/2017 |
Caroline Teh, Community Grants Advisor, Operations - Commercial and Finance was in attendance to discuss Kaipatiki Quick Response, Round Three 2016/2017. |
Resolution number KT/2017/53 MOVED by Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Member A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) approve the following allocation of funding for the Kaipātiki Local Board Quick Response Round Three 2016/2017 as listed in the table below:
Kaipatiki Local Board Community Grants Programme 2017/2018 |
Caroline Teh, Community Grants Advisor, Operations - Commercial and Finance, and Fran Hayton, Environmental Grants and Incentives Manager, Operations - Commercial and Finance was in attendance to discuss Kaipatiki Local Board Community Grants Programme 2017/2018. |
Resolution number KT/2017/54 MOVED by Member A Hartley, seconded by Chairperson D Grant: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) adopt the Kaipātiki Local Board Community Grants Programme 2017/2018. b) approve the Kaipātiki Local Board Community Grants Programme 2017/2018 being updated with the outcomes in the adopted Kaipātiki Local Board Plan 2017-2020 in time for the opening of Local Grant round three.
Auckland Transport Monthly Update - April 2017 |
Marilyn Nicholls, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport was in attendance to discuss the Auckland Transport Monthly Update - April 2017. |
Resolution number KT/2017/55 MOVED by Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) note the Auckland Transport Monthly Update Kaipātiki Local Board April 2017.
Grant of new community lease to Shakti Community Council Incorporated for premises at the Mayfield Centre, 5 Mayfield Road, Glenfield |
Resolution number KT/2017/56 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) grant a new community lease to Shakti Community Council Incorporated (Shakti) for the 9.9 m² being the premises (outlined red in Attachment A of the agenda report) in the Mayfield Centre, 5 Mayfield Road, Glenfield subject to the following: i. the surrender of the monthly tenancy dated 15 September 2008 held by Shakti for the premises currently occupied in the Mayfield Centre with effect from 1 May 2017; ii. term – one year commencing 1 May 2017 with one right of renewal for one year; iii. rent – $1.00 plus Goods and Services Tax per annum if requested; iv. operational charge (including utilities) – $247.50 per annum plus Goods and Services Tax; and v. Shakti Community Outcomes Plan as approved being attached to the lease document (refer to Attachment B of the agenda report). b) approve all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012.
Business Improvement District (BID) Programme Annual Report to Kaipātiki Local Board |
Alastair Cameron, Manager, CCO/External Partnerships team, Auckland Council Governance was in attendance to discuss the Business Improvement District (BID) Programme Annual Report to Kaipātiki Local Board. An updated version of Attachment D to the agenda report, titled ‘Two Year Comparison of BID Targeted Rates Revenues for all BIDs’ was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number KT/2017/57 MOVED by Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Member A Smithson: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) recommends to the governing body to strike the targeted rate for the Birkenhead Business Improvement District programme for the 2017/18 financial year and include this amount in the 2017/2018 Annual Plan. b) defer recommending striking the targeted rate for the Northcote Business Improvement District programme for the 2017/2018 financial year pending a report to the board by June 2017, noting that the report will provide a full update on Northcote’s compliance with Business Improvement District policy requirements since the end of the 2015-2016 financial year, with recommendations based on Business Improvement District operations to date.
a Two Year Comparison of BID Targeted Rates Revenues for all BIDs |
28 Procedural motion to exclude the public |
Resolution number KT/2017/62 MOVED by Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Member A Smithson: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. b) agree that Councillor Richard Hills be permitted to remain for Confidential Item C1Trustee Appointment to Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust (KCFT) after the public has been excluded, because of their knowledge of Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust, which will help the Kaipātiki Local Board in its decision-making. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:
C1 Trustee Appointment to Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust (KCFT)
The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting.
7.56pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
8.06pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
14 |
Andy Roche, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Services was in attendance to discuss the Approval of the draft Kaipātiki Local Board Plan 2017. An updated version of Attachment B to the agenda report, titled ‘Draft Kaipātiki Local Board Plan Summary’ was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number KT/2017/58 MOVED by Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) approves the draft Kaipātiki Local Board Plan 2017 for public consultation using the Special Consultative Procedure (Attachment A). b) approves the Kaipātiki Local Board Plan 2017 summary as tabled. c) delegates the Chairperson to approve any corrections or minor edits that are required to the draft local board plan or the household summary document. d) approves the scheduled formal engagement events, as follows: i. Have your Say drop in event, 4.00pm, Thursday 15 June 2017, Birkenhead Library; and ii. Have your Say Community Forum event, 1.00pm, Wednesday 28 June 2017, Kaipātiki Local Board office 90 Bentley Avenue, Glenfield.
a Draft Kaipātiki Local Board Plan Summary |
22 |
Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting 2017 |
Resolution number KT/2017/59 MOVED by Member A Hartley, seconded by Member A Tyler: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) nominate Chairperson Danielle Grant and Member Anne-Elise Smithson to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2017 Conference and Annual General Meeting from Sunday 23 July to Tuesday 25 July 2017; b) confirm that conference attendance, including travel and accommodation, will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy; and c) note that any members who wish to attend the Annual General Meeting must provide their names to the Kura Kāwana project team as soon as possible to ensure they are registered with Local Government New Zealand.
Secretarial note: Deputy Chairperson John Gillon abstained from voting on the above resolutions. |
23 |
Resolution number KT/2017/60 MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Member A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) agree the following comments be reported back to governing body for inclusion in the Auckland Council’s submission to the Justice and Electoral Select Committee’s ‘Inquiry into the 2016 local authority elections’: i) support vacancies occurring within six months of election day be filled with the next highest polling candidate; ii) support moving the election date away from school holidays – bringing forward one week; iii) support the requirement to state whether candidate resides in the area; iv) supports access to data associated with the roll; v) supports electronic nominations and candidate profile statements; vi) supports legislation to promote elections by local authorities; vii) support extending the final close of ‘election day’; viii) support separating district health board elections and aligning these with parliamentary elections; and ix) support the trial of online voting. b) provide the following additional comments about the 2016 local authority elections to the governing body outside of the scope of the select committee inquiry: i) support the reinstatement of candidate information sessions; and ii) support the online format of candidate information being investigated.
24 |
Governing Body and Independent Maori Statutory Board Members' Update |
There were no Governing Body or Independent Maori Statutory Board member updates. |
26 |
Workshop Records - Kaipātiki Local Board Workshops - Wednesday 8 March 2017, Wednesday 15 March 2017 and Wednesday 22 March 2017 |
Resolution number KT/2017/61 MOVED by Member A Hartley, seconded by Chairperson D Grant: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receive the records for the Kaipātiki Local Board workshops held on Wednesday 8 March 2017, Wednesday 15 March 2017 and Wednesday 22 March 2017.
27 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
8.32 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.