I hereby give notice that an extraordinary meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 3 May 2017 3:15pm Albert Eden
Local Board Office |
Albert-Eden Local Board
Chairperson |
Peter Haynes |
Deputy Chairperson |
Glenda Fryer |
Members |
Lee Corrick |
Graeme Easte |
Rachel Langton |
Ben Lee |
Jessica Rose |
Margi Watson |
(Quorum 4 members)
Michael Mendoza Democracy Advisor
2 May 2017
Contact Telephone: (021) 809 149 Email: Michael.Mendoza@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Albert-Eden Local Board 03 May 2017 |
14 Proposed
Uptown Inc Approval of the Uptown Business Improvement
District BID Programme and Target Rate 5
Albert-Eden Local Board 03 May 2017 |
Uptown Inc Approval of the Uptown Business Improvement
District BID Programme and Target Rate
File No.: CP2017/07479
1. To approve the Uptown Incorporated Business Improvement District (BID) expansion.
2. To recommend to the Governing Body the striking of the Uptown BID target rate as shown in the Draft Annual Plan 2017-2018.
Executive summary
3. The Auckland Council Business Improvement District Policy 2016 (BID Policy 2016) requires that Local Boards approve any BID programme boundary changes, and recommend to the Governing Body the striking of the targeted rates (BID Policy, 2016, section 3, Table 1, and BID Policy Operating Standards section 2.1).
4. The Uptown Inc BID programme expansion includes business properties located in both the Waitemata Local Board and Albert Eden Local Board areas.
5. The Albert Eden Local Board approved the proposed Uptown BID boundary map at a business meeting on 7 December 2016 (Resolution AE/2016/219).
6. The Waitematā Local Board approved the proposed Uptown BID boundary map at a business meeting on 21 February 2017 (Resolution WTM/2017/14).
7. Uptown Inc. has completed all requirements outlined in the BID Policy (2016) relating to the expansion of a BID programme. Council officers are satisfied that the process has been followed to its fullest extent. An important part of the process is the undertaking of a democratic ballot; completed by Uptown Inc. in March 2017 and resulting in a favourable result.
8. The proposed expansion will increase the Uptown BID targeted rate amount from $180,000 to $270.000 per annum; an increase of $90,000, to take effect 1 July 2017. The increase in the BID targeted rate will be funded by the increased number of properties within the enlarged BID area.
9. This report informs the Albert Eden Local Board that the Uptown Inc. BID expansion project has met the requirements of the BID Policy (2016) and requests their approval. It also seeks a recommendation to the Governing Body regarding the striking of the BID target rate on July 1 2017
That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) Approve the Uptown Incorporated proposed Business Improvement District boundary expansion to include properties identified in a map of the proposed BID boundary attached as Appendix A. b) recommend to the Governing Body the striking of the Uptown Business Improvement District targeted rate amount of $270,000, as shown in the Draft Annual Plan 2017-2018. |
10. Uptown Inc. Business Association has been a BID since 2012 and is one of 48 BIDs operating across the Auckland Region.
11. Uptown Inc. is a significant player in facilitating and creating local economic development in Waitematā Local Board area, and has currently over 500 businesses and property owners involved in the existing BID programme.
12. Uptown Inc. currently collects $180,000 (excluding GST) per annum from the BID target rate approach.
13. Uptown Inc. signaled their intention to expand their BID boundary at their 2016 Uptown Inc. Annual General Meeting held on 28 September 2016.
14. The BID Policy (2016) states there are two areas of a BID expansion project that require approval by the appropriate local board as follows:
· BID Policy Table 1, page 9, Partner roles: Local boards (as a whole) have allocated governance and decision-making:
- Approval of BID programme boundary maps
- Approval of BID programme boundary expansions
· BID Policy Appendix 2 page 51, criteria 9: The local board pass a resolution (noted in the local board meeting minutes) approving the proposed BID programme map and support for the project.
· BID Policy Appendix 2 page 63, criteria 22: A resolution noted in the local board meeting minutes approving the BID programme and boundary and recommending to the governing body to strike the BID programme targeted rate grant on 1 July.
15. The proposed 2017 Uptown BID programme expansion includes businesses located in the area defined by Dominion Rd, Brentwood Ave, Sylvan Ave, Mt Eden Rd, Normanby Rd and the Southern Motorway. This expansion includes businesses and business zoned properties located within the Albert-Eden Local Board and Waitematā Local Board area. A map of the proposed BID boundary expansion is attached as Appendix A.
16. The Uptown BID programme and boundary will increase from 500 members to approximately 680 members. The BID target rate will increase from $180,000 to $270,000 as of 1 July 2017.
17. The Uptown Inc. requires the approval from both Albert Eden Local Board and the Waitematā Local Board on the proposed Uptown BID expansion boundary map.
18. The Albert Eden Local Board approved the Uptown BID boundary map at a business meeting on 7 December 2016 (Resolution AE/2016/219).
19. The Waitematā Local Board approved the Uptown BID boundary map at a business meeting on 21 February 2017 (Resolution WTM/2017/14).
20. All BID expansion projects requires Local Board approval after the completion of the BID expansion project, voter engagement, and ballot result. This is to ensure the Local Board has the opportunity to view the final outcome of the completed BID expansion project, review the ballot results, and are satisfied the BID expansion project has been completed in accordance with the BID Policy (2016).
21. As part of the requirements of section 6 and Appendix 2 of the BID Policy (2016), Uptown Inc completed the following requirements:
· Developed and implemented a communication plan to highlight the opportunities, the project and benefits of being a part of the Uptown BID programme;
· Development of a detailed database of eligible voters (business owners and property ratepayers) located in the expansion area, and to be used to send out the BID expansion postal ballot voting documents;
· Consulted with council officers regarding the approach to their expansion project and ballot;
· Held a minimum of three public meetings encouraging eligible voters to attend and take part in an information briefing and a question and answer session.
Full details of this process are outlined in the report attached as Attachment B completed by Uptown Inc.
22. An important stage of the process is the ballot which seeks a mandate from the eligible voters located within the expansion area. This ballot was undertaken between 6 March and 31 March 2017. Election Services Ltd, the independent polling service provider, was commissioned by Uptown Inc to undertake this work.
23. The BID Policy (2016) requires a successful ballot to achieve a threshold of at least 25% of the total voting forms returned. Of the returned votes, a minimum of 51% of the votes must be in favour of the proposition raised on the ballot form to achieve a mandate.
24. For the ballot 290 envelopes containing information where lodged with NZ Post on 3 March.
25. Each envelope contained the following:
· An Uptown Inc. BID programme information booklet (see Appendix 3) including:
- A summary of achievements;
- The purpose of the ballot including the benefits of being part of the Uptown BID programme;
- Uptown BID target rate information;
- Map of the Uptown BID expansion area and current BID area.
· Ballot form;
· Prepaid envelope for returning the ballot form;
· Contact details for eligible voters to make enquiries.
26. The question on the ballot form asked: Do you support the expansion of the Uptown Business Improvement District (BID) programme (to include the area shown on the accompanying map) which is to be delivered by Uptown Inc business association and accordingly support the paying of a targeted rate?
27. The result of the expansion ballot when voting closed 12 noon on the 31 March 2017 was that 26.9% (78) of eligible voters had returned their vote. Of those who voted, 64.1% (50) voted yes to the question. 35.9% (28) voted no.
28. Election Services Ltd. has provided a report outlining the ballot process, results and voting documents. See Appendix C.
29. Uptown Inc held a Special General Meeting (SGM) on 26 April 2017 passing a special resolution approving the Uptown BID new enlarged programme, boundary, 2017/2018 budget and other related support documents. The SGM information is contained in Appendix D.
30. Council officers are satisfied that Uptown Inc has met all the requirements for a successful expansion as per the BID Policy (2016), including a robust consultation, development of an effective database, quality ballot process and clear planning documents on how funds will be used if successful.
31. Council officers are supportive of the proposed new enlarged Uptown BID programme and boundary. There are no reasons under the BID Policy (2016) not to support the proposed new enlarged Uptown BID programme and boundary.
32. This report request the Albert Eden Local Board recommends to the Governing Body the striking of the target rate amount of $270,000 to commence 1 July 2017.
Local board views and implications
33. The outcome from the Uptown Inc. BID expansion project will result in the newly enlarged Uptown BID programme and boundary to be part of both the Waitematā Local Board and Albert Eden Local Board areas.
34. The Albert Eden Local Board approved the Uptown BID boundary map at a business meeting on 7 December 2016. Resolution AE/2016/219.
35. The Waitematā Local Board approved the Uptown BID boundary map at a business meeting on 21 February 2017. Resolution WTM/2017/14.
36. The Waitematā Local Board will consider the approval of the proposed Uptown Inc BID expansion project at their business meeting on 16 May 2017.
Māori impact statement
37. Maori Businesses located within the Uptown Inc. BID expansion boundary map have been included in the ballot process under the same policy regulations as non-Maori businesses. A BID programme may identify opportunities for niche support or development of any Maori business sector in the area.
38. The funding of the enlarged Uptown BID programme and BID targeted rate amount of $270,000 is gained through a BID targeted rate levied on property owners; therefore this will be cost neutral to Auckland Council and Local Board. The increase in the BID targeted rate will be funded by the increased number of properties within the enlarged BID area.
39. The funding of the $270,000 Uptown BID target rate is identified in both the Waitematā Local Board and Albert Eden Local Board 2017/2018 budgets.
40. Following approval by the Governing Body to strike the Uptown BID target rate as per the annual plan process, council officers will inform Uptown Inc. confirming the amount of BID target rate to be struck on 1 July 2017.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Proposed Uptown Inc. BID Expansion map |
11 |
b⇩ |
Uptown Inc BID Expansion Report 2017 |
13 |
c⇩ |
Election Services Ltd Uptown Inc. BID Expansion Report 2017 |
19 |
d⇩ |
Uptown Inc SGM Minutes 26 April 2017 |
29 |
Author |
Claire Siddens - BID Partnership Advisor |
Authorisers |
Alastair Cameron - Manager - CCO Governance & External Partnerships Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards |