Environment and Community Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Environment and Community Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 at 9.37am.
Chairperson |
Cr Penny Hulse |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Members |
IMSB Member James Brown |
Cr Ross Clow |
Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Until 11.44am, Item 11 |
Cr Chris Darby |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
From 9.50am, Item 5.1 Until 12.03pm, Item 12 |
Mayor Hon Phil Goff, JP |
Until 12.24pm, Item 12 |
Cr Richard Hills |
Cr Denise Lee |
Until 2.28pm, Item 17 |
Cr Mike Lee |
From 9.46am, Item 5.1 |
Cr Daniel Newman, JP |
Cr Dick Quax |
Until 1.14pm, Item 13 |
Cr Desley Simpson, JP |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
Until 12.24pm, Item 12 |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr John Watson |
From 9.41am, Item 5.1 Until 3.21pm, Item 18 |
IMSB Member Glenn Wilcox |
Deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore |
Cr Cathy Casey |
Cr Greg Sayers |
Tauanu’u Nick Bakulich, Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board |
Shale Chambers, Deputy Chair Waitemata Local Board |
Angela Dalton, Chair Manurewa Local Board |
Carrol Elliott, Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board |
Mary Gush, Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board |
Lemauga Sosene, Chair Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board |
Walter Togiamua, Deputy Chair Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board |
Environment and Community Committee 16 May 2017 |
1 Apologies
Resolution number ENV/2017/59 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr C Darby: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) accept the apologies from Deputy Mayor B Cashmore for absence on council business, Cr C Casey and Cr G Sayers for absence, Cr L Cooper, Cr D Lee and Cr D Quax for early departure and Cr C Fletcher for lateness and early departure. |
2 Declaration of Interest
Mayor P Goff declared an interest in Item 15 – 49 Nihill Crescent, Mission Bay – Recommendation Reports on Reserve Revocation.
Independent Maori Statutory Board Member James Brown declared an interest in Item 14 – 161R Maraetai Drive, Maraetai – Recommendation Report on Reserve Revocation and Item 15 – 49 Nihill Crescent, Mission Bay – Recommendation Reports on Reserve Revocation.
Cr S Stewart declared an interest in Item 5.1 – Public Input - Rob Mouncey, Howick & District Historical Society - Cultural heritage sector review - terms of reference.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number ENV/2017/60 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 4 April 2017, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
4 Petitions
There were no petitions.
5 Public Input
5.1 |
Public Input – Rob Mouncey, Howick & District Historical Society - Cultural heritage sector review - terms of reference |
Rob Mouncey and Kerry Powell on behalf of Howick & District Historical Society gave a presentation in relation to the Howick Historical Village review. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Cr M Lee entered the meeting at 9.46 am. Cr C Fletcher entered the meeting at 9.50 am. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/61 MOVED by Cr S Stewart, seconded by Cr D Quax: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) receive the presentation from Rob Mouncey and Kerry Powell on behalf of the Howick & District Historical society regarding the cultural heritage sector review – terms of reference and thank them for their attendance. |
a 16 May 2017, Environment and Community Committee - Item 5.1 - Rob Mouncey, Howick & District Historical Society - Cultural heritage sector review - terms of reference, Presentation |
5.2 |
Public Input – Sandra Coney - Variation to incorporate land at Piha into the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park |
Sandra Coney and Peter Hosking addressed the committee . A presentation was given in support of the item. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/62 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr L Cooper: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) receive the presentation from Sandra Coney and Peter Hosking regarding the Variation to incorporate land at Piha into the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park and thank them for their attendance. |
a 16 May 2017, Environment and Community Committee - Item 5.2 - Sandra Coney - Variation to incorporate land at Piha into the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park, Presentation |
6 Local Board Input
Local Board Input –Mangere-Otahuhu Local Boards in relation to Item 18 - Sport and Recreation Community Access Scheme |
There were no speakers to this item. |
7 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
8 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
9 |
Options to address inequitable impacts of the region-wide swimming pool pricing policy |
Angela Dalton, Chair Manurewa Local Board spoke to the Committee on this item. Mary Gush, Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board Member spoke to the Committee on this item. Lemauga Sosene, Chair Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board spoke to the Committee on this item and gave a presentation. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. Carrol Elliott, Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board Member spoke to the Committee on this item. Cr C Darby left the meeting at 10.49 am. |
Staff gave a presentation. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Note: Changes to the original motion were incorporated by way of the addition of clauses c) and d), with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/63 MOVED by Cr J Walker, seconded by Cr D Newman: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) agree that the status quo will remain in the short-term as there is no budgetary allocation available for addressing inequitable impact in the South of the region-wide swim pool pricing policy. b) agree that any changes to the policy that require additional resources can only be considered, and implemented depending on agreed priorities identified during the development of the Long-term Plan 2018-2028. c) request staff to refer this matter again to Local Boards for further consultation as part of the Long-term Plan process. d) refer this matter for further consideration in the Long-term Plan process. |
a 16 May 2017, Environment and Community Committee - Item 9 - Options to address inequitable impacts of the region-wide swimming pool pricing policy - Lemauga Sosene - Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board presentation b 16 May 2017, Environment and Community Committee - Item 9 - Options to address inequitable impacts of the region-wide swimming pool pricing policy, Presentation |
10 |
Auckland cultural heritage sector review: proposed terms of reference |
Cr C Darby returned to the meeting at 11.02 am. Cr J Watson left the meeting at 11.38 am. |
Note: Changes to the original motion were incorporated by way of the addition of clause c), with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/64 MOVED by Cr L Cooper, seconded by Cr C Fletcher: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) approve the draft terms of reference for the independent review of Auckland Council’s investment in major cultural heritage institutions b) authorise the chair of the committee to make minor amendments to the terms of reference based on feedback of the committee. c) request that staff in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Environment and Community Committee appoint a panel to make appointments for the review. |
11 |
Auckland Council's submission on the Land Transport (Vehicle User Safety) Amendment Bill |
Cr J Watson returned to the meeting at 11.44 am. Cr L Cooper left the meeting at 11.44 am. Cr R Clow left the meeting at 11.44 am. Cr W Walker left the meeting at 11.44 am. Cr R Clow returned to the meeting at 11.49 am. Cr W Walker returned to the meeting at 11.57 am. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/65 MOVED by Cr D Lee, seconded by Cr E Collins: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) approve Auckland Council’s submission to the Transport and Industrial Relations Select Committee on the Land Transport (Vehicle User Safety) Amendment Bill as contained in Attachment A of the report. b) appoint Cr A Filipaina to appear before the Transport and Industrial Relations Select Committee on behalf of Auckland Council. |
12 |
Tākaro - Investing in Play Discussion Document approval for consultation |
Cr C Fletcher left the meeting at 12.03 pm. A presentation was provided. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/66 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina, seconded by Cr E Collins: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) approve the public release of the ‘Tākaro – Investing in Play’ discussion document (Attachment A of the report) for formal engagement with local boards, key stakeholders, and the general public from 29 May to 10 July 2017. |
a 16 May 2017, Environment and Community Committee - Item 12 - Tākaro - Investing in Play Discussion Document approval for consultation, presentation |
The meeting adjourned at 12.24pm.
The meeting reconvened at 1.01pm.
Cr C Darby, Mayor P Goff, Cr J Walker and Cr W Walker were not present.
13 |
Cr W Walker returned to the meeting at 1.07 pm. Cr D Quax left the meeting at 1.14 pm. Cr C Darby returned to the meeting at 1.32 pm. Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina left the meeting at 1.32 pm. Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina returned to the meeting at 1.37 pm. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/67 MOVED by Cr D Lee, seconded by Cr J Watson: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) approve the acquisition at no cost to council, of approximately 1795m2 of land for a pocket park within Stage 2B of the Fenchurch Special Housing Area, Glen Innes as shown in Attachment B of this report on the condition that the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board funds maintenance costs and renewals from its Local Discretionary Initiative (LDI) budget and that this be included in the local board agreement. |
Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, Cr Clow requested his dissenting vote be recorded. |
14 |
161R Maraetai Drive, Maraetai - Recommendation Report on Reserve Revocation |
Resolution number ENV/2017/68 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina, seconded by Chairperson P Hulse: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) accept the recommendation of the independent commissioner that Auckland Council proceed with its application to the Department of Conservation to uplift the reserve status of Lot 12 DP 34466 (161R Maraetai Drive, Maraetai). |
15 |
49 Nihill Crescent, Mission Bay - Recommendation Report on Reserve Revocation |
Cr E Collins left the meeting at 1.55 pm. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/69 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina, seconded by Chairperson P Hulse: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) accept the recommendation of the independent commissioner that Auckland Council proceed with its application to the Department of Conservation to uplift the reserve status of Lot 2 DP 21200 (49 Nihill Crescent, Mission Bay). b) address the appropriate level of kohekohe tree protection, as per the arborist report provided to the independent commissioner, as the plan change process is undertaken. |
Note: Pursuant to Standing order 1.8.6, the following councillors requested that their dissenting votes be recorded as follows: · Cr M Lee against clause a) · Cr W Walker against clauses a) and b) · Cr J Watson against clauses a) and b) |
16 |
Regional Parks Management Plan 2010 Variation to incorporate land at Piha into the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park |
Resolution number ENV/2017/70 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr R Clow: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) approve the land being protected in perpetuity by Order in Council in terms of section 139 Local Government Act 2002. b) approve the land being designated as regional parkland within the Auckland Unitary Plan. c) approve the public notification of the draft variation of the Regional Parks Management Plan 2010 to incorporate land at Piha into the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park. |
17 |
Partnership opportunity with Western Springs College for indoor courts |
Shale Chambers spoke to the Committee on behalf of the Waitemata Local Board. A presentation was given in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. Cr E Collins returned to
the meeting at 2.02 pm. |
Note: Changes to the original motion were incorporated in clause b) with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/71 MOVED by Cr R Clow, seconded by Cr D Simpson: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) approve entering into a partnership agreement with Western Springs College and the Ministry of Education to secure the option to provide four additional indoor courts for school and community use within the Western Springs College rebuild. b) approve the allocation of up to $2 million from the Parks, Sport and Recreation Partnership budget as council’s contribution to the design process for the indoor courts as part of the Ministry of Education’s appointed design, engineering and build process of Western Springs College. c) delegate the approval of the terms and conditions within the Partnership Agreement to the Chief Operating Officer. d) request a full business case is developed for construction of the indoor courts at Western Springs College for consideration as part of the Long-term Plan for 2019 project commencement, including but not limited to community access, operational funding and governance. |
a 16 May 2017, Environment and Community Committee - Item 17 - Partnership opportunity with Western Springs College for indoor courts, Presentation |
At 3.19pm, it was:
Resolution number ENV/2017/72 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr W Walker: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) agree pursuant to standing order 1.1.3, that an extension of time until 3.50pm be granted. |
18 |
A presentation was given in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina left the meeting at 3.14
pm. Deputy Chairperson A
Filipaina returned to the meeting at 3.21 pm. |
Note: Changes to the original motion were incorporated in clause a) vii) with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/73 MOVED by Cr D Newman, seconded by Cr R Clow: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) approve the allocation of funding from the existing Sport and Recreation Community Access Scheme budget as follows: i) $60,000 to AUT Millennium Ownership Trust to provide community access to Sovereign Stadium from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 ii) $40,000 per annum to Avondale College to provide community access to the stadium, hockey turf and six netball courts from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020 iii) $100,000 per annum to Tamaki College Community Recreation Centre Trust to provide community access to Tamaki Recreation Centre from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020 iv) $90,000 per annum to East City Community Trust to provide community access to ASB Stadium from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020 v) $80,000 per annum to Waiheke Recreation Centre Trust to provide community access to Waiheke Recreation Centre from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020 vi) $325,000 per annum to Te Puru Community Charitable Trust to provide community access to Te Puru Community Centre from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020 vii) $150,000 per annum to Kolmar Charitable Trust to provide community access to Kolmar (Papatoetoe Sports Centre) from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020 viii) $150,000 to Auckland Netball to provide community access to the Auckland Netball Centre from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018. |
a 16 May 2017, Environment and Community Committee - Item 18 - Sport and Recreation Community Access Scheme, Presentation |
19 |
Implementation of the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012 - Update on food waste and three bin services |
Cr M Lee returned to the
meeting at 3.43 pm. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/74 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr W Walker: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) note that Auckland Council’s Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, adopted in 2012, committed to a food waste collection service in the urban areas of Auckland, the funding for which was approved through the Long-term Plan 2015-2025. b) note that in alignment with the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012, a three bin system for food waste, disposer pays refuse, and recycling will be implemented in the urban parts of the legacy Papakura District Council area within the next 12 months. c) endorse the political steer of the Waste Political Advisory Group to progress the implementation of a food waste collection service in urban areas of Auckland, commencing in the legacy Papakura District Council area, and the implementation of a three bin waste collection service for households in the legacy Papakura District Council area. |
20 |
Resolution number ENV/2017/75 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina, seconded by Chairperson P Hulse: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) receive the information report. |
21 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
At 3.49pm, it was:
Resolution number ENV/2017/76 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr W Walker: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) agree pursuant to standing order 1.1.3 that an extension of time until 4.05pm be granted. |
Resolution number ENV/2017/77 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr W Walker: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:
C1 Acquisition of land for open space - Takanini
C2 Acquisition of land for open space - Papakura
C3 Acquisition of land for open space - Orewa
The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting. |
3.49pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
3.58pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
C1 |
Resolution number ENV/2017/78 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina, seconded by IMSB Member G Wilcox: That the Environment and Community Committee: b) confirm that there be no restatement of this confidential report, attachments or resolutions for the acquisition of land for public open space in Takanini until settlement of the purchase, and only then is the resolution to be restated.
C2 |
Resolution number ENV/2017/79 MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr D Newman: That the Environment and Community Committee: b) confirm that there be no restatement of this confidential report, attachments or resolutions for the acquisition of land for public open space in the Bellfield Road Special Housing Area until settlement of the purchases, and only then is the resolution to be restated.
C3 |
Resolution number ENV/2017/80 MOVED by Cr D Newman, seconded by Cr W Walker: That the Environment and Community Committee: e) confirm that there be no restatement of this confidential report, attachments or resolutions for the acquisition of land for public open space in West Hoe Heights Special Housing Area until settlement of the acquisitions, and only then is the resolution to be restated.
3.58 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.