I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Great Barrier Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 16 May 2017


Claris Conference Centre
19 Whangaparapara Road
Great Barrier Island


Great Barrier Local Board









Izzy Fordham


Deputy Chairperson

Luke Coles



Jeff Cleave



Susan Daly



Shirley Johnson



(Quorum 3 members)




Guia Nonoy

Local Board Democracy Advisor


8 May 2017


Contact Telephone: (09) 301 0101

Email: guia.nonoy@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017




1          Welcome                                                                                                                        5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                      5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                              5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                              5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                         5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                   5

7          Petitions                                                                                                     5

8          Deputations                                                                                                5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                5

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                            5

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                      6

12        Deferred Great Barrier Local Board applications for Local Grants Round Two 2016/2017                                                                               7

13        Proposed Advisory Group for Aotea/Great Barrier International Dark Sky Sanctuary                                                                                          21

14        Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Great Barrier Local Board for Quarter Three, 1 January – 31 March 2017               27

15        Auckland Transport Update to the Great Barrier Local Board  – May 2017                                                                                                          59

16        Governance Forward Work Calendar                                                    73

17        Great Barrier Local Board Workshop Proceedings                             77  

18        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


Chairperson IM Fordham will welcome everyone in attendance. Member J Cleave will lead a karakia.


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 2 May 2017as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Great Barrier Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.


Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



Deferred Great Barrier Local Board applications for Local Grants Round Two 2016/2017


File No.: CP2017/07378




1.      To approve funding or part funding or to decline applications submitted to Great Barrier local grants round two, for 2016/2017.

Executive summary

2.      Great Barrier Local Board set a capital grants budget of $252,000 for the 2016/2017 financial year. There are two funding rounds held within the financial year as outlined in Attachment A.

3.      The Great Barrier local and capital grants round two 2016/2017 was decided at the 18 April 2017 business meeting.

4.      Three capital grant applications were deferred to the May business meeting due to further information being required to make a decision. This information has now been provided to board members to assist in decision making.

5.      After the decision making held at the April business meeting, a total of $104,473.65 remains in the capital budget to be allocated. The three applications are seeking $102,566 in funding.

6.      A one-page summary of each application is attached (see Attachment B).

7.      Following the Great Barrier Local Board allocation of funding, staff will notify the applicants of the decision on receipt of the official minutes being released.



That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each capital application received in local grant round two listed in table one.

Table one: Great Barrier capital grant round two deferred applications






Te Kura O Okiwi

Towards the creation of a Puna Matauranga located at Te Kura O Okiwi.



Barrier Social Club Incorporated

Towards building improvements including replacement of the doors and windows.



North Barrier Playgroup

Towards the Okiwi Community Room Upgrade.












Great Barrier local grants programme 2016/2017



Great Barrier capital grant deferred application summaries





Jacqui Fyers – Local Board Advisor, Great Barrier


John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



Proposed Advisory Group for Aotea/Great Barrier International Dark Sky Sanctuary


File No.: CP2017/07379




1.      To outline Terms of Reference for the proposed Aotea/Great Barrier International Dark Sky Sanctuary Advisory Group, for consideration by the Great Barrier Local Board.

Executive summary

2.      Considerable effort has gone into applying to the International Dark Sky Association for Sanctuary status for Aotea/Great Barrier Island and the Association’s decision is eagerly awaited.

3.      The Great Barrier Local Board, as applicant, is keen to ensure that if Sanctuary status is achieved, there are mechanisms in place to manage the key things such a Sanctuary would need, to work well.

4.      The Board has no intention, or indeed authority to run the Sanctuary but considers it is prudent to set up a group that can be the vehicle for ensuring success and the smooth operation of the Sanctuary. An advisory group run and managed by the local board is the suggested approach.



That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      approve the Terms of Reference for the Aotea/Great Barrier International Dark Sky Sanctuary Advisory Group.

b)      confirm it will establish the advisory group once Sanctuary status is confirmed.



5.      At its 21 March 2017 meeting the Great Barrier Local Board resolved as follows:

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

e)    establish an advisory group chaired by the local board chair and including key island representatives with a role in the proposal, to support and monitor the implementation of the Dark Sky Sanctuary and provide a forum to address issues and opportunities.

6.      This resolution is a result a number of matters including:

·      The application for International Dark Sky Sanctuary Status (still to be officially confirmed) being in the name of the Great Barrier Local Board but no clarity as to what role (if any) the board has once sanctuary status is confirmed.

·      The need to have a lighting “compliance” monitoring regime in place to assure the International Dark-Sky Association that the Sanctuary status is being adhered to and its integrity isn’t being put at risk or compromised.

·      The fast moving pace of Sanctuary status development and implementation and awareness that a number of parties are considering/progressing ideas to take advantage of the proposal.

·      The resulting view that some kind of regime is needed to address these matters and a place where issues ideas etc can be considered.

7.      For clarity, the board does not have any authority to control or regulate activities associated with the Dark Skies Sanctuary nor does it wish to. It does however see the need for a mechanism to enable issues and ideas to be discussed and agreed. An Advisory Group, led and administratively supported by the board is seen as a good way of achieving this.

8.      As a result officers have developed the draft terms of reference for the Advisory Group as outlined in Attachment A for consideration by the board.

9.      These anticipate approval of Sanctuary status. In the event this is not achieved, the advisory group would not be established. There may be merit in the parties proposed to be on the group coming together in some form if a further application is proposed, or more work is needed to advance this outcome.

10.    The key aspects of the proposed advisory group to note are as follows:

·      Its purpose is to provide a vehicle to consider and discuss matters associated with the proposed Sanctuary.

·      Its functions include to receive and consider views and information about the Sanctuary, to consult as needed, to receive reports on the island’s compliance with Sanctuary lighting provisions and respond as needed.

·      A proposed membership of eight with the chair being the chair of the Great Barrier Local Board.

·      Its meetings would be informal, open to the public and supported by the board’s existing administrative support team.

·      If a budget is needed the local board agrees to consider funding requests on their merits.


Local board views and implications

11.    This report represents the next step post the Great Barrier Local Board’s resolution to establish and advisory group for the Sanctuary by proposing terms of reference for the group.

Māori impact statement

12.    Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea are aware of the Sanctuary proposal and supportive of it. Having a Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea representative sitting on the group supports the intention that it be involved in ensuring the Sanctuary is successful.


13.    It is anticipated that the advisory group will be established and meet once the application for Sanctuary status is approved. It is also anticipated that the advisory group will include members who are already leading on, and closely involved in the work to date in advancing this proposal.







Draft Terms of Reference for the proposed Aotea/Great Barrier International Dark Sky Sanctuary Advisory Group





John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Karen Lyons - General Manager Local Board Services


Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Great Barrier Local Board for Quarter Three, 1 January – 31 March 2017


File No.: CP2017/07377




1.      To provide an integrated quarterly performance report for quarter three 2016/2017, against the local board agreement work programme.

Executive summary

2.      This report provides an integrated view of performance for the Great Barrier Local Board, including; financial performance, progress against local board key performance indicators, progress against each operating department work programme, key challenges the board should be aware of and any risks associated with delayed delivery against the Great Barrier 2016/2017 Work Programme.

3.      Of significance this quarter, was that the Aotea Great Barrier Island Dark-Sky Sanctuary Accreditation application was completed and submitted to the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) Dark Sky Places Committee on 22 March 2017. The board should be informed by the beginning of June of the committee’s decision.

4.      The Great Barrier Local Board has an approved 2016/2017 work programme for the following operating departments:

·   Libraries and Information, approved on 8 June, 2016

·   Parks, Sport and Recreation, approved on 8 June, 2016

·   Arts, Community and Events, approved on 13 July, 2016

·   Community Facility Renewals and Community Leases, approved on 13 July, 2016

·   Infrastructure and Environmental Services, approved on 13 July, 2016

5.      Most operating departments with agreed work programmes, have provided a quarterly update against their work programme delivery (Attachment B), with items reported as ‘green’ status (on track), ‘amber’ status (moderate issues), and the following which have a ‘red’ status (behind delivery, significant risk):

·   Parks, Sport and Recreation – FitzRoy Landing Reserve

·   Community Facilities: Renewals – Okiwi Park Signage Renewal

·   Infrastructure and Environmental Services – Great Barrier Marine Project

·   Auckland Plan Strategy & Research – Rural Broadband Initiative 2

·   Plans & Places - Heritage Plan

·   Local Board Services – Support engagement with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea

·   Corporate Property – Alternative Energy Project

6.      Overall, the financial performance of the board is under budget year to date in both operating expenditure and capital expenditure.

7.      Some operating expenditure for Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) will not be fully delivered and the local board is reallocating some funds for initiatives that can be completed. Capital expenditure has achieved sixty per cent of its budgeted delivery year to date and while work programmes indicate further delivery is expected to continue in the last quarter, some projects will not be completed until 2017/2018. Attachment C contains further detailed financial information.

8.      The Key Performance Indicators for the Great Barrier Local Board are difficult to measure given the small sample sizes. The year-end outlook has a few measures presenting as not achieved in the following areas; Libraries and Local Environmental Management. These are explained further in detail in the report (Attachment D).

9.      The overall dashboard for the Great Barrier Local Board indicates work programme performance is tracking positively (Attachment A).



That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      note the performance report for the financial quarter ending 31 March 2017.



Key Project updates from the 2016/2017 Work Programme

10.    Most operating departments with an approved 2016/2017 work programme has provided performance report updates for quarter three (Attachment B). The following are progress updates against key projects identified in the Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan:

11.    Arts, Community and Events – Aotea Learning Hub

The board allocated $15,200 from the Skills Development budget to fund the first term of the Aotea Learning Hub project. The strategic broker created and processed a funding agreement with Aotea Family Support Group who is the umbrella group for the project. The Aotea Learning Hub is a physical space for the island’s correspondence school students to get supervised study. A temporary hub, located at Barleyman’s Cottage, opened its doors to students on the first day of term one in February 2017. Local Minister (and now Education Minister) Nikki Kaye is due to visit in April 2017. The first and last reporting will occur in May 2017.

12.    Infrastructure and Environmental Services – Ecology Conversations

A technical review of those aspects of the final ecology conversations report relevant to Environmental Services has been completed. Recommendations from that review will inform the development of the board's 2017/2018 draft environment work programme. A report will be on the board's April 2017 business meeting agenda seeking reallocation of remaining funds in this budget to support a plague skink eradication programme.

13.    Infrastructure and Environmental Services – Septic Tank Sludge Study

A community education event was held on 4 March 2017 with free inspections being offered from 6 March 2017. A final report will be provided in quarter four.

Updates for 2016/2017 Work Programme projects not listed in Attachment B

14.    There are six projects that have not been recorded via SharePoint and therefore not listed in Attachment B: Moorings Consent, Rural Broadband Initiative 2, Support engagement for Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea, Dark Sky Sanctuary Accreditation Project, Kaitoke Beach Restoration Final Report and Alternative Energy Project. The following are progress updates against these six projects:

15.    Auckland Plan Strategy & Research – Rural Broadband Initiative

The Rural Broadband Initiative 2 project has been cancelled as the board was advised not to allocate funding towards this initiative. The board will need to consider options for re-allocating this budget of $10,000. A meeting with community technology experts has been scheduled for April 2017 to identify options for this project in 2017/2018.

16.    Plans & Places – Moorings Consent

Our consultant has completed a draft report on the impacts of any local mooring issues triggered by the Auckland Unitary Plan. This report will be presented to the board prior to June 2017. $10,000 was reallocated from this budget line in November 2016 to fund the Dark Sky Sanctuary Accreditation Project. $5,000 was reallocated at the February 2017 business meeting to the Puriri Bay Houseboat removal. There is $25,000 remaining in this budget line as of the end of March 2017.

17.    Local Board Services – Support engagement with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea

Te Waka Angamua is match funding the board’s budget of $5,000 to support engagement with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea. This project is currently on hold awaiting further discussions with Ngati Rehua and the funds are unlikely to be spent by the end of the financial year. It is recommended to carry forward this project budget into the next financial year.

18.    Auckland Tourism, Events, & Economic Development (ATEED) – Dark Sky Sanctuary Accreditation Project

The board approved funding of $10,000 to the Dark Sky Sanctuary Accreditation Project on 15 November 2016. An information only report was on the Planning Committee agenda for 7 March 2017. The application was submitted to the IDA Dark Sky Places Committee on 22 March 2017. Destination Great Barrier Island, the local board and ATEED are working together on a plan should the application be successful including the formation of a launch committee.

19.    Infrastructure and Environmental Services – Kaitoke Beach Restoration Final Report

The board approved funding of $5,500 to the Kaitoke Beach Restoration Final Report project on 15 November 2016 from the Great Barrier Marine Project budget line. This report will include a final site survey completed by Harley Spence, coastline consultants, and Patrick Thorp, Growing Edge Ltd. The consultants will spend two days at Kaitoke Beach in early April 2017 gathering data. The report will be completed in May ready for the June 2017 business meeting.

20.    Corporate Property – Alternative Energy Project

This project was started in financial year 2015/2016 to investigate and install solar energy for the Local Board Office and Service Centre. The board allocated funding for the local board aspect of this project.

Risks identified in the 2016/2017 Work Programme

The following are risks that have been identified by operating departments where the progress and performance indicator has been set to ‘red’ – significantly behind budget/time or achievement of outcomes.

21.    Local Parks – FitzRoy Landing Reserve

This project has been awaiting Treaty of Waitangi settlement decisions and is unlikely to be progressed this financial year. Therefore the project is cancelled and the board will need to consider options for re-allocating the budget at the April 2017 business meeting.

22.    Community Facilities: Renewals – Okiwi Park Signage Renewal

This asset does not exist and is not required to be replaced. Therefore the project is cancelled.

23.    Infrastructure and Environmental Services – Great Barrier Marine Project

This project is dependent on further discussions with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea and may not be delivered in the current financial year. It is recommended to carry forward the remaining project budget of $20,000 into the next financial year.


24.    Auckland Plan Strategy & Research – Rural Broadband Initiative 2

The board was advised not to invest in this initiative round and so the project has been cancelled. The board will need to consider options for re-allocating the budget.

25.    Plans & Places – Heritage Plan

The project funds allocated to the Māori Cultural Heritage Team is currently on hold awaiting negotiations with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea. It is recommended to carry forward this project budget into the next financial year.

26.    Local Board Services – Support engagement with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea

This project is currently on hold awaiting further discussions with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea. It is recommended to carry forward this project budget into the next financial year.

27.    Corporate Property – Alternative Energy Project

A series of delays by Corporate Property have meant little progress has been made on this project to date. This project will not be completed by the end of the financial year and will need to be carried forward into the next financial year.

Financial Performance

28.    Operative expenditure is under budget (16%) predominantly in asset based services (ABS) utilities. The under spend in LDI environmental services will be delivered in the last quarter.  The under spend in Māori responsiveness is outside control of council and will be carried forward to the next financial year along with heritage plan spending.

29.    A number of parks renewals have been enhanced using Local Improvements Project (LIPS) funds and these have been completed. The bulk of the remaining capital budget will be carried forward into the next financial year for further LIPS which are yet to be detailed.

Key Performance Indicators

30.    The local board agreements include level of service statements and associated performance measures to guide and monitor the delivery of local services. This report provides interim performance results and outlook information for Great Barrier Local Board’s measures, showing how we are tracking for the third quarter of 2016/2017.

31.    The year-end outlook is for 33 per cent of measures (four out of 12) to not achieve target.

32.    For the measures that survey customer satisfaction, it has been difficult to establish a baseline due to small sample sizes.

33.    Measures that are not on track to be achieved include:

·      Percentage of visitors satisfied with the library environment. Feedback received identified issues with the privacy of computers, and overall space. A small amount of funding has been allocated for furniture and fittings in 2016/2017. Discussions are currently underway as to what this will involve.

·      Proportion of local programmes that deliver intended environmental actions and/or outcomes: The full budget has not been used for the ecological conversations project, and the local board will need to consider options for reallocation. The Great Barrier marine project still needs to be scoped and the Treasure Islands ambassador project may be delayed due to lack of student interest.


Local board views and implications

34.    This report informs the Great Barrier Local Board of the performance to date for the period ending 31 March 2017.

Māori impact statement

35.    Whilst a number of the board’s work programme projects involve Māori engagement, there are three projects with direct Māori outcome focuses. The three projects updates are as follows:

36.    Plans & Places – Heritage Plan

The Māori Cultural Heritage Team is conducting their own survey on Great Barrier and will share information gathered on Māori sites which will be utilised in the heritage plan. Half of the board’s funds will be allocated to the Māori Cultural Heritage Team for local iwi assistance in information gathering. This project is currently on hold awaiting negotiations.

37.    Local Board Services – Support engagement with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea

The board’s budget is being match funded by Te Waka Angamua to fund a part-time on island engagement support person. This project is currently on hold awaiting negotiations.

38.    Infrastructure and Environmental Services – Great Barrier Marine Project

This project has not yet been scoped as it is dependent on further discussions with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea.


39.    The Advisor for Great Barrier Local Board will continue to facilitate performance updates for the local board.







Work programme snapshot



Work programme update



Financial performance



Performance measure results





Jacqui Fyers – Local Board Advisor, Great Barrier


John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



Auckland Transport Update to the Great Barrier Local Board – May 2017


File No.: CP2017/06943




1.      This report responds to resolutions and requests on transport-related matters, provides an update on the current status of Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF), requests approval for new LBTCF projects, provides a summary of consultation material sent to the board and, provides transport related information on matters of specific application and interest to the Great Barrier Local Board and its community.

Executive summary

1.      In particular, this report covers:

·    Information on the board’s transport capital fund projects

·    Updates on Auckland Transport (AT) operations on Great Barrier.



That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      note the content of the Auckland Transport Update to the Great Barrier Local Board – May 2017 report.



Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF)

2.      The Great Barrier Local Board has $328,104 available in their Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF).

Upcoming projects and activities of interest to the Board

3.      Pontoon and Dingy facility at Shoal Bay: The old pontoon at Shoal Bay was removed in December 2016 due to safety issues. Additional ‘marina pontoons’ and a step were added to the existing pontoon facility to provide temporary access for smaller vessels. The procurement process for a replacement pontoon and new dinghy skid facility project is underway. Further to previous reports there is a delay in installation of the replacement pontoon due to a backlog at our contractor’s factory.  Our current estimation is that it will be installed in August 2017. The dinghy facility is still due to be installed by end of June 2017.

4.      Tryphena Wharf Hard Stand: we have received an operational plan from the users and AT’s Ferries Team is discussing with SeaLink. Following this discussion we will report back to the Board on this and determine the next steps with regards to building a shed at this location.

5.      Traffic calming at Okiwi School: plans for the proposed speed tables have been sent to the Board for their information. It is proposed that these works will proceed before the financial year end (June 30th).

6.      Hector Sanderson Road: it is expected that this work will be done at the same time as the traffic calming for Okiwi School.

7.      Parking enforcement: following from board feedback, Auckland Transport parking officers are intending to do some enforcement on the island in this month (May 2017). As requested we will report back to the board the outcomes from this enforcement.

Quarterly Report

8.      The quarterly report outlining Auckland Transports activities over the January - March 2017 quarter forms attachment A to this report. It contains an overview of information on projects located within the Great Barrier Local Board area and those with regional significance.







Auckland Transport activities - January - March 2017 Quarter





Ben Halliwell – Elected Member Relationship Manager , Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon – Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport

John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



Governance Forward Work Calendar


File No.: CP2017/06938




1.      To present the Great Barrier Local Board with its updated governance forward work calendar.

Executive Summary

2.      The governance forward work calendar for the Great Barrier Local Board is in Attachment A. The calendar is updated monthly, reported to business meetings and distributed to council staff.

3.      The governance forward work calendars were introduced in 2016 as part of Auckland Council’s quality advice programme and aim to support local boards’ governance role by:

·    ensuring advice on meeting agendas is driven by local board priorities

·    clarifying what advice is expected and when

·    clarifying the rationale for reports.

4.      The calendar also aims to provide guidance for staff supporting local boards and greater transparency for the public.



That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      note the Great Barrier Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar – May 2017.







Great Barrier Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - May 2017





Guia Nonoy - Democracy Advisor


John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



Great Barrier Local Board Workshop Proceedings

File No.: CP2017/06937



Executive Summary

Attached is the Great Barrier Local Board workshop proceedings taken at the workshop held on 11 April and 2 May 2017.



That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      note the record of proceedings for the workshops held on 11 April and 2 May 2017.







Great Barrier Local Board workshop proceedings - 11 April 2017



Great Barrier Local Board workshop proceedings - 2 May 2017





Guia Nonoy - Democracy Advisor


John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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Great Barrier Local Board

16 May 2017



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