Hauraki Gulf Forum
Minutes of a meeting of the Hauraki Gulf Forum held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Monday, 15 May 2017 at 1.06pm.
Chairperson |
Mayor John Tregidga |
Hauraki District Council |
Deputy Chairperson |
Ms Liane Ngamane |
Tangata Whenua |
Members |
Mr Jeff Cleave |
Great Barrier Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Cr Paul Cronin |
Matamata-Piako District Council |
Cr Chris Darby (Until 3.32pm, Item 12) |
Auckland Council |
Mayor Sandra Goudie |
Thames-Coromandel District Council |
Cr Richard Hills (Until 2.51pm, Item 8) |
Auckland Council |
Mr Terrence Hohneck |
Tangata Whenua |
Mr Leo Koziol |
Te Puni Kōkiri |
Cr Mike Lee |
Auckland Council |
Ms Nicola MacDonald |
Tangata Whenua |
Mr Paul Majurey (Until 3.41pm, Item 11) |
Tangata Whenua |
Mr Graeme McGregor |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
Cr Rob McGuire |
Waikato District Council |
Mr John Meeuwsen |
Waiheke Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Cr Dal Minogue |
Waikato Regional Council |
Ms Moana Tamaariki-Pohe |
Tangata Whenua |
Cr Wayne Walker (From 1.10pm, Item 4.1 Until 2.51pm, Item 8) |
Auckland Council |
Cr John Watson (Until 3.29pm, Item 12) |
Auckland Council |
Mr Andrew Baucke |
Department of Conservation |
Mr Steve Halley |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
Ms Lucy Steel |
Tangata Whenua |
Hauraki Gulf Forum 15 May 2017 |
Resolution number HGF/2017/13 MOVED by Chairperson Mayor J Tregidga, seconded by Mayor S Goudie: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) accept the apologies from Member A Baucke, Member S Halley and Member L Steel for absence and Cr R Hills for early departure.
2 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HGF/2017/14 MOVED by Cr P Cronin, seconded by Member J Cleave: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 20 February 2017 as a true and correct record.
4 Public Forum
4.1 |
Public Forum - Janet Dickson - Proposal for a new governance model for the Hauraki Gulf Forum |
Cr W Walker entered the meeting at 1.10pm
Mayor S Goudie and Cr M Lee requested that their disappointment about declined requests to participate in public forum be recorded.
Resolution number HGF/2017/15 MOVED by Chairperson Mayor J Tregidga, seconded by Cr M Lee: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum a) receive the presentation from Janet Dickson regarding the proposal for a new governance model for the forum. |
5 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
6 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
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Note: Changes were made to the original motion with the agreement of the meeting.
Mayor S Goudie tabled a document in relation to this item. A copy of the document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
MOVED by Chairperson Mayor J Tregidga, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Ngamane: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:: a) amend its governance statement by replacing the existing standing orders relating to public forums (Appendix F of the Model Standing Orders), with the following public input section based on the LGNZ revised standing orders: Public input 1 Time allocated for input Any meeting of the Hauraki Gulf Forum and that is open to the public will set aside up to 30 minutes near the start of the meeting for input from members of the public. Speakers may speak for up to five minutes each during this time. However, the meeting may resolve to reduce or extend the time allocated for public input, and the speaking time allotted to a particular speaker. 2 Request to speak A person who wants to speak during public input time must request to do so (through the Governance Advisor) at least three working days before the meeting. The request to speak must include the subject matter. The Governance Advisor shall forthwith advise the chairperson and the deputy chairperson of the Forum of the request and the subject. 3 Discretion of chairperson and deputy chairperson The chairperson and deputy chairperson may decline a person’s request to speak during the time allocated for public input where they consider that: a) the request does not comply with these standing orders b) the subject matter is not relevant to the Forum’s role or responsibilities c) the person has already spoken about the matter d) the request is not appropriate e) the subject is disallowed by one or more of the reasons specified under “subjects”: f) it is necessary to reduce public input time to deal with the business on the agenda. The decision of the chairperson and deputy chairperson shall be advised to the Governance Advisor within 3 working days.
The chairperson and deputy chairperson must advise the meeting of any request to speak they have declined, and the reasons for this. The chairperson and deputy chairperson also have the discretion to waive the requirements in these standing orders where they consider there are exceptional circumstances. In particular, they may accept a request to speak that is made less than ten clear working days before the meeting where they consider the matter is urgent and of major public interest. The chairperson and deputy chairperson may advise the speaker to approach a different committee or forum, if the proposed subject matter falls within its terms of reference. In the event that the chairperson and deputy chairperson cannot agree on any decision made under this clause the decision of the chairperson shall apply. The chairperson may prohibit a member of the public from speaking if he or she is offensive, repetitious or vexatious, or otherwise breaches these standing orders. 4 Subjects A speaker may not use the time allocated for public input to speak about a matter that: a) has already been considered and decided b) has a separate public hearings or consultation process attached to it c) is subject to a quasi-judicial process d) is outside the terms of reference of the functions of the Hauraki Gulf Forum. 5 Language for speeches A member of the public may address a meeting in English, Māori or New Zealand sign language. However, for languages other than English, the person should advise the chairperson of their intention to speak in another language at least two working days before the meeting. Where practical the Forum’s administering authority arrange for a translator to be present at the meeting. The chairperson may also order the speech and any accompanying documents to be translated and printed in English or Māori. 6 Questions for speakers With the permission of the chairperson, members may ask questions of speakers during the time allocated for public input. Questions should be to obtain more information or clarify matters raised by the speaker. However, members may not debate any matter raised during the public input session that is not on the agenda for the meeting, or take any action in relation to it, other than through the usual procedures for extraordinary business, if the matter is urgent. The meeting may refer the matter to a future meeting or to the executive officer for investigation.
b) add the additional guidance below regarding the preparation of submissions to its governance statement: That the chairperson and deputy chairperson of the Forum be delegated the authority to prepare and lodge submissions on behalf of the Forum, when invited or requested to do so under powers defined in Section 18 of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act, subject to the following conditions: i) the matter to be submitted on cannot be considered by the Forum due to the closing date of submissions and the inability to place the proposed submission before the Forum because of its meeting schedule; and ii) the matter to be submitted on relates to: · a proposed change in the legislative framework; or · a proposed change in a regulatory framework; or · a proposed change to a policy matter (including a new policy matter). In the event that the chairperson and deputy chairperson prepare and lodge a submission they shall have regard to: · the statutory role of the Forum; and · the responsibilities of the Forum; and · the adopted policies of the Forum. The submission will be tabled as an information item of the Forum at its next meeting.
Resolution number HGF/2017/16 MOVED by Chairperson Mayor J Tregidga, seconded by Member P Majurey: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) request that the Technical Officers Group and the Executive Officer of the Hauraki Gulf Forum conduct a review of the Standing Orders governing the Forum and report back at the next meeting. The motion was put to the vote by a show of hands and was declared CARRIED by 10 votes to 5.
Note: Pursuant to Model Standing Order 3.14.5, Mayor S Goudie and requested that her dissenting vote be recorded. |
a 15 May 2017 - Hauraki Gulf Forum - Item 7 - Comments from Mayor Sandra Goudie |
The meeting was adjourned 2.51pm.
The meeting reconvened at 3.08pm. Member L Koziol, Cr R Hills and Cr W Walker, were not present.
Note: Item 12 at this time.
Constituent party report |
Member L Koziol returned to the meeting at 3.11 pm. Cr J Watson left the meeting at 3.29 pm. Cr C Darby left the meeting at 3.32 pm.
An additional constituent party report from Thames-Coromandel District Council was tabled. A copy of the report has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number HGF/2017/17 MOVED by Chairperson Mayor J Tregidga, seconded by Mayor S Goudie: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) receive the constituent party report.
a 15 May 2017 - Hauraki Gulf Forum - Item 12 - Thames-Coromandel District Council Constituent Party Report |
Note: Item 9 – Hauraki Gulf Forum: High level operating models in a changing context - including the introduction of the Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari Marine Spatial Plan – was deferred to the next meeting of the Hauraki Gulf Forum with the agreement of the meeting.
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Note: Changes were made to the original recommendation with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number HGF/2017/18 MOVED by Member J Meeuwsen, seconded by Cr D Minogue: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) receive the report b) approve the proposed 2017/2018 work plan and budget less the $40,000 allocated for operating model changes.
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Member P Majurey left the meeting at 3.41 pm. |
Resolution number HGF/2017/19 MOVED by Chairperson Mayor J Tregidga, seconded by Member J Meeuwsen: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) receive the Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Officer’s report.
Note: Item 12 - Constituent party report was considered prior to Item 9 - Hauraki Gulf Forum: High level operating models in a changing context – including the introduction of the Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari Marine Spatial Plan.
Chairperson Mayor J Tregidga thanked the tangata whenua members for their service over the last term noting that their appointments are up for renewal.
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
3.53 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.