Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board held in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Office, Shop 17B, 93 Bader Drive, Māngere on Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 5.00pm.





Lemauga Lydia Sosene




Deputy Chairperson

Togiatolu Walter Togiamua





Tauanu’u Nick Bakulich





Carrol Elliott, JP





Makalita Kolo





Tafafuna’i Tasi Lauese, JP





Christine O'Brien









Cr Alf Filipaina




Cr Efeso Collins









Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board

17 May 2017




1          Welcome


Member Lauese led the meeting in prayer.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest


Member Bakulich declared that he is on the  Counties-Manukau Rugby League Board of Directors, nominated by the Mangere East Hawks Rugby League Club. This relates to Item 28 a funding application.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number MO/2017/71

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:   

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 19 April 2017 and Wednesday, 3 May 2017, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


·         Reverend Peter Sykes was awarded the Queen’s Service Medal.

·         Congratulations Joseph Fa’afiu for winning the 2017 Toastmasters New Zealand International Speech Contest.

·         Otahuhu Train Station Design Award.

·         Condolences to Naomi Lange for the passing of her mother who died at age 98.

·         Condolences to  David Tua for the passing of his father-in-law Suniula Liufau aged 61.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.










9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Counties Manukau Sport and Onehunga Mangere Softball Club


The documents tabled at the meeting are attached to the back of the minutes.


Resolution number MO/2017/72

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C Elliott:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)            thanks Jason McIntosh-Kerr and Jacinta Kerrigan  for their attendance and presentations.


b)         refers the presentation from the Onehunga Mangere United Softball Club to officers in Community Facilities and Parks, Sports and Recreation to assess and report back to the local board on options to respond to the drainage and surface issues.





Public Forum - Turehou Maori Wardens


Resolution number MO/2017/73

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member T Lauese:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board thanks David Ratu for his attendance and presentation.





Public Forum - The South Auckland Christian Foodbank


This item has been withdrawn.




10        Extraordinary Business



Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Quick Response Round Three 2016/2017 grant applications




Resolution number MO/2017/74

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C Elliott:   

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         consider an extraordinary item of business relating to the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Quick Response Round Three 2016/2017 grant applications at agenda item 38. This report was submitted too late for this business meeting agenda.


b)         agrees that this item is extraordinary and should be considered before the next meeting of the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board because this matter was workshopped with the local board on Wednesday 10 May 2017 and if the community funding grants applications are not considered at this meeting, it will hold up the timely disbursement of the funding grants to community groups.






Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grant Round Two 2016/2017 grant applications




Resolution number MO/2017/75

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C Elliott:

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         consider an extraordinary item of business relating to the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grant Round Two 2016/2017 grant applications at agenda item 38. This report was submitted too late for this business meeting agenda.


b)         agrees that this item is extraordinary and should be considered before the next meeting of the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board because this matter was workshopped with the local board on Wednesday 10 May 2017 and if the community funding grants applications are not considered at this meeting, it will hold up the timely disbursement of the funding grants to community groups.



11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Manukau Ward Councillors Update


Resolution number MO/2017/76

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the verbal reports from Cr Alf Filipaina and Cr Efeso Collins be received.




Member N Bakulich left the meeting at 6.08 pm.

Member N Bakulich returned to the meeting at 6.11 pm.




Local Board Leads and Appointments Report


Resolution number MO/2017/77

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member T Lauese:  

That the verbal updates from local board members be received.





Chairpersons Report and Announcements


Resolution number MO/2017/78

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C Elliott:  

That the verbal update be received.







Auckland Transport Update - May 2017


Resolution number MO/2017/79

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C O'Brien:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         note the Auckland Transport Update – April 2017 report.

b)         authorise expenditure of up to $9,500 from the Community Response Fund to help fund an Auckland Transport programme designed to encourage increased use of the AT HOP card in the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board area.

c)         reiterates its advocacy on a heavy rail link from the airport to the central city following recent 2017/18 annual budget discussions with the governing body.

d)         requests Auckland Transport to use wire mesh in bus shelters instead of glass in the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board area.






Mangere-Otahuhu Facility Partnership Fund 2016/2017


The memo tabled at the meeting is attached to the back of the minutes.


Resolution number MO/2017/80

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C Elliott:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         grants $150,000 from the board’s Facility Partnership Fund 2016/17 to Bridge Park Tennis Club Incorporated for the resurfacing and remarking of 5 tennis courts at 7 Taylor Road, Mangere Bridge.

b)         request that the criteria for the local board’s facility partnership fund for 2017/18 be discussed and agreed with the local board as soon as possible, for implementation in the new financial year.


c)         request that officers proactively follow-up with the local board and community organisations to advise alternative options (such as the local board’s LDI capex) where the facility partnership fund is not an appropriate funding mechanism.




Member C Elliott left the meeting at 6.45 pm.

Member C Elliott returned to the meeting at 6.53 pm.















Delegated Authority Recommendation - Panuku Development Auckland and Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board - New Grazing Licence - James Patterson trading as Foyle Farms Limited


Resolution number MO/2017/81

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      defers this report and granting of this licence.

b)      requests officers to further develop the Maori impact statement in the report to include which mana whenua were consulted and what their feedback was.


c)      requests that the officer attends the next meeting to answer questions.






Local Board recommendations on Easter Sunday trading


Resolution number MO/2017/82

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      note the attached Governing Body report (Attachment A) provides information to assist to make a recommendation on Easter Sunday trading, including:

i.   background on the Easter Sunday trading legislative change, rationale, current regulations

ii.    options for responding to the legislative change, including:

iii. issues and options analysis

iv. pros and cons.

b)      delegates the local board Chair to give local board views to the governing body on Easter Sunday trading by 30 June 2017, once the local board has had a chance to consider community consultation feedback on this issue.






Auckland Council's Quarterly Performance Report: Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board for Quarter Three, 1 January - 31 March 2017


Attachments E and F tabled at the meeting are attached to the back of the minutes.


Resolution number MO/2017/83

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         receive the performance report for the financial quarter ending 31 March 2017.

b)         request officers to provide a memo outlining how the amber work programme items will be transitioned to green before the next quarterly report.

c)         receive Attachments E and F tabled at the meeting.

d)         confirm a work programme for assessing multi-use facilities options in Mangere East as outlined in Attachment E which relates to a 2016/17 budget provision of $50,000 LDI opex.


e)         confirm their developed Youth Voice programme outlined in Attachment F and agree the deliverables noting that projects have been implemented.




Member T Lauese left the meeting at 7.29 pm.

Member T Lauese returned to the meeting at 7.32 pm.


Items 28.1 and 28.2 was considered after item 19.



Update - Community-led response to alcohol licensing


Resolution number MO/2017/84

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         receive the update report on community-led response to alcohol licensing report.

b)         approve an additional funding allocation of $3,000 for this project from the Community Response Fund, to enable advice and support for community objections to be available throughout the rest of the 2016/17 financial year.






Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board Feedback for Auckland Council's submission on Government's Urban Development Authorities Discussion Document


Resolution number MO/2017/85

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C Elliott:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board endorses its feedback for Auckland Council’s submission on Government’s Urban Development Authorities Discussion Document, Attachment A to this report.





Confirmation and delegation of local board Chair and alternate to The Southern Initiative Joint Steering Group


Resolution number MO/2017/86

MOVED by Member C Elliott, seconded by Member T Lauese:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board confirm appointment of the Chair Lemauga Lydia Sosene to The Southern Initiative Joint Steering Group and appoint Deputy Chair Togiatolu Walter Togiamua as the alternate and designated proxy should the Chair be unable to attend a meeting.












Delegation to represent the local board in liquor licence hearing: Grace's place


Resolution number MO/2017/87

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C O'Brien:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      delegates Member Tauanu’u Nick Bakulich to represent the local board as a witness to proceedings for the Auckland District Licensing Committee application for an on-licence by L & H Graces Place Mangere Limited at 5/1 Savill Drive, Mangere East, Auckland to trade as Graces Place.

b)      appoints Member Tauanu’u Nick Bakulich to represent the local board on liquor licensing matters and alternate Deputy Chair Togiatolu Walter Togiamua.






Māori input into local board decision making project – report to March 2017


Resolution number MO/2017/88

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      note the Māori input into local board decision making update report to March 2017.

b)      allocates $15,000 in its 2017/18 budget towards the Māori input into local board decision-making project to deliver the jointly agreed actions of southern local boards and mana whenua.





FIZZ Symposium, 26 June 2017 - Auckland


Resolution number MO/2017/89

MOVED by Member C Elliott, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      approves sending Chair Lemauga Lydia Sosene, Deputy Chair Togiatolu Walter Togiamua and Member Makalita Kolo to attend the FIZZ Symposium on 26 June 2017 and that the registration fee of $50 (early bird prior to 5th June 2017) or $100 (after 5th June 2017) be funded from the board’s Community Response Fund.


b)      confirm that FIZZ Symposium attendance will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy.













Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number MO/2017/90

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board workshop notes from the workshops held 5, 12 and 19 April 2017 be received.






Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number MO/2017/91

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board notes the Governance Forward Work Calendar.





28        Consideration of Extraordinary Items



Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Quick Response Round Three 2016/2017 grant applications




Resolution number MO/2017/92

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:


That the Māngere - Ōtāhuhu Local Board approve/grant/decline the applications listed in Table One.


Table One: Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Round three Quick Response Applications

Application No.


Requesting funding for

Amount requested





Mobility Assistance Dogs Trust

Towards the vet costs of mobility dogs for the “Puppies in Prison” programme.


Decline -Funded by corrections department


Natasha Toki-Mautairi

Towards tournament fees for the “Kiwi Junior Rugby League Festival” team uniforms





Communicare CMA (Ak) Inc.

Towards the Mangere Friendship Centre
venue hire.





Otahuhu Town Hall Community Centre

Towards transportation, entry tickets and snack food for the “Mums and Bubs” outing to Butterfly Creek.



Does not serve wider community


Samuel Clarke-Winiata

Towards sporting items including balls, bibs, drink bottles, uniforms, playing kit, shoes, and shirts. Also costs towards the tournament registration, transport, food and accommodation for the “U16s NM Indoor Netball”.



Project not in MO area


King's Kids New Zealand

Towards catering costs for the “King's Kids Outreach Camp”





Living and Learning Family Centres

Towards purchasing of convertible car seats and booster seats to provide for families attending the “Car Seat Safety Restraint Support” programme



Limited project benefits


Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Incorporated

Towards costs of resources and toys for the Otahuhu Plunket Playgroup.





thebreaksnz limited

Towards venue hire, promotional costs, artist fees, catering, administration costs and a winner’s plaque for “Battlecry (break) dance Community Arts Festival”





Samoan Performance Group

Towards costs of awards and hiring materials for the cultural groups performance





Nuku21 Pasifika Trust

Towards payment for the equipment and stationary to be used during meetings, workshops and seminars for “Tag Football” meetings, workshops and seminars.



several applications received



Totara Hospice South Auckland

Towards the purchase of three landing mats with sensors for the Inpatient Unit.






Malaeola Community Centre

Towards funding for the "Fitness and Healthy Eating for Life" component of the Autalavou Youth programme 2017.





Auckland Kids Achievement Trust trading as Graeme Dingle Foundation Auckland

Towards funding for venue hire costs at the Vodafone Events Centre for the “Kiwi Can Jam”





Mangere Otahuhu Netball Centre

Towards the Mangere Otahuhu Netball Centre end of year prizegiving trophies





Otahuhu Softball Club

Towards security and rental equipment for the Wayne Roper Memorial Tournament





Mangere Hawks Netball Limited

Towards funding for the trophies and the engraving for the end of year prizegiving





Urban EcoLiving Charitable Trust

Towards covering the operational costs associated with contracting the lead educator and assistant to deliver the Tread Lightly Caravan programme for Otahuhu Intermediate over five days.





Mangere Bridge Progressive Business Association

Towards traffic management costs for the “Mangere Bridge Fun Run and Stroll”



Low priority


Otahuhu Town Hall Community centre

Towards the cost of the stage truck for the “Arts and Cultural Community Day”





The New Zealand Tongan Development Society Incorporated

Towards the costs of a new amplifier for the Tongan Tau'olunga project.



Cost of amplifier over QR max of 2K


Manukau Rovers Rugby Football Club

Towards costs for the “warm up” tee-shirts and drink bottles for the womens team support.






Towards the cost of venue hire, sound equipment, supporting performers and disc jockeys for the “Passion To Profession Showcase”





Nuku21 Pasifika Trust

Towards payment for the equipment and stationary to be used during meetings, workshops and seminars for “Tag Football” meetings, workshops and seminars.



Low priority



Total amount requested




Items 28.1 was considered after item 19.



Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grant Round Two 2016/2017 grant applications




Resolution number MO/2017/93

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board:

a)         approve/grant/decline the Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board Round Two Local Grant applications listed in Table One.


Table One: Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board Round Two Local Grant Applications

Application No.


Requesting funding for

Amount requested





Family First Welfare Trust

Towards funding for posters printing, professional tutors, instructors and resources including art and craft materials and a laptop for the “Umang” programme





Accelerating Aotearoa Incorporated

Towards a contribution for the delivery of youth mentoring programmes, workshops and community events







Otahuhu Business Association Inc.

Towards the cost of the
‍stage, sound equipment, paint and boards (for artwork), a generator, catering for working volunteers, banners and fliers, printing (marketing), marae costs and all-day security for the “New Zealand Hip Hop Summit 2017”





Joyful News Women’s Group

Towards funding for Tongan tapas for “Ngatu Fuatanga” in July 2017



Low priority


Miss Samoa New Zealand

Towards logistics costs, venue, sound, staging, decorator, catering, prizes,
‍administration costs: programmes, printing and staff.





Sifa Pole

Towards venue hire and food for students and professions attending a career expo.





360 Community Trust

Towards sporting activities including sporting field hire, uniforms and equipment costs for the “Epic Family Sports” camp





Time To Thrive To Stay Alive

Towards payment of a strategic planning consultant to assist with organizational planning.





Mangere Town Centre

Towards a range of activities for the Pacific  language weeks.





Otahuhu Leopards

Towards uniforms (on and off field) and training gear.





Te Whare Marama O Mangere Trust

Towards tools and garden supply costs for during the “Toiora Healthy Living Programme”





Mangere Community Hub

Towards staging and sound, St John Ambulance, public liability insurance, waste management bins for the “Love and Light Christmas in Centre Park”





Hindu Heritage Research Foundation(NZ) trading as Papatoetoe Budgeting and Family Services

Towards the deliverance and facilitation of the budget services programmes.



Not in local board area


Mangere East Rugby League Football Club and Sports Incorporated.

Towards costs of providing coaching and development resources, including team tee-shirts, club gazebos and a drone camera to capture games for coach assessments.



Project lacking information


Mangere East Community Centre

Towards costs of purchasing 10 sewing machines to be used by the community for learning purposes.






Netball Northern Zone

Towards the sports programme including support for the delivery of the leadership programme in south Auckland schools





Community Impact Trust

Towards the purchase of equipment for gardening including lawn mowers, line trimmers, gardening tools, water blasters





Ambury Park Centre Incorporated.

Towards the purchase of hay and costs to keep the horses healthy and able to work.





Justin Haiu

Towards the cost of
workshop development and rehearsals at Mangere Central Community Hall,      and hire of the Mangere Arts Centre for “The Unspoken” performance



Needs to nominate umbrella organization


E.F.K.A.S Otahuhu Trust Board

Towards a volunteers, website, costs to produce music and video, purchase of equipment, advertising and marketing and prizes for the “My Identity” project.





Otahuhu Business Association Inc.

Towards traffic management, power and marketing for the Otahuhu Ethnic Food Festival 2017.




Towards power and traffic management


Pacific Islands Dance Fono

Towards free matinee costs, theatre hireage (matinee costs), performance fees, artists costs to run dance workshops at the Pacific Dance Festival 2017.





Anne Thompson

Towards accommodation, van hire, petrol and food during the tournament to Rotorua for the “Oruarangi Descendants College Netball Kurungaituku Tournament 2017”.



Project outside board area


Michelle Johansson

Towards the cost of transporting the young people to and from the rehearsal and performance venues for the “Southside Rise” event.



Project outside board area


thebreaksnz ltd

Towards venue hire, promotional costs, artist fees, catering, administration costs, and a plaque for the”Battlecry dance Community Arts Festival”





Community Impact Trust

Towards buying of resources for the “Growth and Connect” programme.



Project outside board area


Counties-Manukau Sports Foundation

Towards costs of the events and activities being delivered, and towards the personnel costs in coordinating the programmes.





Nuku21 Pasifika Trust

Towards payment for the hiring of venues for meetings, workshops and mini-seminars for team building, leadership and mentoring for the Family Tag Football Fun Day



Low priority


John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation

Towards the “Primary Sport” programme in Mangere -Otahuhu schools.





New Netball Team Limited

Towards cost of hireage of the Vodafone Events Centre for a national netball match.





Otahuhu Business Association Inc.

Towards 50 percent of the cost of the annual subscription for the “Market View report” from 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2018



Low priority


Manukau City Associated Football Club Incorporated

Towards supply of the equipment and a fee for the installation for a new goal





Otahuhu Business Association Incorporated.

Towards stage and entertainment for the “Otahuhu Christmas Party 2017”



Line Item



Rise UP Trust

Towards  the cost of a whanau educator salary to deliver the community programme



Low priority



The Dust Palace

Towards fees for the mentors, the director, the lighting designer and operator, production manager, the riggers and stage managers for “Flight Lab2.0” multi-arts show.



Low priority


South Auckland Christian Foodbank

Towards costs associated with the community dinner





Otahuhu Softball Club

Towards advertising, rental equipment, giveaways, prizes and catering for the Otahuhu softball family fun day.





Ohomairangi Trust

Towards funding for presenters and speakers, food, transport, a sound system, art materials for kite making and children's cooking classes.





Vaka Manu'kau Niue Community Trust351

Towards purchasing of a sound system that includes a turntable system






Total requested




b)         approve/grant/decline the Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board Round Two Local Grant Multi-board applications listed in Table Two.

Table Two: Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board Round Two Local Grant Multi-board Applications

Application No.


Requesting funding for

Amount requested





Life Education Trust Counties Manukau

Towards costs for the mobile classroom, insurances, salary and professional development of the educator and  resource development





Baby Loss New Zealand

Towards costs of “Care Bag” items, printing costs for information leaflets, booklets and certificates, cards, seed cards, inkless kits for making hand and foot prints, candles, angel pins, key rings and wrist bands.





Auckland Highland Games Assn Incorporated

Towards costs of advertising for “the Highland Games and Gathering”



Low priority


Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc

Towards costs for a salary and travel for a counselling service





COMET Auckland

Towards costs of printing student material and transport for student work placements



Ineligible CCO


Auckland Action Against Poverty

Towards a salary, administration and travel costs





Sinoti Samoa Methodist Youth (Autalavou) , Southern Auckland District

Towards covering costs of expense for the venue, food and beverage costs for the “Autalavou Celebration Event”.





GeneNow Financial Literacy Trust

Towards costs of facilitation and workshop material and items for a cooking demonstration



Low priority


Manukau Performing Arts Incorporated

Towards lighting and sound for the “In the Heights” event.



Low priority


Mt Wellington Roller Sports Club Incorporated

Towards costs of stage two of the Auckland Indoor Roller Skating facilities



Low priority


Roopa Aur Aap Charitable Trust

Towards operating costs to help and support the victims
of family violence.



Late application


The Auckland Asthma Society Inc.

Towards nurse educators’ salaries






 Total requested






Items 28.2 was considered after item 28.1 and before Item 20.



New Road Name Approval for Three New Roads to be created for a Housing New Zealand development at 32-44 Luke Street, Otahuhu


Resolution number MO/2017/94

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)        approves the three new road names ‘Peepeke Crescent’, ‘Tiikapa Lane’ and ‘Hopohopo Lane’ proposed by the applicant, for the three new roads within the Housing New Zealand development at 32-44 Luke Street, Otahuhu, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of  the Local Government Act 1974.


b)        queries the use of double vowels in the Maori names and whether macrons should be used and therefore delegates to the chair to work with the officers to finalise the spelling of the road names.




Member N Bakulich left the meeting at 8.23 pm.

Member N Bakulich returned to the meeting at 8.26 pm.





Member Kolo closed the meeting in prayer.



8.27pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.












Item 9.1 Tabled Documents













































Item 16


Memo                                                                                15 May 2017

To:                Chair and Members of Mangere – Otahuhu Local Board

cc:                 Anita Coy-Macken (Team Leader Sport and Recreation)

Debra Langton (PSR Portfolio Manager)

From:            Sanjeev Karan (Sport and Recreation Lead)


Subject:        Facility Partnership Fund 2016-2017






To inform the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board of alternative funding options for projects not recommended for funding support from the 2016-2017 Facility Partnership Fund (FPF).



       Included in the 2016/2017 work programme is $150,000 from the Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Opex budget for Facility Partnership Fund (FPF).  The purpose of the fund is to support a strategic approach to achieving sport and recreation outcomes through the development of sport facilities.

       Staff have workshopped the allocations for the 2016/2017 fund with the local board and a report was included on the April agenda for the board to consider. This report was deferred as the board requested additional information prior to making a decision. The recommendation in the report for the 2016-2017 Facility Partnership Fund was:

That the Error! No document variable supplied. grants $150,000 from the board’s Facility Partnership Fund 2016/2017 to Bridge Park Tennis Club Incorporated for the resurfacing and remarking of 5 tennis courts at 7 Taylor Drive, Māngere Bridge.

This project was recommended for funding support from the FPF as it meets the following criteria:

o   Supports the development of fit-for-purpose, multi-use  sport and recreation facilities

o   Groups willing to work in partnership to achieve sport and recreation outcomes for the community with the support of council investment.

o   Readiness for the project to proceed.


       Alternative funding options:

       A number of other projects are outlined in the report are not recommended for funding through the Facility Partnership Fund. One of the reasons for a number of these is that alternative funding sources are available. These alternative funding sources for each project are listed below.

       Manukau Rovers Football Club Incorporated – additional lights at Williams Park

       It is recommended that the local board consider their Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Capex budget for projects which are council owned assets.

       The local board may use this fund to build council owned assets, add to an existing council funded renewal or new capital project, work in partnership with an external provider or seed fund a community project.

       The consequential opex resulting from a project funded from the LDI capex is funded under asset based services, by the department responsible for delivering the service.


       Otahuhu Badminton Club Incorporated – New electronic timer for lights

       It is recommended that the club apply through the board’s local grant process given the level of funding required.


       Centre Park – additional lights on existing dedicated training area

       It is recommended that the local board consider their Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Capex budget for projects which are council owned assets.

       The local board may use this fund to build council owned assets, add to an existing council funded renewal or new capital project, work in partnership with an external provider or seed fund a community project.

       The consequential opex resulting from a project funded from the LDI capex is funded under asset based services, by the department responsible for delivering the service

       Manukau Rugby League Football and Sports Club Incorporated – replacement of roof

       It is recommended that the local board consider their Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Capex budget for projects which are council owned assets.

       The local board may use this fund to build council owned assets, add to an existing council funded renewal or new capital project, work in partnership with an external provider or seed fund a community project.

       The consequential opex resulting from a project funded from the LDI capex is funded under asset based services, by the department responsible for delivering the service


Next steps:

1.    Sport and Recreation staff will work with groups not supported for funding from the 2016-2017 Facility Partnership Fund and provide further advice on these projects with the local board as they progress.

2.    Sport and Recreation staff will review the existing criteria for the Facility Partnership Fund and present an updated criteria for local board consideration for the 2017-2018 decision-making to ensure it aligns with the local board’s sport and recreation outcomes.



Item 19 Attachment E



Memo – Attachment E                                                        1 May 2017

To:                Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board

                      Carol McKenzie-Rex, Relationship manager

From:            Justine Haves, Manager Service and Asset Planning, Community Services



Subject:        Proposed allocation of LDI funding;

                      To assess options for service provision and investment for community facilities in Mangere East



That the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board confirm a work programme for

assessing multi-use facilities options in Mangere East as outlined below which relates to a

2016/17 budget provision of $50,000 LDI opex.



LDI opex budget of $50K was allocated in the 2015-2016 financial year towards the scoping of the development of a multi-purpose community facility on Walter Massey Park). The current network of community facilities around Centre Park and Walter Massey Park were seen as inadequate and not meeting demand. This budget was carried forward to the 2016/17 financial year.


A number of community organisations are interested in developing community facilities in Mangere East. In addition Council has renewals funding allocated to Mangere Community House (Whare Koa). It is proposed to broaden the scope of the LDI opex budget to enable consideration of all the community initiatives in the general Mangere East area to inform decisions on service provision and investment for community facilities.



There is an opportunity to understand the collective aspiration and resulting spatial requirements of these organisations and the sectors of the community they seek to serve. This understanding will inform an assessment of:

a)  how the aspiration is complimentary to Council provision (in particular Mangere Community House (Whare Koa),  

b) the opportunity for integration of services

c) the network view of provision



Evidence to support efficient and effective stakeholder and Council investment that advances key priority initiatives delivering community outcomes, whilst minimising the impact of multiple buildings on open space within Mangere East.


Proposed Approach

In 2015 Visitor Solutions completed preliminary work regarding community facility provision in Mangere East, in particular for Walter Massey Park and Mangere Centre Park. This assessment could be extended to achieve an understanding of the overall provision within Mangere East, and how best to meet community need effectively and efficiently, now and in the future.






a)            Stakeholder involvement

The approach should include key community stakeholders from the outset to ensure options are identified and considered in a collaborative way that respects and recognises the different intentions and varying status of concept development across the stakeholder group.


b)            Implementation

Options identified will identify short, medium and long term investment solutions that explore practicalities of shared delivery, if relevant. The work can commence in May and is scheduled for completion by July 2017


c)            Timing

Completing this work now means it can inform the facility provision component of the concept plans for Walter Massey and Centre Parks, prior to public consultation. This ensures consistency of messaging to the community and alignment of planning objectives.


d)            Resourcing and funding

Service and Asset Planning will project manage this assessment and seek allocation of Mangere-Otahuhu Local Driven Initiative (LDI) funding to procure Visitor Solutions.


The budget deferral to 2017/18 was confirmed at the extraordinary business meeting on 3 May 2017. (Resolution number MO/2017/70)



Initial Estimate: $50,000
Funding status: LDI opex

Project: Name: Assess options for multi-use facilities in Mangere East
Date: 8 May 2017
Key Contact: Sophie Bell

Local Board Project Outline



Problem / Opportunity Statement : 
A number of organisations are interested in developing community facilities in Mangere East. There is an opportunity to better understand the aspiration and functional requirements of these organisations to assess the opportunity for integration of services. This will ensure that there is efficient and effective investment to advance initiatives, and minimise the impact of multiple buildings on parks within Mangere East.
Key Stakeholders : 
Mangere East community groups and residents
External service provider organisations investing in Mangere East facilities (applicants)
Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board
Otara Papatoetoe Local Board
Arts, Community and Events
Parks, Sport and Recreation
Community Facilities
Project Description & Scope (including for avoidance of doubt what is out of scope) 
Extending scope for Visitor Solutions (due to their prior work in Mangere) to:
Review of existing Mangere East assessments prepared for Walter Massey Park and Mangere Centre Park
Stakeholder workshops to explore and understand aspiration and functional requirements for potential facilities
Assessment of capacity (resourcing and funding) across service providers (internal and external) to understand potential
Consideration of interim and long term solutions and interdependencies
Assessment of optimal solutions to meet community need and deliver community outcomes, whilst maximising investment value, efficiency of delivery and flexibility of use
,Have all alternative options been investigated and assessed at the time of writing:   N
Deliverable/s & Benefits:  (what will the community get & how will you know it has been a success)






Item 19 Attachment F




Memo                                                                                                               12 May 2017

To:                Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board

cc:                 Local Board Services

From:            Shirley Samuels, Strategic Broker



Subject:          Youth Voice 2016/2017 Work Programme (Line 2346)





1.    To confirm the developed 2016/2017 Youth Voice Programme (Line 2346)





2.    That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board confirm their developed Youth Voice programme and agree the deliverables noting that projects have been implemented.



Executive Summary:


The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board has been involved in workshop discussions to shape and develop the Youth Voice Programme as follows:


Project name


Project rationale & deliverables


Status (implemented/in progress)

Ōtāhuhu Māngere Youth Group (OMYG)

Leadership Conference


Capacity Building for OMYG


Restricted Driver’s Licence Course – Mangere College


Enabling young people to obtain employment


Activation of Tōia – Otahuhu Recreation Centre


Engagement with Youth and

participation of Youth in programmes held at Tōia


1 May to 30 June 2017

Activation of Old Ōtāhuhu Library  (12-16 High Street, Ōtāhuhu))


Capacity building and supporting  Ōtāhuhu Mangere Youth Group (OMYG) to deliver programmes for youth

Programmes 24 April to 12 June 2017








Item 28.1


Mangere-Otahuhu Quick Response Round Three 2016/2017 grant applications


File No.: CP2017/09229





The purpose of this report is to present applications received the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Quick Response Grants Round Two 2016/2017. The local board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.

Executive summary

1.         The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $209,500 for the 2016/2017 financial year. A total of $109,472 remains to be allocated for one quick response round and one local grant round.

2.         Twenty-Four applications were received in this quick response round requesting a total of $46,271.00.


That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board consider the applications listed in Table One and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round.


Table One: Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Round three Quick Response Applications

a)         considers the Quick Response applications listed below and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round.

Application No.


Requesting funding for

Amount requested


Mobility Assistance Dogs Trust

Towards the vet costs of mobility dogs for the “Puppies in Prison” programme.



Natasha Toki-Mautairi

Towards tournament fees for the “Kiwi Junior Rugby League Festival” team uniforms



Communicare CMA (Ak) Inc.

Towards the Mangere Friendship Centre
venue hire.



Otahuhu Town Hall Community Centre

Towards transportation, entry tickets and snack food for the “Mums and Bubs” outing to Butterfly Creek.



Samuel Clarke-Winiata

Towards sporting items including balls, bibs, drink bottles, uniforms, playing kit, shoes, and shirts. Also costs towards the tournament registration, transport, food and accommodation for the “U16s NM Indoor Netball”.



King's Kids New Zealand

Towards catering costs for the “King's Kids Outreach Camp”



Living and Learning Family Centres

Towards purchasing of convertible car seats and booster seats to provide for families attending the “Car Seat Safety Restraint Support” programme



Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Incorporated

Towards costs of resources and toys for the Otahuhu Plunket Playgroup.



thebreaksnz limited

Towards venue hire, promotional costs, artist fees, catering, administration costs and a winner’s plaque for “Battlecry (break) dance Community Arts Festival”



Samoan Performance Group

Towards costs of awards and hiring materials for the cultural groups performance



Nuku21 Pasifika Trust

Towards payment for the equipment and stationary to be used during meetings, workshops and seminars for “Tag Football” meetings, workshops and seminars.



Totara Hospice South Auckland

Towards the purchase of three landing mats with sensors for the Inpatient Unit.



Malaeola Community Centre

Towards funding for the "Fitness and Healthy Eating for Life" component of the Autalavou Youth programme 2017.



Auckland Kids Achievement Trust trading as Graeme Dingle Foundation Auckland

Towards funding for venue hire costs at the Vodafone Events Centre for the “Kiwi Can Jam”



Mangere Otahuhu Netball Centre

Towards the Mangere Otahuhu Netball Centre end of year prizegiving trophies



Otahuhu Softball Club

Towards security and rental equipment for the Wayne Roper Memorial Tournament



Mangere Hawks Netball Limited

Towards funding for the trophies and the engraving for the end of year prizegiving



Urban EcoLiving Charitable Trust

Towards covering the operational costs associated with contracting the lead educator and assistant to deliver the Tread Lightly Caravan programme for Otahuhu Intermediate over five days.



Mangere Bridge Progressive Business Association

Towards traffic management costs for the “Mangere Bridge Fun Run and Stroll”



Otahuhu Town Hall Community centre

Towards the cost of the stage truck for the “Arts and Cultural Community Day”



The New Zealand Tongan Development Society Incorporated

Towards the costs of a new amplifier for the Tongan Tau'olunga project.



Manukau Rovers Rugby Football Club

Towards costs for the “warm up” tee-shirts and drink bottles for the womens team support.




Towards the cost of venue hire, sound equipment, supporting performers and disc jockeys for the “Passion To Profession Showcase”



Nuku21 Pasifika Trust

Towards payment for the equipment and stationary to be used during meetings, workshops and seminars for “Tag Football” meetings, workshops and seminars.




Total amount requested



3.         The implementation of the Community Grants Policy commenced on 1 July 2015. The policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme for 2016/2017 and the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board adopted its grants programme on 18 May 2016 (see Attachment A).

4.         The local board grants programme sets out:

·                local board priorities

·                lower priorities for funding

·                exclusions

·                grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close

·                any additional accountability requirements.


5.         The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board will operate three quick response rounds for this financial year.

6.         The local board community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the new council grant webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters and Facebook pages, council publications, radio, local newspapers and community networks. Staff have also conducted a series of public workshops in local board areas.

7.         For the 2016/2017 financial year, the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board set a total community grants budget of $109,472. A total of $92,270 remains to be allocated for this quick response round and one local grant round.

8.         Twenty-Four quick response applications were received, with a total amount requested of $46,271.00.


Local Board views and implications

9.         Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants. The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.

10.      The board is requested to note that section 50 of the Community Grants Policy states “We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time.”

Māori impact statement

11.      The provision of community grants provides opportunities for all Aucklanders to undertake projects, programmes, activities that benefit a wider range of individuals and groups, including Maori. As a guide for decision-making, in the allocation of community grants, the new community grants policy supports the principle of delivering positive outcomes for Maori.


12.      The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long Term Plan 2015-2025 and local board agreements.

13.      Following the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board allocating funding for round three quick response, Commercial and Finance staff will notify the applicants of the local board decision.



Catherine Bolinga - Community Grants Advisor


Marion Davies - Community Grants Operations Manager

Jennifer Rose - Operations Support Manager

Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager



Item 28.2



Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grant Round Two 2016/2017 grant applications



14.      The purpose of this report is to present applications received for Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board Local Grant Round Two and multi-board applications for 2016/2017. The local board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.

Executive summary

15.      The Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $209,500 for the 2016/2017 financial year. This will be disbursed in two local grant rounds and three quick response grant rounds.

16.      Mangere-Otahuhu Local Grant Round Two 2016/2017 received 39 grant applications, with a total requested of $341,203. In addition, 12 multi-board local grant applications were received, with a total amount requested of $34,270. In the two previous quick responses and one local grant round, the local board has allocated $100,028. A total of $109,472.00 remains to be allocated for quick response round three and local grant round two.

17.      The total amount requested for 39 Local Grant and 12 multi-board applications is $375,473.


That the Error! No document variable supplied.:

b)         considers the Local Grant applications listed in Table One and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round.

Table One: Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board Round Two Local Grant Applications

Application No.


Requesting funding for

Amount requested


Family First Welfare Trust

Towards funding for posters printing, professional tutors, instructors and resources including art and craft materials and a laptop for the “Umang” programme



Accelerating Aotearoa Incorporated

Towards a contribution for the delivery of youth mentoring programmes, workshops and community events



Otahuhu Business Association Inc.

Towards the cost of the
‍stage, sound equipment, paint and boards (for artwork), a generator, catering for working volunteers, banners and fliers, printing (marketing), marae costs and all-day security for the “New Zealand Hip Hop Summit 2017”



Joyful News Women’s Group

Towards funding for Tongan tapas for “Ngatu Fuatanga” in July 2017



Miss Samoa New Zealand

Towards logistics costs, venue, sound, staging, decorator, catering, prizes,
‍administration costs: programmes, printing and staff.



Sifa Pole

Towards venue hire and food for students and professions attending a career expo.



360 Community Trust

Towards sporting activities including sporting field hire, uniforms and equipment costs for the “Epic Family Sports” camp



Time To Thrive To Stay Alive

Towards payment of a strategic planning consultant to assist with organizational planning.



Mangere Town Centre

Towards a range of activities for the Pacific  language weeks.



Otahuhu Leopards

Towards uniforms (on and off field) and training gear.



Te Whare Marama O Mangere Trust

Towards tools and garden supply costs for during the “Toiora Healthy Living Programme”



Mangere Community Hub

Towards staging and sound, St John Ambulance, public liability insurance, waste management bins for the “Love and Light Christmas in Centre Park”



Hindu Heritage Research Foundation(NZ) trading as Papatoetoe Budgeting and Family Services

Towards the deliverance and facilitation of the budget services programmes.



Mangere East Rugby League Football Club and Sports Incorporated.

Towards costs of providing coaching and development resources, including team tee-shirts, club gazebos and a drone camera to capture games for coach assessments.



Mangere East Community Centre

Towards costs of purchasing 10 sewing machines to be used by the community for learning purposes.



Netball Northern Zone

Towards the sports programme including support for the delivery of the leadership programme in south Auckland schools



Community Impact Trust

Towards the purchase of equipment for gardening including lawn mowers, line trimmers, gardening tools, water blasters



Ambury Park Centre Incorporated.

Towards the purchase of hay and costs to keep the horses healthy and able to work.



Justin Haiu

Towards the cost of
workshop development and rehearsals at Mangere Central Community Hall,      and hire of the Mangere Arts Centre for “The Unspoken” performance



E.F.K.A.S Otahuhu Trust Board

Towards a volunteers, website, costs to produce music and video, purchase of equipment, advertising and marketing and prizes for the “My Identity” project.



Otahuhu Business Association Inc.

Towards traffic management, power and marketing for the Otahuhu Ethnic Food Festival 2017.



Pacific Islands Dance Fono

Towards free matinee costs, theatre hireage (matinee costs), performance fees, artists costs to run dance workshops at the Pacific Dance Festival 2017.



Anne Thompson

Towards accommodation, van hire, petrol and food during the tournament to Rotorua for the “Oruarangi Descendants College Netball Kurungaituku Tournament 2017”.



Michelle Johansson

Towards the cost of transporting the young people to and from the rehearsal and performance venues for the “Southside Rise” event.



thebreaksnz ltd

Towards venue hire, promotional costs, artist fees, catering, administration costs, and a plaque for the”Battlecry dance Community Arts Festival”



Community Impact Trust

Towards buying of resources for the “Growth and Connect” programme.



Counties-Manukau Sports Foundation

Towards costs of the events and activities being delivered, and towards the personnel costs in coordinating the programmes.



Nuku21 Pasifika Trust

Towards payment for the hiring of venues for meetings, workshops and mini-seminars for team building, leadership and mentoring for the Family Tag Football Fun Day



John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation

Towards the “Primary Sport” programme in Mangere -Otahuhu schools.



New Netball Team Limited

Towards cost of hireage of the Vodafone Events Centre for a national netball match.



Otahuhu Business Association Inc.

Towards 50 percent of the cost of the annual subscription for the “Market View report” from 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2018



Manukau City Associated Football Club Incorporated

Towards supply of the equipment and a fee for the installation for a new goal



Otahuhu Business Association Incorporated.

Towards stage and entertainment for the “Otahuhu Christmas Party 2017”



Rise UP Trust

Towards  the cost of a whanau educator salary to deliver the community programme



The Dust Palace

Towards fees for the mentors, the director, the lighting designer and operator, production manager, the riggers and stage managers for “Flight Lab2.0” multi-arts show.



South Auckland Christian Foodbank

Towards costs associated with the community dinner



Otahuhu Softball Club

Towards advertising, rental equipment, giveaways, prizes and catering for the Otahuhu softball family fun day.



Ohomairangi Trust

Towards funding for presenters and speakers, food, transport, a sound system, art materials for kite making and children's cooking classes.



Vaka Manu'kau Niue Community Trust351

Towards purchasing of a sound system that includes a turntable system




Total requested



c)         Considers the Local Grant multi-board applications listed in Table Two and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round.

Table Two: Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board Round Two Local Grant Multi-board Applications

Application No.


Requesting funding for

Amount requested


Life Education Trust Counties Manukau

Towards costs for the mobile classroom, insurances, salary and professional development of the educator and  resource development



Baby Loss New Zealand

Towards costs of “Care Bag” items, printing costs for information leaflets, booklets and certificates, cards, seed cards, inkless kits for making hand and foot prints, candles, angel pins, key rings and wrist bands.



Auckland Highland Games Assn Incorporated

Towards costs of advertising for “the Highland Games and Gathering”



Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc

Towards costs for a salary and travel for a counselling service



COMET Auckland

Towards costs of printing student material and transport for student work placements



Auckland Action Against Poverty

Towards a salary, administration and travel costs



Sinoti Samoa Methodist Youth (Autalavou) , Southern Auckland District

Towards covering costs of expense for the venue, food and beverage costs for the “Autalavou Celebration Event”.



GeneNow Financial Literacy Trust

Towards costs of facilitation and workshop material and items for a cooking demonstration



Manukau Performing Arts Incorporated

Towards lighting and sound for the “In the Heights” event.



Mt Wellington Roller Sports Club Incorporated

Towards costs of stage two of the Auckland Indoor Roller Skating facilities



Roopa Aur Aap Charitable Trust

Towards operating costs to help and support the victims
of family violence.



The Auckland Asthma Society Inc.

Towards nurse educators’ salaries




 Total requested



1.         The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme (see Attachment A).

2.         The local board grant programmes set out:

·                local board priorities

·                lower priorities for funding

·                exclusions

·                grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close

·                any additional accountability requirements.


3.         The Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board will operate two local grant rounds and three quick response grant rounds this financial year. Local Grant Round Two closed on 7 April 2017.

4.         The community grant programmes have been advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, radio, and community networks.

5.         For the 2016/2017 financial year, the Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board set a total community grants budget of $209,500. In the two previous quick responses and one local grant round the local board has allocated $100,028. A total of $109,472.00 remains to be allocated for quick response round three and local grant round two, including multi-board grant applications.

6.         Thirty-nine local grant and 12 multi-board applications were received for local grants round two, requesting a total of $375,473.


Local board views and implications

7.         Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants. The Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.

8.         The board is requested to note that section 50 of the Community Grants Policy states “We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time.”

9.         A summary of each Local Grant and multi-Board application received is attached to the report (see Attachments B).

Māori impact statement

10.      The provision of community grants provides opportunities for all Aucklanders to undertake projects, programmes, activities that benefit a wider range of individuals and groups, including Maori. As a guide for decision-making, in the allocation of community grants, the new community grants policy supports the principle of delivering positive outcomes for Maori.


11.      The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long Term Plan 2015-2025 and local board agreements.

12.      Following the Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board allocating funding for Round Two Local Grant and multi-boards applications, Commercial and Finance staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.



Catherine Bolinga - Community Grants Advisor


Marion Davies - Community Grants Operations Manager

Jennifer Rose - Operations Support Manager

Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager