Devonport-Takapuna Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board held in the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Chamber, Takapuna Service Centre, Level 3, 1 The Strand, Takapuna on Tuesday, 20 June 2017 at 4.00pm.





Dr Grant Gillon




Deputy Chairperson

George Wood, CNZM





Mike Cohen, QSM, JP





Jennifer McKenzie





Jan O'Connor





Mike Sheehy







Devonport-Takapuna Local Board

20 June 2017




1          Welcome


The Chairperson Grant Gillon, opened the meeting and welcomed those present.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest



Declaration of Interest - Member McKenzie


Resolution number DT/2017/116

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Wood:  

Member McKenzie declared an interest in Item 14 Local Grants Round Two 2016/2017 – . QR1702-511 Milford Bowling Club.




Declaration of interest - Member O'Connor


Resolution number DT/2017/117

MOVED by Member M Cohen, seconded by Chairperson G Gillon:  

Member O’Connor declared an interest in Item 14 Local Gants Round Two 2016/2017 – LG1702-217 The Takapuna Lawn Tennis Club.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number DT/2017/118

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Wood, seconded by Member J McKenzie:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 6 June 2017, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements



Joan Gillon


Resolution number DT/2017/119

MOVED by Member J O'Connor, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      acknowledges the passing of Devonport resident Joan Ashton Gillon. Our thoughts are with the family and friends at this time.





Jack Downs – Youth Advisory Panel


Resolution number DT/2017/120

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member J McKenzie:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)           congratulates Jack Down on his appointment to the Youth Advisory Panel.




Graeme Dingle


Resolution number DT/2017/121

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)            congratulates Graeme Dingle on his appointment as a Knights Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to youth in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017.




Michael Niko Jones


Resolution number DT/2017/122

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)        congratulates Michael Niko Jones on his appointment as a Knights Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to the Pacific community and youth in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017.





Peter Kerry (Kerry) Clark


Resolution number DT/2017/123

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)        congratulates Kerry Clark on his appointment as a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to bowls in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017.




Allen John McLaughlin


Resolution number DT/2017/124

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)        congratulates Allen John McLaughlin on his appointment as a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to sports broadcasting in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017.




John Roy-Wojciechowski


Resolution number DT/2017/125

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)            congratulates John Roy-Wojciechowski on his appointment as a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to the Polish community and philanthropy in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017.





Patrick Nesbit Snedden


Resolution number DT/2017/126

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)        congratulates Patrick Nesbit Snedden on his appointment as a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to education and Māori in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017.




Timothy Richard (Tim) Bray


Resolution number DT/2017/127

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)            congratulates Tim Bray on being awarded the Queens Service Medal for services to children and theatre in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017.




Librarian Staff - Devonport Library


Resolution number DT/2017/128

MOVED by Member M Cohen, seconded by Chairperson G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)           acknowledges the great work the departing librarians of Devonport Library have done in their community.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum



Ann Allen - Project 17 - Auckland Council Maintenance Contracts


Ann Allen, was in attendance to address the board regarding Project 17 – Auckland Council maintenance contracts regarding weed management.



Resolution number DT/2017/129

MOVED by Member M Cohen, seconded by Member J O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)           thanks Ann Allen for her attendance and presentation regarding Project 17 – Auckland Council maintenance contracts on weed management.

A copy of the submission will be attached to these minutes.




a     20170620 - Ann Allen submission  


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Takapuna Beach Holiday Park hearing preparation


Allan Walton – Principal Property Advisor, Land Use Advisory and Julie McKee – Team-leader, Hearings were in attendance to speak to this report.



Resolution number DT/2017/130

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

The chair exercised their casting vote for so the motion was Carried.

a)            resolves to appoint one independent commissioner to hear submissions and make a recommendation to the local board on the public notification of the proposed lease for a holiday park on Takapuna Beach Reserve pursuant to Section 54(1)(a) Reserves Act 1977.

b)           notes that the local board holds final decision making power over the granting of the lease after the hearings process is completed.

c)            notes that a confidential report has been included on this agenda containing information and recommendations to assist the board in making appointments.

d)           notes that the board’s expected timeline for completion of the hearings and reporting process is as follows:



July (second half)



Recommendation made by hearings panel


Decision of local board                                                                                                                               


Expressions of interest process (dependant on the decision).


That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member M Cohen

Chairperson G Gillon

Member J O'Connor


Member J McKenzie

Member M Sheehy

Deputy Chairperson G Wood



The Chairperson exercised his casting vote for  so the motion was declared






Project 17: Auckland Council maintenance contracts


Tristan Coulson, Devonport-Takapuna Senior Local Board Advisor spoke to this report.



Resolution number DT/2017/131

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Sheehy:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)        recommend the following community and workforce priorities for this local board area for year one (2017/2018) of the new maintenance contracts:

              i.        percentage of workforce under the age of 25.

            ii.        percentage of workforce under the age of 25 who were not previously in education, employment or training.

           iii.        percentage of staff on this contract who are earning on or above the living wage ($20.20 per hour).

           iv.        number of subcontractors and suppliers sourced by contract area and local board area.

            v.        estimate of subcontractor and supplier spend by contract area and local board area.

           vi.        local employment: percentage of staff living within contract area and local board area.

b)        notes that the contractor will be responsible for any asset repairs to a value of $1,000 and that any asset repairs over $1,000 will be funded through regional budgets.

c)        requests that the auditing of Council asset are done at a time most appropriate to the activities of the club.


d)        recommend the following site specific issues which are unique to the local board area, and require particular attention over and above standard maintenance service specifications:



Function name

Windsor Reserve


Premier Park

St. Paul’s Cemetery



O’Neill’s Cemetery Park



Mt. Victoria Cemetery



Takapuna Rose Gardens – Potters


Local Park

Milford Beach Front Reserve


Local Park

King Edward Parade Reserve


Local Park

Belmont Rose Gardens


Local Park

Streetscape – Devonport-Takapuna



Toilet-Brick (Gould Res Takapuna Beach)


Public toilet / changing shed

Gould Reserve


Local Park

Takapuna Beach


Local Park

Hurstmere Green


Local Park

ANZAC Carpark Public Toilets


Public toilet / changing shed

Narrow Neck Beach Public Toilets


Public toilet / changing shed

Narrowneck Beach


Local Park

Toilet-Brick (Milford Reserve)


Public toilet / changing shed

Toilet - (Hauraki Rd Takapuna Beach)


Public toilet / changing shed

St Leonards Beach


Esplanade Reserve

Victoria Wharf


Local Park

Toilet-Brick (Windsor Reserve)


Public toilet / changing shed

Toilet-Castor Bay Beach Public Toilets


Public toilet / changing shed

Castor Bay Beach Reserve


Esplanade Reserve

Rahopara Pa (Kennedy Point)


Local Park

JF Kennedy Pk Batt Obsv Post Bld


Community House

Gun Emplacement - North


Works Depot/Utility Building

Gun Emplacement - South


Works Depot/Utility Building

Heritage Engine Room


Works Depot/Utility Building

Searchlight Emplacement – North


Works Depot/Utility Building

Searchlight emplacement - South


Works Depot/Utility Building


e)        recommends that staff confirm that there is no expectation that the local board will provide additional OPEX funding to enhance the service level of the assets outlined in recommendation b).

f)         request that staff clarify:

i.      whether the Sacred Grove forms part of the Takapuna Beach asset (ID 10963), or whether this needs to be included in the asset list.

ii.    whether flower beds and streetscapes, and their existing level of service is incorporated into the Streetscape – Devonport-Takapuna (ID 20098) asset.

g)        note that the assets ID 1116 and 11121-B001 are not located in the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board area.

h)        note the local board’s current policy to have chemical-free weed spraying in local parks, playgrounds and reserves, and requests inclusion of this approach as part of local weed management under the new Project 17 contract approach without cost to the local board.


i)       note that community and workforce (smart procurement) targets may be developed over the next six to twelve months to establish a baseline.

j)       note that Auckland Council will continue to encourage, support and work with volunteer and community groups across the region in alignment with the new maintenance contracts. 





Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants Round Two and Quick Response Round Five 2016/2017


Marion Davies, Community Grants Manager, was in attendance to speak to this report.



Resolution number DT/2017/132

MOVED by Member J McKenzie, seconded by Member M Sheehy:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      consider the applications listed in the table below and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round:



Application No.

Organisation Name





Harbour Sport Trust

Towards colour coded wristbands for participants and ambulance costs for the “Monster Mud Rush.




Chinese New Settlers Services Trust (CNSST)

Towards promotion,  venue hire, tutor wages and purchase of whiteboard for learning sessions for the Glenfield Art and Cultural Project and Exhibition between 19 August to 16 December 2017.




Age Concern North Shore

Age Concern North Shore operating costs including overheads, rent, power, phone, webpage, information technology costs, postage, stationary, printing, property expenses.




Milford Village Business Association

Towards the stage, decoration, security, rubbish and toilet services for “Christmas by the Lake”




The Depot Music and Artspace

Curation of the exhibitions including research, and installation of the work for “What Makes Us Who We Are:  Mapping Devonport/Takapuna's Cultural Vernacular”




Aotearoa Football Media Limited

Towards equipment for recording and editing including a camcorder, battery, dual charger, tripod, memory card, card reader, microphone, shoulder bag laptop, mouse, printer and software.


Low priority


Takapuna Beach Business Association

Towards the costs of family entertainment and activities, decorations including bunting, balloons, the installation of the Christmas Tree, the Santa's Grotto, and Christmas-themed decorations at the Takapuna Beach Christmas Carnival.




The New Zealand (NZ) Body Art Trust

Towards a percentage of costs for the production, development, marketing, and venue hire for “The NZ Body Art Showcase, 'Once Upon A Time'.


Not a local board priority


Yes Disability Resource Centre

Driving lessons in a mobility vehicle for five young people with disabilities, for the “Yes I Can Drive” programme.




North Shore Women's Centre

Towards wages for the community resource worker and community based social worker for the North Shore Women’s Centre.




Takapuna Lawn Tennis Club Incorporated

Towards replacement of the floodlight poles for the Takapuna Lawn Tennis Club tennis courts




Belmont Park Bowling Club

Towards replacement of the bowling green artificial surface at Belmont Park Bowling Club.




NZ Blue Light Ventures

Towards costs for the life skills course for five young people aged 14 to 17 years attending the NZ Blue Light life skills camp.




Yes Disability Resource Centre Foundation Trust

Towards costs to facilitate four sessions held in Takapuna in conjunction with Younite for the “Shore Junction Pillar Facilitation” project.


Application insufficiently developed  


Devonport U3A

Towards purchase of a sound system for the Devonport U3A meetings.




SeniorNet Bayswater Incorporated.

Towards venue hire of the Bayswater Bowls Club for SeniorNet Bayswater Incorporated.




North Harbour Triathlon Club Inc.

Towards surf lifesaving and event safety provision for the “Club Swim Run” event.




Bays Youth Community Trust

To purchase three office computers for the Bays Youth Community Trust


doesn’t align with priority


Children's Autism Foundation

Towards community workshops in the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board area for terms three and four 2017.




North Shore Brass

Towards venue hire for the final workshop day and concert and advertising for “Brass Week 2017”.




Devonport Community House Creche

Towards replacement of basins with accessible hand washing trough and water saving taps.




The Operating Theatre Trust trading as “Tim Bray Productions”

Towards venue hire and costs, ticketing costs,  additional lighting hire, costume materials, set materials, prop materials, royalties, mail-out costs and advertising costs for ‘The Great Piratical Rumbustification’ (Season 1 to 22 July) and ‘Mrs Wishy-Washy’ (Season 23 September to 14 October 2017).




PHAB Association Incorporated

Towards wages and volunteer expenses for PHAB to run a youth space in Takapuna and to conduct six social clubs a week, and a three day a week vocational day programme.




North Shore Marathon Limited

Towards traffic management and public notification for the “North Shore Marathon, 10km and 5km kids marathon”.




Raeburn House (North Shore Community Health Network Incorporated)

Towards the costs of updating and publishing the Directory of Support Services 2017-2019 specifically towards information updating, data entry, printing, infrastructure and management, information technology services, graphic design, promotion and distribution.




Devonport Schools Waterwise Society Incorporated

Towards the Devonport Schools Waterwise rescue boat engine replacement for three patrol boats (RIBs).




New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education Limited

A contribution towards a specialist educator salary expenses for “MindPlus North Shore”.


Low priority


Raeburn House (North Shore Community Health Network Incorporated)

Towards operational expenses and wages for the Norman King Community Hub operated by Raeburn House for 1 January to 31 December 2017.


Funding round over subscribed


Takapuna Beach Business Association

Towards staging and sound, bands, and other activities and entertainment for the Takapuna Beach Jazz and Blues Festival at Gould Reserve.




Neighbourhood Support North Shore Incorporated

Towards part of wages of part-time employee for “M3: Manage, Maintain, Multiply” from 1 June 2017 to 31 May 2018.


Low priority


Darryl Walker

Towards the restoration of the frontage of a villa.


Doesn’t align with priorities







b)        consider the multi-board applications listed below and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application:


Application No.

Organisation Name


Amount Approved



North Shore Centre for Mutual Aid (CMA)

Towards operational costs excluding wages for eight centres including Glenfield and Birkenhead CMA centres from 1 July to 31 December 2017.




Project Litefoot

Towards costs to develop and implement an “Efficiency Action Plan” for Takapuna Rowing Club Waitemata Golf Club, Becroft Tennis Club and Castor Bay Tennis Club.




StarJam Charitable Trust

Towards the cost of the musical workshops "North Dazzling Dance" and Sensational Singing" including venue hire and tutors fees. 


Low priority


Dance Therapy New Zealand

Towards therapist and assistants fees, programme delivery, administration and co-ordination costs for delivery of “STARS North Shore” therapy groups.


Low priority


Entrust Foundation

To fund the provision of a 10c refund for returned bottles to a bottle depot at events for the “Cash for Containers” project.


Low priority


Gymnastics Community Trust

Towards gymnastic coach wages for the Glenfield site from May to December 2017.




Harbour Sport Trust

Towards programme delivery costs, coordinator wages and subsidies for participants for the “Learn to Ride” school holiday programme from July 2017 to April 2018.


Low priority


Badminton North Harbour

Towards upgrading the electronic booking and display system at the Badminton North Harbour complex.




The North Shore Events Centre Trust

Towards costs of upgrading toilets and changing rooms at the North Shore Events Centre.


Low priority







c)         consider the quick response round five applications listed below and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round:


Application No.

Organisation Name


Amount Approved



Takapuna Grammar School Cycling Club

Towards replacement of six windtrainers for the Takapuna Grammar Cycling Club




The Re-new Mothers Trust

Towards venue hire and payment for course facilitators to deliver the program workshop for the Re-New Mothers Programme.




The Depot Art and Music Space

Towards the exhibition curation and installation;
(curation includes research  collation, and documentation of artefacts and ephemera and installation for “Gum Sarn: Evolving Notions of Sweet Earth”




Forrest Hill Milford United Football Club Incorporated

Purchase of six goals to be used as part of the skill centre community programme




OUTline New Zealand Incorporated

Towards a contribution to OUTLine's 0800 counselling and support service.


Tagged to volunteer expenses


Milford Bowling Club

Towards a new website to promote the  community facility.




Victim Support New Zealand

Towards volunteer recruitment and mileage expenses.




Lofty Ned

Towards event production including main stage, marquees, sound concert system; and artists for “Devonport Christmas Dance in the Park”.


Deferred to next future funding round


Takapuna Beach Business Association

Towards the costs for the purchase of the fiberglass owl sculpture for “The Big Hoot”.


Application to come back to future rounds


Methodist Church of New Zealand Northcote Takapuna Parish: Music Group

Towards artist expenses and advertising costs for the Rata-Tui Trio performance


Low priority


Rebus Club of Devonport Incorporated

Towards the cost of purchasing a projector.




Sir Peter Blake Trust

Towards marketing (large banners and print marketing across the city) and technical costs for “The Tara Project”.




Conal Parr

Towards replacement of a street-front fence, including removal of the existing wall and footing for the new wall.


Low priority







d)         recommend that the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson be delegated authority to make any minor edits.





Auckland Transport monthly update - June 2017


Marilyn Nicholls, Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance to speak to this report.



Resolution number DT/2017/133

MOVED by Member M Cohen, seconded by Member J O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)            receives the Auckland Transport June 2017 monthly update report and thank Marilyn Nicholls, Elected Member Relationship Manager for her presentation and attendance.

b)           requests that Auckland Transport informs the Board as to how they plan to future proof against power cuts and other utility malfunctions to their HOP system, given ATs objective to have as many people as possible to register and have a HOP card for those using Auckland public transport.

c)            requests that Auckland Transport informs the Board on the Travelwise Programme in our area and how they are addressing the safety problems being identified through the school’s Travelwise Committee.


d)           advocates that sufficient funding is being allocated to ensure that those schools in our area participating in the Travelwise Progrmme are having their reasonable safety issues being addressed and that an environment is being created to enable more parents to be more willing to have their children walking, or scootering, or cycling to school and home again.


Member J McKenzie left the meeting at 5.50 pm.

Member J McKenzie returned to the meeting at 5.54 pm.



Local Board Services monthly report - June 2017


Don Campbell, resident of Jutland Road was invited to address the board regarding the formalisation of the access to the road end of Jutland Road, Hauraki.


Tristan Coulson, Devonport-Takapuna Senior Local Board Advisor spoke to this report.



Resolution number DT/2017/134

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      grant land owner consent for a memorial seat at Milford Reserve to commemorate Mr. John Murray.

b)      grant land owner consent to enable the Takapuna Beach Business Association for light installations at Hurstmere Green.

c)      recommend that staff undertake further work and prepare a report to determine the feasibility of re-establishing the North Shore Heritage Trust funding scheme for the 2017/2018 financial year.



Resolution number DT/2017/135

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Wood:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

d)        recommend to Auckland Transport that the application to formalise access of the road end at Jutland Road, Hauraki be declined, as the local board considers these types of land parcels important open space assets that are required to meet projected population growth in the area.



Secretarial note:  that Member O’Connor voted against recommendation 16 d).


Resolution number DT/2017/136

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Wood:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

e)         opposes deletion of clause (i) (aa) under Clause 7 (controls for election signs) in relation to when election signs can be displayed, and that there needs to be a stronger relationship between the proposed bylaw and Electoral Act 1993 as to the rules around when election signs can be erected and removed.

f)          expresses concern regarding Auckland Transports ability to make a bylaw regarding election signs bylaw and requests clarification as to Auckland Transports jurisdiction on this matter in relation to the Governing Body.





Deputy Chairperson G Wood left the meeting at 6.24 pm.

Deputy Chairperson G Wood returned to the meeting at 6.28 pm.



Governance Forward Work Calendar - June 2017


Tristan Coulson, Devonport-Takapuna Senior Local Board Advisor spoke to this report.



Resolution number DT/2017/137

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member J McKenzie:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      notes the governance forward work calendar included as Attachment A to the agenda report.




Record of Workshop's - May 2017


Resolution number DT/2017/138

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member J O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the records of the workshops held during May 2017.




Ward Councillors Update


Resolution number DT/2017/139

MOVED by Member J O'Connor, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Wood:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)            receive from Cr Chris Darby and Cr Richard Hills a written report on the activities of the governing body.

A copy of the report has been attached to the official minutes.




a     Councillor's Darby and Hills June 2017 Update



Board Members' reports


Resolution number DT/2017/140

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Wood, seconded by Member J McKenzie:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive and thank Deputy Chairperson Wood for his report.

b)        Deputy Chairperson Wood requests that the board resolve on an update on the current status of the North Shore Rapid Transit Network’s strategic case and that it be brought to the July business meeting of this board.





Resolution number DT/2017/141

MOVED by Member J McKenzie, seconded by Member M Sheehy:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

c)         receive and thank Member McKenzie for her written report.

d)        request scoping, costing and potential timelines for a new or upgraded skate park for Ngataringa Park.

e)         request scoping and costings for a dog washing station on Takapuna Beach, either on the southern or northern ends.

f)          request an update on timings for the audits on open spaces and signage.

g)        request an update on the engineering report for Kennedy Park stairs and an update from relevant officers as to when the stairs will be opened to the public.

h)        request an update on pathway lighting on Hurstmere Green.

i)          request an update on Younite’s funding.

j)          request an update on the naming of the fallen servicemen and women, who served our country after the Vietnam War to be placed on the Takapuna War Memorial Cenotaph.

k)         request an update on lighting and safety features along the path to Killarney Street.

l)          request an update on pedestrian crossing and steps to carpark from Takapuna Primary School to the Bridge Club on Killarney Street.




Resolution number DT/2017/142

MOVED by Member M Sheehy, seconded by Member J McKenzie:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

m)       receive and thank Member Sheehy for his tabled report.

n)        requests that the board investigate:

                   i.                the installation of a public toilet in Lake Town Green;

                  ii.                the installation of a rubbish bin on the walkway at O’Neil’s Point cemetery; and

                 iii.                the installation of locking chains at the entrances of driveways at the Takapuna Boating Club and the corner of Sir Peter Blake Parade, as described in the written report.



Resolution number DT/2017/143

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Sheehy:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

o)        receive and thank Member O’Connor for her tabled report.

p)      submit to the application by Loxley Hall Development for 53. Apartments at 32 and 34 Tennyson Avenue Takapuna on the following points.

i.              the landscaped area 10.4 percent being permeable area which is well below the 30 per cent minimum Rule H6.6.12; and

ii.            the proposal has no visitor/emergency/trade car parking and lacks a shortfall in residents car parking for complex which is over 1km walking distance the nearest supermarket and has no public transport connections.

q)      delegate responsibility to Member O’Connor and Deputy Chairperson George Wood  to speak at any hearing relating to the application by Loxley Hall Development for 53 Apartments at 32 and 34 Tennyson Avenue Takapuna.






Resolution number DT/2017/144

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member M Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive and thank Member Cohen for his tabled report.




a     Member Sheehy tabled - June 2017 members report

b     Member O'Connor tabled - June 2017 members report

c    Member Cohen's tabled - June 2017 members report  




Chairperson's report


Resolution number DT/2017/145

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Wood:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the Chairperson’s verbal report.




22        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   




23        Procedural motion to exclude the public

Resolution number DT/2017/146

MOVED by Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member J O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Takapuna Beach Holiday Park hearing- selection of commissioners

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.

In particular, the report contains information that would breach the privacy of the individuals.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting.



6.35pm            The public was excluded.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.


7.05pm            The public was re-admitted.




It was resolved while the public was excluded:


C1       Takapuna Beach Holiday Park hearing – selection of commissioners.




7.30 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









