Manukau Harbour Forum






Minutes of a meeting of the Manukau Harbour Forum held in the Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Board Office, Shop 17, 93 Bader Drive, Māngere Town Centre on Friday, 16 June 2017 at 12:02pm





Saffron Toms

Waitakere Ranges Local Board


Deputy Chairperson

David Holm

Puketapapa Local Board



Alan Cole

Franklin Local Board



Carrol Elliott, JP

Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board

(until 12.30pm, item 10)


Joseph Allan

Manurewa Local Board



Dawn Trenberth

Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board



Tracy Mulholland

Whau Local Board














Alternate Members

Denise Yates, JP

Waitakere Ranges Local Board



Julie Fairey

Puketapapa Local Board












Bernie Diver

Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board



Bill McEntee

Papakura Local Board






Josephine Bartley

Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board







Manukau Harbour Forum

16 June 2017



The meeting was chaired by Shirley Coutts, Senior Local Board Advisor Maungakieke-Tamaki Local Board, on behalf of the Chief Executive, for items 1, 2 and 3.  From item 4 onwards, the newly elected Chairperson chaired the meeting. 



1          Welcome


Shirley Coutts, Senior Local Board Advisor Maungakieke-Tamaki Local Board opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.


2          Apologies


Resolution number MHFJC/2017/1

MOVED by Member C Elliott, seconded by Member S Toms:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)         accept the apologies from members Bernie Diver, Debbie Burrows and Bill McEntee for absence.




Election of Chairperson


The  Senior Local Board Advisor gave an overview of the voting systems and requested a mover and seconder.


Resolution number MHFJC/2017/2

MOVED by Member D Trenberth, seconded by Member T Mulholland:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      agree to use voting system A to elect the chairperson of the  Manukau Harbour Forum for the 2016-2019 political term.




The  Senior Local Board Advisor called for nominations for the position of chairperson.


Member  Tracy Mulholland nominated Member Saffron Toms for the Chairperson role. Member  Dawn Trenberth seconded the nomination.


Member  Alan Cole nominated Member David Holm for the Chairperson role. Member  Carrol Elliott seconded the nomination.


There were no further nominations.


Round 1 of voting was as follows:

Member Saffron Toms – 4 votes

Member David Holm – 3 votes


As there were only two nominations and Member Saffron Toms received the majority of votes, the  Senior Local Board Advisor asked that the motion be put to vote.







Resolution number MHFJC/2017/3

MOVED by Member T Mulholland, seconded by Member D Trenberth:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

b)      elect Member Saffron Toms as chairperson for the 2016-2019 political term.


The motion was put to the vote by a show of hands and was declared CARRIED by 4 votes to 3.






Election of Deputy Chairperson


Resolution number MHFJC/2017/4

MOVED by Member T Mulholland, seconded by Member C Elliott:   

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      agree to use voting system A to elect the deputy chairperson of the Manukau Harbour Forum for the 2016-2019 political term.




The chairperson called for nominations for the position of deputy chairperson.


Member  Carrol Elliott nominated Member David Holm for the deputy chairperson role. Member  Tracy Mulholland seconded the nomination.


There were no further nominations.


Resolution number MHFJC/2017/5

MOVED by Member C Elliott, seconded by Member T Mulholland:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

b)      elect Member David Holm as deputy chairperson for the 2016-2019 political term.

The motion was put to the vote by a show of hands and was declared CARRIED by 6 votes to 0.




5          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


6          Confirmation of Minutes


There were no minutes for confirmation.


7          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



8          Acknowledgements



Resolution number MHFJC/2017/6

MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member D Trenberth:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)            acknowledge passing of Whaea Dame Nganeko Minhinnick who was a real warrior and champion for the issues for the Manukau Harbour. The forum note that her contributions were invaluable and she will be missed.


b)           acknowledge the staff on the work on the symposium.




9          Petitions


There were no petitions.


10        Deputations



Deputation: Morphum Environmental - Damian Young and Cat Davis


Damian Young and Cat Davis from Morphum Environmental made a presentation on the findings from the Big Blue Waitakere report.  The report was commissioned by the Waitakere Ranges Local Board and identified eight management objectives and 41 management actions to improve and protect the coastal and marine environment in the Waitakere Ranges Local Board area.

A copy of presentation has been placed on file copy of minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council website.


Resolution number MHFJC/2017/7

MOVED by Member S Toms, seconded by Member J Allan:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      receive the deputation from Damian Young and Cat Davis from Morphum Environmental and thank them for the presentation.





a     Presentation - Morphum Environmental - Damian Young and Cat Davis 


Member C Elliott left the meeting at 12.30 pm.


11        Public Forum


There was no public forum.


12        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


13        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.





Adoption of business meeting schedule


Resolution number MHFJC/2017/8

MOVED by Member T Mulholland, seconded by Member D Holm:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      agree to the next two meetings of the forum as below:

·         18 August 2017

·         20 October 2017

b)      request staff to organise bi-monthly meetings and workshops and bring back the schedule of business meetings to the next forum meeting.

c)      agree to commence business meetings at 12.00pm. Public forum and deputations will be scheduled in the early part of the business meeting, to enable the democratic process.





15        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  





12.48pm                                             The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









