Puketāpapa Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Puketāpapa Local Board held in the Kotare / Tauhou Meeting Room, Wesley Community Centre, 740 Sandringham Road extension, Mt Roskill on Thursday, 15 June 2017 at 4.00pm.





Harry Doig




Deputy Chairperson

Julie Fairey





Anne-Marie Coury





David Holm (from 4.02pm)




Shail Kaushal





Ella Kumar, JP







Governing Body Member

Clr Christine Fletcher (with apology)





Governing Body Member

Clr Cathy Casey




Puketāpapa Local Board

15 June 2017




1          Welcome

Member Ella Kumar delivered the welcome message.


2          Apologies


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/93

MOVED by Chairperson H Doig, seconded by Member S Kaushal:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Member D Holm for lateness.




3          Declaration of Interest


Member A-M Coury declared an interest in Item 12: Notice of Motion - Auckland Peace City.


Member S Kaushal declared an interest in Item 22: Puketāpapa Local Board ACE work programme 2017/2018.


Member D Holm declared an interest in Item 22: Puketāpapa Local Board ACE work programme 2017/2018.


            Member E Kumar declared an interest in Item 22: Puketāpapa Local Board ACE work programme 2017/2018.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/94

MOVED by Chairperson H Doig, seconded by Member E Kumar:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 18 May 2017 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 8 June 2017, as a true and correct.



5          Leave of Absence

There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements

The Board acknowledges the passing of Dame Nganeko Minhinnick and sends its condolences to the family.


7          Petitions

There were no petitions.


8          Deputations

There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum

There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business

There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion

Under Standing Order 2.5.1 (LBS 3.11.1) a Notice of Motion has been received from Member D Holm for consideration under item 12.



Notice of Motion - Auckland Peace City


Member A-M Coury declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/95

MOVED by Member D Holm, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fairey:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)         support Auckland as a peace city asks and requests Governing Body to:

i.    express disapproval of weapons manufacture and investment in events which promote war

ii.   decline to do business with companies who produce nuclear weapons, land mines or cluster bombs and other weapons of mass destruction

iii.  refuse permission for the use of Auckland Council venues and public spaces for events which promote weapons, warfare and violence and

iv.  promote these measures through Auckland Council media including "Our Auckland".



Amendment to Item 12 Notice of Motion – Auckland Peace City

MOVED by Member S Kaushal, seconded by Member E Kumar:   

Member S Kaushal moved an amendment to the original recommendation a) ii. as follows:

ii.             decline to do business with companies who produce munitions for war.


After general discussion this item was withdrawn by Member S Kaushal


Secretarial Note: Item 13 was taken after Item 23 (6.19pm)


Albert-Eden-Roskill Governing Body Members Update


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/96

MOVED by Chairperson H Doig, seconded by Member A-M Coury:   

That the Puketapapa Local Board thank Governing Body Member Casey for her update.


Secretarial Note: Item19: Governance Forward Work Calendar was taken after Item 13

Member S Kaushal left the meeting at 6.19 pm.

Member S Kaushal returned to the meeting at 6.21 pm.




Chairperson's Report, June 2017


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/97

MOVED by Chairperson H Doig, seconded by Member D Holm:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board receive the Chair’s Report for June 2017.





Board Member Reports





Board Member Report - Ella Kumar



Resolution number PKTPP/2017/98

MOVED by Member E Kumar, seconded by Chairperson H Doig:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board receive the report for June 2017.




Board Member Report - David Holm


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/99

MOVED by Member D Holm, seconded by Chairperson H Doig:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board receive the report for June 2017.




Board Member Report - Julie Fairey


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/100

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Fairey, seconded by Chairperson H Doig:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board receive the report for June 2017.




Board Member Report - Shail Kaushal


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/101

MOVED by Member S Kaushal, seconded by Chairperson H Doig:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board receive the report for June 2017.





Auckland Transport Update – June 2017


Lorna Stewart, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, spoke to this item.


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/102

MOVED by Member D Holm, seconded by Member A-M Coury:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport June 2017 report.

b)      request Auckland Transport to proceed with construction of the Gilletta Road Traffic Calming works, selecting Option B ($36,500) consisting of new lighting and two mini speed bumps in the turning area plus an additional speedbump outside number 73.

c)      endorse the draft Road and Streets Framework.

c)      thank Lorna Stewart for her attendance.









Relationship Agreement with Mana Whenua Template


Dean Martin, Principal Advisor Maori Relations & Governance, spoke to this item.


A copy of the Updated Relationship Agreement with Mana Whenua Template tabled at the meeting has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment.


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/103

MOVED by Chairperson H Doig, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fairey:  

That the Puketāpapa Local:

a)      approve the relationship agreement template attached to the agenda report at Attachment A as the basis for discussions with mana whenua

b)      approve a process of reaching these agreements whereby the agreement may proceed to signing without further approval so long as any inclusions are either descriptive or in the nature of minor drafting changes.  For the avoidance of doubt, any changes of substance will be re-presented to the Puketāpapa Local Board, other local boards and the governing body, as relevant, for final approval

c)      authorise the Chairperson to sign the agreement on behalf of the local board at signing ceremonies arranged between the parties to each agreement

e)      thank officer Dean Martin for his attendance.




a     15 June 2017 Puketāpapa Local Board, Item 17: Relationship Agreement with Mana Whenua Template - Updated Relationship Agreement with Mana Whenua Template



Precedence of Business (4.58pm)

Resolution number PKTPP/2017/104

MOVED by Chairperson H Doig, seconded by Member E Kumar:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board agree that Item 23: Puketāpapa Local Grants Round Two and Quick Response Round Four 2016/2017 grant applications be accorded precedence at this time.





Record of Puketāpapa Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/105

MOVED by Member E Kumar, seconded by Member A-M Coury:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board receive the workshop notes for 4, 11 and 25 May 2017.




Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/106

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Fairey, seconded by Member S Kaushal:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board note the Governance Forward Work Calendar for June 2017.





Resolutions Pending Action Schedule


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/107

MOVED by Member D Holm, seconded by Member A-M Coury:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board receive the Resolutions Pending Action schedule for June 2017.




21        Consideration of Extraordinary Items

There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  




Puketāpapa Local Board ACE work programme 2017/2018


Juanita de Senna, Strategic Broker, spoke to this item.


Member S Kuashal declared an interest in this item, more particularly item # 697 of the work programme and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.


Member D Holm declared an interest in this item, more particularly item # 687 and # 689 of the work programme and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.


Member E Kumar declared an interest in this item, more particularly item # 687 and # 689 and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.


Member A-M Coury declared an interest in this item, more particularly item # 703 of the work programme, and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.


A copy of the Updated ACE work programme 2017/2018 tabled at the meeting has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment.


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/108

MOVED by Chairperson H Doig, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fairey:   

That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)      approve the 2017/2018 Arts, Community and Events work programme (Attachment A)

b)      request an urgent workshop in July 2017 with supporting memo on the Youth Voice Group (which forms part of the 2017/18 work programme activity ID 710 “Build Capacity: Youth Development”) which may include features such as:

·         has the name Puketāpapa Youth Panel (PYP)

·         enables youth from ages 11 to 24 to participate

·         the PYP comprises between 10-12 members

·         members are appointed through youth organisations and institutions, and provides for membership for youth not belonging to youth organisations and institutions.

·         advise us on the youth organisations the Board should be drawing appointments from.

·         contain the draft Terms of Reference for the PYP that provides for a timely review.

c)      considers support for young people, seniors and migrants to obtain drivers licenses which meets the Board’s goals of community empowerment and provision of good jobs.

d)      request the Empowerment Community Unit to workshop with the Board in September 2017 on the effectiveness of the current board funded programme for drivers’ licensing, other existing providers and identifies gaps in current provision in the Puketāpapa area and opportunities for the board to assist.

e)      thank officer Juanita de Senna for her attendance.




a     15 June 2017 Puketāpapa Local Board, Item 22: ACE work programme 2017/2018 - Updated ACE Work Programme 2017/2018  

Secretarial Note: Item 24: Project 17: Auckland Council Maintenance Contracts was taken after Item 22 (7.17pm)


Secretarial Note: Item 23 was taken after Item 17 (4.58pm)


Puketāpapa Local Grants Round Two and Quick Response Round Four 2016/2017 grant applications


Sara Chin, Senior Community Grants Advisor, spoke to this item.


A copy of the Te Karanga Charitable Trust Application Summary tabled at the meeting has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment.


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/109

MOVED by Member A-M Coury, seconded by Member E Kumar:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Local Grant Round Two, listed in Table One.

Organisation Name


Total Requested

$ Amount Approved


Sharu Loves Hats


Towards the development season of the “Dominion Road The Musical” at Crystal Palace in August 2017, specifically the cost of costume construction and venue hire for production.



Towards costume design

Chinese Senior Citizens Health Exercise Group Inc.


Towards the cost of hall hire to run 250 Tai Chi, Qi Gong and other exercise classes for Chinese seniors at the Fickling Convention Centre.




Dance Therapy New Zealand


Towards drop-in dance therapy workshops for special needs teenagers, youth and adults in Central and West Auckland, at the Onehunga Community Centre and Hubwest between July to December 2017. 




Basava Samithi of Australasia (NZ Chapter) Incorporated, Auckland


Towards a series of events taking place from July 2017 to June 2018, including children's dance classes, ladies' Kasuti folk embroidery arts classes and the cost for members to attend training for First Aid Level One courses.



Towards venue hire in PLB area

Refugee Youth Action Network


Towards paint for Refugee Youth Action Network murals



Application is insufficiently developed

OUTLine New Zealand Incorporated


Towards providing a gender identity and sexual orientation 0800 helpline to the Puketapapa Local Board area.




PHAB Association Incorporated


Towards the running of the Royal Oak social club, specifically the cost of venue hire, staffing, equipment and volunteers.



Outstanding accountability reports

Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust


Towards a salary contribution for the Auckland central youth development practise leader between the period of 1 July 2017 to 31 June 2018.




The UMMA Trust


Towards recreational activities for 50 Muslim adults, children and youth in the Puketapapa Local Board area to participate in culturally appropriate community activities.



Items requested are of lower priority as per Puketāpapa Local Board (PLB) Grants Programme

Waikowhai Community Trust


Towards holding the Molly Green Community Day at Molly Green Reserve on 24 March 2018, specifically the cost of the sound system, generators, port-a-loos, fun activities, and waste management plans.




New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education Limited


Towards educators' salary subsidies for the MindPlus programme for gifted six to 13 year olds, hosted in Waikowhai Intermediate.



Towards subsidising students from PLB area

Auckland Somali Community Association Incorporated


Towards monthly strengthening families workshops for Somalian communities at Wesley Community Centre, between 30 June 2017 to 31 May 2018.



Towards venue hire

Communities Against Alcohol Harm


Towards supporting local groups, communities and individuals to identify premises whose primary activity is gambling and object to the renewal of alcohol licenses.



Application Included excluded items under the Community Grants Policy

Victim Support (New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Incorporated)


Towards training 60 volunteers for frontline services offered within Central Auckland, to take place at the Ōrākei Marae from 12 August 2017 to 27 August 2018.



Limited wider community benefit for the PLB area

Te Karanga Charitable Trust



Note: Application to be attached to the Minutes

Towards a four-term strength-based young leaders’ programme covering themes on leadership, community and youth development, from 24 July 2017 to 31 June 2018.



Towards PLB youth

Almanar Trust


Towards the bi-annual Eid celebration at Mt Eden stadium.




Auckland Highland Games Association Incorporated


Towards the Auckland Highland Games and Gathering 2017, to be held at Ellerslie Events Centre.




Auckland Indian Sports Club Incorporated


Towards the purchase of hockey goalie gear.



Limited wider community benefit for the PLB area

Auckland Softball Association Incorporated


Towards the cost of the annual vehicle lease for Kiwisport staff.



Items requested are of lower priority as per PLB Grants Programme

Roopa Aur Aap Charitable Trust


Towards the “Victory over Violence” programme, including family support services, intervention programmes, campaigns and workshops for South Asian families.



Ineligible under Community Grants Policy Section 95

Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust


Towards venue hire for fortnightly meetings, venue hire for celebrations, transport for seniors and volunteer reimbursement for the Elder Support Programme from July 2017 to June 2018



Ineligible under Community Grants Policy Section 95

James Wallace Arts Trust, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre


Towards Pah Homestead Community Day 2017.



Ineligible under Community Grants Policy Section 95

Aotearoa Urban Arts Trust


Towards Toi Talks




Application submitted after round closing date


Total requested




b)       agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Quick Response Round Four, listed in Table Two.

Organisation Name


Total Requested

$ Amount Approved


Chirag Jindal


Towards the “Into the Underworld” exhibition on lava caves of Auckland at Silo 6 from 7 July to 24 July 2017, specifically the production of archival-grade prints and cost of mounting the display.




The Umma Trust


Towards the distribution of fruit and vegetables to refugee families living in the Puketāpapa Local Board area; specifically volunteer petrol reimbursement.




Earth Action Trust


Towards the monthly garage sale of recycled goods, specifically container storage racks.




Jane Warren


Towards the “MRI” school film project including a group of students as part of Art Week, specifically towards the cost of two digital memory cards and two subscriptions for editing software.



Ineligible according to PLB Grants Programme – project start date should be no earlier than 1 July 2017.

Nandan (an Indian Bengali Association) Incorporated


Towards six community engagement and welfare programmes from July 2017 to February 2018.




Wesley Intermediate School


Towards setting up the community garden, including garden edging, wheel barrow, compost, hose, watering cans, gloves, and weed mat.




African Communities Forum Incorporated


Towards the African Day Festival taking place on 27 May at Roskill Youth Zone, specifically the cost of waste management services and face painting for children.




Application for the same project already submitted during 2016/2017

Action Education Incorporated


Towards spoken word poetry workshops in Puketapapa schools.




Application for the same project already submitted during 2016/2017


Total Requested




c)         thank officer Sara Chin for her attendance.




a     15 June 2017 Puketāpapa Local Board, Item 23: Puketāpapa Local Grants Round Two and Quick Response Round Four 2016/2017 grant applications - Te Karanga Charitable Trust Application Summary  

The order of business resumed at Item 13: Albert-Eden-Roskill Governing Body Members Update (6.19pm)


Secretarial Note: Item 24 was taken after Item 22 (7.17pm)


Project 17: Auckland Council Maintenance Contracts


Resolution number PKTPP/2017/110

MOVED by Member S Kaushal, seconded by Member D Holm:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)      agree the following local priorities for year one (2017/2018) of new maintenance contracts:

·    community and workforce priorities for this local board area (smart procurement) (Attachment A)

b)      note that community and workforce (smart procurement) targets may be developed over the next six to twelve months to establish a baseline.

c)      note that Auckland Council will continue to encourage, support and work with volunteer and community groups across the region in alignment to the new maintenance contracts. 




7.29 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









