Papakura Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura on Wednesday, 28 June 2017 at 4.30pm.





Brent Catchpole




Deputy Chairperson

Felicity Auva'a





Hon George Hawkins, QSO





Bill McEntee





Michael Turner





Katrina Winn








Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE

(with apology)






  Daniel Newman


  Angela Dalton, Manurewa Local Board



Papakura Local Board

28 June 2017



1          Welcome


Member Michael Turner led the meeting in prayer.



2          Apologies


Resolution number PPK/2017/119

MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member K Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Councillor Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE, for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PPK/2017/120

MOVED by Member MV Turner, seconded by Member K Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 7 June 2017, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.



6          Acknowledgements



Acknowledgement - Passing of Dame Kahurangi Nganeko Minhinnick


Resolution number PPK/2017/121

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a, seconded by Chairperson B Catchpole:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)   express their sincere condolences to the Minhinnick whānau at the loss of Dame Nganeko MinhinnickHer loss will be sorely felt by not only the Ngāti Te Ata and Waikato iwi but all those she interacted with over the years. 

Dame Nganeko was a fervent advocate for environmental stewardship and kaitiakitanga (guardianship) in the Auckland and Waikato region.  She was able to articulate the Māori perspective in a way that resonated with elected members.  The health of the Manukau harbour was paramount.

She had a formidable presence and was a leader in achieving policy and legislative change that provided for Māori aspiration.  Some would attribute the strength of her advocacy to the inclusions of Māori concepts and values in the Resource Management Act, such as mauri (life force) and kaitiakitanga.  These have since become commonplace in modern environmental practices.

Dame Nganeko fought long and hard to see the protection and care of wāhi tapu (sacred place) impacted by Glenbrook Steel Mill.

In recent times she had been invited to address several indigenous forums to share her perspectives, experience and encourage other indigenous groups to take a stand for social, cultural and environmental justice.

She was a mother, a grandmother, a matriarch for her whanau and the people of Ngāti Te Ata growing up for most of her life in Waiuku near the Manukau Harbour and the Waikato River.

Go in peace on your final journey.




7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations



Deputation - Robert Minhinnick - COALFACE Trust NZ - Empowering Poor Communities Challenge 2017 Pilot Scheme


Robert Minhinnick (representing COALFACE Trust NZ) tabled a document and spoke to the highlights.


A copy of the document is publicly available on the Auckland Council website as an attachment to the minutes.



Resolution number PPK/2017/122

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member K Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      thank Robert Minhinnick, a member of the COALFACE Trust NZ for his presentation regarding the “Empowering Poor Communities Challenge 2017 Pilot Scheme” which will work with poor communities to trade their way out of poverty.




a     Information tabled by Robert Minhinnick regarding COALFACE Trust NZ




Deputation - Denise Mahay - Riparian Planting along Papakura Stream


Denise Mahay representing the Porchester Park Residents’ Group and the Randwick Park Residents’ Association, tabled a letter and map and spoke to the documents.


A copy of these documents can be publicly viewed on the Auckland Council website as attachments to the minutes.



Resolution number PPK/2017/123

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)            thank Denise Mahay, representing the Porchester Park Residents’ Group and the Randwick Park Residents’ Association, for her presentation regarding riparian planting and treescaping along the Takanini Esplanade and reserve of the Papakura Stream from Porchester Road to Great South Road.

b)            agree to refer the initiative to staff for further consideration as a potential capital project and for possible inclusion in the 2017/2018 work programmes.

c)            request staff work with mana whenua when scoping the Papakura Stream esplanade walkway and riparian planting project (from Porchester Bridge to Great South Road).




a     Letter from Denise Mahay, Porchester Park Residents' Group requesting riparian planting on Papakura Stream

b     Map of Papakura Stream - identifying the area between Porchester Road and Great South Road for riparian planting



9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Transport Issues - David Clemow




Resolution number PPK/2017/124

MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)            thank David Clemow for his presentation regarding transport issues.





Public Forum - Heather Harrison - Intersection of Great South Road and Coles Crescent, Papakura


Heather Harrison tabled two photographs and spoke to the board about the intersection of Great South Road and Coles Crescent, Papakura. 


A copy of the photographs is publicly available on the Auckland Council website as an attachment to the minutes.



Resolution number PPK/2017/125

MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins:   

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)            thank Heather Harrison for her presentation regarding the lack of visibility of road markings and the positioning of the bollards associated with the stormwater works at the intersection of Great South Road and Coles Crescent, Papakura.

b)            request Auckland Transport look at the safety aspects of the road markings and the bollards associated with the stormwater works at the intersection of Great South Road and Coles Crescent, Papakura.




a     Papakura Local Board Public Forum - Heather Harrison



10        Extraordinary Business



Extraordinary Business - New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Karaka Brookview Limited at 241 Park Estate Road, Hingaia




Resolution number PPK/2017/126

MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins:  

That the Papakura Local Board:


a)            agree to consider an extraordinary item of business as item 26.1, regarding New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Karaka Brookview Limited at 241 Park Estate Road, Hingaia, noting the following reasons for urgency:


i)             to delay a decision to the July business meeting would create delays and financial hardship for the developer who has not been at fault for the issue.




11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Councillors' Update


Resolution number PPK/2017/127

MOVED by Member K Winn, seconded by Member G Hawkins:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         receive the update from Councillor Daniel Newman regarding:

i)          opposed to the targeted rate for accommodation providers – expecting that there may be a judicial review.

ii)         the Governing Body has set aside $150,000 for sprinkler installations at Papakura Marae and the surrounding buildings.

iii)       acknowledged Papakura Marae for the services it delivers to the community.

iv)       Governing Body will provide a grant to Papakura Marae for the development of papakainga – however the council then takes back some of that money in a development contribution.  Would like to see a change in the Unitary Plan to waive the development contribution requirement for papakainga developments.

v)         Takanini Train Station – has requested a site visit with Hon Judith Collins, Hon Mark Mitchell (the Minister for Land Information NZ) and Chief Executives of Kiwirail and Auckland Transport, and the local board.

vi)       Libraries Fit for the Future restructure – concerned about the impact on local libraries, the programmes being run and the resourcing required.

vii)      Wheelie bin roll out – by August 2017 wants certainty about the cost for the tags that will go on the bins.  Need to explain the access and cost to the 240 litre bins. 





Auckland Transport Update June 2017 to the Papakura Local Board


Resolution number PPK/2017/128

MOVED by Member K Winn, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      note the Auckland Transport update June 2017 report.





Leona McKenzie Memorial Seat - Short Street, Opaheke




Resolution number PPK/2017/129

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a, seconded by Member W McEntee:   

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      agree to an operational grant of $5,000 to the family of Leona McKenzie from the Locally Driven Initiative operational expenditure budget underspend, to be paid from the community response fund budget, as a contribution to the installation of the memorial seat acknowledging the work Leona did with the Opaheke School road crossing.

b)      request staff ensure the Leona McKenzie family are aware of the following conditions relating to the grant:

i)       the Leona McKenzie family are responsible for any repairs and maintenance to the memorial seat installed on Short Street, Papakura, going forward.

ii)      the memorial seat will be removed at no cost to the council or Auckland Transport should it fall in disrepair and not be maintained by the family.





Papakura Local Board Grants, Round Two 2016/2017 grant applications


Resolution number PPK/2017/130

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a, seconded by Member K Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline the 2016/2017 round two Papakura Local Grants applications as follows:

Application No.


Project title
Requesting funding for

Amount Granted


Papakura High School

Towards the Papakura High School Arts Festival 2017 for music expenses, venue hire (including technician hire and projector hire), art board hire for 14 to 18 July 2017 at the Hawkins Theatre. 



Papakura East Presbyterian Church

Towards the purchase of instant marquee branded with the church logo to be used by young people, sports groups and other members of the Papakura community.



Cranked Retro Festival, umbrellaed by Tom, Dick and Harry Limited.

Towards costs of venue hire, health and safety, first aid, security, printing of programs and voting forms, local entertainment for the “Cranked Retro Festival” on 5 November 2017 at the Conifer Grove School premises.



The Parenting Place

Towards the cost of delivering 24 “Attitude Life skills” presentations at $200 each for 3500 Papakura students attending three high schools in the Papakura local board region (ACG Strathallan, Papakura High School and Rosehill College)



thebreaksnz limited

Towards the “Gotskills” weekly community dance workshops
for costs of venue hire, tutors fees, sound equipment, promotion costs to hold free hiphop dance workshops at Elizabeth Campbell Hall, 294 Great South Road, Papakura.



Counties Manukau Kindergarten Association

Towards hireage of the music and dance stage, and hireage of the sound system for the family whanau days in Papakura on the 25 November 2017.



New Zealand Blue Light Ventures Incorporated.

Towards the “Blue Light Life skills” programme including costs for five young people aged 14 to 17 years from Papakura to attend the life skills camps.



YMCA of Auckland

Towards Camp Adair main dining hall rebuild including the cost of architectural fees for 2487 Hunua Road, Hunua, RD3, Papakura.



Te Karanga Charitable Trust

Towards the costs of youth development workers’ wages for the “Puketapapa Young Leaders Programme” including food, stationary and equipment.



Papakura Playcentre

Towards costs of purchasing new science equipment and upgrading old equipment for the play centre at 15 Opaheke Road, Papakura.



Papakura Community Dinner umbrellaed by “The Anglican Diocsese of Auckland”

Towards the purchase of food for guests at the Papakura community dinner.



Kahurangi Ki Uta - Papakura High School kapahaka roopu

Towards “Kahurangi Ki Uta” kapahaka group, including costs of purchasing clothing for the group.



Children's Autism Foundation

Towards costs of venue hire, and contracting autism consultants to facilitate “Children's Autism” services and programmes for term three and four.



Papakura Business Association

Towards the costs of installation and taking down Christmas flags through the Papakura town and Christmas decorations along Great South Road from 21 November to 12 January 2018.



Papakura and Districts Historical Society Incorporated

Towards costs associated with web design and a museum logo.



New Foundations Trust

Towards costs of the “Mini Bridge” (Build Respect Inspire Dreams Goals Expectations) programmes including mentor fees, resource and administration costs to run two Mini bridge programmes for six “at-risk” young people in each programme



Papakura Returned Services Association (RSA) Gymnastics

Towards the costs of maintenance of gym equipment and printing certificates, medals, koha for coaches,  and trophies at the final night presentation on 13 November 2017 at the Recreation Centre, Great South Rd, Papakura



Auckland Kids Achievement Trust trading as Graeme Dingle Foundation Auckland

Towards wages for five staff (one Kiwi Can coordinator and four “Kiwi Can” leaders) who deliver the “Kiwi Can” programme at Edmund Hillary, Kelvin Road, Papakura Intermediate and Park Estate Schools.



South Auckland Performing Arts Competition Society (SAPAC) Incorporated

Towards hiring the Hawkins Theatre in Papakura for the “SAPAC Arts Festival 2017” from 18/7/17 to13/8/17.



Papakura Marae Society Incorporated

Toward costs associated with running the Whiri Aroha programme to teach the making of korowai.



Papakura Business Association

Towards costs of hanging 150 rugby jerseys on 75 poles through the town to help support and promote the upcoming Lions Tour from 3/7/17 to 5/7/17.



Victim Support (New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Incorporated)

Towards costs of supporting volunteer programme and retaining two local staff to help victims in the communities.



Mercy Missions Trust

Towards building materials costs for building the new poultry house.



Counties-Manukau Sports Foundation

Towards hosting the “2017 Counties Manukau Sporting Excellence Awards”at Vodafone Events Centre including multi-media, staging, and catering expenses on the 26 November 2017.



OUTLine New Zealand Incorporated

Providing gender identity and sexual orientation counselling and support
including the costs of training phone counsellor volunteers in the Papakura area.







b)        agree to fund, part-fund or decline the 2016/2017 round two Papakura Local Grant multi-board applications as follows:

Application No.


Project title
Requesting funding for

Amount Granted


Pohutukawa Coast Bike Club (PCBC)

Towards the “PCBC Trail Building One Up Two Down 2017 Project” including track works for one up trail and two down trails at Whitford.



Mt Wellington Roller Sports Club (Incorporated.)

Towards the “Auckland Indoor Roller Skating Regional Facility” including funding for stage two of the Auckland Indoor Roller Skating facilities.



Chinese New Settlers Services Trust (CNSST)

Towards the “CNSST Cultural Learning Centre Manukau -Connecting Kids, connecting families” programme including venue hire and promotion at Friendship House, 20 Putney Way, Manukau city centre .



Sinoti Samoa Methodist Youth (Autalavou), Southern Auckland District

Towards the Autalavou celebration event including venue hire and catering costs at Manukau Events Centre on 24 November 2017.



Life Education Trust Counties Manukau

Towards “Life Education - learning with Harold” including costs of the mobile classroom, insurance, salary of the educator and resource development.



Baby Loss New Zealand

Towards “Baby Loss Care Bags and Tangible Memories” for one years’ worth of “care bag” items including teddy bears, boxes and lids, printing of information leaflets, booklets and certificates, cards, seed cards, inkless kits for making hand and foot prints, candles, angel pins, key rings and wrist bands.



Netball Northern Zone

Towards supporting the delivery of the leadership programme in south Auckland schools including two schools from Papakura.



Age Concern Counties Manukau Incorporated.

 Towards counselling services for older adults across south Auckland; specifically towards the cost of salary and travel expenses.



COMET Auckland

Towards a “Youth Employability” programme, including costs for a cross-sector, business-led initiative to support young people in developing soft skills required for success in the workplace.



Auckland Action Against Poverty

Towards costs for a weekly benefit advocacy service at Clendon Work and Income.



GeneNow Financial Literacy Trust

Towards “Exercise Your Money” costs of facilitation and workshop material - printing, graphic design and layout and food items for the cooking demonstrations.



Dress for Success Incorporated

Towards the cost of providing an  office facility, including rent, salary for a manager and general operating costs for employment dressing and job retention support.











c)         agree to fund the late application to the 2016/2017 round two Papakura Local Grants as follows:

Application No.


Project title
Requesting funding for

Amount Granted


Papakura Kootuitui Trust

Towards “Papakura Maker-y” for costs of rental of new digital technology for use in the classrooms (robotics kits and 3D printers and laptops) and facilitators to lead coaching for teachers and after-school professional development workshops.







Relationship Agreement with Mana Whenua


Resolution number PPK/2017/131

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a, seconded by Member K Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      approve the relationship agreement template (Attachment A to the report entitled “Relationship Agreement with Mana Whenua’) as the basis for discussions with mana whenua.

b)      approve a process of reaching these agreements whereby the agreement may proceed to signing without further approval so long as any inclusions are either descriptive or in the nature of minor drafting changes.  For the avoidance of doubt, any changes of substance will be re-presented to the Papakura Local Board, other local boards and the governing body, as relevant, for final approval.

c)      authorise the Deputy Chairperson, Felicity Auva’a and Member Katrina Winn as an alternate to sign the agreement on behalf of the local board at the signing ceremony with Ngāti Tamaoho on 30 June 2017.

d)      authorise the chairperson and the deputy chairperson as an alternate to sign the agreement on behalf of the local board at signing ceremonies with local mana whenua.





Papakura Local Board 2017/2018 Community Facilities Work Programme


Resolution number PPK/2017/132

MOVED by Member K Winn, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      approve the Papakura Local Board 2017/2018 Community Facilities Work Programme as detailed in Attachment A to the report entitled “Papakura Local Board 2017/2018 Community Facilities Work Programme”.

b)      approve in principle the Papakura Local Board 2017-2020 Community Facilities Physical Works Programme as detailed in Attachment B to the report entitled “Papakura Local Board 2017/2018 Community Facilities Work Programme”.

c)      delegate approval to the Papakura Local Board Chairperson for any variances in the scope of the projects identified within the 2017/2018 Community Facilities Work Programme.

d)      note that the 2017/2018 asset-based services capital works funding envelope, identified for the work programme, is indicative to deliver the work and any budget variances will be managed within the total region-wide asset-based services funding envelope.





Project 17: Auckland Council maintenance contracts


Resolution number PPK/2017/133

MOVED by Member K Winn, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         support all the provisions of community and workforce measures for year one (2017/2018) of new maintenance contracts and provides the following priorities:

·         A high percentage of employment, sub-contracting and supplier spend be from within the Papakura area.

·         Encourage work supporting educational institutions and their students to consider career paths in areas covered by these contracts and to assist students develop the skills to secure employment.

·         Papakura demographics highlight a priority for focusing on those under 25 years of age in creating employment opportunities.

·         The board request a high percentage priority of the workforce be targeted towards Māori, Pasifika and women. Additionally the local board considers others who are often distant from the labour market also be prioritised.

·         Over the forthcoming twelve months the local board wish to see evidence of strong percentages developed for the number of staff earning above the living wage and for Māori, Pasifika, women and those often distanced from the labour market in leadership positions.

b)            note that community and workforce (smart procurement) targets may be developed over the next six to 12 months to establish a baseline.

c)            identify the following site specific issues requiring particular attention over and above standard maintenance service specifications as follows;

·         Town centre maintenance throughout is required

·         Cemeteries

·         Outer field of the Drury Domain

·         Kirks Bush – eradication of possums

·         Alleyways and walkways in general

·         Pahurehure esplanade reserve and Redhill walkways around the children’s forest

d)            note that Auckland Council will continue to encourage, support and work with volunteer and community groups across the region in alignment to the new maintenance contracts.

e)            note that the Papakura asset list (attachment C to the report entitled “Project 17: Auckland Council maintenance contracts”) is incomplete and looks forward to a comprehensive and accurate list being provided in the near future. This should include the assets condition rating to assist with identifying priorities. As and when assets are added to the list it is noted that the local board has been advised that no additional funding will be required from the Locally Driven Initiatives budget. 





Renewal of community lease at 1R Wharf Street, Papakura


Resolution number PPK/2017/134

MOVED by Member G Hawkins, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      approve a renewal of the community ground lease, under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, to Counties Manukau Softball Association Incorporated for the land encompassing the clubrooms at 1R Wharf Street, Papakura (outlined in green in Attachment A to the report entitled “Renewal of community lease at 1R Wharf Street, Papakura”) under the following terms and conditions:

i)       Term – 15 years commencing 1 January 2009;

ii)      Rent to remain at $10.00 (incl. GST) per annum.





Auckland Plan refresh 2018: early feedback to inform draft plan


Resolution number PPK/2017/135

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a, seconded by Member K Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         provide the following feedback on the Auckland Plan refresh 2018:

·         the retention of The Southern Initiative and a continued focus on south Auckland

·         enhancing the water quality, status and environmental significance of the Manukau Harbour.


b)        note that resolutions from this meeting will be reported back to the Planning Committee when it meets to decide on the direction to inform the draft Auckland Plan on 1 August 2017.

c)         note that there will be further opportunities to provide feedback on the draft plan as the council continues through the refresh process during 2017.





Reprioritisation of the Papakura Local Board 2016/2017 Budget




This report was withdrawn as the final information received from staff was that there was no budget underspend.




For Information: Reports referred to the Papakura Local Board


Resolution number PPK/2017/136

MOVED by Member K Winn, seconded by Member W McEntee:  

That the Papakura Local Board

a)      note the information from the following local board meetings:


Report Title

Date sent to Members

Governing Body Committee or Forum or Local Board



Notice of Motion – Proposal for Albert-Eden Local Board Community Occupancy Policy

7 June 2017

Albert-Eden Local Board


Request for all new proposed lease documents to be an attachment to the agenda report.

21 June 2017

Kaipātiki Local Board





Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number PPK/2017/137

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      note the Governance Forward Work Calendar.





Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Electoral Term


Resolution number PPK/2017/138

MOVED by Member K Winn, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         note the report entitled “Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Electoral Term”





Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number PPK/2017/139

MOVED by Member MV Turner, seconded by Member W McEntee:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receive the workshop notes for the workshops held on Wednesday, 3 May, 10 May, 17 May, 24 May, 31 May, 7 June and 14 June 2017.




26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items



Extraordinary Item - New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Karaka Brookview Limited at 241 Park Estate Road, Hingaia




Resolution number PPK/2017/140

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member G Hawkins:  

That the Papakura Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974:

a)            approve the applicant’s preferred road name ‘Ngakoro Road’, for the new road created by way of a subdivision consent at 241 Park Estate Road, Hingaia from the roundabout south of Kuhanui Road.

b)            note that nine road names were approved by the Papakura Local Board on 22nd February 2017 (Resolution number PPK/2017/24).  Approval was not requested by the developer for Road 1 as it was intended to be the extension of the existing Kuhanui Road through the roundabout. 

c)            note that the existing street numbering on Kuhanui Road is from south to north and it is not possible to continue the numbering to an extension of this road to the south without changing all of the existing street numbers.  This proposal is to provide a new road name for Road 1 south of the roundabout.






6.18pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









