Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday 22 June 2017 5.15pm Waiheke Local
Board Office |
Waiheke Local Board
OPEN ATTACHMENTS Attachments Under Separate Cover
16 Report on the feasibility of the Waiheke Island becoming a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and the associated establishment process.
A. Legal Opinion re Designating Waiheke Island as a UNESCO Biopshere Reserve 3
B. Biosphere Reserve Nomination Form 13
C. Designation of Biosphere Reserves 51
D. Developing sustainability strategy for Waiheke Island - A Biosphere Reserve application feasibility study 53
17 Waiheke Local Grants: Round Two 2016/2017 grant applications
B. Waiheke Local Grants Round Two 2016/2017 grant applications 69