I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 19 July 2017


Room 1, Level 26
135 Albert Street


Auckland City Centre Advisory Board









Mr John Coop

Corporate sector

Deputy Chair

Mr Andrew Gaukrodger

Corporate sector


Ms Viv Beck

Business Improvement District


Member Shale Chambers

Waitemata Local Board, Auckland Council


Mr Greg Cohen



Mr Ben Corban

Arts and Cultural Sector


Mr Terry Cornelius, JP

Retail sector


Cr Chris Darby

Auckland Council (Mayor’s alternate)


Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP

Auckland Council


Mr Stephen Greenfield

City Centre Residents Group


Mr Dane  Grey

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei


Mr Mark Kingsford

Corporate sector


Cr Mike Lee

Liaison councillor, Auckland Council


Ms Amy Malcolm

Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology)


Mr James Mooney

Urban design/institute of architects


Mr Nigel Murphy

Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology)


Mr Adam  Parkinson

City Centre Residents Group


Mr Patrick Reynolds

Transport representative


Mr Michael Richardson

Business Improvement District


Mr Alex Voutratzis

Property Council of NZ


(Quorum 6 members)



Kalinda  Gopal, Governance Advisor

13 July 2017

Contact Telephone: 021 723 228

Email: kalinda.gopal@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




(Excerpt –full terms of reference available as a separate document)


These terms of reference set out the roles, responsibilities and working arrangements for the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board.

The board is a key advisory body, with no decision-making or autonomous budgetary authority.

The board advises Auckland Council on achieving the vision and strategic outcomes of the Auckland Plan, the City Centre Masterplan, the expenditure of the City Centre Targeted Rate, the development portfolio and city centre issues. Auckland Council includes:


·         The Governing Body and its relevant committees

·         Waitematā Local Board

·         Council controlled organisations




The board will comprise of up to 16 external city centre stakeholders and three elected members. The board will have between 15 and 19 members at all times.


External board members will have an association with an Auckland City Centre group or organisation and have the ability to understand and provide expert advice on Auckland City Centre issues. The membership includes a position for mana whenua.


The board’s term ends one month prior to the next local government elections in 2019.


Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

4          Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

5          City Centre Progress Update Report - to 10 July 2017                                             7

6          Tunnels under Albert Park                                                                                         21

7          Homelessness Policy Project                                                                                     61

8          City Centre Report Card                                                                                             73

9          City Rail Link Monthly Update                                                                                   75 

10        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Apologies


Apologies from Cr C Darby and Chairperson J Coop have been received.



2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 28 June 2017 as a true and correct record.



4          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”



Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



City Centre Progress Update Report - to 10 July 2017


File No.: CP2017/13717





1.       To update the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (the board) on progress on City Centre projects and initiatives to 10 July 2017.

2.       The report provides a high-level overview of progress on projects and initiatives in the City Centre, including:

·   Programming Activities

·   Operations

·   Delivery Projects


For physical project delivery, a coloured bar shows the three stages of development: 

Feasibility / Investigation


Design / Consultation





An arrow        then shows what stage the project is currently at.

Executive summary (highlights)

Britomart Streetscapes - Stage 2: Galway Street East

3.         Completion within the next fortnight.

Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Place Upgrade

4.       Completion within the month. Opening ceremony scheduled for mid-September.

Karangahape Road Streetscape Enhancement and Cycleway

5.         Design team has been appointed and the design process is now underway.

Federal Street Upgrade – stage 2

6.       Concept design is underway.  The project will be delivered alongside the contra-flow cycle project, running the full length of Federal Street.

Homelessness policy work

7.       The Community and Social Policy Department is working towards a report on council’s future approach to homelessness. The policy team will be presenting at the July board meeting.

Midtown implementation strategy

8.       Based on extensive feedback from public consultation, Auckland Transport has developed a cross-over option for routing eastbound isthmus buses within the City Centre. This will be workshopped with the board in August.

Wynyard Quarter and Central Wharves Frameworks

9.         This will be workshopped with the board in August.

Learning Quarter

10.     The Vice Chancellors and Chief Executives met on 3 July. Significant Albert Park improvements are on track for completion by year end. Small scale tactical urban initiatives being planned around Auckland University of Technology’s Engineering Block are opening later this year.

Activate Auckland

11.     Activate Auckland, in partnership with City Rail Link and Albert Street businesses, present EAT ALBERT STREET on Thursday 10th August, 6-9pm. This will be an evening enjoying food and entertainment on Albert Street, as part of Heart of the City’s annual Restaurant Month.



That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)      receive the City Centre progress report update to 10 July 2017.





Overall City Centre Planning

12.     There is significant work is underway to integrate critical planning elements for the City Centre, to develop an integrated implementation programme as part of the Long-term Plan refresh for 2018. This includes an update to the implementation strategy for key City Centre Master Plan transformational programmes in midtown and downtown precincts, as well as other key areas across the City Centre.

13.     The work is being coordinated through the City Centre Governance framework and will be finalised in time for the political engagement process for the Long-term Plan, which commences end of August 2017. In the lead up to this, the City Centre team will be looking to workshop the key elements of this planning with Councillors and the boar. A board workshop on Wynyard Quarter and the Central Wharves will be scheduled in August 2017.

Wynyard Quarter Framework

14.     Recommendations based on the Wynyard Quarter Framework Plan were submitted to the Panuku Board in mid-May and the City Centre Programme Control Group and Executive Steering Group at the end of May/early-June, where it was agreed that recommendations should be workshopped with the Planning Committee

15.     The Framework Plan and implementation options were due to be workshopped with the Planning Committee in mid-June, before going to the 4 July committee meeting, however the workshop dates have been pushed back to early-August to align with a wider conversation on the waterfront including plans for the Port. Once the direction and intent of the Wynyard Quarter Framework Plan has been endorsed by the Planning Committee, work can continue on the implementation programme and funding proposals.

16.     This will form part of the City Centre and Waterfront prioritisation process to enable cross-council understanding of the interdependence of a vast range of projects to be put forward for the 2018-2028 Long-term Plan.

17.     The Headland Park arrangement and timing will be informed by the Wynyard Quarter framework plan and Long-term Plan funding (the park is currently unfunded). A decision still needs to be made on a signature public building in the park; this decision will be informed by the framework plan and confirmed by Planning Committee.

Central Wharves Framework

18.     The Central Wharves Strategy has been progressed to a point where it is now reliant on discussions between councillors and Ports of Auckland Limited on the future of the Port to inform the next phases of work. Work to date has focused on progressing two options in parallel, each based on a different assumption:

·   Assume that Captain Cook Wharf is likely to be available for a cruise terminal in the medium term and continue to progress the Framework Plan on that basis.

·   Assume that Captain Cook Wharf will not be available for a cruise terminal while it continues to be required for freight use and progress the Framework Plan by investigating other options to accommodate cruise growth.

19.     Within both of these options, sub-options were also explored taking into account what can be achieved with and without wharf extensions.

20.     As part of the development of the Framework Plan, ATEED have commissioned Market Economics to peer-review the cruise scenarios produced for the Cruise Action Plan and subsequently modified for the Queens Wharf mooring dolphin, and to model the scenarios on a similar basis to that used for the Cruise New Zealand Economic Impacts report.

21.     The Central Wharves Framework will provide part of the context to a wider discussion on the waterfront at the 7 August Planning Committee workshop

Downtown Framework

22.     Work is underway to refresh the Downtown Framework (2014) to link the City Centre and the Waterfront. The refresh of the framework will consider high quality public realm outcomes and will align with and integrate the City Centre Transport Network outcomes, recent and planned development investment, and the Central Wharves Strategy to create a cohesive and integrated vision for the downtown precinct. 

23.     This work is being progressed by a cross-council team, reporting through to the City Centre Programme Control Group and Executive Steering Group to ensure alignment at all levels across the council family. An integrated implementation plan will be workshopped with the Planning Committee and the board in August 2017

Midtown Implementation Strategy

24.     Based on feedback from public consultation, Auckland Transport has developed a cross-over option for routing eastbound isthmus buses within the City Centre.

25.     A cross-council team is developing a comprehensive implementation strategy for midtown which enables delivery of key City Centre Master Plan transformation projects and the requirements for increased public transport within the city. This vision and implementation strategy will be workshopped with the Planning Committee and the board in August. Further public feedback on the combined plan, which will include detailed designs for the Midtown bus option and how to create vibrant public spaces together with the bus infrastructure, will be sought thereafter.

Learning Quarter

26.     A project schedule is in place for the Albert Park improvement projects.  The plan and schedule is included with these papers.

27.     The Learning Quarter Vice Chancellors/Chief Executives Quarterly Forum was held on 3 July 2017.

28.     The Mid Town East West Public Transport Study project team has identified a preferred option for further investigation.  Auckland Transport will present this option to the board at its August meeting.

29.     The Learning Quarter Working Group, comprising of Auckland Council, Auckland University of Technology, and the University of Auckland, will next meet on 25 July 2017.


30.     No written update since the June City Centre update report, included below for reference.  The Community and Social Policy team will be presenting at the July board meeting.

31.     The Community Empowerment Unit has been progressing discussion with the Auckland City Mission around the feasibility of installing storage lockers specifically for rough sleepers in the City Centre. The lockers were to be managed by the Auckland City Mission and a potential site had emerged on the St Matthews in the City church grounds.However, the discussions have highlighted that the significant resource requirements on the Auckland City Mission to manage the service, combined with the organisation’s upcoming move to new premises to enable development of their existing site, means that the storage locker pilot is not currently feasible. There is potentially an opportunity to support the Auckland City Mission in trialing the installation of storage lockers within their new premises. This is for Auckland City Mission to determine and they will keep us informed as appropriate.

32.     At a strategic level, the Community Empowerment Unit is highlighting the opportunity for public amenities in the City Centre to be considered by the new City Centre and Waterfront governance framework. This aligns with the feedback we have received from the sector, rough sleepers themselves, the Rough Sleeping Steering Group and the Community and Development Safety Committee that highlights responses which enhance public amenities that are accessible to all are preferential.  

33.     James Liston Hostel have advised that refurbishment designs are close to being finalised and the intention is to apply for resource consent and building consent in the near future with construction beginning approximately January 2018. Leigh Redshaw, Strategic Funding Advisor, Community and Social Policy is attending the fortnightly project control group to represent council and ensure contractual obligations are met in respect of the $2 million investment of the City Centre Targeted Rate.

34.     Auckland Council’s Affordable Housing Policy Team, in the Community and Social Policy Department, is undertaking policy work on homelessness. This work involves reviewing the literature (including international case studies), interviewing key informants, describing what council and other agencies currently do, and assessing available levers in order to identify option for council’s position and potential role in addressing homelessness.

35.     The work will inform council’s future approach to homelessness. A report will be presented to the Environment and Community Committee on 8 August 2017. The proposed timeframe has been extended to allow more engagement with Local Boards.

Activate Auckland

36.     The development response group has submitted a proposal to the City Centre & Waterfront Programme Control Group. This proposal outlines a series of work streams and actions to support Auckland through its construction boom and mitigate the impacts of major development. It has been agreed that a risk registered will be created based on current developments across the City Centre and monthly reports will be provided to the Programme Control Group.

37.     Activate Auckland in partnership with City Rail Link and Albert Street restaurants, cafes and retailers present EAT ALBERT STREET on Thursday 10th August, 6-9pm. This will be an evening enjoying food and entertainment on Albert Street as part of Heart of the City’s annual Restaurant Month. It will include opera performances, a free community meal at the Griffiths Gardens, Peacock Dancing in Food Alley, Burlesque Dancers at the Shakespeare Hotel, free hot drinks from Little Albert Café, an edible floral event at Roma Blooms and much more.

38.     PlaceKit is progressing well with the detailed design phase almost complete. We are working with lighting designer Angus Muir to deliver internally lit modules. Prototypes are due in September. We are working on the programming of the kit into various projects across the City Centre, in collaboration with Auckland Transport, Panuku and City Rail Link.

39.     The ‘For Love of Bees Project’ funded by Activate Auckland, which imagines Auckland as the safest city in the world for bees has been growing rapidly. Some of the key projects from For the Love of Bees are:

·   Lunchtime Learning: Free weekly workshops held in The Griffiths Gardens, 42 Wellesley Street West, which educate the public on various approaches to sustainability and biological gardening.

·   Bee School: Free workshops hosted by professional beekeepers that educate the public on sustainable beekeeping practices. Held every first Sunday of the month in Victoria Park’s Campbell Free Historic Kindergarten. Up to 60 people have been attending each session so far.

·   South Auckland Bee Project: The South Auckland Bee Project is an ongoing collaboration with SouthSci that brings students from Aorere College, Tangaroa College, Ormiston College and Kauri Flats Primary to engage with BeezThingz’ high-tech bee monitoring technology and collaborate on sustainable science projects in Auckland’s city centre.

·   Bees in Parks: For the Love of Bees in collaboration with BeezThingz has installed three high-tech, monitored beehives in Victoria Park and an additional three hives in Myers Park.

·   Biking Bee Adventure: The Biking Bee Adventure is seasonal event that invites members of the public to cycle  to various bee-friendly locations across Central Auckland with free food, music, sustainability classes and entertainment. The winter biking bee attracted 55 participants.

Cycle Network

40.     Quay Street segment of the Tamaki Drive Cycleway: Construction has been delayed due to the resource consent application being notified.

41.     Nelson Street Cycleway: Works have started on the section of the Nelson Street Cycleway from Victoria Street to Pakenham Street East in Market Place, and Pitt Street from Beresford Square to Hobson Street.  The final section to Quay Street is currently in design and is due for public consultation this winter.

42.     Westhaven to City (Stage 1):  Construction of this project will commence in early Spring.

43.     Westhaven to City (Stage 2):  The preferred option is a bi-directional cycleway on Market Place. Customs Street West and Lower Hobson Street. General traffic on the Market Place section would be restricted to one direction. It will provide a link for people on bikes of all ages and abilities between the cycleways on Nelson Street and Quay Street.  Public consultation is scheduled for June.  Construction is anticipated to follow in September.

44.     Midtown cycleway (Victoria Street):  Detailed design will shortly start on this project with construction expected in 2018.

45.     Tamaki Drive cycleway: Consultation on this project was completed in June and there is significant feedback to work through.  A decision on the project is expected in early Spring.

Wynyard Quarter Redevelopment

46.     No new update this month.  June’s update is included below for reference.

47.     Works continue on Madden Street (between Daldy and Sanfords) and Gaunt Street (between Daldy and Bus Depot entrance).  Works are to build new in-ground infrastructure to support the higher density residential and commercial land use, build sustainable stormwater solutions and high amenity streetscapes.

48.     The work on Madden Street is being carried out by Panuku Development Auckland and the upgrade to Gaunt Street is an Auckland Transport project. Both projects will be completed early September 2017.

49.     The Precinct and Willis Bond commercial and residential construction projects continue. Precinct GridAKL at 10 Madden Street is the next to be completed with a formal opening earmarked September 2017.


50.     The Business Strategy and Architecture Group is developing job the description for the project manager/business analyst to deliver the procurement strategy for the Smart Cities pedestrian monitoring work.  Auckland Transport have secured budget and Auckland Council and Auckland Transport will be working together on the delivery.

51.     The City Centre Report Card is will be discussed at the July board meeting.

52.     Further remediation work to be carried out on Beach Road planted areas.

53.     GIS team in final stages of securing the interface between Auckland Council consents and Land Information New Zealand’s Forward Works Viewer platform.  This will provide enhanced information, on surrounding works, to anyone working within the road reserve.


Lower Queen Street & Albert Street Reinstatement upgrades

54.     The City Rail Link team presented updated concepts for Albert Street to the board, outlining several options for where and how the Targeted Rate contribution of $20 million could be utilised – the concepts were well received and the board endorsed the allocation of funding as outlined in the presentation.

55.     The City Rail Link team presented the latest designs for Lower Queen Street to the Council Projects Design Review Panel on 1 May 2017.  The Auckland Design Office and City Rail Link have worked through the feedback from the design panel, and updated board at its June meeting

Britomart Streetscapes - Stage 2: Galway Street (east)

56.     The project is planned to be completed by end of July 2017.

SkyPath - Stage 2

57.     No update since the June update report; included for reference.

58.     1 June 2017, capital budget for amenity works and moving the marina maintenance yard at the southern landing of SkyPath, and realignment of a path at the northern landing of SkyPath, was approved (subject to the Annual Budget being signed off by Governing Body on 29 June 2017), as part of the Major’s Annual Budget 2017/18.

59.     Since April 2017, the private sector party (the PIP Fund) has reached out to a number of major construction companies, more than five parties are interested in becoming the construction partner for SkyPath. The PIP Fund is in dialogue with these companies and a builder is expected to be on board in winter 2017.

Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Place Upgrade

60.     Freyberg Place: The concrete terraces are near completion with good progress being made on the last terrace. Paving is nearly complete.  Street furniture will be installed and planting within the Square carried out imminently.

61.     Ellen Melville Centre: Plasterboard lining, stopping and painting is continuing on all levels inside the building. The Lisa Reihana artwork is under construction off site and will be installed at the end of the project.  The tukutuku panels will be reinstated inside the Pioneer Women’s Hall for the project opening.

62.     A number of issues have been encountered during construction, which have impacted on the final completion date.  Contractors are working towards a late July/early August completion timeframe.  The opening is scheduled for mid-September.

Myers Park Upgrade – Stage 2

63.     Business case and technical reviews are still underway.

Karangahape Rd Streetscape Enhancement & Cycleway

64.     Beca and Landlab have been appointed as the design team. And the design process is underway.

Poynton Terrace

65.     Development of business case underway including review of scope, budget and programme.

Federal Street upgrade – Stage 2

66.     The concept design is in progress with the initial findings presented to the Waitematā Local Board on 4 July.  The project is to be delivered in close coordination with the contra-flow cycle project along the length of Federal Street.

67.     A workshop with mana whenua is planned for 14 July.

Hobson and Nelson Street upgrade

68.     Auckland Transport undertaking further traffic modelling along the two streets.

69.     Senior management discussing terms with New Zealand International Convention Centre.

Beach Road Maori Artwork

70.     Resource consent has been granted for five bronze sculptures of working waka prow that will be located on the existing “waka plinths” between Britomart Place and Tangihua Street.

71.     The sculptures will be cast at the rate of one per month over the next five months and installation is planned to occur in September.

O’Connell Street Public Art

72.     The Arts and Culture team have secured license agreements with the building owners on O’Connell Street, to allow the artwork to be attached to their buildings. The resource consent application is underway.

73.     The artwork is planned to be installed in early 2018.


Local board views and implications

74.     Engagement with the Waitematā Local Board has occurred on all City Centre projects that are actively progressing. Specific engagement with the board is included in the project plans for individual projects. The board is generally supportive of the direction being taken.

Māori impact statement

75.     Monthly hui are being held throughout 2017 with iwi representatives, with the purpose of seeking mana whenua input into the scoping and design process of City Centre projects.


76.     Prior to the implementation of City Centre projects and initiatives, regular meetings and workshops are held with many stakeholders including the Waitematā Local Board, Heart of the City, K Road Business Association, Learning Quarter stakeholders, iwi and the appropriate Auckland Council committee(s).








Albert Park project plan



Albert Park project table





Emma  Taylor - Development Programmes Lead


Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services


Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



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Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



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Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



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Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



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Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



Tunnels under Albert Park


File No.: CP2017/13874





1.       To seek feedback on a proposal for opening the tunnels under Albert Park.

Executive summary

2.       Nick Reid, Transport Planner will attend the meeting on behalf of Subterranean City, a partnership promoting the development of the existing tunnels under Albert Park.



That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)      provide feedback on the proposal for opening the tunnels under Albert Park.








Albert Park Tunnels Development Proposal





Kalinda  Gopal - Governance Advisor


Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services


Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



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Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



Homelessness Policy Project


File No.: CP2017/14054





1.       Deb Edwards, Manager Affordable Housing, from the Community & Social Policy Team, will be presenting an update on the team’s homelessness policy work.



That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)      receive the Homelessness Policy update.








Homelessness Policy Project





Emma  Taylor - Development Programmes Lead


Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services


Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



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Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



City Centre Report Card


File No.: CP2017/13976





1.       To update the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board on the City Centre Report Card.

Executive summary

2.       The purpose of the City Centre Report Card is to provide information about what is happening in the City Centre. It brings together data collected from various council departments and other organisations into one place, to help council understand what is happening in the City Centre.

3.       It reports on trends and the direction that the City Centre is moving, and provides a platform to talk about the success, progress and change that is being made in the City Centre.  It will provide the platform for communications but it will not tell the story itself. It will present raw information that can then be analysed and used to tell stories by others, for example it could be used by communications team for the CE Forum, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board and is available to all of council and its council controlled organisations.

4.       At presentation on the report card will be provided at the board meeting.

Next Steps

5.       The Development Programmes Office and RIMU are working on an interactive dashboard that will provide quarterly updated information about what is happening in the City Centre.



That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)      receive the presentation on the City Centre Report Card



There are no attachments for this report.    



Ella Hardy - Development Programmes Analyst


Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services


Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

19 July 2017



City Rail Link Monthly Update


File No.: CP2017/13881





1.       To receive a regular update from the City Rail Link project team on the Lower Queen Street/Britomart Station surrounds as part of the City Rail Link works.

Executive summary

2.       Members from the City Rail Link project team will attend the meeting to provide a design and progress update on Lower Queen Street/Britomart Station surrounds.



That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)      receive the design and progress update on the Lower Queen Street/Britomart Station surrounds as part of the City Rail Link works.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Kalinda  Gopal - Governance Advisor


Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services