I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland Domain Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 31 August 2017 9.30am Room 1, Level
26 |
Auckland Domain Committee
Chairperson |
Cr Mike Lee |
Deputy Chairperson |
Ms Pippa Coom |
Members |
Mr Shale Chambers |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr Desley Simpson, JP |
Mr Vernon Tava |
Ex-officio |
Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP |
IMSB Members |
Renata Blair |
Terrence Hohneck |
(Quorum 3 members)
Quorum must include 2 Governing Body members |
Sonja Tomovska Governance Advisor
25 August 2017
Contact Telephone: 09 890 8022 Email: sonja.tomovska@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
The Auckland Domain is an important regional park and also has areas within it managed by the Waitemata Local Board. This committee is set up jointly by the Governing Body and Waitemata Local Board to co-ordinate decisions relating to the Domain.
Decision-making responsibility for parks, recreation and community services and activities in Auckland Domain including those anticipated in the Auckland Domain Act 1987, which are the responsibility of the Governing Body or the Waitemata Local Board.
All powers of the Governing Body and Waitemata Local Board necessary to perform the committee’s responsibilities including those powers conferred on Auckland Council pursuant to the Auckland Domain Act 1987.
(a) powers that the Governing Body cannot delegate or has retained to itself (section 2)
(b) where a matter is the responsibility of another committee or local board
(c) the approval of expenditure that is not contained within approved budgets
(d) the approval of expenditure of more than $2 million
(e) the approval of final policy
(f) deciding significant matters for which there is high public interest and which are controversial.
Exclusion of the public – who needs to leave the meeting
Members of the public
All members of the public must leave the meeting when the public are excluded unless a resolution is passed permitting a person to remain because their knowledge will assist the meeting.
Those who are not members of the public
General principles
· Access to confidential information is managed on a “need to know” basis where access to the information is required in order for a person to perform their role.
· Those who are not members of the meeting (see list below) must leave unless it is necessary for them to remain and hear the debate in order to perform their role.
· Those who need to be present for one confidential item can remain only for that item and must leave the room for any other confidential items.
· In any case of doubt, the ruling of the chairperson is final.
Members of the meeting
· The members of the meeting remain (all Governing Body members if the meeting is a Governing Body meeting; all members of the committee if the meeting is a committee meeting).
· However, standing orders require that a councillor who has a pecuniary conflict of interest leave the room.
· All councillors have the right to attend any meeting of a committee and councillors who are not members of a committee may remain, subject to any limitations in standing orders.
Independent Māori Statutory Board
· Members of the Independent Māori Statutory Board who are appointed members of the committee remain.
· Independent Māori Statutory Board members and staff remain if this is necessary in order for them to perform their role.
· All staff supporting the meeting (administrative, senior management) remain.
· Other staff who need to because of their role may remain.
Local Board members
· Local Board members who need to hear the matter being discussed in order to perform their role may remain. This will usually be if the matter affects, or is relevant to, a particular Local Board area.
Council Controlled Organisations
· Representatives of a Council Controlled Organisation can remain only if required to for discussion of a matter relevant to the Council Controlled Organisation
Auckland Domain Committee 31 August 2017 |
1 Apologies 7
2 Declaration of Interest 7
3 Confirmation of Minutes 7
4 Petitions 7
5 Public Input 7
5.1 Public Input - Procare 7
5.2 Public Input - Frank Edwards 8
5.3 Public Input - EU Consuls - Million Trees Project 8
6 Local Board Input 8
7 Extraordinary Business 8
8 Notices of Motion 9
9 Auckland Domain/Pukekawa Event Guidelines Review 11
10 Overview of the business case for the implementation of the Auckland Domain Masterplan 39
11 Grafton Mews Pedestrianisation 45
12 Auckland Domain - general update 51
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 13 June 2017, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.
4 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
5 Public Input
Standing Order 7.7 provides for Public Input. Applications to speak must be made to the Governance Advisor, in writing, no later than one (1) clear working day prior to the meeting and must include the subject matter. The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders. A maximum of thirty (30) minutes is allocated to the period for public input with five (5) minutes speaking time for each speaker.
Purpose 1. Martina Hing and Tony Wai, from Procare will address the meeting regarding the future arrangements around the Auckland Bowling Club parking.
Recommendation/s That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) receive the public input presentation from Procare, and thank Martina Hing and Tony Wai for their attendance.
Purpose 1. Frank Edwards will address the meeting regarding the Robert Burns Statue in the Domain. |
Recommendation/s That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) receive the public input presentation from Frank Edwards and thank him for his attendance. |
Purpose 1. Noelene Buckland, from the Consulate of Hungary will address the meeting regarding the EU Consuls - Million Trees project. |
Recommendation/s That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) receive the public input presentation from Noelene Buckland, from the Consulate of Hungary, and thank her for her attendance. |
6 Local Board Input
Standing Order 6.2 provides for Local Board Input. The Chairperson (or nominee of that Chairperson) is entitled to speak for up to five (5) minutes during this time. The Chairperson of the Local Board (or nominee of that Chairperson) shall wherever practical, give one (1) day’s notice of their wish to speak. The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.
This right is in addition to the right under Standing Order 6.1 to speak to matters on the agenda.
At the close of the agenda no requests for local board input had been received.
7 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
8 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
Auckland Domain Committee 31 August 2017 |
Auckland Domain/Pukekawa Event Guidelines Review
File No.: CP2017/16089
1. To adopt the updated Auckland Domain/Pukekawa Event Guidelines following their review.
Executive summary
2. The Auckland Domain Event Operational Guidelines were approved on 2 May 2016 with the intention they would be tested for one year.
3. These have recently been under review to evaluate their effectiveness. The result is that some relatively minor changes are proposed to the guideline as set out in the tracked change version in Attachment A.
That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) adopt the amended guidelines as set out in Attachment A of this report. |
4. The Auckland Domain/Pukekawa (domain) is in high demand for a range of events due to its central location, large capacity, easy access from public transport, limited adjacent residents and good hospitality offerings.
5. The Auckland Domain Event Operational Guidelines were developed to provide a framework for the assessment of events in the domain following a report to the Auckland Domain Committee (committee) in August 2015. At the time it was identified there are a range of statutory and policy documents that guide the management of the domain, but that not all these presented a unified approach to events in the domain.
6. These documents include: the Auckland Domain Act 1987, the Auckland Domain Management Plan 1993, the then Auckland City District Plan Isthmus section and Proposed Unitary Plan (PAUP) which has now been replaced by the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part), the Auckland Domain Master Plan and the Trading and Events in Public Places Bylaw 2014.
7. The guidelines were reported to the committee on 30 March 2016 and approval was delegated to Councillor Christine Fletcher and Member Shale Chambers on 2 May 2016. The guidelines included an action that they be tested for a year to assess their effectiveness.
8. The domain general update report to the committee’s 24 May 2017 meeting advised a review would be undertaken. This review has involved consultation with ATEED, Auckland Council events and heritage teams, Community Facilities Department and City Parks Services to determine how well the guidelines have been working. The Auckland War Memorial Museum has also been consulted.
9. The review suggests the guidelines are working well, but that some minor amendments be made as follows:
a) General update including:
· deletion of the references to the District Plan that are no longer relevant
· retaining mention of the District Plan’s section 5C relating to the Museum surrounds - while this is no longer in effect Heritage staff have advised they will still give consideration to this when assessing applications in this area
· noting the Auckland Unitary Plan is now operative in part and updating associated references made to events and removal of reference to Sites and Places of Value to Mana Whenua
· include reference to the Auckland Domain Masterplan
· amending references to staff involved in event management due to changes in roles following restructuring, and
· amend dates of sports field upgrades
b) Change the multiple day criteria for committee approval from the ‘one day’ to ‘more than 48hours’. This will allow one day events that have some pack in or out either side of the event to be assessed by event staff.
c) Set timeframes for applications to be assessed to address the issue of late applications that did not provide sufficient time for consideration by the events staff or the committee.
d) Include ongoing provision for access to the Auckland Museum carpark – this is an area that should not be inhibited by events.
e) Provide greater clarity on providing longer term (up to 5 year) permits for events that are operated on an annual basis such as Christmas in the Park and Lantern Festival, with staff be tasked with monitoring and reviewing event conditions.
f) Note a preference for use of mulch as protective ground covering.
g) Update reference to Zone 4 – Kari St Commons Zone and note the progress made on designs and proposed utilisation of this space.
h) Include the name ‘Pukekawa’ and remove ‘operational’ from the guidelines title.
i) Minor amendments related to typos etc.
10. Prior to the guidelines being developed the Proposed Unitary Plan limited the number of events in the domain to three. A proposal was put up to the Unitary Planning team to amend this to apply to large scale events. Now the section in the Unitary Plan relating to events has become operative it is noted the figure of 20,000 people was added as a definition of large scale. It is proposed that this be revisited as there are a number of factors that influence whether an event is large-scale - not just numbers. This is reflected in the guidelines.
Local board views and implications
11. The committee has three representatives from the Waitematā Local Board. At the time of writing this report the updated draft guidelines were due to be workshopped with the Waitematā Local Board. This will occur prior to the committee on 22 August and any comments or feedback from that workshop will be presented at the meeting.
Māori impact statement
12. Auckland Domain/Pukekawa is considered of great importance to many iwi in the region and beyond. Mana whenua consultation is currently underway on the amended guidelines with the information provided at a parks and recreation mana whenua engagement regional hui held on 16 August and further feedback being sought from the next hui central-southern hui on 30 August 2017.
13. It is also anticipated that consultation will be undertaken with mana whenua on specific event applications as noted in the guideline.
14. This guideline will continue to be utilised in the assessment for any future applications for large-scale events brought to the committee for approval.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Auckland Domain/Pukekawa Event Guidelines_Track Changes |
15 |
Author |
Annette Campion - Policy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua Mark Bowater – Acting General Manager Parks Sports and Recreation |
31 August 2017 |
Overview of the business case for the implementation of the Auckland Domain Masterplan
File No.: CP2017/16576
1. To confirm implementation priorities and possible funding streams associated with the Auckland Domain Masterplan and in preparation of Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan.
Executive summary
2. The Auckland Domain Masterplan (masterplan) was approved by the Auckland Domain Committee in mid-2016. Costs to deliver all the proposals and actions in the masterplan have been estimated with the expectation this will require significant investment in the order of $52.5M. At this stage only $2.173M is projected in current budgets for future years.
3. A business case is being developed to seek funding for the implementation of the plan in Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan. A component of this business case will focus on other sources of funding that could contribute to the delivery of various elements of the masterplan.
4. The report includes a summary of alternate funding sources such as partnerships, fees and charges and new concessions.
5. It is currently proposed that the implementation is staged over the 10 years of Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP).
That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) agree that a business case for the implementation of the Auckland Domain Masterplan be progressed for inclusion in the Long Term Plan based on the priorities presented in the report. b) support investigation into other revenue sources to contribute to the implementation of the Auckland Domain Masterplan and that these be included in the business case for the Long Term Plan funding, including opportunities for: i) partnerships ii) introducing parking charges iii) increasing concessions iv) identifying opportunities to hire space and facilities, at a fee, where this does not impinge on current free public access. |
6. The masterplan is a twenty year aspiration for how the park can develop and help to achieve the Auckland Plan’s vision to make Auckland the world’s most liveable city. The masterplan has identified all the various projects and work streams impacting on the Auckland Domain/Pukekawa (domain), and provides a coordinated plan for the domain’s management and development.
7. The masterplan was adopted by the Auckland Domain Committee (committee) on 27 July 2016. The report to the committee included a first draft of an implementation plan with indicative costs, timeframes and funding options and was further discussed at the committee’s workshop in May 2017.
8. Significant expenditure is required in the domain to address an apparent lack of investment over the last decade and to ensure the domain’s management and development responds to significant growth in the central Auckland area. Further analysis of the costs has been undertaken and initial estimates suggest that the cost of delivering the masterplan is in the order of $52.5M.
9. Currently only $2.173M of funding is in place in future years for the continued delivery of the natural play space, Kari Street Commons and for the sports field development.
Funding the implementation
10. A business case is being prepared seeking LTP funding to support the implementation of the masterplan over the next 10 years.
11. As previously reported to the committee there are a number of drivers associated with generating revenue from activities in the domain without compromising the values of the domain. These include increasing access to parts of the domain, providing new services, current charges for like for like services in surrounding areas, the desire for council to identify non-rates funding to reduce the rates burden and the large unbudgeted costs associated with the implementation of the masterplan.
12. As previously suggested to the committee it is proposed that additional sources of revenue be investigated as part of the business case for LTP funding to deliver on the masterplan.
13. It is anticipated that the delivery of pedestrian and cycling improvements in, to and through the domain will attract some funding from Auckland Transport (AT). AT have advised that the domain is included in the city centre fringe which is an area of higher active transport investment over the next 10 years.
14. It is also proposed that parking charges could provide a significant funding contribution. It is commonly known that the domain is used as a parking lot for the surrounding area. A study undertaken in 2006 suggested close to 50% of those parking in the domain were not there to visit the park. This has become more evident in recent years as parking restrictions and charges have been introduced in adjacent streets.
15. The surrounding area is well-serviced by public transport and has in excess of 15 commercial parking buildings. AT monitor approximately 1,100 on street parks in the Grafton and Newmarket areas and has advised that further restrictions and parking charges are about to be introduced in these areas to manage parking demand. They have noted the best way to manage parking demand is through price. This will in turn place further pressure on the free parking in the domain.
16. It has been estimated that the introduction of parking charges could return $1M a year in revenue and it is recommended that this be included in a business case for the LTP and a more detailed cost/benefit analysis be completed.
17. In addition further revenue could be achieved by increasing the number of concessions offered in the domain. Opportunities for recreational equipment, like cycle hire, as well as a hub for guided walks and potentially a coffee/food vendor could be developed in a concession hub utilising the Camp Hale sheds (on Football Road). In addition a cafe concession could be considered for the Kari Street Commons as the area is developed.
18. The masterplan includes providing further infrastructure to support events, social spaces for young people and large scale memorials. The opportunity to seek funding support from the Waitematā Local Board, ATEED, event organisers, the University of Auckland and community organisations that can access external funding such as lotteries funding are being explored.
19. Lastly the ability to set aside areas for private hire/use for events is also recommended. This could include use of the Wintergardens afterhours (when closed to the public), hiring the area below the grandstand or hiring spaces in the Kari Street Commons area should also be investigated.
Priorities for implementation
20. A proposed staging for masterplan implementation has been developed. The committee’s support for this staging is being sought. This staging has given consideration to:
a) the feedback during the consultation on the masterplan in regard to the themes and the priorities identified,
b) what projects are already underway,
c) projects that could be undertaken when the asset is up for renewal
d) timing of works being implemented by AT and the Auckland Museum
e) projects that could attract possible funding from partners.
21. The table below provides a summary of the proposed funding requirements and staging of delivery:
Project |
Short term Years 1-3 |
Med term Years 4-6 |
Long term Years 7-10 |
Total |
1 |
Road and car park closures – pedestrian and cycling improvements |
$2,049,500 |
$2,755,000 |
$4,635,790 |
$9,440,290 |
2 |
Kari St Commons |
$1,000,000 |
$5,000,000 |
$10,000,000 |
$16,200,000 |
3 |
WWI Memorial |
$2,000,000 |
$2,000,000 |
4 |
Play |
$600,000 |
$600,000 |
5 |
Trees, gardens, greenhouses and ponds |
$600,000 |
$75,000 |
$90,000 |
$765,000 |
6 |
Wayfinding, accessibility and interpretation |
$147,500 |
$165,000 |
$100,000 |
$412,500 |
7 |
Sports field improvements |
$573,000 |
$3,427,000 |
$4,000,000 |
8 |
Lighting |
$960,000 |
$150,000 |
$150,000 |
$1,260,000 |
9 |
Parking – Barracks Rd development |
$2,500,000 |
$2,500,000 |
10 |
Public art and plaques |
$50,000 |
$50,000 |
11 |
Renewals and sustainability |
$5,965,000 |
$1,460,000 |
$1,245,000 |
$8,670,000 |
12 |
Events programming and activation |
$33,600 |
$33,600 |
$44,800 |
$112,000 |
13 |
Consequential operational costs |
$ 846,988 |
$ 1,890,150 |
$ 3,928,375 |
$ 6,665,512 |
Totals |
$14,825,588 |
$17,455,750 |
$20,193,965 |
$52,475,302 |
Note: as detailed in the earlier section of the report, many of these programmes of works have the potential for/are earmarked for partnership funding opportunities. They may need some funding (through the LTP) but it is recommended that this LTP funding is then used to leverage alternative funding sources.
Road and car park closures to improve pedestrianisation
22. The proposal to pedestrianise part or all of some roads and car parking areas to create an active transport/pedestrian friendly park, while still allowing vehicle access to key facilities in the park, was well supported in the masterplan consultation. The feedback was also supportive of consolidating car parking on the eastern edge of the domain. It is suggested that this occur in a staged manner (four stages) with the initial focus being on opening up the Sri Chimnoy Mile.
Kari St Commons
23. This project is underway with some funding in place for the next two years. However, given the scale of the site and the variety of spaces and activities being considered significant investment will be required to deliver this. It is anticipated that components of this will be able to attract funding from external sources and development could be offset with revenue from concessionaire activities.
WWI Centennial Memorial
24. This project is also underway and it is anticipated external sources of funding will be secured to contribute to the overall cost of delivering the project.
25. The natural play space project is already underway and funded and has been factored into the overall costs.
Trees, gardens, greenhouses and ponds
26. Significant investment has recently been provided to upgrade the greenhouses in the service yard. The proposed budget of $1,765,000 covers the implementation of the Tree Plan, rationalisation of some gardens and upgrade of the Fairy Pool.
Wayfinding, accessibility and interpretation
27. While 44 new signs have recently been installed in the domain as a renewal project there is a need to undertake and assessment of further wayfinding and interpretation needs and in particular deliver more relevant interpretation material on the wide ranging values in the Domain. The funding provisionally allocated to this includes resourcing cultural values assessments and archaeological reports, removing redundant signs, undertaking a track naming process and an accessibility audit, and implementing changes to make the Domain more accessible.
Sports field quality
28. Through the masterplan consultation sports field users asked for improved quality of the sports fields. A project is underway to upgrade the lower sports fields and the provision of lighting of the sports fields is being considered as part of this programme. An estimate of $4,000,000 has been included given the significance of the site and consenting issues raised. It is intended that this be funded from the regional sports field programme.
29. Lighting of entrances and key pathways for walking and jogging was frequently mentioned in the consultation feedback. A budget is required to initially commission a lighting plan to review all lighting in the domain and to then address the lighting requirements. This estimate includes the lighting of the Sri Chimnoy Mile/loop. Some sections are currently lit, but the lighting is dull and inefficient. Improvements to lighting of the entire circuit would extend the use of the area for walking, running and cycling in the early mornings and into the evening and support event activation. Improvements to lighting at entrances, key circulation routes and for amenity, plus lighting and power sources for events and connections to the Kari St commons are also included.
30. The masterplan includes the redevelopment of the Barracks Road carpark. An initial review of the site suggests it currently caters for approximately 129 cars but could be designed to be more efficient and provide a further 200 car parks. This could replace the 183 parks proposed to be taken out with the pedestrianisation programme. The cost to implement this has been estimated at $2,500,000. Consideration could also be given to undergrounding the carpark which would provide a better landscape outcome and potentially increase security but this would be at a significant cost.
Public art and plaques
31. The masterplan identified a need to develop a public art management plan and a stocktake of plaques and memorials (86 on council records) with a policy developed to provide direction for future requests. A budget of $50,000 has been allocated to this.
Renewals and sustainability
32. The allocation of $8,670,000 is anticipated to cover the renewals not covered by the variety of projects above and is expected to be sufficient in the first few years to address areas suffering from deferred maintenance, such as the renewal of the tropical house in the Wintergardens. As part of this it is also anticipated that sustainable technologies and practises would be employed when renewals are undertaken and that improvements would be made to stormwater systems.
Events programming and activation
33. With the proposal to pursue more external revenue to support the delivery of the masterplan a moderate budget at $112,000 has been included to ensure there is resource to support this and for the promotion of activities and events in the domain.
Local board views and implications
34. The Waitematā Local Board has not provided direct input into the proposed implementation plan however they have provided input to the Auckland Domain Master Plan and three members of the board sit on the committee.
35. In the development of the priorities presented in this report consideration was given to the key initiatives in the Draft Waitematā Local Board Plan which supports continued investment in parks, providing places for young people, prioritising the delivery of their Greenway Plan, support for signature events, and provision of programmes and facilities that encourage activity.
36. As further refining of the priority projects is undertaken it is proposed this be work-shopped with the local board in regard to synergies and where LDI funding may contribute to specific projects.
Māori impact statement
37. As part of the preparation of the draft master plan, five hui were held with mana whenua to ensure their input into the draft content and to hear the public feedback on the plan.
38. Mana whenua will continue to be engaged in partnership on the delivery of many components of the plan, such as the preparation of cultural values assessments to feed into the delivery of storytelling.
39. The next steps are to prepare a business case seeking funding for the implementation of the masterplan as set out in this report so this can be considered through the LTP process. As part of this the potential to acquire external funding to support a variety of components of the masterplan will be investigated, if supported by the committee.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Annette Campion - Policy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua Mark Bowater – Acting General Manager Parks Sports and Recreation |
Auckland Domain Committee 31 August 2017 |
Grafton Mews Pedestrianisation
File No.: CP2017/17405
1. To seek approval from the Auckland Domain Committee to pedestrianise (close to vehicles) a section of Grafton Mews between Lower Domain Drive and Centennial Walkway.
Executive summary
2. At the Auckland Domain Committee (committee) workshop on 13 June 2017, council staff presented a memo outlining several ideas for increasing the walking and cycling provision in Auckland Domain/Pukekawa (domain).
3. The committee approved in principle the investigation into closure of part of Grafton Mews, between Lower Domain Drive and Centennial Walkway and requested staff report back on the implications and options for timing of the closure.
4. Key stakeholders have since been consulted on the proposal, including Auckland Tennis, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED), Auckland Council’s events team, the Auckland Bowling Club, ProCare, Ronald McDonald House and the Auckland District Health Board (ADHB).
5. Stakeholders that have responded were generally positive about the proposal but also had some concerns. The event stakeholders want to make sure that their events won’t be adversely affected when the road becomes accessible only to pedestrians and cyclists and various other groups were concerned about alternative safe vehicular access.
6. Auckland Transport were engaged to advise on traffic safety. They advised that some minor works would be needed to ensure only left turns in and out of the lights at the Stanley Street/Grafton Road intersection could be made. This includes the need to reduce the size of a traffic island at the bottom of Lower Domain Drive at the intersection of Stanley Street. This was estimated to cost $7,000.
7. In addition to safety changes it would be necessary, at minimum, to place four bollards at both the Lower Domain Drive end and the Centennial Walkway end of Grafton Mews. The physical works for this, including consent and project management, is estimated at $10,000.
8. Auckland Transport will need to approve the road closure (as they currently control this section of road) and this may include the need for further public engagement.
That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) approve the pedestrianisation of Grafton Mews between Lower Domain Drive and Centennial Walkway b) request that Auckland Transport support the committee’s decision noting that this is within the legal title of Auckland Domain which is intended as “a place of public recreation and enjoyment, including at all times free access to and egress from the Domain in favour of all persons” (Section 4 Auckland Domain Act 1987) c) delegate responsibility for implementing the pedestrianisation, subject to securing budget from partners, to the Manager Auckland Domain. |
9. At the domain committee workshop on the 13 June 2017, council staff presented a memo outlining several ideas for increasing the walking and cycling provision in the domain.
10. One of the proposals included in the memo was to close and pedestrianise the section of Grafton Mews between Lower Domain Drive and Centennial Walkway.
11. The domain committee agreed in principle to closing this section of Grafton Mews and asked for staff to ‘report back on the implications and options for timing of the closure of Grafton Mews’
Active Transport
12. The link between Centennial Walkway and Lower Domain Drive, onto the bush walks and the Parnell Train Station, is via the northern portion of Grafton Mews. This formed road is usually occupied by parked cars and is also used as a thoroughfare by cars accessing Auckland Bowling Club and businesses outside of the domain.
13. Grafton Mews has no active transport infrastructure; it is a road that only serves the function of a vehicle thoroughfare and parking. The topography and current use mean that it is not safe for pedestrians and cyclists to use.
14. The only safe alternative access for pedestrians and cyclists is to connect with the footpath on Stanley Street. This footpath takes people out of the extent of the park, is alongside a busy road and is a longer route. It does not provide a recreation experience fitting the premier park status of the domain.
15. Turning this section of Grafton Mews into a shared path would allow park users to run, walk and cycle to or from the north eastern corner of the park, whilst remaining within the park extent and in a safe and dedicated active transport area.
16. A Grafton Mews shared path would also link up with the proposed two lane cycleway that is outlined in the Auckland Domain Masterplan to run down the gully parallel to Centennial Walkway. Cyclists, in the future, will be able to travel down the cycleway and then along the Grafton Mews shared path and onto the cycleway on Lower Domain Drive. This will allow cyclists to create recreational loops that remain within the domain’s extent.
17. This path would also allow council to promote a 5km running loop that is entirely within the park’s extent, as outlined in the memo presented on 13 June 2017. The loop would navigate all areas of the park, from the bush walks, to Lovers Lane, the Domain Walk, Grandstand Road and the Centennial Walkway. Without the shared path at Grafton Mews, this route is less safe and wouldn’t be suitable for council to promote.
18. Several key stakeholders from the area have been engaged to provide feedback on the proposal to pedestrianise the road including Auckland Tennis (ASB Classic), ATEED, council’s event team, Auckland Transport (AT), Ronald McDonald House, Auckland Bowling Club, ProCare and the Auckland District Health Board (ADHB).
19. Auckland Tennis, through ASB Classic General Manager Mellany Mann, responded generally favorably. They were concerned about the fact that they use this area of the park during the tournament, and that their event would block the route for up to a month. However, for the rest of the year, they were positive as it aligns with their values of getting more people to walk and cycle to their facilities.
20. ATEED and council’s events team were pleased to be included in the consultation and were fairly neutral on the idea. ATEED expressed some concern with the impact that turning the road into a shared path would have on their events, as they have had difficulty closing cycleways in the past. Presently, they apply to AT to shut Grafton Mews to accommodate their outside broadcast trucks and other infrastructure. As long as they can still close the road/shared path with ease and the road remained suitable for trucks (i.e. remained wide enough to get equipment in and out), then they are supportive of the proposal. If the road was to be bollarded, they stressed the importance of removable bollards so the shared path could still be used as a road for event purposes only.
ASB Classic Site Plan:
21. One of the main issues raised by other stakeholders, during informal conversations, is the impact it will have on the safe passage of cars in and out of the rest of Grafton Mews. Auckland Transport were approached to provide feedback on how to make entry and exit into and out of Grafton Mews as safe as possible if this section of road was to be closed.
22. Ted Massey, Traffic Engineer from AT, advised that the right turn from Grafton Road into Grafton Mews (at the traffic lights) should be banned. This would have to be signposted and legally resolved. He also advised that the island on Lower Domain Drive would have to be adjusted, by cutting it back and changing the flush markings. In terms of exiting Grafton Mews, Mr. Massey advised that there should only be a left turn allowed out of Grafton Mews onto Grafton Road, as they wouldn’t want uncontrolled traffic crossing two lanes of a signalled intersection.
23. Auckland Bowling Club will be discussing this at their next meeting and a verbal update will be provided at the meeting.
24. Ronald McDonald House did not respond but ADHB have advised that they will provide feedback shortly and a verbal update will be provided at the meeting.
25. Procare and Healthcare Research, occupants of the office block closest to the Auckland Bowling Club, have been consulted with previously in regards to this proposal and did not express any concerns.
Alignment with the Auckland Domain Master Plan
26. This proposal to pedestrianise a section of Grafton Mews aligns with several key principles in the Auckland Domain Master Plan, including:
3. Creating safe, people friendly places and routes with high amenity.
· 3.2 Close some roads to vehicles and reduce parking from others to form a network of safe and high amenity pedestrian and cycle routes in the Domain.
· 3.3 Enable safe and legible pedestrian priority at key intersections, including on Domain Drive, The Crescent, Lower Domain Drive and Stanley Street.
4. Improving connectivity to the Domain and to the key features within it.
5. Improving the Domain as a recreation and event destination.
· 5.2 Encourage use of the Domain as a walking, jogging and cycling destination, including improving lighting for walking, recreational cycling and jogging.
Local board views and implications
27. The Waitematā Local Board was engaged during the development of the master plan and were generally supportive of the plan as adopted. This includes the provisions noted above (from the master plan) that underpin this proposal.
28. The Waitematā Local Board greenways plan does not specifically contemplate this link however it is noted that the focus of the greenways plan is connections across the city rather than circuits within a destination.
29. Further engagement with the Waitematā Local Board is intended to seek that this propsoal be included in any future iterations of the greenways plan.
30. This proposal is not currently funded. Funding from AT and the Waitematā Local Board will be explored if approval is given.
Māori impact statement
31. Several meetings occurred with mana whenua in respect to the development of the master plan and all of the policies noted above. These policies were supported. Specific engagement with Māori and mana whenua has not occurred in relation to this relatively minor implementation project which involves very little development (other than installation of a few bollards).
32. The initial closure of the road will not involve any changes to the road surface. It is proposed that a few simple bollards will be used to turn the space from a road into a shared path – the same approach that was used on Grandstand Road and Lovers Lane, and remove parking signs. The road will stay as it is in the short term with the exception of four bollards being installed at either end to stop vehicular traffic. This is a low cost way of pedestrianising the road, with an approximate cost of $10,000. Long term it may be appropriate to improve the surface to make it more legible as a shared path, connect it with linking paths and reduce signs of its use as a road (for instance yellow lines and curb and channel barriers).
33. There is currently no capital budget available for these works. Given the relatively low value it is recommended the Manager Auckland Domain but invited to apply for support from partners such as AT and the Waitematā Local Board.
34. The other major improvement to infrastructure that would be needed is on the surrounding roads (as advised by Auckland Transport). This includes the cutting back of the island at the bottom of Lower Domain Draive and replacing/painting the flush markings between Stanley Street and Lower Domain Drive. It also includes signs and legal resolution to ban the right turn into Grafton Mews from Grafton Road as well as signs to signal left turn only out of Grafton Mews onto Grafton Road at the traffic light controlled intersection.
35. The timeframe for this work, as indicated by AT, would be up to two months for the no right turn resolution. If it is agreed between Council and AT that AT undertake the works, then it would only take up to 20 days for the physical works from the date they are requested. These works are expected to cost approximately $7,000
36. Community consultation work will have to be done in two parts. Firstly, temporary signage will be installed to inform road users of the plan to close the road. The cost of this is $200.
37. Targeted communications would also occur in regards to promoting the road closure. This would include promoting the use of the southern entry into Grafton Mews, from Grafton Road, to reduce the amount of traffic exiting at the lights; anecdotal evidence has shown that this exit is currently not well known about.
38. The following new routes could be promoted to mitigate issues with drivers who currently use this section of road:
- Vehicles travelling down Lower Domain Drive towards Stanley Street, who currently turn left into Grafton Mews will need to turn left into Stanley Street, and left into Grafton Mews at the lights, or continue on to Grafton Road and then turn left into Grafton Mews at the southern end.
- Vehicles travelling down Grafton Road towards Stanley Street, who currently go straight ahead on Stanley Street and onto Lower Domain Drive to then turn right into Grafton Mews will have to turn right at the bottom of Stanley Street and turn left into Grafton Mews at the lights.
- Vehicles coming down Grafton Road from the Owen G. Glenn Building direction currently turn left at the lights into Stanley Street, continue straight onto Lower Domain Drive, and then turn right into Grafton Mews. If the road was to close then these vehicles would still turn left onto Stanley Street, but would then turn right at the bottom of the road back up to the lights and then turn left into Grafton Mews at the lights.
- Vehicles exiting Grafton Mews will either have to turn left as an uncontrolled turn, at the lights between Grafton Road and Stanley Street, or they can exit Grafton Mews at the southern end, turning right or left, at a safer location onto Grafton Road.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua |
Authoriser |
Mark Bowater – Acting General Manager Parks Sports and Recreation |
Auckland Domain Committee 31 August 2017 |
Auckland Domain - general update
File No.: CP2017/17406
1. To update the Auckland Domain Committee on recent activities in Auckland Domain.
Executive summary
2. The most significant event in the quarter occurred on 24 June 2017 when the carvings surrounding and protecting a sacred tōtara tree were returned (following renewal) to Pukekaroa and rededicated by the Kiingitanga. The carvings, similar to those found on the front of a meeting house and representing the children of Rangi and Papa, protect the tree planted by Princess Te Puea Herangi, the great granddaughter of Pōtatau Te Wherowhero – the first Māori King. The tree was initially planted on the first centenary of the Treaty of Waitangi signing in 1940.
3. The report also provides an overview of a number of other activities that occurred in the quarter. This includes two proposals for new activities that have recently been received and will be discussed at the meeting.
That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) receive the report. |
Pukekaroa carvings
4. On 24 June 2017 the ancestral guardians of Pukekaroa were returned to Auckland Domain/Pukekawa (domain) three years after their removal for restoration. The occasion was celebrated with a small ceremony attended by the Office of the Kiingitanga and a number of Tainui kaumātua, the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Auckland Domain Committee (committee) and Auckland Council (council) management.
5. The carvings surround and protect a sacred tōtara tree planted on the first centenary of the Treaty of Waitangi signing in 1940 by Kiingitanga leader Princess Te Puea Herangi, the great granddaughter of Pōtatau Te Wherowhero – the first Māori King.
6. The site has special significance to the Kiingitanga, as it commemorates the site where Te Wherowhero once lived and the tribal relationships that were formed there between Waikato tribes, Ngāti Whātua and Ngāpuhi, during the establishment of the city.
7. Councillor Mike Lee spoke of the extensive history of the site and noted that the domain is New Zealand’s oldest public park and has a rich history. He also noted the extraordinary importance of the site in the history of Tāmaki Makaurau, being dedicated to the memory of the first Maori King Pōtatau Te Wherowhero – the great friend of early Auckland – who came to live in the domain as a signal of his protection of Auckland.
8. This carvings and tree are a significant part of Auckland’s history. As such it has been an important focus for council to ensure that the palisades, associated carvings and the tōtara tree planted by Princess Te Puea Herangi were restored and are cared for in such a way that reflects the importance of this site. Staff spoke with the Office of the Kiingitanga about future story telling at the site. They would welcome and support such an initiative.
9. Rangi Whakaruru from the Office of the Kiingitanga noted on the day that “this piece of work is very significant to Māori and we are delighted to see this completed. The group of Kaumatua and representatives sent up by King Tuheitia to officiate the unveiling ceremony have amplified this occasion across the Kiingitanga.”
10. The restoration was completed by master Māori carver Alan Nopera. Alan, who has been carving since 1955, says the Pukekaroa carvings are similar to those found on the front of a meeting house. They represent the children of Rangi and Papa.
Picture above: Ms Sharon Hawke (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei), Cr Michael Lee, Te Ariki Tamaroa (King’s son), Mr Alan Nopera (carver) and wife and Member Renata Blair (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei) |
Domain Playspace
11. A draft concept plan for the natural playground has been completed. Quantity survey costs are currently being obtained. Further engagement with mana whenua, followed by engagement with key stakeholders, will follow shortly. Approval from delegated members will then be sought and plans copied to the Auckland Domain Committee for information.
12. Auckland Council’s Cultural Heritage Team has provided advice on sites of note within the vicinity of the proposed works. This will inform resource consent drawings and the consent to be lodged.
Kari St Commons Update:
13. The concept plan for Kari Street Commons has been refined taking into account feedback and the recently completed topographical survey. A quantity survey is currently being completed to provide a more accurate estimate of cost and determine the best phasing of works. A land contamination report has also been completed.
14. Through the consultation process, Auckland University indicated an interest in partnering on the development of this area. Their offer is time-dependent as it relates to the construction programme for the rebuild of their recreation centre. The project team will work with Lucy Baragawanath, Manager Research and Evaluation and Council’s relationship lead for Auckland University, to further understand their proposal.
Auckland Holocaust Memorial Trust (trust)
15. Two onsite meetings have occurred between the Auckland Holocaust Memorial Trust and Auckland Council (on 29 May and 25 July) in response to the direction provided at a committee meeting in July 2016:
c) authorise staff to engage with the Auckland Holocaust Memorial Trust to seek an appropriate location (outside the object exclusion and event zones) for a memorial in the Auckland Domain and report back to the committee.
16. A potential location is currently being explored and will be reported back to future meetings if it proves to be viable.
Robert Burns Statue
17. An Auckland resident has approached Council with a proposal to add some poems to the existing Robert Burns statue in Auckland Domain. At the time of writing this report the proposal had only just been received and further information will be provided at the meeting.
Tree planting proposal
18. The Honary Consul for Hungary along with the Polish Consul are proposing a project that aligns with the Mayor’s Million Trees initiative. They are interested in exploring the idea of adding to the arboretum in the domain with a planting on Arbor Day 2018 to also mark the end of WWI. This could align well with the Tree Plan and Urban Forest Strategy but would be subject to the development of a tree planting plan and obtaining the associated blanket resource consent. At the time of writing this report the proposal had only just been received and further information will be provided at the meeting.
19. Auckland District Health Board (ADHB)
Staff met with the ADHB as part of the Kari Street Commons concept development (as previously reported). Since that time the ADHB has been in contact to note that they are also the landlord of properties in the Grafton Mews area including the property at 50 Grafton Road occupied by ‘ProCare Health’ and ‘Healthcare Research’. In particular they expressed an interest in proposals which may impact access and parkings associated with their landholdings as well as proposals which may have an impact on the amenity of the hospital facilities and wellbeing of the patients and visitors to the hospital. They provided a new contact point and, at the time of writing, staff are liaising with them in respect to the Grafton Mews proposal.
20. The Auckland Bowling Club
Cr Lee met with the club in response to the committee’s May resolution relating to the car parking agreement and in particular the request to make a significant contribution to a worthy cause in recognition of the income received from parking in recent years. Cr Lee was encouraged by the meeting and the club have since signed the carparking management agreement.
21. The Auckland War Memorial Museum (AWMM)
AWWM has called for registrations of interest for the build of the new path from Titoki Street to the south end of the museum. At the time of writing this report the job was being put to tender. The path construction will start in early October.
At the end of June, Dr David Gaimster, Director AWMM, Heather Harris, Operations Manager AWMM, Ian Maxwell, Director Community Services and Jane Aickin, Manager Auckland Domain met to discuss each organisations respective work programmes, challenges and opportunities to continue to work together.
22. The renewal of the paths around the domain duck ponds is well advanced. This is one of the most popular areas in the domain and the path network was in urgent need of replacement. This work has included some change in levels to address tree roots and uneven topography.
23. In line with the change in seasons the annual bed change over occurred with 4750 mixed annual bedding plants being placed in the Watson’s Bequest annual bedding area.
24. The intersection of Football Road and Wintergarden Road received a welcome planting upgrade as the previous planting had become woody and less appealing:
Before After
25. A major clean-up of Lover’s Lane, Grafton Mews and the Fairy Fountain occurred over the last quarter. Both the Lover’s Lane and Grafton Mews were heavily overgrown with vegetation affecting water flows and parking. The Fairy Fountain area, while in need of total renewal, received a much needed major clean-up which has provided a short term improvement in access and amenity of the area.
26. Installation of wooden stakes, along the edge of roads where cars were parking on the grass has proved to be an effective and affordable short term fix which has halted the practice of people parking on the grass. The past practice created safety issues, occupied public recreation space and caused significant damage that the grass. As discussed at the committee workshop in June, the pedestrianisation programme (adopted as part of the master plan) will provide a more permanent resolution to the ongoing issue of vehicles parking on the grass.
Health and Safety
27. An issue was discovered with the tropical house during an investigation inspection associated with the proposed upgrade of the wintergardens (for seismic strengthening). The tropical house was closed for a week (15-23 August) while some dislodged glass panes were replaced and/or secured. They are now open to the public.
Local board views and implications
28. This is largely an operational update so the views of the Waitemata Local Board have not been sought on this report however matters affecting the community will be discussed with the local board as required.
Māori impact statement
29. This report largely reflects ‘business as usual’ operational activity and, in general, is not considered to have an impact on the significant values to mana whenua of Auckland Domain. The two exceptions are the renewal and reinstatement of carvings and associated fencing on Pukekaroa – this is discussed earlier in the report and all other renewal projects. Renewal projects have been discussed with mana whenua and those mana whenua with an interest have provided input to design and construction works where deemed appropriate.
30. Given the significance of the site to mana whenua and Māori of Auckland engagement on any new developments is essential and this has been reported on a case by case basis as projects arise.
31. There are no particular implementation considerations other than those briefly discussed above.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua |
Authoriser |
Mark Bowater – Acting General Manager Parks Sports and Recreation |