Howick Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Howick Local Board held in the Howick Local Board Meeting Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, 7 Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga on Monday, 21 August 2017 at 6.00pm.





David Collings




Deputy Chairperson

Katrina Bungard

Left at 7.08pm




Garry Boles





John Spiller





Mike Turinsky





Adele White













Peter Young, JP




Jim Donald, JP




Bob Wichman







Councillor Dick Quax

(to 7.00pm)



Councillor Sharon Stewart

(to 7.00pm)



















Howick Local Board

21 August 2017




1          Welcome


The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.


2          Apologies


Resolution number HW/2017/136

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Bungard:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)         accept the apologies from Member Peter Young, Member Jim Donald for absence and Deputy Chair Bungard for early departure.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number HW/2017/137

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member A White:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday 17 July 2017 as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum


Public Forum - Pakuranga Cricket Club


Ted Waters and Iva Ropati were in attendance to address the meeting on behalf of the Pakuranga Cricket Club.



Resolution number HW/2017/138

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Bungard:  

That the Howick Local Board thank Ted Waters and Iva Ropati for their attendance.




Public Forum - Gayleen Mackereth


Gayleen Mackereth was in attendance to address the meeting on Stockade Hill.


A copy of the presentation tabled at the meeting has been placed on the file copy of

the minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number HW/2017/139

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member M Turinsky:  

That the Howick Local Board thank Gayleen Mackereth for her attendance.





a     Gayleen Mackereth


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Chairperson's Report

A copy of the Chairperson’s report tabled at the meeting has been placed on the file copy of

the minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number HW/2017/140

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member A White:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      note the Chairperson’s written report that included the report back from the Local Government New Zealand 2017 Conference.




a     Chairperson's Report








Councillor Update                             

A copy of the Councillors report tabled at the meeting has been placed on the file copy of

the minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number HW/2017/141

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member A White:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      note the verbal and written report from Councillor Dick Quax and Councillor Sharon Stewart.




a     Councillor Update



Auckland Transport Update - August 2017


Resolution number HW/2017/142

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member A White:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      request that a project board be installed at the Half Moon Bay Ferry Pier and Turnaround project site to advise the public of the project timeline.


b)         request Auckland Transport provide the board with a formal written response             explaining why the “Auckland Transport Traffic Bylaw 2012, Clause 23:             Parking for display or sale.  A person must not stop, stand or park a vehicle on             any road or parking place for the purpose of advertising a good or service, or             for offering the vehicle for sale unless the vehicle is being used for day to day             travel” is not being enforced.



Secretarial note: Deputy Chair Bungard left the meeting at 7.08pm



New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Auckland Council Property Limited at 200 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush.


Resolution number HW/2017/143

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member A White:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      That the Howick Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 approves the road names ‘Nightingale Road’ and ‘Koropa Road’ be applied to the extensions of the relevant roads through to Flat Bush School Road.

b)      That the Howick Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road name ‘Golden Pond Road,’ proposed by the applicant, for the new road created by way of subdivision at 200 Flat Bush School Road.





Howick Local Grant Round One applications for 2017/2018

Member White declared a conflict of interest in LG1807-107 as she is a patron and Chair Collings and Member Donald declared a conflict of interest as they are members of the Howick Returned Services Association.  They took no part in the discussion of this application and abstained from voting.

Member Turinsky declared a conflict of interest in LG1807-122 as his wife is on the board.  He took no part in the discussion of this application.


Resolution number HW/2017/144

MOVED by Member J Spiller, seconded by Member G Boles:   


That the Howick Local Board:

a)         approve the following applications in this round, listed in Table One.

Table One:  Howick Local Grants Round One 2017/2018 applications.


Application No.



Total Requested



Howick Little Theatre Incorporated

Towards capital items, maintenance and operational expenses; specifically re-roofing, hiring an office manager and handy-person, from September 2017 to June 2018




towards the

costs of



New Zealand Dance Advancement Trust (Operating as The New Zealand Dance Company)

Towards the cost to create, rehearse and deliver the performance and workshops to Howick schools, specifically salaries for dancers and the artistic teams, transportation to the schools and rehearsal space hire for The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme




Gujarati Sahitya Mandal (New Zealand) Incorporated

Towards the programming and delivery cost of the play "Yogesh Patel Nu Vevishal" at the Basement Theatre, from 11 to 14 October 2017




The UpsideDowns Education Trust

Towards a 50% subsidy for speech therapy classes for six families with children affected by down-syndrome, delivering 66 sessions from September 2017 to September 2018




LifeKidz Trust

Towards wages and activity costs for LifeKidz Trust After School, Holiday and Community Participation Day Programmes



tagged for resources


Howick Returned Services Association (RSA)

Towards upgrading the sound system in the RSA club room




Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind

Towards the purchase of digital talking books with licences which enable multiple users to borrow simultaneously




Cession Community Trust

Towards the provision of three hour wrap-around support packages to 40 families, from 16 October 2017 to 15 October 2018




Korean Positive Ageing Charitable Trust

Towards the cost of venue, court hire and instructor fees for weekly badminton and Tai Chi classes, from September 2017 to September 2018




The Howick Children's Charitable Trust

Towards the delivery cost of hosting the Howick Santa Parade on 3 December 2017




The Howick and Districts Historical Society Incorporated

Towards the floor, loft, weatherboard and veranda post repairs and underfloor drainage for the restoration of the Fencible Sergeant Barry's Cottage.




Pakuranga Athletic Club Incorporated

Towards the Pakuranga Athletic Clubs 50th Jubilee celebration series, including family fun run and walk and track and field meeting on 28 October 2017




Pakuranga Young Mariners umbrella’ed by Young Mariners of New Zealand Incorporated

Towards the delivery cost of the Young Mariners National Easter Regatta, specifically the hirage of a generator and ferry, from 29 March to 3 April 2018




John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation

Towards delivery costs of the Community Swim programme to Primary Schools in the Howick Local Board area












Resolution number HW/2017/145

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member A White:  

That the Howick Local Board:

b)        note CrossNet Incorporated has withdrawn their application LG1807-127 for $5,000 towards the Great Christmas Show



Resolution number HW/2017/146

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member M Turinsky:  

That the Howick Local Board:

c)        decline the following applications in this round, listed in Table Two.

Table Two:  Howick Local Grants Round One 2017/2018 applications.


Application No.



Total Requested



Broadway Dreams Foundation New Zealand

Towards the cost of running a week long summer intensive programme and showcase, featuring overseas artists, from 13 to 21 January 2018


Declined -


items are


priorities as

per the local





South East Auckland Senior Citizens' Association Incorporated

Towards the cost of transport and accommodation for the overnight trip to Taupo and Mount Ruapehu on 21 to 22 October 2017


Declined -


items are


priorities as

per the local





The Christian Outreach Centre New Zealand Trust (trading as Citipointe Church)

Towards making and delivering 75 Christmas food hampers to families in need in the Howick Local Board area, from 20 to 21 December 2017


Declined -


items are


priorities as

per the local





The Christian Outreach Centre New Zealand Trust (trading as Citipointe Church)

Towards sponsoring the cost of young people to attend Awakening Camp, at Waihi Beach Christian Camp, from 5 to 7 October 2017


Declined -


items are


priorities as

per the local





Father and Child Trust

Towards costs for rent of the Onehunga Community Centre and the printing and distribution of flyers for Mauri Ora Fathers Circle


Declined -


items are


priorities as

per the local





Eastgate Christian Centre

Towards the general cost of hosting the “Christmas Walk Through” from 18 to 23 December 2017; specifically the cost of lighting, technical equipment, costumes and catering


Declined –

Support of

$5,000 has

been approved as a line item in the Arts, Community

and Events


programme 2017/2018

approved HW/2017/72


Howick Pakuranga Principals' Association

Towards costs supporting the hosting of Kohanga Festival at Somerville Intermediate School


Declined –

Support of

$4,000 has

been approved as a line item in the Arts, Community

and Events


programme 2017/2018

approved HW/2017/72


Howick Squash Club Incorporated

Towards the cost of 25 prizes across five divisions during the “Squash Auckland - Doubles Squash Tournament”, running from 12 to 14 October 2017


Declined -


items are


priorities as

per the local





Willowbank School

Towards the purchase of a customised bike trailer and small fleet of bikes and helmets for the cycling programme at Willowbank School


Declined –

lack of wider community



Bucklands and Eastern Beaches Tennis Club Incorporated

Towards the cost of uplifting and installation of an artificial turf, replacing net posts and repairs to the base surface of three tennis courts


Declined –

referred to the facilities fund


BMX Mountain Raiders Club Incorporated

Towards delivery of all aspects of the upgrade project including costs associated with track modifications and upgrades


Declined –

outside the

scope of the Community



referred to

Parks, Sport

and Recreation.


Papatoetoe Avengers Rugby Team Papatoetoe Rugby Football Club

Towards costs of gazebos and team fees for Auckland Junior Rugby Festival


Declined –

out of area


Floorball Academy New Zealand Limited trading as Auckland Floorball Academy Club Incorporated

Towards costs of team uniforms, first aid kit and registration fees for Wellington Open Floorball Tournament


Declined -


items are


priorities as

per the local













Resolution number HW/2017/147

MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member G Boles:  

That the Howick Local Board:

d)         decline the ineligible funding application in this round, listed in Table Three.

Table Three:  Howick Local Grants Round One 2017/2018 applications.


Application No.



Total Requested



Tane Moana

Towards the purchase of paddles for the Trans-Tasman Gubbi Gubbi Waka Ama Regatta.


Declined due to insufficient evidence to demonstrate benefit to the local board area.


Mission Heights Junior College

Towards either a customised bike trailer or small fleet of bikes and helmets, or contribution to bike storage for cycle skills at Mission Heights Junior College



as the grant application

was for core curriculum.









Resolution number HW/2017/148

MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member G Boles:  

That the Howick Local Board:

e)         note that LG1807-126 for the costs towards supporting the hosting of the Kohanga Festival was declined in table two as it is a line item and has been approved as part of the Arts, Community and Events work programme HW/2017/72 in May 2017 and agree that the recipient of this grant be amended to Somerville Intermediate School.




Governance Framework Review recommendations

Resolution number HW/2017/149

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member J Spiller:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)        Provide feedback on the following draft positions and recommendations of    the Political Working Party:

  Regional policy and decision-making

            i.  Agree that council should implement new mechanisms that ensure effective local board input to regional policy decisions, via a framework that sets out, at a minimum:

·      A process for involving local boards in the development of jointly agreed regional work programmes at the beginning of each term and in an annual refresh;

·      Earlier and more joint engagement between local boards and the governing body in regional decision-making processes

·      Requirements for analysis of local impacts and local interest of regional decisions and options, and reporting of this to local boards and the governing body

·      Specified criteria for categorising the potential local impact and local board interest of regional decisions

·      Processes and methods for tailoring local board engagement in line with the local impact and local interest of regional decisions e.g. high categorisation requiring more specific local engagement and analysis, low categorisation requiring more cluster joint local board workshop sessions and less in depth analysis.

·      Specified methods for engagement and communication with local boards at all stages of the decision-making process, noting that some timeframes e.g. central government submissions are outside council’s control and the methods may not be able to be implemented in all cases.

           ii.  Direct that local boards will be consulted on the details of these mechanisms prior to implementation.

          iii.  Request sufficient capacity for development of policy that is a priority for multiple local boards.

          iv.  Note that the Quality Advice programme is continuing to be implemented in order to improve the quality of advice to elected members for decision-making, in line with the recommendations of the Governance Framework Review.

           v.  Agree not to implement any formal policies or procedures that control when and how local boards may procure external or contestable advice, but note that, in principle, the Auckland Council organisation should be the first provider of advice to local boards.

          vi.  Agree not to implement any policy or procedure that would limit local boards’ ability to advocate to the governing body on regional issues.

Local decisions that may have regional impacts (development of a ‘call-in’ right)

        vii.  Note that an explicit call-in right is not possible under the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 

       viii.  Agree not to implement any mechanism that would have the effect of ‘calling in’ or allocating decision-making to the governing body for otherwise local activities or decisions that have regional implications.

          ix.  Direct officers that, whenever a local board is to make a decision that has potential impacts beyond the immediate local board area e.g. a sub-regional impact or an impact on regional networks, advice on those potential impacts is to be provided to the local board as a matter of course (for example through a regional impact statement).

Allocations and delegations

           x.  Agree that the governing body delegates, subject to the necessary statutory tests being met, the following Reserves Act 1977 decision-making functions for local reserves to local boards:

·      declaration

·      classification

·      reclassification

·      application for revocation of reserve status (limited to when there is a desire by a local board to manage open space under the LGA)

          xi.  Note that officers’ advice on decision-making for exchanges of reserve land was that it should remain with the governing body, with the relevant local board consulted on these decisions

        xii.  Note that the working party did not reach consensus on this issue, and will consider the feedback of local boards before making a recommendation

       xiii.  Agree that the Minister of Conservation’s supervisory powers remain delegated to staff, but where there is likely to be significant public interest, an independent commissioner should be engaged.

The role of Auckland Transport and local boards

       xiv.  Note the critical interface between the local place-shaping role of local boards and Auckland Transport’s jurisdiction over the road corridor and transport networks.

        xv.  Note that the Governance Manual for Substantive CCOs requires Auckland Transport, amongst other things, to:

·      develop, with local boards, a shared understanding of local board views and CCO priorities to inform the following year’s business planning, including through an annual interactive workshop ‘where local boards communicate their local board priorities and the CCOs communicate how their current year work programme will contribute to local board priorities’.

·      develop by 31 July each year an annual local board engagement plan, which includes a schedule ‘clearly indicat[ing] for each board, the projects and/or activities that it expects to report on, and the projects and activities that it expects to consult on, for the following year. This should be updated annually or more frequently if required.’  

·      report against their local board engagement plan in their quarterly performance reports to the CCO Governance and Monitoring Committee.

       xvi.  Direct Auckland Transport to meet all requirements for local board engagement as set out in the Governance Manual for Substantive CCOs.

      xvii.  Direct Auckland Council officers to monitor Auckland Transport’s compliance with the requirements for local board engagement, as set out in the Governance Manual for Substantive CCOs, and to report this monitoring to the governing body at least annually.

    xviii.  Note that the Mayor’s 2017 letter of expectation to Auckland Transport stipulated that council expects there to be:

·      better and earlier engagement and communication between Auckland Transport and local boards;

·      active consideration by Auckland Transport of which of its decision-making powers it could delegate to local boards (within the constraints created by the regulatory environment, safety considerations, the needs of regional networks and the role played by NZTA in decision-making).

       xix.  Note that the following activity statement has been included in Auckland Transport’s 2017-2020 Statement of Intent:

‘Participation in the governance review which is aimed at changing behaviours and processes across relevant Council family activities, including Auckland Transport, to enable local boards to give effect to their governance role, particularly around local place-shaping.’

        xx.  Note that the Governance Framework Review has investigated the potential delegation of a range of Auckland Transport powers and the working party recommends that additional work be undertaken to identify delegation opportunities

       xxi.  Direct Auckland Transport, in working with local boards, to:

·      Ensure that local boards have a strong governance role in determining the ‘look and feel’ of town centres and streetscapes, in line with their allocation of non-regulatory decision-making

·      Improve co-ordination between local place-shaping projects, such as town centre upgrades, and its renewals programmes

·      Provide more opportunities for local board direction on the prioritisation of minor traffic safety projects, with the exception of those which Auckland Transport considers are of critical safety importance

·      Be more responsive to local place-shaping initiatives in non-transport parts of the road corridor, including reducing or removing barriers to community place-making initiatives e.g. looking at ways to reduce the costs of developing traffic management plans for community events

·      Take direction from local boards on how and where to implement community-focused programmes

      xxii.  Direct Auckland Transport to report to the governing body annually on how it is meeting the directions given under recommendation xxi.

    xxiii.  Note that the Quality Advice programme has been working with Auckland Transport to improve the quality of advice to local boards and will shortly begin regular six monthly surveys of local board members’ satisfaction with Auckland Transport advice, engagement and reporting to local boards.

    xxiv.  Note that the Local Board Transport Capital Fund is valued by local boards but that the level of funding means that some boards are not able to progress meaningful projects, and that improved local transport outcomes may be achieved if the size of the fund was significantly increased.

      xxv.  Direct officers to report to the relevant governing body committee, through the Long Term Plan process, on options for significantly increasing the Local Board Transport Capital Fund and the method of allocation of the fund.

    xxvi.  Direct Auckland Transport to implement a more systematic work programme approach to assist local boards to identify potential projects and make decisions.

   xxvii.  Direct Auckland Transport to actively engage with governing body members (ward councillors) on transport projects and issues within their ward areas.

Waiheke Local Board pilot

  xxviii.  Agree that the governing body should endorse the Waiheke Local Board pilot project as set out in the Waiheke Local Board pilot project plan.

    xxix.  Note that the Waiheke Local Board will maintain oversight of local implementation of the pilot.

      xxx.  Request that evaluation of the pilot is reported back to all local boards.

Local boards funding and finance

    xxxi.  Agree that the enhanced status quo model be progressed now, giving as much additional decision making to local boards as possible within that framework.

   xxxii.  Agree that the additional work to support the Enhanced status quo model be undertaken – framework for service levels and local flexibility, options for addressing historical uneven funding, improving the information and advice that is provided to local boards.

 xxxiii.  Agree that further work on the implications of the local decision making model also be undertaken for further consideration - modelling of rates implication following the revaluation, costs to the organisation of supporting more local decision making etc.

The optimum number of local boards

 xxxiv.        Agree that there is no need to change the current number of local boards as at this time as there is no overwhelming need to change.

   xxxv.        Agree that any decision to review the numbers of local boards should not occur until after the Governance Framework Review is completed and implemented and the outcomes of the re-organisation proposals for North Rodney and Waiheke are known.

Methods of electing governing body members

  xxxvi.  Agree that the election process for the number of governing body members and wards should remain unchanged as there is no identified need to change or undertake an in-depth review on the election of governing body members.

xxxvii.  Note that the statutory review of representation arrangements for Auckland Council must be completed by September 2018.

xxxviii.  Note that the Local Government Act Amendment Bill No. 2, which proposes a simplified process for local government-led reorganisation processes, is currently before Parliament.

  xxxix.  Support Auckland Council advocating to central government for legislative amendments that would allow for future changes to the number of governing body members in line with population change and to simplify the process for changes to the numbers and boundaries of local boards and the creation of Maori wards in Auckland.

         xl.  Support the following naming conventions for elected members of the Auckland Council as: Regional Council Member and Local Council Member.



Resolution number HW/2017/150

MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member J Spiller:  

That the Howick Local Board:

b)        Provide local feedback as follows;

·         Agree that the enhanced status quo model be moved to immediately, noting that further work can be progressed within this framework rather than waiting for further work before implementing the enhanced status quo.

·         Re-name the enhanced status quo to be called, “local decision-making within a bulk funded envelope.”

·         Provide additional decision-making to local boards by enabling them to increase or decrease service levels within and across asset based services activities provided that the impact is cost neutral, i.e. within the funding envelope.



Resolution number HW/2017/151

MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member J Spiller:  

That the Howick Local Board provide local feedback as follows;

c)        Decision-making for exchanges of reserve land should sit with the local               boards.

d)        Agree that the joint local board/governing body political working party  focusing on matters of governance impacting on both governance arms continues in some form.





Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Howick Local Board
for quarter four, 1 April - 30 June 2017


Resolution number HW/2017/152

MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member G Boles:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      receive the performance report for the financial quarter ending 30 June 2017.




Draft Annual Report 2016/2017 – Howick Local Board report

A copy of the amended document tabled at the meeting has been placed on the file copy of

the minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number HW/2017/153

MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member G Boles:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      note the monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 and the draft local board information proposed for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2016/2017.

b)      receive the draft local board report to be included in the Auckland Council Annual Report 2016/2017.

c)      approve the amended message from the chairperson, which provides the local board’s comments on local board matters in the Annual Report 2016/2017.

d)      give authority to the chairperson and deputy chairperson to make typographical changes before submitting for final publication.




a     Amended Annual Report Message from the Chair




Feedback on the direction of the Regional Pest Management Plan


A copy of the feedback on the proposed direction of specific regional and local programmes being considered as part of the Auckland Regional Pest Management Plan tabled at the meeting will be placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number HW/2017/154

MOVED by Member J Spiller, seconded by Member M Turinsky:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      provide the attached feedback on the proposed direction of specific regional and local programmes being considered as part of the Auckland Regional Pest Management Plan review (as per Attachment C).




a     Attachment C: Feedback form

Howick Local Board feedback on pest management approaches proposed for the Regional Pest Management Plan Feedback




Feedback on the Tākaro – Investing in Play discussion document


Resolution number HW/2017/155

MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Chairperson D Collings:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      supports in principle the Tākaro – Investing in Play discussion document and endorses that the board is consulted with regard to location and type of play equipment.





Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six- Monthly Update 1 January to 30 June 2017


Resolution number HW/2017/156

MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Chairperson D Collings:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      note the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Update 1 January to 30 June 2017.




Input to the Review of Citizens Advice Bureaux services


Resolution number HW/2017/157

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member M Turinsky:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      approve the Howick Local Board input to the Review of Citizens Advice Bureaux service.




Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number HW/2017/158

MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member M Turinsky:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      note the Howick Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar.




Workshop Records


Resolution number HW/2017/159

MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member G Boles:  

That the Howick Local Board:

a)      note the workshop records for workshops held on 5, 6, 12, 13, 20, 26 and 27 July 2017.







26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   





7:58pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









