Ōrākei Local Board






Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Ōrākei Local Board held in the St Chads Church and Community Centre, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank on Thursday, 3 August 2017 at 4.35pm.





Colin Davis, JP




Deputy Chairman

Kit Parkinson





Troy Churton





Carmel Claridge





Ros Rundle





David Wong








Toni Millar, QSM, JP




Ōrākei Local Board

03 August 2017




1          Welcome


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Leave of Absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


5          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


6          Petitions


There were no petitions.


7          Deputations



Deputation: Remuera Residents Association


Iain Valentine, Remuera Residents Association addressed the Ōrākei Local Board on the future of community facilities in Remuera and tabled a document in support of this item.

A copy of the document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2017/122

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Deputy Chairman K Parkinson:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board thanks Iain Valentine, Remuera Residents Association for his attendance and presentation.




a     Iain Valentine's speech notes regarding the future of community facilities in Remuera


8          Public Forum



Public Forum: New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby


Nicholas Heyworth, President of the New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby gave an overview of New Zealand WheelChair Rugby and an update on the upcoming IWRF 2017 Asia-Oceania Zone Championship which will be held in August 2017.


Resolution number OR/2017/123

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board thanks Nicholas Heyworth, New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby President for his attendance and presentation.



9          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


10        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Tamaki Precinct Event Guidelines


Resolution number OR/2017/124

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Deputy Chairman K Parkinson:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board defers this item to its 21 September 2017 meeting subject to a meeting with the Chairman and Team Leader, Event Facilitation (Central) to update the Tamaki Precinct Event Guidelines prior to the final guidelines being presented to the business meeting for approval.





Road Name Approval for 23-25 Towai Street, St Heliers


Resolution number OR/2017/125

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member C Claridge:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      notes that the applicant has withdrawn consent for the use of the full name of a family member for the road name at 23-25 Towai Street, St Heliers.

b)      notes that the development at 23-25 Towai Street, St Heliers has apparent permanent signage on the property noting that the development is named Bean Rock Terraces - 23-25 Towai Street, and is being marketed as such.

c)      rescinds resolution OR/2016/167 a) approving the road name ‘Grace Ghee Lane’ for the new private road created by way of subdivision at 23-25 Towai Street, St Heliers from the Ōrākei Local Board meeting held on 8 December 2016.

d)      approves the replacement road name ‘Graceville Lane’ proposed by the applicant, for the new road created by way of subdivision at 23-25 Towai Street, St Heliers, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of  the Local Government Act 1974.





Orakei Local Board 2017/2018 Community Facilities Work Programme


Hannah Alleyne, Principal Programmes Specialist was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2017/126

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Deputy Chairman K Parkinson:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         approves the Ōrākei Local Board 2017/2018 Community Facilities Work Programme as detailed in Attachment A, subject to the following changes:

                       i.        ID 2805: Built Heritage Improvements (searchlight emplacements) - changing the further decision points section to note that future progress decisions will be decided by the Board.

                      ii.        ID 2599: Dingle Dell Track structure renewal - amending the activity description to include wording with respect to maximising the use of Department of Corrections resources to deliver this renewal and subsequent maintenance work at the reserve.

                     iii.        the inclusion of four additional leases in the Community Leases Work Programme 2017/2018 for Auckland University Cricket Club indoor training facility, Eastern Bay Gymnastics, Hockey New Zealand and the Auckland East Men’s Shed at Waiatarua Reserve.

b)      approves in principle, the Ōrākei Local Board 2017-2020 Community Facilities Physical Works Programme as detailed in Attachment B.

c)      notes that the 2017/2018 asset-based services capital works funding envelope, identified for the work programme, is indicative to deliver the work and any budget variances will be managed within the total region-wide asset-based services funding envelope.





Meadowbank, Remuera and Orakei Community Needs Assessment


Rochelle Killey, Portfolio Specialist, Nicola Terry, Service and Asset Planning Specialist and Peter Loud, Senior Advisor were in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2017/127

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member D Wong:   

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receives the findings of the Meadowbank, Remuera and Ōrākei Community Needs Assessment and Facilities Investigation Report (2017).



Resolution number OR/2017/128

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member C Claridge:

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

b)        requests Panuku Development Auckland to proceed with the assessment of financial feasibility for the redevelopment of Meadowbank Community Centre based upon the findings of the Meadowbank, Remuera and Ōrākei Community Needs Assessment and Facilities Investigation Report (2017).

c)         requests Panuku Development Auckland to proceed with the assessment of financial feasibility for the redevelopment of 4 Victoria Avenue, Remuera based upon the findings of the Meadowbank, Remuera and Ōrākei Community Needs Assessment and Facilities Investigation Report (2017).

d)        requests Community Facilities to provide advice to the Board on the process should a community lease holder vacate a site, in particular with respect to 4 Victoria Avenue, Remuera.





Auckland Transport Report, Ōrākei Local Board, April 2017


Felicity Merrington, Elected Member Relationship Advisor was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2017/129

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member C Claridge:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)        receives the Auckland Transport Report, Ōrākei Local Board, July 2017.

b)        requests that the road markings relating to the previous Kea Crossing at Allum Street, Kohimarama be fully erased for safety reasons.



Secretarial note:       Deputy Chairman Parkinson left the meeting at 6.12 pm.

Secretarial note:       Deputy Chairman Parkinson returned to the meeting at 6.13pm.



Project 17: Auckland Council Maintenance Contracts


Resolution number OR/2017/130

MOVED by Deputy Chairman K Parkinson, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         agrees to the following for year one (2017/2018) of the new maintenance contracts:





                i.       Community and Workforce measures for the Ōrākei Local Board area (smart procurement):

a)      Local impact assessment

b)      Number of subcontractors and suppliers sourced by contract area and local board area

c)      Estimate of subcontractor and supplier spend by contract area and local board area

d)      Local employment: percentage of staff living within contract area and local board area

               ii.       site specific issues that are unique to the local board area and which will require particular attention:

a)      Tamaki Drive

b)      Stonefields heritage trail

c)      Searchlight emplacements on Tamaki Drive

d)      Ōrākei Basin

b)        notes that community and workforce (smart procurement) targets will be developed by the maintenance contracts suppliers Ventia (Full Facilities), Wildlands (Ecological Restoration) and Treescape (Arboricultural)  in consultation with the Board for the Orakei Local Board area over the next six to twelve months to establish a baseline.

c)         notes that the Ōrākei Local Board of the Auckland Council will continue to encourage, support and work with volunteer and community groups across the Board’s area in alignment with the new maintenance contracts.





Feedback on the Tākaro – Investing in Play discussion document


Resolution number OR/2017/131

MOVED by Deputy Chairman K Parkinson, seconded by Member C Claridge:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)        provides the following feedback on the questions presented in the Tākaro – Investing in Play discussion document:




             i.      reaffirms that in Auckland Council’s shared governance model, local boards have governance responsibility for playgrounds in local parks including decision-making on design, oversight and renewals spending. 

            ii.      acknowledges that an investment plan endorsed by the Governing Body can guide local board decisions but should not be binding (If an investment plan for play for the region is endorsed, each local board should be supported to develop their own guidelines for investment decisions, using the region-wide plan as a base).

           iii.      requests that any local board engagement occurs after public consultation in order for the board to have the benefit of seeing the public’s views before commenting.

           iv.      identifies that one of the most significant opportunities of ‘Tākaro – Investing in Play’, is to provide a tool-kit to help local boards and staff to consider creative approaches to play.

            v.      believes in the strategic focus of creative play being useful for the Auckland Plan outcome of 'a fair, safe and healthy Auckland' and the Auckland Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan 2014-2024 vision for Aucklanders to be 'more active, more often'.

           vi.      requests that a clearer distinction between the concepts of play and recreation as these appeared to be conflated in several instances in the document.

         vii.      identifies that advice will be required about investing in play versus  investing in sport as these are both major priorities for the Board and are competing for scarce local board funding.

        viii.      notes that creative play is already considered when planning new play spaces or renewals in our local board area.

           ix.      supports the hierarchy of play model as a useful model for local board consideration, although we request that substantial work is developed to provide local boards with a thorough range of options in the lower-two tiers because the cheaper play options are of particular interest as local boards try to activate spaces and achieve a healthy Auckland on a limited budget.

            x.      supports the proposition that “each play space should be tailored to the unique needs of the local community” and recognises the local board and local communities as holding the knowledge to help make this happen.

           xi.      considers play spaces as valuable for all and particularly for children (The Board recommends a focus on developing more challenging play spaces to cater for children aged over 7 recognising there are currently many play spaces for those aged 2-7, but with most playgrounds not challenging enough for those aged 8 or over. Focusing on this gap for slightly older age range will help develop healthy habits as our children grow older).

         xii.      disagrees with basing investment decisions on socio-economic deprivation. The harms of a lack of play are not exclusive to those in less well-off areas thus all areas require investment in play.

        xiii.      agrees in principle with the approach of being less risk-averse with play spaces.

        xiv.      strongly agrees with the provision of nature play through our open space network and requests the development of options in the hierarchy of play model along this theme.

         xv.      notes its concern over the possible bureaucracy of planning and installing small scale play spaces where the possible cost through planning, consenting, compliance may outweigh the value of the asset. A framework to ensure items at the lower end of the hierarchy of play are affordable and easy to install will enable more play spaces and therefore more play which is the ultimate outcome of this approach.        

        xvi.      supports community-led development of play spaces and investigating partnerships with communities/local providers, and recommends that council’s Community Empowerment Unit be heavily involved in the development of a framework to enable fast, effective partnerships with local community groups to deliver more play spaces for our communities.

       xvii.      does not support any reduction in local board budgets to achieve the directives outlined in ‘Tākaro – Investing in Play’.





Local board involvement in regional strategic priority workshops on the Long-term Plan 2018-2028


Resolution number OR/2017/132

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member R Rundle:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board appoints Member Parkinson and Member Claridge as alternate, as the Board’s representatives to take part in regional strategic priority workshops on the Long-term Plan 2018-2028.





Auckland Plan refresh 2018: early feedback to inform draft plan


The Board’s feedback on the Auckland Plan refresh 2018 was tabled in support of this item. A copy is attached to the end of these minutes.


Resolution number OR/2017/133

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)        approves the Board’s tabled feedback on the Auckland Plan 2018 refresh.

b)        notes that there will be further opportunities to provide feedback on the draft plan as Council continues through the refresh process during 2017.





Urgent Decision - Updated funding impact statement in the Ōrākei Local Board Agreement 2017/2018


Resolution number OR/2017/134

MOVED by Member R Rundle, seconded by Member C Claridge:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board notes the urgent decision on the updated funding impact statement in the Ōrākei Local Board Agreement 2017/2018.






Chairman’s Report – Colin Davis


Resolution number OR/2017/135

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member R Rundle:  

a)      That the report be received.

b)      That with regard to Easter Sunday trading, the Ōrākei Local Board recommends that the Governing Body retain the status quo, so that only shops that can currently open for trade on Easter Sunday can continue to do so.





Board Member Report - Kit Parkinson


Resolution number OR/2017/136

MOVED by Deputy Chairman K Parkinson, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the report be received.





Board Member Report - Troy Churton


Resolution number OR/2017/137

MOVED by Member T Churton, seconded by Member R Rundle:  

a)      That the report be received.

b)      The Ōrākei Local Board requests Auckland Transport to report on using the Local Board Transport Capital Fund as detailed on the ‘Local Board Transport Capital Fund Proposal Form’ (Attachment A) for the re-design of street parking on the top half of the western side of Saint Vincent Avenue, Remuera.

c)      That the Ōrākei Local Board requests a meeting with the General Managers of Resource Consents and Building Control and the Regulatory Services Director to discuss upholding standards so that applicants are encouraged to design things in order to comply with the more generous Unitary Plan provisions.





Board Member Report - Carmel Claridge


Resolution number OR/2017/138

MOVED by Member C Claridge, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the report be received.





Board Member Report - Ros Rundle


Resolution number OR/2017/139

MOVED by Member R Rundle, seconded by Deputy Chairman K Parkinson:  

That the report be received.





Board Member Report - David Wong


Resolution number OR/2017/140

MOVED by Member D Wong, seconded by Member R Rundle:  

That the report be received.





Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number OR/2017/141

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member C Claridge:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board draft Governance Forward Work Calendar be noted.





Ōrākei Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number OR/2017/142

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Member R Rundle:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board workshop notes for the workshops held on 1, 8 and 22 June 2017 be noted.





Resolutions Pending Action


Resolution number OR/2017/143

MOVED by Chairman C Davis, seconded by Deputy Chairman K Parkinson:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board resolutions pending action report be noted.



30        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There were no extraordinary items.   



6.32 pm                                              The Chairman thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.












Ōrākei Local Board feedback on the Auckland Plan 2018 refresh


Growth/Development Strategy


The Board agrees that a strategy for growth is needed, but growth shouldn’t all take place in Auckland. New Zealand could do more to incentivise growth throughout the country by encouraging immigration across the country and not predominately in Auckland.


The Board considers that the loss of arable land in Auckland due to sprawl is concerning, as in the medium term it will result in more food needing to be imported.


The Board considers that infrastructure should include green infrastructure. It is important that existing open reserve space is retained as well as additional open space will be required for Auckland’s growing population.


Skills and Jobs


The Board considers that Auckland needs people who can do a wide range of jobs with various skill levels, but notes that it is becoming difficult for the less skilled people and those with lower paying jobs cannot afford to live in Auckland. Auckland schools are having difficulty employing teachers with the right experience and skills due to the high cost of living and accommodation.


The Board supports mentoring by older people to upskill younger people and considers that Aucklanders should be open to learning and upskilling which will in turn assist them in being able to afford to live here.


The Board supports the removal of the “Our creativity and resourcefulness” section as the Board doesn’t view this as core council business.




The Board considers that the “The importance of Maori and Maori values” section should be part of the Auckland Plan but it doesn’t need to be a separate section as it’s enshrined in the Treaty of Waitangi and the LGA 2002.


The Board considers that the “Equitable opportunities…” and “Inclusive, resilient…” section includes everyone.


Home and Places


The Board supports the “Constructions costs and constraints” section as cutting costs means cutting corners and typically results in low quality design.


The Board supports housing being healthy, weathertight and enviro conscious (e.g. solar panels).


Protect and Enhance


The Board supports heritage being defined in the Auckland Plan as the population grows and becomes more diverse.


The Board supports inclusion of a reference to the natural environment – biodiversity.


Access and Connectivity

The Board supports encouraging cycling and use of electric cars to reduce pollution.


The Board supports theWorking together, central and local government and the private sector section as collaborative transport planning is essential.




The Board supports the future consideration of technology and transport modes.