I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Tuesday, 19 September 2017 4.00pm Devonport-Takapuna
Local Board Chamber |
Devonport-Takapuna Local Board
Chairperson |
Dr Grant Gillon |
Deputy Chairperson |
George Wood, CNSM |
Members |
Mike Cohen, QSM, JP |
Jennifer McKenzie |
Jan O'Connor |
Mike Sheehy |
(Quorum 3 members)
Karen Durante Democracy Advisor
19 September 2017
Contact Telephone: 021 726 065 Email: karen.durante@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Devonport-Takapuna Local Board 19 September 2017 |
Devonport-Takapuna Local Board 19 September 2017 |
Local Board Services monthly report - September 2017
File No.: CP2017/18216
1. The purpose of this report is to provide members with an overview of recent Devonport-Takapuna Local Board activity. This report recommends:
· allocating $5,000 opex from the community grants budget to the Bayswater Community Committee to undertake a survey and planning/visioning document to gauge community views on the proposed development at Bayswater Marina; and
· granting land owner consent for a memorial seat at Vauxhall Reserve, Devonport.
That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) allocate $11,000 in operational funding from its community grants budget to enable the Bayswater Community Committee to undertake a survey and planning / visioning document to gauge community views on the proposed development at Bayswater Marina, subject to the following conditions being met: i) the proposed questions are peer-reviewed and supported by council’s Plans and Places and Communication and Marketing units prior to the survey commencing; and ii) the results of the survey are presented at the local board’s monthly Community Forum meeting in due course. b) grant land owner consent for a memorial seat at Vauxhall Reserve to commemorate Mr. Peter Lamont.
Survey and planning document for Bayswater Marina development
2. Staff have been approached by the Bayswater Community Committee (the committee) regarding a proposal to undertake a survey, and prepare a planning / visioning document that reflects the community’s views and preferences for the proposed development at Bayswater Marina (the marina).
3. The committee advises that a resource consent has been lodged to redevelop the marina, which includes provision for residential dwellings. The committee has requested financial support from the local board to undertake a survey to obtain community views on the proposed redevelopment. In addition, the survey will seek input on the amenities that the community value, wish to see maintained or enhanced as part of the development. This will then inform the development of a planning document that visualizes the community’s views and preferences.
4. Section I504 of council’s Unitary Plan guides the activities, objectives and policies for the Bayswater Marina Precinct, where it states:
· the primary purpose is to provide for marina, ferry terminal and marine-related activities, including associated parking and facilities, and for public access, community uses and marine sports uses, open space and recreation; and
· provision is also made for residential activities and food and beverage, subject to these activities being assessed through a resource consent process to assess the effects of the proposal on the use and function of the precinct.
5. It is important to note that section I505.5 Notification (2) of the Unitary Plan states that any application for resource consent for dwellings and / or food and beverages must be publicly notified. This means that the public notification process will enable the community to provide their views and preferences on the proposed marina redevelopment.
6. The Unitary Plan provisions that guide the Bayswater Marina is detailed in Attachment A.
7. The cost of these projects is approximately $5,000 to undertake the survey, and $6,000 to develop the planning / visioning document. At the time of reporting, no quote to determine the actual cost had been received. Given this matter has arisen recently, the committee missed round one of the local board’s grant programme, and the next funding round is not until early 2018.
8. Staff support a survey and planning / visioning document being undertaken as it would be a beneficial mechanism understand the community’s views and aspirations for the proposed redevelopment of the marina. The survey can also inform local board input and feedback into the public notification process. It should be noted that due to current resource constraints, Local Board Services staff are unable to support the delivery of the survey in the identified timeframe.
9. Staff recommend that the board allocate $11,000 from its community grants programme budget line to the committee, conditional on the following:
· that the proposed questions are peer-reviewed and supported by council’s Plans and Places and Communication and Marketing units prior to the survey commencing, which will ensure the responses guide and inform the local board’s feedback; and
· that upon completion of the survey, the results are presented at the local board’s monthly Community Forum meeting in due course.
Land owner consent at Vauxhall Reserve, Devonport
10. Council’s Parks and Places team has received an application for a memorial seat at Vauxhall Reserve, Devonport, to commemorate Mr. Peter Lamont, who had a long and successful association with the North Shore Rugby Football Club (the club).
11. Mr. Lamont’s involvement with the club started in 1960 as a player; he then held roles as the Premier’s coach, committee member, President and delegate to the Auckland and North Harbour rugby unions.
12. The proposed site is at the southern end of the number one field. The applicants preferred locations are detailed in Attachment B.
13. The application has been assessed against council’s memorial protocols, and staff advise that the application meets all the appropriate criteria.
14. Staff recommend that the local board grant land owner consent so that installation of the seat can be undertaken. The applicant will also be covering the cost of purchasing the seat.
15. Please refer to Attachment B for full details of the land owner consent application.
Local board views and implications
16. The content in this report reflects the local board’s view and priorities. Implications for each topic have been detailed in the respective sections of this report.
Māori impact statement
17. There are no implications for Māori associated with this report.
18. There are no implementation matters in this report.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Bayswater Marina Development provisions guide |
9 |
b⇩ |
Memo - Memorial seat application for Mr. Lamont |
19 |
c⇩ |
Supporting information for memorial seat application |
21 |
Authors |
Tristan Coulson - Senior Local Board Advisor Devonport-Takapuna |
Authorisers |
Eric Perry - Relationship Manager |