Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board held in at Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board office, 7-13 Pilkington Road, Panmure on Friday,
22 September 2017 at 2.00pm.
Chairperson |
Deputy Chairperson |
Ken Kerehoma |
Members |
Josephine Bartley |
Debbie Burrows |
Emily Karaka |
Tara Moala |
Chairperson Member |
Chris Makoare Georgie Thompson |
Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board 22 September 2017 |
Secretarial note: the meeting was opened with a karakia from Ken Kerehoma.
Secretarial note: Shirley Coutts, Senior Local Board Advisor chaired the meeting for items 1 and 12. Item 12 election of chairperson was taken after item 1 at 2.06pm.
Secretarial note: Deputy chairperson K Kerehoma chaired the meeting from item 2 at 2.09pm after item 12.
2 Apologies
Resolution number TE /2017/14 MOVED by Member K Kerehoma, seconded by Member J Bartley: That the Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) accept the apology from Chairperson C Makoare and Member G Thompson for absence. |
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number TE /2017/15 MOVED by Member T Moala, seconded by Member D Burrows: That the Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Friday, 23 June 2017 (3 July reconvened date), as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
1. The Te Oro Committee acknowledge the passing of three young people in the recent youth suicides and express its condolences to their whānau and hoa.
2. The Te Oro Committee acknowledge the passing of Dr Cliff Whiting, a member of the Order of New Zealand. Dr Whiting was a talented artist, sculptor, painter, illustrator, printmaker, photographer and carver. In 2000, he was appointed kaumātua to Tourism New Zealand. The committee express its condolences to Dr Cliff Whiting’s whānau.
3. The Te Oro Committee acknowledge the passing of Te Nohotu Noel Patuwai a prominent elder in the Glen Innes community known for his leadership especially in the Fenchurch area. The committee express its condolences to Te Nohotu Noel Patuwai’s whānau.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
There was no public forum.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
Secretarial note: Item 12 was taken after item 1 at 2.06pm
12 |
Resolution number TE /2017/16 MOVED by Member J Bartley, seconded by Member T Moala: That the Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) agree to elect a deputy chairperson for the 2016-2019 term, utilising either System A of Schedule 7, Part 1, Clause 25 of the Local Government Act 2002. |
Resolution number TE /2017/17 MOVED by Member J Bartley, seconded by Member T Moala: That the Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) elect Ken Kerehoma as deputy chairperson of the Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board for the 2016-2019 term. |
Secretarial note: Item 13 was taken after item 11 at 2.13pm
13 |
Resolution number TE /2017/18 MOVED by Member K Kerehoma, seconded by Member T Moala: That the Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) thank Sarah Edwards, Arts and Culture Advisor, Stephen Johnson, Manager Arts and Culture Facilities and Assets, Jenni Heka, Facility Manager and Hanna Scott, Arts and Culture Senior Programming Leader, for their attendance; b) receive the quarter four report and final year position for Te Oro. |
14 |
Te Oro 2017/18 updated action plan and renewal of partnerships |
Resolution number TE /2017/19 MOVED by Member T Moala, seconded by Member D Burrows: That the Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) thank Sarah Edwards, Arts and Culture Advisor, Stephen Johnson, Manager Arts and Culture Facilities and Assets, Jenni Heka, Facility Manager and Hanna Scott, Arts and Culture Senior Programming Leader, for their attendance; b) adopt the Te Oro 2017/18 updated Action Plan as shown in Appendix B of the report; c) approve six existing partnerships to continue their partnership programmes in 2017/2018: i) Crescendo Trust of Aotearoa: weekly Studio School, Music Workshop (formerly Jam Sessions), and Studio Sessions; ii) Ruapotaka Marae: youth holiday programme, with kapa haka; iii) Media Design School: Animation Shorts screening and workshop; iv) Pacific Dance NZ: July and Summer holiday programme, Choreographic Residency, Choreographic Lab (adult and youth); v) East Cook Island Community Group: weekly dance classes; vi) Matt Salapu + Norma Sio Salapu: Music EP soundscape extension. |
15 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Secretarial note: the meeting was closed with a karakia from Ken Kerehoma.
2.20 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.
CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Te Oro Committee of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board HELD ON