I hereby give notice that a meeting of the Youth Advisory Panel will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 18 September 2017


Council Chamber
Auckland Town Hall
Ground Floor
301-305 Queen Street


Youth Advisory Panel









Veisinia Maka


Deputy Chairperson

Damian Piilua



Stella Andrews

Alexander  Murray


Julia  aulfield

Soul  O'Reilly


Olivia Cen

Jacqueline  Paul


Jack Downs

Lucy  Pearson


Shehara Farik

Star  Rawiri


Kramer Hoeflich

Tremayne  Reid


Amy Irvine

Na'or Tal Alfassi Berman


Luke Johnson

Kitty Yu Sun


Dayeon Lee



Elja Murphy





Liaison Councillor

Fa’anana Efeso Collins


Chief Liaison Councillor

Dr Cathy Casey



(Quorum 9 members)




Luka Grbavac

Governance Advisor


14 September 2017


Contact Telephone: (09) 301 0101

Email: Luka.Grbavac@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




(Excerpt full terms of reference available as a separate document)


The terms of reference set out the purpose, role and protocols of the Panel.


Panel members abide by the Code of Conduct for members of Auckland Council advisory




As one of council’s engagement mechanisms with diverse communities, the demographic

advisory panels provide advice to the governing body and council staff within the remit of the

Auckland Plan on the following areas:

· Auckland Council’s regional policies, plans and strategies

· regional and strategic matters including those that Council-Controlled Organisations deal


· any matter of particular interest or concern to diverse communities.



The panel’s advice will contribute to improving the outcomes of diverse communities and

social cohesion as set out in the Auckland Plan. The panel will advise through their agreed

strategic agenda and detailed work programme.


Strategic agenda and work programme

The panel must develop a work programme and set a strategic agenda for the term. The

agendas should be focused and integrated across the panels for collaborative input into

shared agendas, particularly on the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan and annual plans.

The panel should advise on council’s organisational strategies relevant to diverse


The governing body and council staff should work with the panel for the development of their

strategic agendas and work programme. An appropriate committee will approve the panel’s

work programme and any subsequent major changes to it.



The panel must not make formal submissions to Auckland Council on council strategies,

policies and plans, for example, the annual plan.

In its advisory role to the council, the panel may have input to submissions made by the

council to external organisations but do not make independent submissions, except as

agreed with the council.

This does not prevent individual members being party to submissions outside their role as

panel members.



The form and functioning of the panels may be reviewed prior to or after, the end of the

panel’s term in September 2019.


Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

Opening Karakia

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

4          Public Input: Generation Zero                                                                                      7

5          Public Input: Scouts NZ                                                                                              13

6          Youth Advisory Panel - Liaison Councillor's Update                                              17

7          Proposed Youth Advisory Panel Work Programme                                                19

8          Youth Advisory Panel - members' update                                                                25

Closing Karakia




Opening Karakia


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


There is no previous meeting of this panel.





Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



Public Input: Generation Zero


File No.: CP2017/19451




1.       To hear from Generation Zero on their plan for climate change action as well as related local initiatives, and advise on engagement from a youth perspective.

Executive summary

2.       Generation Zero would like to engage with the panel on their plan for climate change action in New Zealand and the role of the Panel itself in responding to the challenge of climate change. They will also present on local initiatives related to their climate change work. The Zero Carbon Act is a framework for real action on climate change in Aotearoa New Zealand. It would establish an Independent Climate Commission that will act to get the domestic carbon emissions to zero by 2050, and force the government to set carbon budgets to meet this target (see attachment).

3.       Climate change is of major concern to youth throughout the world as it will be that generation that has to deal with the impact of carbon emissions. It is of major concern currently to Pacifika communities who are seeing the effects of climate change already, as sea level rise threatens islands throughout the Pacific region. Our responsibility as New Zealanders to act as a good Pacific neighbour is a major component of the Zero Carbon Act, and will ensure that we act to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. Equitable climate change action is a key concern of Generation Zero, and consultation across the widest group of Aucklanders is important to us. The way in which we address climate change must take into account all communities within Aotearoa New Zealand, and give voice to all of those involved in our collective response.

4.       Generation Zero asks that the Panel consider:

·    Supporting the Zero Carbon Act framework.

·    Involvement in planning at regional level to address climate change.

·    Helping to engage locals to ensure all voices are considered when the Act is made into law.

5.       Next Steps:

·    Petition gathering, and input from local communities

·    Presentations outside city centre

·    Bike tour around country to engage widely

·    Presentation of petition to parliament after the election

·    Involvement in engagement as bill is drafted.

6.       Discussion questions for the panel:

·    How can the Panel help us engage with communities about climate change action?

·    What’s one thing that can be advocated for by the Panel at the local council level that will have a real impact?



That the Youth Advisory Panel:

a)      thank Generation Zero for their presentation,

b)      provide advice to Generation Zero on the discussion questions.







Public Input: Generation Zero, Zero Carbon Act NZ Summary Paper Attachment





Luka Grbavac - Governance Advisor


Mara Bebich – Lead Officer


Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017





Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



Public Input: Scouts NZ


File No.: CP2017/19459





1.       To hear from SCOUTS NZ’s initiative to increase the diversity of their members and provide feedback from a youth perspective.

Executive summary

2.       SCOUTS NZ is New Zealand’s largest mixed youth organisation (6 to 26 years of age) offering life skills, outdoor education, leadership, team work and new experiences framed within a context of fun and adventure. They believe that these skills are pertinent to all ethnicities, cultures, genders and beliefs, however as an organisation they recognise that we have a predominantly European membership base.  While this is changing, they would like to learn and understand what barriers there are to youth of other ethnicities or cultures joining community organisations like SCOUTS NZ.  They would also like to develop relationships within the community and explore potential partnerships in order to give more young people the opportunities Scouting offers.

3.       Specifically SCOUTS NZ Upper North Island Region is undertaking an initiative in South Auckland to increase the number of youth from different ethnicities, cultures and beliefs in Scouting. They are seeking to promote Scouting as an exciting premium organisation to belong to and wish to engage with youth who don’t currently belong around the challenges and barriers that prevent them wanting to join.

4.       Discussion questions:

·    What are the main influences for youth when making the decision to belong (or not) to an organization like SCOUTS?

·    How could we best engage with youth to encourage them to join SCOUTS?

·    What are the challenges and barriers that prevent youth joining SCOUTS?




That the Youth Advisory Panel:

a)      thank ScoutsNZ for their presentation.

b)      provide advice to Scouts NZ on the discussion questions








Public Input: Scouts NZ, Introduction to Scouts NZ and South Auckland Growth Initiative Action Plan 2017-18 Attachment




Luka Grbavac - Governance Advisor


Mara Bebich – Lead Officer


Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017




Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



Youth Advisory Panel - Liaison Councillor's Update


File No.: CP2017/19808





1.       To provide the Liaison Councillor for the Youth Advisory Panel an opportunity to update the meeting on regional issues of significance affecting youth communities.

Executive summary

2.       The Liaison Councillor for the Youth Advisory Panel will have the opportunity to discuss any regional issues of significance or highlight any issues affecting youth communities.



That the Youth Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the update on regional issues of significance affecting youth communities.




There are no attachments for this report.



Luka Grbavac - Governance Advisor


Mara Bebich – Lead Officer


Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



Proposed Youth Advisory Panel Work Programme


File No.: CP2017/19801





1.       To discuss and identify the Youth Advisory Panels priorities for the 2017/2018 financial year.

2.       To co-develop the panel’s work programme for approval by the Environment and Community Committee in October 2017.

Executive summary

3.       The mayor established Auckland Council demographic advisory panels for the 2016-2019 term of the council as one of the council’s engagement mechanisms with Auckland’s diverse communities.

4.       The Youth Advisory Panel’s role is to offer strategic advice on the council’s regional policies, plans and strategies and ensure that youth voices are included in the council’s decision-making process.  

5.       The terms of reference for demographic advisory panels 2016-2019 state that each panel should develop its work programme. The work programme will define the panel’s interest and focus areas. The work programme must be within the remit of the Auckland Plan, and align with the forward work programme of the Auckland Council Environment and Community Committee.

6.       The work programme is a living document which will be updated at each meeting to reflect previous and upcoming agenda items. The panel will review the work programme at the end of each financial year and update its priorities where necessary.

7.       A draft youth advisory panel work programme has been developed for discussion under this report (see Attachment A). This draft was developed based on three main inputs:

·    Panel member’s priorities as discussed at the youth advisory panel’s induction

·    Council’s forward work programme and key plans and priorities that require the input of the panel’s

·    The youth advisory panel’s google discussion document of the priorities for the panel’s work programme.

8.       The work programme is reflective of these inputs and is suggested to be framed and aligned to the seven goals of I am Auckland, the children and young people’s strategic action plan.

9.       The Youth Advisory Panel’s members agreed to work towards giving a youth voice to the following identified priority areas at their induction workshop in June 2017:

·        environment and sustainability

·        transport and accessibility

·        affordable housing and homelessness

·        youth engagement and civic participation, with a particularly focus on engagement with rangatahi.

10.     The proposed work programme reflects the priority areas of both the panel and council and covers a range of topics from the strategic Auckland Plan and Long-term Plan to more subject specific items such as youth engagement, environment, homelessness and transport. These will form the agenda for the panels meetings and workshops.

11.     Topics which do not easily fall into the work programme categories but which require input from the panel may be considered through other means such as survey or email, as occurred under the development of council’s nuisance bylaw.

12.     It is important that the panel considers the number of panel meetings when deciding the number and quantity of its priorities. The panel has three public meetings and three closed workshops across the 2017/2018 financial year as per table one below.

Meeting or Workshop


Meeting 1

18 Sept 2017

Workshop 2

6 Nov 2017

Workshop 3

12 Feb 2018

Meeting 2

9 April 2018

Workshop 4

21 May 2018

Meeting 3

25 June 2018.

Table One: Youth Advisory Panel Schedule of Workshops and Meetings

15.     In addition the panel will participate in integrated panel meetings on council’s substantive agenda items such as the Auckland Plan Refresh and Long-term Plan 2018-2028.

16.     From time to time there will be additional integrated panel meetings such as the one scheduled for September 2017 on the ‘Investing in Aucklanders’ initiative.

13.     Each panel has a budget and support to run a ‘community forum of fora to engage with the wider community they represent. The panel has a budget of $20,000 for each financial year specifically for engagement with relevant communities. The panel can organise and/or host one or more community forums or events on substantial issues or agendas important to their own communities and their work programme. 

14.     The panel may partner or collaborate with external organisations for community forums. The topics and agendas of the community forums must align with the panel’s work programme.

15.     A line in the work programme for community forum has been included. It is recommended that the youth advisory panel allocate specific time to discuss its priorities for this line and plan for delivery within the 2017/2018 financial year.

Next steps

16.     The panel will discuss and shape its work programme at the September 2017 meeting. After this the work programme will be presented to the Environment and Community Committee for approval. 



That the Youth Advisory Panel:

a)      approve the Youth Advisory Panel Work Programme

b)      delegate to the Chair and Deputy Chair, approval to make any minor editorial changes to the programme







Draft Youth Advisory Panel Work Programme




Amanda Kelly – Deputy Lead Officer

Mara Bebich – Lead Officer


Mara Bebich – Lead Officer


Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



Youth Advisory Panel

18 September 2017



Youth Advisory Panel - members' update


File No.: CP2017/19807





1.       To provide members of the Youth Advisory Panel an opportunity to update the meeting with upcoming events and issues impacting youth communities.

Executive summary

2.       Youth Advisory Panel members will discuss issues impacting youth communities or highlight upcoming events which are of interest.



That the Youth Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the update about upcoming events and issues impacting rainbow communities.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Luka Grbavac - Governance Advisor


Mara Bebich – Lead Officer