Governing Body






Minutes of a meeting of the Governing Body held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 9.35am.





Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP


Deputy Mayor

Cr Bill Cashmore



Cr Dr Cathy Casey



Cr Ross Clow

From 9.54am, Item 10, Until 1.03pm, Item 13


Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins



Cr Linda Cooper, JP



Cr Chris Darby



Cr Alf Filipaina



Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO

From 9.47am, Item 10


Cr Richard Hills



Cr Penny Hulse

From 9.41am, Item 10, Until 2.08pm, Item 14


Cr Mike Lee



Cr Daniel Newman, JP



Cr Greg Sayers



Cr Desley Simpson, JP



Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM



Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE

From 9.52am, Item 10, Until 12.10pm, Item 11


Cr Wayne Walker



Cr John Watson






Cr Dick Quax





Governing Body

14 December 2017




1          Affirmation


His Worship the Mayor read the affirmation.



2          Apologies


Resolution number GB/2017/169

MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr W Walker:  

That the Governing Body:

a)        accept the apologies from Cr R Clow for lateness and from and D Quax for absence.


Note:   A subsequent apology from Cr P Hulse was received for early departure.



3          Declaration of Interest


Cr D Simpson declared an interest in item 10 – America’s Cup 2021 - Decision on Location and Infrastructure Requirements.


Cr L Cooper declared an interest in Item 11 – Governance Options for the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate, however the meeting agreed that there was no conflict.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number GB/2017/170

MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Deputy Mayor B Cashmore:  

That the Governing Body:

a)        confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 11 December 2017 and reconvened on Tuesday, 12 December 2017 as a true and correct record.




5          Petitions


There were no petitions.



6          Public Input


There was no public input.



7          Local Board Input


There was no local board input.




8          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



9          Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Cr P Hulse entered the meeting at 9.41am.




America's Cup 2021 - decision on location and infrastructure requirements


Cr D Simpson declared an interest in this item and left the table.


Cr D Simpson left the meeting at 9.41am.

Cr C Fletcher entered the meeting at 9.47am.

Cr Sir John Walker entered the meeting at 9.52am

Cr R Clow entered the meeting at 9.54am


Rod Marler, Director, Design & Place and Fiona Knox, Strategic Projects Manager, Panuku Development Auckland provided a powperpoint presentation in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.




MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:  

That the Governing Body:

a)         support Emirates Team New Zealand to host the America’s Cup in Auckland in 2021.

b)         approve the Wynyard Basin (Halsey Wharf Extension, Hobson Wharf Extension and Wynyard Wharf East Extension) location option as a basis for negotiation with the Crown and Emirates Team New Zealand.

c)         note that the Mayor and the Chief Executive were given delegated authority under resolution GB/2017/145 to continue negotiations with the Crown and Emirates Team New Zealand.

d)         delegate authority to the Mayor and Chief Executive to complete negotiations and lodge the resource consent application.

e)         note that the Crown remains committed to further investigating the Wynyard Point (variant) Option and will not reach a final view until further due diligence on this option has been completed.

f)          agree to use the single hearing process through direct referral to the Environment Court, available under the Resource Management Act 1991, and lodge the resource consent applications for the approved option in January 2018.

g)         acknowledge that the costs required for planning, consenting and procurement of the approved option and associated infrastructure will commence in this financial year.

h)         note that there is no funding available for a hosting agreement and that investment in necessary infrastructure is the extent of the Council’s contribution.

i)          agree to explore, with Crown representatives, additional or alternative measures that may provide greater certainty or efficiency of process.

j)          refer this report and decisions to Cabinet to inform their decision making.


An amendment was MOVED by Cr S Stewart, seconded by Cr G Sayers to clause b) and was subsequently withdrawn by the mover and the seconder:  

b)         approve both the Wynyard Basin (Halsey Wharf Extension, Hobson Wharf Extension and Wynyard Wharf East Extension) location and the Wynyard Point (Variant) location options as a basis for negotiation with the Crown and Emirates Team New Zealand.


The Chairperson put the motion in parts.




Resolution number GB/2017/171

MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:  

That the Governing Body:

a)         support Emirates Team New Zealand to host the America’s Cup in Auckland in 2021.





Resolution number GB/2017/172

MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:   

That the Governing Body:

b)        approve the Wynyard Basin (Halsey Wharf Extension, Hobson Wharf Extension and Wynyard Wharf East Extension) location option as a basis for negotiation with the Crown and Emirates Team New Zealand.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Deputy Mayor B Cashmore

Cr R Clow

Cr L Cooper

Cr A Filipaina

Cr C Fletcher

Mayor P Goff

Cr R Hills

Cr P Hulse

Cr D Newman

Cr G Sayers

Cr S Stewart

Cr J Walker


Cr C Casey

Cr M Lee

Cr W Walker


Cr E Collins

Cr C Darby

Cr J Watson

The motion was declared carried by 12 votes to 3.





Resolution number GB/2017/173

MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:  

That the Governing Body:

c)         note that the Mayor and the Chief Executive were given delegated authority under resolution GB/2017/145 to continue negotiations with the Crown and Emirates Team New Zealand.

d)        delegate authority to the Mayor and Chief Executive to complete negotiations and lodge the resource consent application.

e)         note that the Crown remains committed to further investigating the Wynyard Point (variant) Option and will not reach a final view until further due diligence on this option has been completed.

f)          agree to use the single hearing process through direct referral to the Environment Court, available under the Resource Management Act 1991, and lodge the resource consent applications for the approved option in January 2018.

g)        acknowledge that the costs required for planning, consenting and procurement of the approved option and associated infrastructure will commence in this financial year.

h)        note that there is no funding available for a hosting agreement and that investment in necessary infrastructure is the extent of the Council’s contribution.

i)          agree to explore, with Crown representatives, additional or alternative measures that may provide greater certainty or efficiency of process.

j)          refer this report and decisions to Cabinet to inform their decision making.



Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.3, Cr E Collins requested that his abstention for clause a) be recorded.


Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, Cr M Lee requested that his dissenting vote be recorded.



a     14 December 2017 Governing Body Item 10: America's Cup 2021 - decision on location and infrastructure requirements- presentation


Cr D Simpson returned to the meeting at 12.10pm.


The meeting was adjourned at 12.10pm and reconvened at 12.25pm.


Cr R Clow and Cr Sir J Walker were not present.




Governance options for the accommodation provider targeted rate


Norm Thompson and Russell Gray from the Accommodation Sector Working Group were present for this item.


Cr R Clow returned to the meeting at 12.32pm.


Resolution number GB/2017/174

MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr D Simpson:  

That the Governing Body:

a)      approve option six which is to:

i)       appoint a director with accommodation sector expertise to fill a future Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development board vacancy

ii)      request that Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development establish a sub-committee to make recommendations on visitor attraction and major events activities and which includes representation for accommodation provider targeted rate payers

b)      request that Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development  establish the sub-committee prior to the end of the 2017/2018 financial year.

c)      approve the key points for the sub-committee’s terms of reference (Attachment F) that cover the following matters:

·   establishment and authority

·   purpose

·   composition and organisation

·   meetings

·   reporting and review

d)      request that Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development includes the key points in the sub-committee’s terms of reference, noting that the Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development board must approve the final terms of reference

e)      request that Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development continues to work closely with Auckland Council staff and the sector to establish and implement its sub-committee.

f)       thank the members of the working group on governance options for the accommodation provider targeted rate for their input, time, and expertise.





Finalise the process for the review of representation arrangements


Resolution number GB/2017/175

MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr D Newman:  

That the Governing Body:

a)      receive the feedback from local boards.

b)      note the mayor’s appointments to the Joint Governance Working Party as follows:

Cr Cathy Casey (Central), Cr Linda Cooper (West), Cr Daniel Newman (South), Cr Wayne Walker (North), Angela Dalton (South), Phelan Pirrie (Rural North), Richard Northey (Central) and Shane Henderson (West).

c)      approve the draft terms of reference for the Joint Governance Working Party for inclusion in the Auckland Council Committee Terms of Reference.

d)      approve the following process for conducting the review of representation arrangements:

i)       the Joint Governance Working Party will develop Auckland Council’s initial review of representation arrangements and present it to local boards and the Governing Body for comments before the Governing Body makes the statutory resolution for public notification for submissions.

ii)      the Joint Governance Working Party will conduct the hearing of submissions and report its findings to local boards and the Governing Body before the Governing Body makes the final statutory resolution on any representation changes, which will then be publicly notified for objections and appeals.

iii)     the Governing Body will review the process for hearing submissions under (ii) at the time the initial proposals for change are known.




The meeting was adjourned at 1.03pm and reconvened at 1.38pm.


Cr R Clow, Cr G Sayers, Cr Sir J Walker were not present.






Health, Safety and Wellbeing update


Cr G Sayers returned to the meeting at 1.41pm.


Resolution number GB/2017/176

MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr G Sayers:  

That the Governing Body:

a)     receive the Health, Safety and Wellbeing update report.





Changes to the Governing Body Committee Structure


Cr P Hulse left the meeting at 2.08pm.


Resolution number GB/2017/177

MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Deputy Mayor B Cashmore:  

That the Governing Body:

a)         receive the supplementary report from the Mayor

b)        note the decisions of the Mayor on changes to the committee membership

c)         note the Mayor’s intention to establish a Value for Money Committee, on which he will report back to the Governing Body in the new year

d)        adopt the revised Terms of Reference for the committees in Attachment A of this report and delegate to those committees the responsibilities, duties and powers set out in the Terms of Reference, with the following changes:

i)          on pages 6 and 10 of the Terms of Reference, replace the words “Where relevant, policy development that relates to the activities of the following Council Controlled Organisations: (consistent with the council’s financial strategy)” with “Initiatives [of the following CCOs] that have a significant impact upon implementation of the Auckland Plan and other relevant plans, policies and strategies”.

ii)         excluding the Terms of Reference (delegations) to the Value for Money Committee.



Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, the following councillors requested that their dissenting votes be recorded:

·           Cr C Fletcher

·           Cr W Walker




15        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There were extraordinary items.  






3.02 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









