Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
22/02/2018 9.30am Reception
Lounge |
Tira Kāwana / Governing Body
Statutory Declaration - Councillor Josephine Bartley
A. 22 February 2018, Governing Body: Statutory Declaration - Councillor Josephine Bartley, Signed Declaration 3
Maiden Speech - Councillor Josephine Bartley
A. 22 February 2018, Governing Body: Maiden Speech - Councillor Josephine Bartley, Maiden Speech 5
6.1 Public Input: Royal New Zealand Society for the Provention of Cruelty to Animals - Sale and Private use of Fireworks
A. 22 February 2018, Governing Body: Item 6.1 - Public Input: Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Sale and Private use of Fireworks, Presentation 9
6.2 Public Input: Penny Bright - Review of the Elected Members' Code of Conduct
A. 22 February 2018, Governing Body: Item 6.2 - Public Input: Penny Bright - Review of the Elected Members' Code of Conduct, tabled information 17