Albert-Eden Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board held in the Albert Eden Local Board Office, 135 Dominion Road, Mt Eden on Wednesday, 28 March 2018 at 4:13pm.





Peter Haynes


Deputy Chairperson

Glenda Fryer



Lee Corrick

Exited the meeting at 6.23pm during item 24.


Graeme Easte



Rachel Langton

Exited the meeting at 6.15pm during item 24.


Ben Lee

Exited the meeting at 6.05pm during item 15.


Jessica Rose



Margi Watson

Entered the meeting at 4.43pm during item 9.2.




Governing Body Members

Cathey Casey



Christine Fletcher




Albert-Eden Local Board

28 March 2018




1          Welcome



2          Apologies


Resolution number AE/2018/158

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Chairperson P Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         Accepts the apologies from Member Watson for lateness and from Member Lee for early departure and notes the apologies from Governing Body Member Fletcher and Governing Body Member Casey for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number AE/2018/159

MOVED by Member J Rose, seconded by Member B Lee:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         Confirms the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Wednesday, 28 February 2018, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements



Acknowledgement – Rachel Waiwari


Resolution number AE/2018/160

MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)        Acknowledges Rachel Waiwari, driver of the route 134 bus (Central Business District to Henderson) and expresses its admiration for her caring attitude to public safety and humanity, noting that she stopped her bus on 19 March 2018 and rescued a lost dog stuck amongst traffic on Great North Road, Waterview, thereby preventing the dog’s death.

b)      Advises Auckland Transport of Rachel Waiwari’s outstanding contribution to public safety.

c)      Thanks Valerie Brand, City Nomad’s – Auckland House and Pet Sitters for using social media to reunite the lost dog with its owner.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations


There were no deputations.



9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Mt Eden Village Business Association


Steve Roper, Chair, Mt Eden Village Incorporated, and David Haines, Haines Planning, were in attendance to deliver a Public Forum presentation to the board regarding their Auckland Transport (AT) submission on Mt Eden Village, as well as to seek the board’s support to halt AT’s current plans and for a budget allocation for a Mt Eden Centre Plan to be developed.


Resolution number AE/2018/161

MOVED by Member R Langton, seconded by Member L Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Thanks Steve Roper, Chair, Mt Eden Village Incorporated, and David Haines, Haines Planning, for their attendance and Public Forum presentation.





Public Forum – Christina Robertson, Resident


Christina Robertson, resident, was in attendance to deliver a Public Forum presentation to the board regarding improving accessibility of bus stops along Mt Eden Village.


Resolution number AE/2018/162

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Chairperson P Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)        Thanks Christina Robertson, resident, for her attendance and Public Forum presentation.




            Secretarial Note:       Member Watson entered the meeting at 4.43pm during item 9.2.




10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




11        Notices of Motion


Under Standing Order 2.5.1 Notices of Motion were received from Deputy Chairperson Fryer, Member Langton and Chairperson Haynes for consideration under items 12, 13 and 14 respectively.



Secretarial Note:       Item 13 was heard at this point.




Notice of Motion - Deputy Chairperson Fryer - Undergrounding in Albert-Eden


Resolution number AE/2018/163

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Chairperson P Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Notes that Vector appears to have underspent the funds set aside to underground power lines in the area covered by Entrust.

b)      Notes that the 30-year programme to underground appears to have been abandoned by Vector, due to lack of action by Chorus Limited.

c)      Requests that the Mayor convene a meeting with the Minister of Finance and Minister of State-Owned Enterprises as the 41 per cent shareholders of Chorus Limited, and the community, with the purposes of working towards a solution that enables funds spent by Council to upgrade town centres, sizeable developments and roads provide benefits to our community in undergrounding power lines.

d)      Authorises the Chair and Deputy Chair to seek a meeting with the Mayor, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises to advocate this position.





Notice of Motion - Member Langton - Bus Lane Extensions and Parking Changes Project


MOVED by Member R Langton, SECONDED by Member L Corrick:

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Notes the resolutions and concerns of the ‘Public Meeting to Save Our Village’, Mt Eden Village, held at Mt Eden Village Centre Monday, 12 March 2018’ as outlined in Attachment A.

b)      Supports the Mt Eden Village Business Association submissions to Auckland Transport on the Bus Lane Extensions and Parking Changes in Mt Eden Project, dated 9 March 2018 (Attachment C) and 25 January 2017 (Attachment D) and requests that Auckland Transport amend its proposal to align with the submissions.

c)      Seeks an urgent briefing from Auckland Transport on how the concerns of the Mt Eden Village Business Association and others are to be addressed; and convenes a meeting with Auckland Transport and the Mt Eden Village Business Association to discuss the results of the consultation.

d)      Notes that the board continues to be very supportive of measures to improve public transport services along arterial routes, including Mt Eden Road, provided that there is appropriate mitigation for loss of kerb-side parking in the affected villages.

e)      Requests that the Plans and Places Department, working with Auckland Transport, develop a design-led Centre Plan for Mt Eden Village as part of the 2018/2019 work programme, with genuine consultation with the Mt Eden community, residents and stakeholders and to address the broader transport and other issues surrounding Mt Eden Village.


Amendment to original recommendation

Member Easte moved an amendment (by way of substitution), seconded by Member Rose.

b)        Notes the Mt Eden Village Business Association submissions to Auckland Transport on the Bus Lane Extensions and Parking Changes in Mt Eden Project, dated 9 March 2018 and 25 January, 2017.

The amendment was put and declared



Secretarial Note:       Members Langton, Corrick and Lee voted against amendment b) and requested that their dissenting votes be recorded.


Resolution number AE/2018/164

MOVED by Member R Langton, seconded by Member L Corrick:  

The Chairperson put the substantive motion in parts; a), c), d) and e), followed by b).

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Notes the resolutions and concerns of the ‘Public Meeting to Save Our Village’, Mt Eden Village, held at Mt Eden Village Centre Monday, 12 March 2018’ as outlined in Attachment A.

c)      Seeks an urgent briefing from Auckland Transport on how the concerns of the Mt Eden Village Business Association and others are to be addressed; and convenes a meeting with Auckland Transport and the Mt Eden Village Business Association to discuss the results of the consultation.

d)      Notes that the board continues to be very supportive of measures to improve public transport services along arterial routes, including Mt Eden Road, provided that there is appropriate mitigation for loss of kerb-side parking in the affected villages.

e)      Requests that the Plans and Places Department, working with Auckland Transport, develop a design-led Centre Plan for Mt Eden Village as part of the 2018/2019 work programme, with genuine consultation with the Mt Eden community, residents and stakeholders and to address the broader transport and other issues surrounding Mt Eden Village.



b)         Notes the Mt Eden Village Business Association submissions to Auckland Transport on the Bus Lane Extensions and Parking Changes in Mt Eden Project, dated 9 March 2018 and 25 January, 2017.



Secretarial Note:      Members Langton, Corrick and Lee voted against resolution b) and requested that their dissenting votes be recorded.




Notice of Motion - Chairperson Haynes - Endorsement of Wesley Name


Resolution number AE/2018/165

MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Does not support part of Owairaka being included in the proposed official Wesley geographical boundaries.

b)      Endorses the official recognition of Wesley as a geographical area only south of Oakley Creek/Te Auaunga and east of Beagle Avenue and bounded by Mount Albert, May and Richardson Roads and State Highway 20, the western boundary of the Foodstuffs property off Roma Road, Richardson Road between Amazon Parade and Maioro Street; and adds its endorsement to any community submission to the New Zealand Geographic Board seeking this name change for that area.

c)      Notes the intention of the Wesley community to apply to have the name Wesley officially attached to their geographical area, by way of an application to the next New Zealand Geographic Board meeting.

d)      Notes that the estimated boundaries of the Wesley geographical area in the map (Attachment A) dated 17 August 2017 that the Puketapapa Local Board prepared and discussed with the community at a community meeting on 15 August 2017 include an area north of Oakley Creek/Te Auaunga that the Albert-Eden Local Board does not consider to be part of Wesley geographical area.

e)      Notes that the Puketāpapa Local Board wrote to local mana whenua and the local kura kaupapa for their opinion regarding the Wesley name, and considered the feedback provided prior to the meeting received from Ngāti Whatua in making its decision.




Secretarial Note:       Item 16 was heard at this point.




Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Three 2017/2018 grant allocations


Resolution number AE/2018/166

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Member L Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Approves the following applications for funding from the Albert-Eden Local Board Quick Response Grants, Round Three, 2017/2018:

Applicant and Application ID


Amount allocated


Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust



Towards all project costs for Motu Manawa Kayak Day at Point Chevalier


Approved towards all project costs for Motu Manawa Kayak Day at Point Chevalier.

Mt Albert Residents' Association



Towards design and printing of marketing collateral to advertise the Mount Albert Residents Association


Approved towards costs for design and printing of marketing collateral to advertise the Mt Albert Residents Association.

Auckland Central Community Shed Trust



Towards tools and machinery for the community shed


Approved towards costs for the purchase of tools and machinery for the community shed.

Ronald Crummer



Towards all project costs for “Matariki @ Owairaka Domain” art Installations in July 2018


Approved towards all project costs for “Matariki @ Owairaka Domain” art Installations in July 2018.

Bellyful Central Auckland



Towards containers, delivery bags and an electric frypan to support the delivery of free meals to families with an illness


Approved towards containers, delivery bags and an electric frypan to support the delivery of free meals to families with an illness.

Point Chevalier Primary School Board of Trustees



Towards purchasing two compost bins for the school garden


Approved towards purchasing one compost bin for the school garden.

The Auckland Performing Arts Centre at Western Springs



Towards upgrading two studios and one dressing room lighting to Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights


Approved towards costs for upgrading two studios and one dressing room lighting to Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights.

The Others Club Limited



Towards all project costs for "The Watercooler: Deaf Edition" a live storytelling event on 14 June 2018


Approved towards project costs for "The Watercooler: Deaf Edition" a live storytelling event on 14 June 2018.

Chris Berthelsen



Towards part funding of facilitator costs for a mobile self-learning pottery class in the Albert-Eden area


Approved towards part funding of facilitator costs for a mobile self-learning pottery class in the Albert-Eden area.

Epsom Community Creche



Towards the purchase of two laptops


Approved towards the purchase of laptops.

Show Me Shorts Film Festival Trust



Towards rating, marketing and licensing cost for the “Show Me the Shorts Film Festival”


Approved towards licensing cost for the “Show Me the Shorts Film Festival”.

Proudly Asian Theatre Incorporated



Towards the costs of seven play readings for the “Fresh off the Page” play reading at the Basement Theatre


Approved towards the delivery costs of seven play readings for the “Fresh off the Page” play reading at the Basement Theatre.

Point Chevalier Croquet Club Incorporated



Towards lawn repair and renovation of the croquet club


Approved towards costs for repair and renovation of the croquet lawn.

New Zealand Book Festival Limited



Towards advertising including public relations, radio, social media and posters for the New Zealand Book Festival on 17 November 2018


Approved towards costs for advertising including public relations, radio, social media and posters to promote the event.





b)      Declines the following applications for funding from the Albert-Eden Local Board Quick Response Grants, Round Three, 2017/2018:



Amount requested


Linda Darby-Coring



Towards professional sound mixing of "Lone Crow" a short film


Declined noting that the benefit to the local board area is unclear.

Street Talk Limited



Towards all project costs for the “Street Talk Hip Hop Conference and Public Jam” on 9 November 2018


Declined noting the activity takes place outside the local board area and ticketed events are considered lower priority in the local board grants programme.

Ian Kohler



Towards the cost of the “Lava Rock Forest” restoration including plants and new rock walling


Decline due to resource consent requirement.

Badminton New Zealand (New Zealand Badminton Federation Incorporated)



Towards venue hire and shuttlecock costs for the New Zealand Division One and Two Badminton Team Championships on 19 July 2018


Declined noting that the benefit to the local board area is unclear and ticketed events (entry fee for teams) are considered lower priority in the local board grants programme.

The Girl Guides Association New Zealand Incorporated



Towards hireage of three venues in the Albert-Eden area for the Girl Guides to meet


Declined noting that operational costs are considered a lower priority in the local board grants programme.


The board requests the Strategic Broker and Community Grants Advisor to liaise with the applicant and suggest that the group work with scouts and other related community groups for future joint applications.

Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust



Towards a portion of the phone bill to cover the operating costs of the helpline


Decline noting operational costs are considered a lower priority in the local board grants programme and the round is oversubscribed.

New Zealand Ethnic Social Services



Towards catering, decorations, a sound system and venue hire for the Iranian New Year celebrations


Declined noting that the application is ineligible under the local board grants programme; activity occurs prior to start date noted in the local board grants programme.

Action Education Incorporated



Towards a salary for the youth development worker for 2018/2019


Declined noting that activity takes place outside the local board area and salaries/wages are considered lower priority in the local board grants programme.





c)      Requests staff to transfer The Girl Guides Association New Zealand Incorporated QR1801-324 application to the Albert-Eden Local Board Accommodation Support Fund 2017/2018 for consideration at the upcoming funding round in May 2018.




Secretarial Note:       Member Lee exited the meeting at 6.05pm during item 15.   




Auckland Transport Monthly Report, Albert-Eden Local Board, March 2018


Lorna Stewart, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AE/2018/167

MOVED by Member J Rose, seconded by Member L Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Requests staff to engage in a park event with the residents of McGehan Close, Mt Albert, to gauge support for a kerb build-out the removal of four parking bays in front of Delphine Reserve to discourage anti-social behaviour, prior to progressing the project to detailed design and costing.

b)      Allocates funding from its local board transport capital fund of up to $10,000 for detailed design and construction of a new raised garden (similar to Essex Road) in the berm at the corner of Ngauruhoe Street and Mt Eden Road and to re-seed the strip between Circus-Circus vehicle crossing and Newnham Lane once the drainage issues have been investigated and requests that Auckland Transport seeks sign-off from Member Lee prior to commencing work.

c)      Requests that Auckland Transport investigate options to bring the Sutherland Road corridor as the missing link of the North Western Cycleway and requests that it be funded from the Regional Land Transport budget.

d)      Requests that Auckland Transport provide the board with copies of the regular reports to the Pt Chevalier Cycleway Liaison Group.

e)      Thanks Lorna Stewart, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, for her attendance.





Renewal of community lease to Northern Region Lacrosse Association Incorporated, 11 Central Road, Kingsland


Resolution number AE/2018/168

MOVED by Member M Watson, seconded by Member L Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Grants a renewal of community lease to Northern Region Lacrosse Association Incorporated for a term of five years commencing 1 January 2018.

b)      Approves all other terms and condition as contained in the existing community lease dated 26 September 2013.

c)      Requests the Community Leases Advisor to liaise with the Northern Region Lacrosse Association Incorporated to provide the board with its Community Outcomes report.





Renewal of community lease to Auckland Resettled Community Coalition Incorporated, 869 New North Road, Mount Albert.


Resolution number AE/2018/169

MOVED by Member L Corrick, seconded by Member M Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Grants a renewal of community lease to Auckland Resettled Community Coalition Incorporated for a term of one year commencing 1 January 2018.

b)      Approves all other terms and conditions as contained in the existing community lease dated 8 March 2017.





Appointment of Local Board Member to Local Government New Zealand Zone One Committee


Resolution number AE/2018/170

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Member L Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Appoints Member Easte as the board’s representative to the Local Government New Zealand Zone One Committee.





2018 Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting


Resolution number AE/2018/171

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Chairperson P Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Nominates Member Easte to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2018 Conference and Annual General Meeting from Sunday, 15 July to Tuesday, 17 July 2018.

b)      Confirms that conference attendance including travel and accommodation will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy.

c)      Notes that any members who wish to attend the Annual General Meeting must provide their names to the Kura Kāwana project team by Friday, 13 April 2018 to ensure that they are registered with Local Government New Zealand.





Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number AE/2018/172

MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Member J Rose:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Notes the Albert-Eden Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar.





Governing Body Members' Update


Secretarial Note:       This item was withdrawn.




Chairperson's Report


Resolution number AE/2018/173

MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Receives the Albert-Eden Local Board Chairperson’s Report for the period January - March 2018.

b)      Delegates authority to the Chairperson to present to the Governing Body Planning Committee on the 3 April 2018 on the need for Auckland Council to urgently seek an amendment to the Resource Management Act to restore a form of general tree protection that prevents the rapid further decline in the urban forest which is reported to have resulted from the elimination of general tree protections under the 2009 and 2013 amending legislation.

c)      Seeks urgent clarification on the scope and consequences of the resource consent granted and any other concerns raised by the Eden Park Neighbours Association and seeks a meeting with the Mayor to discuss the implications of the decision if the concerns raised by Eden Park Neighbours Association are found to have substance.





Board Members' Reports


Resolution number AE/2018/174

MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Member M Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Receives Deputy Chairperson Fryer and Members Easte, Corrick, Rose and Watson’s verbal Board Members Reports for March 2018.




Secretarial Note:       Member Langton exited the meeting at 6.15pm during Item 24.

                                    Member Corrick exited the meeting at 6.23pm during Item 24.




Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number AE/2018/175

MOVED by Member G Easte, seconded by Member M Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Receives the Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes for the workshops held on 21 February 2018, and 6, 7 and 14 March 2018.




26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   





6.32 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









