Hibiscus and Bays Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board held in the Local Board Office, 2 Glen Road, Browns Bay on Wednesday, 21 March 2018 at 04:30pm.
Chairperson |
Julia Parfitt, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Janet Fitzgerald, JP |
Members |
Chris Bettany |
David Cooper |
Gary Holmes |
Caitlin Watson |
Vicki Watson (from 5.08pm) |
Item 15 |
Mike Williamson (from 4.46pm) |
Item 12) |
Councillors |
Wayne Walker (6.35pm – 7.20pm) |
Item 8 |
John Watson (5.35pm – 7.20pm) |
Item 22 |
Hibiscus and Bays Local Board 21 March 2018 |
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance.
Resolution number HB/2018/18 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member G Holmes: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) accept the apologies from Member Mike Williamson and Member Vicki Watson for lateness.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number HB/2018/19 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member C Bettany: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 21 February 2018, as a true and correct record.
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
Secretarial Note: Items were taken in the following order
There was no extraordinary business.
There were no notices of motion.
Member Mike Willamson present at 4.46pm
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Anthony Lewis, Senior Advisor, Portfolio Review, Panuku Development Auckland, was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number HB/2018/20 MOVED by Member C Watson, seconded by Member D Cooper: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) request this item be deferred.
A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 4 votes to 3.
Resolution number HB/2018/21 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) expresses concern that the local board has not seen all the Rodney District Council planning documentation that initially identified the need for 8 Hiwi Crescent, Stanmore Bay, to be purchased for road widening purposes considered by the Auckland Transport Board when making the decision to dispose of this asset and requires this material to be made available to enable the local board to confirm their feedback.
Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development Six Monthly Report to Hibiscus and Bays Local Board |
Michael Goudie, Senior Advisor, External Relations, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number HB/2018/22 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member C Watson: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) notes the Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development six-monthly report for the period 1 July to 31 December 2017. |
Member Vicki Watson present at 5.08pm
Corporate Accommodation Disposal Recommendation - 50 Centreway Road, Orewa |
Rod Aitken, Head of Corporate Property and Sharon Coombes, Manager Workplace Strategy and Partnering were in attendance. |
MOVED by Member C Watson, seconded by Member V Watson: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) does not support the disposal of 50 Centreway Road, Orewa. CARRIED |
Resolution number HB/2018/23 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) requests further information from officers on the full financial implications of the Corporate Accommodation Disposal Strategy including:
i) confirmation that a purpose built local board office/service centre in the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board area will be operational prior to the sale of 50 Centreway Road, Orewa ii) that any location options within the local board area will be fully discussed and canvassed with the local board prior to any final decision being made iii) that any new property will meet the local board’s operational requirements and meet the needs of servicing the local community iv) that Corporate Property contact the Waitemata District Health Board regarding the sale of the property at 50 Centreway Road, Orewa and the potential for any interest in the site for a future health service facility.
b) requests that the funds received from any disposal in the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board area be spent in the local board area.
c) expresses concern that while the disposal timing signaled for 50 Centreway Road, Orewa is for a five to six year time period, the Corporate Accommodation Disposal Strategy is being unduly rushed without all the information of the future local board locations being properly considered and assessed. |
Councillor Watson present at 5.35pm
Ward Councillors Update |
Councillor John Watson was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number HB/2018/24 MOVED by Member G Holmes, seconded by Chairperson J Parfitt: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) thanks Councillor Watson for his update. |
Auckland Transport Update to the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board for March 2018 |
Ellen Barrett, Electged Member Reationshiop Manager, Auckland Transport was in attendance. |
Resolution number HB/2018/25 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) notes the Auckland Transport Update to the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board for March 2018. |
Dinner adjournment 6.14 – 6.35 pm
Councillor Walker present at 6.35pm
East Coast Bays Returned Services' Association |
Geoff Ockleston, Donna Stewart and Julie Windybank from the East Coast Bays RSA, were in attendance to make a presentation on the resilting of the Oerlikon gun that is at present being restored by the New Zealand Navy. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number HB/2018/26 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) thank the representatives of the East Coast Bays Returned Services’ Association for their presentation. |
a Tabled presentation |
Metro Park East Trust Board |
This deputation has been deferred at the request of the presenters |
9.1 |
Betsy Kettle of the Whangaparāoa Community Recycling Centre was in attendance to speak to this item. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number HB/2018/27 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member C Bettany: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) thanks Betsy Kettle for her presentation.
a Tabled presentation |
Member G Holmes left the meeting at 7.00 pm.
9.2 |
Ayrton Boot and Max Burgess were in attendance to speak about the skatepark upgrade in Browns Bay. |
Resolution number HB/2018/28 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member C Watson: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) thanks Ayrton Boot and Max Burgess for their presentation.
9.3 |
Richard Grieve was in attendance with a submission for a dedicated street work out park on the Hibiscus Coast. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number HB/2018/29 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) thank Richard Grieve for his presentation. |
a Tabled submissions |
Member C Watson left the meeting at 7.14 pm.
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Resolution number HB/2018/30 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) approve the renewal and upgrade of the Whangaparāoa Library Courtyard as shown in Attachment A: ‘Whangaparāoa Library Courtyard: Landscape Concept’ dated 14.02.2018 – sheets 01, 02 and 03. |
Councillors Wayne Walker and Johh Watson left the meeting at 7.20pm
17 |
New road name in the Orewa Developments Limited subdivision at 264 West Hoe Heights, Orewa |
Resolution number HB/2018/31 MOVED by Member V Watson, seconded by Member D Cooper: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) approve the new road name of Crozier Place for the Orewa Developments Limited subdivision at 264 West Hoe Heights, Orewa., in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974. |
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New Road name in the Matvin Group Limited subdivision at 1 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Silverdale |
Resolution number HB/2018/32 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member M Williamson: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) approve the new road name of Alberto Lane for the Matvin Group Limited subdivision at 1 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Silverdale, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974. |
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Resolution number HB/2018/33 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) adopts the standing orders detailed in Attachment A to the agenda report, entitled “Auckland Council Standing Orders of the Local Board”, in replacement of its current standing orders. with the following amendments: i) amend the Governing Body section in the summary on page 4, bullet point 2 to read: May speak for up to five minutes on an item on the agenda and ten minutes when speaking to Governing Body members report ii) remove the words Governing Body Input from clause 2.4.2 Order of Business iii) remove the words “The Independent Maori Statutory Board must appoint a maximum of two people to sit as members of committees that deal with the management and stewardship of natural and physical resources from clause 4.2.2 as this is stated in the legislation iv) replace the current text in 5.1.1 Governing Body speaking rights with: At the request of a Governing Body member speaking rights may be agreed at the beginning of the agenda, at the discretion of the chairperson. v) replace the current text in clause 6.1.1, paragraph 1 Maori speaking rights with: At the request of representatives of Maori organisations or their nominees speaking rights may be agreed at the beginning of the agenda and at the discretion of the chairperson. |
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2018 Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting |
Resolution number HB/2018/34 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member V Watson: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) nominates Local Board Member Janet Fitzgerald to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2018 Conference and Annual General Meeting from Sunday 15 July 2018 to Tuesday 17 July 2018. b) confirms that conference attendance including travel and accommodation will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy. c) notes that any members who wish to attend the Local Government New Zealand Annual General Meeting must provide their names to the Kura Kāwana project team by Friday 13 April 2018 to ensure that they are registered with Local Government New Zealand. |
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Additions to the 2018 Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Business Meeting Schedule |
Resolution number HB/2018/35 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member M Williamson: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) approve two meeting dates to be added to the 2018 Hibiscus and Bays Local Board meeting schedule to accommodate the 10-year Budget 2018-28 timeframes as follows: i) Thursday, 3 May 2018 at 4.30pm ii) Thursday, 7 June 2018 at 4.30pm b) note the venue for both meetings will be the Council Chamber, Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa.
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Resolution number HB/2018/36 MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) receive the Governance Forward Work Calendar.
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Resolution number HB/2018/37 MOVED by Member V Watson, seconded by Member C Bettany: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) endorse the records of the workshop meetings 15 February and 1 March 2018.
25 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
7.35 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.