Papakura Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura on Wednesday, 18 April 2018 at 4.30pm.





Brent Catchpole




Deputy Chairperson

Felicity Auva'a





Hon. George Hawkins, QSO





Bill McEntee





Michael Turner









Katrina Winn (with apology)






Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE


Daniel Newman, JP (until 6.07pm)


Papakura Local Board

18 April 2018




1          Welcome


Member Michael Turner led the meeting in prayer.



2          Apologies


Resolution number PPK/2018/44

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member F Auva'a:   

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         accept the apologies from Member Katrina Winn for absence and from Councillor Daniel Newman for lateness.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PPK/2018/45

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member F Auva'a:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 28 March 2018, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


No requests have been received for leave of absence.



6          Acknowledgements



Youth Scholarship recipient presentation - Rachel Biggelaar


The board presented a certificate to Rachel Biggelaar.



Resolution number PPK/2018/46

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member F Auva'a:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      acknowledge Rachel Biggelaar as a successful recipient of a Youth Scholarship for nursing studies as part of the 2018 Papakura Local Board Youth Scholarship programme.





 7         Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations



Deputation - Life Education Trust


Lincoln Jefferson was unable to attend.  This item has been moved to the next meeting.





Deputation - Keri Vista Rise playground request


Anneka Rene, representing 200 residents in the Keri Vista Rise area, gave a PowerPoint presentation requesting a playground be installed on the land at the corner of Kereru Rise and Kirikiri Drive, Papakura. 


A copy of this presentation is publicly available on the Auckland Council website as an attachment to the minutes.



Resolution number PPK/2018/47

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      thank Anneka Rene, representing 200 residents in the Keri Vista Rise area, for her presentation requesting a playground be installed on the land at the corner of Kereru Rise and Kirikiri Drive, Papakura.




a     A playground for Keri Vista Rise PowerPoint presentation



9          Public Forum


There were no public forum requests.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Item 13 was taken at this point.





Councillors' Update


Resolution number PPK/2018/48

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receive the Ward Councillors update from Cr Daniel Newman regarding:

·   Takanini Train Station land – Kiwi Rail have agreed to lease the land at Takanini Train station to Auckland Transport for a 25 year period.  The lease is expected to come into effect in the second half of 2018.  It will mean that Auckland Transport can provide a sealed parking area for the train station.  The construction programme, once finalised, will be presented to the local board.

·         The Corporate Accommodation Disposal Recommendation report was deferred from the 17 April 2018 Finance and Performance Committee to the 15 May 2018 meeting. The councillor requested that local boards provide input at the next meeting of the Finance and Performance Committee.

·         The Governing Body will be considering its submission on the Regional Fuel Tax Bill. The councillor expressed the following concerns:

·         Council will be paying GST on a regional fuel tax

·         The Bill in its current form will allow the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) to charge the cost of its administration against the revenue raised by the regional fuel tax.

·         The Bill contains a provision to change the amount charged – the councillor believes this matter should be addressed through a different process.

·         The Regional Land Transport Plan consultation timeframes – the information that underpins the document has not been made available as yet.  It is not clear what projects will be funded over the ten years.

·         Waste Management and Minimisation Plan hearings coming up – The councillor is expecting submitters to express concerns about aspects of the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, eg:  moving from a weekly collection to a fortnightly service.





Auckland Transport Update – April 2018 to the Papakura Local Board




Resolution number PPK/2018/49

MOVED by Member G Hawkins, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         note the Auckland Transport update for April 2018.






Local Transport Capital Fund: options for distribution and size of the fund


Resolution number PPK/2018/50

MOVED by Member F Auva'a, seconded by Member W McEntee:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      endorse an increase to the 21 local boards’ transport capital fund of $10 million per annum (inflation adjusted) from 1 July 2018

b)      endorse the distribution of the entire local transport capital fund to be made according to Auckland Council’s Local Boards Funding Policy from 1 July 2018

c)      endorse Auckland Transport receiving additional funding to provide an increased level of support to local boards in developing and assessing projects for the local transport capital fund.





New community leases at 32 Old Wairoa Road and 21R Cliff Road, Papakura


Resolution number PPK/2018/51

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      grant a community lease to Te Kohanga Reo National Trust Board (Nga Puāwai o Wikitōria Kohanga Reo) under the Local Government Act 2002, for the land described as Part Lot 3 Deposited Plan 10784, being 1480 square meters (more or less) - NA427/165; encompassing the kohanga reo at Old Wairoa Reserve, 30 Old Wairoa Road, Papakura, (outlined in blue in Attachment A to the report entitled “ New community leases at 32 Old Wairoa Road and 21R Cliff Road, Papakura”), subject to one months’ public notification, and provided no objections are received, under the following terms and conditions:

i)       term – 10 years commencing 1 June 2017, with one ten-year right-of-renewal

ii)      rent - $1.00 (+ GST) per annum if demanded

iii)     community outcomes plan be attached to the lease document - (Attachment B to the report entitled “ New community leases at 32 Old Wairoa Road and 21R Cliff Road, Papakura”)

iv)     all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

b)      grant a community lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand (Papakura Sea Scouts), under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, for the land encompassing the clubrooms at 21R Cliff Road, Papakura (outlined in blue in Attachment C to the report entitled “ New community leases at 32 Old Wairoa Road and 21R Cliff Road, Papakura”), subject to one months’ public notification, and provided no objections are received, under the following terms and conditions:

i)       term – 10 years commencing 1 August 2016, with one ten-year right-of-renewal

ii)      rent - $1.00 (plus GST) per annum if demanded

iii)     community outcomes plan be attached to the lease document - (Attachment D to the report entitled “ New community leases at 32 Old Wairoa Road and 21R Cliff Road, Papakura”)

iv)     with the addition of the following clauses:


Statutory Administering Body:  Where, pursuant to the Classification of the Land, the Landlord has granted this Lease in its capacity as the statutory administering body of the Land, acting on behalf of the Crown, under the Reserves Act 1977, then the Crown reserves the right to resume control and administration of the Land in the event of a successful claim being made for the Land to be used as redress pursuant to the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975.  The contractual rights contained in this Lease will not be affected by any change in ownership of the Land.


Admission to membership of the Tenant’s organisation is governed by the rules of the Tenant and in accordance with the Scout Association of New Zealand Act 1956 (within this clause the “Act”).  If membership of any person is refused or cancelled then the Landlord may request the Tenant in writing to review that decision and following such request the Tenant will appoint a member of its National Council (as defined within the Act) to review the decision to refuse or cancel the membership and provide a brief written statement to the Landlord of the outcome of that review and its rationale for the refusal or cancellation of such membership.

v)      all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

c)      delegate authority to the Papakura Local Board Chairperson:

i)       to appoint a panel to hear any submissions received following the public notification process and

ii)      for the panel to make a decision with regard to the Nga Puāwai o Wikitōria Kohanga Reo and Papakura Sea Scout leases.





New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by MJ99 Ltd at 96 Settlement Road, Papakura


Resolution number PPK/2018/52

MOVED by Member F Auva'a, seconded by Member W McEntee:  

That the Papakura Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974:

a)         approve the road name ‘Old Villa Way’ for the new private way created by the applicant MJ99 Ltd for the subdivision at 96 Settlement Road, Papakura.





Papakura Local Board Community Grants Programme 2018/2019


Resolution number PPK/2018/53

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      adopt the Papakura Local Board Community Grants Programme 2018/2019, noting the title for Attachment A should read “Papakura Local Board – Local Grants Programme 2018/2019”.





Delegation for formal local board views on notified resource consents, plan changes and notices of requirement


Resolution number PPK/2018/54

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins:   

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         delegate authority to Papakura Local Board Member Bill McEntee (and Deputy Chairperson, Felicity Auva’a as alternate), to prepare and submit local board views and speak to those local board views at any hearings on:

·  Notified resource consents

·  Notified plan changes

·  Notices of requirement.





Papakura locally driven initiaitves (LDI) - capital expenditure allocations 2017/2018


Resolution number PPK/2018/55

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         approve up to $170,000 of their Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) capital expenditure (capex) financial year 2017/2018 budget to the installation of solar panel heating and new thermal pool covers for the outdoor pool at Massey Aquatic Park.


b)         approve up to $74,000 of their Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) capital expenditure (capex) financial year 2017/2018 budget to install an all-weather parking surface (‘gobi block’ or grasscrete) for the Papakura City Brass Band facility.


c)         approve up to $6,000 of their Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) capital expenditure (capex) financial year 2017/2018 budget to provide equipment to support learning programmes at the Drury library.


d)         approve up to $5,000 of their Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) capital expenditure (capex) financial year 2017/2018 budget to progress the scoping of fitness style equipment requirements across the Papakura local board area and report back to the Local Board with recommendations.


e)         approve up to $5,000 of their Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) capital expenditure (capex) financial year 2017/2018 budget to progress the scoping of water drinking fountain requirements across the Papakura local board area and report back to the Local Board with recommendations.


f)          request the following Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) capital expenditure (capex) projects be reported to the May business meeting for consideration:

·         McLennan Park walkway

·         Ardmore Marist rugby fields seed funding for lighting and the opportunities for funding the lighting project from the growth fund including investigation into the deficit of training fields with lights

·         Massey Park Athletics Pavilion window

·         South Park fitness equipment renewal.





Reprioritisation of the Papakura Local Board 2017/2018
operational expenditure (opex) budget




Resolution number PPK/2018/56

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member F Auva'a:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      note that it currently has $70,000 of its Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) operational expenditure (opex) budget available for reallocation.

b)      re-allocate the unspent Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) operational expenditure (opex) budget as follows:

i)       $3,000 from the ‘Papakura sports needs assessment’ budget line to purchase a Papakura Local Board branded E-Z Up including a windscreen with a map of the Papakura Local Board area

ii)      $3,500 from the ‘Papakura sports needs assessment’ budget line as a contribution towards the delivery of the Proud Papakura Proud Programme

iii)     $20,000 from the ‘Local Planning and Development’ budget line towards the development and implementation of the Papakura Town Centre Key Messages project

iv)     $23,000 from the ‘Papakura sports needs assessment’ budget line as a contribution towards a sports coach/youth worker for one year from the ‘There is a better way Foundation’ to activate Court 2110 - Smiths Avenue

v)      $300 from the ‘Papakura sports needs assessment’ budget line towards the installation of the youth artwork from the Creative Souls project in the library foyer

vi)     $10,000 from the ‘Local Planning and Development’ budget line towards the noxious weeds management in Papakura parks

vii)    $5,000 from the ‘Papakura sports needs assessment’ budget line towards Elsie Morton road reserve tidy up

viii)   $5,000 from the ‘Papakura sports needs assessment’ budget line towards the purchase of local board branded material

b)        note that recommendations for further reallocations of the board’s Locally Driven Initiatives budgets will be presented to the local board in future reports. 







Urgent Decision - Papakura Local Board submission supporting the Auckland Council submission on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill (No. 2)


Resolution number PPK/2018/57

MOVED by Member G Hawkins, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         note the urgent decision dated 4 April 2018 endorsing the Papakura Local Board feedback to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill (No. 2) and the Supplementary Order Paper, as follows:

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)            endorse the Papakura Local Board feedback on Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill (No 2) (the Bill) and the Supplementary Order Paper (SOP).





Papakura Local Board Achievements Register for the 2016-2019 Political Term


Resolution number PPK/2018/58

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member F Auva'a:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         receive the report entitled “Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term”.





Papakura Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - April 2018


Resolution number PPK/2018/59

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member G Hawkins:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         note the Governance Forward Work Calendar as at 5 April 2018.





Papakura Local Board Workshop Records


Resolution number PPK/2018/60

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         note the records for the Papakura Local Board workshops held on:

i)          Wednesday, 21 March 2018.




  25      Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   



6.08pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.











