Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday 12 April 2018 9.32am Room 1, Level
26 |
Regulatory Committee
9 Public safety and nuisance bylaw review direction for any changes 2018
A. 12 April 2018 Regulatory Committee Item 9: Public safety and nuisance bylaw review direction for any changes 2018 - presentation 3
B. 12 April 2018 Regulatory Committee: Public safety and nuisance bylaw -review direction for any changes 2018 - Cr Dr C Casey's letter to Auckland Transport. 15
10 Findings of Health and Hygiene Bylaw 2013 Review
A. 12 April 2018 Regulatory Committee Item 10: Findings of Health and Hygiene Bylaw 2013 Review - presentation 17
17 Objection against a Menacing Dog Classification - Jack
A. A 12 April 2018 Regulatory Committee Item 17: Objection against a Menacing Dog Classification - Jack : further information 37
18 Objection against a Menacing Dog Classification - Bree
A. 12 April 2018 Regulatory Committee Item 18: Objection against a Menacing Dog Classification - Bree - Affidavit of K Pennell 77
B. 12 April 2018 Regulatory Committee Item 18: Objection to a Menacing Dog Classification - Bree - legal submission of K Pennell 97
C. 12 April Regulatory Committee Item 18: Objection to a Menacing Dog Classification - Bree - The Veterinary Journal 107