Albert-Eden Local Board






Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board held in the Albert Eden Local Board Office, 135 Dominion Road, Mt Eden on Wednesday, 9 May 2018 at 3:00pm.





Peter Haynes


Deputy Chairperson

Glenda Fryer



Lee Corrick



Graeme Easte



Rachel Langton



Ben Lee



Jessica Rose



Margi Watson






Governing Body Member

Cathy Casey







Governing Body Member

Christine Fletcher

Exited the meeting at 3.48pm during Item 11.









Albert-Eden Local Board

09 May 2018




1          Welcome


            The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those present as well as acknowledging New Zealand Sign Language Week.


2          Apologies


Resolution number AE/2018/187

MOVED by Member M Watson, seconded by Member B Lee:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         Notes the apology from Governing Body Member Cathy Casey for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


Member Ben Lee declared an interest to the board regarding his current employment at Fullers Group Limited.


Member Rachel Langton declared an interest to the board regarding Item 11 resolution h) vi. and did not participate in the board’s discussion or voting on the matter.


4          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


5          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


6          Petitions


There were no petitions.


7          Deputations


There were no deputations.


8          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


9          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


10        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Local board decisions and input into the 10-year Budget 2018-2028, draft Auckland Plan 2050 and draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018


Resolution number AE/2018/188

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Chairperson P Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Receives the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 consultation feedback report.

b)      Notes that the following redacted submissions will be made available through the Auckland Council website in May 2018:

          i.       Written feedback on the Albert-Eden local board priorities

          ii.      Written feedback on regional proposals in the 10-year Budget 2018-2028          and

          iii.     Draft Auckland Plan 2050 from people or organisations based in the Albert-Eden local board area.

c)      Notes the unsatisfactory process that has required the board to provide feedback on the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 before all the public submissions were made available to the board.



MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Chairperson P Haynes:

d)      Approves its advocacy initiatives, including its key advocacy project, for inclusion (as an appendix) to its 2018/2019 Local Board Agreement as follows:




Advocating to

Continue to implement the Chamberlain Park Masterplan

Advocate for funding to reconfigure the existing golf course and create a flat ‘sport park platform’ for the development of two sports fields.  

The first stage of the master plan; construction of a neighbourhood park, stream restoration and walking/cycling paths has secured funding and is progressing.

Governing Body




Advocating to

Aquatic facilities in Mt Albert

Advocate for the continuing provision of aquatic facilities in the Mt Albert area to replace the Mt Albert Aquatic Centre, which is due for replacement in four to seven years.

Governing Body

Indoor sport facilities in Epsom

Advocate for a replacement indoor multi-sport facility at Gillies Avenue, Epsom.

Governing Body




Secretarial Note:       Under Standing Order 1.9.7 Member Rachel Langton, Lee Corrick and Ben Lee voted against Item 11 resolution d) i. and requested that their dissenting votes be recorded.


MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Chairperson P Haynes:

e)      Recommends to the Governing Body that $168,600 of 2017/2018 Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) operating expenditure to be deferred to 2018/2019.

f)       Provides the following feedback on the 10-year Budget 2018-2028:

         i.        Supports the proposal of setting a regional fuel tax of 10 cents per litre with the expectation that additional funding raised will be used towards public transport and active transport, noting that the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 65 per cent were fully in support of this proposal.

         ii.       Supports the proposal of setting a targeted rate for water quality to speed up the delivery of cleaner harbours, beaches and streams from 30 years to 10 years, noting that the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 77 per cent were fully in support of this proposal.

         iii.      Supports the proposal of a natural environment targeted rate of on average $47 per year per residential ratepayer to adequately tackle kauri die-back disease and provide better protection for our native species and ecosystems, noting that the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 64 per cent in support of setting a targeted rate at the level of $21 or $47 per year per residential ratepayer for the natural environment, and 44 per cent in support of this being an average rate of $47 per year per residential ratepayer.

         iv.      Notes that there was support from some members of the community for a higher average rate per year per resident ratepayer, in order to fully fund the draft Regional Pest Management Plan implementation. 

         v.       Supports the proposal of an average general rates increase of 2.5 per cent for the first two years and then 3.5 per cent for years three to 10 to fund Auckland’s growth and to maintain adequate and appropriate arts, community, recreation and parks service levels, noting that the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 60 per cent fully in support of this proposal.

         vi.      Supports the proposal that online accommodation providers who let out their whole property (not just a room) for a certain number of days per year should pay business rates and the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 72 per cent fully in support of this proposal.

         vii.     Supports the overall direction of the Tūpuna Maunga Authority Draft Operational Plan.

         viii.    Supports the Mayor’s proposal to reinstate funding for the Auckland Art Gallery.

         ix.      Supports retaining the current level of public arts funding.

g)      Provides the following feedback on the draft Auckland Plan 2050:

          i.       Supports Outcome area 1: Belonging and participation, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 59 per cent in support of this outcome area.

          ii.      Supports Outcome area 2: Maori identity and wellbeing, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 56 per cent in support of this outcome area.

          iii.     Supports Outcome area 3: Homes and places, noting 43 per cent of the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was fully in support of this outcome area, and 42 per cent was partially in support.

          iv.     Supports Outcome area 4: Transport and access, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 53 per cent in support of this outcome area.

          v.      Supports Outcome area 5: Environment and cultural heritage, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 59 per cent in support of this outcome area.

         vi.      Supports Outcome area 6: Opportunity and prosperity, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was 57 per cent in support of this outcome area.

         vii.     Supports the proposed development strategy, noting 45 per cent of the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community was in support of this proposal, and 40 per cent was partially in support.

         viii.    Requests that the Auckland Plan 2050 include a new focus area Enhancing Our Quality of Life or similar which would include:

I.              Specific reference to each of the four wellbeings: social, economic, environmental and cultural, and objectives which integrate the four wellbeings.

II.         Explicit reference to built heritage that reflects the importance and value of built heritage to Aucklanders.

III.        A greater focus on arts and culture with the core value of Auaha (creativity, innovation) having a greater emphasis throughout the draft plan.

IV.       A greater focus on sport and recreation and recognition of the key role this plays in the draft plan’s outcomes.

         ix.      Requests the following additions to the Auckland Plan 2050:

I.              Clear short-term and long-term targets to measure the success of the plan including:

i)       Progress towards zero net carbon emissions.

ii)      Transport targets covering access to jobs, traffic congestion, mode share (use of public transport, walking and cycling), household transport costs and deaths and serious injuries (these cover measures 1 – 5).

iii)     Swimmable beaches.

iv)     Rates of home building.

II.         A bolder approach towards protecting our significant natural landscapes and increasing our urban forest cover.

h)      Provides the following feedback on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018 noting that the board had to provide its feedback to the hearings panel on Thursday, 3 May 2018, before considering submissions or formally resolving its position:

         i.        Strongly supports the targets, initiatives, and advocacy points in the draft           Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018 which will lead to real           progress in addressing the region’s growing waste problems, noting the           strong support shown by the Albert-Eden community.

          ii.      Notes that the top two key themes received from the Albert-Eden community were reducing waste to landfill and carbon emissions, and reducing environmental and marine pollution.

          iii.     Supports expanding the waste minimisation efforts to include the 80 per cent of waste that comes from businesses and commercial activities, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community that 55 per cent strongly agree with this proposal.

          iv.     Supports working with businesses to try new approaches to reduce construction and demolition waste, plastics, and organic waste going to landfill, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community that 66 per cent strongly agree with this proposal.

          v.      Supports expanding the network of community recycling centres, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community that 64 per cent strongly agree with this proposal.

          vi.     Supports encouraging central government to introduce product stewardship schemes, noting the feedback received from the Albert-Eden community that 61 per cent strongly agree with this proposal. 

          vii.    Notes the Albert-Eden Local Board consulted on a project to work with local businesses to implement sustainable practices as part of the 10-year Budget 2018-2028/Local Board Agreement 2018/2019 consultation period and received 1,409 responses, 79 per cent of which were in support.

          viii.   Supports the framework provided for in the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018 for a recycling centre network across the Auckland region, noting that investment and resourcing is needed from Auckland Council to establish and run these facilities.

          ix.     Notes that the Albert-Eden Local Board is working with Puketāpapa and Waitematā Local Boards to establish the central recycling centre at Western Springs to address the lack of any recycling facilities on the Auckland isthmus.

          x.      Supports the commitment to minimising waste to landfill and maximising recycling opportunities.

          xi.     Supports advocacy to central government for New Zealand-based recycling centres to process materials currently recycled offshore.

          xii.    Supports the food scraps collection scheme and request further investigation into whether local procurement is more effective.

          xiii.   Supports separated bins being available in public spaces which allow for rubbish and recycling to be disposed of separately.

i)       Supports the overall intent and scope of the organisation’s draft Council-Controlled Organisations Accountability Policy draft policy subject to the following amendments:

         i.        Supports the requirement in section 1.1.1 that all parts of Auckland           Council act in the interest of Auckland and support the expectation that           council-controlled organisations and Auckland Council, including local           boards, should have trust and confidence in each other and avoid actions           that are perceived to undermine the Auckland Council family in public.

         ii.       Requests that council-controlled organisations are required to consult           with local boards and ensure that any decision-making or input by local           boards is given sufficient time to allow for genuine engagement.

         iii.      Requests a requirement in section 1.1.3 that council-controlled           organisations must give effect to local board plans and, where relevant,           town centre plans to ensure that local board priorities and projects are           supported and integrated.

         iv.      Supports section 1.1.7 Understanding and Giving Effect to Auckland’s           Shared Governance, and the recognition of local boards as an integral           part of the shared governance of Auckland Council.




Secretarial Note:       Governing Body Member Christine Fletcher exited the meeting at 3.48pm during Item 11.




Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy


Resolution number AE/2018/189

MOVED by Member M Watson, seconded by Chairperson P Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         Supports an approach to integrate remissions and postponements with grants schemes with a three year transition (excluding the Manukau postponement scheme for sports clubs).

b)         Requests that the regional and local organisations that receive remissions and postponements funding be moved to local grant budgets as all the groups identified are local in nature and should therefore be governed by local boards.

c)         Requests that local boards have decision-making over the level of funding granted to groups as of June 2019.





Draft 2018-2028 Regional Land Transport Plan, draft Regional Fuel Tax proposal and draft Contributions Policy


Resolution number AE/2018/190

MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Member G Easte:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         Notes the unacceptable process that has required the local board to provide feedback on the draft 2018-2028 Regional Land Transport Plan, draft Regional Fuel Tax proposal and draft Contributions Policy whilst consultation is still underway and without knowing the views of the local community.

b)         Provides the following feedback on the draft 2018-2028 Regional Land Transport Plan:

            i.          Supports the transformational change outlined in the draft proposal to             provide people with easier, safer and wider transport choices and             prevent Auckland’s severe traffic congestion worsening.

            ii.         Supports the challenges identified in the draft proposal and notes the             alignment of the challenges with key themes in the Albert-Eden Local             Board             Plan 2017 Outcome 5: Travelling around Albert-Eden is safe and         easy.

            iii.        Supports the aim to reduce single occupancy vehicle use by             substantial improvements to public transport and incentivising and             developing car-share modes.

            iv.        Supports the increased focus on safety in the draft proposal.

            v.         Requests the target for prevention of serious injury and death be             improved to support the Vision Zero target of zero significant harm             from transport-related injury in Auckland.

            vi.        Supports the increased funding for local board initiatives, noting that             this funding allows local boards to exercise their placemaking role and             allows greater control over local transport initiatives which meet local             needs.

            vii.       Supports the following New Zealand Transport Agency Investment             Programme projects, rapid transit initiatives identified in Auckland             Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) 2018:

I.              Development of light rail along Dominion Road

II.         Development of light rail in the northwestern corridor, as it             addresses reliance on private vehicles on state highway 16,             current congestion and future growth planned for Pt Chevalier             and the former Unitec site.

            viii.      Supports the addition of more electric trains and extensions to the             electrified network.

            ix.        Supports the focus on reducing environmental impacts, particularly the             rollout of light-emitting diodes (LED) street lighting to reduce energy             use, installation of catchpit pollutant traps to protect from road             stormwater discharge, street cleaning, inclusion of water sensitive             design as part of infrastructure development and facilitating the uptake             of electric vehicles in the public and private sectors.

            x.         Supports the funded project Carrington Road improvements, noting             that the adjacent Crown-led development is expected to provide up to             4,000 new homes, rather than the 1,400 new homes as reported in the             draft proposal.

            xi.        Supports the first tranche of grade separation of railway level crossing.

            xii.       Requests that the funding for grade separation be retained within the             KiwiRail programme and that KiwiRail engage with affected local             boards on the implementation of this funding so that local boards are             able to undertake their placemaking role.

            xiii.      Requests that new projects be able to be completed under the Urban             Cycleways programme, noting that only current projects within this             programme are scheduled to be completed.

            xiv.      Requests funding be allocated under the Auckland Transport Capital             programme Local Board Projects category to a new East-West             cycleway from St Lukes to Greenlane, noting the Albert-Eden Local             Board consulted on this project as part of the 10-year Budget 2018-            2028/Local Board Agreement 2018/2019 consultation process and             received 1,113 responses, of which were 65 per cent in support for the             project.

            xv.       Requests funding be allocated under the Auckland Transport Capital             programme Local Board Projects category to a new shared path to run             beside the southern train line, similar to the planned New Lynn to             Avondale shared path.

            xvi.      Requests funding be allocated under the Auckland Transport Capital             programme Local Board Projects category to a new coastal boardwalk             in Waterview, to improve connections between the North-Western             Cycleway, central Auckland suburbs and the Avondale area, especially             given the major investment in a shared path that brings people to             Heron Park.

            xvii.     Requests funding be allocated under the Auckland Transport Capital             programme Local Board Projects category to construct cycling feeder             routes to the western train line train stations, so that this service can be             of use to more people.

            xviii.    Requests funding be allocated under the Auckland Transport Capital             programme Local Board Projects category to a Balmoral Road bus to             bus connection to improve passenger interchange from bus to bus             adjacent to Potters Park, Balmoral, in line with the central isthmus             network.

            xix.      Notes that all new major urban developments should have a transport             assessment that clearly outlines how people and goods are to be             moved in and around that site, from a sustainable, multi-modal             perspective.

            xx.       Requests greater consideration is given to off-peak use of the public             transport network operation, noting that 76% of people utilise public             transport during off-peak times.

            xxi.      Requests the following currently unfunded projects be funded:

I.              Dominion Road bus lane improvements.

II.         St Lukes Road bus to bus connection.

III.        Infrastructure supporting development in St Lukes mall.

            xxii.     Requests land acquisition and construction of a shared path to             complete the alternative cycling route west of Dominion Road.

c)         Provides the following feedback on the draft Regional Fuel Tax proposal:

            i.          Supports the transformational change outlined in the draft proposal to             prevent Auckland’s severe traffic congestion worsening, and provide             people with easier, safer and wider transport choices.

            ii.         Notes the need for additional funding to be raised through a regional             fuel tax in order to implement the suite of projects in the transport             programme.

            iii.        Supports bus priority improvements.

            iv.        Supports improving access to Auckland Airport.

            v.         Supports electric trains and stabling.

            vi.        Supports the road safety programme.

            vii.       Supports the active transport walking and cycling programme, noting             the central isthmus and Sandringham are within the Albert-Eden Local             Board             area.

            viii.      Supports the network capacity and performance improvements.

d)         Provides the following feedback on the draft Contributions Policy:

            i.          Supports the proposed increase in the average urban development             contributions to $27,000 to enable the investment in community             infrastructure and parks that support housing development.

            ii.         Opposes the proposed amendment to the development types of             ‘student accommodation’ as it does not reflect the demand students             place on infrastructure.

            iii.        Supports adjusting the payment timing for residential developments to             support residential developers by better aligning the requirement to             pay development contributions with their cashflows.




14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   





4.39 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









