I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Finance and Performance Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Tuesday, 15 May 2018 9.30am Reception Lounge |
Komiti ā Pūtea, ā Mahi
Hoki /
Chairperson |
Cr Ross Clow |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Desley Simpson, JP |
Members |
Cr Josephine Bartley |
Cr Penny Hulse |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Cr Mike Lee |
Deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore |
Cr Daniel Newman, JP |
Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins |
Cr Dick Quax |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr Greg Sayers |
Cr Chris Darby |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
IMSB Chair David Taipari |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr Richard Hills |
Cr John Watson |
IMSB Member Terrence Hohneck |
(Quorum 11 members)
Sandra Gordon Senior Governance Advisor
10 May 2018
Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8150 Email: sandra.gordon@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Terms of Reference
The purpose of the Committee is to:
(a) control and review expenditure across the Auckland Council Group to improve value for money
(b) monitor the overall financial management and performance of the council parent organisation and Auckland Council Group
(c) make financial decisions required outside of the annual budgeting processes
Key responsibilities include:
· Advising and supporting the mayor on the development of the Long Term Plan (LTP) and Annual Plan (AP) for consideration by the Governing Body including:
o Local Board agreements
o Financial policy related to the LTP and AP
o Setting of rates
o Preparation of the consultation documentation and supporting information, and the consultation process, for the LTP and AP
· Monitoring the operational and capital expenditure of the council parent organisation and Auckland Council Group, and inquiring into any material discrepancies from planned expenditure
· Monitoring the financial and non-financial performance targets, key performance indicators, and other measures of the council parent organisation and each Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) to inform the Committee’s judgement about the performance of each organisation
· Advising the mayor on the content of the annual Letters of Expectations (LoE) to CCOs
· Exercising relevant powers under Schedule 8 of the Local Government Act 2002, which relate to the Statements of Intent of CCOs
· Exercising Auckland Council’s powers as a shareholder or given under a trust deed, including but not limited to modification of constitutions and/or trust deeds, granting shareholder approval of major transactions where required, exempting CCOs, and approving policies relating to CCO and CO governance
· Approving the financial policy of the Council parent organisation
· Establishing and managing a structured approach to the approval of non-budgeted expenditure (including grants, loans or guarantees) that reinforces value for money and an expectation of tight expenditure control
· Write-offs
· Acquisition and disposal of property, in accordance with the long term plan
· Recommending the Annual Report to the Governing Body
· Te Toa Takatini
(a) All powers necessary to perform the committee’s responsibilities, including:
a. approval of a submission to an external body
b. establishment of working parties or steering groups.
(b) The committee has the powers to perform the responsibilities of another committee, where it is necessary to make a decision prior to the next meeting of that other committee.
(c) The committee does not have:
a. the power to establish subcommittees
b. powers that the Governing Body cannot delegate or has retained to itself (section 2).
Exclusion of the public – who needs to leave the meeting
Members of the public
All members of the public must leave the meeting when the public are excluded unless a resolution is passed permitting a person to remain because their knowledge will assist the meeting.
Those who are not members of the public
General principles
· Access to confidential information is managed on a “need to know” basis where access to the information is required in order for a person to perform their role.
· Those who are not members of the meeting (see list below) must leave unless it is necessary for them to remain and hear the debate in order to perform their role.
· Those who need to be present for one confidential item can remain only for that item and must leave the room for any other confidential items.
· In any case of doubt, the ruling of the chairperson is final.
Members of the meeting
· The members of the meeting remain (all Governing Body members if the meeting is a Governing Body meeting; all members of the committee if the meeting is a committee meeting).
· However, standing orders require that a councillor who has a pecuniary conflict of interest leave the room.
· All councillors have the right to attend any meeting of a committee and councillors who are not members of a committee may remain, subject to any limitations in standing orders.
Independent Māori Statutory Board
· Members of the Independent Māori Statutory Board who are appointed members of the committee remain.
· Independent Māori Statutory Board members and staff remain if this is necessary in order for them to perform their role.
· All staff supporting the meeting (administrative, senior management) remain.
· Other staff who need to because of their role may remain.
Local Board members
· Local Board members who need to hear the matter being discussed in order to perform their role may remain. This will usually be if the matter affects, or is relevant to, a particular Local Board area.
Council Controlled Organisations
· Representatives of a Council Controlled Organisation can remain only if required to for discussion of a matter relevant to the Council Controlled Organisation.
Finance and Performance Committee 15 May 2018 |
1 Apologies 9
2 Declaration of Interest 9
3 Confirmation of Minutes 9
4 Petitions 9
5 Public Input 9
6 Local Board Input 9
6.1 Local Board Input - Franklin Local Board regarding the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy 9
6.2 Local Board Input - Papakura Local Board regarding the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy 10
6.3 Local Board Input - Hibiscus and Bays Local Board regarding the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy 10
7 Extraordinary Business 10
8 Notices of Motion 11
9 Corporate Accommodation Disposal Recommendation, Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy 13
10 Finance and Performance Committee - Information Report - 15 May 2018 97
11 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
12 Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public 113
C1 Matters relating to Council’s guarantee of ASB Loan to Eden Park Trust Board (Covering report) 113
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 17 April 2018 as a true and correct record. |
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
Standing Order 7.7 provides for Public Input. Applications to speak must be made to the Governance Advisor, in writing, no later than one (1) clear working day prior to the meeting and must include the subject matter. The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders. A maximum of thirty (30) minutes is allocated to the period for public input with five (5) minutes speaking time for each speaker.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public input had been received.
Standing Order 6.2 provides for Local Board Input. The Chairperson (or nominee of that Chairperson) is entitled to speak for up to five (5) minutes during this time. The Chairperson of the Local Board (or nominee of that Chairperson) shall wherever practical, give one (1) day’s notice of their wish to speak. The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.
This right is in addition to the right under Standing Order 6.1 to speak to matters on the agenda.
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
There were no notices of motion.
Finance and Performance Committee 15 May 2018 |
Corporate Accommodation Disposal Recommendation, Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy
File No.: CP2018/05636
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To obtain approval to dispose of seven council-owned sites that Corporate Property considers suitable for sale as part of the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy and ring-fence the capital receipts from the divestment of properties to reinvest in a programme of works to create a fit-for-purpose and future-proofed corporate property network aligned to the structure of the organisation.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. Auckland Council’s Corporate Property team has developed a Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy, which was approved by Auckland Council’s executive leadership team in February 2018. This seeks to contribute to a more efficient and operationally effective corporate property network. It is a self-funding programme of works, which utilises the capital receipts from the divestment of seven properties that are no longer required for the corporate property office network and reinvests the sale proceeds to undertake a programme of works that delivers:
· 1 headquarters at Auckland House (135 Albert Street)
· 3 hubs in the North/West (Albany or Westgate), Central (Bledisloe House) and the South (Manukau Civic)
· 4 new local board spaces where displaced by building closures
· 17 refreshed local board spaces
· 7 new customer service centre spaces where displaced by building closures
· 13 refreshed customer service centres
· 25 spokes (drop in spaces created in existing council locations)
· 78 leisure centre and library back office areas refreshed
· Records and archives storage optimisation works.
3. Consultation with impacted council departments, impacted local boards, Panuku Development Auckland and iwi authorities has now taken place.
Horopaki / Context
The Corporate Property Portfolio
4. The Corporate Property Portfolio includes Auckland Council office spaces, local board spaces, customer services centres and Auckland Council Document and Archive storage spaces.
5. Outside of a 2013/2014 CBD office consolidation to Auckland House (135 Albert Street) and Bledisloe House, the organisation across the region largely operates from a pre-amalgamation portfolio of regional council office buildings and storage facilities.
6. The core focus for Corporate Property is our people; we are mindful that there is a strong link between workplace quality, staff engagement and productivity. The Corporate Property team strives to provide safe, healthy, fit-for-purpose and productive working environments that are consistently and equitably applied across the portfolio to support our people to thrive and create great outcomes for our customers.
7. Current building conditions: We are facing a ‘maintenance mountain’ of deferred maintenance activities that is impacting the operational resilience and working conditions for our people. This ‘maintenance mountain’ appears to have been caused by a historic and continued under-investment in our corporate buildings. The existing portfolio requires significant investment to ensure our spaces are operationally effective and remain healthy and safe in line with our obligations under the Health and Safety in Work Act 2015 and relevant sections of the Building Act 2004.
8. Current interior fitout conditions: In many of our buildings we are forcing our staff to work in old, unproductive legacy working environments that owe their design origins to last century work-practices. These facilities are characterised by dated cellular spaces and often with poor quality furniture solutions, inconsistent end-user computing solutions and an over-reliance on paper-based processes. The organisation is transitioning to increasingly collaborative, flexible workstyles supported by digital processes that will allow our customers to interact with us more easily. We need to support this transition by upgrading our workplace to provide appropriate fitout and digital computer solutions and therefore empower our people to deliver best outcomes for our customers and the community.
The Corporate Property Portfolio is a regional asset
9. Corporate Property Portfolio spaces are regional assets, which are funded centrally by general rates. Decision-making responsibility with respect to these regional assets sits with the governing body.
10. This re-organisation of the Corporate Property Portfolio should not be confused with Service Property Optimisation. Service Property Optimisation is where the Governing Body has allocated its decision-making power to local boards when considering candidates for potential optimisation where all the criteria are met. The intent of the Service Property Optimisation policy is to release latent value from assets such as community facilities and parks, which are sub-optimal or not fit-for-purpose. To meet the criteria, the property must be a local asset, not a regional asset; there must be an ongoing need for the provision of that service in the local area and there must be a commercial opportunity that pays for the provision of that service in a fit for purpose form. As such, the corporate buildings are a regional asset.
11. Ordinarily, the sales proceeds from non–strategic regional assets, such as the corporate property portfolio spaces are absorbed into the consolidated fund to contribute to general debt reduction or into the Long-term Plan (LTP) capital program, as directed by the governing body. However, in this instance, council executive have endorsed that the Corporate Property team ring-fence the sales proceeds for reinvestment back into the corporate property portfolio across the region to provide appropriate quality spaces for all our people and enable us to better serve rate payers.
Operational Environment
12. Our Hubs: On 6 August 2017 Regulatory Services announced that it would create a more effective and efficient organisational environment by introducing an operating model that rationalises its locations to work from three major locations in the North/West (Albany or Westgate), City Centre (Bledisloe House) and the South (Manukau). This decision impacts how Corporate Property plan for our operations teams’ office accommodation.
13. Our Spokes: Alongside this, Regulatory Services confirmed an approach for delivering service with greater reach more locally with our customers by creating a number of drop-in spaces embedded into our communities across the region. This decision impacts how Corporate Property plans to leverage, revitalise and open-up our back offices spaces across the region.
14. This operating model was subsequently endorsed by other operational departments, such as the Infrastructure & Environmental Services teams.
Wider Context
15. Continuity of customer service:
· As Stephen Town noted to all council staff in his recent update (9 March 2018): “In a few years some of our customer service centres may be in different buildings, but these will be in the same areas and supporting the same communities. I want there to be no confusion: we are committed to a strong regional presence to whakarato (serve) our customers.”
· The Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy does not impact the functioning of local boards and customer service centres. Where displaced by building closure, local boards and customer service centres will operate from new promises in those local board areas, selected in consultation with the local boards.
· To ensure continuity of service for local customers, new premises for impacted local boards and customer service centres will be delivered before the closure of current sites.
16. Protecting our Heritage and Taonga:
· Preserving legacy connections within the community: With each of the locations where we are proposing to sell buildings, we will work closely with the local board, mana whenua and staff to ensure we are preserving the links to the past and representing this appropriately in the new locations we occupy.
· Preserving art, artefacts and taonga: We will continue to work closely with the local board, mana whenua and staff to relocate any artefacts and taonga where impacted by building closure. Where we cannot relocate these artefacts and taonga, we will look to protect those items where appropriate with the tools available to us, such as easement, new title, heritage orders etc.
17. Significance and engagement:
· In line with the Significance and Engagement Policy, advice was sought from Auckland Council Finance and Legal teams to ascertain if the proposed sale of these sites trigger the Significance and Engagement Policy. The advice is summarised in item 32 that follows.
18. Funding constraints:
· Council has pressures for capital, which impacts the ability to fund capital projects generally. As the corporate property network does not in most cases provide front line services to rate payers, this funding challenge is keenly felt. This relates to both spend for new projects and spend on our existing buildings renewals projects.
· The Corporate Property team must work to remain within these capital constraints where possible. We recognise that requests for additional LTP budget provision are unlikely as it will require funding from debt, which is capped and would therefore impact spend on other operational areas delivering direct community services to our ratepayers and will require Finance and Performance Committee approval.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice
19. Inconsistent working experience and poor-quality space:
· Our Buildings: Poorly maintained / under-investment in our legacy office buildings in areas such as heating and ventilation systems, lifts, weather-tightness, asbestos, earthquake strengthening, cladding, roofing etc. can make our work spaces challenging for staff habitation and use. There is a risk we will not be able to provide safe and healthy environments for our staff in some locations without significant investment.
· Our Office Fitout: More than 50% off our office furniture fitout dates back well before amalgamation and is poorly maintained, impacting the wellbeing and productivity of our people. Most of this space is outside the CBD and has contributed to a sense of inequity between office locations. Our staff are not provided with the appropriate tools to support a flexible and digital way of working.
· It’s not only our council office space, many of our local board spaces, our document and archives storage facilities and our customer service centres have similar issues.
20. Fragmented pre-amalgamation locations, inconsistent customer service delivery:
· Outside of a 2013/2014 CBD office consolidation to Auckland House (135 Albert Street) and Bledisloe House, the portfolio across the region largely operates from pre-amalgamation regional council office buildings and storage facilities.
· Our operations teams have advised there is siloed workforce behaviour differences in operational service delivery from our pre-amalgamation locations. They also noted those locations are not optimised to deliver quality customer service in a consistent way.
21. Inefficient buildings:
· We currently operate from circa 104,000 m2 of office space. Industry benchmarks indicate we have more than 40,000 m2 of office space we no longer require to support our staff numbers.
· This additional surplus 40,000 m2 of office space spreads our efforts and spend too widely. We are perpetuating old space we no longer require (equates to more space than Auckland House (135 Albert Street).
· By releasing unnecessary space, we focus our efforts only on what we need, our spend on what we can afford and our resource only on what is required.
22. Capex constraints:
· The Corporate Property team forecasts the need to spend $210m over the next 10-year LTP period to perpetuate our office, storage and local board buildings in a serviceable condition in their current locations.
· However, interim budget provisions are $93m resulting in a $117m 10-year LTP funding shortfall. The Corporate Property team will need to apply for further funding to maintain our current portfolio to acceptable levels if the recommendation is not approved.
· If we perpetuate our existing portfolio, there is currently insufficient funding over the next LTP cycle for the following items:
o Some building maintenance will be deferred compromising building resilience, health and safety.
o We will be limited in our ability to upgrade office fitout and end-user technology to support our organisational shift to increasingly flexible and digital ways of working.
o We will not be able to undertake any changes to office or local board building locations to support our evolving organisation.
o We will not be able to create any new local board spaces or refresh existing.
o We will not be able to create any new customer service centres or refresh existing.
o We will not be able to refresh any leisure centre or library back office staff areas.
o We will not be able to undertake records and archives storage optimisation works.
Our Solution
23. Creating funding headroom in a Capex constrained environment: By releasing under-performing office accommodation and storage facilities, we not only avoid significant cost but also release capital locked into those locations, creating funding headroom to solve many of the corporate portfolio challenges described above. Auckland Council’s Executive Leadership Team is committed to resolving the challenges our people face with our Corporate Portfolio. They have endorsed that the Corporate Property team ring-fence the sales proceeds for reinvestment back into the corporate property portfolio across the region.
24. Impacts for our large corporate office buildings: A number of corporate buildings have been deemed surplus to requirements and will be disposed of due to a combination of factors, including poor condition (too costly to refurbish and remediate), location no longer suits our operation teams, poor space utilisation etc. These buildings include:
· Orewa Pacific and Tasman buildings
· Takapuna (lease expiry 2021)
· Henderson Admin building (Henderson Civic will be retained as this location is suitable in its location, size and quality to support local board, Customer Service and Spoke functions in the Henderson area)
· 35 Graham Street
· Kotuku House, Manukau
· 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura
· 82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe
25. Appropriate locations for our office and storage space: The new locations for our office space is aligned with our organisational requirements and with consideration to Auckland’s transport networks, future urban growth area and importantly in locations where office space is provided by commercial operators (this ensures any new office and storage spaces can be delivered by competitively tendered process for best overall value for ratepayers).
26. Fit for purpose for our organisational requirements: By releasing value and avoiding unnecessary renewals costs locked into the locations we are vacating, the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy will plan for a ‘right sized’ and ‘future-proofed’ office portfolio of consistent quality space to support the following functions:
Building type |
Functionality |
Proposed numbers |
Locations |
Headquarters |
Corporate head office and centre of Governance |
1 |
Auckland House (135 Albert Street) retained |
Hubs |
Main home base locations to support our operational staff |
3 |
– Bledisloe House retained |
Spokes |
Agile drop-in workplaces with bookable workstations and meeting rooms: · Provide our operations staff locations to meet customers deeper into our communities · Provide workspace for inspectors and engineers across the region rather than limited to legacy building locations · Provide sensible additional local drop-in spaces for council staff to mitigate the pressures of an increasingly grid-locked transport system. |
25 |
We create spokes throughout the region. We leverage the many back office areas that already exist in our leisure centres and libraries where ever possible. |
Local board offices |
Local boards operate in the same way as they do now |
21 |
Same local board locations but, in consultation with local board staff, local board spaces will change where buildings are disposed of |
Building type |
Functionality |
Proposed numbers |
Locations |
Customer service centres |
Customer service centres operate in the same way as they do now |
20 |
Same customer service centre locations but, in consultation with local board staff, customer service centre spaces will change where buildings are disposed of |
Library and Leisure Centres |
Back office area refresh works |
78 |
Existing locations across the region |
Document and records archives |
Optimisation of our storage |
Creating a centralised efficient storage solution |
27. Notes:
· Refer to the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy Infographic report (Attachment H) for a diagrammatic view of the corporate property portfolio solution, the locations we will occupy and the indicative six-year timeline.
The Benefits
28. Increases our reach into our communities: By leveraging the reach that our strategy provides through new Spoke locations, Auckland’s population will have improved access to council operations people as indicated by:
· The percentage of Auckland’s population living within 10kms of our council office spaces increases from 86% to 96%.
· The percentage of Auckland’s 13 Ward areas with face-to-face access to operations teams’ services increases from 46% to 100%.
· Because new spokes are relatively small office sites, this strategy offers council a more agile, responsive and scalable solution to meet the demands of a growing Auckland and a fast-evolving internal operating environment.
29. Commitment to a fit for purpose operating environment for our people:
· It is widely recognised that there is a strong correlation between workspace quality and increased engagement and productivity.
· This strategy demonstrates the commitment from our Executive Leadership Team to invest in our people by ring-fencing the proceeds from building disposal to ‘self-fund’ the refresh of our corporate spaces in a planned way over the next 10-year LTP cycle.
· We will transition to modern space with upgraded fitout and end-user technology, providing appropriate tools to support our organisational shift to flexible and digital working.
30. Efficient buildings = value for money:
· Our key performance indicators are as follows:
Item |
Option 1 |
Option 2 |
Benefit |
Comment |
Office floor area |
104,000 m2 |
58,000 m2 |
46,000 m2 |
Indicative, TBC as based on current headcount |
Space per person |
19.0 m2/pp |
10.0 m2/pp |
9.0 m2/pp |
Benchmark target |
Renewal funding |
$210m ($117m short) |
$110m ($100m avoidance) |
$100m |
Cost avoidance is significant |
Capital released |
$ 0 |
Commercially sensitive |
Annual operating costs |
$12.6m |
$10.9m |
$1.7m |
Savings per annum |
20-year NPV |
-$241m |
-$176m |
+$65m |
@ 5.60 ‘discount rate’
Wider Considerations / Benefits
31. Communicating the benefits: Should the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy be approved, there is funding included for both external and internal communications support, as well as internal change management.
32. Significance and engagement: In line with the Significance and Engagement Policy, advice was sought from Auckland Council Finance and Legal teams to ascertain if the proposed sale of these sites triggers the Significance and Engagement Policy. The advice received is that:
· Council’s corporate property assets are non-strategic assets, as they are not included in the list of council’s strategic assets set out in the Significance and Engagement Policy;
· There is no specific legal requirement to consult on a proposal to dispose of a non-strategic asset such as council’s corporate property assets;
· None of the “thresholds for significance” are met, which means that none of the proposed property disposals are “significant” under the Significance and Engagement Policy and the need to consult is not automatically triggered.
· However, the council may still choose to consult on sites where there is an intrinsic link to the land.
33. Alignment with other council initiatives: The Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy enables council to proactively ‘stitch in’ several wider initiatives across council including:
· Acting as a catalyst for activity in support and alignment with Unlock Henderson and Transform Manukau programmes, and further Unlock/Transform programmes should they eventuate.
· Development of a suitable framework to incorporate all of council’s inputs for the Bledisloe Carpark site.
· Integrate with ‘One Local Initiatives’ where appropriate for greater overall outcomes.
· Integration with the Customer Channel strategy for impacted customer service centres.
· Incorporating council frameworks and principles including Māori responsiveness, sustainability, inclusiveness and social procurement where appropriate.
· Achieve outcomes consistent with the Local Government Commission review in Rodney.
· Integrate and support initiatives consistent with council’s organisational Culture Plan.
34. Reducing our risk profile: In an increasingly risk conscious environment, we must manage our risks to acceptable levels in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and relevant provisions of the Building Act 2004. The Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy significantly lowers the council and ratepayers’ exposure to risks including:
· Operational risk due to building resilience: We will transition to new spaces and refreshed spaces across the portfolio.
· Funding risk/LTP shortfall: Funding risk is significantly reduced by cost avoidance and value released from asset sales. Timing is of importance – we need to act now to secure maximum value.
· Building quality risks: We plan to exit some of our poor-quality buildings reducing exposure for our people and customers to health and safety risks relating to seismic, weather-tightness, asbestos, roofing and cladding issues.
· Document and archive storage facilities risks. We will consolidate to new secure and efficient spaces.
· Staff engagement: The portfolio strategy addresses quality issues and inequality across the portfolio at all our spaces over time.
· Customer and community: This strategy generates sufficient funding headroom to refresh our customer service centres.
35. Our biggest risk is delaying the decision that needs to be made:
· Financial considerations: The time to act is now, delay will cost significantly more:
o There is a $117m funding shortfall over the next 10-year LTP cycle.
o Cost avoidance on average equates to circa $12m per year, or $1m per month in round terms.
o By selling early in the programme, we can sell with short-term leases in place, which is not only more attractive to potential buyers, but also generates significantly more return, estimated at more than $10m in value to the programme.
o The Portfolio Programme workstreams are required to be ‘self-funding’ so this dictates that disposals must be early in our programme to initiate works to avoid funding from debt.
· Programme considerations:
o We have a hard lease expiry deadline at Takapuna in 2021 where we currently pay circa $6m per annum in rent and OPEX.
o We need time to engage in a meaningful way (mana whenua and staff) and time to secure new development opportunities in the North/West and Manukau, as well as new local board spaces impacted by building closure.
o The property market conditions are currently very strong and are considered favourable for disposals now.
· Operational considerations:
o Keeping the current portfolio will mean increased risk, potential Health and Safety risks and operating problems.
o Failure to invest in our fitout and end-user computing will hold back the organisation and restrict staff flexibility and productivity.
o By acting now, we can also resolve pressing unfunded refurbishments.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te
poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views
36. Corporate Property has attended 26 local board workshops and decision meetings with impacted local boards, presented to the local board Chairs Forum, attended two Finance and Performance Committee workshops, undertaken 10 one-on-one meetings with Councillors and attended two meetings with staff from the Independent Māori statutory Board.
37. Local boards have been informed of the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy challenges, our recommended solution and the benefits. All feedback received from local boards has been reflected in our strategy considerations.
38. Reports have subsequently been prepared for the impacted local board business meetings so that their views can be formalised.
39. Property specific feedback received is included in the “Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe / Local impacts and local board views” section of the property attachments to this report.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement
40. The importance of effective communication and engagement with Māori on the subject of land is understood. Corporate Property has worked with Panuku as the conduit for this communication. Panuku has a robust engagement process established with mana whenua groups across the region. Each relevant mana whenua group was contacted independently regarding the council owned land being considered for divestment as part of the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy and requested to give feedback.
41. Panuku’s engagement directed mana whenua to respond with any issues of cultural significance the group would like to formally express in relation to the subject properties. Panuku also request notes regarding any preferred outcomes that the group would like Corporate Property to consider in the formal reporting to council.
42. Mana whenua groups were also invited to express potential commercial interest in the subject properties. Should the properties recommended for divestment as part of the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy be approved for sale, all groups will be alerted of the decision and provided with early advice about properties going to the market.
43. Council has engaged with Te Kawerau ā Maki and the Parks & Recreation Policy team are preparing a report for the Finance and Performance Committee meeting on 19 June 2018 that identifies an approach to resolve the matter at Te Henga. This matter is discussed further in the Henderson property report.
44. In discussions with IMSB and Te Waka Angamua, the Corporate Property acknowledge that it is essential to partner early with mana whenua in the delivery of the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy rather than simply consult with them as a stakeholder later in the process, using the experience from successful partnerships such as the City Centre and Waterfront projects.
45. Relating to Māori responsiveness – Whira Te Muka Tangata: The Corporate Property team recognise that a partnership approach with mana whenua involves:
· Meaningful engagement that starts early.
· Integration of and valuing Te Ao Māori – the Māori world view (Whanaungatanga, Rangatiratanga, Manaakitanga).
· Joined up multi-faceted thinking including cultural, economic, environmental and social outcomes for Māori.
· The Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy will be guided by Te Aranga Design Principles framework including:
o Mana Rangatiratanga: Authority
o Whakapapa: Names & naming
o Taiao: The natural environment
o Mauri Tu: Environmental health
o Mahi Toi: Creative expression
o Tohu: The wider cultural landscape
o Ahi Kā: The living presence design
46. Property specific feedback received is included in the “Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement” section of the property attachments to this report.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications
47. Option 1 – Status Quo: The Corporate Property team has undertaken budget estimates over the existing portfolio and determined there will be a $117m funding shortfall over the next 10-year LTP cycle to maintain our existing office portfolio.
48. Option 2 – Optimise: On 8 February 2018, the Auckland Council Executive Leadership Team approved the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy. This decision included support for the capital receipts from the sale of surplus corporate property network properties to be reinvested in the Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy so that the proposed new network supporting all councils people could be implemented and ‘self-funded’.
Ngā raru tūpono / Risks
· Poor quality: We remain in poor quality buildings and workspaces that will impact our people’s health, safety, wellbeing and productivity.
· Funding: Insufficient funds to maintain the corporate property network.
50. Option 2 – Optimise
· Continuity of service: The Corporate Property Team need to ensure there is continuity of service when delivering new locations for local boards and customer service centres that are impacted by potential building closures. In mitigation of this risk, we will ensure all new sites are delivered and operational prior to closure of existing buildings, and in consultation with compacted local boards.
· Cost management: We require good governance to manage the delivery of our programme within budget estimates.
· Delay: The biggest risk we face is delaying the decision that now needs to be made.
Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps
51. If these sites are approved for sale, Corporate Property will work with Panuku to dispose of the properties as part of the recommended solution. The final terms and conditions would be approved under the appropriate delegations.
52. The programme team will immediately start the implementation phase of the strategy and re-engage with stakeholders, including council teams, local board staff and mana whenua to ensure a successful completion of the strategy.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
4 Osterley Way, Manukau - Property Report |
25 |
b⇩ |
4-10 Mayoral Drive, Auckland - Property Report |
29 |
c⇩ |
35 Coles Crescent, Papakura - Property Report |
33 |
d⇩ |
35 Graham Street, Auckland - Property Report |
41 |
e⇩ |
50 Centreway Road, Orewa - Property Report |
45 |
f⇩ |
6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson - Property Report |
51 |
g⇩ |
82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe - Property Report |
59 |
h⇩ |
Corporate Property Portfolio Strategy Infographic report |
63 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Authors |
Rod Aitken – Head of Corporate Property Sharon Coombes - Manager Workplace Strategy and Partnering |
Authorisers |
Kevin Ramsay - General Manager Corporate Finance and Property Matthew Walker - Acting Group Chief Financial Officer |
Finance and Performance Committee 15 May 2018 |
Finance and Performance Committee - Information Report - 15 May 2018
File No.: CP2018/07341
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To receive a summary and provide a public record of memos or briefing papers for the Committee’s information and any other information that may have been distributed to committee members since 17 April 2018.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. This is a regular information-only report which aims to provide greater visibility of information circulated to committee members via memo or other means, where no decisions are required.
3. The following information-only report is attached:
· Finance and Performance Committee Forward Work Programme to 30 June 2018 (Attachment A)
4. The following presentations/memos/reports were presented/circulated as follows:
· Shareholder comments on draft Statement of Intent 2018-2021 for Council-controlled organisations (Attachment B)
· Confidential Memorandum – 1 May 2018 from Senior Advisor, CCO Governance and External Partnerships related to the Memorandum of Understanding – Auckland Council and Ports of Auckland Limited (no attachment)
5. The workshop papers and any previous documents can be found on the Auckland Council website at the following link: http://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/
· at the top of the page, select meeting “Finance and Performance Committee” from the drop-down tab and click ‘View’;
· under ‘Attachments’, select either HTML or PDF version of the document entitled ‘Extra Attachments’.
6. Note that, unlike an agenda decision report, staff will not be present to answer questions about these items referred to in this summary. Committee members should direct any questions to the authors.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) receive the information report – 15 May 2018. |
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Finance and Performance Committee Forward Work Programme to 30 June 2018, dated 8 May 2018 |
99 |
b⇨ |
Shareholder comments on draft Statement of Intent 2018-2021 for Council-controlled organisations (Under Separate Cover) |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Sandra Gordon - Senior Governance Advisor |
Authoriser |
Matthew Walker - Acting Group Chief Financial Officer |
Finance and Performance Committee 15 May 2018 |
FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME TO 30 JUNE 2018 The purpose of the Committee is to control and review expenditure across the Group to improve value for money; to monitor the overall financial management and performance of Auckland Council parent and Auckland Council Group; to make financial decisions required outside the annual budgeting processes and to perform the responsibilities of another committee, where it is necessary.
Priorities for 2017/18 will be on initiatives which: 1. Strategic Reviews: Long-term Plan 2018-2028 Development 2. Monitoring 3. Acquisitions and disposals 4. Other financial decisions |
The work of the committee will: 1. approve the Long-term Plan 2018-2028 including financial policy, the consultation document and supporting information for recommendation to the Governing Body 2. monitor achievement of financial and other measures of performance and services levels and recommend the Annual Report to the Governing Body 3. approve acquisition and disposal of property related to the Committee’s responsibilities. 4. review and approve financial policy and non-budgeted expenditure. |
Lead |
Area of work |
Reason for work |
Finance and Performance Committee role - decision or direction |
F&P Delegations |
timeframes |
FY17/18 |
Jul-Sep |
Oct-Dec |
Jan-Mar |
Apr-Jun |
Strategic Reviews: Long-term Plan 2018-2028 Development |
Chief Financial Office |
Rating and funding policy |
· General Rates · Interim transport levy (Remain as a funding source or alternative option implemented) · New targeted rates (water quality and natural environment) · Regional Fuel Tax · Business rates differentials · Local targeted rate (for specific local activities) · Local Board targeted rates (for specific local projects) · Revenue and financing policy · Rates remission and postponement policy · Panuku disposals and reinvestment in unlock locations |
Recommend changes for Mayoral Proposal Decide on Mayoral Proposal for inclusion in consultation document Consider submissions Decide on final LTP Progress to date Long-Term Plan: 21/11/17 – 10-Year Budget 2018-2028 and Auckland Plan Refresh – How Aucklanders will provide feedback during the public consultation FIN/207/164 and FIN/2017/165 30/11/17 – Receipt of Mayoral Proposal for the 10-year budget 2018-2018 FIN/2017/181 11/12/17 – 10-year budget 2018-2028 – Process Overview FIN/2017/184 11/12/17 – 10-year budget 2018-2018 – Mayoral Proposal items for consultation Resolutions FIN/2017/186, FIN/2017/187, FIN/2017/188, FIN/2017/189, FIN/2017/190, FIN/2017/191, FIN/2017/192 11/12/17 – 10-year budget 2018-2028 – Other matters for consideration FIN/2017/195, FIN/2017/196, FIN/2017/197 Adopted by Governing Body: 12/12/17 FIN/2017/159 Various workshops and Have Your Say Events held during March 2018 Panuku Developments Auckland: 23/5/17 – Unlock Henderson FIN/2017/60 23/5/17 – Transform Onehunga FIN/2017/61 20/6/17 - Panuku Development Auckland Limited debt to equity conversion FIN/2017/89 19/9/17 – Funding of Panuku work in the Unlock locations resolutions - FIN/2017/119 and FIN/2017/120 11/12/17 – Unlock Avondale FIN/2017/168 1/3/17 – Workshop on Progressing Urban development 20/3/17 – Progressing Urban Development FIN/2018/40 Reporting dates for policies: 11/12/17 – Approval of Treasury Management Policy FIN/2017/161 7/2/17 – Workshop on Development Contributions and Rates Remission Postponement Policy. 27/2/17 – Council’s debt funding strategy FIN/2018/10 For information on the previous annual plan process, please refer to the table at the end of this document. |
Delegations include development of the Long-term Plan 2018-2028 including financial policy. Preparation of the consultation document and supporting information for recommendation to the Governing Body |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Chief Financial Office |
Expenditure Review |
· Key focus areas for net cost reduction · Identifying programmes for Maori outcomes · Local board ‘one local initiative’ · Governance funding review · Capex review |
Recommend changes for Mayoral Proposal Decide on Mayoral Proposal for inclusion in consultation document Progress to date Reporting dates:
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Chief Financial Office |
Long-term Plan process |
Statutory process · Consultation process – including hearings for community to be heard and local board engagement meetings (Have Your Say events). Approach to communication of investments in LB areas to be considered · Elected members consideration of feedback · Decision-making for Long-term Plan · Long-term Plan adoption |
Agree consultation items Adopt consultation documents and supporting material and recommend to Governing Body Adopt local board agreements Adopt Long-term Plan and set rates and recommend to Governing Body Progress to date Reporting dates: 21/11/17 – 10-Year Budget 2018-2028 and Auckland Plan Refresh – How Aucklanders will provide feedback during the public consultation FIN/207/164 and FIN/2017/165 30/11/17 – Receipt of Mayoral Proposal for the 10-year budget 2018-2018 FIN/2017/181 11/12/17 – 10-year budget 2018-2028 – Process Overview FIN/2017/184 11/12/17 – 10-year budget 2018-2018 – Mayoral Proposal items for consultation Resolutions FIN/2017/186, FIN/2017/187, FIN/2017/188, FIN/2017/189, FIN/2017/190, FIN/2017/191, FIN/2017/192 11/12/17 – 10-year budget 2018-2028 – Other matters for consideration FIN/2017/195, FIN/2017/196, FIN/2017/197 Adopted by Governing Body: 12/12/17 FIN/2017/159 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
See end table for programme |
Chief Financial Office |
Growth Infrastructure Targeted Rates, Development Contributions, Local Targeted Rate for local activities, Local Board Targeted Rate for specific projects |
· Growth Instructure Targeted Rates – if required to be implemented to a specific growth area · Development Contributions – amendment to the Contributions policy · Local targeted rate for local activities – this may be considered dependant on the Governance Review project decisions · Local Board targeted rate for specific projects – if the Local Board would like to consult on implementing a local targeted rate for specific project in their area |
Update Recommend changes for Mayoral Proposal Decide on Mayoral Proposal for inclusion in consultation document Consider submissions Decide on final LTP Progress to date Reporting dates: Workshop held 7/2/18 regarding the development contribution policy Targeted rates: 27/2/17 – Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate Remission FIN/2018/22 27/2/18 – Rates remission and postponement policy review FIN/2018/23 |
Delegations include development of the Long-term Plan 2018-2028 including financial policy. Preparation of the consultation document and supporting information for recommendation to the Governing Body |
Q1 |
Q2 Oct Nov |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Proposed 2018 Long-term Plan Schedule |
Aug – Nov 2017 |
Process for early discussions on
direction, priorities and prioritisation (within this time period) is
currently being prepared and will require Mayoral advice and approval.
Discussions include: Infrastructure funding; Infrastructure investment;
Service delivery and cost review; Local Boards projects, funding and
advocacy; Other budget and non-financial policy issues; Revaluations and
rating policy 30/11/17 – Receipt of Mayoral Proposal for the 10-year budget 2018-2018 FIN/2017/181 |
Sep - Dec 2017 |
Audit of consultation material |
11 Dec 2017 |
Mayoral Proposal /Consultation items,
including local content agreed 11/12/17 – 10-year budget 2018-2018 – Mayoral Proposal items for consultation Resolutions FIN/2017/186, FIN/2017/187, FIN/2017/188, FIN/2017/189, FIN/2017/190, FIN/2017/191, FIN/2017/192 11/12/17 – 10-year budget 2018-2028 – Other matters for consideration FIN/2017/195, FIN/2017/196, FIN/2017/197 12/12/17 - Adopted by Governing Body FIN/2017/159 |
21 March 2018 |
21/3/18 - Consultation Document and Supporting Information, adopted, including local content 21/3/18 |
28 Feb – 28 Mar 2018 |
Public Consultation |
Apr – May 2018 |
Processing of consultation feedback and briefing of elected members |
May 2018 |
Budget discussions and decision-making (both locally and regionally) |
May - June 2018 |
Audit of Long-term Plan |
27 June 2018 |
Adoption of Long-term Plan, including Local Board Agreements |
Lead |
Area of work |
Reason for work |
Finance and Performance Committee role - decision or direction |
F&P Delegations |
Expected timeframes Highlight financial year quarter and state month if known |
FY17/18 |
Jul-Sep |
Oct-Dec |
Jan-Mar |
Apr-Jun |
Monitoring |
Corporate Finance and Property |
Quarterly business improvements and performance report |
To monitor council parent financial and non-financial performance results |
Receive generally no decisions Progress to date Reporting dates: 13/12/16 - Auckland Council organisation report for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 September 2016 FIN/2016/160 21/2/17 - Auckland Council organisation performance report for the period 1 July 2016 to 31 December 2016 FIN/2017/9 26/5/17 - Auckland Council organisation performance report for the period 1 July 2016 to 31 March 2017 FIN/2017/68 21/09/17 - Organisation Performance 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2017 FIN/2017/133 24/11/17 - 1 July 2017 – 30 September 2017 FIN/2017/177 12/03/18 - 1 July 2017 – 31 December 2017 FIN/2018/34 |
The committee is responsible for monitoring achievement of financial and other measures of performance and service levels |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Corporate Finance and Property |
Auckland Council group quarterly financial results |
To monitor Auckland Council group financial performance |
Receive generally no decisions Progress to date Reporting dates: 13/12/16 - Auckland Council Group first quarter financial results to 30 September 2016 FIN/2016/161 21/3/17 - Auckland Council Group quarterly financial report and financial results to 31 December 2016 FIN/2017/28 26/5/17 - Auckland Council Group quarterly financial report and financial results to 31 March 2017 FIN/2017/70 21/09/17 – Report for adoption of the 2016/2017 Annual Report FIN/2017/132 24/11/17 - Quarterly financial report and financial results to 30 September 2017 FIN/2017/176 12/03/2018 - Six monthly financial results to 31 December 2017 FIN/2018/32 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Financial Strategy and Planning |
CCO financial monitoring (separate from governance or strategic planning issues) |
To monitor CCO financial and non-financial performance results |
Receive validate/challenge Progress to date Reporting dates: 13/12/16 - Council-controlled organisations first quarter report for 30 September 2016 FIN/2016/158 11/4/17 – CCOs second quarter report for 31 December 2017 26/5/17 – Council-controlled organisations third quarter report for 31 March 2017 FIN/2017/69 21/09/17 - Fourth quarter report for 30 June 2017 (public excluded) FIN/2017/130 24/11/17 - First quarter report for 30 September 2017 FIN/2017/178 12/03/18 – Second quarter report ending 31 December 2017 FIN/2018/18 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Te Waka Anga Mua ki Uta |
Māori Transformational Activity and Expenditure Report |
To monitor progress on expenditure and delivery of Maori transformational activity (includes Te Toa Takitini) |
Receive generally no decisions Progress to date 23/5/17 - 23/5/17 – Third Quarter of 2016/17 13/12/17 - Te Toa Takitini - Quarter One Māori Responsiveness portfolio report FIN/2016/159 15/08/17 – 2016/2017 Year-End Report FIN/2017/112 12/12/17 – Quarter One Report for 2017/2018 financial year FIN/2017/202 20/03/18 – Quarter Two Report for 2017/2018 financial year FIN/20178/14 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Te Waka Anga Mua ki Uta |
Māori Transformational Activity and Expenditure Report |
To monitor progress on expenditure and delivery on projects to deliver Māori outcomes |
Receive generally no decisions Progress to date 12/12/17 Report FIN/2017/291 12/3/18 Response Report FIN/2018/45 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Te Waka Anga Mua ki Uta |
Te Tiriti O Waitangi Audit Response Work Programme |
To monitor progress in responding to 3 yearly Te Tiriti O Waitangi audit |
Receive generally no decisions Progress to date Reporting dates:
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Corporate Finance and Property |
Annual Report |
Statutory requirement |
Recommend to Governing Body Progress to date Reporting dates: 13/12/16 - Approval of the Audit New Zealand audit engagement and review engagement letters FIN/2016/165 13/12/16 – Final Management Report on the audit of Auckland Council for the year ended 30 June 2016 FIN/2016/167 21/9/17 - Auckland Council Organisation Performance 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2017 FIN/2017/133 21/09/17 - Approval and Recommendation for adoption of the 2016/2017 Annual Report and Summary Annual Report for Auckland Council and group FIN/2017/132 28/9/17 – Adopted by Governing Body: GB/2017/112 Note: there is a delegation from the Committee to Chair and Deputy Chair to recommend to the Mayor and CE to release the preliminary results to the NZ Stock Exchange so that Council can meet NZX reporting deadlines. |
The committee delegations include recommending the Annual Report to the Governing Body |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Corporate Finance and Property |
Half Year Report |
NZ Stock Exchange requirement (for listed companies) |
Decision to release the half year report to the NZ Stock Exchange Progress to date Reporting dates: Note: there is a delegation from the Committee to Chair and Deputy Chair to recommend to the Mayor and CE to release the announcement and interim report to the NZ Stock Exchange so that Council can meet NZX reporting deadlines. 13/12/16 - Approval of the 31 December 2016 half year pro forma financial statements and accounting policies FIN/2016/166
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Acquisitions and disposals |
Panuku |
Recommended disposals or acquisitions. These reports are as required, but generally monthly. |
Panuku Development Auckland is tasked with identifying council owned land that is surplus to requirements. These disposals may also include Service Property Optimisation. |
Decision to proceed with recommended disposals or acquisitions. Progress to date Note: A full list of properties to be disposed or acquired is included at the end of this document. |
Delegations include “Acquisition and disposal of property related to the Committee’s responsibilities. Note – this includes parks acquisitions in excess of delegations of Environment and Community Committee |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Other Financial Decisions |
CCO/External Partnerships |
Auckland Regional Amenities Levy |
Statutory process |
Decision to approve submission on draft Funding Plan Decision to approve levies Progress to date Reporting dates: 21/2/17 – Presentations from amenities - New Zealand Opera, Auckland Theatre Company, Coastguard Northern Region, Watersafe Auckland and Surf Life Saving Northern Region FIN/2017/4 21/2/17 - Auckland Regional Amenities draft funding plan 2017-2018, proposed Auckland Council submission FIN/2017/5 21/3/17 – Presentations from amenities – Stardome Observatory and Planetarium; New Zealand Maritime Museum; Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra; Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust; and Auckland Arts Festival FIN/2017/18 21/3/17 - Approval of Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Act levy 2017/2018 FIN/2071/19 27/2/18 - Presentations from amenities – Auckland Festival Trust; Surf Life Saving Northern Region; Auckland Theatre Company; and Stardome Observatory and Coastguard Northern Region FIN/2018/5 27/2/18 - Auckland Regional Amenities Draft Funding Plan 2018/2019 - proposed Auckland Council submission FIN/2018/6 20/3/18 - Integration of NZ Maritime Museum to Regional Facilities Auckland FIN/2018/37 20/3/18 - Presentations from amenities – NZ Opera: Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra; Auckland Rescue Helicopter; and Drowning Prevention Auckland/Watersafe Auckland Inc FIN/2018/38
17/4/18 – approval of Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Act levy FIN/2018/63 |
The committee is responsible for establishing and managing a structured approach to the approval of non-budgeted expenditure (including grants, loans or guarantees) that reinforces value for money and an expectation of tight expenditure control |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
CCO/External Partnerships |
MOTAT and Auckland War Memorial Museum Levy |
Statutory process |
Decision to approve levies Progress to date Reporting dates: 21/3/17 – AWMM – approval of 2017/2018 levy FIN/2017/20 21/3/17 – MOTAT – approval of 2017/2018 levy FIN/2017/21 23/5/17 – AWMM letter – approval of 2017/2018 levy 17/4/17 – MOTAT – approval of 2018/2019 levy FIN/2018/61 AWMM – approval of 2018/2019 FIN/2018/62 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Parks, Sports and Recreation |
Loan write-offs and restructuring (as required) |
Responding to proposals and recommendations |
Decision to approve proposed write-offs and restructuring Progress to date Reporting dates:
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Parks, Sports and Recreation |
Review of existing community loans and guarantees, consideration of new applications and development of a policy framework |
Existing arrangements have been entered into without clear policy direction |
Decision on whether Council should continue, change or exit from existing arrangements Progress to date Reporting dates:
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Chief Financial Office |
Budget Update (as required). This includes significant unbudgeted one-off expenditure. |
Financial management |
Decision to agree recommended budget changes outside of AP/LTP budgeting cycle. Progress to date Reporting dates: Note: A full list of properties recommended for disposal is included at the end of this document. |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Chief Financial Office |
Development contributions policy review |
Work request by committee |
Decision on whether to amend current DC policy Progress to date Reporting dates: 7/2/18 – workshop held |
The committee is responsible for approving the financial policy |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Procurement/ Treasury & Financial Transactions |
Consideration and adoption of Group policies for Treasury, Insurance and Procurement (includes formal Treasury Management Policy) |
Mayoral Office request |
Decision on whether to amend current policy Progress to date Reporting dates: 13/12/2016 - Delegation for approval of releasing interim and full year group results to New Zealand Stock Exchange FIN/2016/168 11/4/17 - Responsible investment policy and Diversified Financial Asset Portfolio review Resolutions - FIN/2017/44, FIN/2017/45 and FIN/2017/46 20/06/17 - Review of the Diversified Financial Assets Portfolio FIN/2017/88 19/9/17 – Approval of Group Policies FIN/2017/121 11/12/17 – Approval of Treasury Management Policy FIN/2017/161 27/2/17 – Council’s debt funding strategy FIN/2018/10 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Chief Financial Officer |
Consideration and adoption of Group policy relating to Business Cases |
Mayoral Office request |
Decision on whether to adopt a new policy Progress to date Reporting dates: 19/9/17 – Approval of Group Policies FIN/2017/121 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Treasury & Financial Transactions / Legal and Risk |
Decision on placement of insurance programme |
Financial Management |
Decision on whether to adopt a new policy Progress to date Reporting dates: 19/9/17 – Approval of Group Policies FIN/2017/121 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Engineering & Technical Services / Treasury & Financial Transactions / Procurement |
Consideration and adoption of Group policies for Performance Bonds |
Mayoral Office request |
Decide whether to amend current policy Progress to date Reporting dates: 12/3/18 – Green Bond Framework Establishment and Potential Green Bond Issuance FIN/2018/31 |
The committee is responsible for approving the financial policy of the Council parent organisation |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
CCO/External Partnerships |
Statements of Intent |
Shareholder feedback on draft SOIs |
Decide on shareholder comment on SOIs Progress to date Reporting dates: 15/8/17 – Approval of 2017/2020 Statements of Intent FIN/2017/111 19/9/17 – Approval of Watercare Services Limited Statement of Intent 2017-20 FIN/2017/122 12/12/17 - Letters of Expectation for Council-controlled Organisations, 2017-2018 FIN/2016/170 20/3/18 – Letters of Expectation for 2018-2021 17/4/18 – proposed shareholder comments on Draft Council-controlled organisation statements of intent FIN/2018/64
Exercising relevant powers under Schedule 8 of the Local Government Act 2002, which relate to the Statements of Intent of CCOs |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Lead |
Area of work |
Reason for work |
Finance and Performance Committee role - decision or direction |
Completed |
Treasury & Financial Transactions |
Review of non-rateable land |
Programme required to ensure Council’s policies are being implemented consistently |
Decision on whether or not land should be rated Reporting dates: 13/12/16 - Third Quarterly Report on Non-Rateable Property Rating Treatment FIN/2016/162 13/12/16 - Auckland Council's submission on the Rates Rebate (Retirement Village Residents) Amendment Bill FIN/2016/163 21/3/17 – Memo - Fourth Quarterly Report 20//6/17 – Memo – Fifth Quarterly Report 19/9/17 – Memo – Sixth Quarterly Report 30/11/17 – Memo 20/3/18 - Memo |
Previous annual plan process
13/12/16 |
Annual Budget 2017/18 – Mayoral Proposal on items for Public Consultation FIN/2016/173 |
1/6/17 |
Annual Budget 2017/2018 - Overview to decision-making FIN/2017/73 Annual Budget 2017/2018 - Local Board budget update FIN/2017/74 Annual Budget 2017/2018 – Local Board Feedback FIN/2017/75 Final Annual Budget 2017/2018 – Mayoral Proposal resolutions - FIN/2017/76, FIN/2017/81, FIN/2017/83, and FIN/2017/85 |
27 June 2018 |
Adoption of Long-term Plan, including Local Board Agreements |
Panuku disposals/service property optimisation/land exchanges and acquisitions resolutions:
Date |
Property address(es) |
Resolution |
Date |
Property address(es) |
Resolution |
13/12/16 |
Report Units 1-28/150 Mt Wellington Highway, Mt Wellington; and 1/16 Sarona Avenue, Glen Eden |
15/8/17 |
Report 187 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush; |
21/2/17 |
Report 523a Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mt Wellington; and 525-529 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mt Wellington |
Report Unlock Old Papatoetoe - 17 St George Street, Papatoetoe; part 27 St George Street, Papatoetoe; 104 St George Street, Papatoetoe; and 109 St George Street, Papatoetoe |
21/2/17 |
Report Land up to 9ha to NZTA for the Northern Corridor Improvements Project |
Report 31-35 Mill Road, Helensville |
21/2/17 |
Report Statutory land exchange process – Rosedale Park |
24/10/17 |
Report 19 Anzac Avenue, Browns Bay; 10 Felton Matthew Avenue, St Johns; and part Bombay Road, Bombay |
Resolutions |
21/3/17 |
Report Part of 770R Great South Road, Manukau |
21/11/17 |
Report Unlock Avondale Unlock Avondale – 93-99 Rosebank Road, Avondale |
11/4/17 |
Report 19 Anzac Road, Browns Bay (deferred); 6 Butler Avenue, Papatoetoe; part of 129R Bairds Road, Otara; 315A Glengarry Road, Glen Eden; Section 1 East Coast Road, Redvale; 78a Great South Road, Papakura; Section 1 493 State Highway 16, Kumeu; Allotment 137 Ahuroa Parish, Woodcocks Road, Woodcocks; Allotment 138 Ahuroa Parish, Woodcocks Road, Woodcocks; Allotment 139 Ahuroa Parish, Woodcocks Road, Woodcocks; Allotment 140 Ahuroa Parish, Woodcocks Road, Woodcocks; Allotment 141 Ahuroa Parish, Woodcocks Road, Woodcocks; and Allotment 147 Ahuroa Parish, Woodcocks Road, Woodcocks |
FIN/2017/49, FIN/2017/50 |
12/12/17 |
Report 80 Vincent Street, Howick (motion lost); 41 Cheshire Street, Parnell; 108 Hepburn Street, Freemans Bay; 9 Matama Street, Glen Eden; and 58/7 Rowlands Road, Mt Wellington |
23/5/17 |
Report 3 Memorial Drive, New Lynn |
Report Land exchange at Hillary Crescent, Belmont and Northboro Reserve – Recommendation from the Environment and Community Committee |
26/7/17 |
Report 55a Alnwick Street, Warkworth; 45 Oraha Road, Huapai; 32 Harbourview Road, Te Atatu’ 145a West Tamaki Road, Glen Innes; 343 Swanson Road, Ranui; 24 Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington; 26 Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington; 27b Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington; 1/77 Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington; 93 Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington; 134a Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington; and 3/136b Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington |
27/2/18 |
Report 61-117 Clark Road, Hobsonville; and Report 37 New Windsor Road, Avondale (SPO) |
20/3/18 |
Report 3.8ha of reserve land in Upper Harbour Local Board for New Zealand Transport Agency Northern Corridor Improvements |
17/4/18 |
Report – Unlock Panmure - 59 Mountain Road, Mount Wellington; 59a Mountain Road, Mount Wellington; 3 Mountwell Crescent, Mount Wellington; 7 Mountwell Crescent, Mount Wellington; 3 Kings Road, Panmure; 15 Forge Way, Mount Wellington; 7 and 9 Jellicoe Road, Mount Wellington; 30-34 Potaka Lane, Panmure; 486-492 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mt Wellington; 516 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mount Wellington; Former 528 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mount Wellington; 530 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mount Wellington; 532-534 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mount Wellington; 535 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mount Wellington; 536 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mount Wellington; 7-11 Queens Road, Panmure; 39-41 Queens Road, Panmure; 11-13 Lagoon Drive, Panmure; 16 Lagoon Drive, Panmure; 20 Lagoon Drive, Panmure; 22 Lagoon Drive, Panmure; 26 Lagoon Drive, Panmure; 28 Lagoon Drive, Panmure; 30 Lagoon Drive, Panmure; 32-34 Lagoon Drive, Panmure; 1-19/10 Basin View Lane, Panmure; 23 Domain Road, Panmure; and 28-30 Pilkington Road, Mount Wellington. |
17/4/18 |
Report – 156 Blockhouse Bay, Avondale; 2a Stokes Road, Mt Eden; 570 Great South Road, Papatoetoe; 139 Kolmar Road, Papatoetoe; and 66R Hallberry Road, Mangere East |
Budget Update:
Date |
Property address(es) |
Resolution |
13/12/16 |
Report Additional OPEX budget of up to $104,000 to conduct a by-election for a Howick Local Board Member; and release of $2.7m from existing budget for Putney Way streetscape upgrade, ahead of the Transform Manukau business case |
21/3/17 |
Report Additional CAPEX budget of $960,000 to complete Freyberg Place upgrade; new OPEX budget of $80,000 for Karangahape Road destination marketing; contribution of $300 to the city feature lighting project (led by Heart of the City) – both funded from the City Centre Targeted Rate reserve. |
20/6/17 |
Report Conversion of $3.1m CAPEX budget for multi-purpose community facility in Takanini |
26/7/17 |
Report Purchase of additional trains (rescinded 24/10/17 FIN/2017/189) |
19/9/2017 |
Report Release and allocate Takapuna off-street car park reserve fund $4,269611 to the Gasometer public car park project; release $6.1m form existing Transform Manukau $2.6 CAPEX and $2m OPEX and Transform Onehunga $1.5 OPEX. |
24/10/17 |
Report Approve procurement of 15 3-car electric multiple units of $133m; release of Franklin Parking Reserve Fund ($128,214) for upgrade of carpark at Kitchener Road, Waiuku; OPEX of $828,000 for two by-elections; OPEX budget of $115,400 for by-election for Waitemata Local Board. |
12/12/17 |
Report Update on the purchase of additional trains for Metro Rail |
27/2/18 |
Report Up to $3.2m CAPEX for fit-out for ATEED office and up to $0.8m OPEX for make good of current head office; $3.85m CAPEX for Rawene remedial works; updated city centre targeted rate-funded work programme; and property acquisitions at 155-167 Fanshawe Street and 100 Halsey Street, Auckland |
Resolutions - FIN/2018/17, FIN/2018/18 |
17/4/18 |
Report Up to $740,000 of additional expenditure ($655,000 OPEX and $85,000 CAPEX) to manage kauri dieback; two additional FTE employees and out-sourced contractors to manage the closures and noting additional expenditure to be prioritised for kauri dieback work such as track improvements, upgrades, landowner support, hygiene station upgrades and washdown facilities. |
Finance and Performance Committee 15 May 2018 |
Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
That the Finance and Performance Committee:
a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.
The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.
This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:
C1 Matters relating to Council’s guarantee of ASB Loan to Eden Park Trust Board (Covering report)
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable) |
Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution |
The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7. |
s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations). In particular, the report contains sensitive infomration, the disclosure of which may disadvantage Auckland Council's position in future negotiations. |
s48(1)(a) The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7. |