Henderson-Massey Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board held in the Council Chamber (Level 2), Henderson Civic Centre, 6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson on Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 10.00am.





Shane Henderson




Deputy Chairperson

Peter Chan, JP





Paula Bold-Wilson





Brenda Brady, JP





Will Flavell





Matt Grey





Vanessa Neeson, JP








Member Warren Flaunty





Henderson-Massey Local Board

08 May 2018




1          Welcome


The Chairperson opened the meeting and Member Matt Grey said the prayer.


2          Apologies


Resolution number HM/2018/51

MOVED by Member W Flavell, seconded by Member B Brady:  

That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Member Warren Flaunty for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


The following are declared interests of elected members of the Henderson-Massey local board:






Shane Henderson (Chairman)

Waitakere Licensing Trust

Waitakere Badminton

Waitemata Seagulls Rugby League

Elected Member


Board Member

17 April 2018

Peter Chan, JP (Deputy Chairman)

Cantonese Opera Society of NZ
Asian Leaders Forum
NZ-Hong Kong Business Association
NZ-China Business Association
Auckland Chinese Environment Protection Association (ACEPA)

Whau Coastal Walkway Trust

Auckland Asian Association





21 Feb 2017


Brenda Brady, JP

Safer West Community Trust


17 April 2018

Matt Grey


Employee / CEO

21 March 2017

Paula Bold-Wilson

Community Waitakere

Unitec Institute of Technology

Board member


17 April 2018

Vanessa Neeson, JP

Village Green Quilters

Ranui Advisory Group 



17 April 2018

Warren Flaunty, QSM

NorSGA Properties
Westgate Pharmacy Ltd
The Trusts Community Foundation Ltd

Life North West Pharmacy

Waitemata District Health Board
Waitakere Licensing Trust
Massey Birdwood Settlers Ass.
Taupaki Residents & Ratepayers Association



Elected Member
Elected Member

17 April 2018

Will Flavell

Te Atatū Tennis Club

Asia New Zealand Leadership Network

Rutherford College

Waitākere Literacy Board





Board Member

15 Nov 2016



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number HM/2018/52

MOVED by Member W Flavell, seconded by Member M Grey:  

That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 17 April 2018, including as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Item withdrawn


7          Item withdrawn


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.


Member Paula Bold-Wilson entered the meeting during the debate on item 12 at 10.09 am

Member Vanessa Neeson entered the meeting during the debate on item 12 at 10.37 am




Local board decisions and input into the 10-year Budget 2018-2028, draft Auckland Plan 2050 and draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018


Resolution number HM/2018/53

MOVED by Member B Brady, seconded by Member M Grey:  

That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      receive the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 consultation feedback report

b)      approve the following advocacy initiatives, including its key advocacy project, for inclusion (as an appendix) to its 2018/2019 Local Board Agreement.



A pool in the north west.

Continue advocating for prioritising construction of a pool for the north west area, including the purchase of land to prepare for the pool and future sports fields and local community facilities.

Develop the “Western Initiative”.

Advocating to support resourcing and development of the proposal from the Southern Initiative:

·         To establish a place-based initiative and team in west Auckland to stimulate and enable community and social innovation in response to the number of social and economic challenges west Auckland faces.

Noting the strong alignment between the local board plan and ongoing advocacy by the Henderson-Massey local board members and ward councillors for a joined up project to respond to the need of their community.

Revitalising Henderson metropolitan centre

Advocating to build on investment in Henderson, particularly as significant change will occur after the delivery of the Unlock Henderson project along with proposed transport projects are completed and more people are attracted to live in Henderson.

Funding for Te Whau pathway project.

Advocate for funding for the Te Whau pathway to be allocated in the Auckland Transport capital programme as part of the adopted Regional Land Transport Programme and for council continue to support and resource the project.

Northwest dedicated rapid transit corridor to service rapidly growing population. 

Advocate for construction to start immediately on the proposed northwest dedicated rapid transit corridor including light rail through to Kumeu and further staged through to Helensville.


c)      recommend $114,000 of 2017/2018 Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) operating expenditure to be deferred to 2018/2019 to the Governing Body (as below).

·               Henderson Urban eco centre -                  $40,000

·               Maori enterprise                                         -$5,000    

·               Youth connections                                     -$9,000   

·               Te Atatu South Park                                  -$15,000

·               Te Rangi Hiroa nursery site                       -$20,000

·               Te Atatu waka ama strategic assessment -$25,000


d)      notes that the following redacted submissions are made available through the Auckland Council website

e)      provides the following feedback on the Auckland Council 10-year Budget 2018-2028.

Key Issue / Plan

Henderson-Massey Local Board Position

Natural Environment - Water Quality Targeted Rate

Henderson-Massey Local Board supports the targeted rate option for water quality.

Notes that there is significant regional support for an increase in funding to the Natural Environment area.

Natural Environment – Natural Environment Targeted Rate

Henderson-Massey Local Board supports option B of $47 per residential property and $219 per business property, providing for ecosystem and species protection including addressing kauri dieback disease.

Notes that there is significant regional support for an increase in funding to the Natural Environment area.

Rates and Charges – proposed rates increase

Henderson-Massey Local Board supports the 2.5% rates increase conditional on the implementation of the regional fuel tax. Without the fuel tax, the rate increase would need to be substantially higher to meet Auckland’s needs.

The board note that although targeted rates may provide clarity towards the ratepayer with regards to how the rates are being spent it may be difficult for the public to appreciate the cumulative impact of rates increases given the number of targeted rates proposed in this Long-term Plan.

Rates and Charges –Accommodation provider Targeted Rate for online accommodation providers

Henderson-Massey Local Board supports the implementation of accommodation provider target rate for online accommodation providers.

Noting that it may be difficult to identify individual providers and may contribute to avoidance behaviours for property owners who do not intend to operate in a fully commercial capacity.


f)       provides feedback on the draft Auckland Plan 2050.

Auckland Plan 2050

General comments

Henderson-Massey Local Board notes that the local board has previously provided feedback to support drafting of the Auckland Plan 2050.

Notes that the outcomes and objectives in the Henderson-Massey Local Board plan strongly align to the Auckland Plan outcomes, particularly ‘Belonging and participation’.

The board is supportive of the intent of the outcomes overall, with some specific comments below:

Outcome area 1: Belonging and participation

Commentary is missing on the specific contribution of arts and culture.

These activities should be specifically referenced in the Auckland Plan as they play a substantial role in connecting communities and contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of societies.

Outcome area 2: Māori identity and wellbeing

The special relationship with Maori as tangata whenua should be recognised throughout the Auckland Plan.

There does not seem to be any recognition of the difference between mana whenua and mataawaka in the Auckland Plan. Suggests this be included.

Outcome area 3: Homes and places

Pleased to see that the built quality of existing dwellings, including rentals, will be improved and that the investment and support for Maori is a specific focus area.

Commentary is missing on the role of sport and how that will be affected by the pressures of a growing city. Providing space for sport in the public realm will be an ongoing challenge and local sports groups in the Henderson-Massey area have indicated concern about this lack in the Auckland Plan

Outcome area 4: Transport and access

There is strong alignment in the Henderson-Massey Local Board plan with this outcome area.

The significant growth challenges in the Northwest mean that a focus on integrated transport solutions is vital.

The board is pleased that the importance of environmental protection and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is highlighted.

Outcome area 5: Environment and cultural heritage


Outcome area 6: Opportunity and prosperity

Notes that local boards have limited means to directly influence local economic prosperity and a strong future focused approach in this outcome is welcomed.

Development strategy



g)     provides the following feedback on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018.

Waste from businesses and commercial activities

Support proposal.

Working with businesses on approaches to reduce waste

Support proposal.

Community recycling centres

Support proposal.

Container deposit scheme

Support proposal.

Hauraki Gulf Islands waste management

The local board area is outside of proposed targeted zone.





Resolution number HM/2018/54

MOVED by Chairperson S Henderson, seconded by Member B Brady:  

That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

h)          provides the following feedback on the regional fuel tax proposal in Auckland Council’s 10-year Budget 2018-2028.

Regional Fuel Tax

(for 15 May meeting)

The Henderson-Massey Local Board supports implementation of a regional fuel tax


However, the local board notes that the immediate consequences could include:

·         A greater cost  burden on the local working population who have to commute to other Auckland areas.

·         the proposed fuel tax hitting our lower socio-economic communities the hardest and being another barrier to employment and education

·         given this, measures need to be investigated to reduce these potential impacts on our lower socio-economic communities.

The local board would like to see local prioritisation of public transport and safety projects.




Secretarial note: Member Peter Chan and Member Vanessa Neeson voted against resolution (h) and requested for their vote to be recorded.




Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy


Resolution number HM/2018/55

MOVED by Member W Flavell, seconded by Member M Grey:  

 That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)   endorse the proposal to:

i.    transfer current budget for legacy remissions schemes for natural heritage and community and sports organisations to the operating group with relevant expertise

ii.   transfer current budget for postponements for Great Barrier Island businesses to Great Barrier Island Local Board

iii.  grant the current recipient the same support guaranteed for three years

iv.  develop an integrated approach to supporting outcomes for natural heritage, and community and sporting activities across the region

b)   Endorses the Rates Remission and Postponement Policy in Attachment B to this report, which includes the following amendments to the existing policy:

i.    introduction of a remission scheme for the Accommodation Provider Targeted rate.

ii.   amendments to the remission for residents of residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and Papakāinga housing to remove references to retirement villages and the Interim Transport Levy

iii.  amendments to simplify the remission for rates penalties

iv.  removal of the legacy remissions schemes for natural heritage and community and sports organisations and postponement for Great Barrier Island

c)   endorse the amendments to the postponement for Manukau Sport Clubs to restrict the scheme to current applicants and to close off the scheme after three years.

d)   note the confidential status of attachment d to Item 13.





14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   



11.56 am                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









