Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board held in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Office, Shop 17B, 93 Bader Drive, Māngere on Wednesday, 9 May 2018 at 5:00pm.





Lemauga Lydia Sosene





Tauanu’u Nick Bakulich





Carrol Elliott, JP





Makalita Kolo





Tafafuna’i Tasi Lauese, JP





Christine O'Brien (from 5.06pm)








Togiatolu Walter Togiamua






Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board

09 May 2018




1          Welcome



2          Apologies


Resolution number MO/2018/59

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member M Kolo:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         accept the apologies from Togiatolu Walter Togiamua for absence and Christine O’Brien for lateness.





3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.





Local board dicisions and input into the 10-year Budget 2018-2028m draft Auckland Plan 2050 and draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018


The feedback under f) tabled at the meeting is attached to the back of the agenda.


Resolution number MO/2018/60

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C Elliott:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receives the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 consultation feedback report (Attachment A).

b)      notes that the following redacted submissions are available through the following  Auckland Council website here.

·   submissions on the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board priorities

·   submissions on regional proposals in the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 from people or organisations based in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board area.

c)      approves its advocacy initiatives to the 2018/2019 Local Board Agreement (Attachment D) including the local board’s key advocacy project/one local initiative for active coordination, planning, investment and implementation in Māngere East.

d)      recommend that the governing body approves a targeted rate set as a uniform charge per separately used or inhabited part of a property, on residential properties in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board area, for the purpose of fully subsidising entry to swimming pools for persons 17 years and over, and that the rate for 2018/2019 is estimated to be $31.94 including GST.

e)      recommends to the Governing Body that $221,680 of 2017/2018 Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) operating expenditure to be deferred to 2018/2019 (attachment C).

f)       endorses the feedback on the 10-year Budget 2018-2028, the draft Auckland Plan 2050 and the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018, tabled at the meeting and attached to the minutes.






Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy


Resolution number MO/2018/61

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C O'Brien:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)   endorses the proposal to:

i.    transfer current budget for legacy remissions schemes for natural heritage and community and sports organisations to the operating group with relevant expertise.

ii.   transfer current budget for postponements for Great Barrier Island businesses to Great Barrier Island Local Board.

iii.  grant the current recipient the same support guaranteed for three years.

iv.  develop an integrated approach to supporting outcomes for natural heritage, and community and sporting activities across the region.



b)   endorses the Rates Remission and Postponement Policy in Attachment B to this report, which includes the following amendments to the existing policy:

i.    introduction of a remission scheme for the Accommodation Provider Targeted rate.

ii.   amendments to the remission for residents of residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and Papakāinga housing to remove references to retirement villages and the Interim Transport Levy.

iii.  amendments to simplify the remission for rates penalties.

iv.  removal of the legacy remissions schemes for natural heritage and community and sports organisations and postponement for Great Barrier Island.

c)      endorses the amendments to the postponement for Manukau Sport Clubs to restrict the scheme to current applicants and to close off the scheme after three years.









5.22pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.












Item 4 Feedback


Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Feedback on the 10 Year Budget 2018 – 2028



Regional Fuel Tax (RFT)

·         Generally, support RFT in accordance with community feedback

·         Public transport to be accessible and affordable through an equitable sharing of the costs between public transport users, ratepayers and road users, as current levels are impacting lower income families

·         Deliver Route 32 and integrate with local projects

o   One Local Initiative – Mangere East precinct

o   Otahuhu Portage project

o   Light rail Mangere town centre rapid transit rail to airport, and

o   Complete local projects to a high quality

·         Deliver more safety programmes, streetscape upgrades, and safer active modes of transport

·         Fix local congestion.

Environment Initiatives 







Water Quality





·         Generally support

In terms of the level of the rate, affordability is a challenge for this community and the local board asks the Governing Body to take this into account.

The local area has its own targeted rate to enable adult swimming pool entry, and additional target rates that mostly benefit other areas are seen as unfair and will burden local rate payers disproportionately.


·         Support target rate



Rates and charges

·         Support proposal for average general rates increases

·         It is expected that this will deliver an increase in quality and service levels.


·         Support proposal






Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Feedback on the draft Auckland Plan


The board supports the six outcomes and development strategy in the Auckland Plan refresh, and notes the close alignment of the six outcomes to the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Plan 2017.

·         The board supports use of the 33 measures that track progress against outcomes areas.

·         The board supports addressing local concerns, such as employment, accommodation conditions, affordability, public transport and improved community facilities and spaces.

·         The board considers that addressing social and economic wellbeing is key to achieve the Auckland Plan.

·         The board area has the most youthful population in Auckland and supports actions to create choices that are sustainable for the future generation.



















Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Feedback on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018


·         The local board generally supports the plan


·         Not enough time to consider draft document and engage with community

·         Confusing as too many plans being consulted on at the same time

·         Better engagement with groups and organisations where communities gather in large numbers – Marae and places of worship.

 Local issues that the plan needs to address:

·         Support people with large families, and on lower incomes, to meet targets

·         A staged approach that considers the diversity of needs across the city

·         Resolve illegal dumping

·         Increase accountability by industries, business associations, and community groups –to play their part in changing practices and behaviours

·         Distribute regional resources to local boards for implementing innovative local ideas e.g. a southern community recycling centre

·         Improve the new inorganic collection system, it needs a re-think.