Papakura Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura on Wednesday, 9 May 2018 at 4.30pm.





Brent Catchpole

Deputy Chairperson

Felicity Auva'a


Hon. George Hawkins, QSO


Bill McEntee


Michael Turner


Katrina Winn





Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE


Daniel Newman, JP (with apology)





Papakura Local Board

09 May 2018




1          Welcome


The Deputy Chair , Felicity Auva’a, led the meeting in prayer.


2          Apologies


Resolution number PPK/2018/61

MOVED by Member G Hawkins, seconded by Member K Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Councillor Daniel Newman.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PPK/2018/62

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member G Hawkins:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 18 April 2018, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations



Deputation - Life Education Trust


Resolution number PPK/2018/63

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      thank Lincoln Jefferson from the Life Education Trust, for his presentation about the Trust’s activities and the work undertaken in primary schools. 






Deputation - Takanini Business Association - Rod Grieve


The Takanini Business Association requested the deputation be deferred to the 23 May 2018.


9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy


Resolution number PPK/2018/64

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)           endorse in principle the Rates Remission and Postponement Policy subject to the following:


i.          increase the local board asset based service budgets to maintain the existing level of support for local community and sports groups in Papakura, as per paragraph 39 in the agenda report entitled Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy”.

ii.         grant the current recipients the same proportional level of support for rates remitted, and that this be guaranteed for three years

iii.        develop an integrated approach to supporting outcomes for natural heritage, and community and sporting activities across the region.

iv.        the local grants budget increased to accommodate the Rates Remission and Postponement Policy.


b)     endorse the following aspects of the Rates Remission and Postponement Policy in Attachment B to the report entitled “Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy”:  

i.         introduction of a remission scheme for the Accommodation Provider Targeted rate.

ii.        amendments to the remission for residents of residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and Papakāinga housing to remove references to retirement villages and the Interim Transport Levy

iii.       amendments to simplify the remission for rates penalties

c)         note the confidential status of attachment d to the report entitled “Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy”







Local board decisions and input into the 10-year Budget 2018-2028, draft Auckland Plan 2050 and draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018


Resolution number PPK/2018/65

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson F Auva'a, seconded by Member K Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receive the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 consultation feedback report.

b)      approve its advocacy initiatives (outlined below) including its key advocacy project, for inclusion (as an appendix) to its 2018/2019 Local Board Agreement, as outlined in attachment D to the report entitled “Local board decisions and input into the 10-year Budget 2018-2028, draft Auckland Plan 2050 and draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018”.



Advocating to

Development of a Park & Ride at the Papakura train station

As a board, we would like to offer alternative transport routes to free up our local roads from congestion. Hence our advocacy to the Governing Body to fund a shortfall, to build a multi-storey park-and-ride facility at the Papakura train station. This project is widely supported by the community and will encourage more people to use public transport.

Auckland Transport

New Zealand Transport Agency


Governing Body

Regional fund for erosion control

With its 3,702 kilometres metre long coastline, Auckland has waterways in all directions. Despite the beauty of that, due to its geography Auckland is also prone to erosion. With climate change happening and more severe weather events and sea level rise to be expected, erosion control becomes increasingly important. The Papakura Local Board is of the view that a regional fund to address this issue is required and should be set aside within the Long Term Plan to deal with this matter. 

Governing Body

Resource recovery centre for the South

To protect our environment for future generations, we must reduce our waste and recycle. The Papakura Local Board is supportive of the establishment of a network of community resource recovery centres that will make it easy, affordable and convenient for people to reuse and recycle unwanted goods. The board would like to see one established and providing services in the South. 

Governing Body

Investing equally in water quality improvement initiatives

The Papakura Local Board, as a member board of the Manukau Harbour Forum, is of the view that all harbours in the Auckland region need to be recognised equally in terms of addressing water quality issues which should be reflected in the distribution of funding.

Governing Body (through the Manukau Harbour Forum)


Central Government

Increase of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund

The board supports the proposed increase in the Local Board Transport Capital fund of $10 million as it enables local boards to undertake local placemaking initiatives.

Governing Body


Auckland Transport

Acknowledgement of the Papakura town centre’s metropolitan status and the Integrated Area Plan (Manurewa/Takanini/Papakura) area

Papakura is identified in the Unitary Plan as a future metropolitan centre which means that it will overtime develop into a larger commercial and retail centre to support residential growth in the surrounding area. 

The board is keen for this transition to happen and to support that, has established the Papakura Commercial Project Group. The board has been advocating for Papakura to become an ‘unlock’ area and for the Papakura town centre to feature in Panuku Development Auckland’s work programme.

Work has also been undertaken with regards to the development of an Integrated Area Plan. Looking at the various centre alongside the Great South Road and how they can complement each other rather than compete. A plan has been developed and resources now need to be put into implementing the recommendations out of the plan.

Governing Body


Panuku Development Auckland

Infrastructure to be in place before development happens

Papakura faces significant levels of growth due to a number of large new developments in and around the local board area, which will continue to put an increased pressure on our current infrastructure.

Without a coordinated approach between all the infrastructure providers, Council Controlled Organisations, Central Government and developers, there is a risk that this development will occur in an ad hoc manner.

Governing Body

Auckland Transport

Panuku Development Auckland



Central Government


Alleviation of traffic congestion through improving east-west links through grade separation

Several major transport works are being planned (Mill Road) with some projects already underway like the Takanini interchange upgrade. However, the pace at which the population is growing is faster than the delivery of those key infrastructure networks.  

The local community, in the various community consultation processes the board and the wider organisation have undertaken recently, identifies traffic congestion as one of the major concerns.

Two major projects have therefore been identified by the Papakura Local Board to address this matter:

·         The development of a multi-story (future proofed) park and ride at the Papakura train station and;

·         The grade separation of the Takanini east-west routes

Auckland Transport


Governing Body


Central Government

Bruce Pulman Park to be acknowledged as a regional facility

Keeping active is important for long-term health. Many Papakura residents are involved in sports and Bruce Pulman Park is one of the great facilities in the local board area.

The Park, run by a trust, does not only host regional, national and international teams and events, but also provides for a valuable green open space which will help and accommodate the surrounding area to further develop of the coming years.

The Papakura Local Board would like this facility to be recognised appropriately for the many roles and functions it plays in Papakura. 

Governing Body

Further improve and upgrade the Massey Park outdoor pool

Many of the Papakura sports facilities already host regional and national events which helps to boost the local economy and provides an opportunity to showcase local talent.

The Massey Park pool has received recent investment to improve the interior and upgrade the indoor swimming pool. The Papakura Local Board is planning further investment to extend the hours of use by installing solar panels to heat the pool.

The Board would like to see the outdoor pool also being upgraded to an eight lane facility so it meets the standards for national and international events to take place.

Governing Body

Continue with the development of the community hub and library at Takanini

Planning is well underway for a new community hub and library at Takanini. The Papakura Local Board wants to ensure that this new community facility is easily accessible, safe and suited to a variety of purposes. 

Governing Body

The development of the Southern Structure Plan in such a manner that ensures the centres along the Great South Road are being developed in a holistic manner

The Papakura Local Board is supportive of development of the Southern Structure Plan. However, the plan will need to take into account the impact of any proposed centres on the already established centres along the Great South Road (Papakura and Takanini) to ensure the vitality of these economical centres is being safeguarded. 

Governing Body


c)      note that at this point there is no Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) operating expenditure for the Governing Body to consider for deferral to the 2018/2019 financial year, however from experience there is often operational projects that are undelivered due to timing issues that need to be deferred.

d)      provide the following feedback on the 10-year Budget 2018-2028:

1.    Transport - Regional Fuel Tax

The Papakura Local Board agrees that an increase in revenue is required to speed up progress on roading and public transport initiatives.


However, the board fears there will be no direct benefit from revenue raised through a regional fuel tax for employees in South Auckland or Papakura residents because:

·         There is a lack of public transport options available for people living in the South, yet a lot of growth is occurring in the South;

·         The funding is most likely to be spent on projects benefitting central Auckland (Dominion Road connection through to the Auckland Airport).


The board does not feel that there have been sufficient reasons given as to why a change to the current funding structure (e.g. the transport levy) is required.

The board questions whether or not alternative funding mechanisms have been explored thoroughly enough like for instance:

·         congestion charge;

·         road tolling;

·         congestion charge for the city centre;

·         public private partnerships funding mechanisms.


The proposed regional fuel tax is usually regressive in nature and will most affect those who can least afford it.


The board strongly feels that Council should take measures to mitigate the inequities associated with this form of tax.

Council should therefore prioritise investing in improved transport options for South Auckland and Papakura and invest in projects like:

·         the Mill Road corridor project;

·         a third rail line;

·         a bridge from Karaka to Weymouth;

·         a rail link to the airport or light rail from Manukau to the airport the airport;

·         a rail link loop from Puhinui and/or Onehunga to the airport.


2.    Natural Environment - Water Quality Targeted Rate

The Papakura Local Board does not support the concept of a targeted rate.


However the board would support a rates increase to support funding of water infrastructure and speed up the delivery of cleaner harbours, beaches and streams.


The Papakura Local Board, as a member board of the Manukau Harbour Forum, is also of the view that all harbours in the Auckland Council region need to be recognised equally in terms of addressing water quality issues which should be reflected in the distribution of funding.


The board would like transparency about how that funding is being distributed. 


3.    Natural Environment - Natural Environment Targeted Rate

The Papakura Local Board has some reservations with regards to the proposed targeted rate to invest more in environmental initiatives.


The focus of the programme seems to be on initiatives in West Auckland, which seems where the majority of the funding will go.


The board has some concerns about other parts of the region being forgotten like for instance the protection of Kauri trees in the Hunua Ranges and Clevedon area.


4.    Rates and Charges – proposed rates increase – 2.5% over the next two years with 3.5% in the following years

The Papakura Local Board understand that targeted rates provide clarity towards the ratepayer with regards to how the rates are being spent, however, it believes a targeted rate is just another way to increase the rates.


The Board also recognises the fact that there is pressure on the council budgets and that if no measures are being taken it will start to effect service delivery.


The board believes the rates increase should be higher and more transparent with targeted rates limited to the areas it affects, for example:  Waitakere Ranges for a targeted rate for Kauri die back.


The Board however is aware of the impact that a rates increase will have on low income families and would like to see further work being undertaken to minimise the impact on those who can least afford it.


5.    Rates and Charges –Accommodation provider Targeted Rate for online accommodation providers

The Papakura Local Board has no specific views on the rating of the online accommodation sector proposal.


The Board acknowledges the fact that 69% of the submitters from the Papakura Local Board area are supportive of the proposal. 

6.    Other rating issues

The Papakura Local Board is supportive of the Business Improvement District Association plans to extend the Papakura BID targeted rate boundary. This proposal was supported by the local business community and consulted on via a balloting process1.


The Board would also like to see the Papakura BID and the Takanini BID to work closely together.


1.     The BID Policy (2016) and Operating Standards requires a successful ballot to achieve a threshold of at least 25% of the total voting forms returned. Of the returned votes, a minimum of 51% of the votes must be in favour of the proposition raised on the ballot form to achieve a mandate. The results of the expansion ballot for the Papakura BID expansion were as follows:

·          33.3% (60) of the eligible voters returned their vote

·          Of those who voted, 65% (39) voted in favour of the expansion

·          30% (18) voted against the expansion


9. Cemetery fees

The Papakura Local Board is supportive of the proposal to waive the cremation fees for babies under 1 year old and believes this proposal should be extended to children under five years of age.


11. Non-strategic asset sales and other revenue generation

The Papakura Local Board is against the sale of any non-strategic assets in the Papakura Local Board area if the proceeds of the sale are not being reinvested into Papakura.


Papakura is an area of extensive growth, with a town centre that has been identified as a future metropolitan centre in both the Auckland Plan and the Unitary Plan.


To guide this transformation, the Papakura Local Board has established the Papakura Commercial Project Group. This group, comprising of urban development experts, local businesses, Council departments and representatives from Auckland Transport and ATEED, is currently working on a framework for the town centre.


In order to achieve the transformation envisaged the Papakura Local Board feels that council should retain ownership of the current sites owned in Papakura in order to direct the development in the preferred direction. 


The board strongly advocates for Papakura to receive support from Panuku as Papakura is also part of the Manurewa – Takanini – Papakura Spatial priority area and this should inform the Panuku transform and unlock programme.  This will hopefully be reflected in the Planning Committee decision in August 2018.


12. Disestablishment of Auckland Council Investment Ltd (ACIL)

The Papakura Local Board believes Auckland Council Investment Ltd should be retained as it should keep its independence/separation from council. 


13. CCO Accountability Policy

The Papakura Local Board strongly supports the intent and objectives of the CCO Accountability Policy to better align the objectives of CCOs with Council. However, the implementation of this policy and the accountability needs to be thoroughly monitored with regular reporting also being provided to local boards.

The Papakura Local Board also has some concerns around the ‘consultation process’ with local boards. This should not become a tick the box exercise and appropriate weighting should be placed on the local board views expressed.


15. Co-governance Tūpuna Maunga

Delivering on Auckland Council’s commitment to Māori at a local board level is a priority for the Papakura Local Board1 hence the board is supportive of the establishment of the Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority to administer the Tūpuna Maunga.


16. Local Board Funding Policy

The Papakura Local Board feels that the Local Board Funding Policy should be amended to also reflect the amount of growth occurring in a Local Board area and proposes that this will be included in the funding formula (currently being population, deprivation and land area). 


The Board also notes that there still seems to be an issue with regards to equity and the legacy council investment into the various assets that Council owns. 



e)      provide the following feedback on the draft Auckland Plan 2050:

Outcome area 1: Belonging and participation

The Papakura Local Board supports the outcome ‘Belonging and participation’ however feels that in the focus areas there needs to be two threads added:

·         ‘sport and recreation’ and

·         ‘arts and culture’.


These activities should be specifically referenced in the Auckland Plan as these activities are connecting communities and contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of societies.


Outcome area 2: Māori identity and wellbeing

Delivering on Auckland Council’s commitment to Māori at a local level is a priority for the Papakura Local Board1 hence the board is supportive of the ‘Māori identity and wellbeing’ outcome.


The board would like to point out that there does not seem to be anything recognising the difference between mana whenua and mataawaka in the Auckland Plan and suggests this be included.


There is also insufficient Maori representation on council as a whole.


Outcome area 3: Homes and places

The Papakura Local Board is supportive of the emphasis being put on making the housing system work in Auckland with the aim of providing secure, healthy and affordable homes for all residents. 


Outcome area 4: Transport and access

The Papakura Local Board strongly supports the ‘Transport and access’ outcome area in the Auckland Plan. This outcome will support the move to a multi-nodal model of urban development for Auckland.


The board would like to point out the challenges for South Auckland with the additional pressure of significant growth happening in the South and the limited existing networks.


Outcome area 5: Environment and cultural heritage

The Papakura Local Board is supportive of the ‘Environment and cultural heritage’ outcome area however would like to point out that the focus areas seem to be solely focused on the environment.  The board felt the focus areas should also reflect the built environment and cultural heritage aspects as well.


Council could also be ambitious and seek alignment between the Auckland Plan and Low Carbon Auckland.


Outcome area 6: Opportunity and prosperity

Although the Papakura Local Board supports the intent of the ‘opportunity and prosperity’ outcome, the board would like to see the local economic development element captured in the focus areas as well.


The board would like to make a plea for specifically mentioning the opportunities provided by working in partnership with external organisations and believes the Southern Initiative should be reflected more prominently in the Plan.


Development strategy

The Papakura Local Board believes that Papakura should be mentioned specifically in the ‘Intensifying the existing urban area’ column of the development strategy as it is zoned as a Metropolitan centre in the Unitary Plan.


The board is supportive of the concept of creating flexible and adaptable business areas as long as newly created business areas complement already existing areas and not start to compete with established areas.



f)       provide the following feedback on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018:

Overall views on waste outcomes

The Papakura Local Board believes that the following outcomes should be prioritised in order to drive change in relation to waste management:

·         reducing waste to landfill and carbon emissions;

·         reducing environmental and marine pollution;

·         creating jobs in resource recovery and processing industries.


The board also believes that the following outcomes should be part of Councils core business: 

·         delivering value for money for ratepayers and Aucklanders;

·         reliability of collection services;

·         tidy public places.


Waste from businesses and commercial activities

The Papakura Local Board support the proposed option 2, ie: 

·         keep going with the 20 percent of waste council can easily influence AND expand the focus to include the 80 per cent of waste that is commercially managed.


Working with businesses on approaches to reduce waste

The Papakura Local Board supports the proposed new approaches to reduce commercial construction and demolition waste, plastics and organic waste from landfill. 

Education and incentives will be required as contactors only care about getting the job done as quickly as possible and not necessarily about separating out the different waste streams.

This will need to be worked through with the contracting, business sector and those most affected because it potentially could impact on building costs.

The Papakura Local Board supports the supermarkets’ initiatives reducing the usage of plastics bags and wants to see the use of plastic packaging and polystyrene substantially reduced.


Community recycling centres

The Papakura Local Board believes that the development of a resource recovery network should be given priority. 

There are potential social enterprise opportunities in establishing the resource recovery centres. 

Local resource recovery centres are needed now.  Make it easy for people to take unwanted furniture, equipment, building materials etc to a nearby location for re-use or repurposing. 


The Papakura Local Board Plan identifies the establishment of a resource recovery centre in the South as a key initiative and would like to be considered as a location for one of the seven additional community recycling centres.


Container deposit scheme

The Papakura Local Board supports advocacy to central government for product stewardship schemes, including a container deposit scheme.

The board is an advocate for product stewardship legislation for environmentally friendly recyclable packaging.


Hauraki Gulf Islands waste management

The Papakura Local Board supports the Tikapa Moana - Hauraki Gulf Island based waste goals.

An education component will be required to ensure boaties are educated, informed and commit to those goals.

The submission form could have had a little more information relating to the initiatives for each island in it that probably would have helped the number of people in the “I don’t know” category understand.


Any other comments about the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan?

The Papakura Local Board is supportive of the implementation of a pay as you throw weekly kerbside collection.  However, the board is mindful of the impact on those with limited incomes and the potential unintended consequence of increased illegal dumping due to people not being able to afford to pay for disposal.


At this point the board would not support the reduction of regularity of collection. The board believes moving to a fortnightly collection would:

·         exacerbate the incidences of illegal dumping; 

·         attract vermon;

·         create unsanitary conditions for households, particularly those with large families.


The board is supportive of progressively introducing kerbside food waste service funded through the rates take.


The board is concerned about the practicalities of three bins per unit on the street front for multi-unit and intensive housing developments. 

The board asks that when delivering the bins, council ensures there is information attached advising the customer of the commencement dates for use. There have been instances in the Papakura bin roll out where this information was not attached to the new bins which created confusion. 


The current inorganic system is not user friendly.  People do not understand the system.  An “on demand” service would be more appropriate.


Adequate affordable, access and availability to legal rubbish dump sites is essential, including user friendly opening hours.


The disposal of e-waste and hazardous waste needs to be addressed.  The continuation of the haz-mobile service is essential.  If this service replacement by something else, ensure the information is readily available.


The board believe the “0800 no dump” rubbish reporting line should continue.


The Papakura Local Board also supports the Manurewa Local Board’s feedback in relation to:

·         South Auckland being a priority for a community recycling centre;

·         The request for a variation to the inorganic collection;

·         a legislative change to the Crimes Act to target commercial and entrepreneurial illegal dumpers;

·         applying the Lean Model to evidence the true cost of illegal dumping to better inform solution based decision making;

·         rubbish reporting via a GPS App.



g)      note that the redacted submissions will be made available through the Auckland Council website in May, until then the submissions are available on request by emailing

i)       submissions on the Papakura Local Board priorities

ii)      that submission on regional proposals in the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 from people or organisations based in the Papakura local board area

iii)     The link to the LTP/Auckland Plan submissions for Papakura can be found here





Draft 2018-2028 Regional Land Transport Plan, Regional Fuel Tax proposal and draft Development Contributions Policy


Resolution number PPK/2018/66

MOVED by Member W McEntee, seconded by Member K Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)            provide the following feedback on the draft 2018-2028 Regional Land Transport Plan:

i)             The Papakura Train Station park and ride is a project that will support the transition of the Papakura town centre into a metropolitan centre while creating an opportunity to increase passenger boardings.

ii)            The board is supportive of the funding allocated to the Redoubt Road - Mill Road corridor project and funding for phase 2 must be committed to ensure the infrastructure is in place to support the rapid growth in and around Papakura.

iii)           The board believes there is a potential risk that Phase 1 of Mill Road will increase the pressure on the traffic flows into Papakura.

iv)        The board has concerns about the safety of cyclists on the on-road cycle lane on Great South Road.  The board is supportive of the plans to upgrade Great South Road and include a bus lane, however, the board and the Papakura community has signalled that the Great South Road cycleway must be relocated to a shared cycle pedestrian carriageway parallel to the road, to ensure the safety of cyclists.

v)            Grade separation to improve east-west links – the board is supportive of plans to progressively improve and remove road/rail level crossings to manage safety risks.

vi)           Grade separation in Papakura at Walters Road, Rangi Road and Taka Street needs to be prioritised to support the growth in the immediate and surrounding areas.

vii)         Takanini train station and parking facilities upgrade – the board is appreciative of the works currently being scoped to upgrade the platforms and parking facilities at Takanini train station.  The project will have a positive impact on the local community and increase passenger boardings.

viii)        Rail network and facilities – the board is supportive of the proposed expansion of the rail network, including:

-       the third and fourth railway lines

-       electrification of the line to Pukekohe

ix)           The development of a train station at Drury should be aligned with the implementation of the structure plan.

x)            The board would like to see a rail connection towards the airport. 

xi)           Speed limits around rural schools - a priority for the board is lowering the speed limits around schools on roads currently zoned rural but with significant development in the immediate surrounds.

xii)         The board would like to see a flexible approach from Auckland Transport regarding the application of speed policies.  This approach is in line with the ‘Safe System/Vision Zero’ approach described in the RLTP.

xiii)        Implementation of the Greenways plan – the board would like to work with Auckland Transport to phase the implementation of the Papakura Local Board Greenways projects.

b)        provide the following feedback on the draft Regional Fuel Tax Proposal:


i)          The Papakura Local Board agree that an increase in revenue is required to speed up progress on roading and public transport initiatives.


ii)         The board fears there will be no direct benefit from revenue raised through a regional fuel tax for employees in South Auckland or Papakura residents because:

·         there is a lack of public transport options available for people living in the South, yet a lot of growth is occurring in the South;

·         the funding is most likely to be spent on projects benefitting central Auckland (Dominion Road connection through to the Auckland Airport).


iii)       The board does not feel that there have been sufficient reasons given as to why a change to the current funding structure (e.g. the transport levy) is required.


iv)       The board questions whether or not alternative funding mechanisms have been explored thoroughly enough like for instance:

·         congestion charge

·         road tolling

·         congestion charge for the city centre

·         public private partnerships funding mechanisms.


v)         The proposed regional fuel tax is usually regressive in nature and will most affect those who can least afford it3.


vi)       The board strongly feels that Council should take measures to mitigate the inequities associated with this form of tax.


vii)      Council should therefore prioritise investing in improved transport options for South Auckland and Papakura and invest in projects like:

·         the Mill Road corridor project

·         a third rail line

·         a bridge from Karaka to Weymouth

·         a rail link to the airport or light rail from Manukau to the airport the airport

·         a rail link loop from Puhinui and/or Onehunga to the airport.




Resolution number PPK/2018/67

MOVED by Member K Winn, seconded by Member MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

c)      delegate authority to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to draft the Papakura Local Board feedback on the draft Development Contributions Policy.



15        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   



5.20 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









