Rodney Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Rodney Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa on Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 1:00pm.
Chairperson |
Beth Houlbrooke |
Deputy Chairperson |
Phelan Pirrie |
(from 1:08pm, item 12) |
Members |
Brent Bailey |
Tessa Berger |
Louise Johnston |
Colin Smith |
Brenda Steele |
Member Cameron Brewer |
Member Allison Roe |
Rodney Local Board 10 May 2018 |
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance.
Resolution number RD/2018/39 MOVED by Member B Bailey, seconded by Member T Berger: That the Rodney Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member C Brewer for absence.
There were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the Rodney Local Board meeting of 19 April 2018 will be confirmed at the business meeting on Thursday, 17 May 2018.
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
There were no notices of motion.
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Local board decisions and input into the 10-year Budget 2018-2028, draft Auckland Plan 2050 and draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018 |
Resolution number RD/2018/40 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie, seconded by Member L Johnston: That the Rodney Local Board: a) receive the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 consultation feedback report (Attachment A to the agenda report). b) receive the consultation feedback on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (Attachment B to the agenda report). c) approve the following advocacy initiatives, including its key advocacy project, for inclusion (as an appendix) to its 2018/2019 Local Board Agreement: i. request a local indoor courts facility on Huapai Domain; noting that this is the Rodney Local Board’s key advocacy project
ii. request that the Governing Body prioritise the allocation of growth funding towards the construction of Greenways paths in the Rodney Local Board area which is an area of high population growth
iii. request equitable funding for local facilities region wide, such as operational funding for arts centres and community facilities to bring them in line with similar facilities in other local board areas
iv. request that more funding and resource be made available for compliance monitoring and enforcement, particularly in rural areas
v. request additional funding for drainage districts in Rodney to address historic underfunding and lack of maintenance in these areas
vi. advocate for a review of the Auckland Unitary Plan controls for clean and managed fills to determine the effectiveness (or otherwise) of these in managing the adverse effects on the transport network. d) note that a report on the proposed Rodney transport targeted rate will be the subject of a future report to a business meeting on 24 May 2018. e) recommend to the Governing Body that $484,400 of 2017/2018 Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) operating expenditure to be deferred to 2018/2019 as set out in (Attachment C to the agenda report). f) provide the following feedback on the 10-year Budget 2018-2028: i. support the Regional Fuel Tax provided that it will enable the delivery of the package of projects outlined in the Regional Land Transport Plan that includes key transport projects in Rodney such as $121 million for additional road sealing
ii. supports the Water Quality Targeted Rate in order to accelerate the water quality work programme over 10 years
iii. support the Natural Environment Targeted Rate of $47 per annum for the average residential ratepayer (Option B) in order to allow council to invest more in environmental initiatives
iv. support online accommodation providers that meet particular thresholds paying the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate, and expresses concern regarding how the proposed business rate will be applied and administered
v. support the overall intention and scope of the Council Controlled Organisations Accountability Policy, with the following comments: a. endorse the requirement that all parts of council act in the interest of Auckland and supports the expectation that the Council Controlled Organisations and council, including local boards, should have trust and confidence in each other and avoid actions that are perceived to undermine either party in public b. support the inclusion of a clear statement of the obligation on Council Controlled Organisations to consult with local boards in the Accountability Policy and ensure that in any decision making, inputs by local boards is clearly defined and sufficient time is given for genuine engagement with local boards c. support Council Controlled Organisation developing examples and clear methodologies that exhibit and deliver “best practice” in working with local boards and provides clear accountability in practice d. seek clear statements in the Accountability Policy in section 1.1.3 to require that Council Controlled Organisations must give effect to and be cognisant of local board plans to ensure that key local board priorities and projects are supported and integrated e. acknowledge and support the expectation in section 1.1.4 to improve Outcomes for Maori, ensuring that both Mana Whenua and Mataawaka are part of the overall approach and essential to our relationship with Maori across the whole of council f. endorse section 1.1.7 Understanding and Giving Effect to Auckland’s Shared Governance and the recognition and acknowledgement of local boards as an integral part of the shared governance of Auckland Council.
vi. do not support Land Advisory Services introducing a new charging regime for council-owned land owner approval applications unless it excludes charging community groups and community organisations. g) provide the following feedback on the draft Auckland Plan 2050: General i. note that overall submissions from the Rodney Local Board area show weak levels of support for all focus areas within the outcomes in the draft plan
ii. expresses its concern that the feedback received on the draft Plan is indicative of the Auckland Plan’s shortcomings in addressing issues of relevance to the people of Rodney. Outcome area 1: Belonging and participation iii. generally supports the focus areas for the outcome “Belonging and participation” but notes that submissions from the Rodney Local Board area show only 38% support and 27% do not support this focus area.
iv. request the addition of a focus on the key challenges associated with growth and request that the plan place greater emphasis on how to address those key challenges
v. expresses concern that the ‘Focus investment to address disparities and serve communities of greatest need’ does not acknowledge that investment is needed to accommodate growth in rural areas
vi. support references to valuing and celebrating Auckland’s diversity and suggests that the focus on diversity should recognise both demographically and geographically diverse communities in particular coastal and rural communities, not just social/ethnic diversity
vii. support references to resilient, thriving communities and considers that the draft plan should be expanded to explicitly support community-led outcomes, in particular the desire of communities to participate in the delivery and creation of assets for their local community. Outcome area 2: Maori Identity and Wellbeing viii. note that submissions from the Rodney Local Board area show only 31% support and 41% do not support this focus area, preferring a more inclusive approach to this outcome. Outcome area 3: Homes and Places ix. note that submissions from the Rodney Local Board area show only 28% support and 34% do not support this focus area
x. note that the focus on a compact city does not recognise the level of growth occurring in outlying areas and suggests that greater emphasis needs to be placed on the impact felt in those outlying areas
xi. suggest that, in line with public feedback on this outcome, the plan address issues and perceived failures with existing infrastructure as a priority
xii. note that the current focus on challenges associated with growth does not address the environmental impacts of growth in outlying areas, such as the proliferation of clean fills in non-urban environments
xiii. consider that the draft plan maintains a narrow focus on the city centre and dense urban living and will not resonate with communities that do not meet that description, including those that live within the 46% of Auckland’s land mass that falls within the Rodney ward
xiv. support the focus on “urban areas that work” and suggests that this be expanded to include explicit provision for adequate open space and recreation areas in tandem with growth
xv. question the direction on “secure and affordable homes” given that council’s role in the delivery of such outcomes is limited with central government being the key decision maker in this area and notes that this outcome does not address the needs of the wider community and is not supported by past community feedback that the council should be focusing on providing core services such as roading. Outcome area 4: Transport and Access xvi. generally supports the focus areas for the outcome “Transport and Access” and notes that submissions from the Rodney Local Board area show 41% support and 24% do not support this focus area
xvii. reiterate that transport remains the highest priority for Rodney as a core council function. Outcome area 5: Environment and Cultural Heritage xviii. generally supports the focus areas for the outcome “Environment and Cultural Heritage”
xix. support the Focus 1 (encouraging Aucklanders to be stewards of the environment) and Focus 2 (restoring environments) particularly given the pressures resulting from accelerated growth
xx. suggest that Focus 7 (adapt to changing water future) should include a regional focus on improving the health of our harbours and waterways given the unique geography of the Auckland region with its multiple harbours as a key point of difference
xxi. request the inclusion of a focus on understanding the rural environment and the role of rural settlements within the region. Outcome area 6: Opportunity and Prosperity xxii. generally supports the focus areas for the outcome “Opportunity and Prosperity”
xxiii. suggest that the draft plan be expanded to explicitly address the issue of the location of employment given its capacity to have positive benefits in terms of growing local communities and relieving pressure on transport infrastructure
xxiv. request the inclusion of a focus on understanding the rural economy within the region. Development Strategy xxv. generally supports the “Development Strategy”
xxvi. suggest the Development Strategy refers to business land needing to be in the right locations to support and match residential growth (and employment). h) provide the following feedback on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018 (WMMP): i. endorse “reducing environmental and marine waste” and “reducing waste to landfill and carbon emissions” as the top priorities for the WMMP
ii. broadly supports the aims and objectives of the WMMP
iii. support advocating to central government for a higher waste levy, noting that an analysis of the economic impact on residents and businesses will be required
iv. support the proposal to work closer with and expand waste minimisation practices from businesses and commercial activities across Auckland
v. support the focus in the WMMP on the three priority commercial waste streams, including construction and demolition waste and organic and plastic waste
vi. support the Governing Body promoting more innovation from council controlled organisations to trial new products from recyclable materials, such as alternative roading materials
vii. strongly support the establishment and development of Community Recycling Centres across Auckland
viii. support product stewardship schemes being encouraged and developed across Auckland and the rest of New Zealand, including the council advocating for the creation of a container deposit scheme. Clean and Managed Fill ix. request that clean and managed fills become a focus under the WMMP, noting that waste for clean and managed fills has considerable impact on rural areas and that by not addressing that impact council will shift the cost of this activity onto the environment and infrastructure (ie roads)
x. request that managing contamination caused by waste (including contaminated fill) should be made a focus in the WMMP
xi. support the stated objective in the WMMP to “review licencing of these fill sites, and work with industry to promote diversion and appropriate disposal” and requests that this occur as soon as possible
xii. request that more resource is made available to monitor the compliance of clean and managed fill sites, including a greater monitoring of compliance conditions
xiii. support council investigating the imposition of a levy for clean and managed fill operators in order to incentivise the reduction of waste, improve compliance and recoup costs that are incurred by council as a result of these operators’ activities (i.e. fixing damaged roads). Rural Needs xiv. request that the waste management needs of rural communities become a focus under the WMMP
xv. request a definition of “rural” be provided in the WMMP noting that there is no current definition and that many of Rodney’s major townships (including Warkworth, Wellsford, Helensville, Riverhead and Kumeu-Huapai) are more urban than rural and are excluded from “urban” waste management initiatives
xvi. request that the WMMP address the issues associated with illegal dumping in rural area and the effects of poor waste management practices in our rural environment
xvii. support the exploration of expanding kerbside food waste collection to rural townships to give rural communities a choice to opt into this scheme, which may be on a user pays basis
xviii. support the current practice to allow residents a choice between rubbish bags or bins and encourage efforts to ensure that those bags are biodegradable in the future.
xix. support the proposal to have ‘pay as you throw’ service that gives Rodney residents a choice over their waste provider. i) note that the following redacted submissions are available on the following link: i. submissions on the Rodney Local Board priorities ii. submissions on regional proposals in the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 from people or organisations based in the Rodney Local Board area.
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Resolution number RD/2018/41 MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie: That the Rodney Local Board: a) approve an additional business meeting be held on Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 11.30a.m. in the Council Chamber, Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa.
14 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
1.31 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.