Ngā Hui a te Rōpū Kaitohutohu Take ā-Taiwhenua/ Rural Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Rural Advisory Panel held in the Room 1, Level 26, 135 Albert Street, Auckland on Friday, 4 May 2018 at 12:35pm.
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Greg Sayers, Presiding |
Rodney Ward Councillor |
Members |
Marie Appleton |
Rural Women NZ |
Alan Cole |
Franklin Local Board Member |
Trish Fordyce |
NZ Forest Owners Association |
Richard Gardner |
Federated Farmers |
Vance Hodgson
Horticulture NZ Until 2.10pm, item 8 |
Andrew Maclean |
Federated Farmers |
Leeann Morgan |
Young Farmers |
Roger Parton |
Rural Contractors NZ and Aggregate & Quarry Association |
Colin Smith (alternate) |
Rodney Local Board Member |
Peter Spencer |
NZ Forest Owners Association |
Keith Vallabh |
Pukekohe Vegetable Growers Association |
Chairperson |
Deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore |
Franklin Ward Councillor |
Neil Henderson |
Waitakere Ranges Local Board Member |
Steve Levet |
Rural Contractors NZ |
Greg McCracken |
Fonterra |
Andrew McKenzie |
Beef and Lamb NZ |
Helen Moodie |
Dairy NZ |
Geoff Smith |
Equine Industry |
Brenda Steele |
Rodney Local Board Member |
Bronwen Turner |
Western Rural Property Owners |
Glenn Wilcox |
Independent Maori Statutory Board |
Lucy Deverall |
Horticulture NZ |
Rural Advisory Panel 04 May 2018 |
Note: In the absence of Chairperson BC Cashmore, Deputy Chairperson G Sayers presided.
Resolution number RUR/2018/9 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Sayers, seconded by Member K Vallabh: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) accept the apologies from Chairperson BC Cashmore for absence on council business, and Member S Levet and IMSB Member Wilcox for absence. |
Note: An apology was subsequently received from Member Bronwyn Turner for absence. |
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number RUR/2018/10 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member R Gardner: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Friday, 2 March 2018 as a true and correct record. |
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A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number RUR/2018/11 MOVED by Member V Hodgson , seconded by Member P Spencer: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) thank the Emergency Management representatives for their presentation and provide feedback. |
a 4 May 2018 Rural Advisory Panel: Item 5 Auckland Emergency Management - presentation |
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Views of the Rural Advisory Panel on the Long Term Plan / Auckland Plan Refresh |
Resolution number RUR/2018/12 MOVED by Member R Parton, seconded by Member R Gardner: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) receive the feedback prepared by Member A Cole and Member V Hodgson. b) thank the members for their work in putting these views together. |
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Update on the Auckland Unitary Plan rural subdivision appeals |
Resolution number RUR/2018/13 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Sayers, seconded by Member P Spencer: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) receive the information. |
Note: Item 8 – Proposed Regional Compliance Scheme for Onsite Wastewater Systems was considered after Item 9 – Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy.
Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy |
Resolution number RUR/2018/14 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Sayers, seconded by Member V Hodgson : That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) endorses the proposal to: i) transfer current budget for legacy remissions schemes for natural heritage and community and sports organisations to the operating group with relevant expertise. ii) transfer current budget for postponements for Great Barrier Island businesses to Great Barrier Island Local Board. iii) grant the current recipient the same support guaranteed for three years. iv) develop an integrated approach to supporting outcomes for natural heritage, and community and sporting activities across the region. b) endorse the Rates Remission and Postponement Policy in Attachment B to this report, which includes the following amendments to the existing policy: i) introduction of a remission scheme for the Accommodation Provider Targeted rate. ii) amendments to the remission for residents of residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and Papakāinga housing to remove references to retirement villages and the Interim Transport Levy. iii) amendments to simplify the remission for rates penalties. iv) extend the remission scheme for natural heritage across the region with eligability dependant on passing the QEII Trust inspections or equivalent test and the covenants have not been established as a condition of resource consent. v) amendments to the postponement for Manukau Sport Clubs to restrict the scheme to current applicants and to close off the scheme after three years. |
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Proposed Regional Compliance Scheme for Onsite Wastewater Systems |
Member V Hodgson left the meeting at 2.10 pm. |
A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number RUR/2018/15 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member C Smith: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) thank Andrew Chin, Healthy Waters and Resilience Manager for his presentation. b) provide feedback as appropriate on the matters raised. |
a 4 May 2018 Rural Advisory Panel: Item 8 Proposed Regional Compliance Scheme for Onsite Wastewater Systems - presentation |
10 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
2.33 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.