I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waiheke Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 24 May 2018 5.15pm Local Board
Office |
Waiheke Local Board
Chairperson |
Cath Handley |
Deputy Chairperson |
Paul Walden |
Members |
Shirin Brown |
John Meeuwsen |
Bob Upchurch |
(Quorum 3 members)
Safia Cockerell Democracy Advisor - Waiheke
16 May 2018
Contact Telephone: 021 283 8212 Email: safia.cockerell@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Waiheke Local Board 24 May 2018 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
9 Public Forum 5
9.1 Waiheke Community Childcare Centre grant application - Kathleen Gardam 5
9.2 Waiheke Rugby Club grant application - Nique van Selm 6
9.3 Proposed changes to local bus route - Judy Johannessen 6
9.4 Cycling Action Waiheke - Darleen Tana 6
10 Extraordinary Business 6
11 Notices of Motion 7
12 Councillor's update 9
13 Waiheke Local Grant Round Two 2017/2018 grant allocations 11
14 Cycling Festival 2018 funding 65
15 Auckland Transport Waiheke Local Board update - May 2018 73
16 The addition of locally driven initiatives projects to the Waiheke Local Board 2017/2018 Community Facilities Work Programme 91
17 Developing long term options for the Housing Quality Project 101
18 Review of Auckland Council’s representation arrangements for the 2019 elections 113
19 Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Waiheke Local Board for quarter three, 1 January - 31 March 2018 145
20 Chairperson's report 207
21 Board member's report 213
22 Waiheke Local Board workshop record of proceedings 217
23 Governance Forward Work Programme 227
24 List of resource consents 233
25 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
Kua uru mai a hau kaha, a hau maia, a hau ora, a hau nui,
Ki runga, ki raro, ki roto, ki waho
Rire, rire hau…pai marire
Translation (non-literal) - Rama Ormsby
Let the winds bring us inspiration from beyond,
Invigorate us with determination and courage to achieve our aspirations for abundance and sustainability
Bring the calm, bring all things good, bring peace….good peace.
That the Waiheke Local Board:
a) accept the apology from Member J Meeuwsen for leave of absence.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
That the Waiheke Local Board: b) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 3 May 2018, as a true and correct record. |
That an apology from Member J Meeuwsen for leave of absence, be received.
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Waiheke Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report 1. Nique Selm will be in attendance to speak to the board about the Waiheke Community Rugby Club grant application towards an entry sign, portable signs, honors board and a mural. |
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Nique van Selm for her attendance and presentation. |
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report 1. Judy Johannessen will be in attendance to speak to the board about the proposed changes to the local bus route. |
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Judy Johannessen for her attendance and presentation. |
Attachments a 9.3 Proposed changes to local bus route - Judy Johannessen........... 247 |
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report 1. Darleen Tana, on behalf of Cycle Action Waiheke, will be in attendance to speak to the board about the Cycling Festival. |
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Darleen Tana for her attendance and presentation. |
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
There were no notices of motion.
Waiheke Local Board 24 May 2018 |
File No.: CP2018/05832
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. Providing Councillor Mike Lee with an opportunity to update the Waiheke Local Board on Governing Body issues.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the verbal update from the Waitemata and Gulf Ward Councillor, Mike Lee.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Safia Cockerell - Democracy Advisor - Waiheke |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Helgard Wagener - Relationship Manager Great Barrier and Waiheke Local Boards |
Waiheke Local Board 24 May 2018 |
Waiheke Local Grant Round Two 2017/2018 grant allocations
File No.: CP2018/07183
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To fund, part-fund or decline applications received for Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two 2017/2018.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. This report presents applications received in Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two 2017/2018. (See Attachment B).
3. The Waiheke Local Board adopted the Waiheke Local Grants Programme 2017/2018 on 27 April 2017 (see Attachment A). The document sets application guidelines for contestable community grants submitted to the local board.
4. The Waiheke Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $60,000 for the 2017/2018 financial year. A total of $50,185 has been allocated in one local grant and three quick response rounds, leaving a total of $9,815 to be allocated to one local grant round.
5. Thirteen applications were received for Waiheke Local Grant, Round Two 2017/2018, requesting a total of $150,620.03.
6. Two further applications were received as multi-board applications, requesting a total of $8,736.25
Horopaki / Context
7. The local board allocates grants to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders and contribute to the vision of being a world class city.
8. The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme.
9. The local board grants programme sets out:
· local board priorities
· lower priorities for funding
· exclusions
· grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close
· any additional accountability requirements.
10. The Waiheke Local Board adopted their grants programme for 2017/2018 on 27 April 2017 and will operate three quick response and two local grants rounds for this financial year.
11. The community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, radio, and community networks.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice
12. The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. All applications have been assessed utilising the Community Grants Policy and the local board grant programme criteria.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te
poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views
13. Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants. The Waiheke Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.
14. The board is requested to note that section 50 of the Community Grants Policy states “We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time.”
15. A summary of each application received through Waiheke Local Grant, Round Two is provided (see Attachment B).
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement
16. The local board grants programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to improving Maori wellbeing by providing grants to individuals and groups who deliver positive outcomes for Maori. Auckland Council’s Maori Responsiveness Unit has provided input and support towards the development of the community grant processes.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications
17. The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long Term Plan 2015-2025 and local board agreements.
18. The Waiheke Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $60,000 for the 2017/2018 financial year. A total of $50,185 has been allocated in one local grant and three quick response rounds.
19. This leaves a total of $9,815 to be allocated to one local grant round.
20. In Waiheke Local Grant Round Two 2017/2018, thirteen applications were received, requesting a total of $150,620.03.
21. Two further applications were received as multi-board applications, requesting a total of $8,736.25.
Ngā raru tūpono / Risks
22. The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy and the local board grants programme. The assessment process has identified a low risk associated with funding the applications in this round.
Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps
23. Following the Waiheke Local Board allocating funding for round two Local Grant, Commercial and Finance staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Waiheke Grant Programme 2017/2018 |
15 |
b⇩ |
Waiheke Local Grant Round Two 2018/2018 grant applications |
19 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Agus Castro Pons - Community grants coordinator |
Authorisers |
Marion Davies - Community Grants Operations Manager Shane King - Operations Support Manager Helgard Wagener - Relationship Manager Great Barrier and Waiheke Local Boards |
24 May 2018 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-201 |
Waiheke Community Art Gallery |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Arts and culture |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Gallery improvements |
Location: |
Waiheke Art Gallery, 2 Korora Road, Oneroa |
Summary: |
There are 3 things we would like this grant to support. 1) Regular 360 degree filming of our exhibitions to enable greater visibility of the exhibitions through our website. This has been an ongoing visitor request 2) Resurfacing of the gallery floor. The Gallery floor is exhibiting significant wear and tear due to the high level of visitor numbers we experience (75,000 pa). Professional advice has been to recover the floor with a new timber, however probably in the interim it will require sanding and varnishing with a new colour tint. 3) Website enhancements to ensure exhibitions and the Gallery shop are more detailed, again a visitor request that will enable us to further promote the work of Waiheke artists. |
Dates: |
05/06/2018 - 15/06/2018 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
12 |
People reached: |
75000 |
Promotion: |
Not stated We intend to create a marketing campaign around the website enhancements and recognise the Local Board with this. We will have a re-opening of the Gallery to recognise the refurbished floor to which the Local Board will be invited to participate. |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
With regard to the 360 filming of exhibitions, this is mentioned in visitor comments and requests, Waiheke artists' requests. Poor condition of the chipboard floor which has suffered from leaks and high traffic since it was last sanded over 5 years ago. The Gallery's sustainability is constantly challenged as it receives the lowest level of funding of Council Arts partnerships. Frequently volunteers replace staff members and as a consequence there are no retained earnings available for refurbishment and development. |
Identified community outcomes: |
Greater visibility for Waiheke artists and Gallery exhibitions to a wider audience. Enhanced website to enable sales for Waiheke artists and craftspeople. Pride in the Gallery and its presentation Overall continued and increased investment in the community. Currently the Gallery returns to the community over $500,000 pa in artists and supplier payments |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · culture and arts - creating a sense of identity and cohesion that reflect the island's identity · social cohesion - stronger voluntary and community sector The Gallery has over 100 artists living on Waiheke registered as members and its role is to support culture and the arts to strengthen identify and reinforce cultural diversity thereby connecting to heritage, social and spiritual identify. The project creates new opportunities for Waiheke artists in the presentation and increased visibility of their work and reaches out to achieve engagement with the community and visitors to the Island. Enhanced presentation creates an enhanced value for cultural and arts experiences. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
N/A |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - The Gallery is wheelchair friendly with a ramp outside and double doors for entry. There is also a disability toilet in the foyer. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
The Gallery is a smoke free zone of necessity for artworks. The Gallery has smoke free signage in the foyer. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$20000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
All |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
Website 360 and website enhancements |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
25,216 |
2,000 |
0 |
3,216 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
20,000 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Zen Marketing |
6,000 |
Middleton Flooring |
17,716 |
The Fount re website |
1,500 |
Income description |
Amount |
Possible increase in website sales |
2,000 |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR1818-305 |
Matariki : Tipu E Rea. (young voice developing)/Waiheke Open Studios Weekend 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Three - SME assessment completed |
Approved $2,000.00 |
RegPr18_200025 |
Education programme Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 18_2 Projects - Assessment 18_2 |
Undecided $0.00 |
QR1818-204 |
Treaty of Waitangi Exhibition and Grid 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
RegAC18_1_SR_05 |
Regional Arts and Culture Grant Programme 18_1 Strategic Relationship - Assessment 18_1 |
Declined $0.00 |
RegAC18_1_EOI_00012 |
Regional Arts & Culture Grant Programme 18_1 SR EOI - Strategic Relationship EOI Accepted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG1718-220 |
New in-Gallery lighting Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Acquitted |
Approved $6,300.00 |
QR1718-308 |
2017 Waiheke Winter Arts Festival & Matariki exhibition Waiheke Quick Response, Round Three, 2016/2017 - Acquitted |
Approved $0.00 |
RegAC17_2_040 |
Malcolm Harrison Travelling Exhibition and Collaborative Project Regional Arts and Culture Grant Programme 17_2 Project - Assessment 17_2 |
Approved $7,500.00 |
CCS17_2_172 |
Malcolm Harrison Exhibition with Quilting and Tapestry Workshop Creative Communities Scheme 2017_2 - Regional Committee 17_2 |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1718-204 |
Waiheke Community Pop Up Art Gallery Waiheke Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
NCE1718-003 |
Headland Sculpture on the Gulf Events - Waiheke non-contestable, 2016/2017 - Review accountability |
Approved $10,000.00 |
CCS17_1_052 |
Zero Waste Fashion Workshops Creative Communities Scheme 2017_1 - Central Assessment Committee Round 1 2017 |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR1718-101 |
Zero Waste Fashion Workshops Waiheke Quick Response, Round One, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
17_1_SR_010 |
Regional Arts and Culture Grants Programme 17_1 Strategic Relationship - Assessment 17_1 |
Approved $15,000.00 |
17_1_SR_005 |
Regional Arts and Culture Grants Programme 17_1 Strategic Relationship - Assessment 17_1 |
Declined $0.00 |
RegAC16_2_107 |
Regional Arts and Culture Grants Programme 16_2 - Assessment 16_2 |
Declined $0.00 |
CCS16_2_143 |
2016 Waiheke Artist in Residence Students Workshops Creative Communities Scheme 2016_2 - Central Assessment Committee Round 2 2016 |
Approved $2,750.00 |
WEPF1618-108 |
Waiheke Winter Arts Festival and Matariki Exhibition Waiheke Local Board Events Priority Fund 2015/16 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1618-210 |
Waiheke Summer Workshops Waiheke Quick Response, Round Two, 2015/16 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1618-122 |
Waiheke Sculpture Symposium Waiheke Local Grants, Round One, 2015/16 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
RegAC16_1_073 |
Regional Arts and Culture Grants Programme 16_1 - Assessment 16_1 |
Declined $0.00 |
RegAC16_1_009 |
Regional Arts and Culture Grants Programme 16_1 - Assessment 16_1 |
Declined $0.00 |
CCS16_1_048 |
20 year Community Celebration Creative Communities Scheme 2016_1 - Acquitted |
Approved $4,000.00 |
REF1600045 |
headland Sculpture on the Gulf Regional Event Fund 2015/2016 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1618-104 |
Reclaim to Fame exhibition Waiheke Quick Response, Round One, 2015/16 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,400.00 |
WHK1415_100025 |
Occasion - an exhibition of fabulous fashion from the mid 1960s -1970s (A Touch of Glamour) LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Acquitted |
Approved $3,193.06 |
WHK1415_100020 |
Winter Arts Festival, Matariki & Jostle Members' Community Show LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Acquitted |
Approved $4,000.00 |
R2LESF182 |
Waiheke Winter Arts Festival & Matariki exhibition 2014/2015 Round2 Local Events Support Fund - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
IRCF14/15 005 |
Interim Regional Fund 2014/15: Arts and Community - Paid |
Approved $10,000.00 |
WHK1415_100003 |
Waiheke Art Map & Art Map Listers Exhibition LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
ILESF008 |
Waiheke Summer School Interim Round1 Local Events Support Fund - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
00043 |
Waiheke Summer School run by the Waiheke Community Art Gallery Creative Communities Scheme 2015_1 - Central Assessment Committee Round 1 2015 |
Declined $0.00 |
LESF00200 |
World War I Commemorative exhibition and event 'Inside to Outside' 2014/2015 Round1 Local Events Support Fund - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-202 |
Waiheke Hope Centre |
Legal status: |
Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Community Soup Kitchen |
Location: |
4/92 The Esplanade, Surfdale, Waiheke Island |
Summary: |
Volunteers start 7:30am every Monday to prepare meals for 12.pm serving. Prepping main meal, deserts and vegetarian, setting up facilities, cleaning and making the venue friendly and inviting for arrival of community participants. volunteers finish cleaning and reset venue 2:pm |
Dates: |
01/06/2018 - 01/11/2018 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
5 volunteers |
People reached: |
2,500 annually |
Promotion: |
Not stated By word of mouth, Waiheke Network Service hui, Te Rito hui |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
Soup kitchen numbers attending has increased to providing over 50 meals on the day. We are also holding discussions with seaside to provide lunch for seaside residents on Mondays and staff. This will push number of meals (3 course) to feeding 60 people per week. |
Identified community outcomes: |
People recieve a free 3 course lunch and takeaway packs. A number of people who regularly attend tell us this is their main meal for the week. Also it is a place for community where the elderly and others get an opportunity to relax and hold discussions whilse enjoying themselves in each others company. Our community is better off by meeting the needs of those who find themselves struggling to survive on the island. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · social cohesion - stronger voluntary and community sector · community elders - meeting the needs of the aging population By providing meals and a space where people can fellowship and connect on a community level. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Livingwaters church |
Venue, power, water, cleaning products |
pastor & His wife |
8,500 annually |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
N/A |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - We have disability ramps and disability toilets |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
We have a designated smoking area where it is not in the vacinity of people attending this service. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$4000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
purchase of produce in AK where buying in bulk from Gilmore's and other outlets makes the dollar value stretch further |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
There is only one item and that is for produce supplies. with a smaller grant we may have to close our doors for a couple of months as we won't have funds to sustain project. |
Cost of participation: |
no |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
4,000 |
0 |
8,500 |
8,500 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
4,000 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Bulk buying produce from Auckland ie Gilmores |
4,000 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
0 |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR1818-101 |
Community Soup Kitchen 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LFHW1601-92 |
2016/17 Love Food Hate Waste Fund - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1618-225 |
Community Soup Kitchen Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2015/16 - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-210 |
First Waiheke Sea Scouts |
Legal status: |
Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: New Rescue Boat |
Location: |
Waiheke Island |
Summary: |
The funding is required to replace the existing RHIB safety boat, which is ageing and experiencing reliability issues. The boat is used for safety and support during sailing excursions by Waiheke Sea Scouts, Waiheke High School, and other community groups. The boat is also used to move equipment and boats around the Gulf as required. |
Dates: |
01/05/2018 - 30/04/2019 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
8 |
People reached: |
500 |
Promotion: |
Not stated We will advise Waiheke High School and various community groups that we now have a reliable safety boat available for their use when needed. |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
The current boat is used on average 5 days a week over summer, by Waiheke Sea Scouts and other Waiheke community groups. The current boat has been very unreliable this summer, resulting in cancellation of some planned events due to the lack of performance of the safety boat. |
Identified community outcomes: |
Reliable delivery of programmes, for Waiheke Sea Scouts and other community groups. A resource to be available for community groups that need boat support. All resulting in active, healthy and engaged young people on Waiheke Island. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · young people - engaged and supported youth · recreation and sport - providing a range of community programmes |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
N/A |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - We welcome children with disabilities. We have worked with children with challenges such as ADHD and Austistic Spectrum Disorder, and Aspergers Syndrome. They find their own strengths within our programme. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
We demand a smoke-free environment within our programmes and buildings at all time. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
80% |
20% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$35000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Purchase of new safety boat. |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
The money towards the boat - it might just take longer to reach our goal. |
Cost of participation: |
yes - $200 per year for cubs and $250 per yer for Scouts |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
35,000 |
5,000 |
10,000 |
0 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
35,000 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Purchase of new saftey boat |
35,000 |
Income description |
Amount |
Fund raising with Rotary club - assisting with wharf 2 wharf |
5,000 |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG1718-234 |
New Zealand Day Skipper Certificate / Mountaineering School Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Review accountability |
Approved $4,064.00 |
LG1618-233 |
Sea Scout Ship roof cladding replacement Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2015/16 - Acquitted |
Approved $31,213.00 |
WHK1415_100037 |
1st Waiheke Sea Scouts - Running and Up Keep & renewal LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Acquitted |
Approved $8,128.96 |
WHK1415_100022 |
Scout tent maintenance LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Grant not uplifted |
Approved $2,214.00 |
WCGAF1_141500009 |
Programmes and maintenance Waiheke Community Group Assistance Fund: Round 1 2014-2015 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,240.00 |
WHK14-2002 |
Safety Life Vests LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant - Round 2 2013/2014 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-212 |
Livingwaters Church |
Legal status: |
Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Transitional Accommodation |
Location: |
4/92 The esplanade, Surfdale, Waiheke Island |
Summary: |
We would like to purchase a 30,000ltr water container so that we don't have to buy regular water from out local distributers. We currently only have 10,000ltr capacity and adding a large container on site will assist us with assisting and collaborating with the Waiheke Hope Centre - emergency accommodation program and community soup program both of which use large volumes of water. |
Dates: |
04/06/2018 - 01/07/2019 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
100+ people use our facilities every week |
People reached: |
5,000+ annually |
Promotion: |
Not stated |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
We currently have to purchase a load of water every month. |
Identified community outcomes: |
we will have assurance that water will not run out and have to wait up to 3 months for a delivery. Without water we cannot support the community soup kitchen and places a strain on those in emergency accomodation. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · social cohesion - stronger voluntary and community sector · community elders - meeting the needs of the aging population we collaborate with Waiheke Hope Centre who provide the service of emergency accomodation and community soup kitchen. Within the community accomodation there are 5 senior citizens. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Waiheke Hope Centre |
Emergency Accomodation |
Waiheke Hope Centre |
Community Soup Kitchen |
TE Reo Maori class |
Tuesday night class |
Alphacruzis College |
Friday night class |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori focus - tikanga (practises), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language) we currently support a "Te Reo Maori" group once a week. I am of Maori decent and use Te Ao Maori views in all aspects associated with functions and activities on our property |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - We have disability ramp and disability toilet |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
We are a smoke free site with a designated smoking area. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$4778.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
To install and purchase a 30,000ltr water container |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
Cost of participation: |
no |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
6,338 |
0 |
0 |
1,560 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
4,778 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
30,000ltr water container |
4,778 |
six water deliveries @ $260 each |
1,560 |
Income description |
Amount |
nil |
0 |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR1818-102 |
Livingwaters Tamariki Oranga 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1618-221 |
Livingwaters Emergency Accommodation Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2015/16 - Acquitted |
Approved $3,099.00 |
QR1618-324 |
Emergency housing with supportive living service Waiheke Quick Response, Round Three, 2015/16 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1618-121 |
LEAP Waiheke Quick Response, Round One, 2015/16 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
WHK1415_100052 |
LEAP LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
WMIF1415013 |
Living waters Community Project WMIF April 2015 - 4. Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
CASF_141500116 |
Waiheke Community Group Accommodation Support Fund 2014-2015 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
CASF_141500116 |
Waiheke Community Group Accommodation Support Fund 2014-2015 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
WCGAF1_141500012 |
LEAP - Livingwaters Emergency Accommodation Program Waiheke Community Group Assistance Fund: Round 1 2014-2015 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,280.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-218 |
Waiheke Health Trust |
Legal status: |
Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Supervision Pilot for Home Support Workers |
Location: |
Waiheke Health Trust, 5 Belgium Street, Ostend |
Summary: |
Waiheke Health Trust (WHT) is constantly recruiting to the role of Home Support worker, and retention of these staff is often challenging due to the nature of the work. To initiate a pilot, providing monthly one to one clinical supervision to WHT Home Support workers for a 12 months period. If effective the aim will be to continue to develop regular, ongoing supervision for all home support staff. |
Dates: |
30/07/2018 - 29/07/2019 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
8-10 |
People reached: |
40-50 |
Promotion: |
Not stated |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
It is well documented that constant exposure to caring and supporting people’s health and wellbeing places a heavy emotional burden on the Home Support staff. This can impact negatively on their own health and wellbeing, and potentially compromise the safety and quality of the care the worker provides and the people they are supporting. It can also lead to burn out for the support worker who is isolated in the field, with no access to regular supervision, to support their work and ongoing professional development. The Home Support staff care for some of the most challenging and vulnerable people on Waiheke and often have minimal training and education to provide this care. |
Identified community outcomes: |
WHT has limited access to a workforce from which to recruit staff. A strength based model of staff supervision will increase capability, sustain staff in work, and improve staff retention. Staff retention will be improved if support workers are assisted and encouraged to develop their skills from receiving supervision. Support workers have until recently had very little validation or vocational standing. Supervision will provide them with an arena where they feel valued and so have a greater sense of equity amongst other health professionals. The flow on effect will enhance all WHT staff and the people they service in the community. It will ensure care and support work received in the community is of the highest quality, and continuity for the vulnerable people they care for. The support workers role is pivotal in maintaining people in their own homes for as long as possible. They make valuable social connections with the people they support, and connect them to community, where they are more able to participate and contribute. The benefit of social interaction and respite for clients and families is crucial to a health community. This will also reduce the need and cost for residential care. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · community elders - meeting the needs of the aging population · social cohesion - stronger voluntary and community sector Maintaining elderly and disabled peoples independence in their homes as long as possible Maintaining and strengthening a strong and diverse caring workforce within the community |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori focus - tikanga (practises), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language) The project will support the tikanga of the WHT - including kaitiakitanga - working as guardians in client care with passion and advocacy; whanaungatanga - collaborate as a ateam to support the community; manaakitanga - care and respect for people regardless of age, gender or ethnicity; pukengatanga - encompass ongoing learning and development to provide a knowledgeable and skilled team and kotahitanga - to be responsive and seek inovative solutions |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - WHT is responsible for the provision of essential care and support for people experiencing high and complex health, disability, mental health and emotional needs.These people are often socially isolated, and are living in a geographically isolated, rural community. They live with circumstance that create considerable vulnerability for them and their families. This project will be targeted at support workers who are caring for clients with significant disabilities. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
N/A |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
0% |
0% |
30% |
20% |
30% |
20% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$2520.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Employment and time of the Supervisor |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
The 6 one to one supervision sessions |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
2,520 |
0 |
1,764 |
855 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
2,520 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
6 one to one supervision sessions per month over 12 months @$3.50 p/h |
2,268 |
Supervisor cost for education sessions 2 hours @ $31.50/hr |
63 |
3 Supervision education sessions over 12 months @$31.50 p/h |
189 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
WHK1415_100006 |
Volunteer Hospital Escort Programme LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-221 |
Waiheke Community Childcare Centre Incorporated |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Centre Kitchen |
Location: |
3 Donald Bruce Rd, Waiheke Island |
Summary: |
We wish to upgrade our kitchen facility at the centre as it is very tired. For some years this has been discussed but we have finally kicked into action. Lunches are offered for the tamariki at the centre and we would like to improve the area in which these are prepared. |
Dates: |
04/06/2018 - 30/06/2018 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
5 |
People reached: |
40 |
Promotion: |
Not stated Facebook and newsletters along with word of mouth |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
The Committee has identified the need to upgrade the kitchen for some time. The existing space is very tired and does not function well for the service we offer. The kitchen would be well over 20 years old. |
Identified community outcomes: |
Improve the space and thereby offer a better functioning facility for the preparation of our meals for our children at the centre. Many parents see a large benefit in the lunches at the centre as it improves the childrens behavior and learning when they all eat together for their lunchtime meals. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · young people - engaged and supported youth · social cohesion - stronger voluntary and community sector The centre is for preshool children. We hope to create a nicer environment within the centre for children, staff and parents alike. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
N/A |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - No one is excluded within this project |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
Our centre is already a smokefree environment |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
90% |
% |
% |
5% |
5% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$9957.53 |
Requesting grant for: |
The full amount of the project |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
9,957.53 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
9,957.53 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Kitchen Materials & labour |
9,957.53 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR1818-316 |
Centre Heat pump 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Three - SME assessment completed |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1818-206 |
Replenishment of Bark and Sand 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1818-103 |
Ostend Market Project 2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-214 |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Environment |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Location: |
Picnic Bay, Esslin Reserve, Esslin Road, Waiheke Island. |
Summary: |
We are working to complete our project which has extremely finite restrictions: barge bookings, specific tide requirements (1 each month) avoiding the holiday visitors, and completion before April/May rains arrive, so we have a very small window. We were delayed from begining this project this month. This has cost us an extra $20,000 to have hired machinery and men idle for 2 weeks, so our budget has been shattered. We have to pay this $20,000 and do it all again - please see estimated date below. |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Building/site accessible or visible to the public: Building/site recognised in a council heritage schedule or the NZ Historic Places Trust: , |
Dates: |
12/04/2018 - 27/04/2018 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
100 + |
People reached: |
Please see video attached |
Promotion: |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
We have the total support of all in Auckland Council, and the Waiheke Community |
Identified community outcomes: |
A long lasting protective sea wall which will save what is left of the eroding beach (4 metres in my life time) and what is left of the fringing pohutukawa. 4 have fallen into the sea since we initiated this project in 2007. We are using the highest grade geotextile costing $19.000, which we have already paid for. This was delivered to the site by Mainfreight: an extremely generous guesture, saving us in excess of $4,000. Placemakers provided us with signage and safety materials, and our beach users have been contributing in amounts from $5 . It is truly an great community project. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · young people - engaged and supported youth · the environment - protecting, maintaining and enhancing our magical island, land, coastline, wetland and marine environments for Auckland's future generations please see above, and video attached
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Approx 80% of the total cost. |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
N/A |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
Smoking does not exist here. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
50% |
50% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
10% |
20% |
20% |
20% |
20% |
20% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$20000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Help in paying for a completely unexpected cost We have had to pay for labour and machinery starting the preliminary work required which must now be completely redone, and for 4 vehicles and their crews we had sitting on the Council Reserve for two weeks awaiting Auckland Council's promised RC |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
anything would help |
Cost of participation: |
no |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
265,000 |
0 |
0 |
200,000 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
20,000 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
the immediate Picnic Bay Community, Plus Board |
265,000 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
No previous funding history |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-216 |
Waiheke Resources Trust |
Legal status: |
Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Environment |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Te Matuku Wetland Boundary Fence and Planting Project |
Location: |
Te Matuku Wetland - Waiheke Island |
Summary: |
Stage 1 of this project was started in 2017 by Hauraki Gulf Islands Forest and Bird members and included riparian planting of an existing fenced section of the esplanade reserve (Management Unit 2). The current state, Stage 2 will include stock proof fencing of the unfenced portion of the esplanade reserve and riparian planting of this area (Management Unit 1). Stage 2 of the project will be implemented by Waiheke Resources Trust in collaboration with Hauraki Gulf Islands Forest and Bird members. |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Riparian planting along this Reserve margin would protect the wetland from the pastoral land uses of the neighbouring private properties, significantly enhance the health of the wetland and aid the survival of two endangered species, the spotless crake and banded rail who both need forested wetland margins for foraging and dispersal. Additionally, if restored, it would create an important ecological corridor allowing the dispersal of plant and animal species within the wetlands and to the large DOC and F&B forest blocks Building/site accessible or visible to the public: Building/site recognised in a council heritage schedule or the NZ Historic Places Trust: , |
Dates: |
01/05/2018 - 01/05/2021 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
15 |
People reached: |
8000 |
Promotion: |
Not stated Press Release to Gulf News, local and social media. |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
The Council Esplanade strip that runs from the Stockyard Reserve and along the wetland edge of the properties at 515 and 521 Orapiu Rd presently lacks riparian forest buffering. Fencing and riparian planting along this Reserve margin would protect the wetland from the pastoral land uses of the neighbouring private properties, significantly enhance the health of the wetland and aid the survival of two endangered species, the spotless crake and banded rail who both need forested wetland margins for foraging and dispersal. If restored, it would create an important ecological corridor allowing the dispersal of plant and animal species within the wetlands and to the large DOC and F&B forest blocks presently managed under the Te Matuku Bay Project umbrella. |
Identified community outcomes: |
Fencing and revegetating riparian areas with native plants creates a buffer to the delicate wetland and estuarine systems from potential damaging upland runoff that can lead to erosion and pollution. Enhancing stream side shading also helps to reduce stream temperatures and increase dissolved oxygen, minimising algal blooms and improving in stream habitats for native fish and reptiles. This in turn provides examples of thriving and healthy ecosystems for the community and its visitors to experience and ensures its longevity for future generations to enjoy. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · the environment - protecting, maintaining and enhancing our magical island, land, coastline, wetland and marine environments for Auckland's future generations · heritage - protection and conservation The Council Esplanade strip that runs from Stockyard Reserve along the wetland edge of 515 & 521 Orapiu Rd presently lacks riparian forest buffering. Fencing & riparian planting along this Reserve margin would protect the wetland from pastoral land uses of neighbouring properties, significantly enhance the health of the wetland & aid the survival of two endangered species, the spotless crake & banded rail who need forested wetland margins for foraging & dispersal. It would create an important ecological corridor allowing dispersal of plant & animal species within the wetlands & to the large DOC & F&B forest blocks managed under the Te Matuku Bay Project umbrella. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Miranda Bennett Senior Biodiversity Advisor Auckland Council |
Advisor |
Forest & Bird Waiheke |
Hue Ross Advisor |
Corporate and Volunteer Groups |
Volunteer Labour |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
N/A |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
No - |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
N/A |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$4430.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Costs to re-fence the Esplanade Reserve adjoining the property at 521 Orapiu Rd. |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
Cost of participation: |
No cost |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
4,430 |
0 |
4,000 |
1,000 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
5,095.5 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Acme Contracting - Fence Construction |
4,430 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LFHW1701-20 |
Kai Conscious Festive Dinner 2017/18 Love Food Hate Waste Fund - Paid- awaiting accountability |
Approved $740.00 |
WMIF1702-064 |
Waiheke Commercial Composting Project WMIF September 2017 - Medium to Large Grants |
Approved $46,860.00 |
WMIF1701-010 |
Onsite Commercial Bokashi Project WMIF April 2017 - 3. WMIF Panel assessment |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG1718-209 |
Rangihoua Hill Moth Plant Initiative Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Project in progress |
Approved $6,060.00 |
WMIF1602-122 |
EVENT: Zero Waste Management at the headland Sculpture on the Gulf 2016 WMIF September 2016 - 3. WMIF Panel assessment |
Declined $0.00 |
WMIF1602-91 |
Zero Waste Waiheke WMIF September 2016 - 3. WMIF Panel assessment |
Approved $10,620.00 |
LFHW1601-37 |
2016/17 Love Food Hate Waste Fund - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LFHW1601-20 |
2016/17 Love Food Hate Waste Fund - Aquitted |
Approved $600.00 |
16/1778 |
Waiheke Moth Plant Control Project Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Fund 2016 - 2017 - Assessment Biosecurity |
Declined $0.00 |
WMIF14150038 |
Waste Minimisation in the Commercial Business Sector’ WMIF September 2015 - Awaiting reimbursement request |
Approved $3,500.00 |
QR1618-113 |
Zero Waste Ostend Market Waiheke Quick Response, Round One, 2015/16 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-213 |
Waiheke Island Historical Society Inc. |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Historic Heritage |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Essential improvements to Waiheke Museum grounds and buildings |
Location: |
165 Onetangi Road, Waiheke Island |
Summary: |
The project has two components: (a) Paths: - Lay a new concrete path from the carpark to link to existing paths and provide drier, safer access to the main Museum building including for the elderly and people with disabilities. - Replace the uneven, slippery paving stones leading from the carpark to the toilets with a wider concrete path. (b) Repainting the historic Goodwin cottage which is in the worst condition, with badly flaking paint exposing bare wood underneath which has the potential to lead to further damage to the building, including the items displayed inside. |
Dates: |
01/06/2018 - 30/11/2018 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
approximately 6 |
People reached: |
All visitors to the museum (now about 2500 a year and increasing each year). |
Promotion: |
Not stated There will be promotion of the project through signs on the Museum grounds and information on relevant websites. There are also likely to be articles in the local papers as the work progresses. We would also plan to hold a community event once the Goodwin Cottage is repainted to mark the occasion. (The repainting will provide an opportunity to spring clean the interior and refresh the display in the cottage.) |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
Paths: Currently the only access from the carpark to the main Museum building is across the lawn which is slippery when wet and impassable to visitors in wheelchairs. The public toilets are in a separate outbuilding. The existing paving stones are uneven and slippery in the winter. Repainting: The condition of the exterior of the Goodwin Cottage has deteriorated to the extent that paint is flaking, exposing bare wood. With winter approaching this deterioration will continue, potentially increasing the likelihood of wood rot which would impact of the suitability of the Cottage for displays. |
Identified community outcomes: |
The Museum and its grounds will become safer, more attractive, destinations for both the Waiheke community and for tourists. The proposed improvements to the paths will help better meet health and safety obligations to both visitors and volunteers. The toilets are maintained by the Museum and funded through donations. They are accessible to the public during Museum opening hours and people waiting for buses often use them.
One of the main attractions of the Museum is the historic village comprising three cottages typical of old Waiheke baches and the old police cell from Oneroa. The current poor condition of the Goodwin Cottage is noticed by visitors and impacts on the overall attractiveness of the historic village as a tourist destination. Waiheke needs to have a range of destinations for tourists as not all of them wish to visit wineries. It is important for Waiheke to remember its past history, both Maori and Pakeha. For the Museum to play its part it needs to provide facilities which allow artifacts from Waiheke's history to be displayed in conditions that preserve them for future generations. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · heritage - protection and conservation · culture and arts - creating a sense of identity and cohesion that reflect the island's identity The Historical Society's main activity is running the Museum which includes three historic cottages. These need to be maintained to a satisfactory standard to attract visitors and to provide a suitable environment to preserve the items both on display and in storage in the various buildings. In addition, it provides a venue where information about the history of the Island can be found, including the pre-colonial Maori presence. This helps the local community and visitors learn more about the evolution of the Island's identity. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering The Museum displays Maori artifacts from the Island and has maps of old Pa sites which are of particular interest to Maori visitors and those from the local community. In addition, many overseas visitors are fascinated by the pre-colonial history of the Island, often asking questions about items on display and seeking other information. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - The new paths will allow access for people with disabilities and is a major motivating factor behind the decision to seek funding for the paths as a priority. The Society acknowledges that there are issues with access to some of the other buildings (eg some have steps). These will be tackled progressively as funds allow. The two paths proposed in this application are a start and once completed will represent an improvement over the present situation. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
There is no smoking in any of the Museum buildings. No smoking signs are found both outside and inside the buildings. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$13685.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
The whole project (concrete paths and repainting). |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
Repainting Goodwin Cottage which will cost $11,960.00. |
Cost of participation: |
No (Access to the Museum itself is by donation/koha.) |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
13,685 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
13,685 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Two concrete paths |
1,725 |
Repainting Goodwin Cottage |
11,960 |
Income description |
Amount |
No income from the project (admission to the Museum is by donation/koha) |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
WHK1415_100007 |
Museum pathways and driveway LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
WHK1314_400002 |
Museum Pathways and Drive LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant - Round 4 2013/2014 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-205 |
Waiheke Junior Cricket |
Under the umbrella of Grafton United Cricket Club |
Legal status: |
Other: Sports Club |
Activity focus: |
Sport and recreation |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: 2018/19 Season New Shirts for the Junior Cricketers |
Location: |
Recreation Centre, Donald Bruce Road, Waiheke Island |
Summary: |
The club was formed in 2014 and we purchased shirts for the junior (soft ball) players. These shirts are now 5 years old and need to be replaced. We will buy approx 50 shirts. |
Dates: |
01/08/2018 - 31/08/2018 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
3 |
People reached: |
50 |
Promotion: |
Not stated We will promote the new junior shirts with our membership. |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
The club's policy is to provide shirts to players which are handed back at the end of the season. This reduces the membership cost and encourages mroe children to be able to participate in cricket. The club has continuously had approx 40 junior soft ball players since it was formed in 2014 and this reinforces the need for a junior cricket club in the community. |
Identified community outcomes: |
Providing a low cost recreational summer sporting opportunity for children. No requirement to source individual uniforms. Ability to reuse uniforms in the club to minimise wastage. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · recreation and sport - providing a range of community programmes · young people - engaged and supported youth Waiheke Junior Cricket provided the opportunity for children to learn and to play the game of cricket competitvely in the AKL region. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - cricket is open for all of the community. We would manage any children with disabilities appropriately and dependant on their needs. |
Target ethnic groups: |
Other: everyone is welcome |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
There is no smoking at cricket. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
20% |
80% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$1600.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Purchase of replacement junior (soft ball) uniform shirts |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
shirts |
Cost of participation: |
Shirts are provided as part of annual membership fees to the club - currently $60 per annum for juniors. |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
1,550 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
1,800 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
50 shirts $22 each |
1,100 |
50 shirts embroidery $7.50 each |
450 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG1718-203 |
Waiheke Junior Cricket Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,800.00 |
LG1618-235 |
Equipment for 2016/17 season Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2015/16 - Acquitted |
Approved $4,000.00 |
WHK1415_100051 |
Further expand Waiheke Junior Cricket to allow participation for children in school years 5 - 8. LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,074.51 |
WHK1415_100004 |
Establish Waiheke Junior Cricket LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,615.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-206 |
Waiheke Golf Club Inc. |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Sport and recreation |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Golf club driveway upgrade |
Location: |
133 Onetangi Road |
Summary: |
The club needs financial assistance to reseal the main entry driveway to the course and park. One third of the road into the Rangihoua Park and Waiheke Golf Club is in a dire state with large pot holes and little seal remaining (see photos). The club has concreted the other two thirds of the driveway with help from the Waiheke Local Board, club funds and club members (providing labour and discounted concrete). The drive is the only road access for anyone using the club and this part of Rangihoua Park and hundreds of people use it every week. |
Dates: |
01/11/2018 - 30/11/2018 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
10 |
People reached: |
333 members; 3500 green fee players and the wider Waiheke community who use the park for walking |
Promotion: |
Not stated We would organise a PR and advertising campaign to tell people about the driveway being sealed. We would publicise the event in our weekly newsletter and in the Gulf News golf column. We would inform people on our website and to New Zealand golfers through the NZ Golf website and newsletter. |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
The driveway is so full of large pot holes it is becoming difficult to drive along. |
Identified community outcomes: |
Three-quarters of the driveway has been sealed but now the rest of the drive is breaking up and needs resurfacing. The club has spent $30,000 this year concreting one third of the drive but cannot fund the other part of the driveway. All vehicles going to the club and this part of the park must drive along this park and at present it is difficult. With nearly 300 members plus visitors the club has many vehicles coming and going including juniors for golf lessons and retired people. The road is becoming dangerous to drive on. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · recreation and sport - providing a range of community programmes · young people - engaged and supported youth Waiheke Golf Club is the largest sports club on the island and the only golf club providing sporting activities for the retired, for tradespeople (often their only recreational pursuit) for young people and tourists; a decent driveway is an essential necessity for any sports club and for a park. As the only driveway into this part of the park it should be easily accessible. Because of its condition people do not want to drive their cars on it .The Golf Club has one of the most active junior golf clubs in New Zealand with a waiting list for its programme. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Golf club captain Guy Southward |
Project Management expertise |
Wayne Clarke, Waiheke Concrete Contractors |
Project management expertise |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
N/A |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - The driveway is open to people with disabilities and we currently have a group of disabled people who use our café. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
No smoking is allowed in the golf clubhouse. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$17900.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Preparation and tar seal of the driveway |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
From the current concrete driveway to past the bridge - the part that is most badly pot holed at present. Downers have given us another quote for 120 sq m - see attached. |
Cost of participation: |
No cost |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
19,053.5 |
0 |
1,174 |
1,174 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
17,900 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Preparation & Chipseal or concrete 624 sq m |
19,053.5 |
Income description |
Amount |
None |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG1718-211 |
Access road upgrade Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1718-111 |
Driveway Repair Waiheke Local Grants, Round One, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1618-212 |
New groomer booms for golf club to make healthier greens Waiheke Quick Response, Round Two, 2015/16 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
WHK1415_100017 |
Junior golf training kit LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Acquitted |
Approved $3,699.00 |
WHK1314_400016 |
Practice cage and mat LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant - Round 4 2013/2014 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
WHK14-2010 |
Summer greens intern LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant - Round 2 2013/2014 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-215 |
Waiheke Island Rugby Club Incorporated |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Sport and recreation |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Rugby club final touch |
Location: |
Onetangi Sports Park, O'Brien Rd |
Summary: |
With the recent refurbishment of the clubrooms we are looking to add some final touches. One aspect is to increase the signage with an entry sign, an honours board and some portable signs to keep the area tidy. The second aspect is to beautify the downstairs area with a mural depicting the island and the sports park to showcase to our visiting teams and to give the area a strong sense of place. |
Dates: |
02/06/2018 - 30/06/2018 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
3 |
People reached: |
120+ |
Promotion: |
Not stated If successful with a grant, we will promote this through our newsletter and social media platforms. The opportunity also exists to add Local Board information to the mural. |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
After the recent refurbishment of the clubrooms the committee has identified that these areas would finish off the upgrade of the clubrooms both upstairs and down. |
Identified community outcomes: |
For local and visiting teams we would firstly like to identify to them where they are when they arrive at the Onetangi Sports park. An honours board is important to us to be able to recognise those volunteers that contribute to the running of the club. Some additional signage would assist in keeping the spaces clean and tidy. The mural we propose for the downstairs area would showcase the island to visitors and also give our young players a sense of place. It would freshen up the area from its current concrete block feel. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · recreation and sport - providing a range of community programmes · culture and arts - creating a sense of identity and cohesion that reflect the island's identity We are primarily a sports club and made up predominantly of junior (under 13) teams, so the club is our home base where we showcase our unique island. The mural we propose will assist in this. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
N/A |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - No one will be excluded |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
The committee will aim to create a smoke-free area in the immediate vicinity around the clubrooms. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$12860.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
The full amount as we are a not for profit community base club |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
It would be at the Local Board's discretion, we feel both the signage and the mural are important to the club. The signage is a priority so if the full amount was not gifted we would need to reconsider the mural aspect of the project. |
Cost of participation: |
Nil |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
12,860 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
100 |
12,860 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Honours Board and Signage |
3,960 |
Mural |
8,900 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR1818-317 |
Soft Drinks Fridge 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Three - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
QR1818-106 |
BBQ 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,705.00 |
WHK1415_100021 |
BBQs LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant 2014/2015 - Grant not uplifted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
2017/2018 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two LG1818-222 |
Waiheke Youth Centre Trust |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Sport and recreation |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Waiheke Youth Centre Friday night multisports |
Location: |
Waiheke Recreation Centre |
Summary: |
We provide Friday night multisports for 2 hours from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm it is a safe place where youth and their families can come and play basketball, volley ball, soccer, any sports that youth are interested in. The gym is utilised with up to 40 youth on average. |
Dates: |
27/04/2018 - 26/04/2019 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
3 adults |
People reached: |
30-40 per Friday Night |
Promotion: |
Not stated Just on Facebook and if there is anything significant we go to the local media to advertise. |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
We have been running this programme every year on a Friday for the last 5 years. There is nothing else like it in Waiheke where the youth can go and play sport engaging with other members of the community. We also transport youth and their families home after each event. |
Identified community outcomes: |
Communtiy engagement , safe place for youth to go and connect with each other in a friendly environment. It will be free as young people don't have funds to pay most things that they attend. This also gives parents a break for a couple of hours on a Friday evening. Youth will be looked after and transported home. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · young people - engaged and supported youth · recreation and sport - providing a range of community programmes It is all about youth and families and providing a safe and happy environment. Keep youth from offending and give them sonething to do on a Friday night. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Police |
Youth Aid officer |
Waiheke Youth Centre Trust |
staff the project every week |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
N/A |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - There is a ramp for wheel chair attendees. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
The Venue we use is Council owned and smoke free. If I see someone smoking I approach them and ask them to go to the designated areas. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
50% |
20% |
% |
10% |
% |
20% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$3024.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Every year we have to pay the rental on the hiring of the Waiheke Recreation Centre to hold our Friday night multisports. We cannot finance this without the councils help. Please consider this application it would be greatly appreciated. |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
Cost of participation: |
0 |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
3,024 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Waiheke Local Board |
50 |
3,024 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Wiaheke Recreation Centre |
3,024 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR1818-112 |
Waiheke Youth Centre Multisports 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,680.00 |
LG1618-226 |
Waiheke Youth Centre Friday Night Multi sports Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two, 2015/16 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,952.00 |
QR1618-116 |
Friends of the Street Waiheke Quick Response, Round One, 2015/16 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
00134 |
Pacific Island Dance and Music Creative Communities Scheme 2015_1 - Central Assessment Committee Round 1 2015 |
Declined $0.00 |
WHK1400006 |
Homework study group LB - Waiheke Local Board Community Grant - Round 3 2013/2014 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,278.00 |
2017/2018 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two LG1805-226 |
Age Concern Auckland Incorporated |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Empowering Communities- Community Development |
Location: |
57 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland (main office)- Central and West Auckland field coverage |
Summary: |
The Empowering Communities Program encompasses services that are geared towards preventing and remedying loneliness and isolation, and educating older members of our community on healthy and safe living, thereby discouraging their decline into ill health by equipping them with the tools to enable a healthy lifestyle. More recently, the programme is evolving through pilot projects, geared towards mobilising the local community to take charge and responsibility of looking after lonely and isolated older people living in their area. Examples include the Community Mobilisation project currently underway, as well as the “adopt a village” project that is bringing school children and vulnerable older people together; both seed projects with potential to empower the local community to care for their local elders. |
Dates: |
15/06/2018 - 15/06/2019 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People participating: |
6 team members and over 290 volunteers |
People benefitting: |
at least 1500 |
Promotion: |
We advertise through the local papers, our newsletter social media, website and word of mouth. |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
We are the primary agency that supports older people across Central and West Auckland. Through service delivery in the form of social work, elder abuse and neglect assistance, and our empowering communities and community development programmes, we have established the demand and requirement for there to be an expanded level of preventative programmes and services aimed at assisting those who are at the lower end of the vulnerability scale from slipping further, via a variety of methods, including regular volunteer visitors, facilitating their assimilation into existing activites, clubs and groups, as well as equipping them with new skills and knowledge through our ageing well free workshops. Existing attendance (888 to workshops in FY2017), and continued demand has demonstrated the need. |
Identified community outcomes: |
-Older people are connected with their community either via one on one visiting, via facilitation to join existing groups or both. -The broader community is engaging with lonely and isolated older people, and assisting them in a community led manner e.g. Adopt a village, Community mobilisation and similar projects. - Older people have accessible information on ageing well and ageing in place through workshops in their local community. - We capture those who do unfortunately end up needing social work or elder abuse support early in the piece to mitigate the negative effects on their health and well being. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke · community elders - meeting the needs of the aging population · social cohesion - stronger voluntary and community sector The project seeks to ensure that all older people living on the Island, have easy access to all necessary help and support. The aim is to work in collaboration with the existing Community Network to complement support services. It would include Age Concern having a presence on the Island to facilitate access to support and advice not currently available. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering Our Empowering Communities- Community Development services and programmes are open to all Central and West Auckland residents over the age of 65, which includes Maori. |
Accessible to people with disabilities: |
Yes - We aim to host our workshops at local venues that are accessible. Furthermore, we look to work with clients to accommodate their requirements as much as is possible, up to and including providing support services in their own homes. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
Our Health Promotion- Ageing Well workshops actively advocate and educate those aged over 65 on health practices, including being smoke free. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$55600.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
We are requesting support towards the provision of Health Promotion, Accredited Visitor Service and Field Social Support services across West and Central Auckland. The Local Board funding will go towards offsetting the overall project cost. |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
The request for Local Board support is to offset the total cost of the project and therefore any funding towards any of the cost items would be okay. |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
174,285 |
0 |
109,548 |
9,137 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Albert-Eden Local Board |
15 |
8,100 |
Henderson-Massey Local Board |
17 |
10,000 |
Waiheke Local Board |
5 |
3,000 |
Waitematā Local Board |
9 |
4,800 |
Whau Local Board |
15 |
8,400 |
Ōrākei Local Board |
18 |
10,000 |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board |
13 |
7,000 |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board |
8 |
4,300 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Salaries (not incl. management or supervision roles) |
150,185 |
Travel Costs (incl. mileage and vehicle costs) |
3,800 |
Telephone |
5,500 |
IT |
2,500 |
Volunteer Expenses |
3,000 |
Training & External Supervision |
1,500 |
Resources / Materials |
3,000 |
Advertising ` |
4,800 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG1805-226 |
Empowering Communities- Community Development 2017/2018 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Multiboard |
Undecided $0.00 |
REGCD18-75 |
Community Mobilisation: Combating Loneliness and Isolation Regional Community Development 2017/2018 - Project in progress |
Approved $30,000.00 |
2017/2018 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two · LG1820-228 |
The Auckland King Tides Initiative |
Under the umbrella of The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Inc (IPENZ) |
Legal status: |
Other: Community Group |
Activity focus: |
Environment |
Conflicts of interest: |
In the interests of full disclosure my spouse is an employee of Auckland Council (Sustainable Schools Advisor Environmental Services Unit). I am not aware of any conflict of interest this creates. |
Project: Auckland King Tides Initiative Community Water Level (Tidal) Gauges |
Location: |
Wynyard Quarter Pedestrian Bridge; Takapuna Boat ramp; Matiatia Wharf; Half Moon Bay Ferry Terminal |
Summary: |
Construct and install water level (tidal) gauges at public coastal locations that can be monitored by local communities. The process of capturing and providing water level data to the Auckland King Tides Initiative provides an opportunity for communities to learn about the causes and impacts of sea level rise on their coastline. Water level gauges provide a focal point for communities, where information about sea level rise can be communicated via a process educators call "provocation". The water level on any given tide can be measured against tide levels marked on the gauge that include historic high tides, current day mean high tides and projected high tides in 2115 under 2015 sea level rise projections developed by NIWA. |
Focus specific: |
Environmental benefits: Additional staff gauges are required to validate radar-based data already being collected by the Council. This proposal provides additional staff gauges at a relatively low cost to validate existing data. Data collected via this proposal is of a lower level of confidence than radar-collected data, but will be at an agreed and acceptable error level (as defined by Auckland Council and NIWA) to still be valuable in validating Council collected data. Data collected by communities has a valuable purpose in validating Council collected data to assess inundation risk from sea level rise as outlined above. |
Dates: |
01/06/2018 - 01/01/2019 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People delivering: |
50 - 100 |
People reached: |
24,782 |
Promotion: |
Not stated Promotion via Auckland King Tides Initiative website and social media platform, including infographics, photos and other visual material. Promotion via media (previous national press coverage includes TV1, TV3, RNZ, The Listener, NZ Geographic, NZ Herald, stuff.co.nz, Fairfax local newspapers). Will seek promotion via Auckland Council publications (e.g. OURAUCKLAND), and publications by NIWA, New Zealand Coastal Society). Our content has been used free of charge by Auckland Council, NIWA, and the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment for their publications in the past. |
Community benefits |
Identified need: |
Water level gauges provide a focal point for communities, where information about sea level rise can be communicated via a process educators call "provocation", where the gauge's presence make people curious to investigate what they are looking at. The water level (tide) gauges will also provide context to the photos that community participants are capturing of king tides. Participants often ask for longer term trends around how mean sea levels have changed over time, and a distinction between historic background (natural) changes in sea levels versus future human induced sea level rise projections. Water level measurements will allow participants to look at the impacts of an extreme weather event, and to consider the variation in water level that caused it. |
Identified community outcomes: |
Auckland residents become aware of the potential impacts of sea level rise in the next 30-50 years on the wider region and their own local coastal environment. We create and maintain a water level (tidal) gauge network (supported by an existing website and social media platform) that continues a conversation around what sea level rise might mean for local communities and Auckland as a whole. 2014 saw the creation of a portal to capture king tide event images and associated information relating to sea level rise. Users of this portal become part of an active network of individuals, communities, businesses and authorities that take actions that allow communities to adapt to sea level rise (e.g. location and nature of future development, erosion protection works, community response to impacts). Specific measured outcomes for participants would include: 1. Involvement with the programme that is “hands-on”; involving an action component (e.g. photo and/or water level measurement). 2. Greater importance and value of capturing the impacts of king tide events on coastal locations. 3. Talking to others about sea level rise. 4. Getting involved in a citizen science project. 5. Looking after their local part of the coast. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
Waiheke The environment - protecting, maintaining and enhancing our magical island, land, coastline, wetland and marine environments for Auckland's future generations social cohesion - stronger voluntary and community sector Protection of Waiheke's coastline in the future will need to take into account risks from coastal inundation from a range of sea level rise scenarios. Auckland Council collects water level data via radar-based tide gauges to allow the validation of extreme sea level estimates that are based on modeled data. These radar-based gauges need to be supplemented by staff gauges, to provide a visual comparison to validate the data captured. This project encourages a community-led approach that captures the required supplementary data via water level (tidal) gauges that also provides a means to engage the public around sea level rise.
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
NIWA - Rob Bell |
Technical assistance (provides tide date/time data; advice on error levels and chart datums) |
New Zealand Coastal Society |
Partner organisation since 2014 |
Auckland Council Coastal & Geotechnical Group |
Technical assistance (water level (tidal) gauge methodology and installation |
Seaweek |
Have previously run king tide events as part of Seaweek |
Auckland Emergency Management |
Share our social media content |
Foundation North |
Funder (website) |
Individual Aucklander's |
Provide photos and/or water level measurements |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
Māori focus - tikanga (practises), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language) Use of mātauranga (knowledge) Maori would be valuable in understanding historic sea levels. We have historic background data on sea levels going back to the 1800's, but understanding practices and patterns of use and settlement on the coast by Maori in the past would provide valuable context to the western scientific data that we have. Communities in the coastal locations outlined in the proposal will have this knowledge. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - Water level (tidal) gauges will be located in public spaces that have vantage points that are accessible to people with disabilities. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Promoting SmokeFree: |
Water level (tidal) gauges will be located in smoke-free public spaces, providing an opportunity to take part in the project in a smoke free environment. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$5736.25 |
Requesting grant for: |
1. Design and production of water level (tidal) gauge signage. 2. Installation of water level (tidal) gauges, including chart datum calculation. 3. Create website page and water level monitoring sheet for community to upload data. 4. Create water level reporter to digitise data and upload to GIS system. 5. Coordinate a public launch of water level (tide) gauges. |
If full amount requested is not able to be funded: |
Design and installation of water level (tidal) gauges |
Cost of participation: |
No cost |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
32,885 |
0 |
0 |
9,940 |
Local board |
% benefit to board area |
Amount requested |
Devonport-Takapuna Local Board |
25 |
5,736.25 |
Howick Local Board |
25 |
5,736.25 |
Waiheke Local Board |
25 |
5,736.25 |
Waitematā Local Board |
25 |
5,736.25 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Design and produce water level (tide) gauges |
6,525 |
Install water level (tide) gauges, including calculating required datums |
2,880 |
Create new website page, and water level monitoring data sheet for communities to upload water level data |
3,600 |
Create water level reporter to digitise data and QGIS system creation and upload |
7,200 |
Communications developed and delivered to advertise public launch (print; social media) |
6,200 |
Coordination and delivery of public launch (September 2018) |
6,480 |
Income description |
Amount |
NA |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
No previous funding history |
24 May 2018 |
File No.: CP2018/07939
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To seek the Waiheke Local Board’s approval to allocate funding to support Cycle Action Waiheke to deliver the first Waiheke Cycling Festival and locally focused programmes in 2018.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. The Waiheke Local Board Plan 2017 includes the objective to increase active and safe transport options and facilities.
3. Cycle Action Waiheke (CAW) has submitted a proposal to deliver an annual Waiheke Cycling Festival at the beginning of November 2018. CAW have also recommended that the festival is supported by additional programmes in the lead up to the festival which would encourage and enable safe cycling on the island. Details on the festival and supporting programs are outlined in attachment A to this report.
4. CAW has considered activities outlined in the proposal and estimated that $10,000 will be required to support the first Waih