Waiheke Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Waiheke Local Board held in the Local Board Office, 10 Belgium Street, Ostend, Waiheke on Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 5.18pm.





Cath Handley




Deputy Chairperson

Paul Walden





Shirin Brown





Bob Upchurch








Member John Meeuwsen


For leave of absence

Waiheke Local Board

24 May 2018



1          Welcome


Chairperson Cath Handley opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present. Wiremu Te Taniwha led the meeting with a karakia.


2          Apologies


Resolution number WHK/2018/124

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member S Brown:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Member J Meeuwsen for leave of absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WHK/2018/125

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 3 May 2018, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


Resolution number WHK/2018/126

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         grant leave of absence for Member J Meeuwsen (19 May 2018 to 12 June 2018 inclusive).



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum



Waiheke Community Childcare Centre grant application - Kathleen Gardam


Resolution number WHK/2018/127

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      thank Kathleen Gardam for her attendance and presentation.

b)      note the tabled documents and attach them to the minutes.



A copy of the tabled documents has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and

can be viewed on Auckland Council’s website.



a     9.1 Waiheke Community Childcare Centre grant application - Kathleen Gardam




Waiheke Rugby Club grant application - Nique van Selm


Resolution number WHK/2018/128

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      thank Nique van Selm for her attendance and presentation.





Proposed changes to local bus route - Judy Johannessen


Resolution number WHK/2018/129

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      thank Judy Johannessen for her attendance and presentation.



Secretarial note: At the request of the chairperson, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, Melanie Dale, addressed the meeting to clarify the process around the bus route consultation.



Cycle Action Waiheke - Darleen Tana


Resolution number WHK/2018/130

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      thank Darleen Tana for her attendance and presentation.

b)      commend the agency that cleaned up the shared cycle way adjacent O’Briens Road on behalf of Cycle Action Waiheke.





Kapa Haka - Jan Newton


Jan Newton was in attendance to speak to the board about the Waiheke Kapa Haka group.


Resolution number WHK/2018/131

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         thank Jan Newton for his attendance and presentation.





Waiheke Golf Club grant application - Fred Aandewiel


Fred Aandewiel was in attendance to speak to the board about the Waiheke Golf Club grant application.


Resolution number WHK/2018/132

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         thank Fred Aandewiel for his attendance and presentation.





Thompsons Point - Ross Gillespie


Ross Gillespie was in attendance to speak to the board about the subdivision at Thompsons Point.


Resolution number WHK/2018/133

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member S Brown:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         thank Ross Gillespie for his attendance and presentation.





Waiheke Livingwaters Assembly of God grant application - Wiremu Te Taniwha


Wiremu Te Taniwha was in attendance to speak to the board about the Waiheke Livingwaters Assembly of God  grant application.


Resolution number WHK/2018/134

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         thank Wiremu Te Taniwha for his attendance and presentation.





Waiheke Resources Trust funding application - Hue Ross and Mike Maahs supported by Gary Wilton


Hue Ross and Mike Maahs, supported by Gary Wilton, were in attendance to speak to the Waiheke Resources Trust funding application for re-fencing the Esplanade Reserve.


Resolution number WHK/2018/135

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         thank Hue Ross, Mike Maahs and Gary Wilton for their attendance and             presentation.

b)         note the tabled document and attach it to the minutes.



A copy of the tabled documents has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and

can be viewed on Auckland Council’s website.



a     9.9 Waiheke Resources Trust funding application - Hue Ross and Mike Maahs supported by Gary Wilton




Weed Management - Hana Blackmore


Hana Blackmore was in attendance to speak to the board about weed management on Waiheke.


Resolution number WHK/2018/136

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         thank Hana Blackmore for her attendance and presentation.




10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Councillor's update


This item was withdrawn.


Secretarial Note: The Chair with the consent of the meeting accorded Item 19: Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Waiheke Local Board for quarter three, 1 January - 31 March 2018 and Item 14: Cycling Festival 2018 funding precedence at this time.



Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Waiheke Local Board for quarter three, 1 January - 31 March 2018


Secretarial note: Member S Brown a conflict of interest with the Waiheke kapa Haka group.


The chair put the motion in parts.

Resolution number WHK/2018/137

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      receive the performance report for the financial quarter ending 31 March 2018.

b)      note the tabled document from the Strategic Broker and grant $4500 from the           Maori responsiveness budget to the Waiheke Kapa Haka group to attend the           Tamaki Makaurau Kapa Haka competition on 16 June and piupiu contribution.

c)      reallocate $10,000 from the community response budget, $1500 from the local           civic events budget and $1000 from the local events fund to the Waiheke Local           Grants budget for reallocation to grant applications.



Resolution number WHK/2018/138

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member S Brown:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

d)      receive the  Waiheke Island Ecological Services Contract – Summary of Works          Undertaken November 2017 – January 2018 report.

e)      approve dispensation for the targeted use of agrichemicals for the half year          period ending 28 September 2018 on the same terms as the dispensation for the          preceding six months.

f)       request a copy of the Waiheke Island Ecological Services Contract – Summary          of Works Undertaken report to be available for public perusal at the local board          office.

g)      request that the Waiheke Island Ecological Services Contract – Summary of Works Undertaken report be publicly available quarterly and dispensation report provided six monthly by the relevant department.



A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and

can be viewed on Auckland Council’s website.



a     Waiheke Kapa Haka 2018




Cycling Festival 2018 funding


Resolution number WHK/2018/139

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      approve funding of $10,000 to Cycle Action Waiheke from the FY2017/18 Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Walking and Cycling Promotion budget for the delivery of the Waiheke Cycling Festival in November 2018.

b)      reallocate $5000 to Cycle Action Waiheke from the FY 17/18 LDI Parks Strategic Fund budget to deliver the Kids on Bikes Initiatives.

c)      delegate to Member S Brown to work with Cycle Action Waiheke to finalise and approve an itemised budget for both events.



Secretarial Note: the order of business resumed at Item 13: Waiheke Local Grant Round Two 2017/2018 grant allocations.



Waiheke Local Grant Round Two 2017/2018 grant allocations


Resolution number WHK/2018/140

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member S Brown:  

Secretarial note: Deputy Chairperson P Walden declared an interest in the First Waiheke Sea Scouts grant application and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter. Member B Upchurch declared he was a member of the Waiheke Golf Club.


That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application Waiheke Local Grants,        Round Two, listed in Table One.





Total amount requested

Total amount allocated


Waiheke Community Art Gallery Incorporated

Towards improvements to the art gallery, including filming of exhibitions, resurfacing the gallery floor and website upgrades.



Tagged to website, flooring to be referred to Community Facilities for delivery.


Waiheke Hope Centre

Towards supplies for the community soup kitchen.





First Waiheke Sea Scouts

Towards the purchase of a rescue and safety boat.



To seed fund.


Waiheke Livingwaters Assembly of God

Towards the purchase of a 30,000 litre water container for the church and soup kitchen.





Waiheke Health Trust

Towards the provision of monthly clinical supervision to home support workers for a one year pilot.




Waiheke Community Childcare Centre Incorporated

Towards upgrading the kitchen facilities at the Waiheke Community Childcare Centre.



Towards upgrade, tagged to stove purchase.


Pamela Nash

Towards a contribution for labour and machinery required and four vehicles and their crews, for work on Picnic Bay and Esslin Reserve.


$ 0

Round oversubscribed



Waiheke Resources Trust

Towards costs associated with re-fencing the Esplanade Reserve.


Refer to Community Facilities to deliver from LDI Capex.


Waiheke Island Historical Society

Towards essential improvements to Waiheke Museum grounds and buildings.



Tagged to path.


Waiheke Junior Cricket umbrellaed by Grafton United Cricket Club

Towards the purchase of 50 new shirts for the cricket season.



Low priority


Waiheke Golf Club Incorporated

Towards an upgrade of the golf club driveway.


Refer to Community Facilities to deliver from LDI Capex.


Waiheke Island Rugby Club

Towards entry signage, portable signs, an honours board and a mural.



Low priority


Waiheke Youth Centre Trust

Toward venue hireage for the Waiheke Recreation Centre.







b)                     agree to fund, part-fund or decline each multi-board application in this round,        listed in Table Two.




Total amount requested

Total amount allocated


Age Concern Auckland Incorporated

Towards the provision of health promotion, accredited visitor service and social support services across West and Central Auckland.



Round oversubscribed



The Auckland King Tides Initiative

As a contribution towards the Auckland King Tides Initiative Community Water Level (Tidal) Gauges Project.



Round oversubscribed








Secretarial Note: Item 14: Cycling Festival 2018 funding was taken after Item 12: Councillor’s Update.



Auckland Transport Waiheke Local Board update - May 2018


Resolution number WHK/2018/141

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Walden, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         note the Auckland Transport Waiheke Local Board update - May 2018.

b)         thank the Auckland Transport and Watercare teams for their negotiation and             successful resolution of Owhanake carpark land management issues.

c)         request Auckland Transport Community Transport support Cycle Action             Waiheke with activities and funding for their cycle festival and associated             activities and safety promotion.

d)         thank Auckland Transport for initiating and fully funding the forth coming             speed reduction programme on Waiheke.





The addition of locally driven initiatives projects to the Waiheke Local Board 2017/2018 Community Facilities Work Programme


Resolution number WHK/2018/142

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      approve up to $70,000 of their LDI Capex financial year 2017/2018 budget to the Artworks Theatre fire exit doors and access stage two physical works.





Developing long term options for the Housing Quality Project


Resolution number WHK/2018/143

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      approve a grant of $4500 from the 2017/2018 “Community-Led Housing Improvements” work programme to the Waiheke Health Trust to support the Housing Quality Project with the development and implementation of a sustainable strategy.





Review of Auckland Council’s representation arrangements for the 2019 elections


Resolution number WHK/2018/144

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      note the report on the Review of Auckland Council’s representation arrangements for the 2019 elections.



Secretarial Note: Item 19: Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Waiheke Local Board for quarter three, 1 January - 31 March 2018 was taken after Item 12: Councillor’s Update.



Chairperson's report


Resolution number WHK/2018/145

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Walden, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      note the report from Chairperson Cath Handley.



Board member's report



Resolution number WHK/2018/146

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      note Board Member Shirin Brown’s report.






Waiheke Local Board workshop record of proceedings


Resolution number WHK/2018/147

MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      note the record of proceedings of the Waiheke Local Board workshops held on 19 April, 26 April, 3 May and 10 May 2018.





Governance Forward Work Programme


Resolution number WHK/2018/148

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Walden, seconded by Member B Upchurch:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      note the Governance Forward Work Programme.





List of resource consents


Resolution number WHK/2018/149

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Walden, seconded by Chairperson C Handley:  

That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         note the lists of resource consents lodged related to Waiheke Island from 7 to             13 April, 14 to 20 April, 21 to 29 April, 30 April to 4 May and 5 to 13 May 2018.





25        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   



Member Shirin Brown closed the meeting with the following karakia.

Waiho i te toipoto kaua i te toiroa

Let us keep close together, not far apart




7.34 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









