Whau Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Whau Local Board held in the Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue, New Lynn on Wednesday, 9 May 2018 at 10:45 am.





Tracy Mulholland





Derek Battersby, QSM, JP





Catherine Farmer





Duncan Macdonald, JP





Te'eva Matafai





David Whitley







Deputy Chairperson

Susan Zhu





Whau Local Board

09 May 2018




1          Welcome


Chairperson Tracy Mulholland opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.


2          Apologies


Resolution number WH/2018/39

MOVED by Chairperson T Mulholland, seconded by Member D Whitley:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Deputy Chairperson Susan Zhu for absence.





3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.

The following are declared interests of the Whau Local Board.


Board Member

Organisation / Position

Tracy Mulholland

·           New Lynn Business Association – Business Associate/Contractor

Susan Zhu

·           Chinese Oral History Foundation – Committee member

·           The Chinese Garden Steering Committee of Auckland – Board Member

Derek Battersby

·           Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust –Trustee

·           New Lynn Tennis Club – Patron

·           West Lynn Gardens – Patron

·           Tag Out Trust – Chairman

·           New Lynn Bowling Club - Patron

·           Avondale RSA - Member

Catherine Farmer

·           Avondale-Waterview Historical Society – Member

·           Blockhouse Bay Historical Society – Member

·           Portage Licensing Trust – Trustee

·           Blockhouse Bay Bowls – Patron

·           Forest and Bird organisation - Member

Duncan Macdonald

·           Avondale Business Association – Chairman

·           Avondale Community Society – Chairman

·           Avondale RSA – Treasurer

·           Avondale-Waterview Historical Society - Member

·           Avondale Jockey Club – Member

Te’eva Matafai

·           Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust - Co-Founder

·           Miss Samoa NZ - Director

·           Malu Measina Samoan Dance Group - Director/Founder

·           Pasifika Festival ATEED - Samoa Village Coordinator

·           Aspire Events – Director

David Whitley

·           Rosebank Business Association - Member

·           Pathways to the future  - Past trustee

·           REINZ - Member

·           Don Oliver Youth Sports Foundation  - Past trustee

·           Chamber of Trade - Mentor

·           Lopdell House - Trustee

·        Amalgamated Hardware Merchants (AHM)  Apprenticeship Trust – Trustee



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WH/2018/40

MOVED by Member D Macdonald, seconded by Member D Whitley:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 18 April 2018, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Ward Councillor’s Update

Apology from Clr Clow was noted. 


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum


            There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Local board decisions and input into the 10-year Budget 2018-2028, draft Auckland Plan 2050 and draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018


Moved by Member C Farmer and seconded by Member T Matafai:

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      request further reductions in the share of general rates paid by businesses be paused until more evidence is provided as to the relative benefits of council spending for owners of residential properties compared to business property owners.


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member C Farmer

Member T Matafai


Member D Battersby

Member D Macdonald

Chairperson T Mulholland

Member D Whitley



The motion was declared lost by 2 votes to 4.



Resolution number WH/2018/41

MOVED by Chairperson T Mulholland, seconded by Member D Battersby:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)        receive the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 consultation feedback report.

b)        receive the submissions as tabled at the meeting.

c)        note that the following redacted submissions will be made available through the Auckland Council website in May

•    submissions on the Whau local board priorities

•    that submission on regional proposals in the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 and draft Auckland Plan 2050 from people or organisations based in the Whau local board area.

d)        approve its advocacy initiatives, including its key advocacy project, for inclusion (as an appendix) to its 2018/2019 Local Board Agreement.



Whau pool and recreation centre

Advocate for a new pool and recreation centre in the Whau to be funded in the first 5 years of the Council 10 year budget to enable:

a) the securing of the location before suitably sized sites become unavailable

b) exploration of public/private partnerships with major urban developers in the Whau.

Review of local board Locally Driven Initiative budget levels

Advocate for a review of local board funding levels as soon as possible to enable the Board to :

a)  increase support community partners who are facing increased costs

b)  respond to regional strategies and frameworks e.g. Urban Ngahere/Forest

c)  deliver better on new Board roles and duties  e.g. local economic development.

Funding for Te Whau pathway project

Advocate for funding for Te Whau pathway to be included in the Auckland Transport capital programme as part of the adopted Regional Land Transport Programme and for council continue to support and resource the project.


e)      recommend $ 65,000 of 2017/2018 Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) operating expenditure to be deferred to 2018/2019 to the Governing Body

2017/2018 Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) operating projects to be deferred to 2018/2019

The following projects meet the criteria for deferral under the Local Board Funding Policy:

·           Town centre revitalisation - $55,000

·           Youth connections - $3,000

·           Healthy Rentals - $7,000

f)       provide the following feedback on the 10-year Budget 2018-2028:


Whau Local Board Position

Natural Environment - Water Quality Targeted Rate

a)      support the targeted rate option for water quality

b)     note that there is significant regional support for an increase in funding to the natural environment area

c)      support this rate investing in Manukau Harbour programmes.

Natural Environment – Natural Environment Targeted Rate

Whau Local Board support option B of an average rate of $47 per residential property and $219 per business property, providing for ecosystem and species protection including addressing kauri dieback disease and notes that there is significant local and regional support for an increase in funding to the natural environment area.

Rates and Charges – proposed rates increase

Whau Local Board support the 2.5% rates increase conditional on the implementation of the regional fuel tax.

Rates and Charges –Accommodation provider Targeted Rate for online accommodation providers

Whau Local Board support the targeted rate, noting the need for careful consideration of income thresholds so that for example older adults who are receiving a low level of income or accommodating students are not penalised.

Avondale community facility replacement

Welcome the inclusion of the project in the budget and look forward to a timely development


g)    provide the following feedback on the draft Auckland Plan 2050:

General comments

Whau Local Board:       

             i.      note that the local board has previously provided feedback to support development of the Auckland Plan 2050.

            ii.      note that the outcomes and objectives in the Whau Local Board plan strongly align to the Auckland Plan outcomes.

           iii.      note the Whau community support shown in the recent consultation for the outcomes.

           iv.      is supportive of the intent of the outcomes overall, with some specific comments below:

Outcome area 1: Belonging and participation

Arts and cultural activities should be more strongly referenced in the Auckland Plan as they play a substantial role in connecting communities and contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of societies.

Active living and sport and recreation are not acknowledged in Direction 2.

Outcome area 2: Māori identity and wellbeing

The special relationship with Maori as tangata whenua should be recognised throughout the Auckland Plan.

There does not seem to be any recognition of the difference between mana whenua and mataawaka in the Auckland Plan. Suggest this be included.

Outcome area 3: Homes and places

Pleased to see that the built quality of existing dwellings, including rentals, will be improved.

Commentary is missing on the role of sport and recreation in public places and how that will be affected by the pressures of a growing city. Providing space for sport in the public realm will be an ongoing challenge.

Outcome area 4: Transport and access           

There is strong alignment in the Whau Local Board plan with this outcome area. Walking links need to be more strongly acknowledged alongside cycling. The role of travel to education is not considered strongly enough. Levels of congestion drop markedly when schools are on holiday regularly demonstrating the negative impact of a badly planned school commute on Auckland’s transport system.

Outcome area 5: Environment and cultural heritage  

The board is pleased that the importance of environmental protection and that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is highlighted.

Outcome area 6: Opportunity and prosperity 

Note the need to clearly identify the indirect influence local boards can have on economic development and the need to better understand the opportunities and best practice. A strong future focused approach in this outcome is welcomed.

h)      provide the following feedback on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018:

Waste from businesses and commercial activities

Support proposal

Working with businesses on approaches to reduce waste

Support proposal

Community recycling centres

Support proposal

Container deposit scheme

Support proposal

Hauraki Gulf Islands waste management 

The local board area is outside of proposed targeted zone







Feedback on Rates Remission and Postponement Policy


Resolution number WH/2018/42

MOVED by Member D Whitley, seconded by Member T Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board endorse the:

a)      proposal to:

i.        transfer current budget for legacy remissions schemes for natural heritage and community and sports organisations to the operating group with relevant expertise.

ii.       transfer current budget for postponements for Great Barrier Island businesses to Great Barrier Island Local Board.

iii.      grant the current recipient the same support guaranteed for three years.

iv.      develop an integrated approach to supporting outcomes for natural heritage, and community and sporting activities across the region.

b)      Rates Remission and Postponement Policy in Attachment B to this report, which includes the following amendments to the existing policy:

i.        introduction of a remission scheme for the Accommodation Provider Targeted rate.

ii.       amendments to the remission for residents of residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and Papakāinga housing to remove references to retirement villages and the Interim Transport Levy.

iii.      amendments to simplify the remission for rates penalties.

iv.      removal of the legacy remissions schemes for natural heritage and community and sports organisations and postponement for Great Barrier Island.

c)      amendment to the postponement for Manukau Sport Clubs to restrict the scheme to current applicants and to close off the scheme after three years.






Draft 2018-2028 Regional Land Transport Plan, draft Regional Fuel Tax proposal and draft Contributions Policy


Resolution number WH/2018/43

MOVED by Chairperson T Mulholland, seconded by Member D Macdonald:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         provide the following feedback on the 2018-2028 Regional Land Transport plan.

b)        support the realignment towards the Government Policy Statement.

c)         note the RLRP’s alignment to the Whau Local Board’s outcome of “20 mins to all we need by PT/walking and cycling” and key initiatives of improving access through walking and cycling links and quality of transport centres.

d)        note the short timeframe for consideration and review of projects and therefore the need for a dynamic approach and full re-assessment of all project’s and their alignment to delivering on the priority areas.

e)         recognise the growing commute times for residents in the Whau and the west generally and raises concern that this plan does not prioritise projects that will address this.

f)          support investment in areas that will support increased access to public transport and active modes like walking and cycling and shifting modes from single occupant cars.

g)        request Auckland Transport develop a plan for encouraging walking and to identify work areas with local boards to improve access to public transport through local walkways.

h)        note with displeasure that Te Whau Pathway (P67) , Rosebank Road and Memorial Drive Extension (P69) are unfunded and requests that these projects be urgently reassessed for their strategic contribution.

i)          support increased investment in rail/road crossing safety work as Whau noting Kiwirail’s investment but that Council’s contribution is unfunded (P67).

j)          support NW motorway Busway/light rail direction noting the need for as stop at Rosebank to support business commute and ease congestion for freight.

k)         support the move to include footpaths in LTNZ subsidy and the need to invest in walking to decrease congestion from education and work commute (education examples in the Whau include Te Whau Pathway providing walking alternatives for five Kelston schools and the Rosebank Peninsula coastal walkway providing options for Avondale College students relieving congestion on Rosebank Road).

l)          support the increased focus on environment outcomes which is in line with the Local Board Plan focus on

               i.    Whau river clean up through swales and rain gardens decreasing heavy metals.

              ii.    Climate change through decreasing green-house gas emissions.

m)       encourage Auckland Transport to measure, regularly report and to reassess projects to prioritise those that deliver strongly on reducing CO2 emissions.

n)        would like to see stronger local board engagement in the prioritisation of public transport access , cycling and walking and safety projects.

o)        provide the following feedback on the Regional Fuel Tax:

i)          generally supports implementation of a regional fuel tax.

ii)         note that a greater cost burden will likely be placed on many in the local working population who have to drive to other Auckland areas.

iii)       note that Whau has the one of the lowest levels of local employment in Auckland.

iv)       note current projections are that commute times will increase for many west and Whau residents resulting in increased costs for travel and further loss of time spent with family and community.

v)         request that further joint planning be conducted to address west and particularly the Whau’s work commute costs and durations and that this work be conducted jointly by Auckland Transport and ATEED so as to include transport and local job growth initiatives.

vi)       note that due to the short time frame and timing of meeting and workshop times, delegates to the Chair in consultation with the Board the finalisation of feedback on the draft regional fuel tax proposal and draft contributions policy.




15        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.




11.35am                                             The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









