I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 27 June 2018


Albert Eden Local Board Office
135 Dominion Road
Mt Eden


Albert-Eden Local Board









Peter Haynes


Deputy Chairperson

Glenda Fryer



Lee Corrick



Graeme Easte



Rachel Langton



Ben Lee



Jessica Rose



Margi Watson



(Quorum 4 members)




Michael Mendoza

Democracy Advisor


22 June 2018


Contact Telephone: (021) 809 149

Email: Michael.Mendoza@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

9.1     Public Forum - Ken Arkind, Action Education                                                 5

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

12        Auckland Tranport June 2018 Update                                                                        7

13        Auckland Transport Local Board Transport Capital Fund                                    25

14        Approval of the 2018/2019 Albert-Eden local environment and development work programme                                                                                                                   31

15        Albert-Eden Local Board 2018/19 Local Economic Development Work Programme  47

16        Albert-Eden Local Board Community Services Work Programmes 2018/2019   53

17        Road Name Approval: New Road at 136 Taylors Road & 22A Alberton Ave, Mt Albert                                                                                                                                       77

18        New community lease to Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust, 99 Richardson Road, Ōwairaka                                                                                                                       85

19        New community lease to Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated at Pascoe Quarry Reserve, 99B Gillies Avenue, Epsom                                                                        93

20        Fowlds Park Upgrade Report                                                                                   101

21        Freedom Camping Bylaw Development                                                                 115

22        Panuku Development Auckland Local Board six-monthly update 1 November 2017 - 30 April 2018                                                                                                                    129

23        Governance Forward Work Calendar                                                                     137

24        Governing Body Members' Update                                                                         145

25        Chairperson's Report                                                                                                147

26        Board Members' Reports                                                                                         153

27        Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes                                                            173  

28        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Wednesday, 23 May 2018 and the minutes of its extraordinary meeting, held on Wednesday, 6 June 2018, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Albert-Eden Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


9.1       Public Forum - Ken Arkind, Action Education

Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To deliver a presentation to the board during the Public Forum segment of the business meeting.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       Ken Arkind, Action Education, will be in attendance to deliver a Public Forum presentation outlining the community work and youth engagement undertaken by Action Education in particular within the local board area.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Thanks Ken Arkind, Action Education, for his attendance and Public Forum presentation.




10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Auckland Tranport June 2018 Update


File No.: CP2018/10749




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To provide an update to the Albert-Eden Local Board on transport related matters in their area including the Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF).

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       The Carrington area traffic calming project funded by the LBTCF at an amount of $450,000 is on track for tender by July 2018. The beacon placement at Greenlane Station is still under investigation and the Chamberlain Park shared path is awaiting a legal decision.  There still remains $1,021,210 in the LBTCF, to be spent by October 2019.   A separate report on this agenda also requests the board to consider funding two further projects with a combined cost of $201,000.

3.       Auckland Transport has provided information to the board on proposals for works in the area with the local board, as part of an ongoing commitment. These are noted in the report.

4.       Auckland Transport is also investigating a number of minor transport related issues brought to their attention by the board. These are responded too by email.

5.       Other Auckland Transport activities impacting on the board area include Traffic Control Committee decisions and the following initiatives:

·    Central New Network roll out

·    Regional Land Transport Plan

·    Mt Eden Bus Priority and Parking Proposals

·    Double Deckers on Dominion Road.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport June 2018 update report.



Horopaki / Context

6.       This report addresses transport related matters in the board area and includes information on the status of the LBTCF.

7.       The LBTCF is a capital budget provided to all local boards by Auckland Council and delivered by Auckland Transport. Local boards can use this fund to deliver transport infrastructure projects that they believe are important but are not part of Auckland Transport’s work programme. Projects must also:

·    be safe

·    not impede network efficiency

·    be in the road corridor (although projects running through parks can be considered if there is a transport outcome).

8.       Auckland Transport is responsible for all of Auckland’s transport services, excluding state highways. They report on a monthly basis to local boards, as set out in their Local Board Engagement Plan. This monthly reporting commitment acknowledges the important engagement role local boards play within and on behalf of their local communities.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

9.       Local Board Transport Capital Fund

Albert Eden Local Board Transport Capital Fund Financial Summary

Total Funds Available in current political term

·            $2,944,920

Amount committed to date on projects approved for design and/or construction

·            $1,923,710

Remaining Budget left

·            $1,021,210


10.     The table below reflects the status of projects to which LBTCF has already been committed.




Funds Allocated

Owairaka Park Pedestrian Bridge

Pedestrian bridge

In construction


Carrington Area Traffic Calming

Investigation of traffic calming devices in this general area

Consultation nearing completion, procurement of physical works to follow.


Chamberlain Park Greenway and Bridge

Construction of shared path and bridge

The estimate of works assumes a path on the western side of the creek. The shared path will link Rawalpindi Reserve, through the proposed local park, to the North Western Cycleway. This project is being managed by Auckland Council Community Facilities. Project currently on hold until judicial review decision is completed.


Greenlane Station Beacon and wayfinding signage

Provide options for signage and other wayfinding improvements to Greenlane Station and its environs.  A report on the site visit to the station to discuss other improvements is below.

Board approved a 5 metre beacon to be investigated for installation at the station entrance. Its location is being investigated.

Other improvements in the surrounding area were discussed at the site visit and costs are reported in a separate report on this agenda.


Ngauruhoe Street

Provide options for the Board to consider for replacement of the berm at the corner of Ngauruhoe Street and Mt Eden Road

Working with Auckland Council on concept for garden.


McGehan Close

Provide advice on whether it’s feasible to remove the indented parking bay at McGehan Close, in front of Delphine Reserve

This proposal will now be discussed with residents during a park event at Delphine Reserve. 

This project is not yet funded.



Responses to resolutions


11.     Requests Auckland Transport to conduct traffic flow monitoring at Great North Road at Waterview (1363 Great North Road) and Point Chevalier / Western Springs (956 and 1013 Great North Road), 28 Carrington Road, 49 Point Chevalier Road, and 128 Western Springs Road, before and after the tunnel opens.

12.     AT completed traffic monitoring counts around St Lukes in December 2017, at the request of the board.  The results of these were sent to the board in early 2018. Subsequent to this, further monitoring of roads by NZTA in the Waterview Tunnel area was sent to the board in June 2018.


13.     Requests Auckland Transport to bring forward the Alford Street intersection pedestrian facility to enable completion in the earliest possible time, especially in view of the heavy usage of the Waterview Shared Path; and notes that the Albert-Eden Local Board rarely requests Auckland Transport to bring forward the completion of projects.

14.     AT is endeavouring to deliver this improvement as soon as possible.  Latest estimate is that works should start in July/August 2018.


15.     Requests that Auckland Transport provide the board with copies of the regular reports to the Pt Chevalier Cycleway Liaison Group.

16.     The board appointed Member Rose as the board representative on the Community Liaison Group.  Member Rose will be in the best position to update the board on progress and members can register themselves online for personal updates on the project.

AE/2018/167, AE 2018/180

17.     Requests that Auckland Transport investigate options to bring the Sutherland Road corridor as the missing link of the North Western Cycleway and requests that it be funded from the Regional Land Transport budget.

18.     Requests its Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager to arrange a meeting with Kathryn King, Walking and Cycling and Safety Manager, to discuss the Sutherland Road section of the North-Western Cycleway.

19.     Auckland Transport’s Walking, Cycling and Safety Manager, Kathryn King will attend the Board’s June workshop to address these matters.

Local Board Advocacy

20.     Progress update on Albert-Eden Local Board advocacy.

We have transport options that are easy to access and suit the different needs of our community.

Central New Network is launching in July 2018. The aim of this project is to simplify the bus network, provide frequent routes and to make connections between services convenient, attractive and simple.

(see attached brochure)

Work continues on Dominion Road to increase bus lane lengths and to clear the route for double deckers.

Mt Eden Road bus lane priority improvements reached decision in late May.  Work on the corridor to improve bus lane lengths, increase bus lane operating hours and provide new crossing points will start toward the end of 2018.

Cycling and walking improvements will be delivered for Waterview (Alford St - Great North Road crossing) and Carrington Road zebra crossing.

A new cycling route is being constructed on Ian McKinnon Drive and a new route from Pt Chevalier to Westmere is under design.

Walking improvements are in design for Alford Street.

The board is supporting a shared path to be built through Chamberlain Park.

Options for light rail in the board area are being investigated by NZTA.

Our streets are safe and enjoyable to use

AT has delivered a streetscape upgrade to Mt Albert on behalf of the board, introducing wider footpaths, cycle lanes and a Barnes dance type crossing.

The board is introducing traffic calming measures in the Carrington area.

Safety improvements such as the View Road/Esplanade Road works are being delivered and others such as the Asquith Avenue safety improvements move through design processes.



Progress being made on investigations




Double decker buses will commence on Dominion Road in December 2018

Investigation on clearing the route is well underway.

Pt Chevalier to Westmere cycleway - - A dedicated cycle route along Pt Chevalier Road and Meola Road ending near the Westmere Shops

Urban Design advice is being sought. The project team will present options to the Project Control Group in June to confirm the form of the cycleway that will be taken forward for discussion with the Community Liaison Group and developed into detailed design.

Central LRT to Airport – proposed rapid transit corridor from Wynyard Quarter to Roskill via Dominion Rd (Stage 1)

The Auckland Transport Alignment Project and RLTP notes NZTA will deliver city to airport light rail.  AT will work with NZTA as they develop the project further.

Northwestern LRT – proposed rapid transit corridor from City to West Auckland

The Auckland Transport Alignment Project and RLTP notes NZTA will deliver Northwestern light rail.  AT will work with NZTA as they develop the project further.

Carrington Road - The government has purchased 29 hectares of land from the Wairaka Land Company (WLC) with the intention of creating an intensive housing development. AT is working with HNZ and other parties to understand the development plans and any necessary transport response.


This will be workshopped with the Board later in the year.


Alford Street - an investigation leading to developing a scheme design which involves a crossing facility on Alford close to Kuaka Park.


This is investigation is on the 2019/2020 minor improvement programme.  It should go out to consultation within the next few months

Eden Terrace Parking Survey – an investigation into parking patterns in this inner city suburb with a view to introducing a residential parking zone.


An initial survey has been completed.  AT will propose a residential parking zone to residents in the 2018/2019 financial year.


Other Auckland Transport news

New Network Central Delivery

22.     The date for the central new network delivery is Sunday 8 July 2018.  AT is planning for ambassadors to be out at bus stops in force to help bus passengers understand the new system. AT is taking the following actions to socialise the change and minimise confusion for passengers:

·     An information event is planned in the Pt Chevalier Library on 28 June 2018 from 10am to 1pm.

·     Schools affected by the school bus changes have been advised by email and will receive follow up calls.

·     The attached information brochure is available online and was delivered to about 180,000 isthmus households in the first week of June.

·     Maps and other information are available on our website: AT.govt.nz/newnetworkcentral

·     About 600 general posters have been installed at bus stops

·     Newspaper advertising started in late May, with radio and social media campaigns following.

·     New timetables will be available online from early June.

·     AT’s Journey Planner will show the new routes from 8 June 2018.

·     Ambassadors will be out at bus stops in force to help bus passengers understand the new system.

Draft Regional Land Transport Plan Consultation (RLTP)

23.     The public response to the May 2018 consultation on the Draft 2018-2028 Regional Land Transport Plan was huge, with a total of 18,091 submissions received, including 17,930 submissions from individuals and 161 from organisations or companies.

24.     Key themes included strong support for public transport improvements, network optimisation initiatives and safety improvements with a mixed response to walking and cycling (with around 40% both strongly supporting and strongly opposing), with particular disagreement about on-road cycleways.

25.     The summary of the feedback received is now available on our website.


Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

Mt Eden Road Bus Priority and Parking Proposals

26.     Consultation on these proposals commenced in February 2018.  AT received 759 submissions on the proposals, mainly in support. Decisions on the bus priority measures and parking proposals for Mt Eden Village and its environs were released in late May.  Details can be found here:


27.     This decision clears the way for the work on Mt Eden Road to be tendered out for construction, including the previously consulted bus priority and pedestrian improvements in the section of Mt Eden Road between Landscape Road and Mt Albert Road. 

28.     The work on Mt Eden Road requires mostly changes to signage and road marking changes and should take about six weeks. However it’s possible that the new crossings on Mt Eden Road in the Puketapapa Local Board area will cause some minor disruptions.  AT will work to minimise the impact of the work and will communicate with affected parities ahead of any work starting.

29.     Delivery is expected to commence in late 2018.

Other Local Projects


View Road and Esplanade Road safety improvements and roundabout.


Construction commences in June and is expected to take 8-10 weeks

Ian McKinnon Cycleway – a high quality cycle facility connecting the North-western cycleway and the Grafton Gully cycleway.

Construction started on the 19th of February.  AT has been working on finalising the design at Upper Queen Street/Ian McKinnon Drive which has involved an increase in scope to extend the works over Upper Queen Street bridge to Canada St intersection. There has been some delay while AT seeks endorsement from the Auckland Motorways Alliance (NZTA) given the vicinity of the works to the motorway. The final design will be sent to the local boards and completion is estimated at the end of August / early September 2018.

Rail Crossing Improvements for pedestrians– Rossgrove Terrace, Asquith Avenue, Woodward Rd and Lloyd Avenue.


These are being delivered in May/June 2018.

Mt Albert Town Centre Upgrade

This project has now been completed.  The improvements will enhance amenity and safety in the town centre for vulnerable users such as pedestrians and cyclists. There is a subsequent reduction in efficiency for vehicles and AT is monitoring the signals to maximise the efficiency of the intersection for all users. 

Asquith Avenue – safety improvements to this intersection to address the significant crash rate.


Consultation is completed.  This safety improvement is expected to be delivered in the new financial year.

Waterview Tie-in is to connect the Waterview pathway with Alford Street crossing and improve safety at the signalised crossing.


Consultation completed.  Delivery in the new financial year.

Carrington Road zebra crossing improvements


Consultation completed.  Delivery is expected in June 2018.


31.       Auckland Transport attended the May Albert-Eden Board workshop, discussion included:

·   A parking proposal for Alba Road, Mt Eden Village bus priority, residential parking zones and the Carrington area traffic calming project.

·   The board also discussed the prevalence and problem of parking on grass berms in its area and requested AT to continue its programme of enforcement.

Auckland Transport consultations

32.     Over the last reporting period, Auckland Transport has invited the board to provide their feedback on the proposals described below.

33.     The local board supported the Alexis Avenue and Kitenui Avenue proposal. No feedback was received for the changes to the St Lukes Road bus stop.

Alexis Avenue /Kitenui Avenue Intersection

AT is proposing changes to the intersection of Alexis Avenue and Kitenui Avenue in Mt Albert.  These changes include replacing the existing give way limit line road marking and signage with the equivalent stop controls.  The changes also include broken yellow lines around the bends of the intersection.  The proposal is aimed at improving both driver and pedestrian safety at the intersection after numerous crashes attributed to a failure to give way.


21A and 10 St Lukes Road

AT is proposing to relocate a bus stop to 21 A St Lukes Road in accordance with ATCOP (Auckland Transport Code of Practice) standards. Another bus stop at 10 St Lukes Road is also proposed to be altered to fit ATCOP standards.




Traffic Control Committee resolutions

34.     There were three decisions of the Traffic Control Committee that affected the Albert-Eden Local Board area in May 2018.





Pah Road, Manukau Road, Epsom

Permanent Traffic and Parking changes combined

Nsaat, clearway


Bellevue Road, Horeka Avenue, Sherbourne Road, Mt Eden

Permanent Traffic and Parking changes combined

Nsaat, P120, Roundabout Controlled Give-Way, Traffic Island, Flush Median



Market Road, Remuera

Permanent Traffic and Parking changes combined

Nsaat, P2



Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

35.     The proposed decision of receiving the report has no impacts or opportunities for Māori. Any engagement with Māori, or consideration of impacts and opportunities, will be carried out on an individual project basis.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

36.     The proposed decision of receiving the report has no financial implications.

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

Mt Albert Village

37.     The signal changes at Mt Albert Village intersection went live in May.  The intersection operation has prioritised safety over vehicle flow as considered appropriate in a town centre. 

38.     This has improved safety for vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians but has gathered adverse comment from the travelling public and some business owners.

39.     AT is continuing to monitor the signals and make adjustments to improve the operation of the intersection for all modes.

Local Board Capital Fund

40.     There is still a large amount of funds available in the transport capital fund budget. With the likelihood of extra funding in the next financial year, the Board needs to consider a major project it would like to support. This will be discussed in the August workshop.

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

41.     N/A.


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





New Network Brochure



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Lorna Stewart – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager


Jonathan Anyon – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Team Manager

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018






Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018




Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Auckland Transport Local Board Transport Capital Fund


File No.: CP2018/10757




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To progress the allocation of the remaining Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF).

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       Local boards can use the LBTCF to deliver transport infrastructure projects that are not part of Auckland Transport’s work programme. There is $1,021,210 in the local board’s LBTCF which needs to be allocated by October 2019.

3.       This report makes two recommendations to assist the board with allocating the LBTCF. These include investigating improvements to Greenlane Station and its environs and providing more parking opportunities at Alba Road, Epsom.

4.       Recommendations in this report were arrived at by assessing a shortlist of potential projects against criteria agreed by the local board and workshopping the recommendations.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Allocate $21,000 from the Auckland Transport Local Board Transport Capital Fund to further investigate and deliver the following improvements around Greenlane Station:

i.          Painting of two underpasses, walls and ceilings, including crack repairs, preparation work plus two coats of white paint and one coat graffiti guard

ii.          Painting of walls of overbridge including preparation work plus two coats of white paint and one coat graffiti guard

iii.         Installation of two convex mirrors for safety.

b)      Allocate $180,000 from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund to consult on and if successful, deliver the Alba Road parking project

c)      Request Auckland Transport to allow a 1.2 metre wide new footpath on Alba Road to support the parking project.



Horopaki / Context

5.       This report focuses on allocating part of the remaining budget left in the LBTCF.

6.       The LBTCF is a capital budget provided to all local boards by Auckland Council and delivered by Auckland Transport. Local boards can use this fund to deliver transport infrastructure projects that they believe are important but are not part of Auckland Transport’s work programme. Projects must also:

·    be safe

·    not impede network efficiency

·    be in the road corridor (although projects running through parks can be considered if there is a transport outcome).

7.       There is currently $1,021,210 remaining in the 2016-19 LBTCF. Following the adoption of Auckland Council’s long term plan, there will also be an increase in this funding from 1 July 2018.

8.       Previously, the board has supported major investments in a cycle path in Chamberlain Park and traffic calming measures in the Carrington area. These projects are reported in the monthly information report to the board.

9.       The local board has agreed criteria to assist them with making decisions about the LBTCF. This criteria was used to assess a shortlist of potential projects discussed at a local board workshop held in August 2017.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

Potential projects considered at August 2017 local board workshop

10.     The following potential projects were considered for the LBTCF at a board workshop held in August 2017, and further discussed by transport programme leads:

·    Investment in Albert-Eden Greenways programme (after a review of this programme)

·    Sutherland Road improvement for cyclists

·    Carrington area traffic calming

·    Chamberlain Park shared path

·    Better wayfinding signage around Greenlane Station

·    Enhancements to the berm at Ngauruhoe Street

·    Removal of a parking bay in McGehan Close and the reinstatement of footpath

·    Alba Road parking project (funding also allocated from the board’s parking fund).

·    Bike slide at Mt Albert Station

·    Cycle improvements on Walford Street.

11.     A number of these projects have gone forward for rough order of costing and those supported by the board to date are the Carrington area traffic calming project; a shared path in Chamberlain Park; a berm enhancement at Ngauruhoe Street and a wayfinding beacon at Greenlane Station.

Investigating Potential Improvements around Greenlane Station

12.     The board has already approved a beacon to be installed at the station to improve its visibility.  AT is currently investigating whether it is possible to deliver the beacon as the only location suitable is close to the motorway and it requires NZTA approval.

13.     If the beacon can be installed, a portion of wayfinding signage will also be delivered by Auckland Transport.

14.     After a site visit to the area by board members, the following improvements were put forward for costing:

·    Installation of beacon, $35,000 (already allocated)

·    Painting of two underpasses, walls and ceilings, including crack repairs, preparation work plus two coats of white paint and one coat graffiti guard, (ROC $13,000)

·    Painting of walls of overbridge including preparation work plus two coats of white paint and one coat graffiti guard, (ROC $4,500)

·    Installation of two convex mirrors for safety, (ROC $3,500).

15.     AT confirmed that improved LED lighting in the pedestrian underpasses can be funded from within our own budgets.

Alba Road Parking Proposal

16.     The Albert-Eden Local Board passed a resolution in May 2017 to use funds ($85,491) from the Parking Reserve fund to provide additional parking on Alba Road, Epsom as parking in this area is highly sought after.

17.     Auckland Transport has been investigating how to best provide parking and options that have been considered are:

·    Providing parking bays in the green areas underneath the trees

·    Shifting the parking from the north side of the road to the south side of the road to provide additional parking spaces –  two options were considered:

a)   Parallel parking

b)   Angled parking.

18.     The Auckland Council arborist was consulted on whether indented parking could be established under the trees. He did not support legal parking areas being established in this manner. He did agree to substantial pruning to the trees behind the kerb to allow a 1.8m wide concrete footpath to extend into the berm – except at the large fig and pohutukawa tree locations.

19.     As establishing legal parking areas under the trees was ruled out by the AC arborist, relevant AT departments were consulted on the options of shifting the parking to the south side of the berm.  

20.     Two options were considered here – parallel parking and angle parking.  Angle parking was not compliant with ATCOP at this location because:

·    It extends too far into the narrow road (6m wide) and doesn’t allow sufficient clearance for traffic.

·    It extends into the berm past the 1.8m limit and then needs a footpath to be built behind it.

21.     Parallel parking on the south side of the road has been confirmed as the preferred option as it is the only ATCOP compliant solution.

22.     At present there are 28 parking bays on the northern side of Alba Road. Moving the bays to the southern side will result in 40 bays – an extra 12 bays.

23.     This has been costed at $262,000, which is considerably more than the budget allocated through the parking reserve fund.  A major contributor to this cost is the 1.8m concrete footpath ($127K) which will run in the berm alongside the proposed new bays to be ATCOP compliant.

24.     If the board supports moving ahead providing parking on the south side of the road, extra funding will need to be allocated from the LBTCF. AT can also request a variation to ATCOP standards in this case which would reduce the width of the footpath to either 1.5m (a saving of $6,867) or 1.2m (a saving of $13,733).

25.     The board must weigh up the merits of providing more parking in this area against the expenditure required.

Criteria and assessment of these projects

26.     The two potential projects being considered in this report, and assessment of them against the criteria, are outlined in the table below.


 Greenlane Station Proposals

Alba Road

Local Board Plan outcomes



Creates links / facilities


Spreads benefits

All ages and ability

Active transport


Augments other project


Attract funding

Mana whenua values


Environmental  initiatives


27.     One of the potential projects aligns with four local board plan outcomes and satisfies a number of other criteria and could be completed well within the existing LBTCF budget.

28.     Alba Road meets two local board plan outcomes and scores reasonably well when considering other factors.

29.     For these reasons this report recommends the progression of both of these projects.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

30.     Local board views, informed by local community engagement, were incorporated in the short list of projects and development of the criteria discussed in this report.

31.     Local board plan outcomes are one of the criteria against which potential projects are assessed and both were assessed positively against this.

32.     Local boards will continue to be engaged with LBTCF projects as they progress via Auckland Transport’s Local Board Monthly Update reports.

33.     Any engagement with, or impact on, local communities will be assessed on a project by project basis. Sub-regional and regional impact will also be assessed on a project by project basis.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

34.     One of the criteria used in the LBTCF assessment is the potential to recognize mana whenua values.  Wayfinding signage at Greenlane Station has met this criteria due to the potential it has to incorporate Te Aranga Design Principles.

35.     Any engagement with, or impact on, Māori will be assessed on a project by project basis.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

36.     The financial implication of the board approving recommendations a, b and c of this report is the allocation of $201,000 of the LBTCF. This leaves $820,210 remaining.

37.     All other recommendations in this report are subject to further analysis of financial implications.

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

38.     Auckland Transport will put risk management strategies in place on a project by project basis.

39.     There is a risk that some of the fund will be lost to the board if it is not allocated within this electoral period which finishes in October 2019.

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

40.     Auckland Transport will progress the decisions made by the local board as a result of this report and provide updates via the monthly reporting process.


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments

There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Lorna Stewart, Elected Member Relationship Manager


Jonathan Anyon – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Team Manager

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Approval of the 2018/2019 Albert-Eden local environment and development work programme


File No.: CP2018/08860




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the 2018/2019 local environment and development work programme for the Albert-Eden Local Board, totalling $153,200 locally driven initiatives operational expenditure, and approve in principle the allocation of $40,000 towards the EcoNeighbourhoods project in the 2019/2020 financial year.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       The Albert-Eden Local Board has identified several aspirations in its 2017 local board plan including ‘we respect and protect our environment’ and ‘Albert-Eden has thriving town centres and a growing local economy’. To give effect to these aspirations, staff developed a number of options for projects for the board to consider funding through its 2018/2019 local environment and development work programme.

3.       The board provided feedback to Infrastructure and Environmental Services staff on the locally driven initiative projects it would like to fund at its 28 March 2018 and 10 May 2018 workshops. These projects have been detailed in the recommendations below, and are outlined in Attachment A to this report.

4.       The board also has $50,000 of asset based services capital expenditure for any defects or post-construction administration arising from the Mount Albert town centre transformation project.

5.       This report recommends that the board approves this local environment and development work programme and associated budgets for delivery within the 2018/2019 financial year (see Attachment A).


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approve the allocation of $153,200 for environmental projects to be delivered by the Infrastructure and Environmental Services directorate in 2018/2019 as detailed in the agenda report and summarised in the table below:



Waitītiko (Meola Creek) restoration initiative




Epsom Rock Forest landowner assistance programme (stage two)


Support for community-led streamside restoration


Bike hub


Light industry pollution prevention programme


Waitītiko, Waiateao (Meola and Motions Creek catchments) and the Three Kings to Western Springs aquifer initiative


Community education and moth plant disposal




b)      allocate $50,000 asset based services 2018/2019 budget for the Mount Albert town centre transformation project.

c)      approve in principle the allocation of $40,000 towards the EcoNeighbourhoods project in the 2019/2020 financial year, subject to budget availability in that financial year.


Horopaki / Context

6.       In late 2017, the Albert-Eden Local Board provided strategic direction to staff in regards to the projects it would like to fund in the 2018/2019 financial year, in alignment to its local board plan outcomes. The board noted its strong commitment to the environment, and indicated its support for:

·    partnering with schools and volunteer groups to deliver environmental initiatives in parks, so that communities feel a sense of connection to the area

·    grants for volunteer stream groups who undertake stream restoration and planting projects

·    the continuation of the EcoNeighbourhoods programmes

·    a catchment scale approach to work joining up all projects and people working in Te Auaunga/Oakley Creek and Waitītiko/Meola Creek areas

·    the development of a  Waitītiko - Waiateao Management Plan, developed jointly with Puketāpapa and Waitematā Local Boards

·    the development of a bike hub in the Albert-Eden Local Board area

·    sustainable business initiatives in town centres.

7.       In response to the direction set by the board, Infrastructure and Environmental Services staff provided a draft local environment and development work programme for the board’s feedback at a workshop on 28 March 2018.

8.       The board indicated its support in principle for the proposed projects, but requested that staff scope an additional weed disposal project for inclusion in its 2018/2019 local environment and development work programme. In response to this, staff presented a community education and moth plant disposal project proposal for the board’s consideration at its 10 May 2018 workshop.

9.       Based on these workshop discussions, eight projects to be funded with the board’s locally driven initiatives operational budget are proposed to be delivered by the Infrastructure and Environmental Services directorate as part of the board’s 2018/2019 local environment and development work programme. The draft work programme has been amended to reflect local board feedback and is included as Attachment A to this report.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

10.     A brief description of each of the proposed projects for delivery as part of the board’s 2018/2019 local environment and development work programme is provided below, and further information is provided in Attachment A.

Waitītiko (Meola Creek) restoration initiative – $40,200

11.     To achieve the local board plan outcome ‘we respect and protect our environment’, the board has indicated that it would like to fund a new project focused on a catchment approach to restoring Waitītiko (Meola Creek).

12.     It is recommended that the board allocate $40,200 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards this initiative in the 2018/2019 financial year. This budget will cover:

·    water quality monitoring and riparian restoration planting at four sites on the Albert-Eden side of Waitītiko, and two sites on the Waitematā side ($24,650 contribution from Albert-Eden Local Board, and $20,350 from Waitematā Local Board, reflective of the number of sites in each local board area)

·    prizes for a moth plant pod competition developed by Mouth Albert Grammar School’s Envirogroup students ($1,000)

·    a facilitated community workshop for all groups and individuals interested in Waitītiko ($5,000)

·    establishing a permanent Wai Care water quality monitoring kit to enable all individuals and groups to carry out monitoring and feed into the Wai Care database ($750)

·    establishing planting nursery units at Point Chevalier School and Point Chevalier Scouts, encouraging young people to grow native plants for Waitītiko through the Trees for Survival programme ($8,800).

EcoNeighbourhoods – $40,000

13.     To achieve the local board plan objective ‘sustainable practices are encouraged and fostered’ and key initiative to ‘support and develop local sustainability programmes in partnership with the community’, the board would like to continue to fund the EcoNeighbourhoods project in the 2018/2019 financial year.

14.     An EcoNeighbourhood group comprises of groups of six or more neighbours from different households within the board area, with an objective to adopt sustainable practices and increase resilience within their homes, lifestyles and neighbourhoods.

15.     It is recommended that the board allocate $40,000 of its locally driven initiatives operation budget towards this project in the 2018/2019 financial year. This will be the fifth year that the board has provided funding towards this project, including $29,000 towards the project in 2016/2017, and $30,000 in the 2017/2018 financial year.

16.     The 2018/2019 budget will enable up to 20 EcoNeighbourhood groups to receive up to 20 hours of facilitation support from the project manager. The groups can receive up to $1,000 worth of support including incentives, discounts and training to support behavior change.

17.     EcoNeighbourhood groups decide what sustainable living actions they wish to undertake and a project manager supports these groups to take action.

18.     The activities that groups have or will undertake include carbon footprinting, beekeeping, sustainable food production, water conservation, waste minimisation, energy reduction, and biodiversity initiatives.

19.     In addition to the 2018/2019 funding, it is also recommended that the board approve in principle the allocation of $40,000 towards this project in the 2019/2020 financial year, subject to budget availability. This indicative funding would be subject to formal approval from the board as part of the 2019/2020 work programming process.

20.     The board will still have the ability to withdraw from this commitment should its financial circumstances change. A commitment in principle by the board to provide indicative funding for 2019/2020 would ensure certainty of support both for the EcoNeighbourhood groups and for the local contractor.


Epsom Rock Forest landowner assistance programme (stage two) – $10,000

21.     To achieve the local board plan objective ‘our unique environment is protected and enhanced’, the board has indicated that it would like continue funding the Epsom rock forest landowner assistance programme in the 2018/2019 financial year.

22.     The board provided $5,000 towards the first stage of this project in 2017/2018, which supported engagement with 35 properties in the Epsom area that have Mount Eden lava rock forest on their land. Landowners received advice and biodiversity action plans where appropriate, and received ecological restoration support tools such as composting weed bags and traps.

23.     It is recommended that the board allocate $10,000 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards stage two of this programme in the 2018/2019 financial year. This budget will support:

·    targeted engagement with an additional 50 properties with rock forest ecology

·    awareness raising of the values of the rock forest

·    the identification of management needs and support landowners require to carry out active management of the rock forest remnant on their property.

24.     To support the implementation of the biodiversity action plans, staff will provide additional incentives and support to these landowners through the regional ecosystem budget.

Support for community-led streamside restoration – $13,000

25.     To achieve the local board plan key initiative to ‘continue to support restoration initiatives focused on improving biodiversity and connecting ecological corridors’, the board has indicated that it would like continue supporting the community-led streamside restoration project in the 2018/2019 financial year.

26.     The board provided $13,000 towards grants for two volunteer organisations, Friends of Oakley Creek and the St Lukes Environmental Protection Society, undertaking community-led streamside restoration projects around Meola and Oakley Creeks in both the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 financial years.

27.     It is recommended that the board allocate a further $13,000 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards these grants in the 2018/2019 financial year. This budget would be divided equally between Friends of Oakley Creek and the St Lukes Environmental Protection Society, with each group to receive $6,500 towards their restoration projects in 2018/2019.

Bike hub – $10,000

28.     To achieve the local board plan objective ‘sustainable practices are encouraged and fostered’, the board has indicated that it would like to fund a new bike hub project. It is recommended that the board allocate $10,000 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards stage one of this bike hub project in the 2018/2019 financial year, which will support:

·    identifying the location and community partners for a repair centre for second-hand bikes in the Albert-Eden Local Board area

·    developing a sustainable operating model for the bike hub that will result in predictable operating hours for users

·    securing funding and support from other sources to enable the development of the bike hub and its programmes.

29.     Stage two of the project, to be proposed for local board consideration as part of the 2019/2020 work programme, will involve the setup of the bike hub, and making it operational for the public. Based on the cost to set up the New Lynn bike hub, this could cost approximately $20,000 in stage two, however there could be savings depending on where the bike hub is established.

Light industry pollution prevention programme – $20,000

30.     To achieve the local board plan key initiative ‘work with our business community to encourage and support local sustainable business practices and initiatives’, the board has indicated it would like to fund a new light industry pollution prevention programme.

31.     It is recommended that the board allocate $20,000 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards this programme in the 2018/2019 financial year. This will programme will include:

·    educating and informing urban businesses such as retail stores, car yards and restaurants of the impacts their activities may be having on local waterways

·    site inspections and discussions with business owners about potential pollution issues and waste minimisation techniques, and reports to the businesses if any changes are recommended

·    a GIS mapping exercise to ensure the businesses understand the stormwater network connections in relation to local waterways.

32.     A workshop will be held with the local board, Healthy Waters and Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development staff in July 2018 to confirm the areas to be targeted through this programme.

33.     This programme will work in conjunction with the business sustainability project proposed through the 2018/2019 Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development work programme.

Waitītiko, Waiateao (Meola and Motions Creek catchments) and the Three Kings to Western Springs Aquifer Initiative - $10,000

34.     The Albert-Eden Local Board has identified a key initiative in its local board plan to ‘work with volunteer groups, interested agencies and other local boards to develop a joint approach to managing and protecting shared waterways and addressing stream catchment issues’. This includes working with the Puketāpapa and Waitematā Local Boards on a joint approach to managing these issues for Waitītiko and its underlying aquifer.

35.     To enable the board to deliver on this initiative, staff have proposed a project that will involve identifying the issues, opportunities and existing programmes taking place in the aquifer area and related catchments. This assessment will identify gaps and inform options for future works in the area. This will utilise knowledge from mana whenua, internal and external stakeholders and involve partnerships with community groups working within the catchment which covers three local board areas, Puketāpapa, Albert-Eden and Waitematā.

36.     It is recommended that the Albert-Eden and Waitematā Local Boards fund $10,000 each towards this project, and the Puketāpapa Local Board funds $5,000 as they have a smaller share of the catchment.

Community education and moth plant disposal project – $10,000

37.     To achieve the local board plan objective ‘our unique environment is protected and enhanced’, the board has indicated interest in a community education and moth plant disposal project for the 2018/2019 financial year.

38.     This project is proposed to be delivered by the EcoMatters Environment Trust, and will support the community to identify moth plant and control it on local properties through effective communication and engagement. A collection and disposal service will be provided on request and free of charge. The collection will be available for a specified period of time (likely during March 2019). Advice will be offered on other weeds, but collection will be limited to moth plant. This project does not include support for the physical removal of moth plant, just the disposal. An identification service will be provided to people if they are unsure whether they have moth plant or not.

39.     Local community groups who are currently working to control weeds in the area will be engaged to support the project, including Friends of Oakley Creek, Friends of Maungawhau, and the Society Totally Against Moth Plant (STAMP). This project may also involve attending community events to raise awareness of invasive weeds, especially moth plant.

40.     It is recommended that the local board allocate $10,000 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards the delivery of this project in the 2018/2019 financial year. While moth plant is the recommended focus for 2018/2019, other weeds can be included in the project in future years.

Mount Albert town centre transformation – $50,000 asset based services capital expenditure

41.     To achieve the local board plan outcome ‘Albert-Eden has thriving town centres and a growing local economy’ the board has provided funding towards the upgrade of the Mount Albert town centre on Great North Road ($3,440,000 asset based services capital expenditure in the 2016/2017 financial year, and $1,815,348 in 2017/2018).

42.     The benefits of this town centre upgrade include improving the overall amenity, attractiveness, safety, accessibility, connectivity and ease of movement within and to and from the town centre. The project will also support local business patronage.

43.     Construction will be completed in the 2017/2018 financial year. In 2018/2019, $50,000 of the board’s asset based services capital budget is required for any defects and post-construction administration.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

Local impacts

44.     The projects proposed for inclusion in the board’s 2018/2019 local environment and development work programme will have positive environment and development outcomes across the Albert-Eden Local Board area. Particular focus areas for the 2018/2019 work programme include the Mount Albert town centre, Waitītiko (Meola Creek), Waiateao (Motions Creek), and the Epsom rock forest.

Local board views

45.     The projects noted above align with the local board plan outcomes ‘we respect and protect our environment’ and ‘Albert-Eden has thriving town centres and a growing local economy’.

46.     The proposed local environment and development work programme was discussed with the board at workshops on 28 March 2018 and 10 May 2018.  The board indicated its support of the proposed projects outlined in this report at its 30 May 2018 workshop.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

47.     It is recognised that environmental management, water quality and land management has integral links with the mauri of the environment and concepts of kaitiakitanga.

48.     Table 1 below outlines how each of the projects contributes towards Māori outcomes.


Table 1. Māori impact assessment


Māori impact assessment

Waitītiko (Meola Creek) restoration initiative

Te Mahurehure Marae continues to offer their site for planting, weeding and water quality monitoring activities for Point Chevalier School, and will be supported to undertake pest control as part of Pest Free Point Chevalier. There are opportunities for Te Mahurehure Marae and Point Chevalier Pā Harakeke weavers to collaborate and contribute towards restoration plans through the regular Meola community meetings. Mana whenua will be invited to share local history and stories of Waitītiko with the wider Meola community at these meetings.


This project does not specifically target sustainable living for Māori. However, it is acknowledged that sustainable living practices have integral links with concepts of kaitiakitanga and the Māori world view, where people are closely connected to the land and nature.

Epsom Rock Forest Landowner Assistance Programme (stage two)

No direct engagement or consultation has been made with Māori on this project. However, it is recognised that environmental management has integral links with the mauri of the environments and concepts of kaitiakitanga.

Support for community-led streamside restoration

Plants will be supplied through a local Māori trust, and parts of the projects will be delivered by Māori contactors where possible. The projects supported through this budget will increase the mauri of streams in the Albert-Eden Local Board area.

Bike hub

There is potential for the bike hub initiative to contribute to Māori wellbeing through educating Māori groups about active transport options which could result in financial savings and positive health outcomes. Opportunities to partner with Māori organisations in establishing the bike hub and providing the bike hub service will be explored.

Light industry pollution prevention programme

It is recognised that waterways and environmental protection are of great importance of Māori, with integral links to kaitiakitanga. This programme will increase the mauri of waterways in the Albert-Eden Local Board area.

Waitītiko, Waiateao (Meola and Motions Creek catchments) and the Three Kings to Western Springs Aquifer Initiative

It is recognised that waterway protection and restoration has integral links to concepts of kaitiakitanga. Mana whenua will be consulted through the development of this report on any issues identified and potential options for remedying issues. Discussions with mana whenua will not only focus on desired ecological outcomes, but also social impacts and opportunities for Māori involvement in restoration activities going forward.

Mount Albert town centre transformation

Mana whenua engagement has been undertaken throughout the upgrade of the town centre through dedicated project hui. As a result of this engagement, Māori design elements have been incorporated into the transformation of the town centre.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

49.     The proposed 2018/2019 local environment and development work programme will see the allocation of $153,200 of the board’s locally driven initiatives operational budget. This amount can be accommodated within the board’s total draft budget for 2018/2019. As such, the board’s approval will not have significant financial implications unless projects experience a significant overspend or underspend. Regular quarterly updates on projects will be provided to the board tracking expenditure and identifying any projects at risk of non-delivery, over or underspend.

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

50.     If the proposed local environment and development work programme is not approved at the board’s June 2018 business meeting, there is a risk that the proposed projects may not be able to be delivered within the 2018/2019 financial year.

51.     The risks associated with each of the proposed projects have been outlined in Attachment B to this report.

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

52.     Subject to the board’s approval, the delivery of this work programme will commence in the new financial year (1 July 2018). Regular reporting on project delivery will be provided through the Infrastructure and Environmental Services’ contribution to the board’s quarterly performance report.


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





2018/2019 Albert-Eden local environment and development work programme



Risks and mitigation of proposed 2018/2019 local environmental projects



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Jaimee Maha - Team Leader Relationship Advisory


Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018




Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board 2018/19 Local Economic Development Work Programme


File No.: CP2018/10040




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the Albert-Eden local economic development programme for the 2018/2019 financial year.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       This report introduces the proposed 2018/2019 financial year local economic development work programme for the Albert-Eden Local Board as set out in attachment A.

3.       The proposed work programme comprises the Albert-Eden Business Awards, Albert-Eden Business Sustainability Development, Epsom Business Engagement and purchase of the Marketview Retail Spend Monitor.

4.       The total value of the Local Economic Development programme is $75,525.

5.       The board is being asked to approve the 2018/2019 local economic development programme.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approve the 2018/2019 local economic development work programme as presented in attachment A to this report:

i.          Albert-Eden Business Awards ($25,000)

ii.          Albert-Eden Business Sustainability Development ($20,000)

iii.         Epsom Business Engagement ($15,000)

iv.        Marketview Retail Spend Report ($15,525).



Horopaki / Context

6.       This report provides the local board with the proposed local economic development work programme for the coming financial year.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

7.       The 2018/2019 local economic development work programme has been developed having regard to the board’s priorities for local economic development set out in the Albert-Eden Local Board Plan 2017.

8.       The proposed local economic development work programme comprises the following activities.

Albert-Eden Business Award ($25,000)

9.       The business awards programme seeks to recognise and celebrate the diversity and quality of businesses in the local area. The 2018 Business Awards attracted a large number of participants with Body FX winning the supreme award.

10.     The award programme fosters a sense of pride around the local business community in Albert-Eden. The allocation of $25,000 will enable the business award programme to be run again in 2019.

Albert-Eden Business Sustainablity Development ($20,000)

11.     ATEED will work with Infrastructure & Environmental Services from Auckland Council to promote sustainable business practices to local businesses in Albert-Eden.

12.     This programme of work will include identifying the needs of local business through a short one on one engagement, working with interested businesses through coaching sessions to establish a sustainability action plan, and encouraging participants to monitor their progress.

Epsom Business Engagement ($15,000)

13.     The programme aims to initiate a series of local business engagement events in Epsom. The aim is to facilitate a local business network where businesses can work together as part of a connected and collaborative business community.

14.     A contractor will be recruited to lead the business engagement and organise the business engagement events.

Marketview Retail Spend Report ($15,525)

15.     Marketview retail reports provide a wealth of information on the demographics of consumers shopping at local centres. The reports provide information on where customers come from, how frequently they visit the stores in the shopping area and helps local centres to measure their success and performance compared to similar areas.

16.     In the previous financial years the board purchased Marketview retail spend data reports for seven business associations including Dominion Road, Mt Eden, Kingsland, Point Chevalier, Sandringham, Mt Albert, and Greenwoods Corner/Epsom on their behalf.

17.     Each of the seven business associations will receive one annual retail report and one event retail report in 2018/2019. The total funding proposed for the project also allows for information session between Marketview and interested business associations to understand the report provided for their town centres.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

18.     The projects noted above align with the local board plan outcome ‘Albert-Eden has thriving town centres and a growing local economy’.

19.     The proposed local economic development work programme was workshopped with the local board on 28 March 2018, and a final draft was presented on 30 May 2018 workshop. Edits have been made to reflect the direction received at the workshops.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

20.     There are no direct impacts as a result of this report on Māori. However, in implementing the programme consideration will be given to the need to consult with Iwi and consider any impacts on Māori arising from the specific projects being undertaken.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

21.     The proposed 2018/2019 local economic development work programme will see the allocation of $75,525 of the board’s locally driven initiatives operating expenditure l budget. This amount can be accommodated within the board’s total draft budget for 2018/2019.

22.     The local economic development work programme progress will be reported directly to the board as part of the quarterly local board work programme report produced by Local Board Services.

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

23.     The local economic development work programme is dependent on the development of detailed proposals and associated funding agreements. There is a risk that the budget remains unspent as a result of the fact that initiatives supported in the financial year do not require the full amount allocated, or following the agreement of the programme external partners do not in turn proceed with the project.

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

24.     Following approval by the local board the Local Economic Development team at ATEED will begin to implement the programme from 1 July 2018. Where there is a need for further scoping of activities this will be undertaken and presented back to the local board as required.


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Albert-Eden Local Board ATEED Work Programme 2018/2019



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Luo Lei – Local Economic Development Advisor (ATEED)


John Norman – Strategic Planner (ATEED)

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board Community Services Work Programmes 2018/2019


File No.: CP2018/10669




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the Community Services 2018/2019 work programmes for the Albert-Eden Local Board including the following departments:

·    Arts, Community and Events (ACE)

·    Libraries and Information (Libraries)

·    Parks, Sport and Recreation (PSR)

·    Service Strategy and Integration (SSI).

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       The Community Services work programmes provide a defined work programme to be delivered for the board in the 2018/2019 financial year. The work programmes cover the following departments:

·    Arts, Community and Events (ACE)

·    Libraries and Information (Libraries)

·    Parks, Sport and Recreation (PSR)

·    Service Strategy and Integration (SSI).

3.       The Community Services work programmes are being presented together as an initial step toward an integrated programme for the Community Services directorate.

4.       The work programmes align with the following Local Board Plan outcomes:

·    Albert-Eden has a strong sense of community

·    Albert-Eden has thriving town centres and a growing local economy

·    Our community spaces are well used by everyone

·    Our natural and cultural heritage is valued

·    Our parks are enjoyed by all

·    We respect and protect our environment.

5.       The work programmes include funding from Asset Based Services (ABS) Opex; Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Capex and Opex.

6.       Should unforeseen works arise, or work priorities change from those approved by the board, approval from the board will be sought for any changes to work programmes.

7.       Progress and updates on work programmes will be reported to the board for each quarter of the financial year.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approve the 2018/19 Arts, Community and Events work programme (Attachment A to the agenda report).

b)      approve the 2018/19 Libraries work programme (Attachment B to the agenda report).

c)      approve the 2018/19 Parks, Sport and Recreation work programme (Attachment C to the agenda report) and delegate approval of minor changes to (Insert member name) and (insert member name).

d)      approve the 2018/19 Service Strategy and Integration work programme (Attachment D to the agenda report).



Horopaki / Context

8.       Work programmes are presented to local boards for approval each year. They outline the local activities to be delivered in each local board area for the next financial year.

9.       This year ACE, Libraries, PSR and SSI departments that make up the Community Services directorate are presenting work programmes in a combined report as an initial step toward an integrated programme for the Community Services directorate.

10.     Preparation for the development of draft work programmes was supported by a series of workshops with the local board. Initial workshops provided strategic direction and subsequent workshops identified priority activities to support that direction.

11.     The work programme for SSI has been included alongside other Community Services work programmes for the first time. Some activities are funded through regional budgets but have been included as they will have an impact on future asset or service provision in the local board area and may also require local board decisions or input as they progress.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

12.     The Community Services work programmes 2018/2019 for the Albert-Eden Local Board includes the following areas of activity:

·    ACE – Provision of service at local arts projects and facilities, community empowerment initiatives, community centres and venues and local and regional events.

·    Libraries – Provision of library services and programmes that support Aucklanders with reading and literacy, and opportunities to participate in community and civic life.

·    PSR – Provision of services to actively engage Aucklanders to lead healthy lifestyles, connect with nature and value our cultural identity.

·    SSI – Provision of service and asset planning advice and support more integrated delivery of community outcomes.

13.     The work programmes include activities that:

·    align with local board plans

·    identify budget allocation and

·    outline estimated timeframes for delivery.

14.     The work programmes 2018/2019 align to the following Albert-Eden Local Board Plan outcomes:






Albert-Eden has a strong sense of community





Albert-Eden has thriving town centres and a growing local economy





Our community spaces are well used by everyone





Our natural and cultural heritage is valued





Our parks are enjoyed by all





We respect and protect our environment






15.     Some activities require multiple years for delivery. The programmes align to the following strategies and plans:

·    ACE: Hire Fee Framework, Events Policy, Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan ("Toi Whītiki"), Community Development Strategic Action Plan (“Thriving Communities”), Ka Ora Ai Te Iwi – Māori Responsiveness Plan

·    Libraries: Te Kauroa – Auckland Libraries Future Directions 2013-2023, Te Kauhanganui – Auckland Libraries Māori responsiveness plan

·    PSR: Public Open Space Strategic Action Plan, Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan, Auckland growing greener framework, Māori responsiveness framework, Pest free 2050 (through volunteers).  

·    SSI: Delivery of integrated outcomes from the strategies and plans outlined above including the Community Facilities Network Plan, Parks and Open Space Strategic Action Plan and Auckland Plan.

16.     The work programmes include new activities, as well as existing activities that have been continued from the previous financial year.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

17.     The board provided feedback on the proposed Community Services work programmes for the 2018/2019 financial year through a series of workshops in preparation for approving these final work programmes.

18.     Feedback from these workshops is reflected in the work programmes included in Attachments A, B, C and D.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

19.     Where any aspects of the work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on Māori, appropriate engagement and consultation will follow.

20.     Community Services are committed to being responsive to Māori. When developing and delivering work programmes we consider how we can contribute to Māori well-being, values, culture and traditions.

21.     Activities in the work programmes that are specific to Māori outcomes include:

·    Celebrating Te Ao Māori and strengthening responsiveness to Māori. Whakatipu i te reo Māori

·    Māori naming of reserves and facilities.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

22.     Activities are funded from one or multiple budget sources which include: Asset Based Services (ABS) Opex; Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Capex and Opex.

23.     The Locally Driven Initiative budget allocated to the Community Services work programmes for the local board for the 2018/2019 financial year is $927,000.

24.     The Community Facilities department leads capital development and asset enhancing activities including renewals and will be submitting a separate work programme for approval.

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

25.     Delivery and completion of activities in the work programmes are dependent on the local board approving the work programmes.

26.     Work programme activities that require multi-year funding are dependent on the approval of work programmes in future years to be completed or continued.

27.     Where a work programme activity cannot be completed on time due to unforeseen circumstances, this will be signalled to the local board at the earliest opportunity along with options for the local board to consider.

28.     If a change is required to a work programme, approval from the local board will be sought.

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

29.     Once approved, delivery of activities identified in the Community Services work programmes is to begin from 1 July 2018.

30.     The work programmes list further decisions and milestones for each activity, these will be brought to the local board when appropriate.

31.     Progress and updates on work programmes will be reported to the local board for each quarter of the financial year.


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Albert-Eden ACE Work Programme 2018/2019



Albert-Eden Libraries Work Programme 2018/2019



Albert-Eden PSR Work Programmes 2018/2019



Albert-Eden SS and I Work Programme 2018/2019



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Graham Bodman - General Manager Arts, Community and Events

Mirla Edmundson - General Manager Libraries & Information

Mace Ward - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation

Lisa Tocker - Head of Service Strategy and Integration


Ian Maxwell - Director Community Services

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



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Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Road Name Approval: New Road at 136 Taylors Road & 22A Alberton Ave, Mt Albert


File No.: CP2018/09899




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To seek approval from the Albert-Eden Local Board to name a new road (right of way) created by way of a subdivision at 136 Taylors Road & 22A Alberton Avenue, Mt Albert.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       Auckland Council has Road Naming Guidelines that set out the requirements and criteria of the Council for proposed road names. These requirements and criteria have been applied in this situation to ensure consistency of road naming across the Auckland Region.

3.       On behalf of applicant Alberton Lane Limited, consultants Armour Partners Limited have submitted the following road name options:

·    Brookburn Lane (Preferred)

·    Briarwood Lane (Alternative 1)

·    Rock Wall Lane (Alternative 2)



Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Approve Brookburn Lane for the new private road (right of way) created by way of subdivision at 136 Taylors Road & 22A Alberton Avenue, Mt Albert (Council resource consent reference SUB60304040).


Horopaki / Context

4.       Resource consent SUB60304040 was issued 21 August 2017 for a comprehensive redevelopment to construct an 8-lot subdivision. The subject site is an amalgamation of two rear sites located on the southern side of Taylors Road, with vehicle access to Taylors Road and pedestrian access to Alberton Avenue.

5.       Separate titles will be created for each of the 8 units.

6.       This approved development contains a new road that requires a road name since it services more than 5 lots / units.

7.       A site plan of the development can be found in Attachment A.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

8.       The Auckland Council Road Naming Guidelines allow that where a new road needs to be named as a result of a subdivision or development, the subdivider/developer shall be given the opportunity of suggesting their preferred new road name/s for the Local Board’s approval.


9.       Auckland Council’s road naming criteria typically require that road names reflect:

-   a historical or ancestral linkage to an area;

-   a particular landscape, environmental or biodiversity theme or feature; or

-   an existing (or introduced) thematic identity in the area.

10.     The applicant has proposed road names as summarised in the table below:

Applicant’s Proposed Names & Preferences


(as described by applicant)


Brookburn Lane

Recognition of the small brook or stream in the neighbouring park

Link to local area.
Not already in use

Briarwood Lane (Alternative 1)

To recognize the wood, specifically known as Briar root, from the numerous Erica arborea trees that surround the site.

Link to vegetation surrounding site.
Not already in use

Rock Wall Lane (Alternative 2)

To acknowledge the historical
stone wall on the southern boundary of the site. The wall runs between 136 Taylors Road and Roy Clements Treeway. The wall was originally erected in the 1800’s by Allan Kerr-Taylor which is where the name Kerr-Taylor Park and Taylors Road derive.

Link to historical feature on site.
Not already in use.


11.     Land Information New Zealand has confirmed the proposed names are acceptable and no duplicates exist.

12.     The proposed names and the road type of ‘Lane’ are all deemed to meet the council’s road naming guidelines.

13.     Iwi Consultation: All relevant local iwi were written to (via email) and invited to comment. Te Ahiwaru commented that they would prefer Te Reo names, however did not suggest any. Ngati Whatua responded to defer their interests to the remaining iwi, however, none of the eleven remaining iwi that were contacted responded.

14.     Community Consultation: 12 neighbouring properties were written to (via email) and invited to comment on the proposed road names. 8 out of the 12 responded, all supporting the preferred name of ‘Brookburn Lane’, as well as the two proposed alternatives.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

15.     The decision sought for this report does not trigger any significant policy and is not considered to have any immediate impact on the community.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement16.   The decision sought from the Albert-Eden Local Board on this report is linked to the Auckland Plan Outcome “A Maori identity that is Auckland’s point of difference in the world”. The use of Maori names for roads, buildings and other public places is an opportunity to publicly demonstrate Maori identity.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

17.     The applicant has responsibility for ensuring that appropriate signage will be installed accordingly once approval is obtained for the new road names.

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

18.     There are no significant risks to council as road naming is a routine part of the subdivision development process, with consultation being a key part of the process.

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

19.     Approved road names are notified to Land Information New Zealand who records them on their New Zealand wide land information database which includes street addresses issued by councils.


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Attachment A - Site Plan



Attachment B - Location Plan



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Elizabeth Salter - Subdivision Technical Officer


Trevor Cullen - Team Leader Subdivision

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



New community lease to Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust, 99 Richardson Road, Ōwairaka


File No.: CP2018/10048




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To grant a new community lease to Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust at 99 Richardson Road, Ōwairaka.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Auckland Suburbs Branch Incorporated has a community lease at 99 Richardson Road, Ōwairaka with the former Auckland City Council.  The lease for the Auckland Council owned building was for a term of five years commencing 1 April 2001 and contained two renewal terms of five years each.  The lease reached final expiry on 31 March 2016 and has been continuing on a month by month basis.

3.       On 22 July 2014 the Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Auckland Suburbs Branch Incorporated assigned the lease to Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Auckland City Area Incorporated. The assignment of lease was with the consent of Auckland Council.

4.       From 1 January 2018 all new leases will be in the name of Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust (Plunket). 

5.       The land is classified as a local purpose (site for plunket rooms) reserve and subject to the Reserves Act 1977. This classification only allows for the activity of plunket rooms, therefore Auckland Council cannot advertise the facility calling for expressions of interest.

6.       This report recommends the granting of a new community lease to Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust for a term of three years commencing 27 June 2018 with one right of renewal of three years.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)   grant a new community lease to Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust at 99 Richardson Road, Ōwairaka (Attachment A) being 1146m² (more or less) subject to the following terms and conditions:


i)        term: three years commencing 27 June 2018 with one right of renewal of three years;

ii)       rent: $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

iii)      maintenance fee: $250.00 plus GST per annum;

iv)      Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust Community Outcomes Plan as approved be attached to the lease document (Attachment B);

v)      all other terms and conditons to be in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977.





Horopaki / Context

99 Richardson Road, Ōwairaka

7.       The land at 99 Richardson Road is described as Lot 1 DP 44998 and comprises 1146 square metres.  Lot 1 is held by the Crown through the Department of Conservation as a classified local purpose (site for plunket rooms) reserve, vested in trust in Auckland Council and subject to the Reserves Act 1977.  This classification under Section 61 (2A) of the Reserves Act specifies the activity that can take place on the reserve rather than the more generic local purpose (community buildings) reserve classification.  As the classification only allows for the activity of plunket rooms the council cannot advertise the facility calling for expressions of interest.

Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust

8.       Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Auckland Suburbs Branch Incorporated’s community lease of the Auckland Council owned building at 99 Richardson Road, Ōwairaka reached final expiry on 31 March 2016. The lease was for a term of five years commencing 1 April 2001 and contained two renewal terms of five years each. 

9.       With the consent of Auckland Council Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Auckland Suburbs Branch assigned the lease to Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Auckland City Area Incorporated on 22 July 2014. 

10.     From 1 January 2018 all new leases will be in the name of Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust (Plunket). 

11.     The use of the plunket rooms are outlined in the table below. Occasional additional clinic days run on Wednesday and Saturday.  Plunket health records are stored on site.










B4SC clinic

Nurse office


B4SC clinic

Nurse office





Plunket clinic Owairaka Playgroup


Plunket clinic

Nurse office





Nurse office


Nurse office





Plunket Clinic

Nurse office


Plunket Clinic

Nurse Office





Spanish playgroup

Nurse office


Nurse office


















12.     The Ōwairaka Arabic Playgroup which used the facility last year is on hold until it finds a coordinator to manage the playgroup. Casual usage or users of the facility are the parenting group PEPE (Parenting Education Programme), first aid courses and the occasional birthday party.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

13.     The Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust has submitted a comprehensive application in support of a new community lease.

14.     Plunket is the leading provider of well child and family health services. Its programmes have been designed to support families with young children by offering a range of activities.

15.     Council staff has negotiated and agreed a community outcomes plan with Plunket.  Subject to local board approval to the plan, council staff will append the plan as a schedule to the community lease.

16.     It is recommended to grant a new community lease to Plunket for a term of three years commencing 27 June 2018 with one right of renewal of three years.  This is in accordance with the Albert-Eden Community Occupancy Policy adopted 24 May 2017.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

17.     The contents of this report were workshopped with the local board on 21 February 2018.

18.     The Albert-Eden Local Board has the allocated authority to approve the granting of a new community lease.

19.     A community outcomes plan has been negotiated and agreed with Plunket.  The plan aligns to the Albert-Eden Local Board Plan 2017 outcomes of:

·    Our community spaces are well used by everyone

·    We respect and protect our environment.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

20.     Engagement was undertaken in March and May 2018 with 13 mana whenua identified as having an interest in land in the Albert-Eden Local Board area about the proposed new community lease.

Engagement involved:

·    a presentation at the Central South Mana Whenua Forum

·    email contact containing detailed information on the reserve, the group and inviting iwi representatives to hui and or for a kaitiaki site visit to comment on any spiritual, cultural or environmental impact with respect to the proposal.

21.     No objections were raised by the five mana whenua representatives who responded.

22.     Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its broader legal obligations to Māori. The council recognises these responsibilities are distinct from the Crown’s Treaty obligations and fall within a local government Tāmaki Makaurau context. These commitments are articulated in the council’s key strategic planning documents the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, the Unitary Plan and Local Board Plans.

23.     All Plunket enrolled children are entitled to Well Child services. They connect with Māori whānau through Plunket nurses’ visits, community karitāne visits, toy library, playgroups, family centres, coffee groups, PEPE parenting groups, education courses in schools, antenatal classes, volunteer groups and Plunket mobile bus clinics.

24.     Plunket has several projects that focus on Te Reo such as Parenting through Te Reo CDs and the translation of an NZQA Education in schools parenting course module for secondary schools. 

25.     There are no changes in use of operational activities being conducted on the land.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

26.     There are no financial implications associated with the grant of a new community lease.

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

27.     If a lease is not granted to Plunket to enable its continued occupation of the land this could lead to the services provided by Plunket ceasing at this site.  

28.     The land has been specifically classified for the provision of plunket rooms.  If the local board wished to consider any other activity taking place on the site this would require a reclassification of the land.

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

29.     Subject to the local board grant of a new community lease, council staff will work with key representatives of Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust to finalise the deed of lease. 


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Site Plan for Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust, Ōwairaka Branch, 99 Richardson Road, Ōwairaka



Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust, Ōwairaka Branch Community Outcomes Plan



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Donna Cooper – Community Lease Advisor


Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



New community lease to Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated at Pascoe Quarry Reserve, 99B Gillies Avenue, Epsom


File No.: CP2018/10183




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To grant a new community lease to Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated at Pascoe Quarry Reserve, 99B Gillies Avenue, Epsom.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated has applied for a new community lease for part of Pascoe Quarry Reserve, 99B Gillies Avenue, Epsom. Its previous lease with the former Auckland City Council fully expired on 30 June 2011.  The lease has been holding over on a month by month basis.

3.       As specified in the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012, groups that own their own building have an automatic right to re-apply for a new community lease at the end of their occupancy term.

4.       New community leases require a community outcomes plan and this will be attached as a schedule to the lease.

5.       As the land is held under the Local Government Act 2002, Auckland Council is required to engage with local iwi and publicly notify its intention to grant a lease if it exceeds six months.  This cost will be borne by the Community Facilities department.  It is recommended that the board delegate to the chair to appoint a hearings panel to hear any submissions received as a result of the public notification process and make a decision in that regard.

6.       This report recommends a new community lease be granted to Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated for a term of three years with one right of renewal for three years.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approve the public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a lease to Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated for part of Pascoe Quarry Reserve, 99B Gillies Avenue, Epsom;

b)      delegate to the Albert-Eden Local Board Chair to appoint a panel to consider submissions or objections received following the public notification of the intention to lease, and for the panel to make a decision;

c)      grant, subject to any submissions or objections being resolved, a new community lease to Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated for part of Pascoe Quarry Reserve, 99B Gillies Avenue, Epsom (Attachment A) being 264m² (more or less) on the following terms and conditions:

i)        term: three years commencing 1 June 2018 with one right of renewal of three years;

ii)       rent: $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

iii)      Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated Community Outcomes Plan as approved be attached to the lease document (Attachment B);

iv)      all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.



Horopaki / Context

Pascoe Quarry Reserve

7.       The land at 99B Gillies Avenue and occupied by Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated is part of the Pascoe Quarry Reserve.  Olympic Weightlifting’s building is located on part of Lot 2 DP 129218 with an area of 1719m² and contained in Part NA75D/380. Lot 2 is held in fee simple by Auckland Council under the Local Government Act 2002.

Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated

8.       Olympic Weightlifting has a community lease with the former Auckland City Council for a term of five years commencing 1 July 1996.  The lease contained two rights of renewal of five years each.  The lease reached final expiry on 30 June 2011 and has since been holding over on a month by month basis.

9.       Olympic Weightlifting has153 members and 11 part time volunteers with the facilities used by its members Monday through to Sunday.

10.     Olympic Weightlifting was registered as an incorporated society on 27 February 1947 an its objectives are to:

·    promote the sport of weightlifting and the pursuit of excellence at all levels

·    control and administer the sport in the best interests of the participants, in the Auckland region, in accordance with the constitution of Olympic Weightlifting New Zealand

·    organise regular competitions, and when agreed, national and international championships.

11.     Six members with the support of two coaches competed at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games with the following results:


·    Under 53Kg – seventh

·    Under 75kg – fourth and broke the New Zealand Clean and Jerk record

·    Under 90kg – fifth


·    Under 62kg – seventh

·    Under 77kg – seventh and achieved a personal best in the Clean and Jerk

·    105+ kg – gold medal and broke the New Zealand record in the Total and Clean and Jerk categories and the Commonwealth Games record for Total. This competitor was also awarded the David Dixon Award for performance and sportsmanship.

12.     Also located on the reserve are Auckland Badminton Association Incorporated and Auckland Table Tennis Association Incorporated.  Badminton has a 33 year lease that commenced 1 February 1988 and contains a 33 year right of renewal.  Table Tennis has a five year lease that commenced 1 June 2009 and contains two rights of renewal of five years each.  This lease will reach final expiry on 31 May 2024.  Both badminton and table tennis were advised of the proposed new community lease to Olympic Weightlifting by email on 22 February 2018.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

13.     Olympic Weightlifting provides a weightlifting facility to the community in Auckland. This facility provides an opportunity for members to train as well as attend regular club competitions.

14.     As part of the application process a comprehensive application was submitted including financial accounts, Annual General Body meeting minutes and membership details.

15.     A site visit was undertaken on 8 November 2017 and established that the facilities are well maintained.

16.     It is recommended to grant a new community lease to Olympic Weightlifting for a term of three years commencing 1 June 2018 with one right of renewal of three years.  This is in accordance with the Albert-Eden Community Occupancy Policy adopted 24 May 2017.  This lease term will also align with the current lease to the Table Tennis Association.  Both leases will fully expire on 31 May 2024.

17.     Olympic Weightlifting owns its clubrooms and in accordance with the provisions of the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 it may apply for a new lease without the need for an expression of interest process.

18.     Prior to the granting of a lease under the Local Government Act 2002 that exceeds six months, Auckland Council is required to engage with local iwi and publicly notify its intention to grant a lease.  There is no cost to the board for these two processes.  It is recommended that the board delegate to the chair to appoint a hearings panel to hear any submissions received as a result of the public notification process and make a decision in that regard.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

19.     The contents of the report were discussed with the local board on 18 October 2017 and 21 February 2018.

20.     The Albert-Eden Local Board is the allocated authority to approve the granting of a new community lease. 

21.     A community outcomes plan has been negotiated and agreed with Olympic Weightlifting.  The plan aligns to the Albert-Eden Local Board Plan 2017 outcomes of:

·    Albert-Eden has a strong sense of community

·    Our community spaces are well used by everyone.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

22.     Engagement was undertaken in March and May 2018 with 13 mana whenua identified as having an interest in land in the Albert-Eden Local Board area about the proposed new community lease.

Engagement involved:

·    a presentation at the Central South Mana Whenua Forum

·    email contact containing detailed information on the reserve, the group and inviting iwi representatives to hui and or for a kaitiaki site visit to comment on any spiritual, cultural or environmental impact with respect to the proposal.

23.     No objections were raised by the six mana whenua representatives who responded.

24.     Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its broader legal obligations to Māori. The council recognises these responsibilities are distinct from the Crown’s Treaty obligations and fall within a local government Tāmaki Makaurau context. These commitments are articulated in the council’s key strategic planning documents the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, the Unitary Plan and Local Board Plans.

25.     There are no changes in use of operational activities being conducted on the land.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

26.     Provided there are no objections, the cost implication for Auckland Council is the public notification of the lease being one advertisement in the Central Leader estimated at $950.00. This cost will be borne by Auckland Council’s Community Facilities department.

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

27.     If a lease is not granted to Olympic Weightlifting enabling its continued occupation of the reserve this could lead to the clubroom being removed and the sport of weightlifting at this site ceasing.

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

28.     Subject to the local board grant of a new community lease and there being no objections following the public notification process council staff will work with key representatives of Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated to finalise the deed lease.


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Site Plan for Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated, Pascoe Quarry Reserve, 99B Gillies Avenue, Epsom



Community Outcomes Plan for Olympic Weightlifting Auckland Incorporated



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Donna Cooper – Community Lease Advisor


Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Fowlds Park Upgrade Report


File No.: CP2018/10440




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To seek approval from the Albert-Eden Local Board to proceed with the upgrade of Fowlds Park as per the detailed drawings and staging plan presented in this report.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       In July 2017 the Albert-Eden Local Board endorsed the upgrade of the playing surfaces of the existing No.1, No.2 and No.3 fields to hybrid turf with lights to increase sports field capacity at Fowlds Park.

3.       Staff have consulted with mana whenua, user and stakeholder groups, and local residents regarding the proposed development.

4.       The main points of contention have revolved around the lighting design and the installation of a permanent softball fence.

5.       There is now general approval from all parties to the agreed lighting design shown in Attachment A.

6.       Options have been assessed in regards to the layout of the softball diamonds and the installation of a permanent softball fence. The lower platform at Fowlds Park is too small to accommodate both a full size softball diamond with permanent fence and a minimum sized rugby league field and the safety zones required around the fields.

7.       Staff recommend retaining the existing rugby league field and softball diamond dimensions.

8.       Softball will continue to operate at Fowlds Park as it has previously with the Softball Club installing temporary fencing panels that remain in place for the summer season.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Approve the upgrade of Fowlds Park as per Attachments A and B.

b)      Acknowledge that the lower platform at Fowlds Park is not large enough to accommodate a full size softball diamond and permanent backstop fence without major earthworks, tree removal and retaining walls.

c)      Approve Option 4 in Table One - the Auckland United Softball Club will continue to operate as per the status quo and that a permanent backstop fence is not installed as part of this project.

d)      Approve Council staff continuing to work with the Auckland United Softball Club to install a more permanent storage location for the temporary fencing panels on site.

e)      Approve fields two and three to be constructed in the 2018/2019 construction season and field one in the 2019/2020 construction season. The lights will be installed on all three fields in the 2018/2019 construction season.





Horopaki / Context


9.       In July 2017 the Albert-Eden Local Board endorsed the upgrade of the playing surfaces of the existing No.1, No.2 and No.3 fields to hybrid turf with lights to increase sports field capacity at Fowlds Park.

10.     The board requested that Auckland Council staff consult with mana whenua, user and stakeholder groups and residents adjacent to Fowlds Park in relation to the upgrades of all three fields and then report back the findings from the Fowlds Park consultation prior to seeking approval of a preferred sports field development option.

11.     Three stakeholder meetings have occurred in August 2017, March 2018 and May 2018 respectively where plans have been presented and feedback sought from various parties. The main points of contention have revolved around the lighting design and the installation of a permanent softball fence.

12.     Mana Whenua have been consulted at the Parks and Recreation South/Central Mana Whenua Engagement Forum held in May 2018.  No objections were received from Mana Whenua in regards to the proposed upgrade.

Decision-making authority

13.     The board has the decision-making authority over recreation facilities and initiatives including the specific location, design, build and fit out of new local recreation and sports facilities within budget parameters agreed with the governing body and the use of local recreation facilities and initiatives including leasing and changes of use.

Links to strategies, policies and plans

14.     An upgrade to Fowlds Park will contribute to achieving two main sporting targets in the Auckland Plan:

·    Increase the number of Aucklander’s actively participating in recreation and sport every week from 79 to 90 per cent by 2040; and

·    Increase the number of council sports field that are useable throughout the year from 80 to 90 per cent by 2020.

15.     It will also meet one of the outcomes of the Albert-Eden Local Board Plan to continue the parks capital development and renewals programme and look for opportunities to use whole-of-park and community-led approaches.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

Lighting Design

16.     The lighting design prepared by Stephenson and Turner recommends that all existing lighting poles are removed and new poles installed with LED lights. Spill calculations have been prepared and compliance with the Unitary Plan can be achieved in respect to light spill.

17.     Based on feedback received from Friends of Fowlds Park (FOFP) the number of lighting poles to be installed has been reduced from 16 to 14 poles. This is the number of poles required to effectively light the three fields and the netball courts to an average lux level of 100lux.

18.     The way the lights are to be mounted on the poles has also been modified based on feedback from FOFP. The lights will be stacked vertically as opposed to horizontally to reduce the visual effect.

19.     The lighting pole locations and mounting arrangement of the lights are shown in Attachment B.

Permanent Softball Fence

20.     Currently there are two softball diamonds (slightly undersized) on the lower platform at Fowlds Park. Temporary wire mesh fence panels are installed by the Softball Club over the summer months as back stop fences.

21.     The original upgrade proposal for Fowlds Park was to install an artificial turf on the number three field. This involved a large retaining wall which increased the platform size and allowed for the installation of a full sized softball diamond with a permanent backstop fence on the upper platform.

22.     The desire from the Auckland United Softball Club and the local board was to try and accommodate the full size diamond and backstop fence as part of the revised upgrade approved in July 2017.

23.     It has become apparent that due to the limited size available on the lower platform at Fowlds Park it is very difficult to fit in a full size softball diamond with permanent fence whilst still being able to accommodate minimum sized rugby league fields and the safety zones around the fields.

24.     Numerous options have been investigated as to how to accommodate the full size diamond and permanent fence. These have included modifying the landform (installing retaining walls and tree removal), reconfiguring and reducing the size of the softball diamond and league fields and using removable fence options.

25.     There are four options available, which are summarised in the table below:

Table One: Options for Softball Diamond and Fence




Option 1 –  Use existing diamond configuration and install permanent softball fence

·     No removal of trees or modification of bank.

·     Retains amphitheater style viewing of softball diamond as spectators can still sit on slope.

·     Balls will continue to be hit to middle of the park. Whilst there will usually be spectators on the banks in the middle of the park they are generally there watching the softball games and paying more attention.

·     No ongoing opex cost to install and remove and no storage requirements.

·     Much more resilient to vandalism. Has a much longer asset life, minor ongoing opex cost for maintenance.

·   Not supported by Mt Albert Rugby League Club.

·   Not supported by Friends of Fowlds Park. 

·   Full size softball outfield not achieved.

·   Number two rugby league field needs to be reduced to below minimum size. Will affect the ability of competition games to be scheduled.  

·   CAPEX Cost: $165k (based on installation cost for fence at Victor Eaves in 2017).



Option 2 – Reorientate diamond configuration and install temporary fence option (netting)

·     Enables a full size softball diamond.

·     No impact on size of rugby league fields.

·     No removal of trees or modification of bank.

·     Requires installation and removal each season. High OPEX cost. Equipment also needs to be stored somewhere over winter months.

·     Nets more susceptible to wear and tear and vandalism.


·   Not supported by Auckland United Softball Club or Auckland Softball

·   Still requires a concrete mowing strip that would be inside league field safety buffer zone

·   Players would be hitting towards perimeter path and surrounding houses. Whilst it is unlikely balls would travel this far there is still a health and safety risk

·   CAPEX cost for option A: $33,000NZD (shipped from USA) + $7,000 to install permanent sleeves
TOTAL Estimate - $40k.

Option 3 – Enlarge size of lower platform by cutting into bank and building a retaining wall. Retain current diamond configuration and install permanent backstop fence

·     Enables a full size softball diamond.

·     No impact on size of rugby league fields.


·   Requires a retaining wall approx. 100m long and up to 4m high (if diamond outfield of 72m is achieved)

·   Some removal of trees required on bank

Option 4 – Status Quo retain existing diamond layout and continue using temporary fence panels supplied by Softball Club

·     No impact on size of rugby league fields.

·     No increased visual impact from fence.

·   Doesn’t address the softball clubs request for a full size diamond with fence.



26.     Council staff recommends that Option 4 is adopted as the lower platform is just not large enough to accommodate a full size softball diamond with permanent fence whilst still being able to accommodate minimum sized rugby league fields and the safety zones required around the fields.

27.     Council staff do not support the installation of a large scale retaining wall as this was one of the main points of opposition to the original artificial turf proposal.

28.     The softball club will benefit from a new hybrid playing surface and council staff are investigating installing concrete pads to one side of the softball shed to more easily store the existing temporary fences.

Staging Plan

29.     From a scheduling point of view, the recommendation is for fields two and three to be constructed in the 2018/2019 construction season and field one the following year. The lights will be installed on all fields in the 2018/2019 construction season due to economies of scale with the lighting crews.

30.     The main reason for the staging recommendation is to minimise disruption to user groups and to focus on doing the fields in worst condition first.

31.     Council staff will work with the Auckland United Softball Club to minimise disruption to their season and see if alternative field arrangements can be made over the 2018/2019 summer season.

Stakeholder impacts and views

32.     There are three main stakeholders impacted by the proposed upgrades: Mt Albert Rugby League Club, Auckland United Softball Club and Friends of Fowlds Park.

33.     Based on information collected as part of the 2017 Supply and Demand Analysis Mt Albert Rugby League (MARL) currently has 15 teams (3 senior and 15 junior) and Auckland United Softball (AUS) 30 teams (5 senior and 25 junior). The senior softball teams and some of the older junior teams would use the permanent fence if it was installed on the #1 field.

34.     MARL uses the fields for around 22 weeks season (31/3/18 to 26/08/18). AUS also use the fields for around 22 weeks (21/10/18 to 18/03/18).

35.     Installing the permanent backstop cage requires the reduction of the size of the #2 league field. Two rugby league games are typically booked each Saturday during winter on this field. Depending on the final dimension of field two, it is likely that some of these games could no longer be played on field #2.

36.     In the softball season four games are typically booked on the #1 diamond each Saturday which would benefit if the permanent fence was be installed. However, these games would still be able to be played if the permanent fence was not installed.

Mt Albert Rugby League Club

37.     The Mt Albert Rugby League Club Committee have provided written feedback (16 May 2018) outlining the impact of the permanent fencing design for softball on the placement and size of the rugby league fields. They oppose the proposal to change the rugby league field sizes to accommodate a permanently placed fence to be erected for softball.

Friends of Fowlds Park

38.     Friends of Fowlds Park have provided written feedback on 1 August 2017, 18 April 2018, 30 April 2018, 4 May 2018 and 16 May 2018.

39.     Friends of Fowlds Park do not support permanent fencing based on their experiences of having seen such fences and understanding the significant, permanent, adverse effect such a fence would have on the currently high amenity of Fowlds Park.

40.     They believe a permanent fence would permanently divide and despoil what is currently one of the most pleasant and popular parts of the park. They suggest that “people can walk, sit and play in the open area at the east end of Field 2 and walk, sit and play under the magnificent trees in the south east corner of Field 2 all the while enjoying uninterrupted views of and access to the rest of Fowlds Park. This part of the park would be unappealing and would be avoided if a 55 metre long up to six metre high permanent chain link fence with 10 metre long 2.5 metre wide and high covered dugout structures, to be used for storage, were built right through the middle of it”.

41.     Friends of Fowlds Park have suggested temporary demountable options that both are located at the base of the bank (as shown in Attachment C).

42.     Council staff agree that due to limitations on space a temporary fence is a better option.   However, they do not support FOFP suggestions for this site. Council’s preference is to continue using the temporary fence and the existing diamond configuration as this restricts balls being hit back towards the newly installed perimeter paths.




Auckland United Softball Club

43.     The Auckland United Softball Club and Auckland Softball have steadfastly supported the installation of a permanent backstop fence with dugouts on the number 1 diamond in its current configuration.

44.     They were prepared to compromise on a reduced outfield size if it enabled the installation of a permanent fence.

45.     They have provided written feedback on 31 May 2018 expressing their disappointment that the permanent fence is not supported by Council staff and have withdrawn their support of a reduced outfield size.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

46.     This project was included in the three year work programme and was approved in principle in the Albert-Eden Local Board 2017-2020 Community Facilities capital works programme (Resolution number AE/2017/69).

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

47.     Consultation was undertaken with Parks and Recreation – Central/ South Mana Whenua Engagement meeting held on 30 May 2018 and no major objections were raised.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

48.     The cost to deliver this project has been most recently estimated at $3.4M and is to be fully funded from Growth Programme funding.

49.     The current status of budget availability is as follows:

Financial Year


Budget Status



Confirmed and spent



Included in 2018/2019 work programme to be resolved in July 2018



Budget to be confirmed in 2019/2020 annual plan process. Some of this will be brought  forward into financial year 2018/2019

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

50.     N/A

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

51.     Subject to the board’s approval, the following will be undertaken:

·     lodge resource consent application

·     complete detailed design

·     prepare tender documents

·     undertake physical works of fields two and three, anticipated to commence in October 2018.



Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Fowlds Park combined drain and irrigation concept plan



Lighting pole layout and arrangement



Site Plan showing two location options and example of permanent fence



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Kris Bird – Manager, Sports Park Design and Programme


Kim O’Neill - Head of Stakeholder and Land Advisory

Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018




Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Freedom Camping Bylaw Development


File No.: CP2018/09433




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To seek formal feedback from the Albert-Eden Local Board on sites to be managed by the draft freedom camping bylaw (the bylaw).

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       In August 2017 the Regulatory Committee decided to develop a bylaw under the Freedom Camping Act 2011 (the Act).

3.       The council can only restrict or prohibit the activity through a bylaw made under the Act if it is satisfied that it is necessary to:

·    protect the area, and/or

·    protect the health and safety of people who may visit an area, and/or

·    protect access to the area.

4.       Staff have now carried out site assessments for the Albert-Eden Local Board area and have concluded there are:

·    two sites with adequate evidence to be scheduled as prohibited

·    six sites with adequate evidence to be scheduled as restricted

·    no suitable sites for non-self-contained camping.

5.       Recommendations provided by the Albert-Eden Local Board will be incorporated into a report to the Regulatory Committee in August 2018.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      recommend to the Regulatory Committee that the two sites contained in Attachment A be prohibited through a bylaw under the Freedom Camping Act 2011.

b)      recommend to the Regulatory Committee that the following restrictions be applied to the six sites contained in Attachment B through a bylaw under the Freedom Camping Act 2011:

i.          certified self-contained vehicles only

ii.          limited numbers of vehicles

iii.         only in identified parking spaces.

c)      confirm their general views on the management of freedom camping expressed through the workshop on 11 April 2018 as follows:

i.          no freedom camping should be allowed in the Albert-Eden Local Board area

ii.          enforcement of current legacy bylaws is insufficient

iii.         all areas requiring high protection, including areas assessed as low desirability, should be prohibited

iv.        there is high demand and competing use for parks in Albert-Eden, freedom campers should be of lowest priority for the use of these spaces

v.         non-self-contained campers cause problems

vi.        the evidential requirements under the Freedom Camping Act are comparable to the recent reassessment of alcohol bans, which were problematic for the local board.



Horopaki / Context


6.       In 2017 staff conducted a review of freedom camping in Auckland and the options available to the council to manage this activity.  The review provided detailed information on current camper patterns and the associated issues.

7.       Staff reported the findings of the review to the Regulatory Committee in August 2017. The Regulatory Committee decided to manage freedom camping by developing a bylaw under the Freedom Camping Act 2011 (the Act) [REG/2017/72].

8.       A bylaw under the Act will allow the council to manage harm more effectively by enabling council officers to issue campers with $200 infringement fines.

Freedom Camping Act 2011

9.       Under the Act freedom camping is permitted in any local authority area unless it is restricted or prohibited:

·    in a bylaw made under the Act, or

·    under any other enactment.

10.     Other enactments include the Reserves Act 1977 which prohibits freedom camping on reserves unless a reserve management plan allows the activity.

11.     The council can only restrict or prohibit the activity through a bylaw made under the Act if it is satisfied that it is necessary to:

·    protect the area, and/or

·    protect the health and safety of people who may visit an area, and/or

·    protect access to the area.

12.     The council cannot make a bylaw which effectively prohibits freedom camping everywhere in Auckland.

13.     The council must be satisfied that a bylaw is the most appropriate and proportionate way of addressing the perceived problem in relation to the area.  The bylaw must not be inconsistent with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice

Bylaw development process

14.     Staff sought initial local board views through the local board cluster workshops in November 2017.  This included discussion on characteristics of areas that make it either suitable or unsuitable for freedom camping.  Ways to minimise potential harm were also discussed.

15.     Principles were subsequently developed to guide the bylaw development.  These are:

·    to ensure that freedom campers can “do the right thing”

·    to ensure that users and visitors to an area, including freedom campers, can enjoy the area

·    to encourage the activity in suitable areas that meet the needs of freedom campers

·    to protect areas of regional significance.

16.     Community workshops were also held in April 2018 to test these principles. Attendees at the workshops were individuals or groups who had previously expressed an interest in the issue.

17.     Staff attended workshops with all local boards in April and May 2018.  The purpose of these workshops was to provide an overview of the bylaw development and to seek feedback to help inform the draft bylaw.

Approach to site assessments

18.     Staff completed assessments of all council managed land to understand the areas that may need to be protected from freedom camping and scheduled in the bylaw. Assessments included the following considerations:

·    the size and condition of parking area

·    existing use including any leases over the area

·    issues around safety in the area including anti-social behaviour and lighting

·    existing facilities including toilets, drinking water, rubbish bins and gates

·    the environmental, historical or cultural significance of the area.

19.     To decide on recommendations for each site, staff developed a site assessment matrix (Figure 1) with two indicators:

·    current or anticipated desirability of an area to campers

·    level of protection required under the Act.

Figure 1 – Site Assesment Matrix

20.     Medium and high desirability areas that require a higher level of protection are recommended to be prohibited.

21.     Areas of medium and high desirability that require a medium level of protection are recommended to be restricted.  As these sites may be suitable for a limited number of certified self-contained vehicles, site specific restrictions may include a maximum number of vehicles and a specific location within the parking area to camp.

22.     High desirability areas that require a lower level of protection are recommended to have more permissive rules.  These rules could allow for a limited number of non-self-contained vehicles to camp at these locations.


Areas held under the Reserves Act 1977

23.     Areas held under the Reserves Act were included in the assessment. This enabled the local board to provide feedback on whether a prohibition through the bylaw was required. 

24.     The default position on land held under the Reserves Act is that freedom camping is not allowed.  The Reserves Act does not have infringement powers available. 

25.     For reserves that meet the Freedom Camping Act evidential requirements to be prohibited, these areas can also be scheduled in the bylaw.  This provides enforcement staff additional infringement powers.

Potential regional default rules

26.     Staff also presented the following potential regional default rules at each local board workshop:

·    camping is permitted only in certified self-contained vehicles

·    camping is permitted for no more than two nights in any four week consecutive period

·    a time by which a camper must leave the area in the morning.

27.     These rules would be applied to all areas that are not otherwise scheduled in the bylaw to ensure health and safety and access to the area are protected.

Albert-Eden Local Board area site assessments

28.     The outcome of the initial site assessments for the Albert-Eden Local Board area are included in Attachments A and B.  Attachment B also notes where the Reserves Act applies.

29.     Attachment C includes sites initially recommended to be scheduled in the bylaw which have been reassessed following the workshop with the local board.  These sites are now recommended to be covered by the default rules.  Freedom camping will not be permitted in areas held under the Reserves Act, although enforcement powers will be limited to those under the Reserves Act.

30.     The Albert-Eden Local Board area initial site assessments identified:

·    three sites where there was adequate evidence to suggest a prohibition was required to protect the area

·    six sites (including reserves held under the Reserves Act) where there was adequate evidence to suggest site specific restrictions are required to protect the area

·    no areas where there was adequate evidence to suggest more permissive restrictions should be in place to allow non-self-contained camping.

31.     Attachments A and B also provide a summary of the additional evidence received from the local board and subsequent staff recommendations.

32.     A summary of the recommendations for the Albert-Eden Local Board area:

·    two sites have adequate evidence to be scheduled as prohibited

·    six sites have adequate evidence to be scheduled as restricted (limited access for certified self-contained only).

Of these, four are held under the Reserves Act. Staff are investigating if there are legal avenues available to provide for freedom camping with restrictions on these sites. If no legal avenues are available, these sites will not be scheduled in the bylaw.  As the default position under the Reserves Act will apply, there is no freedom camping allowed on these sites.  Enforcement powers will be limited to those under the Reserves Act (no infringement capability).

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

33.     The Albert-Eden Local Board also provided general feedback on the development of the bylaw at the workshop on 11 April 2018.  This feedback included:

·    freedom camping should be allowed in the Albert-Eden Local Board area

·    enforcement of current legacy bylaws is insufficient

·    all areas requiring high protection, including areas assessed as low desirability, should be prohibited

·    there is high demand and competing use for parks in Albert-Eden, freedom campers should be of lowest priority for the use of these spaces

·    non-self-contained campers cause problems

·    the evidential requirements under the Freedom Camping Act are comparable to the recent reassessment of alcohol bans, which were problematic for the board.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

34.     A memo was provided to mana whenua in November 2017 to update them on the development of the bylaw.  Staff also attended the Parks and Recreation Mana Whenua Engagement Regional Hui in March 2018 to discuss the bylaw development. 

35.     Staff will continue to work with mana whenua through this forum to identify areas that need to be protected through the bylaw.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications

36.     There are no financial implications for the board from the decision being sought.

Ngā raru tūpono / Risks

37.     There is a risk that the bylaw could be applied to a person experiencing homelessness and living in a vehicle.

38.     The graduated enforcement model used by Licensing and Regulatory Compliance enables consideration of individual circumstances.  Currently when a complaint is made about someone who is experiencing homelessness, staff work with social service agencies to ensure they are connected with the right support. 

39.     The Affordable Housing Policy Unit are currently developing a cross sectoral strategy on homelessness. 

40.     Staff will continue to work with staff across the council, including Legal Services, to understand options available to mitigate this risk.

Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps

41.     Staff intend to report to the Regulatory Committee in August 2018 with the draft bylaw and statement of proposal.  If adopted at this time, the draft bylaw will go out for full public consultation in September.

42.     If the Albert-Eden Local Board would like to provide further feedback once the draft bylaw is adopted, this will be facilitated through the consultation and hearings process in September.

43.     Based on current timelines, staff intend to have the new bylaw adopted in December 2018.



Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Sites to be recommended to the Regulatory Committee as prohibited



Sites to be recommended to the Regulatory Committee as restricted (certified self-contained only).  Site specific restrictions to limit number and location



Sites reassessed following local board workshop.  Recommend to Regulatory Committee to apply default rules



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Jillian Roe - Policy Analyst


Kataraina Maki – General Manager Community and Social Policy

Louise Mason – General Manager Local Board Services

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018





Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Panuku Development Auckland Local Board six-monthly update 1 November 2017 - 30 April 2018


File No.: CP2018/08309




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To update the Albert-Eden Local Board on Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) activities within the local board area for the six months from 1 November 2017 to 30 April 2018.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       Panuku was established in September 2015 by the merger of two council controlled organisations, Waterfront Auckland and Auckland Council Property Limited.

3.       Panuku helps to rejuvenate parts of Auckland, from small projects that refresh a site or building, to major transformations of town centres or neighbourhoods.

4.       Panuku manages around $2 billion of council’s property portfolio, which is continuously reviewed to find smart ways to generate income for the region, grow the portfolio, or release land or property that can be better used by others.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receive the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board update for 1 November 2017 to 30 April 2018.



Horopaki / Context

Local Activities


5.       Panuku is contributing commercial input into approximately 50 region-wide council-driven renewal and housing supply initiatives.

6.       Panuku works with partners and stakeholders over the course of a project. It also champions best practice project delivery, to achieve best value outcomes within defined cost, time and quality parameters.

7.       Below is a high-level update on development activities in the Albert-Eden Local Board area:

8.       Valley & Dominion Road, Mt Eden – This site was purchased by Auckland City Council in April 2003 in connection to the Dominion Road passenger transport designation. However, in 2012 Auckland Transport resolved that it had no further requirement for the subject properties and it was transferred to Auckland Council Property Limited (now Panuku).  

9.       The site was previously identified for mixed-use development retail / apartment development. Resource Consent was lodged for 102 apartments and seven retail units. Auckland Council publically notified the consent due to the character overlay in the area and height infringements.  The resource consent hearing occurred on 5 and 6 of April. Since the hearing, Panuku has provided further information to clarify some of the questions raised as part of the hearing process. The hearing will now be reconvened at the end of June to allow submitters the opportunity to respond to the additional information.


Portfolio management

10.     Panuku manages ‘non-service’ properties owned by council and AT. Non-service properties are those that are not currently needed for service or infrastructure purposes. These properties were generally being held for planned future projects that are no longer required, such as road construction, park expansion or development of future town centres.

11.     As at 30 April 2018, the property portfolio comprises 1437 properties, containing 1119 leases. The current portfolio includes vacant land, industrial buildings, warehouses, retail shops, cafes, offices, medical centres, and a large portfolio of residential rental homes.

12.     The return on the property portfolio for the period ending 31 December 2017 was above budget, with a net surplus to council and AT shareholders of $1.1 million ahead of budget.

13.     The average monthly tenantable occupancy rate, for the six-month period is more than 98 per cent, which is above the Statement of Intent target of 95 per cent.

Properties managed in the Albert-Eden Local Board Area

14.     Panuku currently manages 76 commercial and 8 residential interests within the Albert-Eden Local Board area.

Business interests

15.    Panuku also optimises the commercial return from business interests it manages on council’s behalf. This includes two forestry enterprises, two landfills and four quarries. 

16.     There are currently no managed business interests in the Albert-Eden Local Board area.

Portfolio strategy


17.     The 2015-2025 Long-Term Plan reflects a desire of council to materially reduce or slow down expenditure and unlock value from assets no longer required or which are sub-optimal for service purposes.  In response to this, prior to the establishment of Panuku, Auckland Council property Limited (ACPL) developed a new method of dealing with service property, called optimisation. 

18.     Asset optimisation deals with “service property”. It is self-funding, it maximises efficiencies from service assets, and maintains levels of service whilst releasing property for sale or development.  A key element of optimisation is that the sale proceeds are locally reinvested to advance approved projects and activities on a cost neutral basis. Panuku continues to advance this programme of work. This includes the development of a cross-council project to coordinate and execute asset sales and optimisation. 

Portfolio review and rationalisation


19.     Panuku is required to undertake ongoing rationalisation of council’s non-service assets. This includes identifying properties from within council’s portfolio that may be suitable for potential sale and development if appropriate. Panuku has a focus on achieving housing and urban regeneration outcomes. Identifying potential sale properties contributes to the Auckland Plan focus of accommodating the significant growth projected for the region over the coming decades, by providing council with an efficient use of capital and prioritisation of funds to achieve its activities and projects.


20.     Panuku works closely with council and Auckland Transport to identify potential surplus properties to help achieve disposal targets.

21.     Target for July 2017 to June 2018:




Portfolio review

$60 million disposal recommendations

$88 million as at 30 April 2018

(Includes $62 million from the Papatoetoe, Avondale and Panmure priority locations)


22.     Once identified as a potential sale candidate, a property is taken through a multi-stage ‘rationalisation’ process. The agreed process includes engagement with council, council-controlled organisations (CCOs), the local board and mana whenua. This is followed by Panuku Board approval, engagement with local ward councillors and the Independent Māori Statutory Board, and finally, a Governing Body decision.

Under review

23.     Properties currently under review in the Albert-Eden Local Board area are listed below. The list includes any properties that may have recently been approved for sale or development and sale by the governing body.




2A Stokes Road, Mt Eden

A vacant site that was purchased by the former Mount Eden Borough Council in 1951 for the purpose of public conveniences.

The rear of the site has no legal access, as the council owned toilets occupy the whole width.  Only the vacant area of approximately 110m2 behind the toilet block is subject to a Panuku led rationalisation process.  The toilet block is being retained by council. 

No planned for or funded alternate service uses were identified during the internal consultation process.

The board endorsed the proposed disposal of the site at its November 2017 business meeting.

The Finance and Performance Committee approved the disposal of 2A Stokes Road, Mt Eden at its 17 April 2018 meeting.

132 Green Lane East, Greenlane

A commercially leased car park that acquired by the former Auckland City Council in 1964.

The site was transferred to Panuku from AT in 2017 as it was no longer required for transport infrastructure.

132 Green Lane East, Greenlane has been identified as a priority site for a mixed use housing development given its size, location and proximity to public transport.

The board considered the proposed disposal of 132 Green Lane East, Greenlane at its 28 February 2018 business meeting. The board resolved that its preferred outcome is to land bank the site for future town centre development as identified in the Auckland Unitary Plan, and that right of first refusal be given to iwi entities with registered commercial interest in the site.

In response, Panuku reconfirmed previous advice given to the board that council cannot hold land when there is no identified future strategic purpose to retain or a planned or funded council service use. The board was also informed that council’s Chief Planning Office was consulted during the rationalisation process and it did not identify a requirement to retain the site in council ownership.

Advice was also given to the board that council owned property is not subject to right of first refusal provisions in accordance with Treaty settlements, and if approved for disposal/development Panuku will follow up with iwi groups on potential commercial opportunities.

Panuku will recommend to the Finance and Performance Committee on 24 July 2018 that 132 Green Lane East, Greenlane be divested for housing and urban renewal purposes.


Acquisitions and Disposals

24.     Panuku manages the acquisition and disposal of property on behalf of Auckland Council. Panuku purchases property for development, roads, infrastructure projects and other service. These properties may be sold with or without contractual requirements for development.


25.     Panuku does not decide which properties to buy in a local board area. Instead, it is asked to negotiate the terms and conditions of a purchase on behalf of council.

26.     Panuku purchased ten properties for open space across Auckland in this financial year (ending 30 June 2018) at a cost of $21.6 million, and also bought six properties for storm water use at a value of $4.2 million.

27.     No properties were purchased in the Albert-Eden Local Board area during the reporting period.



28.     The disposals team sold nine properties for a total of $11 million this financial year. The team’s 2017/2018 target is $8.0 million for the year. The target is agreed with the council and is reviewed on an annual basis.

29.     No properties were sold in the Albert-Eden Local Board area.

Regional Activities


30.     Over the year, Panuku achieved key project milestones and performance results in our priority development locations. Panuku categorises three types of priority locations:

31.     Transform locations – Panuku ‘transforms’ locations by creating change through urban regeneration. Panuku leads the transformation of select parts of the Auckland region working alongside others and using the custodianship of land and planning expertise. The catalytic work Waterfront Auckland led at Wynyard Quarter is a great example of the transformation of urban locations.

32.     Unlock locations – Panuku ‘unlocks’ development potential for others. By acting as a facilitator; using relationships to break down barriers and influence others, including the council family, to create development opportunities.

33.     Support locations – Panuku plays a ‘support’ role to ensure council is making the most of what it already has. Intensification is a key driver in the Auckland Plan. Panuku will support housing demands by enabling development of council-owned land.

Transform locations

34.     The Wynyard Quarter is undergoing rapid change both commercially and residentially, with thousands of Aucklanders using this space every week.

·        The first three phases of structural steel have been installed at the Park Hyatt Hotel. All up, approximately 2000 tonnes of primary structural steel will be used to construct the luxury five-star hotel, which will span a total area of 37,000sqm.

·        In April 2017, Mayor Phil Goff officially opened the Mason Bros building, a former industrial warehouse that has been redeveloped into a three-level office space, bringing together a community of entrepreneurs and businesses. It is the centrepiece of Wynyard Quarter’s innovation precinct.

·        The innovation precinct in Wynyard Quarter has expanded with the newly opened five-floor building at 12 Madden Street. The purpose-built home for entrepreneurs offers the latest in flexible co-working spaces. This milestone marks two years since the GridAKL initiative was launched by Auckland Tourism, Events, and Economic Development (ATEED), partnering with Panuku and Precinct Properties to develop the commercial space to house ambitious companies and connecting technologists, designers, digital content makers, product designers and start-ups.

·        Developer Willis Bond is constructing 500-600 apartments of various types and sizes that are set to house around 1100 people. There are two developments currently under construction; Wynyard Central and 132 Halsey. The first residents moved in during September 2017.

35.     The high-level plan to ‘Transform Onehunga’, on a similar scale to Wynyard Quarter and Manukau, was approved in March 2017. The plan was completed involving significant consultation with the community. Panuku is leading the redevelopment of strategic council-owned land, and works in partnership with government and others, to deliver positive outcomes for the local community. The East-West link, which affects the wharf and southern parts of the area, is currently being reassessed by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). The final board of inquiry decision approving the East-West link was given in January 2018. Panuku is however, expecting amended plans later this year. Working with the local board and key stakeholders, Panuku has advanced plans on the town centre and the Onehunga wharf precinct where possible. The Framework Plan that will guide the transformation is due for completion in May 2018.

Unlock locations

36.     In Takapuna, Auckland Council owns nearly four hectares of land focused around the Anzac Street carpark and the Gasometer site, and consultation on redevelopment of these sites has started.

37.     In Northcote, a masterplan and design guide for the new Awataha Greenway project has been completed, and work is well advanced on the masterplanning and reference design for the town centre regeneration. Works are also progressing well on the redevelopment of the Housing New Zealand stock by Homes Land Community (HLC).

38.     Hobsonville 20ha Airfields site - stage one of construction of 102 standalone and terrace homes is underway. Avanda Group have been announced as the developers that will deliver more than 500 homes in stage two, of which a minimum of 10 per cent will be affordable housing.

39.     The opportunity to revitalise Avondale has been given the green light in November 2017 with the approval of the over-arching plan for its regeneration by the Planning Committee. The vision for Avondale will be enabled through a number of key moves. Panuku will work closely with the local board and community to implement a retail strategy that attracts new businesses, increasing diversity of products and services. The train station, upgraded bus network and new cycleways offer great transport options and we will continue to strengthen connections between these activity hubs and the town. A focus for the regeneration of Avondale is working with developers to build quality residential neighbourhoods that offer a mix of housing types, including terraces and apartments. A number of significant developments are already underway in the area.

40.     Council’s Planning Committee approved the over-arching plans to redevelop Old Papatoetoe in June 2017. Panuku is leading the redevelopment of the mall, a 2.5ha block of land, which will see the area opened up with a new plaza space, reconfigured shops, upgraded carpark and a revamped New World supermarket. In addition to the upgrade of the mall, which is expected to be completed early next year, approximately 110 new homes are planned to be developed in the surrounding area.

41.     With the overall plan for Henderson being approved in May 2017, the vision is for it to grow into an urban eco-centre. This vision will guide planning and development with an outcome towards ‘liveable growth’ by creating a safe, attractive and vibrant mixed-use environment with a uniquely west Auckland identity.

42.     A development agreement was signed with Todd Property for the delivery of more than 350 homes in Flat Bush, Ormiston. In December 2016, Panuku sold a site at 187 Flat Bush School Road for a 30-lot subdivision.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views

43.     This report is for the Albert-Eden Local Board’s information.

44.     Panuku requests that all feedback and/or queries you have relating to a property in your local board area be directed in the first instance to localboard@developmentauckland.co.nz

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement

45.     Tāmaki Makaurau has the highest Māori population in the world with one in four Māori in Aotearoa living here. 

46.     Māori make up 12% of the region’s total population who mainly live in Manurewa, Henderson-Massey, Papakura, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Māngere-Ōtahuhu and Franklin. Māori have a youthful demographic with 50% of Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau under the age of 25 years. 5% of the Māori population in the region are currently 65 years and over.      

47.     There are 19 Mana Whenua in the region, with 15 having indicated an interest in Panuku lead activities within the local board area. 

48.     Māori make up 7 percent of the local board population, and there are four marae located within the local board area.   

49.     Panuku work collaboratively with Mana Whenua on a range projects including potential property disposals, development sites in the area and commercial opportunities. Engagement can be on specific individual properties and projects at an operational level with kaitiaki representatives, or with the Panuku Mana Whenua Governance Forum who have a broader mandate.

50.     Panuku will continue to partner with Māori on opportunities which enhance Māori social and economic wellbeing.


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments

There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Sven Mol - Corporate Affairs Advisor, Panuku Development Auckland


Marieke Numan - Senior Engagement Advisor

Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Governance Forward Work Calendar


File No.: CP2018/10942




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To provide the Albert-Eden Local Board with its updated governance forward work calendar which is a schedule of items that will come before the board at business meetings and workshops over the next 12 months.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Notes the Albert-Eden Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar.



Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Albert-Eden Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - June 2018



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Michael Mendoza - Democracy Advisor


Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Governing Body Members' Update


File No.: CP2018/01443




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       An opportunity to provide for the local ward area Governing Body Members to update the board on Governing Body issues they have been involved with since the previous meeting.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       Standing Orders 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 provides provision in the local board meeting for Governing Body Members to update their local board counterparts on regional matters of interest to the board.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Receives Governing Body Members Christine Fletcher and Cathy Casey’s verbal updates.



Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments

There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Michael Mendoza - Democracy Advisor


Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Chairperson's Report


File No.: CP2018/01453




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       The Chairperson will update the board on projects, meetings and other initiatives relevant to the board’s interests.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       In accordance with Standing Order 2.4.7, the Chairperson will update the board members by way of verbal or written report, at a meeting of the board.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Receives the Chairperson’s report.



Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Chairperson Haynes' June 2018 Chair's Report



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Michael Mendoza - Democracy Advisor


Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018






Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Board Members' Reports


File No.: CP2018/01463




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To provide an opportunity for board members to give updates on projects, events-attended since the previous meeting and discuss other matters of interest to the board.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       This is an information item.  A written report must be provided for inclusion on the agenda, if the board wishes to pass a resolution requesting an action taken under this item.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Receives the Board Member Reports for June 2018.



Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Member Watson - Board Member Report June 2018



Deputy Chairperson Fryer - Board Member Report June 2018



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Michael Mendoza - Democracy Advisor


Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018












Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018










Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes


File No.: CP2018/01473




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       For the board to receive the records of its recent workshops held following the previous month’s business meeting.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       In accordance to Standing Order 12.1.4 the board shall receive a record of the general proceedings of its local board workshops held over the past month following the previous business meeting.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Receives the Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes for the workshops held on the 15, 16 and 30 May 2018 and the 6 and 13 June 2018.



Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes - 15 May 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes - 16 May 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes - 30 May 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes - 6 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes - 13 June 2018



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Michael Mendoza - Democracy Advisor


Robyn Allpress – Acting Relationship Manager – Albert-Eden / Senior Local Board Advisor


Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018



Albert-Eden Local Board

27 June 2018