Hibiscus and Bays Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa on Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 04:30pm.





Julia Parfitt, JP




Deputy Chairperson

Janet Fitzgerald, JP





Chris Bettany





David Cooper





Gary Holmes





Caitlin Watson





Vicki Watson





Mike Williamson









John Watson (from 5.20pm)

Item 13




Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

20 June 2018




1          Welcome


The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance.



2          Apologies


There were no apologies.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number HB/2018/90

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meetings held on Wednesday, 16 May 2018, including the confidential section and Thursday, 7 June 2018, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



Secretarial Note:  Items were take in the following order



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Approval of the 2018/2019 Hibiscus and Bays local environment work programme


Theresa Pearce, Relationship Advisor was in attendance for this item.


MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)        approve the 2018/2019 Infrastructure and Environmental Services 2018/2019 work programme (attachment A to the agenda report) as follows:

i)        small building sites ambassador project              $20,000

ii)       the water sensitive design for schools’ project    $20,000

iii)      the North-west Wildlink terrestrial project            $65,000

iv)      the North-west Wildlink water project                  $41,000

v)      Business waste reduction programme                $20,000



Note:  Clause a) i) – v) were put separately as follows: 


Resolution number HB/2018/91

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)        approve the 2018/2019 Infrastructure and Environmental Services 2018/2019 work programme (attachment A to the agenda report) as follows:

i)       small building sites ambassador project                    $20,000




Note:     Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.7 the following Members requested their dissenting votes be recorded:

·                Member D Cooper

·                Member C Watson


Resolution number HB/2018/92

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board approves:

ii)      the water sensitive design for schools’ project         $20,000          




Resolution number HB/2018/93

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board approves:

iii)     the North-west Wildlink terrestrial project                  $65,000




Resolution number HB/2018/94

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board approves:

iv)     the North-west Wildlink water project                                    $41,000




Resolution number HB/2018/95

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board approves:

v)      Business waste reduction programme                       $20,000



Note:     Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.7 the following members requested that their dissenting votes be recorded:

·         Member D Cooper

·         Member C Watson


Resolution number HB/2018/96

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald: 

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

b)      request that the extra $11,000 funding included in the North-West Wildlink – Water project is used to focus on the Awaruku and Deep Creek areas providing investigation indicates there are suitable inanga spawning habitats

c)      delegate to Local Board Member C Bettany and Local Board Member J Parfitt authority to approve minor changes to the 2018/2019 Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programme

d)      advise the Finance and Performance Committee that the local board believes the targeted rate should be meeting the costs of the small building sites ambassador programme and the business waste reduction programme in the future.






Retrospective land owner and landlord approval for a permeable surface to provide for the storage of boats at Manly Sailing Club Incorporated, Manly Park, 65 Laurence Street, Manly.


Raewyn Sendles, Land Use Adviser was in attendance to speak to this item.


Resolution number HB/2018/97

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board :

a)      approve the retrospective land owner and landlord application from the Manly Sailing Club Incorporated for the installation of a permeable surface material within the existing lease area to provide a stable surface for boat storage and access to and from this area

b)      approve the land owner and landlord application from Manly Sailing Club Incorporated for the installation of grass retention matting up to the leased boundary in front of the fenced area to reduce the muddy surface caused by increased pedestrians, boat and trailer use.








Auckland Transport Update to HIbiscus and Bays Local Board June 2018


Ellen Barrett, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport, was in attendance for this item.


Resolution number HB/2018/98

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member V Watson:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport June 2018 update report.




Councillor Watson present at 5.20pm




Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Community Services Work Programmes 2018/2019


Michelle Sanderson, Senior Local Board Advisor, spoke to this item.


Resolution number HB/2018/99

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member G Holmes:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)        approve the 2018/19 Arts, Community and Events work programme (Attachment A to the agenda report)

b)      delegate to Local Board Member C Bettany and Local Board Member C Watson authority to approve minor changes to the 2018/2019 Arts, Community and Events Programme

c)      approve the 2018/2019 Libraries and Information work programme (Attachment B to the agenda report

d)      approve the 2018/2019 Parks, Sport and Recreation work programme (Attachment C to the agenda report)

e)      delegate to Local Board Member D Cooper and Local Board Member M Williamson authority to approve minor changes to the 2018/2019 Parks, Sport and Recreation work programme

f)       approve the 2018/2019 Service Strategy and Integration work programme (Attachment D to the agenda report)

g)      delegate to Local Board Member G Holmes and Local Board Member J Parfitt authority to approve minor changes to the 2018/2019 Service Strategy and Integration work programme.





Hibiscus and Bays Local Board 2018/2019 Economic Development Work Programme


Resolution number HB/2018/100

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member G Holmes:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)        approve the 2018/2019 Local Economic Development Work Programme as presented in Attachment A to this report

b)      delegate to Local Board Member J Fitzgerald and Local Board Member G Holmes authority to approve minor changes to the 2018/2019 Local Economic Development Work Programme.






Freedom Camping Bylaw Development


Resolution number HB/2018/101

MOVED by Member G Holmes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)        recommend to the Regulatory Committee that the 24 sites contained in Attachment A be prohibited for freedom camping through a bylaw under the Freedom Camping Act 2011

b)        recommend to the Regulatory Committee that the following restrictions be applied to three sites only, at Gulf Harbour Marina Hammerhead Reserve, Hatfields Beach Recreation Reserve, and on the seaward side of Stanmore Bay Park through a bylaw under the Freedom Camping Act 2011:

i.          certified self-contained vehicles only

ii.         limited numbers of vehicles

iii.        only in identified parking spaces

iv.        ensure that there is a 3 metre separation between motor homes to comply with New Zealand Motor Caravan Association Health and Safety rules and that no awnings be erected

c)        does not approve the proposed areas of:

i.          Duncansby Lookout and Esplanade Reserve due to the narrow and winding access and being very close to residential properties

ii.         Orewa Library carpark due to the Nautilus remediation work utilising a significant portion of the area, it not being an easily visible space and the remaining space is for library staff and patrons parking.  The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board believes this area should be dedicated to library staff and patrons in the future

iii.        Red Beach Lookout Reserve, Vista Motu due to the close proximity to Whangaparaoa Road and residential neighbours

d)        does not approve the proposed area of Victor Eaves Park as local police have indicated their concerns about this area being used for freedom camping, the parking provided is specifically for the sports facilities users, and the local board has received numerous complaints from residents about the behavior of people freedom camping there

e)        does not approve the proposed areas in Attachment C as appropriate for freedom camping:

i.          Edith Hopper Park, to protect access as this carpark is for the use of the Tennis Club, Netball and the Bridge Club users and is closely surrounded by residential properties

ii.         Cooper-Lea Reserve, to protect access as this carpark is for boat trailer parking and other reserve users and is closely surrounded by residential properties

iii.        Kinloch Reserve, to protect access as this small carpark is for reserve users and is closely surrounded by residential properties

iv.        Manly Park, to protect access as this area is for the users of the tennis club and bowling club and boat trailer parking for recreational sailors and fishermen and reserve users.  This reserve is also frequently used for large events

v.         Silverdale Reserve, as this area is under a community lease by the Silverdale Pioneer Village and Senior net and the small hall is frequently in use after hours

vi.        Little Manly Beach Reserve, to protect access as this is a small carpark along the edge of Whangaparaoa Road for beach users and is unsuitable for freedom camping

vii.      noting that the two regional parks, Long Bay and Shakespear do not fall within the local board decision-making allocation

f)         does not consider that the default rules, enforcement of the Reserves Act, are effective as there is insufficient resources to effectively provide enforcement

g)        provides its views on the management of freedom camping as follows:

i.          freedom camping must be limited to certified self-contained vehicles only. Campers should be required to use the water supply and toilet facilities on board their vehicle

ii.         the number of vehicles on a site needs to be limited and clearly marked

iii.        expresses concerns that inability to enforce 24 hours per day, 7 days per week will make the bylaw ineffective

iv.        supports the purpose and overall intent of the bylaw and seeks assurance that dedicated resources will be available to provide 24/7 compliance

v.         requests that the bylaw is not overly complicated, is specific and can be clearly understood

vi.        requests that the bylaw and associated resourcing is in place by Christmas 2018

vii.      considers that any sites identified for freedom camping should be well away from residents and that some rural areas are more appropriate for the activity to occur.





Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.7 following Member C Watson  requested that her dissenting vote be recorded for clause b i).





Ward Councillors Update


Councillor John Watson was in attendance to speak  to this item.


Resolution number HB/2018/102

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member D Cooper:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thank Councillor Watson for his update.





Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number HB/2018/103

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      receive the Governance Forward Work Calendar.





Record of Workshop Meetings


Resolution number HB/2018/104

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald, seconded by Member C Bettany:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      endorse the records of the workshop meetings held on 10 and 24 May 2018 and 7 June 2018.





Panuku Development Auckland Local Board six-monthly update 1 November 2017 - 30 April 2018


Resolution number HB/2018/105

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      receive the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board six-monthly update for 1 November 2017 to 30 April 2018.




Dinner adjournment 6.05pm – 6.28pm



8          Deputations




Mairangi Bay Surf Life Saving Club


Michael Buck,Chairperson Mairangi Bay Surf Lifesaving Club and Tony Sands, Redevelopment Chairperson Mairangi Bay Surf Lifesaving Club were in attendance to discuss the temporary relocation of the surf club’s assets to Montrose Reserve during the term of the Watercare redevelopment.

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number HB/2018/106

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member C Bettany:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thanks the representatives from the Mairangi Bay Surf Life Saving Club for their presentation.




a     Tabled Powerpoint




Sculpture for Orewa Estuary


Nick Hindson, Millwater Gallery was in attendance to discuss his proposals for the sculpture walk around the Te Ara Tahuna Walkway. 

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number HB/2018/107

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Member C Bettany:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thanks Mr Hindson for his presentation.




a     Tabled Powerpoint




Gulf Harbour Marina Berth Holders


Mr Allsop-Smith, President of the Gulf Harbour Marina Berth Holders Association  was in attendance to make a presentation on the Gulf Harbour Marina.

A copy of the tabled documentation has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number HB/2018/108

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thanks Mr Allsopp-Smith for his presentation.




a     Tabled presentation



9          Public Forum




North Shore Community Toy Library


Sarah Lewis from the North Shore Community Toy Library was in attendance to discuss the continued usage of the property at 1 Sidmouth Street, Mairangi Bay.

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number HB/2018/109

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thanks Ms Lewis for her presentation.




a     Tabled Powerpoint




Gulf Harbour Marina


Marian Webb, Manager Portfolio Strategy, Panuku Development Auckland, Carlos Rahman, Governance Relations, Corporate Affairs, Panuku Development Auckland, Rochelle Killey, Portfolio Specialist, Portfolio Strategy,Panuku Development Auckland,  and Kevin Ramsay, General Manager Corporate Finance and Property were in attendance for this item.


MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      believes that it is essential for council to secure the Hammerhead to ensure continued free public access to and use of facilities for both public transport and recreational use in perpetuity

b)      supports retention of the Gulf Harbour ferry terminal and its anticipated extension to allow for improved ferry services and connecting public transport options at Gulf Harbour

c)      seeks confirmation that the decision making over the parks assets will remain under the control of the local board with the associated asset based services budgets.


MOVED by Member C Watson, seconded by Member D Cooper, an amendment by way of addition:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

d)      supports the use of the Public Works Act to secure control of the Hammerhead

e)      opposes the sale of the Gulf Harbour Marina land lots 1-6

f)       notes that the marina land was recovered from seabed and foreshore and was vested in the council to hold in trust for community benefit

g)      expresses concern at the lack of financial detail provided to the local board for decision making.



Note:   The amendment clauses were put separately as follows:


MOVED by Member C Watson, seconded by Member D Cooper:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

d)      supports the use of the Public Works Act to secure control of the Hammerhead


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member D Cooper

Member C Watson

Member M Williamson


Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald

Member G Holmes

Chairperson J Parfitt

Member V Watson


Member C Bettany


The motion was declared lost by 3 votes to 4.




MOVED by Member C Watson, seconded by Member D Cooper:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

e)      opposes the sale of the Gulf Harbour Marina land lots 1-6



Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.3 the following members requested that their abstention from voting be recorded:

·         Member C Bettany

·         Member D Cooper

·         Member V Watson




Resolution number HB/2018/110

MOVED by Member C Watson, seconded by Member D Cooper:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

f)       notes that the marina land was recovered from seabed and foreshore and was vested in the council to hold in trust for community benefit





Resolution number HB/2018/111

MOVED by Member C Watson, seconded by Member D Cooper:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

g)      expresses concern at the lack of financial detail provided to the local board for decision making





The substantive motion was put


Resolution number HB/2018/112

MOVED by Chairperson J Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Fitzgerald:   

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      believes that it is essential for council to secure the Hammerhead to ensure continued free public access to and use of facilities for both public transport and recreational use in perpetuity

b)      supports retention of the Gulf Harbour ferry terminal and its anticipated extension to allow for improved ferry services and connecting public transport options at Gulf Harbour

c)      seeks confirmation that the decision making over the parks assets will remain under the control of the local board with the associated asset based services budgets

d)      notes that the marina land was recovered from seabed and foreshore and was vested in the council to hold in trust for community benefit

e)      expresses concern at the lack of financial detail provided to the local board for decision making.





23        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   





8.30 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









