Komiti Taiao ā-Hapori Hoki / Environment and Community Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Environment and Community Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 at 9.39am.
Chairperson |
Cr Penny Hulse |
Members |
Cr Josephine Bartley |
Until 12.35pm, item 13 |
IMSB Member Renata Blair |
From 11.36am, item 11 |
IMSB Member James Brown |
From 9.51am, Item 5.1 |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Cr Ross Clow |
Until 10.32am,Item 7 |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr Chris Darby |
Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP |
Cr Richard Hills |
Cr Daniel Newman, JP |
From 9.42am, item 4 |
Cr Greg Sayers |
Cr Desley Simpson, JP |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Until 11.34am, item 11 |
Cr John Watson |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore |
Cr Efeso Collins |
Cr Christine Fletcher |
Cr Mike Lee |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
Cr Wayne Walker |
For leave of absence |
Julia Parfitt |
Chair, Hibiscus and Bays Local Board |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Chair, Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board |
Environment and Community Committee 10 July 2018 |
Resolution number ENV/2018/83 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr C Casey: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) accept the apologies from IMSB Member R Blair, IMSB Member J Brown and Cr D Newman for lateness, Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore and Cr E Collins for absence on council business, Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina, Cr C Fletcher and Cr M Lee for absence, and Cr J Bartley and Cr S Stewart for early departure. |
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number ENV/2018/84 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr D Simpson: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 12 June 2018, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
There were no petitions.
Cr D Newman entered the meeting at 9.42am.
Note: The chairperson accorded precedence to Item 6.1: Hibiscus and Bays Local Board - Sediment effects on the Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve, at this time.
5.1 |
Public Input: Sediment effects on the Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve - Long Bay Okura Great Park Society |
Fiona McLaughlin, spokesperson Long Bay Okura Great Park Society and Dr Shaw Mead, Managing Director and Environmental Scientist eCoast Marine Consulting and Research were in attendance to address the committee. A video was shown and can be accessed at the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ddPD7EoL5K5yijys5pFRlOPpZK--Qals?usp=sharing A presentation and document were provided. Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
IMSB Member J Brown entered the meeting at 9.51am. Note: clause b) was added with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number ENV/2018/85 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr L Cooper: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) receive the public input presentation from the Long Bay Okura Great Park Society regarding sediment in the Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve and thank them for attending. b) refer the presentation to staff and request an interim report to the Environment and Community Committee covering regulatory and environmental issues in August, with options for improved management of sediment discharge to the Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve and to also comment on the wider regional implications. |
a 10 July 2018 Environment and Community Committee Item 5.1 - Public Input: Sediment effects on the Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve - Long Bay Okura Great Park Society, presentation b 10 July 2018 Environment and Community Committee Item 5.1 - Public Input: Sediment effects on the Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve - Long Bay Okura Great Park Society, compilation of reports |
The meeting was adjourned at 10.32am and reconvened at 10.43am.
IMSB Member J Brown, Cr R Clow and Cr J Watson were not present.
6.1 |
Hibiscus and Bays Local Board - Sediment effects on the Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve |
Note: This item was considered before Item 5.1: Public Input: Sediment effects on the Long Bay Okura Marine Reserve - Long Bay Okura Great Park Society. |
There was no extraordinary business.
8 |
Proposed land exchange at Harlow Place, Glen Innes and Taniwha Reserve |
Member J Brown returned to the meeting at 10.44 am. |
Resolution number ENV/2018/86 MOVED by Cr J Bartley, seconded by Cr L Cooper: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) note that Auckland Council has met the requirements of section 15 of the Reserves Act 1977, including calling for objections, and considering all such objections, as well as consultation with mana whenua to enable the exchange of part of Taniwha reserve with other land. b) approve the exchange of 130m2 of Taniwha Reserve, Glen Innes (subject to survey) with 364m2 of land at 4 Harlow Place, Glen Innes and 6-8 Harlow Place, Glen Innes (subject to survey) to be implemented by: i) approval of the acquisition of portions of LOT 4 DP 39662 and LOT 121 DP 39662 (refer Attachment B of the agenda report) ii) recommend that the Finance and Performance Committee dispose of a portion of PART LOT 142 DP 42356 (refer Attachment B of the agenda report). c) agree that the General Manager, Community and Social Policy, under delegation from the Chief Executive, approve the final location, configuration and size of the land exchange as part of the consent processes for the Line Epping Stage One development. |
9 |
World Health Organisation Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities |
Janet Clews, Chairperson, David Wong Hop, Deputy Chair, and Member Dr Judy Blakey of the Seniors Advisory Panel were present and spoke to the item. Note: new clause a) was added with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number ENV/2018/87 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr C Casey: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) acknowledge and thank the Seniors Advisory Panel for their presentation regarding Auckland joining the World Health Organisation Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities. |
Resolution number ENV/2018/88 MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr R Hills: That the Environment and Community Committee: b) agree Option 2: the council maintains existing approach and invests some resources to seek membership of the World Health Organisation Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities. Noting that all future implementation actions requiring financial decisions will be subject to Annual and Long-term Plan processes. |
10 |
Resolution number ENV/2018/89 MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Chairperson P Hulse: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) approve the 2018/2019 Arts, Community and Events Public Art regional work programme (Attachment A of the agenda report). b) delegate authority to the Manager, Arts and Culture to approve changes to individual items on the work programme provided such changes do not significantly affect the intent of the programme, noting that significant changes will be presented to the committee for consideration. |
Resolution number ENV/2018/90 MOVED by Cr D Simpson, seconded by Cr R Hills: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) approve the strategic partnership grant of $552,000 per annum to Aktive Auckland Sport & Recreation to deliver on agreed priority initiatives from the Auckland Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan for a three-year term (2018-2021). |
Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6 the following councillors requested that their dissenting votes be recorded : · Cr D Newman · Cr J Bartley |
a 10 July 2018 Environment and Community Committee Item 11 - Sport and Recreation Strategic Partnership Grant to Aktive Auckland Sport & Recreation for 2018/2019, presentation |
12 |
Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux – Supplementary funding allocation |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene, Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board Chairperson was present and spoke to the item. A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. Cr J Watson left the meeting at 12.03 pm. |
Resolution number ENV/2018/91 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr C Casey: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) receive the presentation from Lemauga Lydia Sosene, Chairperson Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board regarding supplementary funding for Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux, and thank her for attending. |
Resolution number ENV/2018/92 MOVED by Cr G Sayers, seconded by Cr C Casey: That the Environment and Community Committee: b) approve the allocation of the additional $200,000 for the provision of Citizens Advice Bureaux services to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated as follows: i) $100,000 distributed to local bureaux to maintain levels of services. Funding will be allocated on a targeted basis, taking into consideration: 1) differences in the needs and circumstances of communities served, including degrees of deprivation, and impacts of growth or change 2) capacity of particular bureaux to maintain services (e.g. viability and level of financial and staff resource). ii) $60,000 to develop and test new service models to improve provision of CAB services. iii) $40,000 to enable ACABx to work with council on the review of the population-based funding model and development of a regional network provision framework. |
a 10 July 2018 Environment and Community Committee Item 12 - Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux - Supplementary funding allocation, Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board feedback |
13 |
Cr J
Watson returned to the meeting at 12.07 pm. A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr L Cooper: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) endorse the draft Zero Carbon Bill submission based on Option 2 in Decision Area 1 of the agenda report “net zero long-lived gases and stabilized short-term gases by 2050.” LOST |
The original recommendation was considered, with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number ENV/2018/93 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr R Hills: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) endorse the draft Zero Carbon Bill submission b) authorise the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Environment and Community Committee and an Independent Māori Statutory Board Member to make minor revisions and approve council’s final submission on the Zero Carbon Bill. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 9 votes to 2. |
a 10 July 2018 Environment and Community Committee Item 13 - Zero Carbon Bill Submission, presentation |
14 |
Summary of Environment and Community Committee information - updates, memos and briefings - 10 July 2018 |
Resolution number ENV/2018/94 MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Cr C Darby: That the Environment and Community Committee: a) receive the Environment and Community Committee information report – 10 July 2018. |
15 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There were no extraordinary items.
1.17 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.