Waitematā Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Waitematā Local Board held in the Waitematā Local Board Office, Ground Floor, 52 Swanson Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 17 July 2018 at 4:01pm.
Chair |
Pippa Coom |
Members |
Adriana Avendaño Christie |
Richard Northey, ONZM |
Denise Roche |
Arrived 4.21pm |
Vernon Tava |
Waitematā Local Board 17 July 2018 |
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed all those present.
Resolution number WTM/2018/87 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member V Tava: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) accept the apology from Deputy Chair S Chambers for absence b) accept the apology from Member R Thomas for absence c) accept the apology from Member D Roche for lateness.
Member P Coom declared an interest in Co-Haus in respect to Member V Tava’s written report.
Resolution number WTM/2018/88 MOVED by Member A Avendano Christie, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: d) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 19 June 2018 as a true and correct record.
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
9.1 |
Resolution number WTM/2018/89 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) thank Stevie Sikuea of Action Education for attendance and presentation of her poem.
9.2 |
Public Forum – Luke Niue regarding Parnell Residential Parking Zone |
Resolution number WTM/2018/90 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member V Tava: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) thank Luke Nuie, Parnell Community Committee for his attendance and presentation on the Parnell Residential Parking Zone
There was no extraordinary business.
Under Standing Order 2.5.1 a Notice of Motion has been received from Member R Thomasfor consideration under item 12.
12 |
Notice of Motion - Member R Thomas - Newmarket Play Space Land Access |
Resolution number WTM/2018/91 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: b) refer this Notice of Motion to the Governing Body for information.
13 |
14 |
Resolution number WTM/2018/92 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member V Tava: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport July 2018 update report. b) agree
to revoke resolution WTM/2017/155 Item 15 part d) (i) and d) (ii) as adopted
at its meeting on 15 August 2017: d) Note the rough order of cost for a parklet on Nuffield Street and: i) approve the use of up to $25,000 from the transport capital fund ii) request that Auckland Transport work closely with the Newmarket Business Association on the design and to reduce final costs and request that the committed Local Board transport capital funds of $25,000 for the Nuffield Street parklet be returned to the uncommitted portion of the fund. c) approve the allocation of $825,000 from the Waitematā Local Board Transport Capital Fund as per the rough order of cost for Auckland Transport to deliver the Greenway connection through Cox’s Bay reserve to Wharf Road via Bayfield Park. d) request Auckland Transport to prepare a Rough Order of Cost for delivery of part of the greenway connection “G4” from Meola Road to Great North Road as outlined in the Waitematā Greenways Plan. e) approve the name of “Western Springs Greenway” as the project name for the greenway connection from Meola Road to Great North Road. f) requests Auckland Transport to update the allocation for the streetscape enhancement tree planting project on St Mary’s Road from $20,000 to $5,000 to reflect the resolution made at the 15 May 2018 meeting (WTM/2018/56). g) reiterate to Auckland Transport the local board’s request that Auckland Transport provide permits to residents in homes with no off-street parking located in mixed-use zones.
15 |
Approval of the 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Board Community Facilities Work Programme |
Resolution number WTM/2018/93 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Approve the Waitematā Local Board 2018/2019 Community Facilities Work Programme as detailed in the tabled Attachment A subject to the following amendments: i. Decision points for the following items be updated to include the addition of the words “options to be approved by the local board” for: i. ID 2036 Grey Lynn Library – comprehensive renewal ii. ID 2038 Herne Bay Petanque Club – refurbish bathrooms
b) Note the budget allocations summarised in the table below:
c) Note that the LDI opex funding includes budget for agrichemical-free maintenance at Western Park, Albert Park, Myers Park and the non-sport section of Victoria Park.
d) Delegate approval of minor changes to the 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Board Community Facilities work programme to the local board Chair in consultation with the Portfolio lead.
a Community Facilities Work Programme |
The meeting adjourned at 5.38pm.
The meeting reconvened at 5.52pm
Board member reports |
Resolution number WTM/2018/94 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member DR Roche: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the written reports from Member R Northey and Member V Tava and the verbal board member reports for July 2018.
16 |
Chair's Report |
Resolution number WTM/2018/95 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the tabled report from Chair P Coom for the period July 2018.
a Velo City Conference report b Velo City Conference presentation |
Item 17 was heard before item 16.
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Resolution number WTM/2018/96 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member V Tava: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the governance forward work calendar July 2018 attached to the agenda.
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Resolution number WTM/2018/97 MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member DR Roche: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the workshop proceeding records for the meetings held on 26 June 2018 and 3 July 2018.
20 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
6.21 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.