Albert-Eden Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board held in the Albert Eden Local Board Office, 135 Dominion Road, Mt Eden on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 4:05pm.
Chairperson |
Peter Haynes |
Deputy Chairperson |
Glenda Fryer |
Members |
Lee Corrick |
Exited the meeting at 5.25pm during Item 22. |
Graeme Easte |
Rachel Langton |
Ben Lee |
Jessica Rose |
Margi Watson |
Governing Body Members |
Cathy Casey |
Entered the meeting at 4.36pm during Item 9.2. Exited the meeting at 5.37pm following Item 22. |
Christine Fletcher |
Entered the meeting at 4.36pm during Item 9.2. Exited the meeting at 5.25pm during Item 22. |
Albert-Eden Local Board 22 August 2018 |
Resolution number AE/2018/254 MOVED by Member L Corrick, seconded by Member J Rose: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) note the apologies for lateness from Governing Body Members Casey and Fletcher and accepts the apology from Member Corrick for early departure to attend other council business. |
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number AE/2018/255 MOVED by Member M Watson, seconded by Chairperson P Haynes: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Wednesday, 25 July 2018, as a true and correct record. |
There were no leaves of absence.
6.1 |
Acknowledgement – Inaugural winners of the Westfield St Lukes’ Local Heroes Awards |
Resolution number AE/2018/256 MOVED by Member M Watson, seconded by Member L Corrick: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) congratulate Wendy John - Friends of Oakley Creek, Jill Gibson - Mt Albert YMCA and Richard Stanton - First St Judes Scouts, the inaugural winners of the Westfields St Lukes’ Local Heroes Award including a grant of $10,000 each to further their respective projects. |
6.2 |
Acknowledgement – Concern over the recent hospitalisation of Agnes Wong, former Albert-Eden Representative on the Auckland Council Youth Panel |
Resolution number AE/2018/257 MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Member J Rose: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) note with great sadness the hospitalisation of Agnes Wong, the former Albert-Eden representative on the Auckland Council Youth Panel and note that the board hold Agnes in high esteem for her spirit of public service, positive and accepting attitude and for her contribution to the board’s activities and wish her the speediest possible recovery and extend our best wishes to her family. |
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
9.1 |
Public Forum – Traffic and parking congestion issues in Sandringham Village and surrounding residential areas |
Anna Burns-Francis, resident, was in attendance to deliver a Public Forum presentation regarding the issue of increasing traffic and parking congestion around Sandringham Village which poses increasing risk to pedestrians and vehicle drivers. |
A document was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number AE/2018/258 MOVED by Member J Rose, seconded by Member B Lee: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) thank Anna Burns-Francis, resident, for her attendance and Public Forum presentation. |
a 20180822 Albert-Eden Local Board – Item 9.1 Public Forum – Traffic and parking congestion issues in Sandringham Villages and surrounding residential areas |
Public Forum – Robin Taua-Gordon, Heritage and Environment Officer, Te Kawerau Iwi Tribal Authority – Māori naming of reserves |
Ngāio Kemp, Te Rununga o Ngāti Whātua, was in attendance to deliver a Public Forum presentation regarding the Māori naming of parks and facilities in the Albert Eden Local Board area report in the meeting agenda. Richard Nahi, Kaihautu Tai-ranga-whenua, was also in attendance and provided a karakia at the start of the presentation. |
Governing Body Members Christine Fletcher and Cathy Casey entered the meeting at 4.36pm. |
Resolution number AE/2018/259 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Member B Lee: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) thank Ngāio Kemp, Te Rununga o Ngāti Whātua, for her attendance and Public Forum presentation regarding the Māori naming of parks and facilities in the Albert Eden Local Board area report and also thank Richard Nahi for his attendance and karakia. |
9.3 |
Public Forum – Matthew Radcliffe, multi-purpose court proposal for Maungawhau Tennis Courts |
Matthew Radcliffe, resident, was in attendance to deliver a Public Forum presentation regarding the proposed multi-purpose court for Maungawhau Tennis Courts on View Road. |
A document was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number AE/2018/260 MOVED by Member J Rose, seconded by Member R Langton: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) thank Matthew Radcliffe, resident, for his attendance and Public Forum presentation. |
a 20180822 – Albert-Eden Local Board, Item 9.3 – Public Forum – Matthew Radcliffe, multi-purpose court proposal for Maungawhau Tennis Courts |
There was no extraordinary business.
Note: The following report items were heard by the board in this order:
Item 13 – Māori naming of parks and facilities in the Albert Eden Local Board area
Item 22 – Governing Body Members’ Update
Item 17 – Grant of landowner approval to Jackson Clapperton and Partners Limited for a stormwater connection – Esplanade Reserve, Phyllis Street, Mt Albert
Item 18 – New community lease to the Mt Albert Historic Society Incorporated at Ferndale House, 830 New North Road, Mt Albert
Item 19 – Draft Annual Report 2017/2018 – Albert-Eden Local Board
Item 20 – Auckland Council’s Quarter Four and Year End Performance Report: Albert-Eden Local Board
Item 16 – Project Streetscapes
In accordance with Standing Order 2.5.1 a Notice of Motion was received from Deputy Chairperson Fryer for consideration under item 12.
12 |
Notice of Motion – Deputy Chairperson Fryer – Support for Auckland Council to become a City for CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women) |
Resolution number AE/2018/261 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Member J Rose: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) support Auckland becoming a City for CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women). b) forward these resolutions to the Community Development and Safety Committee for its consideration alongside any forthcoming recommendations or reports on Auckland becoming a City for CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women). |
13 |
Māori naming of parks and facilities in the Albert Eden Local Board area |
Jane Aickin – Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua, was in attendance to speak to this report. |
Resolution number AE/2018/262 MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Member G Easte: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) support efforts to raise the visibility of te reo Māori and to capture and tell the unique Māori stories of Albert-Eden and Tāmaki Makaurau. b) invite mana whenua to provide a Māori name and narrative for the following local board area parks: i) Wilding Reserve – Road Reserve, Epsom ii) Coyle Park, Point Chevalier iii) Edenvale Park, Mount Eden iv) Eric Armishaw Reserve, Point Chevalier v) Pascoe Quarry Reserve, Epsom vi) Sainsbury Reserve North and South, Mount Albert vii) School Reserve, Kingsland viii) Taumata Reserve and Watea Reserve, Sandringham, noting that Taumata Reserve and Watea Reserve constitute a continuous park that requires a single name. c) invite mana whenua to provide a Māori name and narrative for the following parks as part of Tranche 2, noting that the dual naming can only take place once the Motu Manawa Boardwalk and associated parks projects are completed: i) End of Alford Street – Road Reserve, Waterview ii) End of Oakley Avenue – Road Reserve, Waterview iii) End of Saxon Street – Road Reserve, Waterview iv) Alverston Street Esplanade Reserve, Waterview v) Seaside Avenue Esplanade Reserve A, Waterview vi) Seaside Reserve, Waterview. d) note it is expected that, in most cases, the gifted names and narratives will be adopted by the local board for use as dual names to enrich the stories of parks and support the Māori language to be visible, heard, spoken and learnt. e) request Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua staff to develop a communication plan to advise the community about the dual naming strategy as it applies to Albert-Eden parks outlined in resolution b). f) thank Jane Aickin – Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua, for her attendance. |
Jonathan Anyon – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, was in attendance to speak to this report. |
Resolution number AE/2018/263 MOVED by Member B Lee, seconded by Member J Rose: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport August 2018 update report. b) note that the work for the Waterview Tie-In project and the wayfinding signage for the Northwestern and Waterview Shared Path is an integral part of these regional projects, and encourages Auckland Transport to find the funding for the work within its 2018/2019 regional budget; but, on a without prejudice basis, seeks costings for the work. c) note with concern the following transport-related statistics relating to the local board area: i) 61 per cent of all transport deaths and serious injuries in Albert-Eden were vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists, moped and motor cycle users); and that these were almost all on the arterial roads that dissect the local board’s area. ii) An increase of 53 per cent in transport deaths and serious injuries from 36 in 2013 to 55 in 2017 – ‘the second highest level among local boards in 2017 and the 14th highest rate of serious road injuries per capital, out of 16 urban local boards in 2016’. d) strongly support the ‘Vision Zero’ emphasis on improving traffic safety and the goal of reducing transport deaths and serious injuries over ten years. e) note that the following preventive works and initiatives are being investigated for implementation by Auckland Transport to address the safety issues at Asquith Avenue, Mt Albert: Immediate Safety Interventions proposed by Auckland Transport i) Installation of some RRPMs (raised “cats eyes”) on the edge of the bend for better delineation ii) Installation of a safe speed advisory sign next to the existing chevron board at the bend iii) Add a highlighted fluorescent backing board to the existing ‘slippery when wet’ signage to better highlight the risk to drivers. Permanent Safety works proposed (expected construction late 2018) i) Installation of speed calming devices on Asquith Avenue ii) Realignment of traffic islands at the intersection iii) Improving the skid resistance at the bend in New North Road iv) A Lighting upgrade and other measures. e) request Auckland Transport to provide a rough order of costs to provide mobility parking and associated traffic calming on Windmill Road, adjacent to the Auckland Netball Association courts. f) thank Jonathan Anyon – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, for his attendance. |
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Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round One 2018/2019 grant applications |
Emma Reed – Local Board Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report. |
Resolution number AE/2018/264 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Member M Watson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) approve the following applications for funding from the Albert-Eden Local Board Quick Response, Round One 2018/2019 Grand Fund:
b) decline the following applications for funding from the Albert-Eden Local Board Quick Response, Round One 2018/2019 Grant Fund:
c) thank Emma Reed – Local Board Advisor, for her attendance. |
16 |
Resolution number AE/2018/265 MOVED by Member B Lee, seconded by Member G Easte: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) support the transfer of streetscape services from Auckland Transport and Waste Solutions to Community Facilities’ Full Facilities suppliers as part of Project Streetscapes with the proviso that the contract outcomes reflect local character, not one generic outcome across the region. b) note that the majority of the service specifications for the proposed 5 levels of service (A, B, C, D and E) for Project Streetscapes remain prescriptive and not outcome focused, due to budget constraints, and requests that the Governing Body consider increasing the budget for Project Streetscapes so it aligns with the outcomes-based service levels of Project 17. c) provide Community Facilities with the following feedback regarding the proposed application of the 5 levels of service (A, B, C, D and E) for Project Streetscapes: i) Mt Albert – the area maintained should be extended to include the town centre park at 915 New North Road as Mt Albert Train Station exits here, and has high pedestrian volume, and Ballast Lane all the way to Carrington Road. ii) Kingsland – the area maintained should be extended to include the southern side of Kingsland Train Station on Sandringham Road as this is a transport hub and has high pedestrian volumes to Eden Park. d) note with concern that some of the assets being transferred from Auckland Transport to Community Facilities’ Full Facilities suppliers may not be in good condition or are not being serviced appropriately, and supports Community Facilities working with Auckland Transport to upgrade these assets before they are transferred as part of Project Streetscapes. e) provide Community Facilities with the following list of known issues and/or priority areas with respect to streetscape services as requested in the Project Streetscapes report: i) both sides of Richardson Road at the intersection of Weston Avenue, Owairaka ii) both sides of Owairaka Avenue and the western side of Mt Albert Road at their intersection, Mt Albert iii) the corner of Alford Road and Great North Road, Waterview iv) the seating and garden area on the corner of New North Road and Asquith Avenue, Mt Albert v) both sides of Dominion Road from Horopito Street to George Street, Mt Eden vi) the eastern side of Mt Eden Road from Edwin Street to Normanby Road, Mt Eden vii) both sides of Great South Road from 142-200 Great South Road, Epsom viii) both sides of Manukau Road and Ranfurly Road at their intersection, Epsom ix) both sides of Manukau Road between Queen Mary Avenue and Greenlane West, Epsom. f) seeks further clarification of the opportunities for other organisations such as business associations to sub-contract work in town and village centres. |
Grant of landowner approval to Jackson Clapperton and Partners Limited for a stormwater connection – Esplanade Reserve, Phyllis Street, Mt Albert |
Raewyn Sendles – Land Use Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report. |
Resolution number AE/2018/266 MOVED by Member M Watson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) decline the land owner application from Jackson Clapperton and Partners Limited, on behalf of the applicant, to install a public stormwater pipe and outlet structure (to discharge into the Oakley Creek) within Phyllis Esplanade Reserve, from a two-lot subdivision at 10 Phyllis Street, Mt Albert. b) note that this decision is informed by information and knowledge gained about the instability of the land and scouring during the construction of the Waterview Shared Path. c) thank Raewyn Sendles – Land Use Advisor, for her attendance. |
Note: Member R Langton and Member B Lee voted against this motion and requested that their dissenting votes be recorded. |
New community lease to the Mt Albert Historic Society Incorporated at Ferndale House, 830 New North Road, Mt Albert |
Tsz Ning Chung – Community Lease Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report. |
Resolution number AE/2018/267 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Member M Watson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) grant a new community lease to the Mt Albert Historic Society Incorporated to occupy rooms three and four, at the Ferndale House annex at 830 New North Road (Attachment A to the agenda report) on the following terms and conditions: i) term - four years commencing 15 September 2018 and expiring on 30 September 2022, to align with the date of expiration of the other leases in the building ii) rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded iii) operational charge - $497.75 plus GST per annum iv) all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977. b) delegate authority to Member Watson to approve a community outcomes plan Mt Albert Historic Society Incorporated (to be negotiated with the new lessee) to be attached as a schedule to the lease agreement. c) thank Tsz Ning Chung – Community Lease Advisor, for her attendance. |
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Audrey Gan - Lead Financial Advisor, and Emma Reed - Local Board Advisor, were in attendance to speak to this report. |
Resolution number AE/2018/268 MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Member G Easte: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) endorse the draft content of the 2017/2018 Albert-Eden Local Board Annual Report. b) note that any proposed minor changes will be clearly communicated and discussed with the Chairperson before the report is submitted for adoption by the Governing Body by 28 September 2018. c) thank Audrey Gan - Lead Financial Advisor, and Emma Reed - Local Board Advisor, for their attendance. |
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Auckland Council’s Quarter Four and Year End Performance Report: Albert-Eden Local Board |
Audrey Gan - Lead Financial Advisor, and Emma Reed - Local Board Advisor, were in attendance to speak to this report. |
Resolution number AE/2018/269 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer, seconded by Member B Lee: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive the performance report for the financial quarter and year ending 30 June 2018. b) note that there is a need for a step-change in the manner that the Community Facilities department delivers its work. c) thank Audrey Gan - Lead Financial Advisor, and Emma Reed - Local Board Advisor, for their attendance. |
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Resolution number AE/2018/270 MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Member B Lee: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) note the Albert-Eden Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar. |
22 |
Note: Governing Body Member Fletcher exited the meeting following her verbal update, and Board Member Corrick exited the meeting at 5.25pm during Item 22. |
Resolution number AE/2018/271 MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Member B Lee: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive Governing Body Members Christine Fletcher and Cathy Casey’s verbal updates. |
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Resolution number AE/2018/272 MOVED by Member R Langton, seconded by Member B Lee: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive the Chairperson Haynes’ verbal report. |
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Resolution number AE/2018/273 MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive Deputy Chairperson Fryer and Members Watson, Langton, Lee, Rose and Easte’s verbal board reports for August 2018. |
25 |
Resolution number AE/2018/274 MOVED by Member B Lee, seconded by Member J Rose: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive the Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes for the workshops held on 1 and 8 August 2018. |
26 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Resolution number AE/2018/275 MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:
C1 Notice of Motion - Member Easte - Advocating for the acquisition of a property to protect a lava cave
The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting. |
6.58pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
Resolution number AE/2018/276 MOVED by Chairperson P Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Fryer: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) agree to move the meeting held on Wednesday, 22 August 2018, back in to open session. |
6.59pm The public was re-admitted.
6.59 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.