Te Poari Kaitohutohu mō te Pokapū o te Tāone

Nui o Tāmaki Makaurau /

Auckland City Centre Advisory Board




Minutes of a meeting of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 3.00pm.





Ms Viv Beck

Business Improvement District

Deputy Chair

Mr Andrew Gaukrodger

Corporate sector


Ms Noelene Buckland

City Centre Residents Group


Mr Greg Cohen



Mr Ben Corban (until 3.21pm, item 5)

Arts and Cultural Sector


Mr Terry Cornelius, JP

Retail sector


Mr George Crawford

Property Council of NZ


Mr Dane Grey

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei


Mr Mark Kingsford

Corporate sector


Ms Amy Malcolm

Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology)


Mr Nigel Murphy (until 4.00pm, item 8)

Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology)


Mr James Mooney

Urban design/institute of architects


Mr Adam  Parkinson

City Centre Residents Group


Mr Patrick Reynolds

Transport representative


Mr Michael Richardson

Business Improvement District









Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP

Auckland Council


Cr Chris Darby

Auckland Council (Mayor’s alternate)


Cr Mike Lee

Liaison councillor, Auckland Council


Member Shale Chambers

Waitematā Local Board, Auckland Council






Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

22 August 2018




1          Apologies


Resolution number CEN/2018/44

MOVED by Mr J Mooney, seconded by Mr M Kingsford:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)         accept the apologies from Mayor P Goff for absence and Mr N Murphy for early departure.


A subsequent apology was received from Cr C Darby for absence on council business.



2          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number CEN/2018/45

MOVED by Ms N Buckland, seconded by Mr P Reynolds:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 18 July 2018, as a true and correct record.




4          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Update on Auckland Council's operational response to homelessness


Mr B Corban left the meeting at 3.21pm.


Resolution number CEN/2018/46

MOVED by Mr P Reynolds, seconded by Mr M Richardson:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)      receive the update on Auckland Council’s operational response to homelessness and city centre-focused initiatives

b)      note that options for funding homelessness support services will be reported to the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board for consideration as part of the city centre targeted rate portfolio review process in late 2018.






Memorandum - Update on progress with Kia Whai Whare Tātou Katoa: Regional, cross-sectoral homelessness plan for Auckland




Resolution number CEN/2018/47

MOVED by Mr A Parkinson, seconded by Mr N Murphy:   

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)         receive the report on the development of the Kia Whai Whare Tātou Katoa: Regional cross-sectoral homelessness plan for Auckland

b)        nominate Member Noelene Buckland to attend the central city stakeholder workshop on 3 September 2018.





Endorsement of revised city centre targeted rate assessment criteria


An updated copy of the city centre targeted rate assessment criteria was tabled. A copy of has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Changes to the recommendations were made with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number CEN/2018/48

MOVED by Mr G Crawford, seconded by Ms A Malcolm:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)      endorse the updated city centre targeted rate assessment criteria as tabled at the meeting

b)      note that the city centre targeted rate assessment criteria will be reported to the Finance and Performance Committee for final approval in September 2018

c)      note the working group that developed the assessment criteria: Chair, Viv Beck, Noelene Buckland, Amy Malcolm, George Crawford and Nigel Murphy.






a     22 August 2018 Auckland City Centre Advisory Board Item 7 Endorsement of revised city centre targeted rate assessment criteria - updated CCTR assessment Criteria  





City centre update for the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board - August 2018


Mr N Murphy left the meeting at 4.00 pm.


The following issues were raised for follow up for the September meeting.

-       stormwater project in Myers park

-       milestones on CRL, Albert Street, lower Albert Street and Light Rail

-       SkyPath update

-       confirmation of CRL development response funds

-       update for Victoria Street Linear Park

-       bus bay triggers

-       servicing and loading for city centre

-       Aotea quarter.


Resolution number CEN/2018/49

MOVED by Mr A Parkinson, seconded by Mr M Richardson:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)         receive the update on city centre projects and initiatives to 31 July 2018.

b)        note the issues raised for follow up for the September meeting.






Auckland City Centre Advisory Board forward work programme - August 2018


Resolution number CEN/2018/50

MOVED by Ms N Buckland, seconded by Mr D Grey:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)      endorse the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 2018 forward work programme, as per Attachment A of the agenda report.





10        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There were no extraordinary items.   





4.33pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









