Henderson-Massey Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Henderson Civic Centre, 6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson on Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 4.00pm.
Chairperson |
Shane Henderson |
Deputy Chairperson |
Peter Chan, JP |
Members |
Paula Bold-Wilson |
Brenda Brady, JP |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Will Flavell |
Matt Grey |
Vanessa Neeson, JP |
Councillor Linda Cooper |
From 4.30pm - 5.41pm |
Henderson-Massey Local Board 21 August 2018 |
Member Matt Grey led the meeting in prayer.
Resolution number HM/2018/113 MOVED by Member W Flavell, seconded by Member B Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member Vanessa Neeson for early departure. |
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
The following are declared interests of elected members of the Henderson-Massey Local Board:
Updated |
Shane Henderson (Chairman) |
Waitakere Licensing Trust Waitakere Badminton Waitemata Seagulls Rugby League Colwill School |
Elected Member Patron Board Member Trustee |
21 August 2018 |
Peter Chan, JP (Deputy Chairman) |
Opera Society of NZ Whau Coastal Walkway Trust |
Trustee |
21 Feb 2017 5 June 2018
Brenda Brady, JP |
Safer West Community Trust |
Trustee |
17 April 2018 |
Matt Grey |
Nil |
Nil |
17 July 2018 |
Paula Bold-Wilson |
Community Waitakere Unitec Institute of Technology |
Board member Employee |
17 April 2018 |
Vanessa Neeson, JP |
Village Green Quilters Ranui Advisory Group |
Member Chairperson |
17 April 2018 |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Properties Life North West Pharmacy Waitemata
District Health Board |
Director Elected Member |
17 April 2018 5 June 2018 |
Will Flavell |
Te Atatū Tennis Club Asia New Zealand Leadership Network Rutherford College Waitākere Literacy Board |
Board Member Member Employee Board Member |
15 Nov 2016 |
Resolution number HM/2018/114 MOVED by Member B Brady, seconded by Member W Flavell: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 17 July 2018, as a true and correct record. |
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
Resolution number HM/2018/115 MOVED by Chairperson S Henderson, seconded by Member W Flavell: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) agree that Item 8: Deputations be accorded precedence at this time. |
Deputation: Papaya Stories - Henderson Silent Disco Citywalk project |
Resolution number HM/2018/116 MOVED by Member W Flaunty, seconded by Member V Neeson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive the deputation from Yana Kirakovskaya from Papaya Stories. b) request staff to investigate options for supporting the Henderson Silent Disco Citywalk project. |
8.2 |
Deputation: Rozita Jujnovich - Concern with road naming process |
Resolution number HM/2018/117 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Chan, seconded by Member P Bold-Wilson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive the deputation from Aaron Case on behalf of Rozita Jujnovich and his concerns with Auckland Council’s road naming process. |
8.3 |
Te Atatu Peninsula Business Association annual report to Henderson-Massey Local Board |
Resolution number HM/2018/118 MOVED by Member W Flavell, seconded by Member V Neeson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive the deputation from the Robyn Pringle from Te Atatu Business Association. |
7 Ward Councillor’s Update
Member Neeson left the meeting at 5.28 pm and returned at 5.29 pm
- Mr MacDonald thanked Chairman of the Henderson-Massey Local Board for attending Grey Power’s meeting. - He also spoke about putting in a submission for the Harbourview Orangihina ongoing consultation. |
Resolution number HM/2018/119 MOVED by Member M Grey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive public forum submission from Mr McDonald and thank him for his submission. |
There was no extraordinary business.
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Resolution number HM/2018/120 MOVED by Chairperson S Henderson, seconded by Member W Flaunty: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive the Chairperson’s report. |
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Report from Member Peter Chan - 2018 Local Government New Zealand Conference attendance |
Resolution number HM/2018/121 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Chan, seconded by Chairperson S Henderson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive the 2018 Local Government New Zealand Conference attendance report from Peter Chan. |
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Auckland Transport Update Report for the Henderson-Massey Local Board - August 2018 |
Resolution number HM/2018/122 MOVED by Member W Flaunty, seconded by Member V Neeson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport Update report for the Henderson-Massey Local Board - August 2018 report. |
Member Brady left the table at 5.48pm
Member Brady returned to the 5.50pm
Member Bold-Wilson left the room at 5.50pm
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Resolution number HM/2018/123 MOVED by Member W Flaunty, seconded by Member B Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) supports the transfer of streetscape services from Auckland Transport and Waste Solutions to Community Facilities’ Full Facilities suppliers as part of Project Streetscapes with the proviso that the contract outcomes reflect local needs and priorities, rather than one generic outcome across the region. b) notes that the majority of the service specifications for the proposed 5 levels of service (A, B, C, D and E) for Project Streetscapes remain prescriptive and not outcome focused, due to budget constraints, and requests that the Governing Body consider increasing the budget for Project Streetscapes so it aligns with the outcomes based service levels of Project 17. c) provides Community Facilities with the following feedback regarding the proposed application of the 5 levels of service (A, B, C, D and E) for Project Streetscapes: i) Henderson is not being treated as a metropolitan centre. It is not just the is Level A Great North Road area. Level B is not sufficient for the balance of the Henderson Metropolitan Centre. Level A in Henderson Metropolitan Centre needs to also include Edsel Street, Vitasovich Avenue and part of Alderman Drive. ii) the new Westgate development area should be considered level A as it is a metropolitan centre for the north west. iii) smaller town centres tend to suffer more from bins being filled with household rubbish. Particular attention needs to be paid to the bins within the proposed service levels. iv) the whole streetscape length of Lincoln Road should be included in the level of service as the two areas identified - it is a major business and retail corridor. v) service provision for the Massey West shopping centre on the corner of Triangle Road and along Don Buck Road should extend to the newly opened shops on the corner of Red Hills Road. vi) the area opposite 220 Universal Drive should be elevated to level B or level C. d) notes a concern that some of the assets being transferred from Auckland Transport to Community Facilities’ Full Facilities suppliers may not be in good condition or are not being serviced appropriately and supports Community Facilities working with Auckland Transport to upgrade these assets before they are transferred as part of Project Streetscapes. e) provides Community Facilities with the following list of known issues and/or priority areas with respect to streetscape services as requested in the Project Streetscapes report: i) berms in Ranui around Bahari Drive are swampy even in summer and regularly overgrown. ii) lights set into the Henderson Creek shared path from Tui Glen to SH16 motorway are not working and remain unserviced. The failure may be due to broken concrete and moving earth, so this also needs addressing. iii) trees and foliage on the Vitasovich Road shared path need more regular trimming, it gets significantly overgrown. iv) roading catchpits throughout the Henderson-Massey local board area need more intensive cleaning and maintenance. They are frequently clogged causing localised water buildup. v) all high pedestrian areas and road and pedestrian islands require more intensive cleaning in wet months to remove moss and lichen build – it becomes slippery and can be a safety issue. A particular example is in Alderman Drive between Ratanui Street and Sel Peacock Ave. vi) more intensive maintenance of the Henderson CBD tree lights and garden islands is needed. vii) more intensive maintenance and repair of the art lighting on the Opanuku and Oratia Road Bridges is needed. viii) paving and cobbles in the Henderson CBD area need more intensive cleaning than even paved surfaces, dirt builds up between pavers and cobbles. Procurement principles f) considers that providing more opportunities for local suppliers for the Project Streetscapes contracts will allow for: i) greater economic opportunities for these local providers ii) greater pride and ownership in the work and consequently better standards iii) economic development in local areas, including jobs closer to where people live. g) requests that staff ensure that the Project Streetscapes contracts provide a sustainable procurement approach as per the Council’s procurement policy which includes” increased local spend and enhanced local capability where appropriate”. h) requests that staff, when negotiating the Project Streetscapes contracts, give greater weight to tenderers who have included a proportion of local suppliers. i) requests that as part of the Project Streetscapes contracts successful tenders are required to ensure local sub-contractors (community groups and small businesses) are paid the living wage as a minimum. j) supports staff incorporating creative solutions and opportunities to build community empowerment into the Project Streetscapes contracts e.g. a local community group could undertake all the maintenance of a town centre. k) requests that the Project Streetscapes contracts be designed to allow for enough flexibility to allow community empowerment opportunities to be increased on an annual basis as more local groups and small business build capacity to deliver locally (this will ensure that the tight timeframes for the new contracts won’t lock these groups out for five or more years). l) requests that the Project Streetscapes contracts be designed to allow for enough flexibility for local boards to make minor changes to levels of service without the need for locally driven initiative funding. m) requests that the Project Streetscapes contracts be designed to enable local boards to use locally driven initiative funding for major increases to levels of service on an annual basis. n) requests that staff ensure that increases to levels of service resulting from the planned growth for Auckland are built into asset-based services budgets to ensure that local boards’ locally driven initiative funding is not required to cover a potential shortfall in asset-based services funding. o) requests that simple and measurable Key Performance Indicators and penalties for non-performance are included in the Project Streetscapes contracts. p) requests that staff provide local boards with timely, relevant and high-quality advice during the annual planning process which will enable local boards to make informed level of service decisions following consultation with the community as part of the annual planning process. q) requests information on the performance of contractors against the Project Streetscapes contracts and information on customer queries and requests for service that relate to these contracts as part of the regular local board quarterly reports. r) requests that Community Facilities work closely with the council-controlled organisations and the rest of the council family to ensure that service delivery is collaborative and integrated. |
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Plans and Places Local Board Work Programme:-Te Atatu South Local Planning Study |
Resolution number HM/2018/124 MOVED by Chairperson S Henderson, seconded by Member W Flaunty: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) approve the allocation of $30,000 of Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) opex for the delivery of this project in the 2018/2019 financial year as part of the Henderson-Massey Local Board work programme. b) approve the coordination role of Plans and Places in relation to the delivery of a local planning study in 2018/2019 for the Te Atatu South Local Centre including identification of specific actions for delivery. |
Member Neeson left the meeting at 5.56 pm
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Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round One 2018/2019 grant applications |
Resolution number HM/2018/125 MOVED by Member M Grey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in the Quick Response Round One 2018/2019 applications as outlined in Table One: Table One: Henderson-Massey Quick Response Round One 2018/2019 applications
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Secretarial note: Tabled attachments A, B, C and D for this report have been placed on file copy and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number HM/2018/126 MOVED by Member M Grey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) approve the application from Watercare Services Limited for the installation of a duplicate waste water line in Moire Park (Allotment 650,651 and Pt Allot 5A Parish of Waipareira Massey). |
a 21 August 2018 Henderson-Massey Local Board: Item 17: LOA to install waste water insfrastructure on Moire Park_Attachment 1 b 21 August 2018 Henderson-Massey Local Board: Item 17: LOA to install waste water insfrastructure on Moire Park_Attachment 2 Moire Park Access points c 21 August 2018 Henderson-Massey Local Board: Item 17: LOA to install waste water insfrastructure on Moire Park_Attachment 3 Entry pits d 21 August 2018 Henderson-Massey Local Board: Item 17: LOA to install waste water insfrastructure on Moire Park_Attachment 4 Affected areas |
Member Neeson returned to the meeting at 6.02pm
Member Bold-Wilson returned to the meeting at 6.02pm
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New road name in the A&A NZ Holding Limited subdivision at 13 Preston Avenue, Henderson. |
Resolution number HM/2018/127 MOVED by Member V Neeson, seconded by Member W Flaunty: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) approve Apple Lane for the new private road constructed within the subdivision being undertaken by A&A NZ Holding Limited at 13 Preston Avenue, Henderson in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974. |
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New road name in the Birdwood Residential Estates Limited Stage 3 subdivision at 172A Don Buck Road, Massey. |
Resolution number HM/2018/128 MOVED by Member V Neeson, seconded by Member W Flaunty: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) approve Hundalee Lane for the new private road constructed within the Stage 3 subdivision being undertaken by Birdwood Residential Estates Limited at 172A Don Buck Road, Massey in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974. |
Member Neeson left the meeting at 6.24 pm
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Resolution number HM/2018/129 MOVED by Member B Brady, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) adopt the 2017/2018 Henderson-Massey Local Board Annual Report (Attachment A of the agenda report). b) note that any proposed changes will be clearly communicated and agreed with the Chairperson before the report is submitted for adoption by the Governing Body by 28 September 2018. |
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Auckland Councils Quarter Four and Year End Performance Report: Henderson-Massey Local Board |
Resolution number HM/2018/130 MOVED by Member M Grey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive the performance report for the financial quarter and year ending 30 June 2018. b) note its concerns about delays in work programme delivery, especially compared to advice at the end of previous quarters. There are a number of work programmes showing in the RED category at the end of quarter four. The local board seeks earlier advice on delays or non-completion of its programmes, to enable governance oversight and an opportunity to reallocate budget. c) gives feedback that the RAG status is at times inconsistent, for example projects that have been merged, cancelled or already delivered show as amber or red and should show as green. |
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Resolution number HM/2018/131 MOVED by Chairperson S Henderson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive the governance forward work calendar for August 2018, as set out in Attachment A to this agenda report. |
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Resolution number HM/2018/132 MOVED by Member M Grey, seconded by Member B Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) receive the records of workshops held on: · 26 June 2018 · 10 July 2018 · 17 July 2018 · 24 July 2018 · 31 July 2018 |
24 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Resolution number HM/2018/133 MOVED by Chairperson S Henderson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows: C1 Acquisition of Open Space - Massey
The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting. |
6.33pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
6.35pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
C1 |
Resolution number HM/2018/134 MOVED by Member B Brady, seconded by Member M Grey: Restatement a) confirm that there be no restatement of this confidential report, attachments or resolutions for the acquisition of land for public open space in Massey until settlement of the purchase, and only then is the resolution to be restated. |
6.35pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.