Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee held in the Council Chamber, Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa on Thursday, 16 August 2018 at 03:30pm.
Chairperson |
Cameron Brewer |
Deputy Chairperson |
Louise Johnston |
Members |
Brent Bailey |
Tessa Berger |
Beth Houlbrooke |
Colin Smith |
Allison Roe |
Phelan Pirrie |
Brenda Steele |
Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee 16 August 2018 |
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance.
Resolution number RODTP/2018/27 MOVED by Chairperson C Brewer, seconded by Member T Berger: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee: a) accept the apologies from Member A Roe and Member B Steele for absence and Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie for absence on council business.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number RODTP/2018/28 MOVED by Member B Bailey, seconded by Member B Houlbrooke: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 21 June 2018, as a true and correct record.
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
8.1 |
Mr and Mrs Cowley were in attendance to discuss road maintenance isses at Richards Road, Dairy Flat. |
Resolution number RODTP/2018/29 MOVED by Member L Johnston, seconded by Member B Houlbrooke: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee: a) thank Mr and Mrs Cowley for their presentation on road maintenance issues at Richards Road, Dairy Flat.
a 16 August 2018 - Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee, Item 8.1 - Road Maintenance at Dairy Flat - presentation |
8.2 |
Mr Frogley was in attendance to discuss future road naming in Milldale. |
Resolution number RODTP/2018/30 MOVED by Member L Johnston, seconded by Member C Smith: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee: a) thank Mr Frogley for his presentation on future road naming in Milldale.
a 16 August 2018 - Rodney Transport Infrastructure and Environment Committee, Item 8.2 - Road Naming in Milldale - presentation. |
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
11 |
Auckland Transport's Road Safety and Speed Management programme for Rodney Local Board 2018-2021 |
Jonathan Anyon, Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport, Michael Brown, Road Safety Engineering Team Leader, Auckland Transport and Trevor Beggs from New Zealand Police were in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number RODTP/2018/31 MOVED by Member L Johnston, seconded by Member C Smith: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee: a) receive the report entitled Auckland Transport’s Safety and Speed Management programme for Rodney Local Board 2018-2021.
12 |
New road name in the Fulton Hogan Land Development Limited subdivision at 17 Old Pine Valley Road, Silverdale |
Resolution number RODTP/2018/32 MOVED by Chairperson C Brewer, seconded by Member L Johnston: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee: a) approve the road name of Sidwell Road for the upgraded and extended feeder road in the new Milldale subdivision at 17 Old Pine Valley Road, Silverdale, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 and as referenced in Attachment A to the agenda report.
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New road name in the Jenny Murray subdivision at 836 Ridge Road, Riverhead |
Resolution number RODTP/2018/33 MOVED by Member C Smith, seconded by Member B Houlbrooke: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee: a) approve the new road name of Fernielea Park Drive for the Jenny Murray subdivision at 836 Ridge Road, Riverhead, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 and as referenced in Attachment A to the agenda report.
14 |
Resolution number RODTP/2018/34 MOVED by Member B Houlbrooke, seconded by Member T Berger: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee: a) note the Deputation/Public Forum Update.
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Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee Workshop Records |
Resolution number RODTP/2018/35 MOVED by Member B Houlbrooke, seconded by Member B Bailey: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee: a) note the workshop records for 28 June and 26 July 2018.
16 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
4.44 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.
CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Rodney Local Board Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee HELD ON