Waitematā Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Waitematā Local Board held in the Waitematā Local Board Office, Ground Floor, 52 Swanson Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 2:02pm.





Pippa Coom


Deputy Chairperson

Shale Chambers



Adriana Avendaño Christie

Until 5.24pm Item 18


Richard Northey, ONZM



Denise Roche



Vernon Tava

Until 4.46pm Item 16






Mike Lee

From 2.15pm Item 8.2

Until 4.10pm Item 13



Waitematā Local Board

21 August 2018




1          Welcome


The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed all those present.



2          Apologies


Resolution number WTM/2018/98

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member V Tava:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from member R Thomas for absence.





3          Declarations of Interest


Chair P Coom declared an interest in Bike Auckland (item 21).


Member R Northey declared an interest in the Film Society and the YMCA (item 20).



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WTM/2018/99

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 17 July 2018, as a true and correct record.





5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations



Deputation - John Elliott - Non-toxic non-herbicidal spray method


Resolution number WTM/2018/100

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)         thank John Elliott for his attendance and presentation

b)        refer the Weedingtech Herbicide-free weed control system to Community Facilities for consideration and report back.





a     Weedingtech brochure Herbicide-free weed control




Deputation - Elizabeth Walker and Sel Arbuckle of STEPS - Western Springs plantings on lava flow forest


Resolution number WTM/2018/101

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member DR Roche:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)    thank Elizabeth Walker and Sel Arbuckle of St Lukes Environmental Protection Society Incorporated for their attendance and presentation

b)    refer the presentation to the Western Springs Lakeside Park consultation process.





a     Western Springs Lava Flow speaking notes

b     Western Springs Lava Flow presentation




Deputation - Caitlin McIlhagga General Manager 95bFM - Presentation about 95bFM does and how it is involved with the community


Resolution number WTM/2018/102

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member R Northey:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      thank Caitlin McIlhagga, General Manager 95bFM, for her attendance and presentation.






Deputation - Renee Tanner - Walking in Trees Project


This item was withdrawn.



9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Jennifer Ward, Chris Bailey and Paula Wilkinson of Community Led Design Group - 254 Ponsonby Road


Resolution number WTM/2018/103

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)         thank Jennifer Ward, Chris Bailey and Paula Wilkinson for their attendance and presentation

b)        refer the report A Community response, based on Council’s Open Space Acquisition Policies, to assist the “Governing Body to reconsider the retention or sale of the rear portion of the site” to the Parks and Recreation Policy team and confirm the local board’s support of the overall conclusions of the report.





a     Community-led Design Group policy guidance report for 254 Ponsonby Road




Public Forum - Chris O'Brien, Chairman Laura Fergusson Trust; Rob Small; Trustee Laura Fergusson Trust and Simon Wilson Managing Director Heineken Urban Polo - Heineken Urban Polo Tournament


Resolution number WTM/2018/104

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member R Northey:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)         thank Chris O'Brien, Chairman Laura Fergusson Trust, Rob Small, Trustee Laura Fergusson Trust and Simon Wilson Managing Director Heineken Urban Polo for their attendance and presentation.





a     Laura Fergusson Trust and Urban Polo - Victoria Park Proposal




Public Forum - Graham Easte - Meola Creek Catchment Update


Resolution number WTM/2018/105

MOVED by Member DR Roche, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)         thank Albert-Eden Local Board member Graham Easte for his attendance and presentation.





a     Presentation on Meola Creek Catchment by Graham Easte




10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



11        Notices of Motion


Under Standing Order 3.11.1 a Notice of Motion has been received from Member D Roche for consideration under item 12.




Notice of Motion - Local Board Member D Roche - Support for Auckland Council to become a city that supports the United Nations Convention for the Elimination of Descrimination Against Women (CEDAW)


Resolution number WTM/2018/106

MOVED by Member DR Roche, seconded by Member R Northey:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      note its commitment in the Waitematā Local Board Plan, Outcome 1: Inclusive communities that are vibrant, healthy and connected, and the statement in that Plan “We see diversity as an asset; from new migrants to our international students, from rainbow communities to people living with disabilities, we want everyone to feel welcome, valued and engaged in local life.”

b)      support Auckland becoming a City for CEDAW. CEDAW being the United National Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women.

c)      forward this resolution to the Community Development and Safety Committee for their serious consideration in conjunction with any reports of recommendation on Auckland becoming a City for CEDAW.






Councillor's report


Resolution number WTM/2018/107

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal update from the Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor, Mike Lee.





The meeting adjourned at 3.55pm until 4.08pm.





Local Board Annual Report 2017/2018


Resolution number WTM/2018/108

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      adopt the 2017/2018 Waitematā Local Board Annual Report as set out in Attachment A

b)      delegate to the Chair any minor changes before the report is submitted for adoption by the Governing Body by 27 September 2018.






Auckland Council’s Quarter Four and Year End Performance Report: Waitematā Local Board


Resolution number WTM/2018/109

MOVED by Member R Northey, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the performance report for the financial quarter four and year ending 30 June 2018.






2006 - 2015 Urban Forest Canopy Changes in the Waitematā Local Board area


Resolution number WTM/2018/110

MOVED by Member DR Roche, seconded by Chairperson P Coom:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)    receive the draft ‘Tree loss in the Waitematā Local Board over ten years (2006 – 2015)’ report as the final report subject to minor amendments by officers, funded as part of the Waitematā Local Board’s 2017/2018 urban forest framework project

b)    note the amount of tree loss in the Waitemata Local Board area 2006-2015 is 61.23 hectares (approximately 17 per cent) and that 65 per cent of the urban forest clearance has occurred on private land. This does not include the growth of new canopy.  Analysis work is underway and will be the subject of a subsequent report.

c)    consider that a significant part of the tree loss has been caused by the removal by central government of Council’s general tree protection rules and urges the Governing Body to advocate to government to change the law to enable Auckland Council to reintroduce general tree protection rules.





Member V Tava left the meeting at 4.46 pm.





Auckland Transport August 2018 update


Resolution number WTM/2018/111

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)    receive the Auckland Transport August 2018 update report

b)    request Auckland Transport to implement the proposed new Arch Hill and Grey Lynn residential parking zone as soon as reasonably practicable and put on hold the proposed implementation of the time restricted P120 zone that has not been consulted on until after an assessment has been made of the impact of the residential parking zone

c)    request Auckland Transport work with the Grey Lynn Residents Association to identify suitable locations for P120 restrictions.




Project Streetscapes


Resolution number WTM/2018/112

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member R Northey:  

a)    support the transfer of streetscape services from Auckland Transport and Waste Solutions to Community Facilities’ Full Facilities suppliers as part of Project Streetscapes with the proviso that the contract outcomes reflect local character, not one generic outcome across the region

b)    note that the majority of the service specifications for the proposed five levels of service (A, B, C, D and E) for Project Streetscapes remain prescriptive and not outcome focused, due to budget constraints, and requests that the Governing Body consider increasing the budget for Project Streetscapes so it aligns with the outcomes based service levels of Project 17

c)    note with concern that some of the assets being transferred from Auckland Transport to Community Facilities’ Full Facilities suppliers may not be in good condition or are not being serviced appropriately and supports Community Facilities working with Auckland Transport to upgrade these assets before they are transferred as part of Project Streetscapes

d)    request that non-chemical spraying for weed management be used where possible

e)    support feedback provided by Heart of the City and the City Centre Residents Group with regard to city centre cleaning and maintenance issues

f)     request community facilities obtain feedback on local issues from all Waitematā business associations and resident associations

g)    request  Community Facilities work with the Solid Waste team to ensure public place recycling is separated and not put into the general rubbish

h)   request Community Facilities work with the Solid Waste team to implement an effective campaign to encourage the use of public litter bins for cigarette butt disposal

i)     request Community Facilities refer the feedback from Business Associations and Resident Associations regarding their issues and the proposed application of the five levels of service and the areas covered by the level of service to the Waitematā local board for input.



Chairperson P Coom left the meeting at 5.19 pm.




Waitemata Local Events Development Fund Allocation 2018/2019 Round 1


Resolution number WTM/2018/113

MOVED by Member R Northey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers:   

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      approve funding for the following events from the Local Events Development Fund 2018/2019:

Event name


Applied for


Opening Night Franklin Road Christmas Lights

Franklin Road



Lightpath Festival – Te Ara I Whiti Festival

Bike Auckland Incorporated



The Farmers Santa Parade

The Auckland Children's Christmas Parade Trust



Auckland International Buskers Festival

Crackerjack Promotions Limited



Doc Edge Festival 2019

The Documentary New Zealand Trust











Chairperson P Coom returned to the meeting at 5.20 pm.



Waitematā Quick Response Round One 2018/2019 grant applications


Resolution number WTM/2018/114

MOVED by Member DR Roche, seconded by Member R Northey:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      approve the following Quick Response Grants Round one 2018/2019 applications as listed in the table below:


Application ID

Project title
Requesting funding for

Amount Approved

Barbara Bailey


Thursday morning life drawing

Towards the weekly room hire and model koha for a life drawing community group.


The Auckland Performing Arts Centre at Western Springs


Purchase of new safety mats

Towards the purchase of seven safety mats to protect students and performers from injury.


New Zealand Dance Festival Trust


Tempo Public Dance Installations 2018

Towards the artist fees, venue hire, production costs and marketing costs to present three public performance installations.


Nilam Patel


Kama Sutra - The School of Sex

Towards the professional assessment of a script for the production, Kama Sutra.


Action Education Incorporated


Spoken Word Poetry Workshops

Towards facilitator fees and administration costs to deliver ten Spoken Word Poetry workshops at secondary schools in the Waitematā area.


Auckland Cathedral of the Holy Trinity The Diocese of Auckland


Holy-Trinity Cathedral: The Heritage of Our People

Towards the project manager fees and display material costs to provide a tour of the cathedral and related heritage buildings as part of the Auckland Heritage Festival.


Social Innovation New Zealand


Social Innovation Conference

Towards the cost of catering, event t-shirts, keynote speaker fee and equipment hire to host a social innovation conference.


Rainbow Youth Incorporated


Transgender Week of Awareness

Towards the photography and graphic design kohas, and the administration fees to plan a campaign around Transgender Week of Awareness.


Breaking Boundaries


LGBTQI+ Mental Health Workshop

Towards the costs to deliver a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex (LGBTQI+) mental health workshop, specifically panelist and youth worker fees, venue hire, advertising, design and printing.


Claudia Maran


Playgroup 20th  anniversary party and regular music lesson

Towards the cost of 14 music lessons during playgroup and a face painter for the 20th anniversary party.


Grey Lynn Business Association


The Urbans

Towards the event manager fee for a Grey Lynn business awards night.


Grey Lynn Community Centre Inc


Jam On Toast

Towards the overall costs to run the annual "Jam on Toast" community event, including equipment hire, photography, printing and staff fees.


Royal New Zealand Air Force Association North Shore Branch


Battle of Britain Commemoration Parade

Towards the first aid coverage, sound system hire and seat hire costs to run the Battle of Britain commemoration parade.


Gladstone Tennis Club


First Aid Course for Club Coaches and Members

Towards the cost of a one-day first aid training course for 20 members and coaches of the tennis club.



Total Allocated



b)        decline the following Quick Response Grants Round One 2018/2019 applications as listed in the table below:

Application ID

Project title
Requesting funding for

Amount Requested

Reasons for decline

The Parenting Place


Attitude Lifeskills & Wellbeing Programmes for Waitemata Schools 2019

Towards the costs to deliver 35 mental health presentations to 6,000 students across six high schools, including the purchase of drug and alcohol education handbooks for year 10 students.


Decline due to insufficient community outcome being demonstrated

Ponsonby Cruising Club Incorporated


Security Monitoring System

Towards the purchase and installation of a security monitoring system.


Decline due to insufficient community outcome being demonstrated

Mum's Garage Limited


Entrepreneurs Unleashed

Towards the costs to film and edit six entrepreneur events at Grid AKL, which will be available to members online.


Decline due to insufficient community outcome being demonstrated

*Recommend to liaise with ATEED


*Grants to advise applicant to request tangible items in next application

Lifeline Foundation Charitable Trust


The health of our community

Towards the costs of volunteer training, helpline phones and counsellor salaries.


Decline due to being a funded organisational government service








Member R Northey left the meeting at 5.22 pm.





Resolution number WTM/2018/115

MOVED by Member DR Roche, seconded by Deputy Chair S Chambers:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

c)         approve the following Quick Response Grants Round one 2018/2019 applications as listed in the table below:


Application ID

Project title
Requesting funding for

Amount Approved

Auckland Film Society


Auckland Film Society 2018 - 2019 Season

Towards the venue hire of Academy Cinemas for screenings open to the public in the 2018/2019 film season.

up to $1,200.00

The Auckland YMCA Marathon Club Incorporated


YMCA 5K and 10K in the Domain

Towards the purchase of a laptop and timing clocks to run a weekly 5k and 10k summer series at the Auckland Domain.



Total Allocated








Member R Northey returned to the meeting at 5.24 pm.


Member A Avendano Christie left the meeting at 5.24 pm.




Waitematā Local Board 2018/2019 Local Economic Development Work Programme


Resolution number WTM/2018/116

MOVED by Member DR Roche, seconded by Member R Northey:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)   approve the proposed use of the $10,000 grant allocated within the Waitematā Local Economic Development work programme for 2018/2019

b)   approve the allocation of a $10,000 grant to the Grey Lynn Business Association for 2018/2019.







Chair's Report


Resolution number WTM/2018/117

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member R Northey:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the Chair’s report for the period August 2018.





a     Chair P Coom's LGNZ Conference report




Board member reports


Resolution number WTM/2018/118

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Member DR Roche:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the written reports from member R Northey and member V Tava and the tabled report from Member D R Roche for August 2018.





a     Member D R Roche report for August 2018




Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number WTM/2018/119

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the governance forward work calendar August 2018 attached to the agenda.






Waitematā Local Board Workshop Records


Resolution number WTM/2018/120

MOVED by Chairperson P Coom, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the workshop proceeding records for the meetings held on 24 July 2018, 31 July 2018, 7 August 2018 and 14 August 2018.





26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.





5.40 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









