Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Tuesday 4 December 2018 9.30am Reception
Lounge |
Komiti Taiao ā-Hapori Hoki / Environment and Community Committee
8 Optimal size of the civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road
A. 254 Ponsonby Road - Development Timeline 3
B. 254 Ponsonby Road - Policy Assessment 5
9 Approval of the Auckland Water Strategy discussion document for public consultation
A. Auckland Water Strategy discussion document for public consultation 7
10 Strategic Approach to Sediment
A. Strategic Approach to Sediment: Work programme 45
11 Auckland Climate Action Plan
A. Seven key topics for the Auckland Climate Symposium 55
12 I am Auckland Implementation Plan and Evaluation Framework
A. I Am Auckland Implementation Plan 57
B. I Am Auckland Evaluation Framework 87
C. Evaluation Plan Example 103
14 Adoption of Facility Partnerships Policy
A. Facility Partnerships Policy - Summary of feedback and responses 115
B. Final Facility Partnerships Policy - December 2018 163
15 Reserve Revocation - Council- owned lands adjoining 18 Edwin Freeman Place, Ranui and 18 Parrs Cross Road, Henderson
C. Example letter to Adj Owner 213
D. Summary of of consulted iwi and responses received 215
16 2018/2019 Regional Environmental and Natural Heritage Grant Programme allocation
A. Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grants Programme Framework 2018-2019 217
B. Funding recommendations for Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Fund 2018/2019 round 223
17 2018/2019 Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund and Section 17a waste fund review update
A. Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund Guidelines 249
18 Summary of Environment and Community Committee information - updates, memos and briefings - 4 December 2018
A. Environment and Community Committee - forward work programme 259
Environment and Community Committee 04 December 2018 |
Environment and Community Committee 04 December 2018 |
Komiti Taiao a Hapori Hoki / ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITY COMMITTEE FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME 2018 This committee deals with strategy and policy decision-making that relates to the environmental, social, economic and cultural activities of Auckland as well as matters that are not the responsibility of another committee or the Governing Body
Committee Priorities: 1. Clearly demonstrate that Auckland is making progress with climate change adaptation and mitigation and taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 2. Enable green growth with a focus on improved water quality, pest eradication and ecological restoration 3. Strengthen communities and enable Aucklanders to be active and connected 4. Make measurable progress towards the social and community aspects of housing all Aucklanders in secure, healthy homes they can afford 5. Grow skills and a local workforce to support economic growth in Auckland
The work of the committee will:
· Deliver on the outcomes in the Auckland Plan · Be focused on initiatives that have a high impact · Meet the Council’s statutory obligations, including funding allocation decisions · Increase the public’s trust and confidence in the organisation. |
Area of work |
Reason for work |
Decision or direction |
Expected timeframes Quarter (month if known) |
Edited 6 November 2018 |
Jan-Mar 2019 12 Feb 12 March |
Apr-Jun 2019 9 April 14 May 11 June |
Jul-Sep 2019 9 July 13 Aug 10 Sept |
Oct-Dec 2018 16 Oct 13 Nov 4 Dec |
Strategic approach to Climate Change
To demonstrate that Auckland is making progress with climate change adaptation and mitigation and taking action to reduce emissions. |
Strategic direction will be provided in the coming months. Progress to date: A summary of activities to prepare for climate change was given in the presentation on 8/8/17 meeting. Report was considered on 20/2/18, resolution ENV/2018/11 Dec 18 – approval for consultation Feb – Mar 19 - targeted public engagement Apr 19 – feedback presented to elected members Jun 19 – final strategy for adoption
Q2 (Dec) |
Low carbon living
To deliver on Low Carbon Auckland Plan commitments by the design and implementation of awareness raising and incentives programmes to reduce household, community, business and schools carbon emissions by approximately 50% of current levels. |
Strategic direction and endorse programmes as part of the Low Carbon Auckland Plan implementation. Progress to date: Report was considered at 20/2/18 meeting. Res ENV/201811 report back in Dec18 for a decision. Independent Advisory Group (IAG) was approved. Chairs Planning and Env & Community Cttees, an IMSB member and the Mayor’s office to decide on the membership of the IAG.
Q3 (Feb) |
Q4 |
Q1 (Sept) |
Q2 (Dec) |
Low Carbon Auckland / Climate Change Mitigation
Four-yearly review of strategic action plan due in 2018; increased engagement with and commitments via C40 Cities membership; development of proactive policy agenda to central government emerging Climate Plan Workshop: Risks and vulnerabilities (June) • Committee workshop on risks and vulnerabilities • Communication strategy for broader public engagement • Local Board workshops • Mana whenua engagement (integrated throughout) • Stakeholder workshops Prioritisation criteria and identified actions (Jul/Aug) • Cost benefit and total value analysis • Agree prioritisation criteria • Review all actions • Draft plan • Draft plan to committee (Dec 2018 • Consultation (linking to other plans, approach tbc) • Updates to action plan • Adoption of updated plan by council (Proposed December 2018) • Final Adoption of Climate Plan (Mar 09) |
Decision and endorsement of strategic direction Progress to date: Report was considered at 20/2/18 meeting. Res ENV/201811 report back in Dec18 for a decision. Independent Advisory Group was approved. Workshops scheduled: 4/7/18 and 26/09/18. An update was on 12/06/18 meeting agenda. Report reapplication for C40 Cities membership was considered at 13/11/2018 meeting. Res ENV/2018/149 reapplication for membership was approved |
Q3 (Mar) |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 (Dec) |
Urban Forest Strategy
Strategic approach to delivering on the wider social, economic and environmental benefits of a growing urban forest in the context of rapid population growth and intensification.
Decision on strategic direction and endorsement of strategy. Progress to date: A workshop was held on 14/06/17. Report was considered on 12/09/17 ENV/2017/116 a full draft of the strategy was considered 20/02/18, res ENV/2018/12 with a report back on the results of the LIDAR and an implementation plan on costs and benefits in Aug 2018. An update was included in the 14 Aug agenda regarding several workstreams covered by the 18 high level implementation actions. A report on a full progress on implementing the strategy will be in August 2019. |
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Q1 (Aug19) |
Q2 |
Allocation of the Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund
Decision making over medium and large funds from the Waste Minimisation and Innovation fund in line with the fund’s adopted policy. Funds to contribute towards council’s aspirational goal of zero waste to landfill by 2040. |
Decision on the annual allocation of the Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund for the 2018-2019 financial year. Progress to date: |
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Q2 |
Auckland’s water strategy |
The health of Auckland’s waters is a critical issue. Both freshwater and marine environments in Auckland are under pressure from historic under-investment, climate change and rapid growth. The draft Auckland Plan 2050 identifies the need to proactively adapt to a changing water future and develop long-term solutions. |
Decision and strategic direction and priorities as part of the Auckland Plan. Consider the development of an Auckland’s waters strategy to be adopted for consultation December 2018. Progress to date: A report was considered on 12/06/18 to approve the proposed scope, timeframe and budget for the development of the strategy. Res ENV/2018/78 Key milestones: · June 2018 – develop a strategic summary of water related outcomes, identify integrated water outcomes, · July-Oct 2018 – high level regional options are developed and assessed for the five draft themes – consultation with mana whenua |
Q4 (Jun) |
Q2 (Dec) |
Regional Pest Management Plan review
Statutory obligations under the Biosecurity Act to control weeds and animal pests. To ensure that the plan is consistent with the national policy direction and up to date.
Decision and strategic direction on weed and plants that will be subject to statutory controls. Consider submissions received on the draft plan in mid 2018 and adopt the final plan by December 2018. Progress to date: Decision: Agreed to the inconsistencies in ACT at the 14 Feb 2017 ENV/2017/7 Item 12 Workshops held on 4/04/17, 3/05/17 and 27/09/17 Draft plan was approved for consultation in Nov 2017 Funding for implementation of the proposed RPMP through LTP. A memo was distributed and is attached to the July agenda. Key milestones: · workshops with local boards on public feedback – September - October 2018 · workshops with local boards on public feedback – September - October 2018 · engagement with mana whenua – September – October 2018 · workshop with Environment and Community Committee – October – November 2018 · formal feedback from local boards at business meetings – October – November 2018 · approval of final plan by Environment and Community Committee – March 2019 |
Q3 (Mar) |
Q4 |
Q1 (Jul) |
Q2 (Nov) |
Inter-regional marine pest pathway management plan |
To ensure the plan is consistent with Auckland Council’s: - proposed Regional Pest Management Plan - current and future marine biosecurity programmes - response to SeaChange – Tai Timu Tai Pari Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan. |
Decision on the development of the discussion document for an inter-regional marine pest pathway management plan for public consultation. Progress to date: A memo was distributed on 31/05/18 advising the committee on the Auckland Council’s participation in the development of a discussion document for an inter-regional marine pest pathway management plan, through the Top of the North Marine Biosecurity partnership. |
Q2 (Nov/Dec) |
Allocation of the Regional Natural Heritage Grant |
Decision-making over regional environment fund as per the grants funding policy and fund guidelines |
Decision on the annual allocation of the Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund for the 2018-2019 financial year. Progress to date Allocation of the Regional Environmental Natural Heritage Grant for the 2017-2018 financial year was made on 6 Dec 2016_ENV/2016/11 Item 15 |
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Q1 |
Q2 (Dec) |
National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management |
The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management is being implemented, with periodic reporting to council committee on progress, and responding to ongoing central government refinement of the framework for achieving water outcomes.
In December 2018 further decisions will be sought under the national policy statement, including: · approve final targets for swim-ability of major rivers in the Auckland region · approve the updated Progressive Implementation Plan for the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management
Progress to date: Council submission was approved on Central Govt. Clean Water Consultation 2017 process: Minutes of 4 April ENV/2017/54 Item 12. Follow up is required for resolution b) – a workshop held on 14 June. A supplementary submission on the Clean Water Consultation package was made on 25 May 2017, Item 14 13/06/17 Decision ENV/2018/14 on engagement approach for consultation on the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management in Feb 2018. A report was considered on 26/6/18 : Res ENV/2018/78 · June 2018: develop strategy · July to Oct 2018 – High level regional options are developed and assessed for the five draft themes in consultation with mana whenua, local boards and key stakeholders. · Dec 2018- Draft Auckland's waters strategy presented to Environment and Community Committee for approval for release for public consultation · Feb to Apr 2019 - Targeted public engagement on the draft Auckland's waters strategy in February to March 2019. · Apr 2019 - Feedback analysed and presented to elected members in April 2019 · Jun 2019 - Final strategy presented to Environment and Community Committee for adoption
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Q1 |
Q2 (Dec) |
Food Policy Alliance |
To consider food policy alliance |
Decision on food policy alliance
Q3 (Mar) |
Q2 |
Auckland Growing Greener |
Statutory obligations under the Resource Management Act, Biosecurity Act and Local Government Act. Consideration of items to give effect to the adopted commitment of Auckland Council to grow greener. |
Strategic direction and oversight into council’s role to improve the natural environment, and to endorse proposed incentives. This may include endorsing: · a framework to ensure planning and growth decisions are underpinned by relevant environmental data · proposed incentives for green growth · recommendations arising from a current state statutory obligations review. |
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Q1 |
Q2 |
Hunua Aerial 1080 Operation |
Provide information on outcomes of the Hunua 1080 aerial pest control operation |
To note outcomes of the Hunua 1080 aerial pest control operation.
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Q1 |
Q2 (Nov) |
Parks, Sports and Recreation |
Sport and Rec Strategic Partnership Grant to Aktive Auck Sports Rec |
Approval of $552,000 strategic partnership grant to Aktive Auck & Sport to deliver on agreed priority initiatives. 2019 reporting schedule: · January 2019 - Interim report from 1 July – 31 December 2018 · June 2019 - confirm 2019/20 priorities, outcomes and measures · July 2019 – Annual report from 1 January 2019 – 30 June 2019 · September 2019 - Audited Financial Statements from 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019 |
To approve the $552,000 strategic partnership grant to Aktive Auckland Sport & Recreation for 2017/2018 Progress to date: Report was considered 5/12/17 Resolution ENV/2017/186 – report back against KPI every six months. A report was considered on 10 July 2018 to approve the strategic partnership grant of $552,000 per annum for a three-year term (2018-2021) Res ENV/2018/90 A funding agreement will be prepared for Aktive that ensures clear accountability and KPIs for each of the four geographical areas (North, West, Central and Southern) for the investment. (TBA) |
Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) |
Status update on the Te Motu a Hiaroa Governance Trust |
To note further update on progress of the governance trust.
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 (Oct/Nov) |
Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan |
Status report on implementation plan |
Direction on future options for sport and recreation.
Q3 |
Q1 |
Q2 (Nov) |
Sports Investment Plan |
Council’s strategic approach to outcomes, priorities and investment in sports |
Decision on issues papers Draft Plan approval Finalise and adopt investment plan – approval of guidelines Progress to date: Evaluation of current sports facilities investments and proposed changes was adopted on 14 March, resolution ENV/2017/39 Item 13 with the final draft investment plan to be adopted prior to consultation. An outcome measurement tool to support the Sports Facilities Investment Plan was considered and agreed at the 4 April 2017 meeting. Resolution ENV/2017/50 Item 9 The findings of the pilot will be reported in mid-2019 seeking a decision on the roll-out model. |
Q3 |
Q4 (2019)
Q1 |
Q2 (Nov) |
Golf Investment Plan |
Council’s strategic approach to outcomes, priorities and investment in golf. |
Decision on issues papers Draft Plan approval Finalise and adopt investment plan
Progress to date: A workshop was held on 12 Sept and information is available on OurAuckland. |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 (Dec) |
Indoor Courts |
Strategic business case for indoor courts investment |
Decision on investment approach |
Q3 |
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Q1 |
Q2 (Nov) |
Western Springs Community School Partnership |
Improve Community Access to school facilities |
Decision on Business and Investment in indoor court facility at Western Springs Progress to date: The report was considered in May. Resolution ENV/2017/71 A business case will be prepared to outline the opportunity to fully invest in the indoor court development and can consider as part of the LTP 2018-2028. |
Q3 |
Q4 (May) |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Growth Programme |
Update on proposed growth funding allocation for 2018-2020
Decision on growth funding allocation |
Q1 |
Regional Sport and Recreation grants programme 2018/2020 |
Review of previous grants allocation and recommendation for next round |
Decision on sport and recreation grants programme objectives and approach Progress to date: Approved on 12 Sept the 2018/2019 grants programme to proceed in accordance with the Community Grants Policy suggested outcomes and assessment matrix. Applications open 30/10/17 close 8/12/17 ENV/2017/119 Workshop in April 2018. Report was considered on 8/5/18 and resolved ENV/2018/57 . Approved applications for 2019/2020 funding round on 25/1/2019 and close on 8/3/19 for allocation from July 2019. |
Q3 |
Q4 (May) |
Q1 (Sep) |
Review of the Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012: TOR |
The review will assess the efficacy of the guidelines in for the council to deliver the best possible outcomes for Auckland through community leases |
Decision on the terms of reference for the review of the Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 Progress to date: The TOR was approved for the review to commence and
will report back in An update memo was circulated in August 2017 in response to feedback from the July 2017 meeting. Joint workshop with local board chairs held 20/6/18. Report was considered November 2018 and resolved ENV/2018/150 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 (Nov) |
Active Recreation Investment and Visitor Experience |
Council’s strategic approach to outcome, priorities and investment for active walking, cycling, waterways and visitor experience on open space, parks and regional parks |
Decision on scope and phasing |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 (Aug) |
Q2 |
Takaro – Investing in Play discussion document |
Development of a play investment plan |
Decision on approval for public release Progress to date: Approved on 16/05/17 for public release the discussion document and will report to E&C for approval in late 2017 Takaro was approved for release on 20 Feb 2018 A report back by August 2018 for approval to initiate public consultation |
Q3 (Feb) |
Q1 (Oct) |
Regional Parks Management Plan 2010 – variation to incorporate land at Piha into the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park |
To approve variation to incorporate land purchased at Piha to be known as Taitomo Special Management Zone as part of the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park |
Decision on approval to a variation Progress to date: Approved on 20/2/2018 Res ENV/2018/15 report Manager, Regional Parks, will prepare an integrated vegetation management and fire–risk reduction plan in consultation with the local community and report back on the resourcing needs for its effective implementation. |
Q1 (tbc) |
The Southern Initiative (TSI) |
Provide an update on the TSI approach, priorities and achievements. |
Strategic direction of the TSI approach to social and community innovation in south Auckland |
Q3 |
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Q1 |
Q2 |
Global Engagement Strategy |
Provide an update and direction of Auckland Council’s global engagement strategy and priorities. It has been three years since a new strategic direction was introduced, progress on this strategy will presented. Funded |
Strategic direction of Auckland Council’s global engagement strategy and priorities Progress to date: Monthly global engagement updates are published on each agenda |
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Q1 |
Q2 |
Options to expand revenue streams for sport facilities investment |
Provide strategic direction to expand revenue streams to fund future sports facilities investment in the draft Sports Facilities Investment Plan |
strategic direction to expand revenue streams to fund future sports facilities investment in the draft Sports Facilities Investment Plan Progress to date: A report was considered in Aug. Res ENV/2017/121 |
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Q1 |
Q2 |
Community Facilities Network Plan |
Update on progress and report back on strategic business case for central west. |
Decision on indicative business case for central west Progress to date: A progress report was considered on 14 March. Resolution ENV/2017/36 Item 11 to report back on an indicative business case for investment in the central-west area.
Q3 (Mar) |
Q4 |
Q1 (July) |
Q2 |
Auckland Sport Sector: Facility Priorities Plan |
Develop and endorse the Sports Facilities Investment Plan to enable Auckland Council to take a more co-ordinated approach to its sports facilities investment. |
Decision on the Auckland Sport Sector : Facility Priorities Plan. Decision on sector’s investment priorities and investigate potential funding options. Progress to date: The plan was endorsed on 12 Sept ENV/2017/118. Staff to report back on priorities and potential funding options. |
Q1 (Sept) |
Q2 |
Homelessness |
Implementing Regional Policy and Strategy resolution to progress work around Council’s strategic position on addressing homelessness (note this work will be informed by discussions at the Community Development and Safety Committee) |
Decision on scope Decision on role and direction addressing homelessness Progress to date: Approved the scope policy 14 Feb Item 17 Auckland council’s position and role was considered at the August meeting report item 12. Staff to report back with an implementation plan. Resolution ENV/2017/118 of preferred position and role
Q3 |
Q1 (Aug) |
Q2 TBC |
Facilities Partnerships Policy |
Identify the range of current council approaches to facility partnerships, issues, opportunities and agree next steps |
Decision on facility partnership approach Decision to adopt Facility Partnership Framework in December 2017 Progress to date: Update was given at 14 February meeting on Phase 1. Approval was given on the proposed timelines for Phase 2 : Minutes 14 February Item 14 preferred option A report seeking approval to engage on a draft facility partnerships policy on 12/06/18. Resolution ENV/2018/74 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 (Dec) |
Citizens Advice Bureaux Services |
Review of the Citizens Advice Bureaux Services RSP decision in April 2016 (REG/2016/22) |
Decision on review results Progress to date: Report was considered at 20 Feb meeting. Decision: lies on the table. A supplementary report was considered on 10 April 2018, Res ENV/2018/48 and with changes for an updated funding model to be agreed by 1 April 2019
Q3 (Feb) |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 (Feb/Mar19) |
Social and Community Housing Strategy and initiatives |
Strategic overview of social and community housing initiatives. Wider housing portfolio and spatial outcomes of council’s role in housing is led by the Planning Committee. |
Q3 |
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Q1 |
Q2 |
Affordable Housing Intervention |
Understanding NZ and international interventions to address affordable housing |
Decision on future Auckland Council approaches to affordable housing interventions |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Te Kauroa – Library Strategy |
Libraries and Information is carrying out a change programme (Fit for the future) to accelerate the implementation of this 2013-2023 strategy (approved by the Governing Body) |
Direction relating to priorities and to receive update on strategic direction and implementation progress Approve an expanded and improved regional mobile library service Progress to date: workshop held on 7 March with local board chairs. Workshop notes were attached to the 10 April agenda |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 (Sep) |
Q2 |
Central library strategic review |
A strategic review of the Central Library has been commissioned to understand how the current building can meet future need and demand for services, asses the Central Library’s current and potential future role in the region, and guide decision making about future investment and development opportunities |
Decide direction and receive the strategic review |
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Q2 |
Libraries |
Work around the integration with customer services |
Decision on matters relating to regional aspects of the proposed integration (local boards will decide on local outcomes)
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Q2 |
Intercultural Cities Network |
Consideration of a proposal to join the Intercultural Cities Network to support implementation and monitoring of progress on ‘Inclusive Auckland’ actions. |
Decide whether Auckland should be a member of the network |
Q3 |
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Q1 |
Q2 (Dec) |
Investing in Aucklanders (Age Friendly City) |
Identify issues and opportunities for an inclusive friendly city (Regional Policy and Strategy resolution REG/2016/92) |
Strategic direction on the approach to a friendly, inclusive, diverse city. Progress to date: Update reports were circulated on 18 April 2018 and 14 Dec 2017. Staff report findings and the proposed next phase in 2018. A report on the Findings was considered on 12/06/18 meeting. Resolution ENV/2018/75 approval for up to five inclusion pilots. A report back on the advantages and any obstacles to Auckland becoming an Age Friendly City as part of the World Health Organisation’s Global Network. |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 (Jul) |
Q2 |
Social Enterprise approaches for youth and long term unemployed
Improved understanding of social enterprise reach, impacts, costs and benefits |
Strategic direction on councils approach to social enterprise. |
Q3 |
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Q1 (Jul) |
Q2 |
Youth volunteer programmes |
Intervention assessment of youth volunteer programmes on long term education and employment – understanding impacts, costs and benefits |
Strategic direction on interventions approach |
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Q1 (Jul) |
Q2 |
Events Policy |
A review of what is working well and what isn’t |
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Q1 (Sep) |
Q2 |
Grant Policy Monitoring |
Audit of the application of the Grants Policy |
Decision on audit results |
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Q2 |
Toi Whitiki Strategy |
Targeted analysis of social return on investment on specific art and culture investment |
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Q1 |
Q2 (Dec) |
Public Art Policy |
Review of the Public Arts Policy: what’s working what’s not. Decisions relating to major public arts |
Decision on review results Progress to date: The report was considered on 14/08/18. Resolution ENV/2018/103 : report back on implementation within 18 months |
Q3 |
Q4 (Apr) |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Current Development Contribution revenue and expenditure – funding for open space purposes |
Highlight the new parks and open spaces for Aucklanders’ use and enjoyment |
A report was considered on 14/08/178 on Open Space acquisition in 2017/18 financial year. resolution ENV/2018/104 to report back on DC revenue and expenditure by funding area for open space purposes based on current based on the current DC policy. |
Tbc |
Investigation in North-west Community Provision |
Investigation to identify any current gaps in services or facilities or in the future |
Decision on the investigation findings Progress to date: A report was considered on 13/10/18 on the findings. Res ENV/2018/131. Staff will progress the key moves outlined in the report. |
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Q2 |
National Environmental Standards |
Council response on the National Direction for aquaculture expected following scheduled release of consultation document in April 2017. The National Direction is likely to address matters relating to re-consenting, bay-wide management, innovation and research, and biosecurity. |
Direction Committee agreement to a council submission on the National Direction for Aquaculture
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Strategic acquisition issues and opportunities |
Understanding current acquisition issues and options. |
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Q2 |
Land acquisition for stormwater purposes |
Delegated responsibility of the committee. To acquire land for stormwater management and development purposes, to either support a structure plan or ad-hoc development. |
Decision to acquire land. Reports will come to committee as required. Next report will be in Feb 2018 seeking authority to carry out compulsory acquisition of land in the Henderson area for a flood prevention project.
Q3 (Feb) |
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Q1 |
Q2 |
Long-term Plan |
Informing the development of the 2018-2028 Auckland Council Long-term Plan |
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