I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Tuesday, 11 December 2018 4:00pm Local Board
Office |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board
Chairperson |
Chris Makoare |
Deputy Chairperson |
Debbie Burrows |
Members |
Don Allan |
Bernie Diver |
Nerissa Henry |
Maria Meredith |
Alan Verrall |
(Quorum 4 members)
Tracey Freeman Democracy Advisor
5 December 2018
Contact Telephone: 021 537 862 Email: Tracey.Freeman@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 11 December 2018 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
9 Public Forum 5
10 Extraordinary Business 5
11 Governing Body Member's Update 7
12 Chairperson's Report 9
13 Board Member's Report 17
14 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Grant Application for Round Two 2018/2019 19
15 Annual Budget 2019/2020 Consultation 31
16 Proposed Regional Public Transport Plan 39
17 Governance Forward Work Calendar 59
18 Record of Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board Workshops 63
19 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 27 November 2018 as a true and correct record.
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 11 December 2018 |
Governing Body Member's Update
File No.: CP2018/22685
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To provide Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board an update on local activities that the Governing Body representative is involved with.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. Opportunity for the Governing Body representative to update the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board on projects, meetings, events and issues of interest to the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board and its community.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) receive the Governing Body Member’s update.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Tracey Freeman - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 11 December 2018 |
File No.: CP2018/24149
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To keep the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board informed on the local activities that the Chairperson is involved with.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. Providing the Chairperson with an opportunity to update the local board on the projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) receive the Chairperson’s report.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Chairperson's Report |
11 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Tracey Freeman - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 11 December 2018 |
File No.: CP2018/24151
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To keep the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board informed on the local activities that the local board members are involved with.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. Providing board members with an opportunity to update the local board on the projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) receive the board member’s report.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Tracey Freeman - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 11 December 2018 |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Grant Application for Round Two 2018/2019
File No.: CP2018/24156
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To fund, part-fund or decline one application received for Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two 2018/2019.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. The Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board adopted the Local Grants Programme 2018/2019 on 24 April 2018 which sets application guidelines for contestable community grants submitted to the local board.
3. This report presents one application received in the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two 2018/2019 (see attachment B) which has been deferred from the 27 November 2018 business meeting due to the local board requesting more information on the application. The grants round application is in attachment A.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Grant allocations round 2 2018/2019 report |
21 |
b⇩ |
Grant application |
27 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Tracey Freeman - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 11 December 2018 |
Annual Budget 2019/2020 Consultation
File No.: CP2018/24049
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To agree a local engagement event and adopt local content and supporting information for consultation as part of the Annual Budget 2019/2020 process.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. Auckland Council is required to have a local board agreement (as agreed between the Governing Body and the relevant local board) for each local board area for each financial year. The Local Board Agreement will be included in the Council’s Annual Budget 2019/2020.
3. Consultation on the Annual Budget 2019/2020 will take place from 17 February – 17 March 2019. Local boards will be consulting on their areas of focus for their 2019/2020 Local Board Agreement.
4. In December, the Governing Body will consider whether to consult on a proposal to transfer legal ownership of waterfront land and related assets to the council parent. If the Governing Body decides to consult on that proposal, the consultation would take place at the same time as the consultation on the Annual Budget 2019/2020. As a result, the consultation on the Annual Budget 2019/2020 would require the use of the special consultative procedure.
5. There will also be concurrent consultation on the Auckland Water Strategy discussion document. A report will be going to the Environment and Community Committee on 4 December 2018 to approve the discussion document for public consultation.
6. This report seeks agreement from local boards on the Have Your Say event that will be held in their local board area during the consultation period, to give Aucklanders an opportunity to provide face-to-face feedback. It also seeks approval of their local content and supporting information for consultation.
7. The Governing Body and local boards will agree regional and local items respectively for consultation by 13 December 2018. The regional and local consultation items will then be incorporated into the annual budget consultation document and supporting information, which will be approved by the Governing Body on 13 February 2019.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) agree, subject to approval by the Governing Body, to hold the following Have Your Say event in the local board area during the Annual Budget 2019/2020 consultation period: i) drop-in session, 27th February 6.30pm to 8pm at Onehunga Community Centre; ii) drop-in session, 14th March 6.30pm to 8pm at Te Oro. b) delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public through “spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction” in relation to the Local Board Agreement at the council’s public engagement events during the consultation period for the Annual Budget 2019/2020. i) local board members and chairperson ii) General Manager Local Board Services, Local Board Relationship Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor iii) any additional staff approved by the General Manager Local Board Services or the Chief Financial Officer. c) adopt Attachment A: local content for consultation and Attachment B: local supporting information for consultation. d) delegate authority to the local board chair to approve any final changes required following review by the council’s legal team of the consultation content of the Annual Budget 2019/2020 prior to publication, including online consultation content. |
Horopaki / Context
8. Auckland Council is required to have a local board agreement (as agreed between the Governing Body and the relevant local board) for each local board area for each financial year. The Local Board Agreement will be included in the Council’s Annual Budget 2019/2020.
9. Local Board Agreements set out (among other things) how the council will, in the year to which the agreement relates, reflect the priorities and preferences in the local board’s plan in respect of the local activities to be provided in the local board area.
10. For the purposes of consulting on each Local Board Agreement to be included in the council’s Annual Budget, the consultation document for the Annual Budget must include content relating to each agreement.
11. Public consultation on the Annual Budget 2019/2020 will take place from 17 February – 17 March 2019.
12. In December, the Governing Body will consider whether to consult on a proposal to transfer legal ownership of waterfront land and related assets to the council parent. If the Governing Body decides to consult on that proposal, the consultation would take place at the same time as the consultation on the Annual Budget 2019/2020. As a result, the consultation on the Annual Budget 2019/2020 would require the use of the special consultative procedure, as a decision to proceed with the proposal would require an amendment to the council’s long-term plan. Where an amendment to the long-term plan is being consulted on at the same time as consultation on the Annual Budget, the Local Government Act 2002 requires the council to use the special consultative procedure in relation to both matters.
13. There will also be concurrent consultation on the Auckland Water Strategy discussion document. A report will be going to the Environment and Community Committee on 4 December 2018 to approve the discussion document for public consultation.
14. Aucklanders will be able to provide feedback during the consultation process through a variety of channels which include verbal (or face-to-face), written and social media.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice
15. The special consultative procedure requires the council to provide an opportunity for people to present their views to the council in a manner that enables “spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction” between the person and the council’s decision-makers, or their official delegates. The council provides for this through its ‘Have Your Say’ events where people can have a face-to-face dialogue with elected members or other council representatives with an appropriate delegation. The Have Your Say event recommended to be held in the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board area is:
· drop-in session, 27th February 6.30pm to 8pm at Onehunga Community Centre;
· drop-in session, 14th March 6.30pm to 8pm at Te Oro.
16. Local boards held workshops during October and November 2018 to determine their key activities for their 2019/2020 Local Board Agreement. Boards are now requested to agree their local content and supporting information for consultation, as attached in Attachment A and B.
17. Any new local BID targeted rates must be consulted on before they can be implemented. Local boards are therefore also requested to agree any new proposals for consultation.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te
poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views
18. Local boards will have further opportunities to provide information and views as the council progresses through the Annual Budget 2019/2020 process.
19. Aucklanders will have the opportunity to give feedback on regional and local proposals contained in the Annual Budget 2019/2020. All feedback received from submitters residing in the local board area will be analysed by staff and made available for consideration by the board, prior to finalising their Local Board Agreement.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement
20. Many local board decisions are of importance to and impact on Māori. Local Board Agreements and the annual budget are important tools that enable and can demonstrate the council’s responsiveness to Māori. Local board plans, which were adopted in September and October of 2017, form the basis for local priorities.
21. The approach to Māori engagement for the Annual Budget will be finalised once consultation topics are confirmed, including development of bespoke materials subject to interest level of topics and confirmation of budget.
22. Regionally supported local Māori engagement in the South and West will be provided subject to interest level of topics and confirmation of budget, this will be integrated with Water Strategy engagement.
23. Mana Whenua engagement on the Water Strategy is already underway, and will run throughout the March consultation period, annual budget discussions will be integrated with this process.
24. There is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and iwi, and where relevant the wider Māori community. Ongoing conversations will assist local boards and Māori to understand each other’s priorities and issues. This in turn can influence and encourage Māori participation in the council’s decision-making processes.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications
25. Event associated costs include venue hire and catering.
Ngā raru tūpono / Risks
26. Local boards must agree their local consultation content and supporting information by 13 December 2018, in order for it to be formatted and reviewed in time to be incorporated into the Annual Budget 2019/2020 consultation document and supporting information.
Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps
27. The Governing Body will approve the consultation document, supporting information and consultation process for the Annual Budget 2019/2020 on 13 February 2019.
28. Following consultation, the Governing Body and local boards will make decisions on the Annual Budget 2019/2020 and Local Board Agreements 2019/2020 respectively.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Local content for consultation |
35 |
b⇩ |
Local supporting information for consultation |
37 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Beth Corlett – Strategic Project Advisor |
Authorisers |
Anna Bray – Policy and Planning Manager Local Boards Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 11 December 2018 |
Proposed Regional Public Transport Plan
File No.: CP2018/24015
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To provide the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board the opportunity to provide formal feedback on the proposed Regional Public Transport Plan.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. Auckland Transport is required to review its ten year Regional Public Transport Plan every three years. The plan describes the services that are integral to Auckland’s public transport network for the next 10-year period. This report requests the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board give feedback on the plan, with special emphasis on the following four focus areas:
· Expanding and enhancing rapid and frequent networks
· Improving customer access to public transport
· Improving Māori responsiveness
· Harnessing emerging technologies
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) provides the following feedback on the Regional Public Transport Plan focus areas of: i) Expanding and enhancing rapid and frequent networks ii) Improving customer access to public transport iii) Improving Māori responsiveness iv) Harnessing emerging technologies b) and provide additional feedback on local specific interests. |
Horopaki / Context
3. The Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) is a requirement of the Land Transport Management Act. It sets out the changes to Auckland’s public transport. Transport is a key component of a city’s success. Auckland is growing and as more people live and visit here, the number of trips taken on our transport networks is increasing. The space available for transport networks is finite. This means that we need as many people as possible to travel using efficient forms of transport; such as walking, cycling and public transport. These alternative transport options take less space and are more environmentally sustainable than private motor vehicles. With less pressure on the road network there is more capacity available for critical vehicles that need the road, including road-based public transport, emergency services and freight.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu / Analysis and advice
4. Attached is the summary document for the Regional Public Transport Plans. This document outlines the main changes proposed over the next ten years by focusing on four key areas:
Focus area one
Expanding and enhancing rapid and frequent networks
5. Planning an enhanced rapid transit network through four main city-shaping projects to dramatically increase the speed and coverage of the rapid transit network:
· City Rail Link
· City to Mangere Light Rail and Northwest Light Rail
· SH20B upgrade and Puhinui Interchange
· Eastern Busway.
6. Implementing improvements on key arterial routes to move more people. This will include bus priority, safety improvements and cycling and walking facilities. Increasing services on the rapid and frequent networks, with the aim to have services every 10 minutes during peak travel times. Using the rapid and frequent networks to help make great public spaces.
Focus area two
Improving customer access to public transport
7. Continuing to deliver improved wayfinding sign systems across the public transport network to make it easier for people to find their way across the network. Increasing and improving the walking and cycling and other choices for access to public transport services, focussing on improving safety. Changing park and ride facilities to meet public demand.
Focus area three
Improving Māori responsiveness
8. Partnering with mana whenua to trial services such as on-demand ride share connecting to marae, which are hard to access by conventional public transport. Ensuring te reo Māori audio announcements and signs for rapid transit stations (train and busway) and extending this across all public transport.
9. Applying Te Aranga Principles when designing major interchanges and stations, with future potential to apply in the planning and design of the Light Rail Transit projects, Puhinui upgrade and stormwater management. Securing opportunities for Māori and local community employment, training and business development when constructing major public transport projects.
Focus area four
Harnessing emerging technologies
10. Improving customer insights and data, and undertaking more thorough analytics of travel data to directly inform service improvements. Continuing to evolve AT mobile apps to meet increasing customer needs. Providing simpler and improved payment options for fares to make travel easier. Using new transport modes generated by new digital technology to supplement and complement existing services, increasing access. Ensuring we future proof for mobility-as-a-service models, which will change how people make travel choices.
11. The full text of the proposed Regional Public Transport Plan can be accessed through Auckland Transport’s website on www.at.govt.nz/rptp.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te
poari ā-rohe /
Local impacts and local board views
12. Public transport has an impact right across the Auckland Region and therefore impacts all local boards in some way. This report seeks feedback from local boards on the most appropriate enhancements to Auckland’s public transport over the next ten years.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori / Māori impact statement
13. The proposed Regional Public Transport Plan has a focus area of Improving Maori Responsiveness and includes initiatives such as: trialing new modes connecting marae with the public transport system, te reo announcements and signage across the public transport system and incorporating Te Aranga design principles into new facilities, such as bus and rail stations.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea / Financial implications
14. The report has no financial implications for local boards.
Ngā raru tūpono / Risks
15. The report has no direct risks for local boards. Each individual project has its own set of unique risks and these will be dealt with as these projects are developed and implemented.
Ngā koringa ā-muri / Next steps
16. In terms of what happens to the proposed plan.
· Public consultation runs until December 14
· Feedback will be analysed over mid to late January 2019
· The draft plan will be amended
· The final proposed plan will go to the Auckland Transport Board in February or March 2019.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Regional Land Transport Plan |
43 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Stuart Knarston - Planning Projects Manager |
Authoriser |
Jonathan Anyon - Manager Elected Member Relationship Management team |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 11 December 2018 |
Governance Forward Work Calendar
File No.: CP2018/24154
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To present the board with the governance forward work calendar.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. The governance forward work calendar for the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board is in Attachment A.
3. The calendar aims to support local boards’ governance role by:
· ensuring advice on meeting agendas is driven by local board priorities
· clarifying what advice is required and when
· clarifying the rationale for reports.
4. The calendar is updated every month. Each update is reported to business meetings. It is recognised that at times items will arise that are not programmed. Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) note the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Governance Forward Work Calendar |
61 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Tracey Freeman - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 11 December 2018 |
Record of Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board Workshops
File No.: CP2018/24172
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To provide a summary of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board workshop for 4 December 2018.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. The workshops are held to give an information opportunity for board members and officers to discuss issues and projects, and note that no binding decisions are made or voted on at workshop sessions.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: 3. note the local board record of workshop held on 4 December 2018.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Record of Workshops |
65 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Tracey Freeman - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager |